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Posts posted by Matthew9969

  1. 6 hours ago, Arauna said:

    Yes- you are judging historical sayings it by modern standards and expect perfection. 

    All I know is there is no other religion teaching the name of Jehovah all over the earth.

    Other Christian denominations believe in the immortality of the soul and believe that Jesus did not put his soul in death (Isaiah 53) . Hence they really do not believe that Jesus really died for all......and only after death  Jesus received immortality as a reward for his faithfulness to his father.

    They do not understand that the kingdom will be a real government which will restore the earth......and we should be politically neutral. Most Christian's are quick to vote and grab their guns.... There are tons of other basic teachings which only JWs teach which are crucial to have a good understanding of what God and jesus did for us, so we can build a good relationship with God.  Thanks to the continued preaching efforts of JWs, I learnt the TRUTH.

    Whatever the human flaws of our brothers 80 years ago or even 100 years ago, I always remember that Jehovah used Israel in his purpose and they were for sure also a bunch of imperfect men....... why ..... groups of men constantly thought they were better than Moses - and paid the penalty...... similar to what you are constantly doing.  

    Moses did not realize that his son should have been circumcised - his wife saved the son's life.  Moses did not know all even though he was the mediator of the new covenant and went into the mountain.  He came back with his face shining, saw the glory of Jehovah as transmitted by angels.  He was also flawed and made mistakes...... 

    You only focus on the mistakes and not the undeniable  truths that are taught by JWs. You use the bible and history as a misleading weapon.  I have seen your writings...... you do not fool me.  Nothing honest there but an accuser of our brothers day and night.   



    If that is all you know, then you know very little.

  2. On ‎9‎/‎28‎/‎2019 at 11:28 AM, TrueTomHarley said:

    What it proves is that when it is clear they have erred, interpreting scripture incorrectly, they admit it in print and move on—the very opposite of the line you and Witness are peddling that they hide their mistakes at all costs.

    The only one who says that it is impermissible for humans to err is you. They have never taken that position.

    Where do they say they erred?

  3. 17 hours ago, divergenceKO said:

    Can you say that about all Christians? If you read correctly, that is what I meant. It's good your church doesn't believe in Gay Rights? How about those Christian Churches that do? How about those Christian Churches that have Gay Priest?

    If you find plenty of stories about Jehovah Witnesses killing others in the name of God, just like the majority of Christians that defend their lands through patronage, possibly including your own church, please provide the evidence. I request you apologize for being a false prophet and naive.


  4. What some see as hate from former jw's is only defending other religions and Christians from the lies and falsehoods spread by the jw's.  Jw's only call it hate because they are convicted and feel guilty, and who likes to feel guilty.

  5. 21 hours ago, divergenceKO said:

    When has the Org accepted the killing of another is justified under God’s law? When has the Org mentioned to your belief, Gay rights is acceptable to God, Etc.


    Please provide such tactics of the Org?


    The inception of the Zion Watchtower was to expose false teachings. Were the Bible Students the only ones seeking the truth? History will disagree with such speculation.

    See there you go, perfect example of spreading false witness against the leaders of my church. We do not believe in gay rights being acceptable to God, myself nor any Christian I have ever known thinks killing is acceptable, (we can find plenty of stories of Jehovahs witnesses killing others though). Now I request you apologize for lying about me and my church, and millions of other Christians.


  6. On 9/28/2019 at 10:00 PM, salomon said:

    Believing false information can have serious consequences. This is what happened in Moses' day, when 10 of the 12 spies who had explored the Promised Land made a negative and exaggerated report ( Numbers 13: 25-33 ). The Israelites believed him and were utterly discouraged ( Numbers 14: 1-4 ). They may have said that, since most spies said the same thing, it must be true. They did not want to listen to the positive report presented by Joshua and Caleb, trustworthy men ( Numbers 14: 6-10 ). Instead of looking for facts and having faith in Jehovah, they chose to believe the negative report. What a stupid reaction!

    A soldier who is not loyal to his leader will not be a good soldier. That's why enemies use propaganda to destroy the trust that exists between soldiers and their commander. They will say for example: "You can not trust your leaders! Or: "Do not let them lead you to disaster! To add weight to their assertions, they may be skillfully exploiting the mistakes these leaders might make. That's what  Satan does. He never gives up trying to destroy your trust in those Jehovah uses to lead his people.La Tour de Garde (édition d'étude)  |  Juillet 2017

    It's amazing you say this, this has been a tactic the watchtower has used since it's inception.

