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Space Merchant

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Posts posted by Space Merchant

  1. @James Thomas Rook Jr. Not all Muslims, and or those who profess the Islamic faith, do this (however now a days when a Muslim does something bad, it is blamed on all Muslims, I can relate because of my own people), only people with intent to do bad, other than that, Finland's history in regards to Asylum stems from paranoia and other dark things from the many events that took place there, for they, are in connection with several pieces of media in regards to both the EU and Asia, plus, you have to realize who Finland's allies are.

    As for JWs, they're getting FSB'd by the RoC, in the Muslims corner, they got the UFC lover dealing with them in Chechnya and he has them on a leash, so to speak.

  2. 18 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:


    You want a movie to REALLY review?

    It's a little 9 minute movie about  intellectual integrity punished to conform to a prepackaged organizational agenda driven "truth"

    Try THIS one !




    Not much of a movie, more of a small clip and or video based on the particular subject of said material of which it is trying to convey.

  3. @James Thomas Rook Jr. A tad bit off topic, but still somehow pertains to topic, I do not know if you are following everything that is Russia also, but a bit of relation, granted that the RoC was the Cog among Cogs in the wheel that got JWs banned in Mother Russia, the RoC made another move as of recent: https://www.rferl.org/a/russian-church-flexes-secular-muscle-restitution-push/29440944.html

    That being said, I have to go deep diving on all things Russia in the Russian Language again,to get more information. Время идти на рыбалку.

  4. @Jack Ryan And as our history and information has made known to us, should you accept it, Mr. Jefferson was not much of a religious man as some people claim him to be. It is not much of a surprise as a child learning of Christopher Columbus, later on becoming a teenager, eventually a man/woman, soon finding out that such a man, is spoken of in history books, had quite a bit of blood on his hands and every yearly Thanksgiving in November, there are those who do not feast and gorge themselves, but rather, they mourn because they know what truly did happen


    History is indeed knowledge, after all. Information is key. Research leads to conclusion that is true, further research leads to solidifying what is true.

  5. Well there are 3 types of Excommunication being done by all, for one being done by such in what is seen below, regardless of faith:

    • We shouldn’t excommunicate anyone, because it’s not merciful.
    • We should excommunicate, because we want to purify the Church of the damned.
    • We should excommunicate, because it’s merciful to sinners.

    Expelling and Shunning are Church abilities given and or instructed, hence if you really understood Matthew 16, and what Binding and Loosening is.

    Only 1 is correct, and the other 2 are incorrect, so pick your cookie wisely and perhaps on Judgement Day it can be revealed of who is actually right and who is in the wrong.

    That being said, Excommunication operates Church/Religious ties not Family ties, although family members of said church will feel a bit uneasy, The Shunning Command, of which is Biblical by the way, it only in application of Church members to the excommunicated, again, an uneasy family, but over time they will help the excommunicated return to the church, moreover, those of the church will at some point make an effort, granted on how great the sin is and or what it actually is.

    Any grounds met under the realm of Interfaith and or of attacking ones faith lands to become those of Apostasy, perhaps disgruntled, and will make any Church comebacks look like a very bad turn around in an NFL game, when you are the one losing at this point, thus making it harder and more of a challenge to return, and now, if it comes to the point you are boxing with God, well... We know who will win in one swing, and it won't be you.

    It can only become worse if you make it worse, in this sense, if you try to to do away with a spider by means of fire in your own home, and things start to catch the flame, it will only be worse for you, not the spider who invaded your home, as if we can already see real life examples: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/man-burn-spider-house-down-blowtorch-tuscon-arizona-a8005991.html


  6. @Srecko Sostar Well then, Sostar, you can start with what you made mention to:

    On 8/11/2018 at 3:36 AM, Srecko Sostar said:

    Chloe is woman, sister of the Corinth congregation, obviously in position of leading the church. And she has important contacts with Paul and with handling things in cong. 

    For Chloe in where she is mentioned ONLY ONE acted out as a peacemaker, mainly that of her household, how can you say what you have said when the very verse and passage, in full context says otherwise?


