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Everything posted by Matthew9969

  1. I can't wait to see picks of starving children being fed by the witnesses.
  2. But God will burn the whole planet.
  3. Biblical marriage arrangement is a good term to use, otherwise people will start marrying their couches.
  4. What did Jesus look like when he came back in 1918 since the governing body were the only ones to see him?
  5. King David would be right at home, Jesus would be disfellowshipped.
  6. I am proud to be labeled as an apostate to the jw religion. But an apostate to God never will I be. Jw's have their own dictionary, so their definition of mentally diseased is different from societies.
  7. I don't understand that language, but if I get the just.... at least they are still alive. A lot of men and women are killed in other countries for converting to Christianity. I wonder why we don't hear of jw's being martyred for their belief?
  8. Are they doing this for a visiting gb member?
  9. Are you saying that is proof that all religions support gay marriage?
  10. https://www.bing.com/search?q=Jehovahs+witness+murders&form=EDGNB2&mkt=en-us&httpsmsn=1&plvar=0&refig=1e8e8c9126c84dc49fa734639ddb1805&sp=-1&pq=jehovahs+witness+murder&sc=8-23&qs=n&sk=&cvid=1e8e8c9126c84dc49fa734639ddb1805
  11. What some see as hate from former jw's is only defending other religions and Christians from the lies and falsehoods spread by the jw's. Jw's only call it hate because they are convicted and feel guilty, and who likes to feel guilty.
  12. If I was still in I would ask them to bring back the hoagies and pudding cups.
  13. I didn't say he has gone away, now back on topic please.
  14. See there you go, perfect example of spreading false witness against the leaders of my church. We do not believe in gay rights being acceptable to God, myself nor any Christian I have ever known thinks killing is acceptable, (we can find plenty of stories of Jehovahs witnesses killing others though). Now I request you apologize for lying about me and my church, and millions of other Christians.
  15. It's amazing you say this, this has been a tactic the watchtower has used since it's inception.
  16. Jesus didn't need to depend on constantly changing light, new light, or changed his mind in mid-sermon.
  17. I hope they were able to properly bleed out the cows before they turned them into hamburgers.
  18. If Jehovah did have one true organization, He wouldn't be giving them false information.
  19. Yes your organization would shine a little more if it wouldn't limit charity work to natural disasters.
  20. I should probably clarify What Chick-fil-A and Hobby Lobby is, since we have friends that may not know of them. Chick-fil-A is a restaurant chain that is owned by Christians, and they have a very strong Christian centered business practice. Not only is their chicken out of this world good, but they have amazing customer service, play Christian music over their speakers, and are closed on Sundays to allow their employees church and family time. The COO of the company drew fire over her statements that she and the b.o.d. do not support gay marriage. the lbgtq community tried to shut them down because of the public pronouncement of belief, which totally backfired on them. Hobby Lobby...this will explain it better than me...https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2014/03/24/heres-what-you-need-to-know-about-the-hobby-lobby-case/?noredirect=on
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