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  1. Upvote
    Matthew9969 got a reaction from Pudgy in Acts 10   
    You have failed your argument because you did not give details about Cornelius and you are (like a jw), assuming you know my beliefs about certain matters and painting me with a general brush.
  2. Upvote
    Matthew9969 got a reaction from Shiwiii in Acts 10   
    You have failed your argument because you did not give details about Cornelius and you are (like a jw), assuming you know my beliefs about certain matters and painting me with a general brush.
  3. Haha
    Matthew9969 got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in The only effective way to deter Jehovah's Witnesses   
    I like the My dog eats Jehovah's Witnesses sign more.
  4. Like
    Matthew9969 got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in BASIC FOUNDATION BELIEFS OF JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES   
    Arauna...you didn't prove what you stated. I have been associated with dozens of Christian religions and have never found one that promotes smoking, pre marital sex, use of predictions, use of idols and voting for approval of homosexuality. So you are lying and spreading falsehood, something that your Jehovah hates. Now you need to come up with something or stop commenting because your making the jw's look even worse.
  5. Upvote
    Matthew9969 got a reaction from Shiwiii in BASIC FOUNDATION BELIEFS OF JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES   
    Arauna...you didn't prove what you stated. I have been associated with dozens of Christian religions and have never found one that promotes smoking, pre marital sex, use of predictions, use of idols and voting for approval of homosexuality. So you are lying and spreading falsehood, something that your Jehovah hates. Now you need to come up with something or stop commenting because your making the jw's look even worse.
  6. Upvote
    Matthew9969 got a reaction from Shiwiii in BASIC FOUNDATION BELIEFS OF JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES   
    It boils down to anyone can cherry pick scriptures from the bible or change words to make it say what ever you want. I say it all started when they came up with their own version of the bible.
    Arauna….id love to know which Christian religions promote smoking.
  7. Upvote
    Matthew9969 reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in Can Jehovah's Witnesses eat Meatless Burgers at Burger King?   
    But you are allowed to use fractions of human blood that other people have donated  . I thought blood was sort of sacred and belonged to GOD. If so then I would have thought NO ONE has the right to rip it into pieces. So in line with that thought I would think no JW would want to 'steal' blood fractions that actually belong to God. 
    However it is possible that the scriptures actually meant not to literally drink blood, as it was the custom at that time. 
  8. Haha
    Matthew9969 got a reaction from Anna in Can Jehovah's Witnesses eat Meatless Burgers at Burger King?   
    I'm still waiting to see blood pudding in a box in the pudding section of grocery stores.
  9. Haha
    Matthew9969 got a reaction from Anna in Can Jehovah's Witnesses eat Meatless Burgers at Burger King?   
    It's a super healthy alternative so you can order the awesome onion rings to go along with it.
  10. Upvote
    Matthew9969 got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Great TED talk   
    I'm willing to label them as a high control group.
  11. Like
    Matthew9969 got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Suicide. God's view. Organisation's view   
    Yeah, a lot of men had great intentions of stopping Hitler and freeing your brothers and sisters from his concentration camps.
    Well is it?
  12. Upvote
    Matthew9969 reacted to Srecko Sostar in Suicide. God's view. Organisation's view   
    Think, how both questions have good position. Maybe we can be in better position about answer, if we take in consideration what would be chance to survive and continue to live (in this life of course :))) ) in each of this situations. 
    On other side, by refusing blood you not participate in defending other people who had been attacked by evil force.
    Reason or reasons for refusing blood, standing in theological explanation of how should be understood verse in Bible, and how are your personal feelings about God's will.
    By this action (refusing blood) you directly help or harm yourself, and indirectly harm own family. Those people who going to war because they want to help people, are ready to put  themselves  in danger situation for (theoretically) only one reason - to help known and unknown people on cost of own life.
  13. Upvote
    Matthew9969 reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in All Eight Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses members are now individually named on two New York Child Victims Act case documents   
    Do some of your guys spend your life on the web, going from blog to blog / forum to forum ?  How many JW / Ex JW 'sites' are  there ? I'd rather go for a long walk in the countryside and see what God has created, myself, but each to their own  
  14. Haha
    Matthew9969 got a reaction from César Chávez in All Eight Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses members are now individually named on two New York Child Victims Act case documents   
    Anyone on this thread right now could be a child molester, jw or xjw or anti-jw. Or a on looker....or a governing body member gathering info.
