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Posts posted by Matthew9969

  1. 22 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    Hold a small piece of paper onto your bottom lip from both sides and purse your lips and blow over the top.

    The higher velocity "wind" creates a low pressure area that sucks the paper closer to it. 

    Blowing over the TOP of a piece of paper makes it go UP! ... not down.

    This is an example of "Bernoulli's Principle"

    Most people do NOT KNOW that the upper wing of an airplane is curved, so that the "wind" hitting the front edge of the wing HAS TO TRAVEL FASTER ... to meet that same slug of air at the back of the wing.

    Aircraft are SUCKED UP, and that's what keeps them up.  ... same as the small piece of paper.

     That is ALSO why a sailboat can sail at an angle INTO a wind ... the boat is being SUCKED forward by the low air pressure on the front of the sail.

    .... NOT blown forward by any wind from behind.

    If you take a piece of paper and hold it with both hands very close together, put it between your lips and blow hard you can make an ear piercing scream.

  2. 13 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    In my case, NO.

    I throw my hat in with Jehovah's Witnesses IN SPITE of its leadership .... I think Jehovah's Spirit infuses the rank-and-file Witnesses, because as a retired engineer, I follow the TRUTH wherever it goes, but I try to demand PROOF... and where the "rubber meets the road", is where the analysis need to take place.

    Down at the bottom.

    I have no idea who these two men are, and I really don't care.  Several people have said who they are SUPPOSED to be.

    Whoever they are, they talk like they are being severely punished to make this video, and are reading a script generated by a short circuited  AI chip.  I can just visualize that they are completely mortified to have to do this ... but the only alternative is to learn a completely new trade, which includes the phrase "You want Fries with that ?"

    It is SO LUDICROUS I would very much like to believe it is not true ... but if it can be PROVEN true, I will HAVE to accept that down here on Earth, Jehovah's Chariot has been transformed into a circus clown car.

    The Governing Body was forced by the ARC to admit in the Feb. 2017 Watchtower that they are "neither inspired of God or infallable".


    And you still insist on worshipping Jehovah through them, your smart mind is a paradox.

  3. Simply put....when the watchtower say's it has 'new light' on a matter, aka like with the overlapping generations doctrine, we do know it is not coming from the bible, it is coming from the one who transforms himself into light....satan the devil.

    And this light getting brighter in Proverbs...so one day your walking down the path...the doctrine changes and all the sudden you can't see the same path anymore. Babylon the Great now resides in Warwick and the jw's here are worshiping her.

  4. On ‎1‎/‎14‎/‎2018 at 10:05 AM, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    I very seldom... perhaps once a year, "downvote" someone, but the logic of THAT approaches true insanity.


    That's ok, will make me feel like one of your gods, the governing body, who you down vote on a regular basis.

  5. On ‎12‎/‎29‎/‎2017 at 9:16 AM, Gone Fishing said:

    Your word "just" is the problem

    Not a very good answer. I've noticed many jw's will insert that word 'just

  6. This is one of many verses the watchtower takes liberty in changing it's context. They use it to change doctrine, but this verse is not about changing doctrine. It's about righteous people will walk in the light, wicked people will walk in utter darkness. 

    So they replace the words 'light getting brighter' to 'new light'. But that doesn't work either because in the bible the only one bringing new light is satan transforming himself into light.

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