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Posts posted by Matthew9969

  1. On 11/1/2021 at 3:03 PM, Space Merchant said:

    Why on earth would I be a dangerous person, granted, you are aware of my history because I mentioned it to you? A dangerous person would not - deal with Children, preach the gospel, missing persons, stopping a pornography addict, etc. It is known I do debates, before, in person. I do run into protesters often times, but unlike them, violence isn't the answer. reasons why anything affiliated with or confronts them I advise caution, namely recently with what JWI made known.

    I do not have issue, I am not absorbed into big tech as you are. If that was the case, it would contradict what I always say to be Berean like.

    That being said, if I had ever made you in person, I would know you will not be able to answer some things, and or address questions. You are also the type of person that does not watch what you say, it can resolve in an indirect confrontation from others which can match that of what has been happening in London, effectively, you would put everyone around you, interacting with you at risk, thus making you a danger. This is evident in how to make comments here even, even out of nowhere, be it on this club or what you said in the Islam thread, which is mirrored by the situation with Tommy Robinson - which induce indirect confrontation.

    You also have issue because never once you care capable of grounded discussion, and you being this sporadic can result in the action mentioned, so if myself, Srecko, JWI, Tom were near you, you'd put us at risk, not yourself only - You are not Berean like.


    In short - You'll get us all jumped.


    That being said, you really need to understand the difference between what is real and not real, what is legitimate communication between persons and what is superficial. You cannot get body language or the social ques people have some knowledge on for years now, even before social media existed.

    What do you get when you cross Dexter with Hannible Lecter?

  2. Would have been nice having sort of this frame of mind 40 years ago. It sucked having to sit in the hall all day while the kids did their holiday stuff, then getting beaten up afterwards for telling the kids Jehovah was going to kill them for celebrating holidays.

    If ones culture celebrates holidays, then all cultures holidays would have to be celebrated which would make chaos in the classroom. So I say keep all holiday celebrations out of the school ciriculum, kids are there to learn, not party.

  3. 15 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

    I do not know if you are willfully ignorant, or joking. The Watchtower does not have their own view (no one who is Anti-Trinitarian does granted there are only 2 camps) of the Trinity because any thing pertaining to Anti-Trinitarianism is all the same across the board, and it seems you lack knowledge of history, hence your shenanigans before in regards to a specific verse in John when you were corrected which resulted in your jumping to another thread to fume.

    Moreover, your remark also shows you are totally unaware of the fact that the situation in regards to being against the Trinity predates both the Watchtower and Jehovah's Witnesses as is with the majority of those who are Anti-Trinitarian, in fact, the Anti-Trinitarian view has been in existence long before your Trinity view ever came to fruition, hence Subordinationism (Christian primitivity).

    Perhaps next time, you should pay attention to your Trinitarian Shield, which in of itself, is quite absurd. I recommend you learn the history of Christianity and the Bible for it shows you are not that sound in all sense; for your camp were responsible for many things that are negative - 1 does not equal 3 by the way, Durbinite.

    That being said, speaking of Durbinites, they can't defend their own exegesis and the Trinitarian remarks are predictable, in addition to that, someone, such as yourself, who one accepts paganism yet utters God and Christ at the same time, can easily be called into question for indefensible remarks.

    You either sit with angels or you sit with demons, cannot play both sides, granted it is November once again, I take it you will side with The Goddess of Harvest, Ceres this year over the Christ (again). Typical MSCs.

    I was joking....sort of. And why do guys keep insisting these pagan gods, goddesses are real beings, even 10 year olds know they are not real just like they know Santa isn't real. This year like every year I'm going to hang out with my physical family, like I do on a regular basis, not just on holidays. Now get off your pius arogant and ignorant high horse and watch some Mel Brooks movies, you need some humor in your life.

    On a serious note, why do you guys give more power to non existent pagan gods than the Almighty himself?

  4. In this episode of “Offending the Jehovah’s Witnesses,” our response to DefendingJehovahsWitnesses.Blogspot.com, we are going to cover their “translation” of Luke 23:43.

    DefendingJehovahsWitnesses.Blogspot.com is a front of JW.org, the official website of the Watchtower Society. Instead of being honest and admitting that the Governing Body is purposely trying to respond to criticisms of their organization, the website is hosted by “Elijah Daniels” who otherwise cannot be found on Google or contacted. Their website does not allow comments, so we respond here as a means to make people aware of the lies taught by the Governing Body of the organization.

