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Srecko Sostar

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  1. Downvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Dmitar in Child sexual abuse has been found in most major UK religions   
    I agree with your prediction you repeated several times on various topics. This only proves that the WTJWorg Administration along with its members is dormant in its self-confidence of living in a “spiritual paradise”. Poor internal communication, poor policies and rules of conduct in critical situations, poor education, in general, and especially for CSA. The fact that they are capable organizers for construction projects and the purchase / sale of real estate is not enough.
  2. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in Latest Info on JW.org Ramapo Audio Video Production Center   
    It doesn't show the underground bunkers though  
  3. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Witness in Millions Now Living Will Never Die! by J.F. Rutherford ??????????? A few questions.   
    I am in error here and I apologize.  Even though the army (Ezek 38:4,7; Joel 2:1-5;1:4,6; Rev 9: 2,3,7-9,5; 13:11,12,5-7)  that comes against remnant of God’s holy saints in the last days is massive and devastating, that army is not the “sand of the sea”.  This, refers to God’s people - Gen 22:17; Gal 3:26; Hos 1:10; 1 Pet 2:5,9,10
  4. Downvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Dmitar in Millions Now Living Will Never Die! by J.F. Rutherford ??????????? A few questions.   
    At the very beginning of my comment, I have to notice how intensely you have given down votes to a large number of my comments since your name appeared on the forum. Now for the second time you call me a friend and even more, dear friend. I don’t mind either way of communicating. But friend, let me say a few words about what you wrote.
    The example from the desert and the example of Jerusalem have one thing in common when it comes to the time period of these events. Both events culminated in a short period, in just a few decades. As for the people in the desert, the report sets the time at 40 years, and as for Jerusalem, from Jesus ’words uttered in 33 CE to 70 CE, 37 years have passed.
    Well we see, when WTJWorg today, draws parallels and interpretations then it has obviously lost sight of the fact that the representative/s of each generation from both examples was/were at the beginning and end of the one and same event. There is no so called "overlap" in WTJWorg sense of meaning. Today’s doctrine of the “overlapping generation” that JWs preach, to themselves for the most part, has gone completely beyond the time frame of the biblical examples you cited. 
    Why I emphasized the word today. Because WTJWorg has in the past announced Armageddon within a small number of years (one or two, three decades). Today, with the "overlapping generation", they are trying to get out of his own theology, which they imposed so strongly in the past. But again, they limited themselves in time frame, as it is hard for them to admit that Armageddon may not come for the next 50-100 years either. If they talked about it publicly in that way, they would be left without most of the membership, which is now in the organization. Well, they again limited themselves in time to two overlapping generations. Fortunately for them, the term they invented will give future WTJWorg theologians the opportunity to juggle terminology and a new interpretation for future generations of JW members.
    The behavior of humanity does not encourage people to look to the future with hope, we agree. But how far can that go? If God wants to save the innocent and from destroying the planet earth, he does not have to wait for the future. It could have done this many times already in the 20th century.., and not just because of the destruction of the planet. Well, do JWs think God will be motivated by a desire to save planet Earth to start Armageddon? Shouldn't his motive be primarily due to the destruction of human lives that have suffered from powerful people and villains from the ancient past to the present?
  5. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Pudgy in Millions Now Living Will Never Die! by J.F. Rutherford ??????????? A few questions.   
    Remember this, Jehovah God foretold and had a Prophet  declare the news that Nineveh the Great City  would be destroyed.
    Then, for reasons of his own, he changed his mind.
  6. Downvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Dmitar in Millions Now Living Will Never Die! by J.F. Rutherford ??????????? A few questions.   
    I suppose this could be analyzed from more than one aspect, and then some conclusions drawn.
    What the JWs are preaching, and you have now repeated, in relation to the above events is that the number and frequency of events is directly related to the prophecy of Jesus and the year 1914. Although, I don’t think anywhere in Jesus ’words can one hear or see that Jesus said and linked the increase in frequency and number of events to prophecy. Jesus did not say a single word that in the future there would be more wars, more diseases, more famines, and the like, than there were in their time.
