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Space Merchant

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Posts posted by Space Merchant

  1. @JW Insider Agreed, also as for this

    12 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

    Oh wait! Was this about Ukraine or door-to-door ministry?

    Ukraine only came up because of the BBC Article first brought forth by @Srecko Sostar.

    So the discussion is mixed, and bounces back between subject matter from the looks of it.

    Gospel preaching, Ukraine conflict, The Last Apostle/Inspired and not Inspired Prophets, John Butler's other account, and somehow John the Baptist got interjected because people are getting their Johns confused when it is clear of whom it being talked about.


    Concerning your faith's gospel preaching, it won't be the same as it was before. People are more leaning towards to ill intent out of desperation. So you, as with most, need to be extremely vigilant and cautious.


    Apparently, the common folks wants your faith community back:



  2. 35 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    I get the impression that you have a list of two groups, on one are the media sources that always presents the truth, and on the other list are the media sources that always presents lie.

    The Mainstream Media suppresses truth, and during war time, truth is often suppressed and or killed off. The MSM is a collective, grouped, and are often associated with things such as Big Pharma, as we know this due to the Opioid Crisis as is the COVID-19 Endemic, and Big Teach, mass censorship and suppression of information and truth.

    As for the BBC article it was indeed misinformation. The claim is the Drone was from the Russians when in reality it is vastly different, leaning towards a False Flag to get the Croatia people involved, and even in their eyes, they see this too; granted NATO had quite the failure in that situation. The reason the BBC doesn't tell you this because they are among the many who are war mongers, and supporters of the military industrial complex. And this isn't one instance, it is several, in example, over the years, i.e. Syria Chemical situation.


    They also censor people, myself included.


    That being said it is understandable how your friend views truth vs the MSM, granted he himself was fooled by the New York Times and Newscorp, even one pertaining to CNN.

  3. 1 minute ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    Well it seems that SM knows for sure that no Prophet will ever be Inspired ever again. It's finished. 

    I don't think so :) 

    You clearly didn't read what I said.

    Todays Christians are Prophets Not Inspired, spirit led to process the Great Commission of which the Christ commanded. They can't raise the dead, have visions or heal the sick, something of which a Prophet Inspired is capable of doing.

    1 minute ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    We do not know 'exactly' where we are in the stream of time.  We do not know how many years are left. 

    We don't. But we know when the Christian Church was changed that resulted in the situation we are in now.

    3 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    SM is busy telling me that I don't use scripture to base my ideas on.

    You said from your own understanding, you even said from your own personal thoughts, an understanding of your own, but not of Scripture.

    As seen here:

    22 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    my personal thoughts...


    4 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    SM seems to know more about me than God or Yeshua know. 

    I was technically birthed into Scriptures, so I know quite a lot about God and his Christ, so much so I don't allow myself to lean upon my own understanding to sacrifice legitimate teachings for a Mainstream one. Ironic coming from someone who didn't know Strong's for nakedness/gridled up.

    6 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    So to SM and ALL others here. I believe that in the 'last days' Inspired Prophets or Inspired Anointed ones will guide true Christians to truth and give true direction and help. 

    Only Christians and the remaining Chosen remain, both of whom in the spiritual house - none of them can raise those asleep in death, or heal the sick. Clearly none of us had such abilities and those who claim otherwise, Paul's words come to mind.

    That being said, you have to be careful with those who claim to be an Inspired Prophet, for the majority already think they can have visions from God and witness Heaven and Hell. As @Equivocation thread alludes to.


  4. 2 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    I respect opinion in your claim that you do not do opinions. :) 

    I don't do opinions, only facts and evidence. If I had one, you'd quote it directly, but granted this is an extreme rarity, you are making a claim that is unfounded, a mistake Cos made.

    I have reasons as to why I do not lean upon opinions and it is quite obvious.

    That being said, the fact I rely on research as well, I was not easily fooled by the BBC as you have shown yourself to have been.

  5. 31 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

    I saw that. A couple of different soldiers escaped and had the same story. Some of these volunteer soldiers have even come from the US, and the local soldiers don't want them on the ground alongside them, but will use them for suicide missions.

    Yes, and some people have died from what I am finding out, mainly those who lack military experience, and reasons being is mainly due to the fact that Russian Soldiers can track people's phones; those using social media to, get the likes, so to speak. People from Reddit who volunteered are victims in this because they think War is a video game, in their mind because they became Rambo in Call of Duty, they think they can do the same in real life, and they were very wrong.

