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Posts posted by Matthew9969

  1. 6 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    If there is one thing we have learned about Mathew 4 5784, it is that he bitches no matter what. Before the days of cart witnessing, he was saying, ‘Geez—you keep visiting people who aren’t interested. Why don’t you set up carts so that anyone who is can approach you, leaving the rest In peace?’


    6 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    If there is one thing we have learned about Mathew 4 5784, it is that he bitches no matter what. Before the days of cart witnessing, he was saying, ‘Geez—you keep visiting people who aren’t interested. Why don’t you set up carts so that anyone who is can approach you, leaving the rest In peace?’

    I think you have the wrong Matthew, I believe your false advertising should be banned out right.

  2. On 7/14/2022 at 9:19 AM, Srecko Sostar said:

    Coal, oil, gas and other earth treasures were formed due to processes on/in the earth over millions of years. Processes are initiated and caused by God, as many believed, right? Why would God want coal, oil or gas, etc. to exist when it has caused man's interest in exploiting it? With strong consequences we see today.

     Gen 4:22 -  Also, Zilʹlah gave birth to Tuʹbal-cain, who forged every sort of tool of copper and iron.

    The first blacksmith, he came to know about forging from whom? So early after human creation in Eden and in short period of time. 

    Can it be said that God's intention was to create resources to be used for the benefit of mankind, or did their existence have another purpose ... or another way of using them?

    Space bodies, galaxies, etc., are created in violent processes, everything is full of explosions. That's how the planet Earth was created, too, right? Did God stop creating after Adam and Eve? Or is he still creating the Universe? 


    I think he is still inventing, look at The Clapper, that is genius.

  3. On 5/31/2022 at 6:34 PM, WalterPrescott said:

    Why waste your time on an apostate that has condemned his soul already, and he knows it, by stating it.

    According to hearsay, Barbara Anderson's husband was being investigated for child abuse, and therefore was disfellowshipped. The fact that Barbara Anderson wrote a nonsensical book and relates, they voluntarily left the Org like this insignificant person, to have that excuse of child abuse, doesn't mean anything.

    I think you have your memory mixed up.....CTR's wife divorced him for him having an affair with a 14 year old girl.

  4. 22 hours ago, WalterPrescott said:

    If you doubt that no one here is of the anointed, then why state you could be wrong about Pearl Doxsey. She's the last person G-d would use as an anointed. But, you are correct, no one HERE is of the anointed, that would include, witness.

    Hell, I can go even further, most here, cannot be considered, JW's

    I think you do a very fine job of representing the true colors of Jehovah's witnesses.

  5. On 6/1/2022 at 11:40 AM, xero said:

    I remember the 1st time I came to a KH w/my GF. I was an atheist at the time and this one family I didn't even know gave me the creeps. Like they all had cooties. I didn't even know who they were and hadn't been introduced and it's not like they did or said anything I can recall, but they just gave me the willies.

    Later they all bailed. They were all creepy, creepy. Even the kids were creepy, like in a "we do weird sh*t at our house that no one knows about" creepy.

    My thinking is that people who have some creepy demonic stuff going on with them can't handle being at a KH for long. It's like they're vampires and the holy spirit in the KH burns their skin or something.

    Demons love hanging out at kingdom halls, esp. the memorial. They may be on this forum cheering jw's on!

  6. 21 hours ago, Peter Carroll said:

    God then blessed the couple, told them to be “fruitful and multiply,” and gave them dominion over all other living ...


    Right, however God did not say...be fruitfull and multiply your children to live a life of misery being forced to live a pedophile harboring man made religion.

    Right now that is the majority of your growth.

  7. So my mom, a loyal jw of 50 plus years has been told she has to go to a 3:30 service, and so she is willingly attending. This past winter she said she was ordered to go to a 5:30 pm service. This past memorial she said she was ordered to go to the 9 pm service. Now the 1 and only multimillion dollar kingdom hall in our city has several services, but each individual is only allowed to attend the one they are assigned to. My mom is elderly, she has a hard time arranging transportation with the congregation. She refuses my help since she considers me a Jehovah hating heathen, and those in my church are considered evil peole. But no one in her congregation is willing to get to help her get to meetings. I love my mom and I know she has made her decision, but I also want to help her continue with her friendships and social engagements. Is there anyway she can attend meetings outside of her arranged meeting times?


  8. 12 hours ago, Peter Carroll said:

    Membership is counted on Report slips put in, and parents put in Report slips for children of 5 years old upward, or possibly younger.  Some families have 5 children, so including two adults that is 7 report slips per family.  That is how the numbers are made up. Adults leave the Org so they now have to count all the children to pretend that numbers haven't decreased. 

    there is no evidence provided in the post.nothing to back up the post ,,more false claims by the ignorant

    I didn't make a claim Mr. Quill.

  9. On 5/25/2022 at 11:26 PM, Peter Carroll said:

    your hopes are in vain ,having to ask the question reveals to level of your stupidity .but carry on, if only for for our entertainment

    Since you didn't answer the question, I'm guessing your just too embarrassed to say you belong to a mega  church. At least I didn't ask if the jw's are a cult.

  10. I thought I'd introduce a topic to hopefully end the endless diatribe of other post.

    Supposedly over 8 million members, a single source of leadership, using worldly means of communication, having full control of worship services, etc. 

    Mega churches are cess pools of bad teaching...

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