  15. Upvote
    Matthew9969 reacted to Space Merchant in Acts 10   
    @4Jah2me Not only that, something that I've debated on a while back, and others chimed in, you and your enemy are God fearing men who seek God to gain you victory. A True Christian and or someone who has become a Christian and building up in faith would know that War is not the solution, and going to War is wrong, so in the Christians case, even to the JWs, neutrality is something that must be put into application.
    That being said, if one is of God, we do not take the side of men to commit bloodshed on other men. Fighting an old man's war that has no solution, but rather, consequences, and more sons and daughters to be butchered, killed, raped, blown to shreds,tormented, etc. The mainstream accepts this, even marvel at the bombing of men, women and children apparently, true ones do not.
    When the rich and powerful wage war, it is the poor and the lowly, humble ones that pay for it in death.
    Likewise with Kingdoms and authorizes, submit, but do not serve them over God himself because it is only God's Kingdom that will cure the sickness that is imperfection concerning mankind.
  16. Haha
    Matthew9969 reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in All Eight Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses members are now individually named on two New York Child Victims Act case documents   
    Sorta like running from an angry bear.
    You do not have to be faster than the bear.
    You just have to be faster than your fat friend.
  17. Upvote
    Matthew9969 reacted to Witness in All Eight Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses members are now individually named on two New York Child Victims Act case documents   
    Arauna, you continue to revert back to entities outside of the organization to “compare” sins.  1 Pet 4:17
    If this is the case, the organization is no better than any other.  But if it truly was “Jehovah’s organization”, it should be better, shouldn’t it.  After all, it boasts it is the way to spiritual salvation and “righteousness”.  Righteous practices are so far removed from the GB's agenda when it comes to child abuse.  
    God’s WORD judges His anointed people. 2 Pet 3:5-7   Since the GB choose to follow their own “words”, their ordinances concerning child abuse, your scriptures in James aptly applies…to them.   2 Pet 3:10; Jer 23:29
    The prophet’s words are not so archaic that they do not apply to God’s people today.  
    Rev 18:4-8
  18. Upvote
    Matthew9969 reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in All Eight Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses members are now individually named on two New York Child Victims Act case documents   
    What seems to have been proven in courts is that Elders deliberately hid the information from congregants, hence elders or others could continue to commit CSA offences,  and also that elders that had committed CSA WERE moved from one congregation to another. Those things HAVE been proven in court cases. So your defence of the GB Org is not so true. 
  19. Downvote
    Matthew9969 reacted to Arauna in All Eight Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses members are now individually named on two New York Child Victims Act case documents   
    By your words you  judge ALL of gods people..... A very low percentage of witnesses committed child molestation - something which is very hard to prove. Few people know that even university professionals did not know for a very long time what to do about this problem. Most professionals for many years allowed the child to go back into the home of the perpetrator- did you know this history of the professionals at universities?
    It is easy to judge.... something I have noticed you do all the time (it is the automatic OCD-mode).  Since you are always using scriptures in deceitful way...... here is one for you...... 
    James:  " the tongue represents a world of unrighteousness among our body members, for it defiles all the body and sets the whole course of life on fire, and it is set on fire by Ge·henʹna.  ...... Stop speaking against one another, brothers. Whoever speaks against a brother or judges his brother speaks against law and judges law. Now if you judge law, you are not a doer of law but a judge. "
    You are talking about the massive database of 1200 persons which happened from the years 1950's until present day?  About 70 years?  
    There were NO laws in place in most countries until 1980s...... this was a taboo subject is most countries and there was no legislation in place. Most organizations that worked with children just turned a blind eye - there is no proof of them doing anything!
    JWs kept databases to inform other congregations of problems - so suspected perpetrators could not move from congregation to congregation.  They were the only organization to do this-  and they are the ones who are denegraded for this and received media focus...... . Other organizations working with children did NOTHING.  More than 2000 organizations were asked about procedures during the Australian enquiry - but enemies of JWs only focus on JW statistics because they kept them......
    By the way - the last legislation was passed in 2003- if I remember correctly.  This made it easier in court to get a conviction. Before this date the young child could be cross-examined in court in front of the perpetrator! 
  20. Upvote
    Matthew9969 reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in All Eight Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses members are now individually named on two New York Child Victims Act case documents   
    @Arauna How do you actually know that the GB members  " never personally touched a child (actually too innocent  to comprehend how wicked people can be - too good for this world), " ? 
