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Srecko Sostar

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  1. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Witness in "How can I explain 'the meek will inherit the earth' to my jw husband?"   
    This is Paula.  Pearl does not comment here.  Neither one of us have denied that we are anointed.  One member of this forum once asked about my anointing; from there it has been used as fuel for slander, although I have never pushed being anointed, or used it as  leverage of power over anyone.  (John 13:20; 15:20)  And, as I’ve said to you, I do not believe in the trinity, nor does Pearl. 
    When people have to fabricate a lie – by taking truth and twisting it, making it crooked, altering factual truth to help them feel better about their own lies  -  I am reminded of the Pharisees twisting the words of Jesus. It reminds me of your leaders stating that those who speak against their lies by using scriptural truth, as being the demonic ones. Quickly, they target this person to be disfellowshipped  – removed from the congregations to shut them up; which in actuality, this “killing” leads to freedom and blessings.  (John 16:2; Rev 13:1,2,11,12,15; 1 John 3:12; Rev 12:17; Matt 5:11,12; Mark 8:35; Isa 42:5-7)  
    It appears also, that you have fallen into this trap.  Jesus basically told the early leaders, they were children of their father the devil – saying they were an “evil generation”. (John 8:44; Luke 11:29) That generation line, is continuous, until the end.  (Gen 3:15; Deut 32:5; Acts 2:40; Matt 24:34,35)  Altering truth that someone has once proclaimed, is as Jesus said in John 8:44, speaking from one’s “own resources” – from what comes out of their heart.  (Luke 6:45)
    Phil 2:12,13,15,16 -  “Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling; 13 for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure.”
    “that you may become blameless and harmless, children of God without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world, 16 holding fast the word of life, so that I may rejoice in the day of Christ that I have not run in vain or labored in vain.”
    Seriously, please think about this. I also hope you can see that it is an “evil generation” that demands a physical sign, which you rely on through use of your dates for the coming of the Kingdom.  (Matt 12:39)
  2. Haha
    Srecko Sostar reacted to TrueTomHarley in Millions Now Living Will Never Die! by J.F. Rutherford ??????????? A few questions.   
    Tell it to Merriam Webster: 
    Definition of association
    2: an organization of persons having a common interest :     https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/association  (bolding mine)
    The words are synonymous. Nothing to get all worked up over. You haven’t discovered the smoking gun. Sheesh.
    Pestilential as Srecko may be, he does not make such ridiculous statements. He makes other ridiculous statements.
  3. Like
  4. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in Millions Now Living Will Never Die! by J.F. Rutherford ??????????? A few questions.   
    It's strange that you answer @Srecko Sostar  in this way, but you would not answer me. 
    This does bring up another question though. The IBSA was an association, not an Organisation.  If I'm right then they didn't have Leaders as such because each congregation 'ruled over itself'.  So there was no 'church' structure as such. 
    In fact I think Russell was against there being an Organisation. Now that obviously changed later when Rutherford took over. 
    So now, this brings the question, Who was 'qualified' to baptise others at the time of Rutherford.
    In the 1st century the disciples / apostles were firstly chosen by Jesus, then later they were Anointed. 
    It also brings up the question as to who is, in God's viewpoint, qualified to baptise people now. 
  5. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Video Games anyone?   
    I like chess too. Many years ago, I stumbled upon some application of driving a big truck. I enjoyed practicing maneuvering skills. And some games with racing cars. But that, it seems to me, was actually all about such games. 
  6. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Millions Now Living Will Never Die! by J.F. Rutherford ??????????? A few questions.   
    This is off topic. But when you mention it we can say that the David' act you are talking about (Bethsabe? Isn't it) did not take place in complete secrecy. Just between the two of them. There were several other courtiers who took part in the realization of the adultery. They, at some, became unconscious accomplices in the work. And since none of them "reported" adultery, then they became accomplices in the true sense of the word. 
    To claim that David’s servants did not witness an indecent relationship would be ridiculous. What reason does the King, who is married, have to inquire about a married woman and invite her to his chambers? Only naive people can say that this was a harmless conversation about how to serve a dinner table. Today, in WTJWorg, there is an instruction that spending the night in the same house can be considered a reason to suspect fornication, adultery. So the question is not how would it go with David under John's supervision / watch, but how would it go under JW elders' supervision / watch?  
