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Everything posted by Matthew9969

  1. Still waiting for your 3rd party truth. It would be horrifying if each individual denomination would only help their own specific denomination, and much more chaotic. Most of the individual soldiers I believe mostly are Catholic, I am not catholic, they are not adopted into the family of God, neither are jw's. When I started a bible study again several years back, my conductor at the time and I discussed 9-11. He made a very strong statement that if there was a natural disaster and if he saw his neighbors house damaged and heard his neighbor screaming for help, he had to ignore the neighbor and do what ever he could to reach an elder and head straight to the kingdom hall. I had a problem with this reasoning and so he told me I would have to agree to this too if I was interested in progressing any further. Well you guys aren't doing much in stopping war or stopping people from killing others, heck even some of your own brothers have killed innocent people, even pregnant women and children. Lastly, the jw's are an off shoot of the bible students, which were an off shoot of 7th day Adventist. Even jw's have had different denominations stream from them, so jw's aren't an exclusive group. Gonna stop with you now, your deflecting the conversation into other subjects. So again, please provide proof jw's are helping non-jw's and/or working with other religious organizations to provide aide to all.
  2. Help for Ukraine: 20+ charities on the frontlines - National Christian Foundation (ncfgiving.com) Myself and my church give to some of these charities, and as you notice they don't limit their aide. So I've shown you mine, now show me yours.....except it has to be from a 3rd party non-watchtower reporting service. As of now the only elephant in the room is your inability to back up your claim.
  3. That is good, I'd love to read the news stories about the watchtower doing this, esp. working with other religious institutions. I live in the u.s., and have to stay here to help my elderly jw mother. But I and my church have provided charity here and around the world....FOR FREE.
  4. Actually I did take it up with Jesus, and He led me to a family that gives more in one month that the watchtower has ever given.
  5. I'd much rather have a real bond with my brothers and sisters than the conditional fake bond jw's have.
  6. Again that is a very poor illustration. People coming off a plane is no where on par with people fleeing for their lives from war. And if anyone needs assistance I will give it, not just give aide to my cult loved ones. Good Samaritans you jw's are not.
  7. I will reply again since y'all chose to not look at the context of the question. This question puts me in the waiting area, not on the plane as you guys are thinking. Now if I were on the plane with my loved one, of course they would be first. Man I think all this debating you guys are doing is causing a state of idiocracy in this forum.
  8. That is such a poor comparison, a watchtower writing committee type of comparison However if the plane was on fire I would help everyone on the plane get off the plane, not just my loved one.
  9. Just curious, how would you deal with unprepared people who would try to steal the food you have grown?
  10. This statement coming from someone who's turned his parents basement into his own personal bunker.
  11. They say they have only done it twice in the 20 years
  12. Not even a child of the earth bug planting eggs in his ears.
  13. I agree, that is a great movie, but then again D.W. and the ending make the movie.
  14. There is a pretty popular church here that actually states, 'if your not blessed by tithing 10% or greater, in 6 months we'll refund your money. That sounds pretty horrible to me. What do you think?
  15. I'm trying to find if this is legit as this article doesn't post who wrote it, but if it is true, how despicable, trying to profit off of a genocide. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/01/25/arts/design/jehovahs-witnesses-nazis-lawsuit-museum.html?unlocked_article_code=AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACEIPuomT1JKd6J17Vw1cRCfTTMQmqxCdw_PIxftm3iWka3DMDmwfiO0PH5PH90rWZKVlINk-3zOFTd9adaAuWPp_1fRSJAlrQhupud6AkYsePiQp7IeuRW4r2tTNQbU8u3fMX1WOFd1elve5rg7Ud3-5G-GEgyh2Og5ioZExc12hxXAKw67aFrMi0811japyGs1wRzkGMCSPuvW-WQ5se4nTNmGq4QE1X-lbWzvBz5XLu_9bLlIkWR-RR2h_4G089NpfJNgTWa3-JBIgc8b_6q4DXi0qdMz6Qs1sGPWH0uliorXPqheTycGpxPlQF69cuLjMtmzSJ09ehVtm0SQcy_KSwfuyYE85&smid=url-share
  16. You ask people to learn about the Bible or about jehovahs witnesses, but not coming into a personal relationship with God. Why do you love the jehovahs witnesses more than God Himself, why do you hate God?
  17. Why are you expecting jehovah to worship this pagan Demeter?
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