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  1. Upvote
    Matthew9969 got a reaction from Noble Berean in Is it time for this forum to close its doors?   
    Another mark of cult mentality, you can use our publications for free to teach, but do not use them to teach. Why you guys still worship this governing body as Jehovah Himself is beyond me.
  2. Like
    Matthew9969 got a reaction from Space Merchant in "Cult Mentality"   
    I kinda like seeing the witnesses having a good time, raising their hands, clapping, dancing. As long as they are doing it to worship God. That's how the bible describes cheerful worship. 
  3. Like
    Matthew9969 got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Proverbs 4:18 - ‘Light Getting Brighter’   
    This is one of many verses the watchtower takes liberty in changing it's context. They use it to change doctrine, but this verse is not about changing doctrine. It's about righteous people will walk in the light, wicked people will walk in utter darkness. 
    So they replace the words 'light getting brighter' to 'new light'. But that doesn't work either because in the bible the only one bringing new light is satan transforming himself into light.
  4. Like
    Matthew9969 got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Netherlands - JW and paedophilia problem   
    Rut-roh..Jehovah's witnesses have the upmost hatred for the catholic church and catholics.
  5. Like
    Matthew9969 got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Is it time for this forum to close its doors?   
    Another mark of cult mentality, you can use our publications for free to teach, but do not use them to teach. Why you guys still worship this governing body as Jehovah Himself is beyond me.
  6. Like
    Matthew9969 got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Is it time for this forum to close its doors?   
    It does appear that they are attempting to copywrite the NWT and all their publications. As far as being concerned about people misquoting their content, they have no concern when they misquote or take out of context other sources...most of the time not giving source information for the misquoted context.
  7. Upvote
    Matthew9969 got a reaction from Ann O'Maly in Is it time for this forum to close its doors?   
    It does appear that they are attempting to copywrite the NWT and all their publications. As far as being concerned about people misquoting their content, they have no concern when they misquote or take out of context other sources...most of the time not giving source information for the misquoted context.
  8. Haha
    Matthew9969 got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Dancing in Kingdom Halls to worldly music???   
    Now I'm not condemning these people for wanting to have some joy inside their house of worship, but a few things stand out...these congregations would have been strongly reproved, if not even some disfellowshipped 10-15 20 years ago. This kind of joy definitely would have made my childhood much more easier to endure. But not just that...at my church, worship is done with christian centered music, by christian artist praising God and Jesus. These video's the brothers and sisters are singing and dancing and plagiarizing worldly music, and dances that have been popular in bars and worldly plays. I'm glad to see brothers and sisters finally being allowed to laugh, dance, have fun while congregating in a kingdom hall, still have some doctrines that are wrong, but they are catching on with what is in the bible about worshiping and praising God with musical instruments and dancing.
  9. Like
    Matthew9969 reacted to Witness in "Cult Mentality"   
    Dr. Michael Langone, has done considerable research in the field of mind-manipulating movements. He's identified some key traits that cultish movements reveal themselves. Steve Hassan, a former cult member and one of the leading experts of cults has also contributed a lot to the field. Both of these men have helped in identifying the tell-tale signs of cult mentality.

         What they say:
    "Cult members are “focused on a living leader to whom members seem to display excessively zealous, unquestioning commitment.” The leader is a strong-willed, domineering character who rules the group with tight control. He lets it be known in subtle ways that he is in charge of the movement. He makes the plans, he orchestrates the movements of the group or groups (sometimes he exercises his sway over several groups). He dispatches the workers, assigns their chores, etc." "“Questioning, doubt, and dissent are discouraged,” and there can be pressure or social punishment when there is disagreement with the “boss.” Those who disagree are made to feel as though they are stupid or inept. They are brainwashed with the notion that they do not have the knowledge or experience to question the leader. Younger people are particularly vulnerable to the leader’s gift of gab, and his feigned expertise. No matter how radical the leader becomes in his decisions or actions, the cult members will not criticize him. Even if there should be mild disagreement, no specific expressions are voiced. The members reason that though he may be mistaken in some of his judgments, yet the overall good he accomplishes outweighs any minor flaws.
    Members are taught to “rationalize” the conduct of the leader in matters they have always “considered unethical before,” under the guise that the “end justifies the means.”" "The leader “is preoccupied with [raising] money.” There is always a need for increasing finances. New projects are ever in the planning. Members are strongly encouraged to greatly sacrifice for the leader’s current pet enterprise. There is little pressure let-up; members of the group must be kept revved up on a continual basis.