    So David sent and inquired about the woman. And someone said, “Is this not Bathsheba, the daughter of Eliam, the wife of Uriah the Hittite?” 4 Then David sent messengers, and took her; and she came to him, and he lay with her, for she was cleansed from her impurity; and she returned to her house. - 2 Sam 11:3,4
  7. Thanks
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Millions Now Living Will Never Die! by J.F. Rutherford ??????????? A few questions.   
    I am convinced of the same conclusion.
    Think also.
    I’m not familiar with the new teachings about it.
  8. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Kick_Faceinator in Millions Now Living Will Never Die! by J.F. Rutherford ??????????? A few questions.   
    This is off topic. But when you mention it we can say that the David' act you are talking about (Bethsabe? Isn't it) did not take place in complete secrecy. Just between the two of them. There were several other courtiers who took part in the realization of the adultery. They, at some, became unconscious accomplices in the work. And since none of them "reported" adultery, then they became accomplices in the true sense of the word. 
    To claim that David’s servants did not witness an indecent relationship would be ridiculous. What reason does the King, who is married, have to inquire about a married woman and invite her to his chambers? Only naive people can say that this was a harmless conversation about how to serve a dinner table. Today, in WTJWorg, there is an instruction that spending the night in the same house can be considered a reason to suspect fornication, adultery. So the question is not how would it go with David under John's supervision / watch, but how would it go under JW elders' supervision / watch?  
    So David sent and inquired about the woman. And someone said, “Is this not Bathsheba, the daughter of Eliam, the wife of Uriah the Hittite?” 4 Then David sent messengers, and took her; and she came to him, and he lay with her, for she was cleansed from her impurity; and she returned to her house. - 2 Sam 11:3,4
  9. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Kick_Faceinator in Millions Now Living Will Never Die! by J.F. Rutherford ??????????? A few questions.   
    I am convinced of the same conclusion.
    Think also.
    I’m not familiar with the new teachings about it.
  10. Downvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Dmitar in Millions Now Living Will Never Die! by J.F. Rutherford ??????????? A few questions.   
    The historical context is interesting because it confirms today’s perception of the past historical context. And that is: They expected Armageddon and the establishment of an earthly Paradise during their lifetime.  After the failure of hope, they started a dogma with heavenly life for the chosen earthlings (variations on this theme exist in JW literature)
    Today’s WTJWorg context has refuted all of this as outdated and misconceptions. JW Hope has new models of belief and beliefs, today.
    Then we have the Context of Present Time, which confirms that both the WTJWorg contexts, the one from the time of Rutherford and the one from the time of present (the year 2021) WTJWorg Administration, are revealed by failed and inaccurate expectations, beliefs and interpretations, aka dogmas.
    JW Hope has new models of belief and teachings, which will be the reason for discussions in this or some other Forum in the future.
    What Rutherford thought then, and what we think he thought then are two things. Whatever he thought can be assumed on the basis of books and magazines from that time. So, let me agree with the question from the title of this topic.
  11. Like
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Kick_Faceinator in Millions Now Living Will Never Die! by J.F. Rutherford ??????????? A few questions.   
    The historical context is interesting because it confirms today’s perception of the past historical context. And that is: They expected Armageddon and the establishment of an earthly Paradise during their lifetime.  After the failure of hope, they started a dogma with heavenly life for the chosen earthlings (variations on this theme exist in JW literature)
    Today’s WTJWorg context has refuted all of this as outdated and misconceptions. JW Hope has new models of belief and beliefs, today.
    Then we have the Context of Present Time, which confirms that both the WTJWorg contexts, the one from the time of Rutherford and the one from the time of present (the year 2021) WTJWorg Administration, are revealed by failed and inaccurate expectations, beliefs and interpretations, aka dogmas.
    JW Hope has new models of belief and teachings, which will be the reason for discussions in this or some other Forum in the future.