    And why is it you confuse Barak's position and Prophetess Deborah's position, granted Biblical Facts of which have been proven for years now says otherwise? 

    I bring this up because it would seem you want another save - this will not be allowed to happen, again for it has been the case twice.

  7. On 8/20/2018 at 1:07 PM, Witness said:

    You said, What you should have also mentioned is that those chosen and or destined for Priesthood, the fruits after Jesus, are chosen, not self-chosen and it is known by those, as some would say, are invited by God.

    Which is why I responded,  “I know this.  JWs know this”.

    What I said was directed to what you made comment to before. It is no surprise to anyone of who those of the Priesthood who are chosen by God, of which took place from Pentecost to now, granted, that there are, as many have said, a few of them left.

    I’ve mention this many times before, being quite brief, at best.

    On 8/20/2018 at 1:07 PM, Witness said:

    I have never directed my attention to the earthly Jerusalem.  The Bride is the new creation of heavenly Jerusalem.  They are both human and “angel”.    1 Pet 1:23; 2 Cor 5:27;1 Cor 15:44; Heb 8:5; 1 Cor 3:16; Ezek 41:18,19    

    Actually you have before, the only reason I brought it up, and you made mention to what Paul stated in Galatians 4 which speaks of the one bounded and the one who is free. The Holy City is no bounded, for it is free, in this case, she is free and has no bound or chain holding her down, for this Holy City is indeed a free.

    Now your biggest error here is comparing humans to Spirit Beings such as Angels. Nowhere in the Bible does it say us of mankind will become both human and Angel, therefore, you are not only adding to the text, you clearly showing yourself to be very open to the ideology and Christology of New Age Christians, those who were of many who gave themselves up to the E.I.I. back in 2016 very, very easily.

    Like I said, you mix verses and the error can be seen, yet again, therefore, I suggest you re-read those verses and perhaps make a better response.

    The Bride makes up those of the Spiritual House, the chosen ones for Priesthood, and yes their will be given a new form and or body, Spiritual Bodies, we see nowhere in the Bible that these people are both humans and or angels, for we see that God made humans separate, and he has made the Angels separate.

    Again, already known, this verse, 2 Corinthians 5:17 also connects with Galatians 6:15, which in itself, points straight to Ephsians 2:10 regarding the New Creation, for those who are one in Christ are part of what the Temple brings forth, the New Heavens and Earth, as all cross-references point to if read for context, hence why it is spoken of as Jesus being the Beginning and End (Into the New Covenant) in regards to the New Creation, at times in parallel to Melchizedek to some scholars.

    And like I said no, humans are not like angels and or become human/angel hybrid of any form for they are TWO different creations, therefore it is silly to spout the talk of New Age nonsense, now for Humans, the Bible speaks of them taking a Spiritual Body, or as the Biblical Title and Outline states, A New Body.

    1 Corinthians 3:16 would not make sense to use here because it speaks of us being of God’s Temple and like what was stated in Ephesians, God dwells in us just as he dwells in the Christ, nothing pertaining to being both human and angel hybrids.

    Therefore, read the actual references for this verse for context before making such a response: Romans 6:16, 8:9, 1 Corinthians 3:9, 17, 6:19, 2 Corinthians 6:16, 1 Peter 2:5, Ephesians 2:21, 22, 1 Timothy 3:15 and Hebrews 3:6.

    If anything at minimum, at least take the very words of Peter and follow the references through for context, furthermore, being in union with Christ and or anything pertaining to the Spiritual House, especially the people, those of Priesthood and those who will gain Eternal Life, as stated to you before, should be very obvious.

    Ezekiel 41:18-19 makes no mention of a man becoming an angel and or any type of human/angel hybrids. Another factor here is the very cross-references of this verse (1 Kings 6:29, 7:36, 2 Chronicles 3:7), makes no connection and or match-up with what you have stated, at least be a Witness to what the Bible says rather than going about your own understanding or the ideologies of the New Aged Ones.

