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Space Merchant

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Space Merchant last won the day on July 26 2023

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  1. A shy away from 100; within range, but in the eyes of those who watch and observe various protests, it is a miniscule number, essentially, a single white peddle that are hard to see in a large pond containing other rocks. The irony is they claim they had more than that, which is wrong because even their own attested otherwise. This is similar to a Pro-Israel group that was protesting sometime ago, who had around 88-100 people, but because of the few MSMs out there that supports Israel, they claim the number of protesters was in the thousands, when that is not true. As I said, it is simply a repeat, as stated. Same case with the actions that took place (minus JW church raids), disgruntled EXJWs attacking not just JWs, but also former EXJWs that do not side with what JWs deem as apostasy. Not only that, they also attack onlookers who do not believe protesting against a religion is a sane idea, in fact, comments regarding that are very interesting. The protest also exposes that, which was speculated, but now known as true, that EXJWs, most have a political leaning, and there is only one side that is not too cool with Christian Values. Meanwhile, Pro-Palestine Protesters have taken the United States of America by storm, mainly Washington DC, this is why disgruntled EXJWs were mistaken for Pro-Palestine Protesters. As mentioned, some disgruntled ones felt that they did not make a big impact, hence why they are pressing the idea that Jehovah's Witnesses were somehow connected with Israel or affiliated with Zionism, some even take it a step further to say JWs are part of the NWO (despite them being in opposition with religions that seek to unify), they do this in hopes that anyone who supports Palestine, would target them. Elsewhere, some neighborhood watch commenter mentioned there was a car that kept passing around one of the JW Churches ion Jersey. For example, should something happen to any JW Church because of this, disgruntled ones will take the situation and blame it on JWs themselves (which is no surprised with what they brought up regarding the bombing in India). That alone should tell you something. That being said, it is also discovered some disgruntled ones became apostates for some of the stupidest reasons. Apparently, someone who is subscribed to John Cedars was exposed for lying, he said he left the JW faith because of the teachings.... But in reality, he really left because some woman in the JW faith rejected his advances, therefore, he joins the rank of the disgruntled EXJWs. Another, who became disgruntled because all she wanted to do was partake in high levels of Spiritism induced media, and as you already know, such is backed by other disgruntled ones.
  2. Waited purposely just to say this.... I told you so. I only came back to say it because the small subnet of a group that went were not only confused for Pro-Palestine protesters, but were overshadowed by them when Antony Blinken was in town (despite how they want to portray their actions) --> https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2023/10/31/pro-palestinian-protesters-interrupt-blinken-testimony-on-israel/71392628007/ --> Video of the testimony incident As it was done in 2017, it has been done the same with this one. More of the focus was around the very things mentioned when it came to things that will take place concerning events, which was true then, and now. What also put harm to this more is the fact that a few of the disgruntled ones have been exposed for harassing and attacking people because of their opposite stance concerning some faiths, as is, this includes Jehovah's Witnesses; the events with India, or the likes of a specific person in the late Jeffrey Epstein's circle of friends. The desperation gets real when some disgruntled folks are now trying to paint Jehovah's Witnesses as Zionist and or partakers in Zionism in order to put a spotlight on them in hopes that any fringe opposition to Israel who sees them, will view them as targets, which isn't too different from when disgruntled ones tried to pin them as a Democratic Left leaning religious group, while hypocritically seeking help from Democratic Left leaning folk to deal with them, which beats the asking the then US president to ban a single religion move made a few years back. That being said, with the true colors being shown by those with an evident political view, seems like the very people the disgruntled EXJWs seek support from, don't mind the bloodshed and or harm of some people, be it young or old, not to mention the fact that the political view who are in the religious space in conjunction with Mainstream Christendom, were indeed using people of former faiths, this includes EXJWs for their own gain, and continue to do so. As I said many times, you can seek and apply solutions to help and support, even teach all while being grounded for it benefits people in and outside of any community to minizine issues to the best of one's ability, you'd fair far better than going on a warpath that makes you look foolish.
  3. The Holiday is Pagan, end of story. You do not have to be religious, and or a man of God, or of any faith community, such as JWs, to realize this. Those who deem it otherwise, simply want to add to the Church, not realizing what they are doing is unwise, and those who know and do this willingly, even making excuses to partake, well, the White Throne is waiting for them - Revelation 20:11-15. That being said, you are either for God and his Christ or the World and it's God. There is no middle ground. Do what you can to remain on the correct side.
