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Everything posted by Matthew9969

  1. You jw's sure do love to bash the catholic church, some things never change.
  2. Of course the watchtower believes in evolution, their doctrines are constantly changing into something else. Their latest evolution produced a scary 2 headed elephant looking thing called the overlapping generations.
  3. Sorry about the delay, been traveling for work. Here is a video by Watchtower Examination, this man does a great job examining watchtower false doctrine. So at exactly 1 min this governing body member says that they are still roaming about. Feel free to watch the rest of the video and if anyone has problems with this mans viewpoint, talk to this man on you tube.
  4. Why does the mouth piece of Jehovah, the governing body say they are still roaming about? There is only one scripture in the bible that describes 'roaming about'.
  5. Why does Jehovah only accept the worship of a man dressed up like Adolf Hitler in a business meeting?
  6. That is until the governing body in the new system has new light on all there is to know.
  7. There is no argument that there are quite a few con artist using religion as a front to live in million dollar compounds. But there are religions that do bring in a lot of money, but also put out a lot of money in charity. And to say Jesus wasn't into charity, I would like to see the scripture that says so.
  8. This story suggest quite possibly the shunning this mother went through broke her and she snapped?
  9. So, some other religions have built hospitals, although quite imperfect, still endorse the religion that is behind the name. Could the Watchtower build a hospital that focuses on bloodless procedures. Or at least have a fund that will help jw's get to hospitals that specialize in bloodless surgery?
  10. Could you please explain why you keep insisting all of Christendom churches are mega churches....I sure don't belong to a mega church and the church I attend isn't worth billions of dollars like the watchtower is or these other mega churches, why do you keep insisting all churches are mega churches and all pastors live like Hinn? And you guys have yet to explain why they had to build a highly secured luxury compound and still don't provide one dime in charity. So about the life and times of the gods of the watchtower: this is just a small example. http://jwsurvey.org/cedars-blog/no-expense-spared-governing-body-members-do-fly-business-class Of course they don't live lives like the likes of Hinn, or Olsteen or other fake preachers. But still everything is provided for the gods of the watchtower, they are the key holders to the millions of dollars they control. https://www.jehovahs-witness.com/topic/204568/wealth-watch-tower-bible-tract-society-uk https://www.jehovahs-witness.com/topic/43014/watchtower-34th-biggest-company-ny So I would like you to back up your insistence that all churches of Christendom are mega churches and their leaders live like the pope or Hinn/Olsteen, etc.
  11. Thank you for showing a perfect example of how detached from reality you jw's are. Also how you attempt to deflect the conversation to something else...what the heck does forcing people to divorce have to do with the subject? You born in jw's have no clue how religious charities work, you do realize there is more research outside of the watchtower publications don't you? Â
  12. The Governing Body of the watchtower wealth is tremendous, they are worth billions of dollars, yet they don't give out one cent to charity.
  13. The The watchtower also doesn't do any charity like those other organiztions do. How you guys get tax exempt status is crazy, you guys are just like scientology, how they get tax exempt status is crazy....must be satan is behind your organization instead of God.
  14. Other religions divulge their worth...why does the Gods of the watchtower hide their worth?
  15. Why do kingdom halls have collection boxes and their conventions credit card collection machines? The watchtower just sold over 1 billion dollars worth of realestate, why do they need to collect credit card numbers?
  16. So please provide proof that the pastors at my church So please provide proof that the pastors at my church live as lavishly at Benny Hinn or your governing body. And I don't attend mega church.
  17. I wasn't the one to use John out of context....could you please provide me proof that the pastors of my church live lavish lifestyles or live in billion dollar compounds like the governing body?
  18. Now that we've established that it's ridiculous to claim the governing body, aka gods of the watchtower live lavishly, could jw's please stop spreading lies that all of Christendom's pastors, teachers etc. live lavish lifestyles, the pastor's at my church drive minivans, live in small homes, etc and don't have anywhere near the wealth the governing body has. And since a jw bought it up, what is so sinful about raising money for charity through a church building?
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