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  1. Haha
    Matthew9969 got a reaction from Space Merchant in CANADA: Jehovah's Witnesses decide world is ending, kidnap neighbours while naked   
    Being naked makes it easier to squeeze in through the narrow gate.
  2. Haha
    Matthew9969 got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Anti-Masturbation Training Video For Jehovah's Witnesses!   
    Where do they come up with this stuff? experience? do the governing body, is that how they get their board meetings started?
  3. Haha
    Matthew9969 reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Did Jesus ever forbid the use of blood to save a human life ?   
    I remember about eight years ago, after I cut the tip of my left hand trigger finger through the bone at the first joint with a chain saw, and stuck it back on with duct tape, and it apparently healed perfectly ... well, except of about a 12 degree angle from straight, I wondered if  I would ever be able to play the piano afterwards.
    Years later I tried, and could not, as I have absolutely no musical talent, and never took lessons.
  4. Haha
    Matthew9969 reacted to Space Merchant in Did Jesus ever forbid the use of blood to save a human life ?   
    In a simple world, no, but in reality, yes. This is the case with those who practice vodou/black magic before tearing their victim to shreds for their blood. a Very disgusting and sick thing, but it is the reality in the Caribbean, for such consider black magic and any ritual pertaining to it as a religion and they have false gods and goddesses that they follow. Believe me, I had witness things, that you yourself would not want to see, for even to this day it is one of those memories that you cannot remove from your mind, especially when a relatives of your was victim.
    In the US and EU, so called Christians who subjected themselves to the believe that taking the blood of the young [young blood transfusions], age range being 18 to 24, would enhance their life, prolong their life and so forth, hence we have people paying big money, anywhere between $6k-$8k+ for blood donations of the young to give to the older folks. And such ones who do these consider themselves as saints, they eat and they pray, as they are committed to such things. On the other side of the spectrum, you have those who get their blood from blacks and latinos of all ages, organs even, torn out of their bodies, replaced with things, for example, newspaper in one real life situation regarding a minor. People like this take, sell and use whatever they can pull from their victim and when it is Sunday they think they are saints.
    There are things of this world that is not spoken of, and even it has been spoken off, not much of it gets out.
  5. Haha
    Matthew9969 got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in Did Jesus ever forbid the use of blood to save a human life ?   
    Would it be proper for a vampire to pray before their meal?
  6. Upvote
    Matthew9969 got a reaction from Space Merchant in Did Jesus ever forbid the use of blood to save a human life ?   
    Would it be proper for a vampire to pray before their meal?
  7. Upvote
    Matthew9969 got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in Anti-Masturbation Training Video For Jehovah's Witnesses!   
    I hope they don't start supplying Caleb and Sophia dolls to the bethelites.
  8. Haha
    Matthew9969 got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Anti-Masturbation Training Video For Jehovah's Witnesses!   
    I hope they don't start supplying Caleb and Sophia dolls to the bethelites.
  9. Haha
    Matthew9969 got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Why doesn't All-Powerful Jehovah Protect Young Witness Girls from Pedophiles in the Congregation?   
    I have heard several jw's say, 'that doesn't happen in Jehovah's organization, only in Christendom'.
  10. Upvote
    Matthew9969 got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in My DFed brother got this message regarding an upcoming (non-JW) family reunion   
    Its a good thing they didn't have the governing body back in Jesus day, they would have disfellowshipped Jesus.
  11. Haha
    Matthew9969 got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Are Jehovah's Witnesses allowed to vote?   
    So much for Jehovah not being a God of confusion.
  12. Like
    Matthew9969 reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Maybe they can show this video at the 2019 Regional Conventions...   
    I would rather see "them" show the Bethel produced "Pillowgate" videos, and watch as the air gets sucked out of the room.
  13. Haha
    Matthew9969 got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in Kingdom Hall WiFi versus Personal Privacy   
    Good you can edit out those certain pages of the Sears online catalog, (the ones with the bra's and what not).
  14. Haha
    Matthew9969 got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in Kingdom Hall WiFi versus Personal Privacy   
    They can see the names of the devices connected to the WiFi, but there is a specific process and your permission in order to see your browsing history. Its a lot harder to do with tablets.
