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Space Merchant

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Posts posted by Space Merchant

  1. On 9/7/2018 at 11:45 AM, TrueTomHarley said:

    Wasn't Nike a god of the Russians?

    To the Gopnik and Gopnitsta (female Gopnik) love Nike as well as Adidas. They also like to squat down, not being too far from their counterparts known as Slav and occasionally enjoy themselves some vodka (taking their vodka or making eye contact with their Gopnitsta will anger them). The Gopniks love to sport the merchandise, furthermore, they like EDM, House Music as well as the icing on the cake, HARD STYLE, also known as JUMP STYLE, the Gopniks, as well as most Russian youth like video games too, the most popular being an first person shooter/fps known as Counter Strike Global Offensive, but their counterpart, the Slave,plays this heavily. Anywhere you go in Russia, you are bound to see a Gopkin and or his/her crew with them, they are impossible to miss, and mostly dwell about nearby an apartment complex, be it public and or abandon.

    The brand these most of these folks are wearing is Nike and Adidas (These guys were dancing to House/EDM Music, as being done by the vodka man of the gopfm crew).


    The same guy dancing is called the vodka man because of his other dance to Hardbass (also known as Hard Style in Russia)



    This is what a Hard Style/Jump Style song and dance looks like for Gopkins and Russian youth.


    But yes, The Russians do love themselves a bit of Nike and Adidas, perhaps a bit TOO much, and such ones are not liked by even the Kremlin, although the Kremlin, even the church have no choice because such people will do all kinds of work for money, and sadly, other times, the Kremlin and the church trick these people into doing their bidding.

    Other than that these guys are relaxed and very chill, mainly if you do not shed any problems with them, you are in the clear.


    The Gopnik:



    The Gopnitsta:



    The Slav (can be I.D.ed as a Gopnik also):




  2. On 9/8/2018 at 11:50 AM, Jack Ryan said:

    This must be the 2nd most commonly used JW phrase in all of history.

    On the contrary, this is something that is true, we should not be befriending those who will corrupt us and or cause us to do bad things, or such ones who spread the influence, mainly when you go scouters inside the churches in bigger numbers, and if you had a son or daughter who is a teenager, you wouldn't want to them be a victim of a scouter and or a scouter playing you for a fool only for his or her true colors to be made known,thus making your child and you and your household miserable because of the mistake.

  3. 2 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    I agree about moving on ... but not forgetting the indelible lessons cruelly burned into our bodies and souls as if with  fire, by those who intended to rule wisely ... but who, above all else ... intended ....... and still intend .......  to rule.

    They CANNOT be fired ... and they know it.

    We will see only when the second coming of the Son of God returns.

    I do not think anyone who is of the Priesthood can be fired, per-say, hey can lose their Salvation, and being of the church, they can succumb to Church Disciplinary Action, in addition to losing God's favor, and be put in a position to bring him or herself up and repent, for even the most righteous of man can fall - if you want literal, have him or her walk barefoot over a Lego play set and 100% guaranteed, such one would fall.

    But yes, this, they know or any of the chosen, know.

    Other than that, being of the Priesthood is very important, one mishap and that invitation will be revoked.

  4. @James Thomas Rook Jr. According to facts the whole 1975 thing (well as to what I have made note of as of late) was of man's existence since Adam and people being told to be vigilant for anything can happen. Not once did anyone say the world is coming to an end, in the case of the Jehovah's Witnesses, it would make them seem foolish to say such, granted the preaching of the gospel has never ceased prior to, during 1975 at all, and there are several who say this, while the majority is being flagged by former members of the faith. Another factor is there are those who are aware of some JWs, who had since left the faith, took it upon themselves to commit their own actions, assuming the end of the world would come, which is foolish on their part for they heard very clearly.