    As for those with military experience, they're not treated as well, and if anything, they are purposely sent to the frontlines, sometimes unarmed.

    As for Ukraine, it is already known something like this will never be made public and those who do speak up are mocked, called Pro-Putin, and a list of other things.

    This is why outside of Russia and their allies, even the likes of Ukraine, their President, as is NATO are corrupt.

    To make matters worse the MSM also encouraged people to volunteer. Sending lams into the slaughter, is what it is.

    That being said, the International Conflict, more and more people are trying to get folks involved, something of which Srecko did not understand what the BBC attempted. These powers want to cause chaos.

  6. 1 hour ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    But are animals around Chernobyl getting cancer, 30 years after the accident?

    “It's very rare that we see cancer in wild animals, regardless of radiation levels,” Brown says.


    In fact, a debate roils in the scientific literature about the health of the microbes, fungi, plants and animals that live around Chernobyl. Some scientists have documented thriving wildlife now that people have left, suggesting that lingering radioactive contamination doesn’t pose a significant threat. But other scientists have found mostly negative effects of radiation on the health and abundance of creatures, from birds to mammals, with many populations smaller in more heavily contaminated areas. This controversy has only sharpened in recent years. https://knowablemagazine.org/article/food-environment/2022/scientists-cant-agree-about-chernobyls-impact-wildlife

    Did you bother to do the research after the failed BBC article?

    Other then that, because of Ukraine, they're trying to get others involved in the war, some people, volunteers is said to have become Canon Fodder and their passports destroyed, entrapment.

  7. 54 minutes ago, ApostaBabe Linda James said:

    As fare as, "Are JWs in America back on the 'door to door' work now?"

    I had lunch with my brother in law who is a long time elder yesterday here in Southern California and his answer was, no. 

    I asked him what about the cart witnessing, and he simply said that they will continue as they have been by doing the letter and phone witnessing.

    True, they'll go back to their places of worship, but as far as the Commission, they're isolated to phone calls and letters.

    That being said, from what I had seen so far, them going back to house to house will be vastly different to the New Normalcy.

    The ill intent and mindset of some people has changed, even in the realm of aggression.

    Not sure if you are a JW or not, but even for you, you need be careful because of the rise of desperation.

    So it is wise for everyone to be cautious. In my case, I am cautious, but I tread differently from most.

  8. 1 hour ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    No, especially because we are ALL participants of debates under JW Open Club. :) 

    What is being discussed has nothing to do with the Watchtower, bur the core teaching in relation to Prophets inspired and not inspired.

    The fact people are aware of who lasted into the end of the 1st century, is common knowledge.

    That being said, Ukraine has nothing to do with the Watchtower or Toxin waste, but it did not stop you from speaking, let alone speculate World War III.

  9. @Pudgy Well that's in the States of course. But now that you mention it, toxins is polluting the water and the air, as is lead in the water, etc. A lot of this stuff is hushed away by political powers and only brought up when someone says something. Not only such things effect the people, but the animals, and speaking of animals, whatever they consume, later on (such as fish, chickens, beef, etc.), should a person consume said animal, there is a build up, for it is not only the drugs and hormones that they fed to people, but chemically induced livestock without the people's knowledge.

    Granted some people are in a dire situation, they will consume anything, even if the livestock is effected somehow, their desperation devoid them of rational thought.

    As for Ukraine, a lot of Propaganda, and as of recent they're associating it that those who say otherwise are Conspiracy Theorist and or affiliated with Qanon.

    For lies only benefit them in order to hide or break the truth, we have seen a big example of this with Biden's Son, Hunter, for lies were professed only to put a mentally broken man in power of the United States, in which begets, a series of events which will later effect the common folk indirectly when the Culture War intensities, with a possibly of Systematic Warfare.

    That being said, it is absurd to the fact such ones are using the blame Russia card for their own actions, as is, the Racism towards Russians, for Facebook is advocating for such behavior.


    Also as a side note, because of speculation and fears, people are buying an insane amount of Potassium Iodide.

  10. 2 hours ago, Dmitar said:

    Does this image prove people can enjoy life within that flourishing area?

    Not to mention propaganda affiliation. But as pointed out, not many is keen on research and will often eat up what the MSM says to them.

    But you know, truth is the first causality of war. Especially when there is an ongoing Information War that is ongoing.

