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Posts posted by Matthew9969

  1. 9 hours ago, paulus said:

    You condemn yourself by your words and your ignorance, Its obvious to a blind man that Jehovahs spirit is with his organisation. You are the one sinning against the spirit in My view (but i maybe wrong, i often am,) by trying to mislead and lead astray the week ones who need to be encouraged not discouraged. THIER LIVES are in your hands. I too am disfellowshipped but would never stupidly bite the hand that feeds me or hopefully saves me regardless of my standing in Jehovahs organisation. People are imperfect and make mistakes if you cant move on and forget the past you have no hope for the future. Stop this nonsense or leave as you have sugested and do us all a favour. May Jehovah have mercy on you if your are worthy.

    Since you are disfellowshipped, Jehovah has not forgiven you yet, nor does he want you speaking on his behalf since you are an evil doer.

  2. 3 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    It is by no means unusual for parents to yell at their children. It might not be the norm, but it is common. Back in the day, it was by no means unusual for parents to “beat” their children, especially in the form of spankings. Nothing was more unremarkable. 

    I am the only Witness in my family. You have to go back almost to Noah to find another. My dad’s father was so harsh that his oldest son determined he would not be like him, and did not discipline his kids at all. Believe me when I tell you, there were some hell-raisers among them. 

    My dad did not swear off discipline. Spanking was not uncommon, and a belt was sometimes used. “Just wait till your father gets home,” my outmaneuvered mom would say. She’d rat on me the second he walked through the door, and then it was one bad experience for me. But this was routine among families—I think more common than not. “Spare the rod and spoil the child”—it was as common for people to say that as the pledge to the flag.

    Sometimes parents were just doing their best to raise kids, trying to forestall bad habits. Sometimes they were abusive themselves. Sometimes they were working through their own issues. It is good to forgive. It leads to a healthier life. And yes, it goes the other way as well. But you can’t control what another does. You can only control what you do.

    I remember Cora, decades ago, tearing into a newspaper editor after he’d run a story of some felon and had taken pains to highlight a Witness connection. “You would never have done that were he Catholic or Lutheran,” she said. The fellow reflected, “You’re right,” he said, “we wouldn’t,” and apologized to her. 

    There are a lot of damaged people around. 

    I agree with you there. However ours was quite a bit more than a spanking with a belt, belts usually don't cause  severe bleeding, bruising and broken bones. But of course back then there wasn't much of a social outcry against child abuse. And some people should not have kids. The thing that stuck out was that the abuse was in the name of Jehovah.

  3. My elderly/aging mother lives with me for her safety, and she is a JW. Saturday we got a knock on the door, when I opened it up a truck was pulling away, I recognized the 2 men inside, they were jw's. Inside the box was a gallon of milk, 10lb bag of potatoes, a bag of some seriously ill looking cooked chicken, 3 tubs of sour cream, a 1lb stick of mozzarella cheese, a box of butter and a letter stating the food was from a food program from president trump. Mom kept wondering why we got this box, I mentioned to her I had heard something about the program here. She called one of long time elder friends and he told her that had no program like that so he didn't know. Knowing how all congregations are different in their internal politics, but I wonder if the elders here didn't want people to know they were getting supplemental food from the Government and they were working with the government.

    Since we are not hurting for food, we gave most of it to a young family across the street who has fallen on hard times due to covid.

  4. On 10/14/2020 at 2:58 PM, 4Jah2me said:

    Um idolatry. Worshipping the GB by believing every word they say or write, and by believing they are the F&DS.

    Idolatry.  Worshipping the CCJW organisation by believing and teaching others that one 'has to be a baptised JW to be saved' 

    Idolatry. Believing books and magazines written by the GB and their helpers, instead of believing God's written word.

    Indeed JWs are guilty of idolatry and have been since the Bible Student era. 

    JWs have believed so many lies and false predictions and still do. 

    Don't forget the biggest example....if you leave the governing body, you are leaving Jehovah.

  5. On 10/22/2020 at 11:39 AM, César Chávez said:

    There are certain things that are out of the Watchtower's control" to have made a difference to that ungrateful person. If she needed more assistance, she should have taken it up with her local government or other religious distribution centers, since she was NO LONGER A WITNESS IN GOOD STANDING, or a witness at all

    Reminds me of the parable of the good Samaritan. 2 jw's walk by someone in need expecting the government or other religious to be the good Samaritan.

  6. It is commendable that two or three elders or m.s. are stepping up to volunteer, but they aren't any more special in this aspect. Considering they local congregation may deliver to 15-20 jw only families. Compare that  to some food banks that  deliver food to hundreds of families 52 weeks a year by volunteers to any one regardless of their faith or religion, sometimes in far away places and by volunteers as well, and not just during a pandemic.

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