    Because one would have to be very honest with themselves, if the Bible tells you that the preaching of the gospel is to be done, preached to all the nations. In their Christology it is said there will be a time when they would totally cease preaching 100%, and we have not seen any of them happening now, in 1975 or in the past. Granted the gospel has to be preached first and according to them God will soon decide when to cease the gospel preaching, technically being a sign of the work being done, and you wouldn't see a JW in sight, as someone would say, JWs would just vanish without a trace.

    If anything, some Jehovah's Witnesses may be bad hearers, or forgetful hearers assume otherwise, JW group B being in the wrong, while JW group A, who heard everything were in the right.

    About the book, this is hat Old Man Eli had to say: The book Life Everlasting - In Freedom of the Sons of God, released at a series of district conventions held in 1966, pointed to 1975. Right at the convention, as the brothers examined the contents, the new book triggered much discussion about 1975." - Jehovah's Witnesses Proclaimers of God's Kingdom; pg. 104, Declaring the Good News Without Letup (1942-1975)

    The book in question mentioned 1975 3 times (I could be wrong, replied on PDF source to see if they match up accordingly)

    • [1] According to this trustworthy Bible chronology six thousand years from man's creation will end in 1975, and the seventh period of a thousand years of human history will begin in the fall of 1975 C.E.
    • [2] cited (1975, 6,000 years from man's creation end. 29)
    • Other quotes (not in book/or whatever) “In the years following 1966, many of Jehovah’s Witnesses acted in harmony with the spirit of that counsel [the main point about not being specific about what might happen]. However, other statements were published on this subject, and some were likely more definite than advisable. This was acknowledged in The Watchtower of March 15, 1980 (page 17). But Jehovah’s Witnesses were also cautioned to concentrate mainly on doing Jehovah’s will and not to be swept up by dates and expectations of an early salvation.” (page 104) | "There were other statements published that implied that such realization of hopes by that year (1975) was more of a probability than a mere possibility. It is to be regretted that these latter statements apparently overshadowed the cautionary ones and contributed to a buildup of the expectation already initiated." - Watchtower, 1980 March 15, p.17, par. 5

    For the claim made by opponents "The Watchtower strongly implied the end would come in 1975." is as false as their other claim that JWs own parts of companies in electronics, lingerie and weapons, of which the same people claim the churches of JWs having weapon bunkers below. Also remnants of that strong video proof still linger about on the internet, thus further making such opponents in greater error, but what to expect from those [some among them] who would attempt to use the current President (The Orange-Haired One) to take down a single faith group?

    I too believe the end will come, but no one knows for certain, for the bile says no one knows the day or the hour, not even the sons of the Most High, that being the angels, not even the only-begotten Son, Jesus knows, only God the Father knows (Matthew 24:36, Mark 13:32, Acts 1:7). In the same sense, it is like a teenager throwing a party while his or her parents are out of the house, but little does he/she knows that the time the parents will return home is unknown, not the best example, but it seems to fit the bill here.

    That being said, although the end is indeed near, one should not be roaming about, caught with his pants down as they say when it does happen, by that time it would be too late, mainly when you, prior to the day see less and less preachers out there, be it true or false. It is one thing to be in agreement/disagreement with a faith........ Unless they are mainstream Trinitarian folk..... But one must know what is fact and what is not fact, but on occasion some of us tend to jump to conclusions, even though we, are the same ones who put forth actual fact previously - happens to me sometimes.

    As far as I know, even to this day, you still see Jehovah's Witnesses everywhere, in the streets, at the houses, in the parks/schools, perhaps even in the bushes and trees as well, trying to evangelize people and speak of the gospel and a day will come when such places you would not see them at all, and eventually those who are adhering to the message, they too will be gone also, others may be in silence because they know what time it is.

  5. On 9/4/2018 at 2:49 PM, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    If you were a  real sheep, that's a VERY good idea.

    When you get invited to dinner ... YOU are on the menu.

    With THE WAY that we are doing disfellowshipping today ... we ARE ... eating our own.


    Such ones are called sheep (figuratively) and or of the same flock, of the same Shepherd, who is the one who represents God and those under him via instruction and the like.