    The cult leader always takes the major credit for the movement’s accomplishments. Members become psychologically dependent upon him. “What would we ever do without our leader?,” is the cult mentality." "The cult leader generates within his members “a polarized” mentality. His people evolve an us-versus-them outlook. Little by little, he criticizes other groups with which his members might tend to associate, undermining confidence in them, attempting to discredit anyone who could have influence over his flock." "The cult leader has a clearly defined anti-authoritarian disposition. Within the context of the church, for instance, he would have an “anti-elder” attitude. Elders would be recipients of constant critical remarks. No cult leader would affiliate himself with a congregation having elders to whom he must be in submission. Control could not be maintained in such an environment.
    The cult leader will constantly criticize preachers, particularly those whose knowledge of the Scriptures eclipse his own. Members must be made to feel that he is the chief authority in spiritual matters." "Cult members are seen occasionally to take on a new personality. They begin to act differently. They become increasingly antagonistic to family members and long-time friends. They may even boast, “I am not the old [name] that you used to know; I am a new person now.” And indeed they are. They have become strangers to those who knew them well. They have been transformed into the image of their leader."         From the "Psychology of Cults"  
    Rev 13:1,5-18
  10. Like
    Matthew9969 reacted to DeeDee in Noah's Aargh!   
  11. Upvote
    Matthew9969 got a reaction from Witness in Why can't ex-Jehovah's Witnesses just move on and not bash the organisation they left?   
    When you see a building burning, you warn others to stay away from it, that is not bashing. But some ex jw's do act like jerks and say and do stuff that is not Christian.
    When you see someone sitting in a pit of vipers, welcoming others to join them, you try to convince them all it's not a good idea to be hanging out in a pit of vipers.
  12. Haha
    Matthew9969 got a reaction from tromboneck in 2017 Service Year Report Grand Totals   
    Do they have as much to boast about their financial report
  13. Like
    Matthew9969 got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in 2017 Service Year Report Grand Totals   
    Do they have as much to boast about their financial report
  14. Downvote
    Matthew9969 got a reaction from Queen Esther in Can I give my girlfriend a back rub if we're dating as Jehovah Witnesses?   
    Wow, now that is amazing, jw's are so embarrassed what their watchtower says they ask me not to quote form it, ok I'll stop quoting watchtower articles,  since they are rather embarrassing to you guys. I'll just give you my personal opinion instead so you can invalidate it. 
  15. Like
    Matthew9969 reacted to Israeli Bar Avaddhon in In an attack on Israel coming?   
    Thanks to the coherence of the Word of God we have arrived at an unprecedented understanding of the Holy Writings.
    This understanding, far from complete but constantly growing, would not have flowed freely if we had not approached it with the utmost care of mind and without prejudice - compare Acts 17:11
    One of the fundamental concepts that would have prevented the understanding of many things is that related to the identity of modern Israel.
    Even today this subject confuses and makes it impossible to understand the Bible to the vast majority of religions as well as to individual scholars.

    Is an attack on Israel coming?   In this regard, Charles Taze Russell spoke several times to a large audience of Jews in New York and also in Europe on the theme "Zionism in Prophecy" and in 1925 published the book entitled "Comfort for the Jews".
    In time, however, it was clear to some that "something was wrong" in part because the Bible very clearly predicted that this return home would bring blessings to humanity and also because it was strange that God Almighty used the empire Anglo-American and United Nations to restore His people on earth.  It is true that in the past a similar thing happened, but the Jewish people of that time did everything to restore pure worship, something that certainly can not be said of the current Jewish people.
    And there would be so many other things to be said that would severely outweigh the biblical prophecy indicated.
    In light of world events, some have revised this interpretation but for many that remains a biblical prophecy fulfilled.
    So two distinct groups were created: those that no longer give any importance to Jerusalem and those who say that God's people are in present-day in Jerusalem.
    Through the study of the Word of God and His undeserved kindness we have understood that both positions are wrong.
    Both positions will prevent any deep understanding of the Word.
    What happened in 1948 is indeed a biblical prophecy only that it is not what most religions have imagined - Daniel 4: 20-25 Jerusalem, and Israel as a consequence, still has a great importance in the Word of God (it has never ceased to have it) only that the present one today is not the one that would have brought blessings to humanity but a mystification, a deception.