    In fact, it came to an end in their time (70 CE). So, the number of wars, earthquakes, famines and the like remained, i guess, on average during that time (1st century) which he marked "the end of the system of things" .., for the Jews. The End in which "there is no stone left unturned."
    How an earthquake occurs. These are the seismic processes that (God) built into planet Earth during creation, during formation. The decrease or increase in the number of earthquakes should be related to the state of the geological processes of the planets, and not to whether people are evil, and therefore they are reached by the prophecy of earthquakes in which they lose their lives. Earthquakes do not take place because people are evil or because people live in the “last days”.
    Wars, on the other hand, can be attributed to human character. Poverty and hunger (on global scale) are also often times associated with the decisions of the people who run the states. Because not all people in the world are starving. If everyone in the world were starving, would that be a fulfillment of prophecy? Or is the fulfillment of the prophecy a periodic starvation in certain parts of the world? Is the poverty of some parts of human society the fulfillment of prophecy? What is poverty? Is it when you have less than $ 500 a month, or less than $ 2500 a month?
    According to Rutherford, the "time of the end" is a period of time when millions will not die, but will live forever. What a delightful sensation he caused in most of his listeners, and how at the same time he uttered the greatest nonsense. And all those people died, and we're talking about them now.
  7. Thanks
    Srecko Sostar reacted to JW Insider in Rare video footage of Judge Rutherford at Beth-Sarim San Diego CA.   
    The video was shown at Bethel to the entire family, and I don't think it would have been shown if those who made that decision to show it, thought that it definitely showed him in a drunken condition. However, there are at least two other pictures of Rutherford that show him in a condition that is almost the definition of what we would expect a drunk to look like.
    But Brother Rutherford evidently did [allegedly] suffer from alcoholism, and it was not always apparent when he was under the influence. Hayden Covington, the Society's attorney, has admitted this to others, and even to relatives of mine. Of course, Hayden Covington, was himself an admitted alcoholic, who was disfellowshipped for related behavior. So his claims might be biased. On the other hand, the elder who was my own table head at Bethel said the same about Rutherford, and much more. Another friend of mine from Bethel, Arthur Worsley, Brother Swingle's roommate before Lyman married Crystal, has admitted that he lied under oath to protect Rutherford out of fear of being kicked out of Bethel at the Olin Moyle trial.
    (The previous Society attorney before Covington was Olin Moyle, who felt it necessary to write a letter to Rutherford about abusive behavior, and even complained that Rutherford had been making arrangements to illegally bring in liquor from Canada during Prohibition. When Rutherford went public about Moyle in the pages of the Watchtower, where Rutherford railed against Moyle as an "evil slave," the case finally went to court, where Rutherford lost and had to pay Moyle $30,000 - reduced to $15,000 in an appeal in 1944. An anti-Moyle resolution was even adopted at the 1941 St. Louis assembly naming Olin Moyle as an "evil slave.")
    Don't know if the booklet from the 1930's is related to Rutherford's alleged alcoholism, but it is titled "Prohibition and the League of Nations - Born of God or the Devil, Which?" Rutherford had spoken out against liquor prohibition as "born from the Devil" as far back as 1924 or earlier. 
  8. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from JW Insider in Millions Now Living Will Never Die! by J.F. Rutherford ??????????? A few questions.   
    At the very beginning of my comment, I have to notice how intensely you have given down votes to a large number of my comments since your name appeared on the forum. Now for the second time you call me a friend and even more, dear friend. I don’t mind either way of communicating. But friend, let me say a few words about what you wrote.
    The example from the desert and the example of Jerusalem have one thing in common when it comes to the time period of these events. Both events culminated in a short period, in just a few decades. As for the people in the desert, the report sets the time at 40 years, and as for Jerusalem, from Jesus ’words uttered in 33 CE to 70 CE, 37 years have passed.
    Well we see, when WTJWorg today, draws parallels and interpretations then it has obviously lost sight of the fact that the representative/s of each generation from both examples was/were at the beginning and end of the one and same event. There is no so called "overlap" in WTJWorg sense of meaning. Today’s doctrine of the “overlapping generation” that JWs preach, to themselves for the most part, has gone completely beyond the time frame of the biblical examples you cited. 