    As for excommunication, I wouldn't call it eating our own, mainly if you use what was entrusted the right way vs. the wrong way, and according to the article I posted several times before, 2 out of the 3 ways are incorrect while one is correct, with the focus being on Christendom and or the Church, for excommunication is a Church Disciplinary Action in of itself.

    On 9/4/2018 at 2:55 PM, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    I often wonder, if one family of the 5 million Jews that left Egypt, and got stuck in the sands of the Sinai Peninsula for 40 years, had decided to head North, instead of wandering around in circles for 40 years ... if they would have been better off ... or worse off.

    From the Biblical accounts, the Jews were generally a bunch of nasty, cruel, hard-headed people.

    Not all of them, some try to do there best, but on the other side of the spectrum, they are down right nasty to the core, after all, Earthly Jerusalem sought to kill the Christ, even going as far as to turn people against him and so forth, and such ones allow themselves to be blinded by the Devil, and so forth. The Jews were not too friendly with their counterparts either, for instance The Samaritans. As for others, clearly misguided and or astray, hence the term, lost sheep, for even if we are talking about a literal sheep also, who ends up getting lost, it would not even know where it is going, etc.

    But yes, a flock of sheep to watch over is not easy, mainly if you are just one man, and possibly having a dog that is of "Sam Sheepdog" type level to help you a bit.


    @TrueTomHarley @Srecko Sostar The Sheep will always be found as long as the Shepherd seeks the one sheep, as spoken of in the parable in the passage, and be brought back to the fold. So in a way, if the sheep does go away, some effort will most definitely be made.

    I also like to point out the cross-references for this verse too, which is in more detail from Luke's account (The Gospel of Luke)

    • Luke 15:3-7 - [3] So he told them this parable: [4] “What man of you, having a hundred sheep, if he has lost one of them, does not leave the ninety-nine in the open country, and go after the one that is lost, until he finds it? [5] And when he has found it, he lays it on his shoulders, rejoicing. [6] And when he comes home, he calls together his friends and his neighbors, saying to them, ‘Rejoice with me, for I have found my sheep that was lost.’ [7] Just so, I tell you, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance.

    As well as from Peter,

    • 1 Peter 2:25 - For you were straying like sheep, but have now returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls.


  6. And? There are people who do not know God, for the Bible does say to preach to the Nations. I can bring up Thailand as an example from experience, if you speak about God or the Bible, they will look at you with a confused facial expression, perhaps speak of Jesus and they will say who is that or anything similar.

    Therefore, it is no surprise to see people preaching the gospel to those that never heard of it before, mainly of which comes directly from the Bible, for we are to teach and profess the Word, not sit and do nothing, for doing nothing is a sin, mainly when it comes to one's spiritual well-being.

  7. @James Thomas Rook Jr. True, even as we speak, children are still being oppressed, abused, killed and or turned into trained killers, etc. US allies are still helping out when such is only a front for aiding an extremist group, hence why what I said before about the Jaysh Al-Islam.

    That being said, it will only get worse as the days go on by, and the so called world powers will drive themselves into problems that they cannot fix, for they have not done so much fixing as it is, for whatever they touch it is like unleashing a plague.

    The powers that be have many, many cards up their sleeves, some of which we have yet to see be placed on the table.

  8. I'd like to confirm an update. I spoke with one JW, an African American who became one of Jehovah's Witnesses back in 1973, I knew he was JW because of the little pin on his book-bag at a Super Walmart (A day I had the most awkward question being asked of me in a restaurant). After ths discussion, he was talking about all biological stuff, of which I didn't have time for for it didn't peek my interest.