    What Rutherford thought then, and what we think he thought then are two things. Whatever he thought can be assumed on the basis of books and magazines from that time. So, let me agree with the question from the title of this topic.
  12. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to JW Insider in Video Games anyone?   
    I remember when the kids were younger my job in IT was multimedia and this work included testing of multimedia improvements on a few new laptops every year. We were allowed to keep the excess, and I still have literally 15 old laptops that work (worked?) with Windows 3.1, Win 95, Millennium, 98, NT, plus 3 Macs. But in those days, even before the popularity of Internet downloading, you could get a $5 CD with literally 1,000 shareware/freeware games on it. My kids were always finding racing and simulation games, and you just reminded me that I enjoyed playing race car (go kart) games with them.
    Even today, when breaking out the flight simulation again, I found myself flying down the Hudson River, and flying under the bridges instead of taking the easy route over them. I flew low through Central Park and so had to dodge skyscrapers at 150 MPH (240 KM/H) all the way down through Manhattan and made it under the Brooklyn Bridge again before circling the old Brooklyn Bethel stomping grounds. Google flight simulator doesn't crash you if you hit most obstacles (except hills, water, ground without landing gear) but you can still enjoy the maneuvering.  
    I thought of posting one of the videos of the building maneuvers, but 9/11 is still too close in people's minds which might distract from enjoyment.
  13. Thanks
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Witness in "How can I explain 'the meek will inherit the earth' to my jw husband?"   
    If you'll notice, the topic is in the color blue and in quotes.  These are Pearl's words, and the link to the article on her blog is included.  My name is Paula which I have shared here before.  This is my facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/restorationofjacob
     While my husband died a year ago this last August, Pearl's husband, Obadiah, is still alive.  Here is his blog: http://obadiah-blogs.blogspot.com/
     I'm not sure what your point is, but Pearl and I and other anointed ones, as well as believers in Christ, work together as a congregation.  It certainly is not a "girl's club" as you assume.  
  14. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Witness in "How can I explain 'the meek will inherit the earth' to my jw husband?"   
    Well, my elder husband left the organization because of its hypocrisy, before I did.  I followed a while afterward. He supported me in this work, until he died.
     But, let me pose a scenario:  A JW “sister” approaches the elders about her abusive husband, and they tell her to go home and pray, to help her continue to tolerate the abuse by her JW husband who could likely be an elder.  That sister, battered and torn down by abuse, who can’t take any more neglect of shepherding by the elders, leaves the organization and her abusive husband.  She is subsequently disfellowshipped for speaking against the abuse that was never dealt with by the elder body.  Or perhaps she filed a report to the police when she was told to keep it to herself, since her husband was an elder in "good standing" with the congregation and good buddies with the elder body.  Does that woman’s husband have the right to divorce her for being labeled an apostate, now that she is disfellowshipped?
    What I see in you, is a lust for blood and destruction, and an arrogance similar to your leaders.  The “two witnesses” who prophesy the sins of their people – their anointed brothers and sisters, who tolerate the elders/man of lawlessness robbing them of their position as priests -  preach in sackcloth, in mourning for their people. (2 Thess 2:3,4; Rev 11:1-3; 18:4-8) 
    But you seem to love and condemn millions to a bloody or a literal fiery death.  
    I’m very sorry for you.  This is not the way of Jesus Christ. ( Luke 19:10; Rev 3:1-3, 17-19)
  15. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Witness in "How can I explain 'the meek will inherit the earth' to my jw husband?"   
    In Hebrew, “thousand” -  Strong’s concordance refers it to “a company of men”.  It’s interesting to read its definition on blueletterbible.
    The Greek “thousand” - plural of uncertain affinity
    “But, beloved, do not forget this one thing, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.” 2 Pet 3:8
    “For a thousand years in Your sight Are like yesterday when it is past, And like a watch in the night.”  Ps 90:4
    The number one thousand (1,000) symbolizes “immensity,” “fullness of quantity” or “multitude.” The number evokes a very long time according to most Bible passages. It is often used in scripture to specify an indefinite quantity. http://www.scripturerevealed.com/bible-studies/the-meaning-of-numbers-the-number-1000/
    One thing I think we agree on, is that it is a number that has an end, according to God.  But when reading Rev 21:14-22, which uses terms that appear to be describing a literal building, I realize its full spiritual symbolism, since the Temple is built with people, God and Jesus, not with literal walls, gates and a foundation.  (1 Pet 2:5,9; 1 Cor 3:16,17; Eph 2:20-22)  I believe also, the number who “fill” this spiritual temple is also symbolic. 