  11. 6 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Vast areas of land in Ukraine and Belarus remain off limits due to radioactive contamination, but plant life in these areas is flourishing (Credit: Getty Images)

    Vast areas of land in Ukraine and Belarus remain off limits due to radioactive contamination, but plant life in these areas is flourishing (Credit: Getty Images)

    You may want to look into that further, as it was already told about Ukrainian Propaganda being in full force. Likewise with the article of which you presented that was pretty much a move to get Croatia into a False Flag situation.

  12. 6 hours ago, Witness said:

    This is not a reincarnation idea.  I'm sorry that you cannot see why Jesus called John the Baptist "Elijah". 

    Actucally it is granted you did not make the context clear. John The Baptist is like that of Elijah, not Elijah himself. Likewise when it came to Jesus.

    I made this very clear in what I said to you - which I can tell you did not read

    For according to 17:10, people did expect someone like Elijah, of which what he has done, it evidently seen in John, but Elijah was not reborn as John as some seem to lean towards without making sense of the passage.

    20 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

    You also have to be very careful with Matthew 17:11 because a small misstep can lean one towards the reincarnation idea. Elijah had since expire (said to have passed around 849 BCE), but it was spoken of that someone like him will appear, for this was prophesied by Prophet Malachi, hence the verses you cited. The Jews in the pervious verse, Matthew 17:10 had this expectation of a Prophet similar to Elijah to come. Some assume it to be Jesus Christ himself as seen in Matthew 16:14 (and ref.), others John the Baptist who is the Son of Elizabeth and Zechariah (Matt. 3:4; John 1:21). Regards to his parents, the Angel of God was quite clear; John will be like Elijah, not Elijah himself (Luke 1:17). And to this, Jesus and John are not Elijah (literally), and in John's case, he isn't a reincarnation of Elijah for the reincarnation idea is not Biblical. John did the work as did Elijah had done in his lifetime. Sometime after John's death, Jesus went to a high Mountaintop with his followers and it was there that Jesus transfigured, whereas a vision is shown with Elijah and Moses concerning the things to come, hence the passage in association via reference - Mark 9:1-8; both Moses and Elijah were not really there, hence transfiguration and vision.

    Your last response it was as if you were assuming John to be Elijah reborn.

    As for the visions, Jesus was Transfigured, Moses and Elijah were of the vision but not really there, hence Mark 9:1-8 of what that event entails.

    6 hours ago, Witness said:

    I am sorry that you cannot see that another prophet calls for God's anointed priesthood/Temple "living stones" and dwelling of God,  to repent, a prophet sent in the manner of "Elijah".

    I know Elijah is chosen, and of the Spiritual House, even corrected you before on this. Although Chosen, there is no evidence of Elijah literally living into the end of the 1st century. Prophet Malachi gave his prophecy 450 years after Elijah's death, before the New Covenant even came into effect, far from 33 AD (far away from c. 849 BCE)

    6 hours ago, Witness said:

    It is written in (Matt 17:11; Mal 3:1-4; 4:5,6)  Although they have dropped it, even the Wt. at one time called its people  the "Elijah class", the very people who are to listen the prophet's call.  (Rev 11:1-3;18:4-8;14:6-12)

    Mentioning the Watchtower is irrelevant. Matthew 17:11 and in relation to Prophet Malachi's Prophecy concerning John the Baptist, not Apostle John. As already mention, although John the Baptist is not Elijah Reborn, his actions concerning the Message was equated to him before his death at the hands of Herod Antipas.

    John, like Elijah did all he can, successfully, to restore the works, profess the message and move people's hearts, even Jesus was able to identify that John was like that of Prophet Elijah (Matthew 11:12-14; Mark 9:11-13) of the first century. Afterwards, there were people who did apply Elijah's zeal and example.

    But regardless, this does not indicate the existence of Prophets Inspired with abilities that Prophets of old had, even that of the Christ.

    6 hours ago, Witness said:

    That would be you, confusing your Johns.   

    I was focused on Apostle John, you were the only one here to bring up John the Baptist.

    You confused them because my response towards was pretty clear of whom I was talking about for a couple of pages, until you brought up Matthew 17:11 which was concerning John the Baptist. Moreover, it would have been pretty obvious because it was clear of the only Apostle to live out the end of the 1st century, close to the 2nd century - it was not John the Baptist.