    This man stated during 1975 he was speaking about what was posed earlier, the 6,000 years of human existence and or creation since Adam. He also stated that around 1975 some JWs assumed that the end was actually coming, the result of some JWs spreading things that was never actually said, some JWs ended up buying homes and cars, for some odd reason while the other half, who took into account what was said knew that Judgement Day was near but it was not in 1975 nor was it ever said to be, mind you, the JW said they were still preaching and have not ceased such. He went on to say that because the ones who didn't hear correctly, end up leaving the faith for their own error, when several, if not many, mentioned exactly what took place in 1975, hence the previous comment.

    Therefore, I do not see why some people make claim that JWs said the end would come in 1975 when nothing of the sort was ever mentioned, the irony is now that this information is public, no matter how hard opponents of the faith try to flag, get people's information and videos removed from the internet so this remains hidden.

    Moreover, as for the Restaurant thing, this is off-topic. A random Hippie guy said to me that he appreciates my people and said that Aretha Franklin, and I was dumbfounded and confused, then I realized, I was the only person, that one guy, sitting in an all Korean restaurant. Although I do not take offense, that was a bit odd and weird, to some, they would scream racism for being singled out, but I care not because all I cared about was waiting for my order so I can go home. I like classic music very much, but I do not idolize any singers, even Ms. Franklin, hence what going on int hat funeral.

  9. Anyone wrongfully excommunicated and or expelled from a religious faith are accepted back into the fold and church ties are restored, the same can be said about position and or activities done by the person in question, this goes for the Islamic counterpart, as well as the Judaism counterpart.

    However, anyone who follow the wrong way to excommunicate, which is those cut off are Damned, as some would say, even if wrongfully expelled, they cannot re-enter the fold, you'll have to jump some hoops to get out of that deep hole because not easy if you are of a denomination that follows the incorrect way to excommunicate.

  10. @James Thomas Rook Jr. Yes, this is The Elevation Church, a mega-church, ran and or helped to be brought up by the Charismatic Pastor named Steven Furtick. (Steven Furtick Jr.). He is the cog to this church's wheel, so to speak.

    The image above is satire spoof (origin being The Babylon Bee), but I can see why anyone would jump the gun before double checking, triple checking, etc.

    However, how they do baptisms is somewhat weird, as seen by the videos and images in regards to that mega church, in their eyes, they believe once "saved always saved" - which is false, for Salvation is received and it must be maintained, for it is a hard fight, and Salvation can be lost and or regained.

    The whole overlapping generations is somewhat complex and is often over exaggerated by those who perhaps have no idea what it is, but to others, they tend to see of why this is. I haven't delved into it for I am a bit busy with other things.

    As for the last part, never been to North Carolina, but have driven past it when going to Florida, I do know some people from there, one guy from Ghana who has given me a run for my money in Futball (Soccer) the first 2 Summers until I read him like a book (every Summer he shows up, and screams HEY very loudly to make sure everyone knows he is here, sometimes when we less expect it). He's fast, a show-off, and somewhat competitive, mainly when there is girls who are spectating, to which he tries to showboat and overdoes it, the irony is his reaction time is a bit poor and his defense is weak to the point a child can easily get the ball past him (his offensive is what puts him forward), other than that a good friend, willing to understand and be reasonable.

  11. Forums can never die until the community cease. A forum can be instantly done away with if you are Nintendo, for anyone who makes tickles them the wrong way will be shut to the ever-ending down and wiped from existence, be it on their platform or elsewhere, just recently they scared community to or two to shut down, one community took it upon themselves to shut itself down in fear of the Big N.

  12. On 8/29/2018 at 1:21 PM, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    Wow ... and all these years I have been drop-kicking them through a hedge ....

    Have you tried the surprise roundhouse kick or perhaps the RKO (out of nowhere)? it gets the job done with 99.99% succession rate, hitting like a train. They'll be calling you James Thomas "The Tank Engine" Rook because of that, when you show up meaning business.

  13. 18 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    stick around .... we are already Baptizing 6 and 8 year olds ... how far away can Baptizing babies be?

    THEN we can disfellowship them !