  15. Upvote
    Matthew9969 got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in Jesus versus Adam: Fair?   
    Donald Trump is a man just like me, he's a billionaire and I'm not, how is that fair? (tongue in check, not being serious).
  16. Haha
    Matthew9969 got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in Satan doesn't have healing powers?   
    I did try that at home, and the results...who knew my Queensland Red Healer sounds like James Earl Jones when he talks
  17. Haha
    Matthew9969 got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in Why doesn't All-Powerful Jehovah Protect Young Witness Girls from Pedophiles in the Congregation?   
    I have heard several jw's say, 'that doesn't happen in Jehovah's organization, only in Christendom'.
  18. Downvote
    Matthew9969 got a reaction from DespicableME in Another Unrealistic Experience I'm Calling BullShit On....   
    I imagine they would say someone found gods true organization by flushing a toilet.
  19. Haha
    Matthew9969 got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in Oh Boy! Oh Boy! Ahm a gonna be RICH!   
    Man the gb is getting desperate for money.
  20. Upvote
    Matthew9969 got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in Do Demons Live in Vases, Books and other Articles?   
    When I was a jw I found a nice looking bottle, so I started to dust it off and a genie popped out and told me he didn't do demon impressions.
  21. Upvote
    Matthew9969 got a reaction from admin in Eddie Griffin   
    You could have warned that there was very foul language in the video.
  22. Upvote
    Matthew9969 reacted to Shiwiii in Will only Jehovah's Witnesses be saved?   
    right here tells me you do not know the position of the jws and thus cannot dismiss the questions asked. 
    again, not according to their teachings. 
    You may want to believe that the jws think the way you do, but the reality is that the wt teaches otherwise. I can, if you require it, provide proof.
    You certainly write a lot, but I think some of that is to side track the actual topic in discussion and create an alternate argument about something not even relevant.  
  23. Like
    Matthew9969 reacted to Jesus.defender in JEHOVAHS WITNESSES FALSE PROPHETS   
    The watchower CLAIMS to be Gods Prophet.
    In 1972, the Watchtower described itself as "the modern-day "prophet"".
    "So, does Jehovah have a prophet to help them, to warn them of dangers and to declare things to come? 
    These questions can be answered in the affirmative. Who is this prophet? ... This "prophet" was not one man, but was a body of men and women. It was the small group of footstep followers of Jesus Christ, known at that time as International Bible Students. Today they are known as Jehovah's Christian witnesses. ... Of course, it is easy to say that this group acts as a "prophet" of God. It is another thing to prove it. The only way that this can be done is to review the record. Thus this group of anointed followers of Jesus Christ, doing a work in Christendom paralleling Ezekiel's work among the Jews, were manifestly the modern-day Ezekiel, the "prophet" commissioned by Jehovah to declare the good news of God's Messianic kingdom and to give warning to Christendom." Watchtower 1972 Apr 1 pp.197-199 'They Shall Know that a Prophet Was Among Them'
    "commissioned to serve as the mouthpiece and active agent of Jehovah … commission to speak as a prophet in the name of Jehovah…" The Nations Shall Know that I am Jehovah" - How? pp.58,62
    "… commission to speak as a "prophet" in His name…" Watchtower 1972 Mar 15 p.189
    "The Watchtower is a magazine without equal in the earth …. This is not giving any credit to the magazine's publishers, but is due to the great Author of the Bible with it truths and prophecies, and who now interprets its prophecies." Watchtower 1943 Apr 15 p.127
    "The Watchtower is not the instrument of any man or set of men, nor is it published according to the whims of men. No man's opinion is expressed in The Watchtower. God feeds his own people, and surely God uses those who love and serve him according to his own will. Those who oppose The Watchtower are not capable of discerning the truth that God is giving to the children of his organization, and this is the very strongest proof that such opposers are not of God's organization." Watchtower 1931 Nov 1 p.327

    So, let's look at some of these prophecies.
