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Everything posted by Matthew9969

  1. I get why jw's and other religions believe Jehovah created everything through Jesus, Jesus being His first creation, so my question is not directly asked of the jw's. And I get why you all interpret certain scriptures the way you do and translate the scriptures the way you do, different denominations interpret scripture differently, as you know it also happens in the so called christendom. But a thought occurred to me today in that if Jehovah created everything, why did He need to create Jesus to create everything through? He could have just done it Himself. Cut out the middle-man which could eliminate a ton of controversy thousands of years in the future. You jw's here, (including SM who I still believe is a governing body member and not a unitarian), claim I am a stupid simpleton, so I'm throwing this question out for your opinions and scriptural support above all as well.
  2. I have no idea where you believe I am affiliated with Jeff Durbins church, I don't even live in the same state. Although I am impressed with his fight against abortion.
  3. From the watchtower that writes it's articles for 10 year olds....I like a little more in-depth and stuff written for adults.
  4. Well what you said did corelate with the saying, 'if you leave the governing body, you leave Jehovah...if you don't a gree with the governing body, you don't agree with Jehovah'. And I really love the watchtower's version of the trinity...Jehovah, Jesus and the governing body. And what tool would you suggest..reading the watchtower and awake magazines for 4 years which is the equivalent to a bachelors degree?
  5. How about you go first, it seems you live in a van down by the river...which river would that be?
  6. Did you know if you want to do a prostate cleanse, you can use a Columbian coffee enema, but the most effective way is doing a preop colonoscopy cleanse. The enema method is super inconvenient.
  7. And you have chosen to worship satan, I have chosen to worship God. I just hope you don't bathe in the blood of young chilrdren to pacify your satanic father. If I may ask, what led you down the road to you worshiping satan the devil, hating God/Jehovah and being a serial killer?
  8. Spoken like a true Jehovahs Witness who worships a group of men who are apostates....mr carroll. So you agree that satanist and atheist have more faith than you. It's so sad your faith is in man, you probably dont believe God exist, but you believe the governing body exist. It's been a while since I come across an atheist like you.
  9. Wow, I've met satanist and atheist that act more Christian than you, what a pathetic example of a jw you are.
  10. I guess that depends on which churches, Christians and friends you wish to associate yourself with. I definitely stay away from the church of the mall of America.
  11. Merry Christmas friends/unfriends. I dont wish santa to visit your kids, or santa to visit at all. I see christ trees as what they are.....trees. But it is really interesting researching the origin of the Chirstian takeover of Saturnalia. Chirstmas time is a great time to visit historical facts, and a time to research Jesus and His takeover of pagan customs. But my personal 'merry christmas' is a thank you for God willing to empty it'self to a man and sacrificing his humanity in human form. So no merry christmas to you all, .....merry christmas to our lord and savior Jesus.
  12. I've seen 2 carts set up at insanely busy intersections, no one can pull over to talk to the jw's , if they want to they have to park illegally. And the bros and sisters just stand there for hours In nice weather. I don't see them when it's really hot or really cold. I remember I had to walk through freezing cold snowy mornings going door to door. The current day jw's are panzies, weak maybe fearful? What is going on with witnessing on street corners only? When the weather is good?
  13. …9Those who want to be rich, however, fall into temptation and become ensnared by many foolish and harmful desires that plunge them into ruin and destruction. 10For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. By craving it, some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many sorrows. 11But you, O man of God, flee from these things and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, perseverance, and gentleness.… Some churches ask for money to provide charity....providing charity isn't free. Most pastors are paid a meager salary as their calling/job is full time doing God's work. Then churches also have bills to pay. Then there are those churches who build multi million/billion dollar homes or compounds, provide little or no charity and live lavish lifestyles. The governing body aren't the only ones who are guilty of this.
  14. Oh my, your not sacrificing enough of your stuff to the organization, shame on you;P
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