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Everything posted by Matthew9969

  1. So I guess we can't trust the current jw's in being the one true religion since there are splinter jw's with their own version of the one true religion. It's almost like which version of the chocolate cookie is the best version since the original recipe came out!!!! Which version of the chocolate cookie is the current jw's?
  2. At least the chickens don't have to be dipped in hot wax water to remove the feathers.
  3. Found this interesting read....Who are the True Faith Jehovah’s Witnesses? Why did they break away from Bethel? « Beyond the Watchtower (beyondwatchtower.com)
  4. Have you ever heard the saying, love the sinner, not the sin?
  5. JW's aren't allowed to listen to secular christian music, it's of the devil. I was listening to a christian station one day working in my yard and I could hear a jw teen call it "stupid Jesus music".
  6. Its about a centurion ordered to find the body of Jesus. When he does find the risen/resurrected Jesus his life is transformed. Very good acting.
  7. 43 views, looks like no one wants to have a meltdown debate on the subject material.
  8. If you can find it, hopefully you can get it for free..Risen is a great movie.
  9. Well please share..that would be the Christian thing to do, unless it is just conjecture in which to publish conjecture would assume conspiracy. And don't just tell us to research your conspiracy theories on our own, give us hard indisputable facts. If our lives, way of living, way of believing and congregating was in such peril, if you have concrete information that can help you and us, then why not share it with us, esp. if effects your non religion as well! BTW I've noticed your avatar is a storm trooper, infamous for having very poor targeting and being massed produced as clones. And being programmed to serving the dark side and being programmed to have really bad aiming skills. As a universalist unitarian, what do you identify as?
  10. Are you talking about fake interested ones who will cause a disturbance during a memorial?
  11. What the heck are you two talking about, is this a conversation with a split personality?
  12. I've seen this rumor all over xjw sites, they are making a huge deal about it, but if it is true that Morris is not a gb anymore, then my guess is that he is retiring. I don't buy into all the fluff that he was disfellowshipped or asked to step down due to a drinking problem, etc. Again my thought is he just wants to retire, and that's all. If he is leaving due to health issue's, I hope his health is ok but if not I pray he gets the care he needs. But either way he will be replaced, angry opposers were hoping this would be the starting of the end of the gb, but that wont happen.
  13. No thanks, I refuse to participate in the satanic like black mass that is a jw memorial.
  14. This shooting is tragic, esp a pregnant woman and her unborn baby. No matter your religion/belief there should not a life be taken. I've discussed this event with my mom who you all know is a jw of 65 years, and she is heart broken, as am I along with her. I tried to reason with her with the news that christians are killed day after day but they have a hope/faith. I wish jw's have the hope and assurance in Jesus, and pray, those victims enjoy their day when they awaken in a perfect heaven.
  15. My favorite in Israel was the way they cooked the lamb, I also liked the middle eastern comparison to the west hush puppie, falafal, which my paster called the awfuluful, I loved it though. And the fish....oh my gosh the fish as sooooooooooogood. All in all I loved how there was a wide spread of veggies, dips as parts of any meal. I'd love to make what us americans call 'cream puffs'. But with the high altitude I live in pastry doesn't puff up as much.
  16. Thank You Anna, I love the American Pizza with sauage, onions, bell peppers, etc. Actually I love a veggie pizza. But my favorite is canadian bacon/ pinapple. If you want to step up no matter your have to include the SW roasted chili's.
  17. Your writing style is much more personal and equivatlent and on the dry side, but having a ghost writer is not something new...sorry for my personal opinion.
  18. Come on people, we can have disdain for one another, but once in a while can't you all just put aside differences and insults and post something positive, upbuilding and dang it....we all love food! If Jehovah didn't provide food we'd be...But Jehovah and Jesus through their love gave us the ability to love food, taste and messyness of loving food. So can we all put aside our differences and just share what your favorite food is from your region. It's not a religious debate, or theological debate, just what is your favorite and/or most popular in your country?
  19. I am sorry, I don't have the opportunity to reply here much. I read post here on my work tablet, but typing on a tablet is like trying to do cursive with my left hand. So I don't reply much.
  20. Hmmm, while we are at it why don't we speculate and spread a rumor that TrueTomHarley is a governing body member...maybe AM himself and is being kicked out for writing his own material. I imagine SP is busy with other stuff. My goodness we can turn this into another soap opera going down several rabbit holes leading to multiverse speculations, inuendos's and Benny Hinn fooling us all along!
  21. I don't believe in evolution, that is a lie perpetrated by satan and quack scientist. If it were true, we'd actually be devolving:)
  22. So last November I spent 2 weeks in Israel and got to enjoy several of their favorite foods and food traditions in the region. So since some of us live in different countries I thought it would be cool if we shared our countries favorite foods. I like to learn other cultures so me being a foodie like to make the foods from other cultures or countries. My latest attempts were making Halva, Tzatziki sauce, Gyro, etc. I've already cooked mexican/spanish food, and Italian food and enjoy cooking those. But I have yet to try cooking other stuff And I enjoy cooking traditional recipies, so I'd love to read traditional recipes from your homelands or places you have visited. I really want to keep this thread non religious...and please no cannibalism recipe's 🙃
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