    1889- In subsequent chapters we present proofs that the setting up of the Kingdom of God has already begun...And that the "battle of the great day of God almighty [revelation 16:14], which will end in A.D. 1914 with the complete overthrow of the earth's present rulership, is already commenced. [The 1915 edition of this book changed "A.D. 1914" to "A.D. 1915."] *from the book "The Time is at Hand; 1889 1897 "Our Lord, the appointed King, is now present, since October 1874," (Studies in the Scriptures, vol. 4, p. 621). 1899 "...the 'battle of the great day of God Almighty' (Revelation 16:14), which will end in A.D. 1914 with the complete overthrow of earth's present rulership, is already commenced," (The Time Is at Hand, 1908 edition, p. 101). 1916 "The Bible chronology herein presented shows that the six great 1000 year days beginning with Adam are ended, and that the great 7th Day, the 1000 years of Christ's Reign, began in 1873," (The Time Is at Hand, forward, p. ii). 1918 "Therefore we may confidently expect that 1925 will mark the return of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and the faithful prophets of old, particularly those named by the Apostle in Hebrews 11, to the condition of human perfection," (Millions Now Living Will Never Die, p. 89). 1922 "The date 1925 is even more distinctly indicated by the Scriptures than 1914," (Watchtower, Sept. 1, 1922, p. 262). 1923 "Our thought is, that 1925 is definitely settled by the Scriptures. As to Noah, the Christian now has much more upon which to base his faith than Noah had upon which to base his faith in a coming deluge," (Watchtower, Apr. 1, 1923, p. 106). 1925 "The year 1925 is here. With great expectation Christians have looked forward to this year. Many have confidently expected that all members of the body of Christ will be changed to heavenly glory during this year. This may be accomplished. It may not be. In his own due time God will accomplish his purposes concerning his people. Christians should not be so deeply concerned about what may transpire this year," (Watchtower, Jan. 1, 1925, p. 3). 1925 "It is to be expected that Satan will try to inject into the minds of the consecrated, the thought that 1925 should see an end to the work," (Watchtower, Sept., 1925, p. 262). 1926 "Some anticipated that the work would end in 1925, but the Lord did not state so. The difficulty was that the friends inflated their imaginations beyond reason; and that when their imaginations burst asunder, they were inclined to throw away everything," (Watchtower, p. 232). 1931 "There was a measure of disappointment on the part of Jehovah's faithful ones on earth concerning the years 1917, 1918, and 1925, which disappointment lasted for a time...and they also learned to quit fixing dates," (Vindication, p. 338). 1941 "Receiving the gift, the marching children clasped it to them, not a toy or plaything for idle pleasure, but the Lord's provided instrument for most effective work in the remaining months before Armageddon," (Watchtower, Sept. 15, 1941, p. 288). 1968 "True, there have been those in times past who predicted an 'end to the world', even announcing a specific date. Yet nothing happened. The 'end' did not come. They were guilty of false prophesying. Why? What was missing?.. Missing from such people were God's truths and evidence that he was using and guiding them," (Awake, Oct. 8, 1968). 1968 "Why are you looking forward to 1975?" (Watchtower, Aug. 15, 1968, p. 494). 6,000 years from Adam ended in A.D. 1872. (Daily Heavenly Manna, inside cover page),6,000 years of human history ended in 1873.(The Time is at Hand, p.33),6,000 years of human history ended in 1972.(The Truth Shall Make You Free, p.152, 1943 edition),6,000 years of human history ended in 1975. (Awake!, October 8th, 1968, page 15).  
    Would a true prophet of God make false prophecies about World War II?
    ‘The Nazis will destroy the British.’ (Fifth Column, p 15)
    The new book titled Children will prove useful ‘in the remaining months before Armageddon’ (Watchtower, 15 September 1941, p 288)
    ‘The end of Nazi Fascist hierarchy will come and will mark the end forever of demon rule.’ (Watchtower, 15 December 1941, p 377)
    Note that just admitting you were false prophets does not make you no longer false prophets.

  24. Upvote
  25. Downvote
    Matthew9969 got a reaction from Queen Esther in What Will Happen To All The Children At Armageddon?   
    That's what I was raised to believe, and in really horrible ways according to the pictures in the magazines and books.
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