    [18] It was carved of cherubim and palm trees, a palm tree between cherub and cherub. Every cherub had two faces: [19] a human face toward the palm tree on the one side, and the face of a young lion toward the palm tree on the other side. They were carved on the whole temple all around.

    So it can be asked, what did you try to prove here by making mention of this verse? Unless you do not understand what these verses been and it's context? Anyone who is honest can read, research, identify and understand of what this very conveys, simply in an obvious connection to the Temple, as seen in Prophet Ezekiel's Vision: The Inner Temple, or as read in the outlines, The Interior of the Sanctuary.

    1 Corinthians 15:44 speaks of Spiritual Bodies

    [44] It is sown a natural body; it is raised a spiritual body. If there is a natural body, there is also a spiritual body.

    Be it of the any spiritual means  or that of the earth, a person, be it, regardless of their sex, have a body, for all persons. Once again to become a whole person, one who has died being raised up, having a body, hence the verse in question. We are humans, not angels, and angels are not humans, nor can there be of and or spoken of any hybrids of any form for we are separate creations.

    Going on to 2 Corinthians 5, well in short, does not make up with what you have said

    Therefore, you have to be very careful with verses and passages, otherwise, like I said, you'll trip over yourself - for this isn't the first time you have done this.

    I recommend Biblehub (https://biblehub.com/) if you are truly having issues with context and references.

    On 8/20/2018 at 1:07 PM, Witness said:

    “But you have come to Mount Zion, to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem. You have come to thousands upon thousands of angels in joyful assembly”  Heb 12:22

    Ok. But it does not mask the confusion you have professed before regarding Heavenly Jerusalem and Earthly, only one is free, and only one has rejected the Christ.

    On 8/20/2018 at 1:07 PM, Witness said:

    “Set your mindon things above, not on earthly things.”   Col 3:2      That should include the idea that women cannot be "leaders".  

    And that is indeed what is being done here, taking in of what comes from above, not that of what originated with those of mainstream Christendom.

    God's Purpose, Will, Grace, and Order, says otherwise, of which you and Sostar have yet to prove here. Mind you, this has been discussed for decades upon decades and what is said is even true, in fact, like I said, even women who understands their Bibles know this to be true, an example would be is how some women who confront people like Evangelist Anita Fuentes, how they respond, and this is but one of many, many examples.

    Therefore, trying to change God's Order in terms of the Family and the Church cannot be changed, and granted that God, pertaining to Purpose, Will, Grace and Order, did come from above, mainly if you take into account of what the Head of the Church has told his own in Matthew 16 and what can be understood.

    On 8/20/2018 at 1:07 PM, Witness said:

    The House of God IS HIS Temple, built on Christ.  It has everything to do with structure according to God’s will.  You are not making that link, but dare I tell YOU anything? ?

    Yes, like I said, this is already known, and some of such of which you professed before, has been corrected, elsewhere.

    And I am making the link, you have tried to mix in a belief that has never originated from God, you even make the assumption that what Apostle Paul had stated was mere opinion, when in reality it is not.

    But what of God's Order? You never want to dwell in that, but yet when it is presented to you, both you and Sostar tend to do something entirely different?

    On 8/20/2018 at 1:07 PM, Witness said:

    Double Check your verses so you know they connect because it is rather bothersome to correct you when a mix is spot, example would be 1 Kings 8:27, of which something similar has spoken of in our last discussion, and the irony here is you posted Matthew 16:18, which is a direct connection to verses 19 in terms of what command is given to the followers of the Christ, which is clearly some ability the church practices even into this day, that is, those who accept, while others see it as too harsh and ends up changing it and or casting it aside, the very reason why Agnostics now have a sharped blade when it comes to going after and correcting people who do not know what a verse means.

    On 8/20/2018 at 1:07 PM, Witness said:

    In general, Space Merchant, as knowledgeable as you are, you assume to know all that I believe. (I think I've said that before) You target many of my statements with misconceptions.  And as I see, you seem to keep a cork board pinned with every remark that grates against you (which I see you have done elsewhere here, to Srecko)

    I merely correct the confused, the ignorant, the wrong and the like, and one thing that is very annoying to be is those who stick to the mainstream, those who stick to conspiracy, those who stick to false information, and those who attack the Bible and or the very manuscripts of which the Bible originates from, granted such ones tend to be oblivious to Biblical Translation, mainly the TRs and the 1245s, etc.

