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Posts posted by Matthew9969

  1. On 5/14/2022 at 10:19 AM, Anna said:

    I don't think there is anything wrong with living a Christian life, I mean an honorable marriage, raising good children, working hard, keeping life simple. 

    The irony though is they only sing about it, because most don't live like that! It's just feel good words. 

    And there is a song about a dog going to heaven too!

    I don't know about most, but you can be sure there are jw's who sing kingdom melodies every Sunday who have the same sinful issue.

    And what kingdom melody song was it that had 'molesting bee's' in it that was removed?

  2. 4 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    Wrong again. These days, at the urging my wife. I have become a dishwasher repairman. In fact, I am busy as a beaver (very clever animals, all of them graduates of Dam U.) reworking the Beatles’ Paperback Writer into something more personal:

    ’It’s a steady job but he’ll be a dishwasherrepairman…..


    Did you know if the fill pump goes you might as well buy a new unit, since even with self-install you’ll pay over 40% of a spanking brand new machine that doesn’t require you to start and wait 12 minutes to add the soap in because the automatic dispenser doesn’t work and now you are vindicated in not fixing it like your wife wanted you to because if you had it would all be for naught?



    Maybe you can find a way to baptize Walter with that thing?

  3. On 4/30/2022 at 10:46 PM, Pudgy said:

    Is Point “A” REALLY point “A”? 

    Let’s say it’s a really slow day in heaven. 

    No  hordes of demons to rustle into submission, or things to tidy up, like the remnants of an exploding star, or whatever else they do up there, presuming up there is really up there, not out there or over there or under there, etc.

    So Jehovah God might decide to send an Angel, let’s call him Bob, on a mission to Earth, specifically to Colony Park, New York, where the Society’s Lawyers do whatever it is they do …..

    Let’s call Angel Bob’s starting point, “Point A”, and his ending point “Point B”.

    Where exactly is “Point A”?

    Is it inside this physical universe somewhere within this expanding sphere of space time of approximately 30 billion light year diameter?, or ……

    is it outside the space time continuum of OUR experience, perhaps that unknowable mystery that Jehovah and Jesus inhabited BEFORE the “Big Bang”, about 14 billion years ago?, or

    is it in a parallel universe such as Quantum Physicists say they have the math for?, or

    is “Point A” somewhere on a vibrating string, on a “brane”, down, down into the sub-atomic universe as far down as there is to go? …….

    Where is Angel Bob, when he is on “Point A”?


    Hanging out with Quaid at a Martian beach resort?

  4. 20 hours ago, Pudgy said:

    I have challenged you before, and you choked.

    If you have something better …. Give me a name, a physical street address, and a valid phone number for me to call.

    If you can’t do that …. You have nothing.

    God's phone number is 1-240-776-2323 and you can send a text to Him.



    JW LV


    Publication date





    Youtube, video, Nonprofits & Activism, god's phone number, text god, 776-2323, bruce almighty phone number, send a message to god, send a text to god, send to god, call god, god's number, bruce almight movie, bruce almighty pager, phone number in bruce almighty,




    In the original theatrical version of Bruce Almighty, God's phone number, 776-2323 (without the area code), was shown multiple times on Bruce's pager. In later versions on DVD/video, the number was changed to a 555 number. SendtoGod.com has the original phone number in the 240 area code to receive text messages that are intended for God. Wikipedia describes the phone number controversy on this page: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/776-2323

  5. 11 hours ago, Peter Carroll said:

    this has turned from a discussion to  a stand off between good and evil and the pharisees trying to trap jesus on every word he spoke ,,its comforting to know that those religous leaders back then will struggle to get a resurection,,much like those today ,good luck to these ones, they will need it

    Yep, good luck and God speed to the modern day pharisees of the watchtower bible and tract society.

  6. 14 hours ago, Arauna said:

    When I see those words and some accusations after it....  I will not defend myself.... it is a trap to get into a a nasty  argument - try your hate-OCD on someone else.  

    Typical jw response when they don't want non jw's to know how they really believe or feel.

  7. 5 hours ago, Arauna said:

    Why is it that they are not in remote areas?  I hope you know the history of the Jesuits.... I read their rule book....... it is quite mercenary.

    So you believe Christians are going into underdeveloped countries to convert or kill....you really need to take your jw blinders of hate off. At least these 2 examples aren't going into other places telling them they must refuse a blood transfusion or Jehovah will kill them.

    Dangerous Places for Christians | Christian Persecution - Open Doors USA

    m1 Capital Campaign | Sagebrush Church

  8. 13 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    The video I am posting shows how we might be able to have control over some events that are a threat to our health and lives. “Armageddon” is out of our control, and even if some JWs are the most exemplary specimens of their kind, they still have no guarantee of survival or resurrection.

    "Pay attention" video.



    With doing Krav Maga for several years and gone through dis-arming training, fortunatley I have not come into a situation where I need to put my training to real life use.

  9. 9 minutes ago, WalterPrescott said:

    But all that aside.......is a disfellowshipped person allowed to even touch the plate and glass that is passed around the congregation? That is my question. 

    Short Answer, YES!

    If Judas was present in the last supper, the symbolic emblems are for the righteous and repentant.

    When reading the account of the last supper in both Matthew 26:26-30 and Luke 22:14-23, it appears that Judas does join in the Lords supper. In Luke 22:19-20 Jesus distributes the elements, and then in Luke 22:21, He says "But behold, the hand of the one betraying Me is with Me on the table."

    Thank you.

  10. 2 hours ago, Pudgy said:

    Your question is a based on TWO blatantly false assumptions and is a thinly disguised insult that legitimately deserves no response other than strong condemnation of the thought processes that spawned it.


    Please point out the false assumptions so I can possibly re-word my question. I will stand on the the Black Mass memorial, as there is evidence of the jw way of doing this is developed from pagan/satanic history. ..But all that aside.......is a disfellowshipped person allowed to even touch the plate and glass that is passed around the congregation? That is my question. Please stick to the question I asked and try to deflect the conversation.....dogs are so easily distracted.

  11. On 3/14/2022 at 11:20 AM, Pudgy said:

    ….. with all the silly oneupsmanship that goes on here, I was inspired by an account in the news today that Elon Musk has challenged Vladimir Putin to single combat, the winner to take Ukraine.

    It was a one sentence challenge, worth more that 3,000 pages of the drivel here. 

    …..  inspirationally.

    Although it would be interesting to see them share some of Elon's high grade weed.

  12. So to sum up your guys position, jw's will only help jw's, got it. But will give free watchtower studies to a person fleeing a war torn country, got it.

    JW's claim they do more to provide charity than anyone else, and refuse to back up that claim...got it.

    And again jw's turn to personal attacks, deflection and changing the subject when pressed to provide proof of their claim.

    My childhood consisted of broken bones, lots of blood loss, hospitalizations, etc, if jw's enjoy having a little laugh about extreme child abuse....you most definitely have a demonic spirit guiding your thoughts.

    I'll leave you all with this then I'll shut up.

    Crimes Committed by Jehovah's Witnesses (avoidjw.org)


  13. 3 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    Nor would any Witness ever attack Matthew’s people, those meeting refugees at the border with aid. We don’t attack his people, yet he attacks ours!

    I don't recall anyone I know attacking jw's any where. Sure Russia did ban the religion, and I Don;t know the religions of the police that did the arresting.

    But this I  do know, I was attacked all my young life by devout jw parents, was attacked by the congregation when I was 15, and lately listened to one of your gb said he and all jw's can't wait til Jehovah kills all apostates, snuffs them out like a match.

    Can you please provide proof that religious charities are attacking jw refugees at the borders.



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