    Evidence below


    On 3/20/2022 at 9:45 PM, Space Merchant said:

    @Witness The Them remark was in regards to you and Srecko, granted originally you made the thread about False Prophets.

    The Chosen has nothing to do with the non-existence of Prophets Inspired after Apostle John. Therefore, you cannot name one, or call to existence any who came forth after John. For if his students were simply Prophets Inspired, it is 100% accurate to note no Prophet Inspired existed afterwards, especially with the events of 325AD and onward.

    As a side note there were Chosen who were indeed Prophets Inspired, but these persons were around John's time, and the majority died out, with the last of Inspired Prophets to remain alive was Apostle John himself, hence Apostle Paul's message to the Corinthians in his First letter regarding of such a time to come.

    What is highlighted in red, resulted in your sudden response of the Baptist.

    Ignatius and Polycarp were students of Apostle John, not John the Baptist.



    Next time, best to read what was said before you make the latter remark, this isn't the first time we spoke about the Spiritual House


    That being said, since you brought up John the Baptist as is Elijah, my response of the distinction was clear, as is to root out what people assume without context.

  13. 7 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    You seem to pluck crazy thoughts out of no where SM. My 'ideas' are my own thank you. 

    Because they are, granted, those who believe such abilities to exist after Apostle John, affiliated themselves with Mainstream ideas.

    No one has risen the dead, healed the sick, transfigured and or had visions, not even the students of John.

    The fact you mentioned Pentecost 33 AD does not help you either, for that was in the 1st century, around that time, Apostle John was still alive and well.

    The Mainstream believes that the ability to do what is mentioned, i.e. Heal the sick, persisted into the 2nd Century. Even the ideas of which God can strike people now, literally, of which they still believe to this day, which spins a contradiction on the coming of God's Judgment.

    Your own ideas? Better to lean on what God's Word attest to than your own understanding of things, which puts you in the same light of the Mainstreamers.

    7 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    I still say I do not remember using John butler 2.  In fact I could not use my real name or my email address.

    Unfortunately, there was a history concerning that one, as is Admin's involvement. John Butler II can be found via the member club list, whatever pertains to Admin is now archived. Granted the timeframe from your original tenure, it is evident an attempt of a comeback, was done, only for it to fail. For due to Admin's action, you may have done something that enforced the ban itself by crossing Forum ground rules.

    As for the other remark, it is irrelevant, the claim of the account existing, was proven to be true.

    7 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    I had to create a new email and a second user on my computer to be able to access this forum again.  That was how firm the action was against me. And all because i upset someone on here. 

    Then you most likely crossed a Forum ground rule which resulted in the wipe of the second account. And it was hastened due to it most likely being an IP Ban whereas regardless of the account, if it is tied to an IP, it'll trigger something, notify an Admin, etc. Both John Butler and John Butler II were probably on the same IP.

    7 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    But I can see how much it has upset you, that you have to make a big issue out of it.

    I don't get upset. You claim such an account was non-existent, and the fact you didn't mention it again, I put it where it can be seen, nothing more.

    That being said, such is quite miniscule, even the plea itself.

    7 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    OR perhaps it is my personal thoughts about Inspired Prophets that has upset you, so that you have to try to change the subject. 

    You are free to speak your peace about your own understanding, but concerning God's Word, no Prophet Inspired with such abilities exist.

    Unless you can name one God fearing man now who can, raise the dead, so to speak, then perhaps your word is bond.

    The only people who are supposedly known to raise the dead in this day and age are Ritualistic Cultist associated with Black Magic, but their machinations is associated with the use of drugs and toxins to fool people that they can heal and or raise the dead, aka Spiritism. Then you have the Mainstreams who thinks they can go to a Spiritual plain of existence and have visions, transfigure even; entirely false.

    Prophets Not Inspired are essentially the Christians of today, those led by the Spirit to proclaim the Messianic Message, to make disciples, etc., prophesying God's Word. Vastly different from their Prophet Inspired counterparts as written in scripture.

    7 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    I can always tell when the 'opposition' is losing because they always change the subject or start to insult me :) .........  

    I haven't changed the subject. You brought up 2 notions. I haven't brought any insults either.

    1. Concerning Prophets Inspired

    2. The account you assume to not be in existence; mask remark.

    Granted you are using an appeal to motive, which does not really work if you are on the losing end.

    Not to mention you were using your own understanding instead of the Bible. Not a good look, and anyone can discern that.

