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Posts posted by Matthew9969

  1. On 9/19/2020 at 9:21 AM, Arauna said:

    Yes, amazon owner is the richest person on earth because he gets the cheapest post office rates in the world!  Tax payers of USA pay for all his shipping.  What is more - he is constantly being  bailed out by the government as an essential service - such as during Corona.

    JWs give an essential spiritual service and in case you have not noticed - shipping is expensive - except when you are Mr beeee zos...and have fascistic links to the government.

    This rant has absolutely nothing to do with the topic, I think it is you who's understanding is challenged..

  2. 5 hours ago, Arauna said:

    Most ex-JWs get on with their lives .....but there are a few that develop problems....because they cannot go on to pursue their own life and desires.  They are the ones who display revenge symptoms or hate-OCD.

    Jeff Bezoz used to be a jw then decided to start a billion dollar corporation because he couldn't get over being a jw? wow, you are so full of information!

  3. I doubt it. One of the aspects of their continuing high control is making sure the elders are visibly present. It's also a way to make sure the rank and file are not dressing like the world. Not sure about other area's, but even with zoom meetings, jw's are still getting all dressed up, which is really weird.

  4. On 9/19/2020 at 9:21 AM, Arauna said:

    Yes, amazon owner is the richest person on earth because he gets the cheapest post office rates in the world!  Tax payers of USA pay for all his shipping.  What is more - he is constantly being  bailed out by the government as an essential service - such as during Corona.

    JWs give an essential spiritual service and in case you have not noticed - shipping is expensive - except when you are Mr beeee zos...and have fascistic links to the government.

    I thought it was because Jeff Bezos had ocd:)

  5. On 9/10/2020 at 7:47 AM, TrueTomHarley said:

    What is this idiocy? It is the most childish view that these louts have—as though anything spiritual should have been known from the getgo.

    When Columbus sailed the oceans blue and discovered America, Queen Isabella said: “And it only took you 1492 years to find it...sheesh”

    When Einstein revealed that E=mc2, the science community said: “And it only took you 6000 years to find it....sheesh.”

    Ludicrous examples. But these immature “Christians” expect it to be just that way with respect to spiritual things—that Santa should deliver all the presents under the tree on Christmas Eve, and he had better not drag his rear end and be tardy with anything. The idea of research is abhorant to them—everything ought be handed them on a platter.

    These yo-yos deserve each other.

    I can tell I touched a sensitive nerve in you since you directly resorted to an insult...classical jw style.

    Non of those people claimed to be prophets in their history, or the current channel of communication between God and man, or the mouthpiece of Jehovah or getting direct information from Jehovah through Jesus. 

    Or do you enjoy worshipping 8 men who are still roaming about in the dark, waiting for new light from Jehovah?

  6. 2 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    Probably more so, in fact, since such exemption is founded on the premise that religious faith makes for more upright people, thus improving overall society and saving the state much policing work. JW’s, though they may not bat 100%, given human imperfection, do fit the bill on this. Most religions consist of members whose conduct is indistinguishable from the overall world.

    This statement is very telling in that you live in a very small world and have never been inside another church. I remember the old saying, 'if everyone in the world was a jehovahs witness, there would be no crime, no war, etc.' On the other hand there would be no charity, millions of people would die every year due to refusing blood transfusions, and there would literally be at least 1 billion child molesters with free reign to do what they want.

  7. On 8/21/2020 at 8:43 AM, César Chávez said:

    No confusion in my part John, However, the use of scripture aligns with what God instructs all his faithful members which the Watchtower is part of. The only confusion I see comes from those that can't separate themselves by combining church and state. A worldly view to be sure.

    Religion has nothing to do with the census, no questions on religion, or even a hint of religious affiliation. 

  8. 23 hours ago, César Chávez said:

    Then you misunderstood Srecko. My points come from the Watchtower and scripture on how due diligence, intellectual spiritual thought, knowledge, and wisdom works in a Christian that obeys and supports Gods rule on earth.

    Once again, the way the question is posted by an opposer, there is no wrong or right answer. Therefore, discernment is a must when dealing with outside opinions. The proof was just made by the poster. He cannot argue a sensible point, rather than resorting back to ad hominem attacks on the BG and the Christian brotherhood.

    Ok so I'll take it that at least as far as your concerned, you cannot think for yourself, you have to go to the watchtower to do your thinking for you.

  9. 17 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

    Um, maybe the census is to see how many people per state to 'cull' using the virus. The government may be assessing the cost of keeping so many people alive.  Having read the 'political' info about China etc, it would not be so unbelievable for America to kill their own people. 

    The census is something the government does every 10 years. Somewhat similar to what the Israelites did in the old testament.

  10. On ‎8‎/‎14‎/‎2020 at 9:39 AM, TrueTomHarley said:

    God is incompetent is what you are saying—his holy spirit incapable of motivating peope to do his will.


    If a person, who has studied and know the many doctrinal changes over the years, the failed predictions, the overlapping generations and legalistic nature of the watcher....all aka, incompetence, also reading that the watchtower is the mouthpiece of Jehovah, the channel of communication between Jehovah and man, etc. That person may seem Jehovah is incompetent  because of the incompetency of the watchtower. 

  11. I have a question about the national census that's going on here in America. It's basically just counting the number of people in each state so the government will know how much funding each state will get based on the amount of people in that state. My jw mom said she isn't going to fill it out because jw's are no part of this nation.

    Is this just a extreme personal view of hers, or do all jw's think this way about this subject, so no jw will be allowed to fill out a census form?

  12. 3 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

    I exercise a lot. I go for two hour walks, and this morning it seems I managed 137 steps per minute, speed walking, although i was only waking for 90 minutes this morning.  I also have a 'chin up bar' in the doorway between my 'office room' and the kitchen. I have a sit up bar which is permanently 'hooked' under the door. I can manage 50 sit ups on a good day, 40 on a bad day. And i have a stepper for exercise if it's raining too hard to walk outside. I love exercise for many reasons, but it makes me hungry, and another enjoyment of mine is eating.  I love fruit of many kinds, and veg. I do think about God and offer thanks for all the wonderful different kinds of food that we have to eat. (Lunch break takes me an hour, I never rush food).  I'm thinking, seriously, of learning Ballet. I was attending dance classes previously at a fabulous Studio, doing Jazz and 'street' dance, and also 'Musical theatre', but my brain wasn't quick enough to fit all the movements together. I'm physically fit enough, but my brain just doesn't seem to coordinate (is that the right word) the movements. I'm hoping Ballet will be slower and easier to learn.  At 70 years old I'm not ready to just sit in my rocking chair and sleep. I am still receiving the 'study editions' of the Watchtower but admit to not reading them often, and my Bible reading has lapsed. I drive a 'very unusual' old car which gives me great pleasure but would get disapproval from the Org, and probably gets disapproval from my neighbours too. (I don't tend to talk to my neighbours as it's not the way my wife and i want to live. We much prefer our own privacy)  I do find that older people are so boring in that they seem to think there is an age limit on everything. The old idea of, 'You can't wear that you are too old'. or, 'You can't drive a car like that at your age'....  My feeling is that Almighty God has a good sense of humour, and that he does not disapprove of so much.  

    moff n stuff 043.JPG

    Ilove it!

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