    I already know your views, but are mixing in things that is not of what the Bible speaks, you compare verses that do not line up, you bring forth something that is borderline New Age and perhaps think someone would not catch that and so forth. There are things of which can be agreed on and disagreed on, but when it comes to the Bible and the Early Church, such things must be defended, especially that of the Holy Spirit of which many, many people confuse, as well as who Lord Jesus Christ is.

    And yes, I tend to be very critical of Srecko because I told him before, for every response he makes, especially towards me, or anyone, expect a response, mainly if such is critical.

    Srecko was corrected on Abraham, Barak and several other things, unless you yourself agree with Srecko that Abraham was a selfish man, or perhaps you agree with him on God not being surprised of people today changing their sex not by appearance, but physically also, mainly be drug and or surgical means, or maybe you think he is right on what he had said on money, that is, if you had seen that discussion?

    Srecko to be, is someone who is hard deep in what he, as he puts it, his own opinions of things, even in the Bible and tends to draw forth confusion, an example would be what we see here regarding the Early Church, he even went as far as to call Chloe the Leader of the Church of Corinth, unless you are in agreement with that, of which remains to be seen.

    The difference between you and him, at least you are trying to understand, hence why in other discussion some of which you said can be agreed on, however, you tend to mix things around, not sure if it is of your own design and or other, but you make the attempt, although, perhaps like mainly of Christendom today, but clearly here, you have shown yourself not to be fully understanding God's Order of things, and on the low trying to take a shot of what I am saying to be some form of negative view on women when I merely speak of the historical accounts, the Bible and so forth, furthermore, the very cultural of which I am under defeats the purpose of any such claim hence why I told you to prove it, furthermore, you yourself have mentioned before of what Paul said in a specific verse to be mere opinion, when such isn't the case, when it is known of whom he is speaking to by means of his writings, and what his focus was in trying to build up his brothers and sisters.

    That being said, I speak what was true of Abraham and what God had Promised him when in discussion to Srecko Sostar, and I am sure you'd do the same because if it was not for the Seed, Jesus would have never been born in accordance to Prophecy in Bethlehem, and no Preiesthood, who are deemed the heirs, would have been existing, for in Srecko Sostar's eyes, he thinks God has another way, when we clearly see God make a Promise to Abraham in the Bible, a Promise of which lines up with Prophecy.

    Perhaps take a good look at what he says when it comes to the Bible itself, or in this case, the church, for comparing Being One with Christ is vastly different in terms of Church Structure or the Family by means of how Yah's Order actually is, and Paul's direct reference to Creation itself - he did so for a reason.

    Other than that, I told you before, I tend to get a bit strict on such things, and I am this lecturous due to a very blind and confused Trinitarian who is on this forum.

    On 8/20/2018 at 1:07 PM, Witness said:

    I am here to expose the two threats to God’s anointed ones during the last days.  They are found where the anointed and their companions reside.  The Watchtower.  Can we agree to disagree?  I have my mind set on the heavenly fulfillment of things, not on the earthly. John 4:21-24

    Believe me, if you knew what I knew, the real enemy is that of the E.I.I. everyone and anything in connection to it, anyone who has provided themselves, resources and finical based provisions to it for this beast to grow and spread throughout the US, Asia, EU, the whole world. Like I said, The Watchtower, consisting of Jehovah's Witnesses are Restorationist and have no dealings with the E.I.I. for if you haven't noticed, pretty much the E.I.I., who is the religion of Babylon the Great is against those who are not for their cause, they have already did a number on the Jehovah's Witnesses and others, even people like me, hence what they have done in both countries my family origins from, they hit even harder in the US because mainstream Christians tend to accept anything that the religion of Babylon throws out to them.