    A deception in which we all fell.
    All who are convinced that Jerusalem no longer has any importance in biblical prophecy are invited to reflect on scriptures such as Nehemiah 1: 9, Isaiah 34:17; 60:15, Joel 3:20 or Luke 21:24 Obviously it will become difficult to understand such direct and clear scriptures if every time we read "Jerusalem" we use that filter known as "symbolic meaning" or "spiritual sense".
    So also the return of the people of God to their homeland is to be understood in a literal sense, and Russell was right in this, only that this did not happen in 1948.
    In its place appeared a sordid prostitute who, far from being the legitimate bride as she herself asserts, has seduced the peoples with her influence and has initiated a series of events that have caused (and will cause) death , pain and despair - compare Revelation 18:24 From the comparison of the biblical books of Daniel and Revelation we understand that a world war is coming, that is, that which will end the king of the south. This is a prophecy to come and not something that concerned 1914 or so.
    We understand that "behind the scenes" of this war, there will be this prostitute. Although Jehovah allow this war, as it happened in the past, even to discipline His people, He will not leave unpunished this prostitute.
    We know that it will be definitively destroyed at Har-maghedon (not at the beginning of the great tribulation) and therefore "we will have to keep it" until the end of the satanic system. Its complete destruction is near but not so close. From now until the last moment any sincere person who truly wants to know God Almighty and do His will has the opportunity to take the necessary steps. Every single inhabitant of Israel may decide to ask Jehovah for forgiveness and save himself from the destruction that will inevitably fall upon the nation.
    The biblical prophecy makes us understand that before its definitive destruction, the king of the north will turn his attention to it - Daniel 11:30 This "attention" does not seem to have anything positive because the same writing speaks of "complaints". In harmony with this we have seen, comparing with Revelation, that the fifth trumpet that torments "those men who do not have the seal of God on the forehead" is most likely aimed precisely at the old people of God.
    Since the fifth trumpet is concomitant with the first trouble it is possible to hypothesize that this torment will be particularly painful.
    It is certainly not a coincidence that shortly thereafter (exactly five months later) this situation leads to a much wider and bloody war - Revelation 9: 13-20 ". As said, it is because of this prostitute that the great war will break out.
    Even the study of Jeremiah, a book we are investigating in recent days, has reinforced this vision.
    We do not have a precise date but from these Scriptural reflections we understand that an attack on Israel is coming and so we are right to pay due attention.
    Let us prepare ourselves mentally because the Word of God can not fail.
    Although this will not yet affect its ultimate destruction, it seems clear that such an attack will be there.
    It does not matter if many laugh or take this interpretation lightly; we have a chance to ascertain these things - 1 Thessalonians 5:21     * If someone has shared, even in part, this information, he is invited to warn people of what is going to happen.
    Above all those who have acquaintances or friends in that nation are invited to act according to their conscience.
    ** Since Revelation speaks of "torment" and not of death it is possible that this attack concerns a series of burning complaints (compare Daniel 11:30) from the king of the north and not a military attack. Most of the political intrasaces of this nation, which include lies, murders and abuses perpetrated against other peoples, could come to light.
    This would cause an atrocious pain to all those who, until the last moment, wanted to maintain an aura of holiness and justice and pass for victims of the world.  ***Spiritual drunks who have the privilege of carrying the name of Jehovah are invited to observe the next world events.      
  16. Like
    Matthew9969 got a reaction from Queen Esther in Can I give my girlfriend a back rub if we're dating as Jehovah Witnesses?   
    Not enough information to give you a clear answer. But the flesh is powerful and can lead one into temptation. 
  17. Downvote
    Matthew9969 got a reaction from Queen Esther in Can I give my girlfriend a back rub if we're dating as Jehovah Witnesses?   
    That is straight from your watchtower, not my words at all. Telling married couples they are not allowed to hold hands. You guys don't even want to believe what is printed by the governing body, why do you people stay with this religion you have no belief in?
  18. Like
    Matthew9969 got a reaction from Sam Anya in Can I give my girlfriend a back rub if we're dating as Jehovah Witnesses?   