  4. The MSM is always lying. This is why they speak of anyone who is Anti-agenda and or for the truth as villains when in reality, they have an Agenda themselves, an end goal, that, in turn, would prove to be a problem for all people. The sad thing is they claim people, thus becoming figurative casualties of the censorship and truth war.
  5. @Patiently waiting for Truth @ApostaBabe Linda James It would seem as to what was told to both of you in this regard, as a forewarning, is starting to become like a plague, increased intensity in 2023 and onward, to the point people are now realizing the actions of the people, this also includes a few allys of the disgruntled EXJWs, are doing in various institutions, even the higher education system itself, which is doing a lot of the pushing. Next time it would make sense to listen, rather than ignore and play it off as if there is no threats around when things start to open back up and or push for woke inclusivity as a means to target the youth. As for religious lines, they, those with intent, already perverted the Christ. The entirety of this month, those who do not support the agendas, are targeted, Muslims, Catholics, us Biblical Unitarians, and yes, even Jehovah's Witnesses, granted, among the EXJW supporters, has a huge following with the LGBTQ community who advocates for this nonsense. Not to mention Babylon pushing some churches to include notions of the LGBTQ into their churches, hence why I always speak of this Desmond is amazing character, whom someone, even among the chosen, had to deal with. It should also be noted that NBC (a branch of the MSM), who seemingly support most EX members of a faith, are, defending the behaviors of those involved in recent events regarding children, willingly. That being said, perhaps next time, actually understand and pay attention, to be this gullible to the actions of those in the world who would love nothing more than to kill Biblical values and or morals speaks volume, especially now, granted, we are at the brink of war, and society is becoming more Godless by the day, and in the end, the very people who prey on children in all parts of the world will be accepted, and it will be a very bad paradigm for everyone else. The videos speak for themselves concerning the outrage. This will be the last time this will be mentioned to you, Butler, because failing to see a problem and brushing it off is a problem, which is the Agenda itself.
  6. This is somewhat true, hence why I am not too keen of AI and or agendas, especially AI. But what I had noticed over the years, any organization that the Left sides with (this goes for Alt groups too), they are not has harsh with specific groups and or faiths when something bad happens, even a crime among members, this goes for the religious folks on their side, you wouldn't catch PBS bashing their own in this regard. Now, if it is something that they are against, they are quick to attack, mock, and formulate narratives to try and cast doubt and crush one's hope and or faith, for example, Trump Followers, MAGA, of which they preach are all cultist and evil because they noted a few bad folks among them, but the same people will not say a single word about ANTIFA, of how, recently, they attacked parents who want to defend their kids from an already, for a long time now, corrupt Higher Education System. Regarding Jehovah's Witnesses, the assumption on the Left is that JWs are Conservatives whereas disgruntled EXJWs will tell you JWs are Left-Wing, when in reality, they are neutral, or in this case, apolitical like other groups. Reasons why whenever there is News, anything breaking, Fox News (pre-Tucker Carlson) for example, are not as harsh with them because of views of religious freedom and the like, mainly when any member of the JW faith commits a crime, they focus the attention of the person who committed the crime, and will be in the middle in some things. Now you go to the Left or any Alt side, they go on full attack mode, hence why you see Left-Wing outlets like Atlantic, Guardian, CNN, etc. stick to one side. The reality is majority of EXJWs rely on Left Wing sources and speakers. Now current Jehovah's Witnesses, have among them who are gullible when it comes to the MSM, and although neutral, a few of them may bear some level of influence by the Agenda the MSM pushes, to a degree, some even succumb to conspiracy theory rather of what is true, this is the same with the EXJW counterpart who are far more quick to accept something (we see many examples of this here on the forums) That being said, the Wild Beast, the UN making a move that will change the lives of many very soon, and I can tell you now, that what they have in store, will result in the same paradigm of one side vs the other, and people will get caught in the crossfire, among the people caught, many will be among the JWs and EXJWs collectively, if they do not tread carefully.
