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Posts posted by Matthew9969

  1. 18 The Jews then responded to him, “What sign can you show us to prove your authority to do all this?”

    19 Jesus answered them, “Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days.”

    20 They replied, “It has taken forty-six years to build this temple, and you are going to raise it in three days?” 21 But the temple he had spoken of was his body.

    I'm curious, what is the jw's view on this passage?

  2. He supposedly shows 137 different translations that insert the 'a' in John 1:1, but that link is blocked. It definitely seems like a shady website.

  3. 15 minutes ago, César Chávez said:

    Liberal, conservative, extreme, play NO role with true Christians. These paths of world view belongs to ex-witnesses and apostasy!! Make sure John, you make that distinction, even though you have supposed witnesses behaving to the contrary. Don't lump us all in the same pool!! 😏

    Actually I've spoken to jw's who have very conservative views and liberal views on political and religious matters, just because jw's can't vote doesn't mean they don't have opinions.

  4. Not sure if you all are aware of my life...my mother has been a Jehovah's Witness for probably 45-60 years or so, her mind is foggy at 78 years old, but she still can be the unlit fire cracker. She lives with me and is very vocal with her phone conversations and such...I don't read the current material...but I am privy to her conversations with other jw's/elders, etc. We all know meeting together in worship is better than using zoom meeting from afar. And the Wtbts and the FDS have chosen to keep their services on line only. So my aging mom is experiencing a great disconnect with her congregation because she is not tech savvy and my sister and I help her as much as possible, along with a few other sisters who are, but she and those others are loosing faith in God, loosing faith in the governing bodies ability to maintain jw's connection with God. They continue to put their faith in the governing body, and when they don't follow through, they view that as Jehovah God not following through. So many things have happened with this pandemic, I hope jw's who do not have people who care for them are doing ok, physically as well as spiritually.

  5. 1 hour ago, xero said:

    Watched it! I had a friend who was IN it. :)  (as an extra....)

    That's one of the movies I love to watch occasionally, in my list of favorites. Thankfully for watching it I did research and learned the pro's and con's of drinking gatorade. 

    Thanks for the video's btw, nice to see some fresh material on this site.

    Just a side joke, I had a friend post last year that he was seeing snowflakes hitting his windshield, (here in the SW NM US we don't get a whole lot of snow). So he posted he was seeing snowflakes hit his windshield and I replied on his thread....'I hope your not driving your car through protesters again'.

  6. When I think of a religion lying I think of a recent example of the fds and rank & file telling the public and under oath that they do not cut off and shun family members and in the same year come out with a video about the expected behavior of parents cutting off and shunning their own daughter. When a religion is willing to blatantly tell very obvious lie, they will be willing to lie about other things. 

  7. Here in the United States, (although they are not very united these days), we have the 2nd amendment which allows people to own firearms. But not people who have federal felonies on their record. Most of the churches that I have attended congregants volunteer to do security for the church during services and/or working hours. Some of those volunteers do carry a firearm on their person and is legal for them to conceal it as long as they have a required license to  do that. States differ on concealed carry laws.

    The jw's are so secretive and subversive it'd be hard to speculate how far they would go with their security, I can imagine though they have a lot of camera's covering every square inch of the place.

  8. 1 hour ago, Equivocation said:

    Human Sacrifice? That is a stretch Matt. 😬Seeing how long this has been going on, I doubt a small number of people is causing damage to the Russian population. This is more of, well, a specific group that doesn't want competition and said group has many many allies, even other religous leaders.

    Refusing a blood transfusion to appease God, is human sacrifice:)


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