    7 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    You hide behind a mask Storm Trouper but you continue to insult me. 

    If I hid behind a mask, as you claim, I would be having multiple accounts/names and speaking in 3rd person, as what you've done, so much so, your plea was wiped out. For last I check, you had 4 names in a span of 3 accounts. Which mask is really you? Granted the 3rd person rhetoric, you are your own sentient entity, so to speak, and there are many examples of which you speak as yourself behind the mask of which you where.

    I am simply Space Merchant (for the name and profile pic has a reason behind it), or simply referred to as Baptise, my actual name of which I mentioned before.

    That being said, I am myself. I speak like this, I debate like this, and this is how I am, and I actually attest to solutions, I do not whine over things over Facebook (your realm of reality as you claim), for I take action, and so far, the things I have done has been working.

  14. 2 hours ago, Witness said:

    Jesus answered and said to them, “Indeed, Elijah is coming first and will restore all things. 12 But I say to you that Elijah has come already, and they did not know him but did to him whatever they wished. Likewise the Son of Man is also about to suffer at their hands.” 13 Then the disciples understood that He spoke to them of John the Baptist.

    John came in the manner of Elijah, by declaring the need for God's people to repent.  That is why Jesus called him "Elijah".  

    The last "Elijah", based on one "witness" that was seen with Jesus, also declares the need for God's anointed people to repent.  Moses appeared with Jesus, signifying the need for God's people to leave captivity.  Rev 13:1,2,5-7,10; Col 2:8; 1 Tim 4:1; Rev 18:4-8.

    The symbolic "two witnesses" of Rev 11:3, preach in sackcloth because of the state God's people are in - that of captivity and sin.  

    None of this explains your reincarnation idea, likewise with the notion John surviving to near the start of the 2nd Century when the Bible was clear of his demise around 28-36 AD. 28-36 is very far away from 100 AD.

    You are still confusing your John's, and concerning Elijah, that was already explained.

  15. 7 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Nice, but what evidence You are able to give for proof? You just interpreted some verses and show how you do believe in their fulfillment about present events. You showed your faith as evidence for claim. 

    Context of Scripture, when Jesus was made King, a war broke out in Heaven in which he and his angels battled The Devil, and Jesus' side won out, the Devil was, as the Bible attested to, cast out of Heaven, along with the Angels.

    I recall this was explained to you when you assume Satan was cast out twice, when in reality, it was only one time.

    As for those in Tartarus, they lost God's presence and evidently unable to possess abilities of which they had before, hence the verse in Genesis.

    7 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    I can accept or denied fact that you have faith in things you spoke.

    The context of those verses, as is the Hermeneutics of said passage is true.

    Jesus was made King; Satan (spoke of as the [Scarlet] Dragon) and his demons were cast out after losing a War in Heaven.

    Well, you do not have to do anything, I can simply quote what you said concerning the War in Heaven, for this isn't the first time this was discussed. You had made several remarks, of which is parallel in what you're saying now.

    7 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    How can you prove there was war in heaven

    The Bible was clear, especially when an Army of Angels as is an Army of Demons were battling it out sometime after Jesus was made to be King. Jesus himself was the one who led the Army of Angels against the Dragon and his rebellious allies.

    The verse even tells you literally a war broke out in Heaven (Revelations 12:7) as is those involved.

  16. 29 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    How will you prove the fact?

    The Bible is both fact and true in it's Word, Srecko.


    The War in Heaven; Jesus' Kingship

    Revelation 12:9 - And the great dragon was thrown down, that ancient serpent, who is called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world—he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him.

    As for the ones in Tartarus, it is obvious as to why some of them were sent there, we can start with Genesis,

    Genesis 6:2 - the sons of God saw that the daughters of man were attractive. And they took as their wives any they chose.

    Peter brought this up as well

    2 Peter 2:4  - For if God did not spare angels when they sinned, but cast them into hell [Tartarus] and committed them to chains of gloomy darkness to be kept until the judgment;

    Then there is Jesus

    1 Peter 3:18-20 - [18] For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh but made alive in the spirit, [19] in which he went and proclaimed to the spirits in prison, [20] because they formerly did not obey, when God's patience waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was being prepared, in which a few, that is, eight persons, were brought safely through water.

    Jude 6 (Ref.) - And the angels who did not stay within their own position of authority, but left their proper dwelling, he has kept in eternal chains under gloomy darkness until the judgment of the great day—

    How did you miss this???

