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  1. Thanks
    Matthew9969 got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in 71 years old today and happy to give praise to God.   
    Happy birthday!
  2. Upvote
    Matthew9969 reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in 90 Sands Street sale closes for $170M, former hotel to house homeless   
    Such a contrast to Jesus, who never had a place to lay His head, and the disciples / Apostles too.
    So much materialism now, so much money, but no truth.
  3. Upvote
    Matthew9969 got a reaction from Witness in David Splane's 2020 Convention Talk: ....''Jehovah has to come first''   
    If the governing bodies faith was so strong, they wouldn't solicit for funds, set up donation arrangements, sell real-estate like hotcakes. That picture is disgusting and in my opinion is slight elderly abuse, as they are insisting elderly people should starve for the sake of giving their last quarter to the watchtower.
  4. Downvote
    Matthew9969 got a reaction from derek1956 in Doesn't sound like a paradise to me.   
    Doesn't sound like a paradise to me.
  5. Upvote
    Matthew9969 reacted to Jack Ryan in David Splane's 2020 Convention Talk: ....''Jehovah has to come first''   
    ''Has your desire to put Jehovah first been tested during this pandemic? You lost your job and you searched for another one. Finally, after a long search, you found one but it was a job that would require you to miss all your meetings and field service. What a temptation to take that job! You've been out of work for months. You felt helpless because a family member is supposed to provide for his family. It would take a lot of faith for you to refuse that job. Pray to Jehovah and then wait. Hold on a little longer to see what Jehovah would work out for you.''
    "Lost your job, brothers? Keep praying! Whatever you do, don't miss a meeting and keep donating so we have a comfy place to live at your expense."
  6. Haha
    Matthew9969 got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Could the image of the beast be in the future a robot?   
    Can't wait till AI starts running the WTBTS!
  7. Haha
    Matthew9969 got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Could the image of the beast be in the future a robot?   
    It could very possibly be a demon possessed Smurf.
  8. Upvote
    Matthew9969 got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in JW.org Now Depicts Moses' Stone Tablets Correctly   
    I can tell I touched a sensitive nerve in you since you directly resorted to an insult...classical jw style.
    Non of those people claimed to be prophets in their history, or the current channel of communication between God and man, or the mouthpiece of Jehovah or getting direct information from Jehovah through Jesus. 
    Or do you enjoy worshipping 8 men who are still roaming about in the dark, waiting for new light from Jehovah?
  9. Haha
    Matthew9969 got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in JW.org Now Depicts Moses' Stone Tablets Correctly   
    And it took Jehovah over 100 years to relay this truth to them...sheesh!
  10. Like
    Matthew9969 got a reaction from Melinda Mills in Census   
    Religion has nothing to do with the census, no questions on religion, or even a hint of religious affiliation. 
  11. Like
    Matthew9969 got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Netherlands wants to punish silence on sex abuse in closed communities   
    I hope they punish elders as well for threatening the victims with disfellowshipping or disassociation for going to the authorities.
  12. Upvote
    Matthew9969 got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Netherlands wants to punish silence on sex abuse in closed communities   
    I hope they punish elders as well for threatening the victims with disfellowshipping or disassociation for going to the authorities.
  13. Haha
    Matthew9969 got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Jehovah's Witnesses demand 25 million from the state - Sweden   
    This statement is very telling in that you live in a very small world and have never been inside another church. I remember the old saying, 'if everyone in the world was a jehovahs witness, there would be no crime, no war, etc.' On the other hand there would be no charity, millions of people would die every year due to refusing blood transfusions, and there would literally be at least 1 billion child molesters with free reign to do what they want.
  14. Downvote
    Matthew9969 reacted to TrueTomHarley in Jehovah's Witnesses demand 25 million from the state - Sweden   
    Why in the world would anyone downvote the 2nd-above post? A 60% tax on religious donations is just?
    It is worth pointing out also that this situation in France began decades ago, long before anyone’s favorite issue arose front and center.
    If religious exemption is cut off for everyone there will be no objection here. But as long as it exists, JWs are entitled to it as much as any other faith. Probably more so, in fact, since such exemption is founded on the premise that religious faith makes for more upright people, thus improving overall society and saving the state much policing work. JW’s, though they may not bat 100%, given human imperfection, do fit the bill on this. Most religions consist of members whose conduct is indistinguishable from the overall world.
    The only thing that is lacking is that a penalty or fine might be levied upon whoever fed the government the faulty information that caused them to classify the Witness organization wrongly In the first place. Wouldn’t that be an appropriate thing? Then a certain yo-yo would be saying: “Oh dear. Oh dear. It’s looks like my side is getting its head handed to it on a platter by the CCJW.”
  15. Upvote
    Matthew9969 reacted to Anna in ....and like Forest Gump said "... and that's all I am going to say about that."   
