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Everything posted by Matthew9969

  1. I don't think anyone has ever sued the watchtower for all the mean, hate filled lies they have made towards other religions
  2. Just adding more light to how the jehovahs witnesses is just another high control false religion.
  3. If you take a piece of paper and hold it with both hands very close together, put it between your lips and blow hard you can make an ear piercing scream.
  4. Simply put....when the watchtower say's it has 'new light' on a matter, aka like with the overlapping generations doctrine, we do know it is not coming from the bible, it is coming from the one who transforms himself into light....satan the devil. And this light getting brighter in Proverbs...so one day your walking down the path...the doctrine changes and all the sudden you can't see the same path anymore. Babylon the Great now resides in Warwick and the jw's here are worshiping her.
  5. Starting off with a training video on how to punish a pioneer to a fake video on jerking off.....what is this world coming to?
  6. Something else that stuck out when I watched the video the other day is, the sister who had major surgery, there was not one mention of if her health was ok, or if she needed any help with anything. The only talk was of lovingly punishing her as if she signed a contract.
  7. And not a single orphan taken care of. But with their problems with pedophilia, maybe they should stay away from orphans.
  8. Since the WTBTS at one time called itself a prophet, and made several false prophecies, it could be the governing body of the watchtower is being set up by Satan as the man of lawlessness.
  9. That's ok, will make me feel like one of your gods, the governing body, who you down vote on a regular basis.
  10. Jehovahs witness business owners may do better with Trumps tax plan, so they may be more willing to vote from trump because he's helping them make more money to give to the governing body. Jesus may benefit from that as well as He is just a bystander on the jw road.
  11. No, but is especially misleading if it's used to tell a lie, as the watchtower has done on several occasions.
  12. Partying like it's 1999, drunk on power and greed.
  13. Yes I do, there are dozens of watchtower articles where they misquoted, taken out of context sources.
  14. The watchtower isn't transparent with it's finances so these numbers are probably inflated.
  15. Not a very good answer. I've noticed many jw's will insert that word 'just
  16. I have a feeling your going to hear crickets on this question.
  17. This is one of many verses the watchtower takes liberty in changing it's context. They use it to change doctrine, but this verse is not about changing doctrine. It's about righteous people will walk in the light, wicked people will walk in utter darkness. So they replace the words 'light getting brighter' to 'new light'. But that doesn't work either because in the bible the only one bringing new light is satan transforming himself into light.
  18. Just don't put this sign up: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-397960/PC-police-order-couple-Jehovah-Witness-sign.html
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