    For those unaware of the NWT translation of the verse and the immediate context of the article here it is:

    Addressing this issue, the late Dr. Julius Mantey, noted NT Greek scholar and strong trinitarian, allegedly wrote a powerful attack against the honesty and accuracy of the NWT. He complained of the NWT’s attempt to deliberately deceive people by mispunctuation by placing a comma after `today’ in Luke 23:43, when he knows better than anyone that none of the earliest manuscripts (up to the 9th century A.D.) originally had capitalization or punctuation! Later copyists have added punctuation wherever they felt it should be!

    Just because a modern text writer decides where he wants the punctuation and capital-ization to be in his interpretation of the original text (as Westcott and Hort did for the text that is used by the NWT and Nestle did in the text used by the NASB, etc.) does not mean that is how the original Bible writer intended the meaning – as explained in the Kingdom Interlinear footnote for this verse…Yes, there is no reason to deny the rendering of Luke 23:43 as, “I tell you today, You will be with me in Paradise.”

    As we can see “Elijah Daniels” mischaracterizes Dr. Mantey’s argument as disingenuously implying Greek originally had punctuation. However, Mantey says nothing of the sort. Rather, he is saying that anyone who understands Greek would have not understood the passage as Christ emphasizing the word “today” the way it is portrayed in the NWT.

    For example, the NWT renders Luke 23:43 as, “I tell you today, you will be with me in Paradise.”

    Every single other respectable translation says something along the lines of “And He [Jesus] said to him, ‘Truly I say to you, today you shall be with Me in Paradise.'”

    Why do most people take the latter interpretation?

    First, it reads better from the literal rendering of the Greek:

    καὶ [And] εἶπεν [he said] αὐτῷ [to him] Ἀμήν [Truly] σοι [to you] λέγω [I say] σήμερον [today] μετ [with] ἐμοῦ [me] ἔσῃ [you will be] ἐν [in] τῷ [the] Παραδείσῳ [Paradise]

    As we can see, the Greek says without reversing word order, “Truly to you I say today with me you will be in Paradise.”

    Second, this rendering not only makes the most sense to the modern translators (and literal rendering of the Greek), it also makes the most sense to ancient translators as well.

    Saint Jerome, an expert of Greek, Hebrew, Aramaic, and Latin understood the Greek as follows:

    I feel confident that my words are true: conversion can never be too late. The words to the dying robber are a pledge of this: Verily I say unto you, today shall you be with me in paradise (Jerome, To Paula, Letter 39:1).

    As we can see, Jerome understands what Christ said to the thief on the cross to mean that Christ affirmed the thief’s salvation. The NWT rendering, that Jesus merely uses the word “today” as a figure of speech, would have made no sense to Jerome.

    Third, to a speaker conversant in Koine Greek from the fourth century AD, the NWT rending also did not occur to him:

    In which humanity He was crucified and died for us, and rose from the dead, and was taken up into the heavens, having been created as the beginning of ways for us (Proverbs 8:22), when on earth He showed us light from out of darkness, salvation from error, life from the dead, an entrance to paradise, from which Adam was cast out, and into which he again entered by means of the thief, as the Lord said, ‘This day shall you be with Me in paradise’ (Luke 23:43), into which Paul also once entered (Athanasius, Statement of Faith, Chapter 1).

    As we can see, Saint Athanasius (an enemy to JWs and a defender of the doctrine of the Trinity) understood the verse to mean that the thief had already “entered” Paradise.

    How does “Elijah Daniels” expect to be taken seriously when 1. All the modern Greek experts disagree with the NWT, 2. Ancient translators disagreed with the NWT, and 3. Someone who spoke Koine Greek understood the verse as the latter two parties did?

    I guess that’s why the Watchtower will disfellowship you for merely using your mind. Thinking is a dangerous thing when someone wants you to accept false teaching

  5. On 3/14/2021 at 12:26 PM, xero said:

    Last question answered 1st. Yes God uses secular organizations. He also uses religious organizations and families were designed by Jehovah as the base of organization. The questions YOU and we all need to answer are:

    Is God using this/or that organization, like I might use a stick to get some crap off my nikes after a trail run, after which I have no use for the stick?

    Does this organization assent that it is being used by Jehovah?