    There is it seems a massive data base of Child Sexual Abuse accusations hidden within the Org. And do you have all that information, so that you know who is and who isn't on that list ?  Do you know why the GB are holding back that list ? 
    In Australia the brothers must have handed over their list of names about CSA accusations.
    Here in the UK, after court action, the brothers handed over their list of CSA accusation.
    But in the USA the GB and /or their lawyers are refusing to hand over their information ? 
    Someone will scream 'but the laws are different in USA'. It would make no difference if the laws are different in USA,   IF the GB would act on the scripture 'We must obey God as ruler, rather than men'. 
    Seems quite funny that the GB /Org tells people to disobey laws of man when it involves some things, such as joining the armed forces, but yet the GB hides behind laws when it suits them. 
    @Srecko Sostar  Thank you, but did you actually read ALL of that ?  Sorry i only read bits. Too much for me. 

  21. Upvote
    Matthew9969 reacted to Witness in All Eight Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses members are now individually named on two New York Child Victims Act case documents   
    And the organization is sinless?  How easy it is for JWs to continually point to the world’s sins and refuse to acknowledge the sins of God’s people.  1 Cor 6:4-8  Whose sins are greater in God’s eyes?  The sins of those who claim to worship Him, or of those who don’t? 
    “My people are fools;
    they do not know me.
    They are senseless children;
    they have no understanding.
    They are skilled in doing evil;
    they know not how to do good.” Jer 4:22
    ‘How can you say,
    “The wise will be put to shame;
    they will be dismayed and trapped.
    Since they have rejected the word of the Lord,
    what kind of wisdom do they have?” Jer 8:8,9
  22. Sad
    Matthew9969 got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Suicide. God's view. Organisation's view   
    Would dying by refusing a blood transfusion be suicide?
  23. Like
    Matthew9969 got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Suicide. God's view. Organisation's view   
    Would dying by refusing a blood transfusion be suicide?
  24. Upvote
    Matthew9969 reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in ONLY GAME IN TOWN / THE TRUTH BUT UM.   
    Point 1. I really do laugh at this term "Only game in town"   As I've said before the JEWISH RELIGIOUS LEADERS would have said that serving God by obeying THEM and the Mosaic Law, was the only game in town. Jesus however proved those Religious leaders to be wrong. Jesus and his disciples carried over the good points of the Mosaic Law and discarded the bits no longer needed. (Such as animal sacrifices, circumcision etc). 
    Russell & Co came out of former religions. I presume they must have carried over some good points from those former religions, then made adjustments or changed doctrines.
    So why would it not be possible for people that have left the JW Org to form a new religion ?  Carrying over the good and disposing of the bad, of which there seems to be plenty....
    I'm not saying it will happen but it does dispose of this idea of 'the only game in town' brainwashing. JW's seem to be taught that there cannot be anything else ever. What if Russell had believed that, the Bible Students would have never been formed. 
    Point 2.  The 'Truth' / JW Org.
    As I read more and more on here I am finding out that the Governing Body / Writing Dept'  / Legal Dept' et al,  have deliberately told many lies.
    The latest I'm reading (on a new topic on here) but the info stems back a while, seems to contain information whereby the 'Org' / those in charge at the time, implied, that children cannot get baptised, and that blood transfusions were acceptable to the Organisation. It seems that this was written in order to get favours from a certain government. 
    Both of those things are lies but seem to be deliberately used for some form of dishonest gain.
    Then of course we have lawyers telling lies in court about shunning. 
    And C.S.A court cases have proved that elders and others have deliberately lied. And the American 'section' of the JW Org deliberately withholding information regarding such matters.
    Link this to misuse of scriptures, such as, Superior Authorities, which deliberately took away people's conscience / freedom of choice, in WW2.
    And I'm sure people here can come up with lots more examples of lies, deliberate wrongdoing, mistakes, misinterpretations, 'new light' corrections et al.
    Why am i writing all this ?  Well I am proving two points. 
    1. If it's your 'only game in town' then it's not a good one. 
    2. That calling it 'The Truth' is totally deceptive.
    I do not think you would like it if I gave you a meal that was three quarters yummy, but a quarter poison. The poison might well contaminate the good food !
    So, saying that the Org / GB are three quarters right does not help. 
  25. Haha
    Matthew9969 got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Suicide. God's view. Organisation's view   
    If you do commit suicide, make sure you have 2 witnesses, then maybe you'll be resurrected.
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