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Everything posted by Matthew9969

  1. I think you have the wrong Matthew, I believe your false advertising should be banned out right.
  2. Here localy the field service seems to be in full swing. However I do not see any door to door activity, but I do see carts set up in spots where no one can reach them, aka intersections, places with little access to carts. I pass by these carts several times a day and the jw's are just standing there, like being in a coma.
  3. Maybe there will be a bible that will interpret this passage this way...In the begging was a god, and the word was God. And the word was the God and God was the word...........and nothing came into existence without a god?
  4. I think he is still inventing, look at The Clapper, that is genius.
  5. On the bright side, after the big A happens, jw's wont have to be bothered with disposing of all the billions of dead bodies, the animals will have their full for a while, although they might loose their hunting instinct.
  6. I really think this information should be shared with the governing body so maybe the governing body could be encouraged to put Jehovah first instead of themselves.
  7. He introduced Prince to the jw, and studied with him, I wonder if he also introduced Prince to pain killers..that literaly kill.
  8. I think you have your memory mixed up.....CTR's wife divorced him for him having an affair with a 14 year old girl.
  9. Possibly vote in a new possibly worse governing body.
  10. I think you do a very fine job of representing the true colors of Jehovah's witnesses.
  11. Demons love hanging out at kingdom halls, esp. the memorial. They may be on this forum cheering jw's on!
  12. Right, however God did not say...be fruitfull and multiply your children to live a life of misery being forced to live a pedophile harboring man made religion. Right now that is the majority of your growth.
  13. So my mom, a loyal jw of 50 plus years has been told she has to go to a 3:30 service, and so she is willingly attending. This past winter she said she was ordered to go to a 5:30 pm service. This past memorial she said she was ordered to go to the 9 pm service. Now the 1 and only multimillion dollar kingdom hall in our city has several services, but each individual is only allowed to attend the one they are assigned to. My mom is elderly, she has a hard time arranging transportation with the congregation. She refuses my help since she considers me a Jehovah hating heathen, and those in my church are considered evil peole. But no one in her congregation is willing to get to help her get to meetings. I love my mom and I know she has made her decision, but I also want to help her continue with her friendships and social engagements. Is there anyway she can attend meetings outside of her arranged meeting times?
  14. Thanks for clarifying you belong to a worldly inspired mega church. Your mega church isn't very well organized though Mr. Quill.
  15. Since you didn't answer the question, I'm guessing your just too embarrassed to say you belong to a mega church. At least I didn't ask if the jw's are a cult.
  16. I thought I'd introduce a topic to hopefully end the endless diatribe of other post. Supposedly over 8 million members, a single source of leadership, using worldly means of communication, having full control of worship services, etc. Mega churches are cess pools of bad teaching...
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