  7. If the video, the goal is to create bias against someone you are against, which isn't uncommon by people like this, granted, the uploader was among the attackers of a man on YouTube who stopped part of a Warwick protest. All this hatred they have for not only JWs, but people like Anthony Morris, whom they mock, in one instance for begin against tight pants, but recently, create speculation and assumptions, to draw in viewers within the community. They did this with another JW leader, Stephen Lett, whom, it was mentioned elsewhere that he advocated for ending the lives on infants.... When in reality, the video was clipped and taken out of context. It is stuff like this why many groups, including Jehovah's Witnesses, take issue with Apostates. For the forum, apparently they had more to say about Morris and his Son, but like I said, the forum is not that easy to access, especially the portion of the forums where it is exclusive to members only, similar to here where there is this club and a JW only club, and only those accepted by the mods can access the JW only club. I can ask Sunrise for more stuff, but the man doesn't really hang out too much on various platforms.
  8. These persons are on a similar forum, such as this one, majority of them being Jehovah's Witnesses. Although similar, one can't join the forum via easy means, it is more strict to access because of what apostates did to them and former JWs a while back, so it is not easily found by some, granted, other places were hit and the prime targets were JWs or EXJWs that do not agree with disgruntled EXJWs. The only reason I now know about this person's son [Jessie Morris], is because, from the information I got from my source, Sunrise Ezekiel, who goes to that forum (or use to go there as of recent), one of the JWs mentioned that the person in question is Anthony Morris' son from a recent post. That being said, this is what Sunrise sent me - Strict forums that are not easy to find isn't something uncanny, for instance, The Christian Stack Exchange, of which I am from, or the hyper restrictive community, The Truther Community I am also a part of, and the reason that one is far more strict and difficult for anyone to get into because often times a disgruntled person can expose someone and that results in legitimate harm done to someone directly or indirectly, mistaken action made against them, i.e. a member of the community saved someone, but was accidentally shot and killed by police, the MSM painted the not deceased person as bad guy, and he was only vindicated by the community, although the truth was drowned out. Another situation in another community I have seen, but not a part of, a woman of the community, 22 at the time, now she is 26, who was tracked down by a Gang Stalker who got into the community and tracked the woman down in an attempt to sexual assault her only to fail because the woman knows how to fight. As you can see, this is why some communities online are, in this case, isolated and whatever they do, they do as a group with trusted people, not random outsiders.
  9. Not all of them, remember, there are EXJWs who are 100% against Apostate EXJWs, hence the community in question which I alluded to a few minutes ago. The reason they are more isolated because they are often being attacked by disgruntled JWs over the years, such as the Rick Fearon types or by persons mentioned by @Witness here, like Marcus Vaughn. Although these EXJWs are no longer of the faith community, even gave legitimate reasons, even their expelling, they still retain moralistic views, which explains why they can speak, even converse with current JWs on a grounded level without a lot of the nonsense. That being said, outside of the Morris thing, these JWs and EXJWs have been talking about a specific ally of the disgruntled JWs, which is resulting in people rising up against said ally. As for their thoughts on Morris, the majority noted he stepped down, some even now are speaking about what appears to be his son, who did something recently. It should be noted he is a Vietnam Vet, so health issues is also another factor. The only reason you barely hear of this is because they are overshadowed by the disgruntled ones, same case with any Bible Student group or simply students of Scripture caught in the crossfire, such as Reslight, Simon Brown, and many more.
  10. And people trust folks at CNN, The Atlantic, Guardian, PBS and a list of others and do not realize of whom all these folks are connected to, the groups and entities, etc.
  11. There is more information elsewhere, ironically a grounded community of which JWs and EXJWs who do not want to deal with apostates of the faith, who spoke of this concerning this religious leader. From what I was able to gather thanks to someone there, although he is no longer of the body of religious leaders of Jehovah's Witnesses, he is most likely still among them. It should be noted that the person who uploaded the video was among the fold that took part in an attack against an Ex-bible student, child abuse survivor, so the person the uploader is affiliated with, need not worry much. It was also mentioned by many, even Aubrey who now goes by the name @Dandelion Friend here that his videos were removed, this is false because as of recent, the sermons regarding this person can still be found even archived. That being said, I always assumed the unaware folks are gullible outside of a faith, but it seems that anyone who takes the word of someone like the uploader, are just as gullible, when they, even the person in question, the apostate, has little to not information, and thrives off of speculation. Exodus 23:1 - Do not spread false reports. A verse that fly past the heads of many apparently. People make false reports and or speculative notions do so to gain support, recognition and listeners, not realizing they will cause more harm than good, be it the MSM or someone else. Next thing you know, probably some random disgruntled person will say that this religious leader roams NYC at night, fighting crime with the teenage mutant ninja turtles, and get this, people will believe it, at the same level as those who believe CNN to be trusted news.