    Perhaps because even children can learn and apply what they've learned (reading comprehension and ability to or and or speak out things to form sentences and the like) while on the other side of the spectrum, Babies cannot. Unless we have. If a child can read, apply and understand Cat in the Hat by Dr. Seuss, they can understand scripture, I had to read the Bible around a very young age, such can be done to another child also, just as Islam and the Qu'ran to a 6 year old and or anyone of that age.

    But baptizing Babies is wrong on so many levels...



    The Baptism symbolizes one's total dedication to God Yahweh (El Shaddai). It symbolizes dying to one’s former way of life and becoming alive to do God’s will, as read in 1 Peter 4:2, which is in total respects to the historical meaning as to why John baptized his own in the River.

    so as to live for the rest of the time in the flesh no longer for human passions but for the will of God.

    Babies or infants baptism  is not to be based on the faith of the parents, mainly since the baby and or infant is far, far away from being old enough to make informed decision in this matter or have the thinking ability to do such. In Acts it says that the ones who were baptized were men and women, never does it state infants, read Acts 8:12:

    But when they believed Philip as he preached good news about the kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ, they were baptized, both men and women.

    Baptism was for those capable of hearing the word of God and being able to embrace the Word and repenting, etc., and it is unlikely that such can be one by mere infants (Acts 2:14, 22, 38, 41). The Bible tells us that our Father considers the young as Holy, those of whom are of Christian parents. (1 Corinthians 7:14).

    For the unbelieving husband is made holy because of his wife, and the unbelieving wife is made holy because of her husband. Otherwise your children would be unclean, but as it is, they are holy.

    But that being said, Baby/Infant Baptism, babies who do not even know the most difficult answer for 2+2, are not suppose to be baptized. Babies who cannot speak and do not know what comes after A and B, should not be baptized. But, any child, who is a bit older, having the ability to read, write, understand things, even as such to read and accept God's Word, can be baptized.



    I notice we went from squares to circles in our avatars. Didn't see the page change, or notice it, til now. But hey, circle is the future, squares is soooooo last year.

  14. On 9/1/2018 at 11:27 PM, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    A Good Man will TRY ... and if necessary, put his LIFE, his health, and his means of life on the line ... even with the certainty of death, destruction, and destitution.

    That is what makes a Good Man a Good Man.

    All else are merely MEDIOCRE  males, who eventually die .... without ever having been a "Good Man", or even a real man.


    But look at the world today. Those who have tried and yet sin and evil remains, for man, cannot govern themselves, and yes good men will try, but it only delays another attack and or skirmish. For even good men are also called evil men by those who commit the most crazy crimes, as for others, those in power within the government allowed their own enemies to do what they do best at causing destruction left and right. I say this because there are things of which many, even you do not know what is going on deep inside the rabbit hole and I know, first hand, hence my ever so evident cautious like attitude.

    Mediocre? The guy who took the pool-stick to the face was built like an athlete, possibly 6 feet tall or higher going by what John Correia of ASP said in one of his videos. The man tried to stop a conflict between 2 other, not so fit men, this resulted in him being hit in the face by a pool stick, instantly killing him for doing a just deed, for he [Vink] had been reported to have been trying to break up a fight when the attackers turned their attention to him.

    At the end of the day, battles are always fought, sometime good wins, other time, evil wins, but regardless, the war continues on until the Day of Judgement, for only the real victor, the obvious one, will prevail at the very end.

    The worse of it all is when a good man becomes vengeful in the most chaotic way possible, morals will be shut down entirety until the deed it done.

    On 9/1/2018 at 11:38 PM, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    Jesus was a perfect example of a man who was tortured to death ... for doing the "right thing" ... and he KNEW IN ADVANCE that was the price he would have to pay .

    He went on a known "suicide mission", to rescue people ... KNOWING he was going to be brutally tortured,  and that  there was no way to get out of it alive .... and did it ANYWAY!