    Why I emphasized the word today. Because WTJWorg has in the past announced Armageddon within a small number of years (one or two, three decades). Today, with the "overlapping generation", they are trying to get out of his own theology, which they imposed so strongly in the past. But again, they limited themselves in time frame, as it is hard for them to admit that Armageddon may not come for the next 50-100 years either. If they talked about it publicly in that way, they would be left without most of the membership, which is now in the organization. Well, they again limited themselves in time to two overlapping generations. Fortunately for them, the term they invented will give future WTJWorg theologians the opportunity to juggle terminology and a new interpretation for future generations of JW members.
    The behavior of humanity does not encourage people to look to the future with hope, we agree. But how far can that go? If God wants to save the innocent and from destroying the planet earth, he does not have to wait for the future. It could have done this many times already in the 20th century.., and not just because of the destruction of the planet. Well, do JWs think God will be motivated by a desire to save planet Earth to start Armageddon? Shouldn't his motive be primarily due to the destruction of human lives that have suffered from powerful people and villains from the ancient past to the present?
  9. Like
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Kick_Faceinator in Millions Now Living Will Never Die! by J.F. Rutherford ??????????? A few questions.   
    At the very beginning of my comment, I have to notice how intensely you have given down votes to a large number of my comments since your name appeared on the forum. Now for the second time you call me a friend and even more, dear friend. I don’t mind either way of communicating. But friend, let me say a few words about what you wrote.
    The example from the desert and the example of Jerusalem have one thing in common when it comes to the time period of these events. Both events culminated in a short period, in just a few decades. As for the people in the desert, the report sets the time at 40 years, and as for Jerusalem, from Jesus ’words uttered in 33 CE to 70 CE, 37 years have passed.
    Well we see, when WTJWorg today, draws parallels and interpretations then it has obviously lost sight of the fact that the representative/s of each generation from both examples was/were at the beginning and end of the one and same event. There is no so called "overlap" in WTJWorg sense of meaning. Today’s doctrine of the “overlapping generation” that JWs preach, to themselves for the most part, has gone completely beyond the time frame of the biblical examples you cited. 
    Why I emphasized the word today. Because WTJWorg has in the past announced Armageddon within a small number of years (one or two, three decades). Today, with the "overlapping generation", they are trying to get out of his own theology, which they imposed so strongly in the past. But again, they limited themselves in time frame, as it is hard for them to admit that Armageddon may not come for the next 50-100 years either. If they talked about it publicly in that way, they would be left without most of the membership, which is now in the organization. Well, they again limited themselves in time to two overlapping generations. Fortunately for them, the term they invented will give future WTJWorg theologians the opportunity to juggle terminology and a new interpretation for future generations of JW members.
    The behavior of humanity does not encourage people to look to the future with hope, we agree. But how far can that go? If God wants to save the innocent and from destroying the planet earth, he does not have to wait for the future. It could have done this many times already in the 20th century.., and not just because of the destruction of the planet. Well, do JWs think God will be motivated by a desire to save planet Earth to start Armageddon? Shouldn't his motive be primarily due to the destruction of human lives that have suffered from powerful people and villains from the ancient past to the present?
  10. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Pudgy in Millions Now Living Will Never Die! by J.F. Rutherford ??????????? A few questions.   
    At the very beginning of my comment, I have to notice how intensely you have given down votes to a large number of my comments since your name appeared on the forum. Now for the second time you call me a friend and even more, dear friend. I don’t mind either way of communicating. But friend, let me say a few words about what you wrote.
    The example from the desert and the example of Jerusalem have one thing in common when it comes to the time period of these events. Both events culminated in a short period, in just a few decades. As for the people in the desert, the report sets the time at 40 years, and as for Jerusalem, from Jesus ’words uttered in 33 CE to 70 CE, 37 years have passed.
    Well we see, when WTJWorg today, draws parallels and interpretations then it has obviously lost sight of the fact that the representative/s of each generation from both examples was/were at the beginning and end of the one and same event. There is no so called "overlap" in WTJWorg sense of meaning. Today’s doctrine of the “overlapping generation” that JWs preach, to themselves for the most part, has gone completely beyond the time frame of the biblical examples you cited. 