    Does this organization have Jehovah's approval?

    An organization or even a person can be USED by Jehovah AND that person may be approved by Jehovah or disapproved by him. Jehovah can use a person/organization like a Judo master might use the weight of his opponent against him.

    How can Jehovah use your organization when you admit you are not inspired by the holy spirit?

  6. 5 hours ago, Arauna said:

    We all sin - some sin to the extent where it is human error and others to the extent where they become apostates.  Some do not agree and some become direct opposers.  Some criticize and others appoint themselves as self-righteous judges...... and what does the bible show when you judge?   You have put yourself in the place of GOD!

    Read what James has to say about this.  

    So not agreeing with the governing body is a sin worthy of death?

  7. On 9/6/2021 at 4:30 PM, Pudgy said:

    Others have commented on this before, but nowhere in the Bible, not even one time does Jehovah God prohibit or restrict cannibalism. That’s right ……. but if you’re already dead, presumably of war wounds. 

    People are more important than worms and bugs.


    Just make sure you drain the body of blood first, that is very biblically important.

  8. On 9/2/2021 at 10:56 AM, Patiently waiting for Truth said:


    This is not just going to go away. It has to be dealt with. Hopefully the GB will be brought to account.

    BUT I keep coming back with the question 'What has happened to the 25 year CSA / Pedophile database in the USA ?

    And then what happened to the CSA situation in Canada ? 

    Here in England it seems a lot of news from the USA is blocked, 'for legal reasons'. 



    I believe this was a case out of California, the society refused to hand over the data base. After the third order by the court the judge ruled contempt on the watchtower and fined them $4000.00 per day until they produced the data base. Maybe try Loyd Evans website?

  9. On 9/2/2021 at 10:56 AM, Patiently waiting for Truth said:


    This is not just going to go away. It has to be dealt with. Hopefully the GB will be brought to account.

    BUT I keep coming back with the question 'What has happened to the 25 year CSA / Pedophile database in the USA ?

    And then what happened to the CSA situation in Canada ? 

    Here in England it seems a lot of news from the USA is blocked, 'for legal reasons'. 




  10. On 8/23/2021 at 1:15 PM, BroRando said:
    No Blood 2.jpg
    Jehovah's Witnesses are Christians who accepted the 'Blood of Christ' for salvation. The truth never changes and a true Christian should also be mindful of Satan's Challenge to Jehovah about skin in behalf of skin. Therefore, accepting *Blood* from another source or even themselves could be rendered a denial of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 
    In the time of the end known as the Last Days, "Many will cleanse themselves and whiten themselves and will be refined. And the wicked ones will act wickedly, and none of the wicked will understand; but those having insight will understand." (Daniel 12:10) True Christians who exercise faith in the Living Blood of Christ will survive that Last Days and 'are the ones who come out of the great tribulation, and they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.'(Rev 7:14)
    Teachings of Jesus Christ:
    • "Whoever feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood has everlasting life, and I will resurrect him on the last day;" (John 6:54)
    • For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it." (Matthew 16:25)
    • "But whoever disowns me before men, I will also disown him before my Father who is in the heavens." (Matthew 10:33)
    • "Just let your word ‘Yes’ mean yes, your ‘No,’ no, for what goes beyond these is from the wicked one." (Matthew 5:37)
    Teaching of the Apostles:
    • "For if we practice sin willfully after having received the accurate knowledge of the truth, there is no longer any sacrifice for sins left," (Hebrews 10:26)
    Teaching of the Holy Spirit:
    • "Abstain . . . from blood. If you carefully keep yourselves from these things, you will prosper. Good health to you!” (Acts 15:28-29)


    Advocates for Jehovah's Witness Reform on Blood (ajwrb.org)

  11. On 8/28/2021 at 5:39 PM, Pudgy said:

    We all know that Jesus was very concerned about the Christian Congregation ... so ..... if Jehovah's Witnesses, warts, scabs, drool and all, are not with whom we should be associating with ...... then who?


    Where and who, ( a name, address, zip code is the specificity required) is the Congregation that is the "real deal"?

    Give me  a better choice, and I will leave what I know in a New York second.

    But I will need to know why the better choice really is the better choice.

    Without specific proof of something better, your very best observations, reasoning, and logic is nothing more than light entertainment.

    No more.