    Indeed, but we are mere born sinners compared to the pure and sinless man that is the Christ, hence why we are alive today, having an actual chance to be forgiven for our sins and later on be part of God's Purpose and Will for those chosen to be with his Son and those who will gain eternal life. For what happen with our Lord was to happen, for even he himself said right before he died that it has been accomplished.

    But yes, Earthly Jerusalem didn't like him at all, even to this day, but they should know when Jesus comes back, he will be coming like a warrior carrying a Sword, and at that moment, he will not recognize them and will do away with them according to God's Justice, his Purpose, His Will, His Order, etc for our God is all about Justice and doing what he said he will do, and does so by means of his Son, who represents him, the one man who had been sent, Christ Jesus.

    As for us right now, we are in the trenches until Judgement Day.

  15. 54 minutes ago, Noble Berean said:

    Disfellowshipped individuals are far from just ignored at the meetings.

    Anyone expelled from a church can still go to the church as they please, for the one expelled, since having all church ties cut, cannot participate in church activities, sermons or what have you, you are shunned since, again you have all church ties cut-off, this goes for communicating with other church members, church activities, positions in the church or what have you.

    54 minutes ago, Noble Berean said:

    What do you mean family ties still remain? 

    Family ties as in there is some activity still present with the family itself, for anyone in connection the church, mainly friends and or pastors is cut off entirely should the one who has been expelled becomes repentant, as is in Bible times, hence what the church has been entrusted. Opponents of the faith will say family ties are cut off entirely, but there has been many, who being former members of the faith, who said otherwise, furthermore, it is said that if the family is of the church and one of them is expelled, it will cause an uneasy vibe, but the ties within the family still remain.

    57 minutes ago, Noble Berean said:

     Disfellowshipped children are to be shunned in every sense of the word.

    But according to the words of the faith as well as former members who do not become disgruntled opponents, says otherwise. I remember saying someone had been expelled twice for 1 reason, having sexual relations outside of marriage, and has shown to be repentant. Mind you, this does not only cause a reaction from the church, but from the family as well, for there are people out there that take something of this level very seriously.

    As for children, they are indeed cut from the church, but not from the family, last I check, this faith does not follow category 2 of expelling which is the incorrect one, nor do they have anything in relations to the Herem/Censure whereas to you 100% cut-off out of the community as a whole, not just the church having very VERY little chance of repentance - and that little chance would have to be godlike level in your favor, not even visits from the Rabbis, I believe I put a link in this regard somewhere on this thread involving expelling (excommunication) and shunning commands.

    Other than that, expelling can be for minor to major things and often takes place regarding of who is of the church handling the situation, for someone in Church A can give warning on a 16 year old who was exposed for smoking in school, while for the same situation, in Church B, the person can be expelled for the same action, thus all church ties are cut, the family will be uneasy about all that has taken place, but over time they will help the expelled, mainly should the expelled feel ready for repentance.

    Other than that, any expelled one can sit anywhere in the church, even next to others and or family, for it is not known to any Christian faith to mimic that of the Herem in any case whatsoever, for Christians who sin are cut off from the church and members of that church but still able to attend, whereas any man or woman caught in a Herem cannot do such things, at all. Both of them offer repentance, but only one of them is ridiculously difficult to reinstate oneself.

    1 hour ago, Noble Berean said:

    They are treated like they are dead already.

    Technically in regards to the Bible, this is so. This is what is called Spiritual Death, or Total Spiritual Inactivity, which when one is expelled, actions for excommunication is taken and pretty much separates one from God, regardless of who it is. In brief detail of Christian Theology, Spiritual Death is separation from God. Humans are separated from God because of Sin, which entered the world through the Fall of Man, and are reconciled to God through the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ, then we have repentance come into play; it can also occur in terms of a Change in spiritual state or condition (other similar things being spiritually ill, lost, hungry, etc.)

    So when a person does sin, mainly grave and or serious, a person of the church, he or she would be expelled from the church and all activities they have in the church, be it talks, sermons and or other, will cease, so is the communication with any member of the church that is not of blood relation.