    Why I emphasized the word today. Because WTJWorg has in the past announced Armageddon within a small number of years (one or two, three decades). Today, with the "overlapping generation", they are trying to get out of his own theology, which they imposed so strongly in the past. But again, they limited themselves in time frame, as it is hard for them to admit that Armageddon may not come for the next 50-100 years either. If they talked about it publicly in that way, they would be left without most of the membership, which is now in the organization. Well, they again limited themselves in time to two overlapping generations. Fortunately for them, the term they invented will give future WTJWorg theologians the opportunity to juggle terminology and a new interpretation for future generations of JW members.
    The behavior of humanity does not encourage people to look to the future with hope, we agree. But how far can that go? If God wants to save the innocent and from destroying the planet earth, he does not have to wait for the future. It could have done this many times already in the 20th century.., and not just because of the destruction of the planet. Well, do JWs think God will be motivated by a desire to save planet Earth to start Armageddon? Shouldn't his motive be primarily due to the destruction of human lives that have suffered from powerful people and villains from the ancient past to the present?
  11. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Witness in They're better as a group, than they are individually - (observations from the outside)   
    No, they are not impossible to understand, it’s just that you chose the wrong analogy.  GB member A. Morris once said that as the apostles had set decrees, so too, does the governing body.  They have set their own analogy, in the manner of the apostles.  But since these teach an earthly organization can be “inspired”, (“spirit-directed organization”), (Rev 13:15)   while they personally are not, truthfully they are false apostles.  “For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into apostles of Christ.” 2 Cor 11:13
    Since they pass doctrine and forecast dates of Armageddon and the coming Kingdom, they set their own analogy as prophets.  But since these doctrines and predictions fail, they are truthfully, false prophets. “Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many.”  Matt 24:11
    Since they only, among all anointed, take on the role of dispensing spiritual food, they have set their own analogy as the “faithful and discreet slave”, teachers solely in charge of providing “fruit”/sustenance for the house of God.  But since their teachings do not last, but rot, they are in essence, false teachers.  “But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them—bringing swift destruction on themselves.”  2 Pet 2:1  “So then, you will recognize them by their fruit.”  Matt 7:20
    Putting themselves ahead of all Christ’s brothers and sisters, has set their own analogy as already deemed the “faithful and discreet slave”, but since they silence the anointed by telling them to obey the exalted elder body(2 Thess 2:3,4; Rev 11:1,2), which prevents them from acting as the priest/teachers God appointed them to be - offering their daily sacrifice as they should (Dan 8:11,12) – this GB is truthfully, the evil slave of Matt 24:48-51.  “The kings (elders) of the Gentiles rule over their subjects, and those in authority over them (over the Gentile elders) are called ‘friends of the people.’(GB)  But that’s not the way it will be with you. Instead, the greatest among you must become like a person of lower status and the leader like a servant.”  Luke 22:25-26
    These men set their own analogy by stating they are servants of Christ – "anointed" ones  following the path Jesus set before us.   But since they “kill” their own brothers and sisters who cannot accept their false teachings (Rev 13:11,12,15), they are truthfully, false “christs”.  “False christs and false prophets will appear, and they will offer signs and wonders in order to deceive, if possible, those whom God has chosen.”  Mark 13:22 
    There are many analogies to make concerning the GB, but Cyrus is not one of them.
  12. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Kick_Faceinator in They're better as a group, than they are individually - (observations from the outside)   
    To me, this sounds like God would need people to destroy each other for the sake of the Bible, translations and interpretations. 
    * red text highlighted by me
    I am not sure how to understand this. Who are "non inspired prophets" who have made "inspired works"?
    The reasons why someone dies for the “truth of Christ” need to be learned from the person himself. JW, Catholics, Protestants, etc. suffer for their version of truth about Christ.
    This is the first time I have heard that someone is dying today because of a (specific or any) translation of the Bible. Maybe there are people who have a Bible, and the state forbids them to have one. But then I would say that ultimately these people suffer because they don’t want to renounce God from the Bible, not because of the book itself which is made of paper. If they are hiding the Bible from the authorities and risking their lives for it, then they should ask themselves what is worth more: The book or their life?