    Therefore, we have to be very aware of who the real enemy is, we have to be vigilant, and enduring, and be very, very careful to consider someone an enemy because a minor mistake puts one in front of the White Throne, hence why Christians such as myself do not go after such ones, even Restrationist for you do not know what God will say to you when Judgement comes. Those who are good will receive their reward, those of Priesthood will be ruling alongside the Christ, those who have died not knowing God will have that chance and they will not be powerless on the earth, and rise up from the dead like Isaiah stated and Sing. As for the Bad, the those who reaps upon their falsehood and accursed ways, they will be judged, and any man who clearly is in the wrong, such ones will be judged in front of the White Throne of Judgement, and God will Jude by means of his Son and should be judged as guilty, you are no longer known and Justice will be executed, hence why being very careful is vital.

    Other than that, those who know who the enemy is do not get swept away by such an enemy, even those who are neutral with JWs have enough sense to see who the enemy is, granted if you have been paying attention in the last 4 years of what was going about around the globe thus far, mainly what took place in 2016, which will happen again in The Fall of 2018.

    That being said, if you are mixing verses and trying to make proof to something that has never been practiced by the early church, you make yourself a candidate, like Srecko, to be easily swept by this religion that is gaining converts in masses, for as Ted Turner of CNN, who supports this Conquest of Peace had said, We All Believe in One God, and his motive is all who have this believe is be united as one - This, my friend, it something you have to be a Witness of, and be very vigilant, for the legacy of the Spiritual Mother is alive and well in such ones, in this case, The Jezebel Woman who is also known as a Prophetess, the one who is false.

    I tell everyone this, even to JWs, the only ones that do not see the danger are mainstreamers, Muslims on the other hand, wise up, some of which who began to understand and reads the Bible, and in my case, I direct people to learn the Bible, to many, men, women and children, just as I have learned at a young age, young ones should know the truth of the bible before the mainstream teaches them the accursed.

    On 8/20/2018 at 1:07 PM, Witness said:

    “Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. 25 The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock.26 But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. 27 The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash.”  Matt 7:24-27

    John 4:21-24

    If you truly believe in these verses, you be very aware that the whole church leadership thing is of God's Order. Srecko considers such favoritism, it is not the case, draw the conclusion from context and what Paul had said, which is not an opinion, but rather hat he stated directly in terms of Creation, hence God's Order.

    Like the verse says, hear the words, but should you refuse, what makes you any different from mainstream Christendom, that of which contains the likes of New Aged Ones?

    In regards to church leadership and the like (Union with Christ being used in such a discussion has been done many many times and it has failed), I suggest you start reading up on Church history, consider this bandages for cuts on your knees of which you have tripped on, for such can be accepted by you or rejected, just know that the Apostle is in the right in regards to God's Order of things.

    Lastly, always double check your verses in terms of references and context, or as I put it, Hermeneutics, before you post them, for should you find yourself in a position to teach, you must do so correctly, it is jarring to the mind to make such corrections you as is done before, for if this was the CSE, I can't even defend you there and everyone there, like me, is x10 times.

  8. 17 minutes ago, Witness said:

    I know this.  JWs know this. 

    51 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

    Everyone does, they know it too.

    17 minutes ago, Witness said:

    Have no clue what you are saying.

    hat I am saying it is already known as to what the Living Stones are and of what they make up - this is a direct reference to what I was discussed before.

    18 minutes ago, Witness said:

    Obviously.  They are under the "woman" covenant, New Jerusalem.  Gal 4:26,24  The Bride is the fulfillment of that covenant.  Rev 21:2

    And yet last time you confused Earthly with Heavenly, hence the references: not of the normal Jerusalem that each and every one of us know today For some people think Earthly and Heavenly are the same, not knowing the difference between the two and I recall this correction was made in regards of you before, which is why I mention the mixing of verses that do not connect with only lead to problematic understanding, but than again, you seem to have taken the information from elsewhere.

    For Earthly Jerusalem had rejected Jesus, the Bride, of which is obviously symbolic, is the Holy City, Heavenly [New] Jerusalem.

    Unless you thing the Bride is a literal woman, you are the first to make this notion.

