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Posts posted by Matthew9969

  1. On 9/4/2023 at 1:04 PM, Fausto Hoover said:

    That's why atheism will never prevail in the realm of the virtuous. Not only are they a danger to themselves in the eyes of God, but they also subject others to the burden of listening to their nonsensical rhetoric.
    Scripture echoes the conclusion that Christians should abstain from associating with such individuals. The seeker of identity will find an excellent point in this discussion. That person now possesses knowledge of the identity by the above commentator.


    I have come to believe that most jw's are closet atheist, the religion creates soooooo many of them.

  2. On 8/17/2023 at 10:35 PM, Pudgy said:

    Good points, Matthew9969, but   although we have some coincident awarenesses, you are not my friend.

    I saw a cartoon where there was a chapel at a funeral home, and the casket was up front. On the pews were three scattered mourners. At the back the Funeral Director whispered to his assistant “I don’t understand it … on Facebook he had over 400 “friends”.

    We're not friends, that's ok. This reminds of a service call I had a few years ago, the kind woman answered the door with her dog next to her barking, growling with saliva flowing like niagra falls, teeth fully bared and ready to tear into me. The nice lady says' 'he's ok, just a bit protective'. I tell her she needs to put her dog outside so I can do my trouble shooting and she says' 'well he's never bitten anyone before'. I tell her, still I can tell he wants to protect so please put him outside. She closes the door and I can hear her trying to get him outside then all of the sudden she starts screaming, cussing and doors slamming and she comes back with a bloodied mangled hand...he bit her and she ended up needing a finger stitched back on and several stitches...from the dog biting her.

  3. I love my friend Pudgy, but the search for Tony and it's results, etc...IMO the guy suffers from ptsd and being forced to be a narcissist and I believe he was sharing his personal outlook....so he was given the corporate golden parachute. My mother is a 65 year dedicated jw, and even her jw friends are telling her it's time to just accept things the way they are.

    I say lets let Tony just live out the rest of his senior life. And quit being distracted from the cult/religion's real  problems...which if you think about it the watchtower like the government will find ways to deflect from the real shit thats going on. Including using  trolls and spammers on this topic thread.

  4. On 8/15/2023 at 1:19 PM, Fausto Hoover said:

    It appears that there is no one stopping the commentator from sharing other statistics as well. This argument appears to defy common sense.

    Former members do not have to be disfellowshipped in order to provide support to other former members. The fact that it does, puts them on equal footing in the eyes of God.

    Pudgy is of course going to put me on equal footing with God, I can give him treats which with my dogs I am God since I feed them and show them affection and I am their sustainer of life. 

    I remember the days when the Hoover vacume was all the rage....it would suck and suck and suck and suck, until the belt broke and it wouldn't suck any more until you sunk more money into it buying another over priced belt, then it would suck again and again and again, better then any other vacuum on the market.

    Are you a Hoover vacuum salesman trying to suck every one into believing the governing body is the dust bag that holds all sucked up particles in place?

  5. 5 hours ago, Fausto Hoover said:

    Indeed, Matthew 24:34 states, "Truly I tell you, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened." This verse has been interpreted in various ways, leading to different understandings among theological scholars. One interpretation suggests that "generation" refers to the people living during the time of Jesus' ministry. According to this view, Jesus' prophecies of the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem and other events were fulfilled within the lifetime of those who heard His words.On the other hand, some argue that "generation" could represent a longer period, such as an age or era. 

    They propose that Jesus was referring to a generation of believers or a specific group of people who would witness the fulfillment of the prophecies in the future. This interpretation aligns with the idea that biblical prophecies can have multiple fulfillment over time. When examining the Old Testament, we find similar references to generations and the fulfillment of prophecies. Various prophecies in books like Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel are addressed to specific generations. These prophecies often focus on the political, social, and spiritual circumstances of their time but can also have broader implications for future generations.

    In conclusion, the interpretation of "generation" in Matthew 24:34 can be understood in different ways. While some argue for a contemporary fulfillment of the prophecies, others see it as an indication that they will be fulfilled within a designated group or in the broader course of history. The study of the Old Testament provides additional insight into the use of "generation" in biblical contexts. Ultimately, it is essential for individuals to engage in thoughtful study and seek guidance from theologians to develop their own understanding of these concepts.