    Certainly, I agree that one should be true to his principles and pay the price for it. But where to go, how far, with the principles. Well, the Bible itself says that it is "better to be a living dog than a dead lion." However one wants to interpret this saying. And it can be interpreted in many ways, right?
    Do people die because of the "truth", for the "truth" or because of/for their "belonging to something"?
    But you will agree that preference should be given to life and not death. 
    Because, if a man has sinned while he is alive, he can repent and start again. And when he surrenders to death because he thinks that with his death he will please God, then that is debatable. Because, he died for his vision of the truth about God. And the question is, was that true at all. At this JW club, it is constantly proven that “truth” is changing within this religious community. I don’t know how it is with other religions and how often they change their interpretations and dogmas. Perhaps you have some information and can make comparison with JW.
  13. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Pudgy in Millions Now Living Will Never Die! by J.F. Rutherford ??????????? A few questions.   
    I suppose this could be analyzed from more than one aspect, and then some conclusions drawn.
    What the JWs are preaching, and you have now repeated, in relation to the above events is that the number and frequency of events is directly related to the prophecy of Jesus and the year 1914. Although, I don’t think anywhere in Jesus ’words can one hear or see that Jesus said and linked the increase in frequency and number of events to prophecy. Jesus did not say a single word that in the future there would be more wars, more diseases, more famines, and the like, than there were in their time.
    In fact, it came to an end in their time (70 CE). So, the number of wars, earthquakes, famines and the like remained, i guess, on average during that time (1st century) which he marked "the end of the system of things" .., for the Jews. The End in which "there is no stone left unturned."
    How an earthquake occurs. These are the seismic processes that (God) built into planet Earth during creation, during formation. The decrease or increase in the number of earthquakes should be related to the state of the geological processes of the planets, and not to whether people are evil, and therefore they are reached by the prophecy of earthquakes in which they lose their lives. Earthquakes do not take place because people are evil or because people live in the “last days”.
    Wars, on the other hand, can be attributed to human character. Poverty and hunger (on global scale) are also often times associated with the decisions of the people who run the states. Because not all people in the world are starving. If everyone in the world were starving, would that be a fulfillment of prophecy? Or is the fulfillment of the prophecy a periodic starvation in certain parts of the world? Is the poverty of some parts of human society the fulfillment of prophecy? What is poverty? Is it when you have less than $ 500 a month, or less than $ 2500 a month?
    According to Rutherford, the "time of the end" is a period of time when millions will not die, but will live forever. What a delightful sensation he caused in most of his listeners, and how at the same time he uttered the greatest nonsense. And all those people died, and we're talking about them now.
  14. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Kick_Faceinator in Millions Now Living Will Never Die! by J.F. Rutherford ??????????? A few questions.   
    I suppose this could be analyzed from more than one aspect, and then some conclusions drawn.
    What the JWs are preaching, and you have now repeated, in relation to the above events is that the number and frequency of events is directly related to the prophecy of Jesus and the year 1914. Although, I don’t think anywhere in Jesus ’words can one hear or see that Jesus said and linked the increase in frequency and number of events to prophecy. Jesus did not say a single word that in the future there would be more wars, more diseases, more famines, and the like, than there were in their time.
    In fact, it came to an end in their time (70 CE). So, the number of wars, earthquakes, famines and the like remained, i guess, on average during that time (1st century) which he marked "the end of the system of things" .., for the Jews. The End in which "there is no stone left unturned."
    How an earthquake occurs. These are the seismic processes that (God) built into planet Earth during creation, during formation. The decrease or increase in the number of earthquakes should be related to the state of the geological processes of the planets, and not to whether people are evil, and therefore they are reached by the prophecy of earthquakes in which they lose their lives. Earthquakes do not take place because people are evil or because people live in the “last days”.
    Wars, on the other hand, can be attributed to human character. Poverty and hunger (on global scale) are also often times associated with the decisions of the people who run the states. Because not all people in the world are starving. If everyone in the world were starving, would that be a fulfillment of prophecy? Or is the fulfillment of the prophecy a periodic starvation in certain parts of the world? Is the poverty of some parts of human society the fulfillment of prophecy? What is poverty? Is it when you have less than $ 500 a month, or less than $ 2500 a month?