  16. Thanks
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Millions Now Living Will Never Die! by J.F. Rutherford ??????????? A few questions.   
    The historical context is interesting because it confirms today’s perception of the past historical context. And that is: They expected Armageddon and the establishment of an earthly Paradise during their lifetime.  After the failure of hope, they started a dogma with heavenly life for the chosen earthlings (variations on this theme exist in JW literature)
    Today’s WTJWorg context has refuted all of this as outdated and misconceptions. JW Hope has new models of belief and beliefs, today.
    Then we have the Context of Present Time, which confirms that both the WTJWorg contexts, the one from the time of Rutherford and the one from the time of present (the year 2021) WTJWorg Administration, are revealed by failed and inaccurate expectations, beliefs and interpretations, aka dogmas.
    JW Hope has new models of belief and teachings, which will be the reason for discussions in this or some other Forum in the future.
    What Rutherford thought then, and what we think he thought then are two things. Whatever he thought can be assumed on the basis of books and magazines from that time. So, let me agree with the question from the title of this topic.
  17. Upvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from JW Insider in Millions Now Living Will Never Die! by J.F. Rutherford ??????????? A few questions.   
    The historical context is interesting because it confirms today’s perception of the past historical context. And that is: They expected Armageddon and the establishment of an earthly Paradise during their lifetime.  After the failure of hope, they started a dogma with heavenly life for the chosen earthlings (variations on this theme exist in JW literature)
    Today’s WTJWorg context has refuted all of this as outdated and misconceptions. JW Hope has new models of belief and beliefs, today.
    Then we have the Context of Present Time, which confirms that both the WTJWorg contexts, the one from the time of Rutherford and the one from the time of present (the year 2021) WTJWorg Administration, are revealed by failed and inaccurate expectations, beliefs and interpretations, aka dogmas.
    JW Hope has new models of belief and teachings, which will be the reason for discussions in this or some other Forum in the future.
    What Rutherford thought then, and what we think he thought then are two things. Whatever he thought can be assumed on the basis of books and magazines from that time. So, let me agree with the question from the title of this topic.
  18. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to ApostaBabe Linda James in Millions Now Living Will Never Die! by J.F. Rutherford ??????????? A few questions.   
    The foot note to the the scripture
    @John 11:26
    will never die at all: When Jesus spoke about not dying, or of living forever, he clearly did not mean that his listeners back then would never experience death. Jesus was making the point that faith in him could lead to everlasting life. That conclusion is supported by what Jesus said earlier, as recorded in John chapter 6, where he connects exercising faith with gaining everlasting life.—Joh 6:39-44, 54.

    All due respect, BroRando
    Why would you use this approach with PwfT?
    "why don't you go for it and call him a liar too??   You know what Jesus says about Hypocrisy? "
    John 11:26 isn't even being taken literally by jw.org. Please! Check out the above footnote. Look it up yourself. "When Jesus spoke about not dying, or of living forever, he clearly did not mean that his listeners back then would never experience death. Jesus was making the point that faith in him could lead to everlasting life."
    We all here know that within the culture of the Watchtower, the Org has taught that there would be some that are living during the time of the end, or just before the Great Tribulation, ( other times the Org has use the term Armageddon or The great day of Armageddon which I will now in this discussion thread use G.T. for Great Tribulation & The Big "A" for Armageddon ) who would be able to live through it and walk right on into the new system of things.
    This has been big thing within this culture of the Watchtower, even way back in the day when Rutherford was the president. Wasn't it he that established that there would be what is called, "a great crowd," spoken of in Revelations, that would have an Earthly hope rather than a Heavenly hope? If so, when did he established this?
