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Posts posted by Matthew9969

  1. 2 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

    I used to do the ministry work with an elder some times, and we would go out into the countryside to witness to 'country folk'.  He would look at the nice thatched cottages with lovely gardens and he would say ' One day one of these could be yours'. He meant after Armageddon. There seem to be quite a lot of JW folk that think you won't need to 'build' for a while because there will be enough useable property for those that God through Christ has shown mercy to. I don't think God or Christ are destructive for the sake of it. It wouldbe easy enough for them to remove humans without even damaging one building. The pain and horror for those not found worthy could easily be just being shown what they could have had. Just a quick glimpse of paradise, before they are destroyed. And why destroy everything that is pretty or useful just to destroy that which isn't. 

    I remember those times going door to door in affluent neighborhoods and having to listen to the sisters pick out which houses they would move into after Armageddon, it was very disturbing  to say the least.

    19 hours ago, Arauna said:

    You speak as though resurrected people will be cattle to be categorised.  

    When all people live to glorify and praise jehovah by means of living together in harmony and love and showing godly qualities - this is our purpose. 


    You guys currently have a hierarchy and are categorized, you inserted the word cattle, not me.

    22 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    Dirge leader for Matthew457845 no longer being around

    You'd bring paganism and sorcery into the new system, wow that's bold!


    12 hours ago, the Sower of Seed said:

    If it is a farm based paradise: Training Horses

    If it is a modern paradise: building gravity manipulating devices. 

    As for bury dead bodies;

    Does Proverbs 2:22 and Mtt 13:42 suggest angels ripping the wicked from the earth and pitching them into the sun?

    Proverbs…..nope, not a prophetical book, Matthew....could be extrapolated but after they are thrown into the fire, they are still alive, so they are in hell.

  2. What jobs do you jw's want in the new system?

    Gathering up all the dead bodies and burning them?

    Cleaning up all the destroyed buildings and rebuilding?

    Welcoming and categorizing the hundreds of billions of people that have been resurrected?


    So what is your dream job in the new system of things?

  3. 5 hours ago, the Sower of Seed said:


    You still cannot see the Heavens. JEHOVAH sets as the Almighty, Greater than all the stars of the universe joined as one

    Jesus is as our sun.

    There is one Divine Family, Jehovah the Father and countless sons, Jesus is the firstborn among millions of sons.

    You are commanded to Worship the One Almighty God at Exodus 20:3 You must not have any other gods besides me. THIS MEANS DO NOT WORSHIP JESUS OR ANYONE ELSE!

    You Hail Christ as a god in opposition to Jehovah

    5 You must not bow down to them nor be enticed to serve them, for I, Jehovah your God, am a God who requires exclusive devotion, bringing punishment for the error of fathers upon sons, upon the third generation and upon the fourth generation of those who hate me, 

    You have disobeyed the First Commandment and Exhort others to follow you as a False Worshiper

    You twist the scriptures and complain about the organization doing God's Expressed Will.

    The Eternal Torment will come as a Hailstone, then it will be too late to open your eyes and repent. The Revealed Truth will Torment You, you will not be able to justify it, you will not be able to escape it, though you try, you will not be able to hide from it, Torment will consume the False Worshipers until their end! 

    So Jesus is a JW also, so you expect he needs to go through  the watchtower for salvation, and worship the g.b.as he would worship Jehovah?

  4. On 12/24/2019 at 7:10 AM, TrueTomHarley said:

    Grizzly bears falling from the sky—what are you, nuts?

    Destruction of “the wicked” on the Lord’s Day/Day of Judgment is a persistent theme of the Bible. I believe you still pass yourself off as religious. How do you deal with such verses? Do you sweep them under the rug as something embarrassing?

    I thought you said you were a writer...not grizzly bears falling from the sky, grizzly bears eating Russians as part of Gods judgement on the non baptized Russian publishers.

    The coming judgement is very real, but it is quite embarrassing for you guys is your dangerous teaching that God is going to kill everyone who is not a baptized publisher

  5. 10 hours ago, Matthew9969 said:

    Another myth I heard about Christmas was slicing the vein of your jw spouse and drinking their blood while sacrificing her unborn child to tammuz. Merry Christmas jw's. Who ever wrote little drummer boy is for sure gonna die by Jehovah's judgment.

    Yep quite ridiculous for sure, just like the jw's belief in all these other Christmas pagan gods actually exist and are more powerful than the real Almighty God.

  6. Another myth I heard about Christmas was slicing the vein of your jw spouse and drinking their blood while sacrificing her unborn child to tammuz. Merry Christmas jw's. Who ever wrote little drummer boy is for sure gonna die by Jehovah's judgment.

  7. 27 minutes ago, 4Jah2me said:

    Mr Harley is a story teller, sorry, writer. So it is the nature of the beast to use a thousand words to say, well basically, nothing.  He seems a bit hurt here. A bit angry, but still says, basically nothing. There is nothing to answer, he is just having a writer's rant. 