    According to Rutherford, the "time of the end" is a period of time when millions will not die, but will live forever. What a delightful sensation he caused in most of his listeners, and how at the same time he uttered the greatest nonsense. And all those people died, and we're talking about them now.
  15. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Pudgy in Millions Now Living Will Never Die! by J.F. Rutherford ??????????? A few questions.   
    Is all wars (every events) in history just one war, because in fact they always “overlap”? So we can talk about earthquakes, diseases, crimes, famines and the like. If we are going to solve everything with the help of the “overlap” offered to us by WTJWorg or others on this forum, then there is no need to point out any year in which things change dramatically and fulfill biblical prophecies.
    In fact, we all live in continuity, a series of diverse events that are completely and uniquely connected to each other. Which means all people from Adam and Eve to this day are just one generation. We are connected by the overlap of our lives and the overlap of events.  
  16. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Kick_Faceinator in They're better as a group, than they are individually - (observations from the outside)   
    What has been said is speculation. First of all; God’s finger wrote on the stone and gave the “10 Commandments of God” for Moses to read to the people. If God could write it down, He could have written the whole Bible, right? This would certainly reduce some of the mistakes that could still be made when writing by people. Also, God could, if He willed, make other models in copying and reproducing the original Scriptures, which would give a guarantee that the “Word of God” could not be circumvented.
    But certainly, there are always and will be people who will believe in one or the other, and show confidence or distrust in previous records and the expertise of those who transcribed and translated the Bible into other languages. It happens on both sides. And from those who, reading some translations of the Bible, say they are poorly and incorrectly translated, to those who claim that only certain translations of the Bible are correct and true.
  17. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in They're better as a group, than they are individually - (observations from the outside)   
    What has been said is speculation. First of all; God’s finger wrote on the stone and gave the “10 Commandments of God” for Moses to read to the people. If God could write it down, He could have written the whole Bible, right? This would certainly reduce some of the mistakes that could still be made when writing by people. Also, God could, if He willed, make other models in copying and reproducing the original Scriptures, which would give a guarantee that the “Word of God” could not be circumvented.
    But certainly, there are always and will be people who will believe in one or the other, and show confidence or distrust in previous records and the expertise of those who transcribed and translated the Bible into other languages. It happens on both sides. And from those who, reading some translations of the Bible, say they are poorly and incorrectly translated, to those who claim that only certain translations of the Bible are correct and true.
  18. Haha
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Millions Now Living Will Never Die! by J.F. Rutherford ??????????? A few questions.   
    Is all wars (every events) in history just one war, because in fact they always “overlap”? So we can talk about earthquakes, diseases, crimes, famines and the like. If we are going to solve everything with the help of the “overlap” offered to us by WTJWorg or others on this forum, then there is no need to point out any year in which things change dramatically and fulfill biblical prophecies.
    In fact, we all live in continuity, a series of diverse events that are completely and uniquely connected to each other. Which means all people from Adam and Eve to this day are just one generation. We are connected by the overlap of our lives and the overlap of events.  
  19. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Witness in Millions Now Living Will Never Die! by J.F. Rutherford ??????????? A few questions.   
    Now is the judgment of this world. Now the ruler of this world will be cast out.  John 12:31
    “Truly I tell you, anyone who hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not come under judgment but has passed from death to life."  John 5:24
    "This is the judgment: The light has come into the world, and people loved darkness rather than the light because their deeds were evil."   John 3:19
    There is not another "judgment" after death is destroyed which is promised to happen at the end of Armageddon.  (1 Cor 15:25,26)
    I think we need to remember that the Wt is an expert at confusing teachings.  Developing their doctrine that a thousand years of judgment to come AFTER Armageddon, is laced with a promise of peace, and  of becoming physically and mentally perfect, is totally misleading.  We have the accounts of faithful ones who lived their lives totally devoted to God and His word.  To think that they must enter into another judgment period after they are resurrected, is a lie. It negates the judgment of Christ now.   The symbolic "thousand years" is finished.  It was a time period where the anointed who lived as humans must prove their faithfulness, loyalty to truth, and their love for God, Jesus, and the assignment that was given to them.  (Luke 16:10; Matt 25:21) 
    Wt doctrine is basically saying that not only does Jesus not have the capability to judge our hearts now, but neither does God.  These are the same leaders who have allowed the anointed to be trampled down by the elder body.  (Matt 24:24,25,15,16, 48-51;  2 Thess 2:3,4; Rev 11:1,2; 13:1,2,5-7,11,12,15)  Whatever is done to the anointed members of Jesus Christ, is done to him.  (Acts 26:14)  So, of course Wt would imply that Jesus' promise of ETERNAL LIFE comes with a fine print clause....another judgment period is to follow,  after he DESTROYS DEATH.  