  7. On 9/28/2019 at 9:51 PM, salomon said:

                                                     Lies and slander
    "Woe to those who say that good is bad and evil is good, to those who put darkness for light and light for darkness, those who bitterly bitter and sweet
    to bitter, woe to those who are wise in their own eyes, and wise in their sight! "
    The Bible Isaiah 5: 20-21 TMN

    The distortion of facts

    All facts are distorted and manipulated, as follows:

    A Christian Jehovah's Witness exercises the profession of maternal guard: it is "the sect" which intervenes in the educational field to enlist the children.

    A Jehovah's Witness works in the public administration, it is "the sect" that infiltrates the state or the medical field.

     The Witnesses provide their voluntary help during disasters (for example floods in the south of France), "the sect" makes of "the recovery of victims in situation of distress".

    Witnesses teach their neighbors the Bible, they engage in "mental manipulation" and use "indoctrination methods". Yet they do nothing more than follow in the footsteps of Jesus who "walked from town to town and from village to village, preaching and announcing the good news of the kingdom of God, and the twelve were with him" (Acts 5:42 ) TMN

    Whatever the Witnesses do, there must be bad motives behind their action. Did not we proceed in the same way with Jesus?  

    What the Bible says :

    Woe to those who say that good is evil and evil is good, to those who put darkness for light and light for darkness, to those who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter ! Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes and wise before their face! (Isaiah 5: 20-21) TMN

    The presumptuous ones smeared me with lies. As for me, with all my heart I will observe your orders. (Psalm 119: 69) TMN


    Sources of information

    most of the time second-hand information, erroneous, misunderstood, freely interpreted.

    watch_tower.jpgIt is common for opponents to use statements by Russel (1870-1914) or Rutherford (1920-1940) and refer to 1910 or 1920 publications, "forgetting" subsequent updates or rectifications.

    As if the understanding of the scriptures had frozen at these times.

    It escapes them (?) As modern Jehovah's Witnesses refine their understanding of the scriptures over time. They have, without difficulty, recognized past mistakes.

    What the Bible says :

    "The light has come to the righteous, and the gladness to those who have the right heart." (Ps. 97:11) TMN

    "The path of the righteous is like the light of dawn, the brightness of which increases until daylight." But "the path of the wicked is like darkness: they do not know what they will stumble upon". (Prov 4:18, 19) Osty Bible.

    "And as for you, O Daniel, make these words secret and seal the book until the time of [the] end. Many will roam here and there, and [true] knowledge will become abundant. "(Daniel 12: 4) TMN


    The sifting of every word or phrase in Jehovah's Witnesses' writings

    The exercise consists of finding a sentence or an affirmation, taking it out of context and demonstrating: since there is one or more errors, it is that everything is wrong!

    Unmatched as argument. As if the Witnesses had to be perfect and infallible!

    But do they have the same look towards all? Opponents are careful not to apply the method to themselves.

    As Jesus said, "For it is with the judgment that you judge that you will be judged, and it is with the measure you measure that we will measure for you." Why do you look at the straw that is in your brother's eye, but do not you consider the beam in your eye? " (Matthew 7: 2-3) TMN

    Recall that the pope is supposed to be "infallible".

    This does not prevent him from being part of the Hitherian youth and lacking courage in his statements.

    During his quick visit to Auschwitz on May 31, 2006 Benedict XVI deplored the absence of God in this place. It would have been better to regret the silence of the leaders of the church and to condemn it.

    Let us note that the abominable acts committed by the "official" religions (inquisition - with its terrible tortures, crusades - with their massacres, ...) are without measure with the grievances which are made today to the Jehovah's Witnesses.

    This does not prevent these religions - and our opponents - from playing the great moralizers and despising certain "sects".

    Jesus didn't need to depend on constantly changing light, new light, or changed his mind in mid-sermon.

  8. I should probably clarify What Chick-fil-A and Hobby Lobby is, since we have friends that may not know of them. Chick-fil-A is a restaurant chain that is owned by Christians, and they have a very strong Christian centered business practice. Not only is their chicken out of this world good, but they have amazing customer service, play Christian music over their speakers, and are closed on Sundays to allow their employees church and family time. The COO of the company drew fire over her statements that she and the b.o.d. do not support gay marriage. the lbgtq community tried to shut them down because of the public pronouncement of belief, which totally backfired on them.

    Hobby Lobby...this will explain it better than me...https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2014/03/24/heres-what-you-need-to-know-about-the-hobby-lobby-case/?noredirect=on


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