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Everything posted by Matthew9969

  1. Could you imagine how much charity you could provide with 27 million dollars. A 27 million dollar kingdom hall is outrageous.
  2. Bor8ng topical teachings reminiscent of a mega church sermon.
  3. Breaking news, the UN decided to make their international colors grey, grey white and white...but are awaiting on conspiracy theories to confirm their colors. In the meantime, storks in the netherlands are laying eggs with suspicoius markings on them, leading to theories that ancient birds were able to communicate with modern Liberian's via strange markings on pagan easter eggs.
  4. Sounds like you might need to start conversing with a cat. 'what ever'.
  5. Club fed for the governing body or pre-planning a hospice home for future governing body members?
  6. We're not friends, that's ok. This reminds of a service call I had a few years ago, the kind woman answered the door with her dog next to her barking, growling with saliva flowing like niagra falls, teeth fully bared and ready to tear into me. The nice lady says' 'he's ok, just a bit protective'. I tell her she needs to put her dog outside so I can do my trouble shooting and she says' 'well he's never bitten anyone before'. I tell her, still I can tell he wants to protect so please put him outside. She closes the door and I can hear her trying to get him outside then all of the sudden she starts screaming, cussing and doors slamming and she comes back with a bloodied mangled hand...he bit her and she ended up needing a finger stitched back on and several stitches...from the dog biting her.
  7. I love my friend Pudgy, but the search for Tony and it's results, etc...IMO the guy suffers from ptsd and being forced to be a narcissist and I believe he was sharing his personal outlook....so he was given the corporate golden parachute. My mother is a 65 year dedicated jw, and even her jw friends are telling her it's time to just accept things the way they are. I say lets let Tony just live out the rest of his senior life. And quit being distracted from the cult/religion's real problems...which if you think about it the watchtower like the government will find ways to deflect from the real shit thats going on. Including using trolls and spammers on this topic thread.
  8. Pudgy is of course going to put me on equal footing with God, I can give him treats which with my dogs I am God since I feed them and show them affection and I am their sustainer of life. I remember the days when the Hoover vacume was all the rage....it would suck and suck and suck and suck, until the belt broke and it wouldn't suck any more until you sunk more money into it buying another over priced belt, then it would suck again and again and again, better then any other vacuum on the market. Are you a Hoover vacuum salesman trying to suck every one into believing the governing body is the dust bag that holds all sucked up particles in place?
  9. You might want to research the studies that show jw's suffer more mental illness as a group than any other religion.
  10. Any option is more sane than the jw thought process option.
  11. Now I realize what talking to an A.I. bot reminds me of...talking to a jehovahs witness.
  12. You are seriously naive, you must be a born in jw and never had any social contact or experiences with other religions. There is no weekly program aimed at children at kingdom halls, every service is written for adults only. Sure they have a few video's of Sophia and Caleb but those are far and few in-between. JW children do not recieve religious education on their level, they just don't. They have to sit through talks about how anal sex or oral sex is frowned upon, which no 5 year old should have to listen to from some elder....On the opposite side, other churches had special discussion groups with men as leaders and kids having real discussion on life issue's being a teen ager. And those groups don't refuse any child, they welcome any child whether they believe or not. I currently have a young man who is from a troubled home, didn't know his bible, and now finds the scripture of the day before anyone else. Lastly the majority of child rape by JW elders and MS and family the children were groomed for rape via jw weekly education. Erriokos you just might be one of those child molesters. Or your involved with child trafficking using the jw's cover.
  13. This has got to be the most weird and confusing response/deflection a jw has ever given in the past 28 years of my evangelism with the jw's. Errikos...what country are you from? Different countries have different ways of communication, (its a fabulous side study the difference in communication between cultures when I went to Israel last year)
  14. Ummmm, read the title of this thread again, try it without the prosecution lenses on.
  15. Hate to burst your bubble, now it's Black White, overlapping stories, gotta keep up with different generations.
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