    Here are the precise thoughts that I have put into writing. I am convinced that the commentator has already received and dismissed the submitted illustrations. I see no need to persuade a closed-minded individual.

    JW theologians...please provide their names and credentials.

  6. 4 hours ago, Fausto Hoover said:

    It seems that the commentator is narrow-minded, as they solely concentrate on one particular religion and overlook the significance of Babylon the Great, which they themselves are a part of. Instead of manipulating the comments to support the arguments of the commentators, why not publish all the RNZ claims made by other religions that they focus on? This clearly demonstrates the lack of sound judgment among former members and those who still support them despite being disfellowshipped.

    I was never disfellowshipped.

  7. 22 hours ago, Fausto Hoover said:

    On the contrary, the most rational choice is to opt for the JW option. The state of mind of former members should not be taken into consideration.

    You might want to research the studies that show jw's suffer more mental illness as a group than any other religion.

  8. On 8/5/2023 at 2:31 PM, Errikos Tsiamis said:

    It truly is unfortunate that an individual has to be defined by their multiple personalities. Especially when there is a lack of appealing options.

    Any option is more sane than the jw thought process option.

  9. 18 hours ago, Pudgy said:

    It is useless for a normal rational person to have a text conversation with you, because it is quite obvious you have no reading comprehension skills.

    You have no idea what I’m talking about. You’re thinking is completely driven by a single minded agenda and is impervious.

    Apparently explaining the basis of humor is useless on a totally humorous person who cannot mentally connect the dots.

    Now I realize what talking to an A.I. bot reminds me of...talking to a jehovahs witness.

  10. On 7/26/2023 at 2:00 PM, Errikos Tsiamis said:

    Life returning to normal is a topic that has captivated the minds of people worldwide as we navigate the aftermath of a global pandemic. While the idea of normalcy may seem both desirable and elusive, it is essential to acknowledge that the concept of normal is highly subjective and can vary significantly from person to person.

    In the context of the transformative power of the Bible in a world recovering from the pandemic, it is important to recognize that religious beliefs and practices are deeply personal and can provide individuals with solace, guidance, and hope during challenging times. For many, scripture offers comfort, moral guidance, and a sense of purpose. 

    However, it is equally important to respect the diversity of beliefs and worldviews that exist in our society, including those who identify as non-believers. To address the claim that the number of non-believers surpasses the number of believers threefold, it is crucial to note that religious demographics can vary widely depending on the region and cultural context. While it is true that religious affiliation and participation rates have been declining in certain parts of the world, it is important to approach this topic with nuance and avoid generalizations.

    Talk like that could get a jw disfellowsipped.


  11. On 7/26/2023 at 7:39 PM, Errikos Tsiamis said:

    There are individuals who only pay attention to the sound of their own voice and completely disregard others. The confusion about the true meaning of genuine worship possibly stems from the absence of a sincere belief in true faith. Consequently, former witnesses are unable to maintain truthful communication. That could very well be the current experience. 

    It is quite unsettling to read comments from posters who do not clearly state the purpose of their remarks.

    VBS (Vacation Bible School) and summer camps are both popular activities for children and adolescents during the summer break, but there are a few key differences:

    1. Purpose: VBS is primarily focused on religious education and spiritual development. It typically takes place in a church or religious institution and aims to teach children about faith, Bible stories, and values. On the other hand, summer camps have a broader purpose of providing recreational and educational experiences. They offer a wide range of activities like sports, arts and crafts, outdoor adventures, and skill-building.

    2. Duration: VBS programs are usually shorter, often lasting for a week or less. Conversely, summer camps have longer durations, ranging from a few days to several weeks. This allows participants to engage in ongoing activities and fully immerse themselves in the camp experience.

    3. Structure: VBS often follows a structured curriculum based on religious teachings, using lessons, songs, crafts, and games to reinforce the theme. Summer camps, while they may have a loose schedule, tend to offer more flexibility and variety. Participants can choose from a range of activities based on their interests and preferences.