  12. Those soldiers most likely did not know any better, and what transpired after that, when Jesus was no more (Matthew 27:50-54). One of them wised up and said afterwards, Certainly this was God’s Son. As for today, present day, people can fake forgiveness and or repentance, to not be observant of that, and to even attest to how the Mainstream sees such things, will enable more problems vs those who are not as vigilant outside of the Mainstream, many of these examples exist, even professed here. That being said, I was dealing with some immoral folks (I am sure you heard the news, what I told Butler and @ApostaBabe Linda James came to fruition), debating them, so I got lost as to where this thread went to, from News to ARC, and suddenly repentance and 1975 again, which, ironically, can easily be shut down with a single question and recent actions of some about Russia.
  13. Yes, every man, woman, and child are born sinners, this includes Jehovah's Witnesses, granted, all man, but the Christ, are imperfect. However, any born sinner in a faith community can be Excommunicated on grounds of willful sin, which, it can be determined by the church body, if that person should remain or not, and if in some cases it is serious (i.e. immoral conduct, such as sexual relations outside of wedlock and or adultery, etc.), the person can be removed, in this case, due to the JWs around here, disfellowshipped. There is no difference. Among core teachings of Christianity is that yes, Christians should forgive, this goes with repentance, but at the same time, the repentance has to be genuine. Although at times it does go through those who are leading said church, be it a sole member or a body of people, for, if we need an example, there is Apostle Paul, and those who wrote letters to, such as Titus and Timothy, who, along with others who take the lead, hold office in governing the church for pure worship, although at times, some folks slip through the cracks such as Alexander and Hymenaeus. Mainstream Christianity, will be quick to forgive without taking percussion, or knowing if the repentance is willful or not. Which, can lead to a number or problems, some of which I explained here several times, i.e. Gang stalkers within the religious space, regardless of the community. The same can be applied to morals, and other things outside of the church, regarding family for they can pick and choose who they want to have around them. Then there is another problem is exploited forgiveness and repentance, which in of itself, is, is a whole other can of worms. That being said, legitimate cults or any of the few outside of the the Abrahamic Faiths practice a form of censure in the most severe form of expelling that isn't even in the same realm as the biblical form of excommunication, the end result is indefinite expulsion from all communities, religiously, by blood and community, and even if the person in question is seeking forgiveness, there is 0% (literally) chance of re-entering a community, in some cases, physical harm can be done to said person depending on the group, i.e. Church of the Almighty God (in China) which, [A] Does not follow core teachings. [B] Take violent action against members and or recruited members should they leave, and if they leave, the are expelled indefinite, and often times, end up as legitimate targets of assault. [C] Lastly, not only they adopted some pagan traditions, they believe God is somehow a female and male at the same time.
  14. I take things regarding missing persons, even with children, with concern, as do others in the community I am apart of, some of which, in said community go above and beyond to deal with such issues. As I mentioned, back in 2021-2022, when places start to open up, there will be people who will target folks even the youth, physically and or mentally, among said stuff I talk about, this has been taking place recently, there is nearly 30+ children reported as missing in Cleveland during first 2 weeks of May (this factors out those who are not US citizens such as Mexicans or Ukrainians, although in their case it is grave), and it is stated to have been a surge, some believe this has links to human trafficking, which I do not fault them for believing. That being said, although it is one area, something of this nature can spread to other areas, so be very careful, as is vigilant out there. Watch yourself and those around you, mainly if you do have folks who can be unaware of such things. The below is what I can find for now, regarding this situation, surprisingly, most of media do not even talk about this stuff.
  15. Notice, that many are pointing the figures at Russia, the irony of it all, 2-3 months ago, there was talk about test runs of blowing up dams and the like, then this happens. Among other things, the dam in question was within Russia territory so, again, why would Russia destroy their own structures? Secondly, regarding the Nord stream Pipeline, there was a mysterious boot found in the area, uncovered by a dive team, the boot in question seems to be associated with NATO. But as I have been saying for, since 2016 now, there are powers that seek a war for a gain for their agenda, financially, power wise, even religiously. In turn, it affects the people caught in the crossfire.
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