    • “Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” (Acts 4:12)
    • “For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus, who gave Himself a ransom for all …” (1 Timothy 2:5)
    • “There is one body and one Spirit … one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.” (Ephesians 4:4)
    • Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” (John 14:6)
    • I am the door. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved, and will go in and find pasture … I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.” (John 10:9)

    My church, Calvary Church this is what we believe and go by. It's not Calvary church that we turn to for salvation, it's not the building. We go straight to and through Jesus for our salvation. Which is a stark contrast to this bold statement:

    "Come to Jehovah's organization for salvation" Watchtower 1981 Nov 15 p.212

  12. Could they be considered gnostics?

    *** w05 1/15 p. 15 par. 21 Christ—The Focus of Prophecy ***Only his faithful anointed disciples would discern his royal presence. In the next article, we will see how that insight would have a profound effect on them, culminating in the gathering of millions who would become Jesus’ earthly subjects

    *** ip-2 chap. 15 p. 228 par. 23 The Barren Woman Rejoices ***23 Verse 13 of Isaiah chapter 54 provides the key—all will be “taught by Jehovah.” Jesus himself applied the words of this verse to his anointed followers. (John 6:45) The prophet Daniel foretold that during this “time of the end,” the anointed would be blessed with an abundance of true knowledge and spiritual insight. (Daniel 12:3, 4) Such insight has enabled them to spearhead the greatest educational campaign in history, spreading divine teaching in all the earth. (Matthew 24:14) At the same time, such insight has helped them to see the difference between true religion and false. Isaiah 54:12 mentions “boundaries of delightsome stones.” Since 1919, Jehovah has given the anointed an ever clearer understanding of the boundaries—the lines of spiritual demarcation—setting them apart from false religion and ungodly elements of the world. (Ezekiel 44:23; John 17:14; James 1:27) They are thus set apart as God’s own people.

    *** w00 5/15 p. 11 par. 6 Pay Attention to God’s Prophetic Word for Our Day ***6 In this time of the end, many faithful Christians have ‘roved about’ in the pages of God’s Word, the Bible. The result? With Jehovah’s blessing on their efforts, true knowledge has become abundant. For instance, anointed Witnesses of Jehovah have been blessed with insight, enabling them to understand that Jesus Christ became heavenly King in the year 1914.

    *** km 3/00 p. 8 par. 4 Studying Daniel’s Prophecy ***4 Prepare well for the study each week, and enjoy participating in it. Appreciate your privilege of associating with Jehovah’s visible organization and benefiting from the insight and understanding provided by his faithful anointed ones.

    *** dp chap. 17 p. 292 par. 11 Identifying True Worshipers in the Time of the End ***: “The ones having insight will shine like the brightness of the expanse; and those who are bringing the many to righteousness, like the stars to time indefinite, even forever.” Who are “the ones having insight” today? Again, the evidence points to the same “holy ones of the Supreme One.” After all, who but the faithful anointed remnant had the insight to discern that Michael, the Great Prince, began standing as King in 1914?

    *** dp chap. 18 p. 309 par. 7 Jehovah Promises Daniel a Wonderful Reward ***In our own day, the anointed have been blessed with spiritual insight, shining as beacons of truth in this bedarkened world.

    *** w98 2/15 p. 19 par. 7 Glorious Freedom Soon for the Children of God ***Meanwhile, God granted his anointed servants, born-again Christians, noteworthy insight.

    *** w87 7/1 p. 23 par. 10 Divine Blessings for “the Ones Having Insight” *** “The ones having insight” are clearly the faithful remaining members of the anointed Christian congregation, who are ‘filled with accurate knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual comprehension.

    *** w81 3/1 p. 26 Do You Appreciate the “Faithful and Discreet Slave”? ***This indicates that the congregation of Christ’s anointed disciples, those having insight, would be watching for the Master’s return and be found faithfully providing spiritual food at the proper time when he returned.

    *** w70 11/15 p. 690 par. 22 The Need to Know What We Worship ***The anointed remnant of “people who are knowing their God” have been the ones that have prevailed, and this due to having insight.

    *** w60 2/1 p. 90 par. 37 Part 31—“Your Will Be Done on Earth” ***They act with insight and keep walking in their integrity or blamelessness toward God. Realizing their being anointed with Jehovah’s spirit to preach, they do preach, that they may “impart understanding to many.”

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