    4. Target audience: VBS is typically aimed at children within a specific religious community. It is geared towards individuals who want to deepen their understanding of their faith or want to become more involved in their religious community. Summer camps, on the other hand, cater to a broader audience and often welcome participants from different backgrounds and beliefs. It's important to note that both VBS and summer camps can provide valuable experiences for children and adolescents. The choice between the two may depend on individual preferences, religious affiliations, and desired outcomes.

    I believe it is commendable that JW children receive weekly religious education, eliminating the need to separate them for an extended period of time solely for the purpose of teaching them what could be easily taught at home.

    You are seriously naive, you must be a born in jw and never had any social contact or experiences with other religions. There is no weekly program aimed at children at kingdom halls, every service is written for adults only. Sure they have a few video's of Sophia and Caleb but those are far and few in-between. JW children do not recieve religious education on their level, they just don't. They have to sit through talks about how anal sex or oral sex is frowned upon, which no 5 year old should have to listen to from some elder....On the opposite side, other churches had special discussion groups with men as leaders and kids having real discussion on life issue's being a teen ager.  And those groups don't refuse any child, they welcome any child whether they believe or not. I currently have a young man who is from a troubled home, didn't know his bible, and now finds the scripture of the day before anyone else.

    Lastly the majority of child rape by JW elders and MS and family the children were groomed for rape via jw weekly education. Erriokos you just might be one of those child molesters. Or your involved with child trafficking using the jw's cover.

  12. 5 hours ago, Errikos Tsiamis said:

    I often do. Starting a discussion about why Jehovah's Witnesses do not have a vacation Bible school is a topic that former members find unconvincing, particularly due to the lack of innovative ideas supporting it.

    The focus of the prosecution is on former members and their supporters, whose upvotes ultimately hold no significance.

    This has got to be the most weird and confusing response/deflection a jw has ever given in the past 28 years of my evangelism with the jw's. Errikos...what country are you from? Different countries have different ways of communication, (its a fabulous side study the difference in communication between cultures when I went to Israel last year)

  13. 16 hours ago, Errikos Tsiamis said:

    You don't have to be a lawyer to clarify things for any ordinary person. Given that the topic revolves around Caleb and Sophia, it can be concluded that this is not a brainstorming session either. Opposition is to be expected. Only for select individuals, not for those who back former members.

    Ummmm, read the title of this thread again, try it without the prosecution lenses on.


  14. 43 minutes ago, Pudgy said:

    Because of the incredible acceptance over the past decade of the characters Caleb an Sophia it is important to note this has heavily influenced those Jehovah’s Witnesses that work in Disney’s Imagineering Section, as Animators. 

    Disney’s Snow White Remake: A Modern Twist

    Disney has announced that they will be remaking the classic tale of Snow White, but with a modern twist. In this version, Snow White is no longer dreaming about true love or being saved by a prince. Instead, she’s dreaming about becoming the leader she knows she can be.

    But things get even more interesting when it’s revealed that Snow White is actually a reincarnation of Ursula from The Little Mermaid, heavily made up to disguise her true identity, so that she can provide nourishing wholesome food to the Kingdom, albeit exclusively fishes.  Friendly fishes before their demise, affectionately referred to as “Chum”. This is achieved by her eight tentacled body members. each distributing food at the proper time.

    The seven dwarfs, who were both “helpers and diamond miners”, have also been replaced by “magical creatures” of all sizes and genders. The decision is tied to Disney’s push to promote inclusivity, but it has sparked controversy online.

    Meet the seven magical creatures:

    Fluffy, the magical creature who can turn into a giant pillow at will.

    Sparky, the magical creature who can shoot lightning bolts from his eyes.

    Bubbles, the magical creature who can blow bubbles that turn into solid objects.

    Stretchy, the magical creature who can stretch his  limbs to incredible lengths.

    Inviso, the magical creature who can turn invisible at will.

    Giggles, the magical creature who can make anyone laugh uncontrollably.

    Morpho, the magical creature who can shape-shift into any form.

    Will Snow White, aka Ursula, and her diverse group of magical friends be able to overcome these challenges and find their happily ever after? Only time will tell.

    Stay tuned for more “New Light” on this exciting new remake of Disney’s Snow White!

    Hate to burst your bubble, now it's Black White, overlapping stories, gotta keep up with different generations.

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