    That being said, concerning the War in Heaven this was addressed to you, several times.


  17. Just now, Srecko Sostar said:

    SM claim demons are active. What are the proportions/ratio, between/of our nature and their evil presence, when we as people doing bad things?

    It is no claim, it is fact. Some were cast to Earth along with Satan, others were locked away in Tartarus, imprisoned until the time of Judgment, of which Jesus himself gave such a message to them.

    Demons are associated with Spiritism, the Occult; Ritualism. They can influence and manifest in persons.

    As for sinful nature, that is in association with man's imperfect. Fallen Angels can entice such things in a man, even towards ill intent. Reasons why those who fall, seek God's aid, those who fell and wish to come back to God, do the same, but a man who falls and does not get back up, he is consumed by his sins, and is in the hands of the Fallen, mainly if the effort to get out of such a grip is no more.

  18. 7 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Well I understand the difference that WTJWorg presents. By the 1st century some people could be “inspired” by God. After the 1st century, no one is “inspired” anymore. 

    People are still led by the Spirit, they're aware of this. Inspiration in terms of healing and raising the dead and or have visions are no more.

    This was from Witness' original post, in which you were involved too:

    On 3/18/2022 at 11:30 AM, Space Merchant said:

    A normal, Spirit led Prophet who is clearly not inspired and not infallible have the gifts of the spirit regarding prophesying. It is regarded as dominant, the ability for one to profess in spreading the good news gospel of the Kingdom and the Messianic Age of the coming Christ, such of which gives evidence of the holy spirit's role as seen in Scripture, Matthew 24:14, Luke 4:18, Acts 2:18, 19 and Romans 12:6-8. Such ones with spiritual gifts have that is of what is cultivated, or cultivated gifts as some would say.

    A prophet that isn't inspired and is not infallible in the message knows isn't the author of anything other than the Bible, they recognize that what they produce is of their own design but remain faithful to the Scriptures in of itself, this includes ALL Bible Translations because none of the translators or transliteratiors are not inspired, the very reason that most, if not all, tend to make revisions after revisions, example like you not knowing (but have used already) what the TR 1245 is and unaware that all translations, even that of JWs, have been revised, thus omitting anything related to the TR 1245, hence my clear view and adherence on Textual Criticism.

    A not inspired prophet, or in this case, a normal prophet is encouraged by God's Word, if not, even moved by it. They show and express a genuine love for God and are moved to take action, just as those of old and our church fathers have. They are guided by God by means of influence and thinking, and our speech as with actions by means of the power of His Spirit and His Word, as can be evident by Matthew 13:11, 24:14.


  19. 4 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Both in fact. :) 

    Are you suggesting that "good" angels do not communicate with people, but that only "evil" ones are allowed to "approach" people and seduce them?

    If you read the response, I mentioned the latter to, you quoted me partially. Although both in some instances deal with people, the Rebellious ones lean towards some actions deem negative, and in regards to Spiritism, there is manifestation, Bad Omens, etc.

  20. 5 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    If we are going to rely on WTJWorg theology, then man cannot "receive" HS, but only be "guided" or "motivated" to do / speak something (or be stopped from doing / saying something).
    The effect ( to be guided/motivated) is achieved, as far as I understand the interpretation of WTJWorg, after the individual reads the Bible a lot, strives to work according to biblical principles and prays to God for help.

    "Receiving" gives the impression that we have come into possession of something because we have received it from someone. But to receive HS includes the active side of the Giver, and that would be God. However, as WTJWorg teaches, this kind of "receiving" ended in the First Century. 

    Every “receiving” of HS from God includes, according to the Bible as far as I remember, supernatural action and a supernatural manifestation that is, in fact, visible to humans.
    There is nothing supernatural about reading the Bible, praying to God, and trying to apply certain principles in one's life.
    There is nothing supernatural in the WTJWorg doctrines or in the JW's virtual worship in the past two years.

    People can pray to receive the Holy Spirit as is be guided by it, Srecko... Granted the Holy Spirit is associated with God himself.

    The term Supernatural is essentially something that is unable to be explained by science or the laws of nature itself.

  21. 12 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Are you talking about the past? And what is the range of that past (BCE to CE) when angels came to earth as messengers?
    If you are talking about the present, are you claiming that angels are transmitting news to people today? 