    That being said, because of what Jesus entrusted and what Apostle Paul continued forth, some people, today, watered down the teachings, which spawned the other 2 forms of expelling, which are absolutely incorrect.

    1 hour ago, Noble Berean said:

    What difference does it make whether they are young or old or living at home vs. living somewhere else?

    There is no difference, be it a grown person or child, expelling and everything that comes with it is in place, for that is what is entrusted.

    As for living, like I said, the family ties still remain, but church ties do not, and like I said before, it applies to children.

    For in the household itself, Christians, who have one of their own who had been expelled/shunned by the church, would still be part of the normal day to day routines the family is accustomed to, such as errands, choirs, other things, even activities.

    Faith opponents will tell you what they want you to here, and at the same time will drown out and keep hidden the voices of those who, cut off from the church, speak truth about family ties, why else you think when such ones do appear, faith opponents attack them constantly?

    1 hour ago, Noble Berean said:

    You shouldn't shut off your love for your child just because they're not living the same life as you.

    No one is shut-off, granted on how many times I had state family ties, meaning the family unit as a whole are still in total communication with each other, regardless. Expelling will make the family uneasy, but it does not shake them, the same can be said if someone in the family does something grave, be it them of the church or not, they still maintain as a family.

    1 hour ago, Noble Berean said:

    "Despite our pain of heart, we must avoid normal contact with a disfellowshipped family member by telephone, text messages, letters, e-mails, or social media." Watchtower 2017 Oct p.16

    And when one looks up this publication, we see the next paragraph speaking in terms of hope, seeing the signs of change and or repentance in the one who has done wrong. The paragraph of where you have pulled that small quote from even points to the very passage that is explicit on expelling/shunning: 1 Corinthians 5:11-13.

    That being said, for I stated before, there is 3 forms of expelling/excommunication, which enables the shunning command, and only one out of the three is correct, and it would seem only a FEW know which it is that is correct.

    I had stated before, if excommunication is not something that bodes well with you, you should be dealing with the Christ or Apostle Paul, of which one had entrusted it, while the other put what was entrusted into full practice.

    But yes, Excommunication is never easy for anyone, but it is what it is for this is what was put in place, mainly of which The Head of the Church instructed in terms of Binding and Loosening, that being, the Church, and the Church, in terms of it's people.

    I will link the article again here: http://shamelesspopery.com/biblical-excommunication/

    I had the Armstrong blog one, but that one I lost - sadly. But I do invite you to do the research on why Church Expelling/Shunning does exist and why it is in practice, and why is it that some follow the 2 incorrect forms and or water down what Expelling actually is.

  16. 33 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    Ooh. Please tell me where so I can go there and tro.....uh, so I can go there and see if there are any fatheads who need to be set straight.

    And.....My thanks once again to the Librarian,  the very stately essence of womanhood. Due to her observation, I discovered how to give my blog a new look and make it flow into all devices. Cool beans!

    And I even disabled the comment section so if I link to it (not that I ever would) the Librarian will not get mad (the old hen).

    The links below:

    There are those who are clearly mocking the faith, those who know that birthdays is pagan or celebration of birth, someone pointed out that Jesus told us to remember his death, some JWs are in the mix, and there are some people who are more concerned that no birthdays = boring when they do not know, others say it is better to get a random gift every other day then a single day.

    Yahoo has gone full on search and destroy because some of these sections had a couple hundred comments, I think some have been blocked and or deleted.

    My favorite comments thus far:

    Thomas - Or CHRISTMAS ... because with her money ... who needs a Holiday or Birthday !!!

    Wise!to Thomas - She made her money! Make yours

    Other than that, if you have others who also see that birthdays are pagan and or anything pertaining to Traditions of Men, why include them in the church? This I do not understand with some people, mainly to those who say Jesus was born on December 25th, it ikes me, mainly when a Trinitarian says it.

  17. 6 hours ago, The Librarian said:

    Anyone have a question or topic suggestion(s) for an upcoming thread?

