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Everything posted by Matthew9969

  1. They can see the names of the devices connected to the WiFi, but there is a specific process and your permission in order to see your browsing history. Its a lot harder to do with tablets.
  2. Cats were once considered gods and were worshipped seriously, cats were from a pagan god, so the pagans believed. so why are jw's allowed to have cats in their homes, own them as pets, care for them as if they are family members? Yet having a Christmas tree is a death sentence in Jehovah's eye's.
  3. I agree but not everyone is as in the know as you and I. Even some x jw's as myself don't like that language. However I've seen jw's post such language, which is not a surprise either, given that we are all human.
  4. You could have warned that there was very foul language in the video.
  5. Its a good thing they didn't have the governing body back in Jesus day, they would have disfellowshipped Jesus.
  6. For one, this meme didn't mention anything about using tablets, almost every church uses them these days. What it is addressing is being required to dress to the 9's in order to get jehovahs approval, or believe you must dress like a business man in your worship of Jehovah...several criminals and pagan rituals require special dress, just like the jw's. Jesus and His disciples didn't drive fancy camels and donkeys. I believe the reference there is jw's who are blessed enough to drive a nice car isn't doing charity, which is nothing new. Several members of my church drive very expensive vehicles. The car you drive shouldn't be the judge of the heart or financial situation. Now as far as helping others. I myself have had a 1 on 1 discussion when I was studying that even if your next door neighbor is trapped in a burning house, you as a jw are supposed to leave them be and only help other jw's in your town. In all reports of natural disasters the reports were always giving assistance to jw's only, then anyone else who may need it afterwards. And on top of that you have no charities, and with the watchtower being worth hundreds of billions of dollars possibly, I'm sure they could afford at least a bloodless charity.
  7. When you listen to the stay alive til 75 talk and a few other video's, jw's applaud and cheer at the announcement that billions of men women and children are going to die horrible deaths by Jehovah, yes this Jehovah and his followers are a perverse group.
  8. Of course you can't, they call themselves Jehovah, and who is going to question Jehovah.
  9. It was a common saying in our home growing up, 'those Christians are demons'. And when you think about it, I don't think the watchtower has ever had anything to say about Christians other than they serve satan.
  10. You guys are forgetting a 'generation' for a Jewish calendar was 40 years. So the overlapping generations is non biblical and is a man made excuse for trying to explain the failed prophecy of the governing body. The 8 million # is an inflated number by the governing body. A baby cannot be counted as a jw. And talk about counterfeit Christians....it was the jw's who used to believe the word 'Christian' was a demonically inspired word, not they call themselves Christians...who are the counterfeit Christians then?
  11. I'm pretty confident God would have had alternate plans, like space travel, which makes most since to me seeing as how such perfect minds would have no problem inventing the means to do so.
  12. When I was a jw I found a nice looking bottle, so I started to dust it off and a genie popped out and told me he didn't do demon impressions.
  13. I remember something very similar, if you didn't obey the watchtower and governing body, Jehovah was going to kill you, which was basically not being forgiven by the governing body since the governing body considers themselves to be Jehovah.
  14. That's what I was raised to believe, and in really horrible ways according to the pictures in the magazines and books.
  15. I remember it seemed to be very uncomfortable for the entire congregation when someone would comment on something that wasn't parroting the paragraph.
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