    You are asking me or @Dmitar? If me, Rebellious Angels are indeed active. As they were in the past, even present day.

  22. 14 hours ago, Witness said:

    The last prophet is spoken of in Matt 17:11, which Jesus spoke about after the visionary event on the holy mountain with his three disciples.  Moses and Elijah were seen in vision, with Jesus.  He then tells his disciples that "Elijah" would come and "restore everything".  This is clarified in Mal 3:1-4; 4:4-6; Rev 11:1-3.  That being "restored", is the Temple/dwelling in the hearts of the anointed "living stones".  1 Pet 2:5,9; 1 Cor 3:16,17.

    Moses and Elijah were indeed Prophets, but they passed long before the events of Pentecost as is Apostle John's Exile to Patmos. Not to mention that Christianity, or the Christian Church did not come into existence until things leading up to the New Covenant and Jesus' death and resurrection was set forth, of which Apostle John was alive around that time. It is also impossible that Moses, as is Elijah had outlived Apostle John, when only John himself lived out his days close to the start of the 2nd Century (around 100 AD).

    Note: Moses lived up to 120 years of age, although when he died is not really known, some attested to him dying around 1473 BCE. It is also stated that God himself (obviously via Shaliach) is said to have buried The Levite, for there is no grave marker, more so no one, not even Satan knows where exactly Moses was buried, granted the Devil sought the body of the Prophet for his own ill intent deemed unknown; even had a dispute with The Archangel for the body of Moses, as for the argument itself, also unknown.

    You also have to be very careful with Matthew 17:11 because a small misstep can lean one towards the reincarnation idea. Elijah had since expire (said to have passed around 849 BCE), but it was spoken of that someone like him will appear, for this was prophesied by Prophet Malachi, hence the verses you cited. The Jews in the pervious verse, Matthew 17:10 had this expectation of a Prophet similar to Elijah to come. Some assume it to be Jesus Christ himself as seen in Matthew 16:14 (and ref.), others John the Baptist who is the Son of Elizabeth and Zechariah (Matt. 3:4; John 1:21). Regards to his parents, the Angel of God was quite clear; John will be like Elijah, not Elijah himself (Luke 1:17). And to this, Jesus and John are not Elijah (literally), and in John's case, he isn't a reincarnation of Elijah for the reincarnation idea is not Biblical. John did the work as did Elijah had done in his lifetime. Sometime after John's death, Jesus went to a high Mountaintop with his followers and it was there that Jesus transfigured, whereas a vision is shown with Elijah and Moses concerning the things to come, hence the passage in association via reference - Mark 9:1-8; both Moses and Elijah were not really there, hence transfiguration and vision.

    In this state, Jesus is radiated in brilliant light, himself and his garments, in glorious holy glow, and quite bright, as the Bible shows us and from there, the visions came forth.


    NOTE: The Holy Bible does not teach reincarnation, and such a term never was in the Old and New Text. The reincarnation teaching is associated with the teaching of the Immortal Soul Doctrine of which came much later via a Philosophical Greek concept.

    That being said, John the Baptist did not outlive the Apostles (namely Apostle John), nor did Moses, and especially not Elijah, for if anyone remembers, Malachi only made the proclamation of prophecy in a span of 450 years after the death of Elijah.

    14 hours ago, Witness said:

    They are found in the Watchtower under the "iron" fist of the elder body and a wicked slave.  (Matt 24:48-51)

    As far as I know, even the Watchtower is aware that Apostle John outlived everyone, so mentioning them is irrelevant concerning Prophets inspired and not inspired. This is common knowledge to almost the majority. As is them being aware of what Apostle Paul conveyed concerning such gifts, i.e. to raise the dead and or have visions, had ceased, for Christians have God's Love, and are spirit led, which can be seen by the actions of John's students, especially in their difficult circumstances.

    That being said, were you confusing John the Baptist with Apostle John? Granted you brought up Elijah, it seems you are looking at the Baptist himself. Apostle John outlived him too.

    Apostle John was born around 6 AD and died around 100 AD whereas John the Baptist was born around 1 AD whereas his death is somewhere around 28–36 AD whereas his death was by means of a beheading. Pentecost itself took place in 33 AD (hence Acts 2), for Jesus had since died and had been resurrected prior, as for his Apostles and followers, they continued when Christianity was evidently birthed. We know Apostle John lived that long also because the 2nd Century started around 101-200 AD.


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