    I am enjoying this labor day weekend reading already.

    Something about Bible history over the years because there is a surprising amount of people who do not know how far this special book have come, and those who tried to keep it in existence, but yes, merely a suggestion.

  18. @Jack Ryan And yet the same passages direct you to a conclusion of why this is so. Why stop at one verse, when you can continue to figure it all out? For instance, elsewhere in the Torah, there was a time God commanded Moses to do what he had to do because it was for vengeance and of those not cursed and the like, an there are other things and examples.

    If you want to be specific, by all means please do, for some of these Gotcha Questions tend to be in full force at Hyde for years now, for some of us, we are not as fazed, and you can use ANY translations of your choice.

  19. @Jack Ryan Unless said men are of the church and are taking the command of the Christ, at the same time being of total servitude of God, thus, under God, guides the flock, the people of the church, for these so called men of the church are as if they are shepherds.

    But clearly when one tries to dwell on the Bible alone, they think men become souls and or become as if they are angel hybrids, for if you do not some elementary guidance from a guide, a shepherd, you are going to wall of a cliff. If you are in error and someone corrects you, you do the research, otherwise you will fall of a cliff. If you do not know where you are walking.... You are going to fall off a cliff.


    Pretty much you can easily fall off a cliff at any given time, furtively, and yes, to some degree, literally.


    Also the final part of that verse even tells is of men who turn away from God, why didn't you also highlight that part? So your next problem is men who didn't turn away from God. What of it then?

  20. @Jack Ryan You do realize Christians are under the New Covenant....... Right? Wouldn't it be wise if the game was in play in regard of the New Testament instead? But if it is a game you want, it is a game you shall have so I leave you with a very complex question:


    How can you have free will if it is punishment for disobedience?

    You go first, New Testament only.


    This question I received from an Agnostic a while back, 1-2 years back, was a bit in error until I finally figured it out and returned the favor.

  21. 39 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    You will feel less bold besmirching a woman simply because she represents something you detest should Mr. Reddit come calling.

    Reddit.... I am having flashbacks.

    But I think I have said something before, whereas anyone can be tied to any culture, practice and or whatever. For someone can be doing what is correct, while another can do something that is incorrect, despite both persons being under the same house, the same rules, the same culture, etc.

    For us, when we were young, we were always told never to go into the beach waters because there is not one to witness the zone and there is no one going to save you should the water take you. Such a rule is given to several people, in this case, children, some will listen, some will eventually break the rules, despite all of them being under the same rule, but over time, some of them break the rules, some suffer the consequence of nearly being swept away, others end up being swept away and succumb to both drowning and death.

    Not the best example, but to some degree, it can be looked at like this: 10 people can be of the same faith but only 4 out of the 10 are doing what many of said faith abides by, 3 others try to do what is of their faith but do whatever they please, while the rest are entirely cut off and having a total double life.

    But is usually depends, as we speak, due to this sport celebrity, there is a war zone in another comment section going off (Yahoo), and as you can already tell, opponents are using such as ammunition against their targets. But yes, as for reputation, some people love to kick a man, or a woman, when their down, for there is no such honor in doing such.

  22. 1 hour ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    The only thing necessary for Evil to prevail, is Good Men ... to do nothing.

    When accountants, lawyers and PR Departments run the show ... that is what Good Men  do.


    That is because good men are often the ones who become victim, an example I can give is a guy who stops a conflict, only to end up being killed by a Pole-Stick. There is a story of this, and there is footage, deemed way too graphic, and as it is said, he was trying to be the good guy. This is one of the reasons why people do not always get involved, no matter the situation, if they do try to get involved, they give minor help and or advise so that the person and of victim can carry on from there. Among the worse places to be a "good guy" is Brazil, and there have been many good guys that are now laying in Sheol, the same can be said for many.

    There is no precise way to deal with evil, therefore it is always taking a chance with a probability of success.

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