    The goal or hope of "the great crowd" was to be able to survive going through these times. I'm sure we can agree that within Watchtower theology, we were taught that those who did not survive the time of the G.T. or The Big "A" had no hope for a Resurrection. This surviving Armageddon And/or the Great Tribulation is a big teaching of hope. 
    This teaching of only IBSA's or the JW's surviving through the G.T. and/or The Big "A" is, I thought, THE whole REASON for the preaching work or the ministry work. I can even remember it being spoken of as our spiritual act of worship. So what could possibly be a problem with PwfT saying, "So it would be good to know exactly who Rutherford expected to 'continue living," ?
    So Patiently Waiting For Truth asking about this seems like a reasonable question to me. But hay. IDK? Is this, was this doctrinal change even a thing? A thing worth acknowledging and/or even discussing. Was there a chang? An add on to those with the Heavenly hope?
    I mean if not, and that's the case, why would someone not just say so rather then comparing the words Rutherford to the words of Jesus and then proceeding to accuse Patiently Waiting For Truth of calling Jesus a liar. ( BTW, during the reign of Rutherford there wasn't even 1 million members yet, so might he have been talking about those who were not yet members, and not of the 144.000 Heavenly hope that might be potential future members that had not yet been recruited members of the IBSA yet "that will never die?" )  
    I don't understand the hesitation here to have this conversation. 
  19. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in Millions Now Living Will Never Die! by J.F. Rutherford ??????????? A few questions.   
    A public talk titled "The World Has Ended; Millions Now Living May Never Die" was first delivered on February 24, 1918 in Los Angeles, California. Five weeks later, on March 31, 1918 the title was changed to indicate absolute certainty: "The World Has Ended; Millions Now Living Will Never Die." The public talk continued to be delivered under that same title until 1925.
    At a 1931 Bible Student assembly in Columbus, Ohio Rutherford proposed a new name for the organization, Jehovah's witnesses, to differentiate them from the proliferation of other groups that followed Russell's teachings.
    Joseph Franklin Rutherford, also known as Judge Rutherford, was the second president of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society (Jehovah's Witnesses) from 1917 until his death in 1942.
    OK, a few questions. 
    If I'm right what RUSSELL had built up was an Association of Bible Students possibly earthwide ? 
    So, what Rutherford had taken over was this Association of Bible Students. But Rutherford broke away from that and formed an Organisation naming it Jehovah's Witnesses in 1931.
    Now, this creates a question.  Who were the Millions now living that would never die ? 
    This was 1918. Pre-JW.  International Bible Student era.  So exactly who did Rutherford expect to 'never die' ? 
    (At this point it matter not that his prediction failed. More to the point of who he expected to live on).
    And when Rutherford's breakaway 'group' were named Jehovah's Witnesses, did his idea change from 'Millions' now living will never die, to, Only JWs now living will never die ?
    There must have come a time when the quantity of people expected to continue living decreased rapidly. Because Rutherford's JWs would have been far less than the original International Bible Students Association. 
    And when exactly was this Millions now living will never die idea, removed from the JW doctrines / teachings ? 
    There seems to be lots of discussion about RUSSELL on here, but not much about RUTHERFORD. However it was Rutherford that 'built' the Jehovah's Witnesses religion. 
    I'm interested in this big change of thought from the idea of, millions of individuals that would continue living, to the idea of, 'only Jehovah's Witnesses will continue living'.  So it would be goodto know exactly who Rutherford expected to 'continue living'. 
    (information taken from https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/218007.Millions_Now_Living_Will_Never_Die_ )
    The thoughts are mine but I found this book online when looking for information. I would think about buying the book but then wonder if it is likened to 'hero worship' / idolatry. 
    Any thoughts ??? 
  20. Downvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Dmitar in Adam and Eve, what they didn't know...   
    Agree, of course. But you have to agree with the experiential statement that a principle can be changed, as we see in the example of WTJWorg, who changes the principle on the basis of “new light” and new, clarified interpretations of old doctrines. The very change of doctrine leads to a change of principles, in one way or another.  
  21. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Arauna in Adam and Eve, what they didn't know...   
    If one knows Jehovah's principles - this is not hard.  Just do what is just, merciful and love your neighbor as yourself. The problem is that people do not value their integrity and look for REASONS to disobey.... 