    I suppose this can be a lesson for all of us, especially the likes of John Butler (pity he isn't around anymore). As an experiment, I try to think of someone I know well and am really close to. They have always been a loyal friend, always there for me. Then I imagine another adult person I know, tell me my friend did something bad to them when they were a child. How would you feel?
    It's easy for us to judge elders for mishandling matters and say why didn't they do this or that. Sometimes it must be so difficult to comprehend the whole situation, especially if we know the person well and he is a "really nice guy". It's someones word against an other's, because of course there are rarely any witnesses. It must be especially difficult when it is an adult survivor that comes forward years later, a long time after the alleged crime . Who do you believe? Surely those must be repressed memories that are somehow skewed. They must have misunderstood, got it all wrong. Surely brother "really nice guy" wouldn't do anything like that!
    The fact is, people who do these things usually ARE "really nice people".
    A lot of different factors come into play when an accusation is made against someone, including not wanting to be wrong. What if the brother IS actually innocent, and we drag his life through the mud? He has a wife and children, and is that really nice guy.
    It's easy for us, behind our computer screens, to shout; hang him!

    But what are we doing now? I don't see anyone shouting hang JTR. No, we are all sad over the situation. But we know he has done these things because he has been convicted, there must have been proof. Now imagine there is no proof. Just an accusation, and not against a person on a forum (whom we don't really know) but against someone we know personally, someone who is a "really nice guy".....now try and handle that.
  16. Like
    Matthew9969 got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Census   
    The census is something the government does every 10 years. Somewhat similar to what the Israelites did in the old testament.
  17. Upvote
    Matthew9969 got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Census   
    The census is something the government does every 10 years. Somewhat similar to what the Israelites did in the old testament.
  18. Upvote
    Matthew9969 reacted to Srecko Sostar in Census   
    It is interesting how we sometimes put ourselves in contradictory positions. WTJWorg is expert on this field, and successfully teaching members how to act in that manner. 
    The best example is "human rights". WTJWorg and CCJW are so fast to go to Courts and going against "governments" when some law of some land limits actions of WT organization. This particular "human right" is of "Christians concern" but in other cases it seems how other things are not of "Christian concerns" (for example ecology, poverty, social problems of many kinds, etc). Social activity to make this life and this world to be better is not of "Christian concern" because, as WTJWorg explained, this World is "sinking ship" and why to rescue what will sink?   
    On contrary, whole world from Adam and Eve time is "sinking ship", so it is interesting that God find interest and have concern to save this "sinking" World from ruin.
  19. Like
    Matthew9969 got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Eastern mentality and Communism compared to the CCJW / Watchtower.   
    If a person, who has studied and know the many doctrinal changes over the years, the failed predictions, the overlapping generations and legalistic nature of the watcher....all aka, incompetence, also reading that the watchtower is the mouthpiece of Jehovah, the channel of communication between Jehovah and man, etc. That person may seem Jehovah is incompetent  because of the incompetency of the watchtower. 
  20. Like
    Matthew9969 got a reaction from Witness in Eastern mentality and Communism compared to the CCJW / Watchtower.   
    If a person, who has studied and know the many doctrinal changes over the years, the failed predictions, the overlapping generations and legalistic nature of the watcher....all aka, incompetence, also reading that the watchtower is the mouthpiece of Jehovah, the channel of communication between Jehovah and man, etc. That person may seem Jehovah is incompetent  because of the incompetency of the watchtower. 
  21. Upvote
    Matthew9969 got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Eastern mentality and Communism compared to the CCJW / Watchtower.   
    If a person, who has studied and know the many doctrinal changes over the years, the failed predictions, the overlapping generations and legalistic nature of the watcher....all aka, incompetence, also reading that the watchtower is the mouthpiece of Jehovah, the channel of communication between Jehovah and man, etc. That person may seem Jehovah is incompetent  because of the incompetency of the watchtower. 
  22. Upvote
    Matthew9969 got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Census   
    I have a question about the national census that's going on here in America. It's basically just counting the number of people in each state so the government will know how much funding each state will get based on the amount of people in that state. My jw mom said she isn't going to fill it out because jw's are no part of this nation.
    Is this just a extreme personal view of hers, or do all jw's think this way about this subject, so no jw will be allowed to fill out a census form?
  23. Upvote
    Matthew9969 got a reaction from Shiwiii in Norwegian court: Disfellowshipping was against the law   
    Wouldn't be the first time a jw woman got disfellowshipped for being raped.
  24. Upvote
    Matthew9969 got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Norwegian court: Disfellowshipping was against the law   
    Silly me, I forgot you jw's believe children are committing fornication when they are molested.
  25. Downvote
    Matthew9969 got a reaction from Arauna in Norwegian court: Disfellowshipping was against the law   
    Silly me, I forgot you jw's believe children are committing fornication when they are molested.
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