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Posts posted by Matthew9969

  1. 2 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Related to the beard issue is the issue of tattoos on the body. The Law of Moses forbade the Jews from tattooing. But, JWs do not care about the Mosaic Law to such an extent that its rules would guide them through today's life. JWs today tend to adapt the Bible's permissions and prohibitions to fit their circumstances.
    Although I am not a supporter of tattoos, it will be a new experience to observe how GB will regulate this segment of the free will of its members, when it becomes so current that it captures GB's attention.

    Oh my, how would elders verify if a sister got a tramp stamp :)

  2. 6 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    In his latest  Update, Gb member "clarified" that JW should emulate, follow the example of "political and business world" when it comes to beards. Well, I guess that also applies to women's fashion. lol

    This is the jw mindset.....since women can't grow beards, they are gonna stop shaving their legs and armpits.

  3. Jehovah created man to have pubic hair, oh what a controversy there should arise if a sect/cult should require it's members to shave all pubic hair, but must grow a full beard, even if genetics won't allow them to do so.


  4. On 12/22/2023 at 10:48 PM, Pudgy said:

    huh ?

    Starting a discussion on how Christmas is evil and pagan, how the star was the hit man on Jesus from satan, All the crazy stuff jw's and you dogs of the jws view christmas as a demonic satanic pagan holiday. I predict this discussion going in hundreds of different directions. 

    I just go to this while I'm on work break as I have better things to do in my personal time, when I'm not at work. Guess it's a personal satisfaction when jw's try to classify christmas celebrations as reasons why Jehovah is going to kill them.

    Maybe I should ask the question......why is Jehovah going to kill everyone who partakes in celebrating the birth of salvation? Or more simply, why is Jehovah going to kill everyone who doesnt celebrate the birth of the governing body?

    Jehovah seems to want to kill everyone, isn't there anyone to talk him out of it? Maybe the govering body?

  5. 16 hours ago, George88 said:

    Could it be attributed to a man-made tradition not supported by scripture, or can it be compared to idol worship of a false god? Considering that the word "killing," is being used about God, it raises the question of what other authority man has given himself since the topic was first discussed back in 2017.

    You just called Jesus a idol and false god, thanks for clarifying your belief.

  6. On 12/11/2023 at 7:02 AM, Anna said:

    This is what happens when a thread gets worn out. Everyone starts mucking about, with no more meaningful contributions to add. It's a sign.

    Tacos anyone?

    Oy you just opened up another pandora's box, there are way too many variations of taco's in the world, now there's gonna be a pissing contest on what  is a taco, which is the best taco, and does fish really belong in a taco....😜

  7. On 11/1/2023 at 1:21 PM, Pudgy said:

    Fresh carrion: This is the initial stage of decomposition, where the body is newly deceased, and minimal decay has occurred. The flesh may still appear relatively intact

    At this point its best to turn it into carrion luggage.

  8. On 10/26/2023 at 9:11 AM, George88 said:

    Slaughterhouses nowadays have a significant capacity, making it unnecessary to have a rabbi present to ensure the meat is kosher. That's part of their process as well, to pray over the meats. However, this also means that an equal amount of cow blood is left in both kosher and non-kosher meat, as well as in any meat containing blood. Given this, one might consider whether we should all become vegetarians, including those of Jewish faith. Your assessment is indeed accurate, as it is impossible to completely drain meat of blood. Therefore, an individual with a moral conscience can make an informed decision about consuming meat that may contain traces of blood, which aligns with your previously mentioned point. How else can we apply your view?

    When I went to Israel last year, all their meat is kosher and man can you tell the difference in quality and taste. Even the double big mac I got from McDonalds taste better than here in the states.

  9. On 10/10/2023 at 9:05 PM, Pudgy said:

    I remember with great fondness what used to be called the midweek bookstudy, which to me was always the “Tuesday Night BookStudy” because it was always on Tuesday for us, where small groups would meet in someone’s home, and study one of the society’s publications, always a book.

    This was a custom for many years, and it evolved into the bookstudy with association afterwards, which means the meeting took about an hour and a half, instead of one hour, and we would associate with each other and chat before going home, and one night of the month was called “Goodie Night” when we would bring cakes or pies or muffins and associate while eating the goodies, after the official bookstudy ended.

    Very pleasant. Educational too. A half century later I have a very clear mental image about the fall of Babylon, and the wise verses foolish virgins and the sources of Truth ….

    I don’t know anybody who ever objected to it for any reason and can’t even think of a reason why it was not continued.

    So then one day the Governing Body, and I didn’t even know we had a Governing Body back then, decided to discontinue the “Tuesday Night Book Study“., And it was consigned to the ash bin of history.

    The reason they gave, officially, is that gas prices had gotten so high, this would save money on driving to the book study. The letter was read at the Kingdom Hall.

    …. and it was consigned to the ash bin of history. 

    Even as a young man I did not believe this from the instant I heard it.

    …. It just made no sense at all.

    To cancel the book study for that reason made no sense at all.

    Did I mention that it made no sense at all?

    I have always wondered in the decades that followed,  what the real reason was.

    Does anybody have any idea what the real reason was?


    I remember those. We hosted for a while until my parents let my older disfellowshipped brother visited from Chicago for vacation.

    I believe they stopped them after coming out with an article chastising the rank and file for meeting in unsanctioned bible study groups. But I may be wrong.

  10. 20 hours ago, Pudgy said:

    A statement like that needs a reasonable and rational explanation with backup, or it can be reasonably and rationally ignored.

    You know, the names of the days of the week and months being named after pagan gods. It reminded me of a time I heard the watchtower attempted to make their own calendar.

  11. 6 hours ago, Errikos Tsiamis said:

    Rationalizing a belief can be beneficial, similar to how Jesus rationalized the actions of the Pharisees as not aligned with God's teachings. I believe the term for that is referred to as a "reinterpretation." or "revision." I suppose that's something that former members fail to understand when they make baseless arguments.

    Kinda like when Betty Crocker revised the brownie into a fudge-like brownie, which was nothing but a undercooked brownie.

  12. When a box of corn flakes is made, not one single corn flake resembles another. Just like  when it snows not one single snowflake resembles another. And on top of that when a dog takes a dump, it'S still the same shite, but just in a differnet thread.


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