    It is based on the desires of the flesh - who wouldn't latch on to a bogus promise of peace, physical beauty and mental perfection?  Who...would promise such things, but Satan who bestows physical riches, power and authority to those who do his bidding!  (Luke 4:5-7)
    This is absolute blasphemy.  
    John 6:63 - "The Spirit is the one who gives life. The flesh doesn’t help at all. The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and are life."
    Thousand Years
  20. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Pudgy in Millions Now Living Will Never Die! by J.F. Rutherford ??????????? A few questions.   
    Some ideas are so obviously fabricated out of desperation that although ridicule may or may not be effective, or insult the persons believing in them,  still need to be ridiculed.
    Otherwise, like the old fable goes, the King may ride on horseback  through the cheering town completely naked, because not only does he believe he is wearing the finest magical clothing, but the crowd also believes he is wearing the finest magical clothing, and it takes a child calling out what is obvious to everyone, "THE KING HAS NO CLOTHES!".
    I really think you feel insulted by my previous posts, because although they may be rough analogies, they are in fact true, but in your heart of hearts you have a conflict that cannot be allowed to resolve.
    "Millions now living will never die." was a deliberate lie, a false flag, puffery, and a taking advantage of naive and scared people for monetary gain.
    The way I resolve this, having Faith that somehow, Jehovah's Witnesses really are God's Name People, not based on derived fantasy, but on solid Biblical core doctrine, is not expect much from the leadership of ANY  religious based organization of more than somewhere around 50 to 200 people.
    We ALL have our 15 minutes of fame and shame, deluding either ourselves, each other ... or both.
    It's the nature of being human.
    In an interview on the BBC show Horizon, in 1981 Richard Feynman said this:
    "I can live with doubt, and uncertainty and not knowing.  I think it is much more interesting to live not knowing than to have answers that might be wrong."
  21. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to JW Insider in Millions Now Living Will Never Die! by J.F. Rutherford ??????????? A few questions.   
    If that's true, then one generation heard Jesus in 33 CE and another generation saw the destruction 37 years later in 70 CE. So you are speaking of two generations in the space of 37 years. This could mean you are thinking of each average generation as short as 18.5 years each, but probably longer, I'm guessing. (18.5+18.5=37)
    You might have a point, since there is evidence for a Jewish practice near that time period that suggested 18 years of age for the husband and as young as 13 for the wife.
    Marriage took place at a young age for the ancient Jews. Most rabbis proposed 18 as the most appropriate age for men to be married, but it wasn’t uncommon for them to be younger, especially in times of peace. Young women were married almost as soon as they were physically ready, approximately age 13.  http://blog.adw.org/2017/03/marriage-family-time-jesus/
    Without birth control, the first child would probably be born when the husband turned 19 and the wife turned 14, giving birth to the next generation. (Oh look, the birth of something around 19&14. That could be significant. Maybe they would have 6 o' 7 kids, too.)
    But if each generation could be under 20 years, this would mean there have now been, not TWO, but FIVE generations between 1914 and 2021. (107/20=5.35+) And counting from 1914 and adding Noah's 120 years would be SIX generations, at that rate.
    Exactly!! Excellent point!
  22. Thanks
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Pudgy in Millions Now Living Will Never Die! by J.F. Rutherford ??????????? A few questions.   
    As that was fictional sage of the ages, Yoda once said, “There is no try, there is only do“.