    Tell me about it, not even married couples are allowed to hold hands or embrace, (side embrace) each other while praying in a kingdom hall. Talk about silly rules:
    Some marriage mates might discreetly hold hands, but if they embraced each other during public prayer, those who got a glimpse of such conduct might be stumbled. They might think or get the impression that the couple was focusing on their romantic relationship instead of reverence for Jehovah. Out of deep respect for him, let us therefore “do all things for God’s glory” and avoid conduct that could distract, shock, or stumble anyone.
  19. Like
    Matthew9969 reacted to Shiwiii in Be Generous Toward Jehovah   
    Yes, did you happen to notice the different types of charities that those kids donated to? I looked through your links and noticed that these charities support not a single organization, but rather the good of all. That is in far contrast to the WTS. Does the WTS have a nursing home? Do they have women's shelters? Orphanages? Food banks? What form of assistance can you get from the WTS if you need it? I'm sorry but I just do not see the WTS as a charity.
    Full Definition of charity
    plural charities
    1:  benevolent goodwill toward or love of humanity
    2a :  generosity and helpfulness especially toward the needy or suffering; also :  aid given to those in needb :  an institution engaged in relief of the poorc :  public provision for the relief of the needy
    3a :  a gift for public benevolent purposesb :  an institution (as a hospital) founded by such a gift
    4:  lenient judgment of others
  20. Like
    Matthew9969 got a reaction from Melinda Mills in Making a Jehovah's Witness answer the business phones with the greeting "Merry Christmas."   
    As I've stated, different congregations allow certain things that others wouldn't.
    I do know there are quite a few stores that will tell their employee's they can only say happy holidays only because a lot of people find Christmas offensive.
  21. Thanks
    Matthew9969 got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Watchtower Lawyer speaking in US Congres commission - picture   
  22. Like
    Matthew9969 got a reaction from Melinda Mills in Making a Jehovah's Witness answer the business phones with the greeting "Merry Christmas."   
    No, there is no law here that states a person must say merry Christmas for the business they work for. If they work for a charity or a Christian store they may be encouraged to say it, but I highly doubt you would ever see a jehovahs witness working in a Christian store or a charity.
  23. Upvote
    Matthew9969 got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in JW "Doctrine" versus "Opinion"   
    Question: does the governing body expect the rank and file to view the overlapping generation as doctrine?
  24. Thanks
    Matthew9969 got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in Watchtower Lawyer speaking in US Congres commission - picture   
    Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia are working with Scientology, the Unification Church, Mormons and others in a joint political effort to lobby the Russian Duma (similar to the US Congress) for certain issues. The name of this joint political lobby in Russua is: Public Committee for the Defense of Freedom of Conscience." Compared with the cults, we had few resources; we were very small and our funding was nil. Their strength was multi plied, because many of them arrived at a sort of mutual understanding, and an exchange of strategic information began among Scientology, ISKCON, the Unifi cation Church, "The Family" (formerly Children of God ), and lately the Jehovah's Witnesses - and this does not include several smaller sects. Their cooperation quickly became obvious when the first negative reports appeared about cults in the Russian media. In response, editors began to receive virtually identical letters of protest with packages of documents from all of the above mentioned groups. http://www.theonet.dk/spirituality/spirit98-11/dvorkin.html Mr. Yakunin, a former priest under the Moscow Patriarchate, was defrocked in 1994 for grossly violating the canons of the Church. When he was not re-elected to the Duma in 1996, he founded a private nonprofit organization known as the "Public Committee for the Defense of Freedom of Conscience." The Committee immediately went about seeking donations from various destructive cults, including the Jehovah's Witnesses, Unification Church, and Scientology. http://www.theonet.dk/spirituality/spirit98-11/dvorkin.html Later some 30 Scientologists and ISKCON members joined the lawsuit with charges of their own. When it became clear that the Church supported my case and that the implications for their public relations efforts were not good (Russian public opinion remembers very well when the Church was placed in the dock in the Communist show trials), some of the Scientologists and ISKCON members dropped their charges against me. However, some statements still remained. Scientology, ISKCON, the Unification Church, Jehovah's Witnesses, "The Family," and other cults took a very active role in the court proceedings: they always were present, providing translations, materials, interpreters, legal advice, witnesses, video and audio recording, etc. http://www.theonet.dk/spirituality/spirit98-11/dvorkin.html ... in the lawsuit. Interestingly, none of the groups mentioned in the booklet gave the Com mittee the power of attorney to act on its behal f : The Committee's top executives, Lev Levinson and Mikhail Osadchev, said that they represented an "indef in ite num ber of people - members of new religious movements ." When they were told that there are no "indefinite number of people" in court, they then announced that they were acting on behalf of all religious orga nizations mentioned in Dvorkin 's booklet (with the exception of Aum Shinrikyo, the White Brotherhood, Peoples Temple, and Branch Davidians), namely: ISKCON, the Scientology organization, the Unification Church, the Mother of God Center, the International Churches of Christ, The Family, the Church of the Last Testament, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints (Mormons ), and the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society (Jehovah 's Wit nesses) - a ll of which were offended by the booklet and wi ll file their own charges. This bizarre move immediately gave the process quite a grotesque twist. http://www.theonet.dk/spirituality/spirit98-11/dvorkin.html Eventua ll y only Eileen Barker and James Richardson came. Massimo Intro vigne and Gordon Melton sent written statements. Numerous witnesses took the stand - more than 2 0 o n behalf of the plaintiffs and over 25 for the defendants. From the plaintiffs' side came witnesses who were members of the fo ll owing cults: ISKCON, Scientology, the Unification Church, and Jehovah's Witnesses. Also, members of ISKCON and the Unification Church's pet parents' committees, plus Russian and foreign experts, gave evidence. It is noteworthy that all of the experts, including Barker and Richardso n , were asked the fo ll owing question by the de fendants' attorneys: "Can a person be a member of all of the above-mentioned cults at the same time?" Both scholars were warned that their answers would be pub lished o n the Internet, and each tried to avoid giving a direct answer. When pressed, both answered with a f ir m "Yes" - a rather unusual response from persons claiming to be experts in the field of NRMs. http://www.theonet.dk/spirituality/spirit98-11/dvorkin.html Their mutual cooperation was clear on September 19 when all of them together picketed the Duma, protesting the passage of the law. http://www.theonet.dk/spirituality/spirit98-11/dvorkin.html The whole paper is worth reading ... but demonstrates that the Jehovah's Witnesses aka Watchtower Society is working together with other religious organizations, such as the Mormons, Moonies, Scientology, etc. to lobby the Duma in a political cooperative joint effort ... My Question: How can the Watchtower Society claim neutrality and separation from Babylon the Great, while at the same time working together with them in political lobby for mutual interests, and working together in lawsuits as co-defendants? What gives here? - Jim W. ADDITIONAL RESOURCES: These show the "Public Committee for the Defense of Freedom of Conscience." involved in various political actions outside the efforts at religious freedom ... such as jointly going against the Russian Federation on the war in Chechnya. While some of the causes are noble, it still shows that by being part of this organization, the Watchtower Society is bringing its policy of neutrality into question: 1. http://archive.tol.cz/transitions/jan99/itowreli.html2. http://balkansnet.org/wib/stats/chechnya.html3. http://prcenter.newmail.ru/news2000/22_feb__report_on_antisemetism_in_russia.htm4. http://www.religiousfreedom.com/links/rf.htm5. http://www.nybooks.com/articles/14747 (New York Review) 6. http://www.religioustolerance.org/rt_russi1.htm7. Deleted - cited in error 8. http://www.rickross.com/reference/rs/rs28.html (USA accused of using sects in Russia) 9. http://www.xenu.net/archive/events/russia/sir.html (Scientology involvement) 10. http://www.minelres.lv/ngo/russia.htm (NGO's in Russia) 11. http://puckish.arrr.net/articles/consequences.html (Terrorism issues and the Public Committee ...) 12. http://www.jw-media.org/region/europe/russia/english/moscow/e_com980930.htm (liquidation of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia) 13. http://www.tparents.org/Library/Unification/Talks/Krylova/Krylova-CARP.htm (Unificaton Church / Moonies in Russia) 14. http://www.factnet.org/Scientology/sciroc.htm?FACTNet (Lawsuit against Russia Orthodoxy) 15. http://www.bcis.gov/text/services/asylum/ric/documentation/Belarus.htm (US Foreign Sec. re: former Soviet Union and the JWs.) 16. http://www.wcc-coe.org/wcc/what/interreligious/cd31-02.html (Comments by the World Council of Churches)
  25. Like
    Matthew9969 reacted to Srecko Sostar in Is there a contradiction with regard to freedom to change one's religion?   
    Natural, God given conscience   vs.    Artificial, "bible based conscience" imposed by WT interpretations and rules   simple answer.
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