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Everything posted by Matthew9969

  1. I'm not particularly fond of pizza anymore and stopped eating it, would that make me an apizstate?
  2. Mobsters wear suits and ties, Bernie Madoff committed crimes while wearing suits and ties, politicians wear suits and ties, other religious folk wear suits and ties as part of their worship. You don't need a special uniform to worship God. God is more concerned that a person is worshiping Him, not soley how they are dressed.
  3. It is a dangerous thing to tell someone they may not pray with their family members if they are disfellowshipped.
  4. My thought on this is this forum is much better moderated than a few other forums I've been to, Topix being the worst. I like it here.
  5. Yet they found it quite alright to bribe government officials in Mexico to get a card like the victims were required in Malawi.
  6. This unfortunate man isn't the only one this is happening to, worse is happening to other Christians as well.....https://www.persecution.com/
  7. Too bad to let you down, it was common knowledge and still is that Jehovah hates birthday celebration and giving a gift to celebrate a birthday
  8. Everyone knows Jehovah is going to kill you for buying and giving a birthday present, Jehovah really hates birthdays.(according to jw dogma at least).
  9. 1. why the need to count the number of hours, there is no biblical mandate to do so, however there is a mandate about boasting about your works. 2. How many of those hours are just standing next to a cart and having your default witness as...'go to jw.org'. 3. How hard can it be just standing there next to a cart?
  10. 14 Accept the one whose faith is weak, without quarreling over disputable matters. 2 One person’s faith allows them to eat anything, but another, whose faith is weak, eats only vegetables. 3 The one who eats everything must not treat with contempt the one who does not, and the one who does not eat everything must not judge the one who does, for God has accepted them. 4 Who are you to judge someone else’s servant? To their own master, servants stand or fall. And they will stand, for the Lord is able to make them stand. I personally have never and will never do a black Friday shopping spree. But I don't think it's become a day of worship. Satan wants the world to think that and many of them do. But if a Christian shops on black Friday for the glory of themselves or someone else instead of God, or goes crazy and gets mean and nasty, then that Christian will be accountable to God for their actions and heart condition. But shopping at a store on black Friday doesn't disqualify someone from the love of God or means their impending destruction at Armageddon. If that would be the case I would be in deep doodoo because I shopped on Friday. And I celebrated the 327th day thanking God for all I have with my beautiful girlfriend and her beautiful girls.
  11. I remember pioneering used to be real work, now you just stand there and tell people to go to the website, dead people can't read.:)
  12. Plenty of watchtower publications show us all how we are going to die, I saw a movie on it.
  13. Where do they come up with this stuff? experience? do the governing body, is that how they get their board meetings started?
  14. You really need to get a life, but I would love to see the proof that elderly Christians are paying for blood transfusions from younger people.
  15. It is bad form to vote only for one party or another solely just because of party affiliation, that is when your in danger of voting strictly for politics rather than substance. Voting also doesn't mean you are choosing party or person over God, that is absurd to think that way. If that were true my favorite color would mean more to me than God because I voted green my favorite color.
  16. I did try that at home, and the results...who knew my Queensland Red Healer sounds like James Earl Jones when he talks
  17. Donald Trump is a man just like me, he's a billionaire and I'm not, how is that fair? (tongue in check, not being serious).
  18. Good you can edit out those certain pages of the Sears online catalog, (the ones with the bra's and what not).
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