    ……. guessing about this, and guessing about that and extrapolating fantasies galore is certainly trying, but it’s better to say “I do not know“ and leave it at that then to be continuously committed to an agenda of being 100% wrong, 100% of the time ……  which is what we have going on now by any rational determination.
    People from one end of the Earth to the other end of the Earth, and at least for the last 6000 years or so I’ve had one opinion about how long a generation is. It’s about 100 years and they don’t overlap.
    This is reflected in The actuarial tables of  every insurance company in existence, who will insure your life based on the idea that you will be dead in 100 years, with very very few exceptions.  Many will actually pay you the proceeds of your life insurance policy at age 100, because theoretically you are dead  
     That’s the standard definition of a generation and everybody on Earth that’s not of the Governing Body or their adherents knows this to be true, and has known it to be true for the past 6000 years, or so.
    You add that to Jesus words to his disciples, and what was in his mind and what was in their mind and you get the same conclusion.
    it is very clear that in a horse race, one of the horses is going to win, and although we don’t know which one, the best bet on the strongest or the fastest one.
    The rest is up to pure dumb luck.
    Were you absolutely refuse to do that you are stuck in a position of entering a cow in a horse race.
    1.)  I  know everybody in your little tribe agrees the cow is a racehorse……… but It’s really not.
    2.). I know everybody in your little tribe agrees that the  cow is a racehorse……… but It’s really not.
    It is an agenda driven fantasy.
  23. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Dmitar in Millions Now Living Will Never Die! by J.F. Rutherford ??????????? A few questions.   
    Bravo. Interesting and inspirational view. WTJWorg needs Bible scholars like you. These today's GB helpers, as well as those from the past, can be ashamed that this has not occurred to them before. Such an explanation solves the existing dilemmas about 1914 and the “invisible presence”. 
    Because, after all, every invisible presence still has a visible manifestation. For example, electricity is in the wires and is invisibly present in our house. But it will only become visible when one of the people turns on the light switch or some other device.
    What did they turn on / off in WTJWorg, in the past, so that the visible presence became invisible?
  24. Thanks
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in Lawsuit alleges church elder sexually abused youth. Updated October 11   
    Allegations also say other elders threatened to sue family of victim if they referred abuse complaint to law enforcement.
    A lawsuit has been filed on behalf of a local woman who said she was repeatedly sexually assaulted as a child by an elder at the Rockland Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Rockport.  The lawsuit was filed Sept. 30 in the Knox County court against the Rockport congregation and Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc.  The woman said she was molested multiple occasions between 1993 and 1996 when she was 11 to 13 years old. The victim disclosed to her mother about the abuse in 1996 and the mother immediately informed the other elders of the congregation, the lawsuit stated. Instead of investigating the allegations or removing the elder from his position, the elders threatened a lawsuit against the victim’s family if they went public. That pressure led the family not to report the abuse to law enforcement, according to the lawsuit.  Shortly after the woman reported the abuse, the congregation disfellowshipped her, with the elder who said she abused her being on the judicial committee that took the action.  Bigos said the Washington man who molested the young woman remains an elder and is the registered agent for the congregation.  According to the lawsuit, at age 17 the victim wanted to rejoin the Jehovah’s Witnesses along her with then-boyfriend but she was told she would need to recant her abuse allegation.  The lawsuit also alleges that Watchtower would issue policies to elders and among these recommendations were to report allegations of child molestation to Watchtower rather than law enforcement. The elders should also not warn the congregation of threats posed by an accused child abuser, and the elders should not cooperate when confronted with a search warrant but instead contact Watchtower.
    Now whether this is hyped up, or if it's just advertising for the Laywers, or even if it's false news.
    The point is that this CSA reporting against the JW Org is not going away. 
    Will members of the public be 'turned off' from communicating with JWs because of this ? Especially as this Elder still holds his position in the congregation. Yes CSA IS everywhere, but that does not help the org. 
  25. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Kick_Faceinator in Millions Now Living Will Never Die! by J.F. Rutherford ??????????? A few questions.   
    But if your grand child is going to watch ex-JW material it is easily possible that your influence (regarding the WTJWorg doctrine) will not be of any use.  On the other hand, every effort you would make to make a child an honest and responsible person is commendable.
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