    Mr Harley says " As already stated, if he was so obsessed about leaving a positive note on the end, he would not have supplied his negative note at the beginning. " 

    Oh dear, well in my opinion the information wasn't negative to start with. It was just truth about a situation. As he had lived through that actual situation then i presume he has the correct details. However, to JWs such as Mr Harley the information was negative, as I would have expect from Mr Harley.  So i said that he had put a positive ending to it to please other JWs now and to give them hope that these things might not happen in the future.

    People such as Mr Harley, i would think, would rather keep that sort of information hidden forever. Hence Mr Harley tries to bring the focus around by criticising me, to keep the focus from that important information. Nice try Mr Harley, but fail.  


    I often wonder if Mr. Hartley is sharing a cubicle with the jw space merchant.

  8. I'm a big fan of Star Wars, all episodes, (almost anything sci-fi basically). I am curious if some jw's will not see Star Wars because they consider the Force aspect of it to spiritism. Like when they were not allowed to watch or read the books Harry Potter because of wizardry, or not allowed to read the books or watch Twilight because of demonism aka vampires, or not allowed to watch the smurfs because they thought they were demons.

    And while on the subject....if your conscience didn't bother you to watch Star Wars, what is your favorite SW movie, favorite character, most hated character...etc.

  9. 4 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

    So efforts by the GB and it's Org.

    In Australia it seems they handed over the documents / database of those accused of Child Sexual Abuse. The results are known earth wide via the internet. Their documentation seems to have gone back 50 years or more. 

    In the UK they refused to hand over the information until it went to court then it seems London HQ did hand over the documents / database. The Charity Commission carried out it's investigation and found problems, but the IICSA will be carrying out a further investigation.  There was talk by the Charity Commission of stopping the charitable status of JW Org I think. 

    In the USA it seems they, the GB and their lawyers, are still refusing to hand over the 20 + year data base containing the names of suspected paedophiles.. Victims are still having to go through court battles to try to get justice but the GB and their lawyers are not helping in any way.  It seems strange to me that in Australia they had information going back over 50 years, but in USA it only goes back around 20 years. I can't believe this is correct but i haven't yet dug deeper..

    In Canada similar problems. In the Netherlands too. 

    Even in Spain in October 2018 Abusos JW sent a letter to their Minister of the Interior to asked them to investigate the JW Org for CSA. 

    That info is just to show you @Arauna that hundreds of people have been victims of Child Sexual Abuse within the JW Org. The Org has always pretended to be family friendly and to be a SAFE hiding place from the 'storm' of the outside world. BUT the GB / Org has known for many many years that they have paedophile problems within. However it has been kept secret. The Elders have not been allowed to tell the congregations as a whole, that there is a paedophile in the congregation, and Elders have not been allowed to name the paedophile. So in short, it was kept secret. 

    Constructive criticism :-  The GB should recognise that they are not 'fit for purpose' and should step down. The true Anointed should be allowed to run the JW Org. If the GB stepped down then God may, by His Holy Spirit, guide the true Anointed to run the JW Org properly. NO, I don't know exactly how it would take place, but then i don't know how God opened up the Red Sea either.....  All information about suspected paedophiles should be handed over to the police / authorities in all countries. All victims should be paid a small amount. I don't think anyone should be paid 'millions' but i do think the Watchtower / JW Org is rich enough to survive paying out to those genuine victims of abuse... A new 'rule book' needs to be written which should be available to all congregants not just to Elders....  It would of course take humility for the GB to step down but that humility might just give God the signal he is waiting for, so that He can lovingly give His Holy Spirit to those that really deserve it. Of course it might need more that just the GB to step down, it might need the writing department to change as well............ 

    It is either that or God will need to form a new organisation using the true Anointed. But even that would be constructive in God's eyes.  JWs should stop thinking about what they want and should think about what is righteous in God's eyes.

    A board of directors comprising of 144,000 would be interesting to see.

  10. Oh my, pagans eat turkey!!!! that is ground breaking news, I better start checking labels to make sure there are no turkey by products in the food.

    Gee's, you guys think these pagan gods are real, your wako wako wako.

    I'll stand by my statement that jw's and pretending jw's commit blasphemy when they claim Christians are worshipping other gods when in actuality they are worshiping the most high God and the Holy Spirit is working within and around those Christians lives.


  11. I was just kidd8ng about thor, I know he doesn't really exist. So when Christians get together for Thanksgiving and pray to Yaweh, you jw's are calling Yaweh a pagan god....this is blasphemy of the highest sort.

  12. 3 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    What does that even mean?

    Jw's boast about how they were the most liked in concentration camps, they also supported the Hitler war against the Jews, and they believe it was a satanic/demonic act for a military to stop Hitler. So given the context, the JW's wish that Hitler would have never been defeated, actually feel sorrow that he didn't succeed. 

    TTH, dude, if you hate Trump so much, then get off your jw ass and vote against him. But wait you can't vote against him because you are not allowed to vote. So grow some balls, meaning be a man, and vote against Trump or shut up.


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