  22. Downvote
    Srecko Sostar got a reaction from Dmitar in A. MORRIS AND MONEY   
    The person who wrote this may not have been aware of the message he/she was sending. It is to be assumed that he/she meant any other organization outside the JW circle. But WTJWorg is an organization as well. Or to write, Organization, with a capital letter.
    I believe there is a difference between the terms, (being) organized and (having) organization.
  23. Like
    Srecko Sostar reacted to JW Insider in KAZAKHSTAN: Plagiarised "expert analysis", Jehovah's Witnesses to pay over 3 years' wages   
    I'm LOL too at that one. But I try to temper what I hear from anywhere with actual visits to countries and I never stay only in the tourist areas. I've got plenty of stories where this has caused some close calls, but my wife and I love to travel. 5 continents so far and two to go, and almost always with someone who speaks the language. I almost always seek out the poorest congregations in any country we visit, too. 
    When it comes to getting news, you and I are very much alike. One of the most interesting collections of "news" sources is actually one that I know you are very familiar with. It currently has 781 favorites, and 73 videos saved under docs [documentaries], and a music collection, too, of course.
    I have a non-Witness cousin who has been a producer for 60 Minutes for several years, and who recently began producing for PBS Frontline. (He's been the primary producer of several Frontline shows already.) I have respect for him, but also know that both of these networks have fallen off tremendously in terms of credibility. At times they are only slightly better than CNN.
    Finding credible news sources is very difficult. Finding ones that go into any depth is even harder. We have been in contact with some brothers we know who were terribly affected by the last earthquakes in Haiti (Les Cayes and Baraderes), but did you notice that CNN barely updated that story after a couple of days? Finding unbiased sources of news on Twitter is difficult, and the more honest they get, the more likely they are to lose their accounts. There are also radio station apps on the net (and my phone) that can easily provide literally thousands of local small stations from all over the world. My father was a ham radio operator and always encouraged us as kids to seek out far-away (DX) stations on short-wave and ham and ship-to-shore. We'd spend some Saturday nights as kids learning quite a bit about other places from actual local voices. A lot of care must be taken not to take any one voice too seriously. I always look for voices willing to criticize or even condemn local problems, not just praise them. Also look for more than just two sides to any issue. Look for contradictions. Look for what things persons who hold one view are willing to concede from those who hold varying views.
    I probably take getting news a little too seriously, but no one else should take me that seriously. It's a tough, arduous process, and there is never enough time to do it right. So, another tactic is also to spout off one's most controversial opinions on an internet forum and see who has evidence that can push back or redirect them with additional evidence.
  24. Thanks
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in Adam and Eve, what they didn't know...   
    He gave rules to Adam. Told Adam what he could do and what he should not do. 
    And we have 'rules', 'laws' and principles in the Bible, which is inspired of God.  But we have the free will to follow those 'guidelines' or not to. 
    Very good point.  I know a JW who's wife died because she did not have a blood transfusion, whereas now she could have some fractions from blood.  So maybe that man should have made the decision by using Bible scripture not by obeying humans.  It's one more reason I'm no longer a JW, because i want to be guided by God through Christ, not by men. 
  25. Thanks
    Srecko Sostar reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in Adam and Eve, what they didn't know...   
    The free will is whether you chose to obey or disobey. Whether it be obeying God or Man's laws. 
    The obvious thing is that every action has a reaction. You may choose to jump off of the top of a high building, but the reaction would be that you would go downward rapidly.  There are laws of many types, gravity is one of them. 
    But human 'perfection' relies on the human obeying God's laws in all ways. And we know that both the devil and Adam had the knowledge needed to make their own decisions. The Devil was an Angel and would have been well trained for the job of watching over this Earth and it's humans. Adam had been given direct instruction by God.  The free will was the choice to obey or disobey God. 
    We, even as imperfect humans, have the choice of obeying God (to the best of our ability) or deliberately disobeying God.
    This is my disagreement with the GB and many JWs. They so say 'dedicate' their lives to obey God through Christ, but can easily be seen to deliberately disobey God.  
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