    And yes, this is true, but the Bride is included of this New Covenant, which consist of those of Priesthood and the Heirs, according to Paul in Galatians 3.

    Also Galatians 4:24 and 26, in terms of symbolism, New Jerusalem is not bounded, she is free, you do realize Paul speaks of two of which represents the Old and New Covenant? If anything, the Bride, associated with the New Covenant is the only one that is free, a free woman who is not bounded, I believe this had been in discussion elsewhere, not here or any of older discussions.

    The Old Covenant represents Hagar, although used in symbolism to the Sinaitic Covenant, it came about in the days of Moses, as for the other, came about in the days of Jesus.

    For again, here we see Paul use symbolism, for both Hagar and Sarah were not literal in regards to the Covenants, but rather, one being bounded, a slave girl, the other being a free woman, who is not bounded. It is also good to mention Paul takes from Prophet Isaiah, to some extent, when he explains these things.

    As for the other verse, yes, what can be said is I agree with Ezekiel, for this Temple, is indeed marvelous and it's measurements is like no other, as well as what it actually is and who resides in them.

    31 minutes ago, Witness said:

    The "church" is the anointed body.  This anointed body is one with Christ.  This is not heresy, but scripture.    As long as you see things only physically, you will not understand this spiritual Temple of God.  1 Cor 3:16,17 ; 1 Pet 2:5,9,10; Eph 2:20-22

    You do realize I am talking about that came about in Jesus' day. The Church is indeed the people, as a whole, however, the church itself in terms of God's Will and Order is how it is strtured

    And again, it is wise to use Being One in Christ passages as well as The Spiritual House, in this regard, however, like before, it has nothing to do with Paul's clear addressing of God's Order of things within the church itself, mainly if you take the sheer seriousness of historical fact in terms of such things.

    The Spiritual House has really nothing to do with structure in terms of God's Order and Will regarding the church of which, the people, who is of the church, dwell in for religious worship.

    35 minutes ago, Witness said:

     Do now, and will continue to do.  :)   

    Well you have to because whether you realize it or not, there are those who is clearly out of both of our leagues who want to change such, and not knowing how things are will easily sweep us away into those who sided with such persons who think they can turn the Bible and the Church into millennial like circus and a list of other things that if our church father's had lived to see this day, the Apostles and their students, they would not be in total agreement with and will be the very ones to make the correction, perhaps other means instead of letters, for I cannot picture in my head any of the Apostle using a computer or a smartphone in order to do such.

    That being said, to be aware and knowledgeable of these things, you do so in favor of our early Christian brothers and sisters, mainly people like Paul, but to do otherwise, even not understanding a passage, mainly for those who take Paul's letter to the Corinth out of context, it will pose as a problem, and like all problems, it should be corrected.

    39 minutes ago, Witness said:

    We all trip occasionally, don't we!  

    Not to the point of getting blisters and scabs and perhaps a trip to the Emergency Room. However, such rarely happens to those who literally take up the sword before they could even walk - that sword (2 Corinthians 10:4, 5, 2 Timothy 2:15).

  9. On 8/17/2018 at 1:01 PM, TrueTomHarley said:

    Weighing in (I think) with @Space Merchant (was it on this thread or another?) here is a psychiatrist declaring that pedophilia is a legitamate sexual orientation, thus arguing for its recognition. This does not appear to be fake news.


    It was on another thread. I was looking into recent information back to 2015, however, the whole sexual orientation thing is indeed something of which can be led into a problem, and cause more issues with institutions of both the educational and religious space should things go to a mission impossible like status.

    Yes, some psychiatrist will speak on pedophilia, it is indeed a disorder, however, those who are in agreement with the message thing otherwise. This has also causes a good chuck of people to fight to make pedophilia be recognized as a sexual orientation rather than a disorder. In regards to the LGBT, there is a portion of them who are for this as well, hence the whole business with kids dressing up provocatively, nearly half-naked and running about, dancing and a list of other things. We also see members of this part of the LGBT community who go to the schools and or some facility to teach and read to the children, with the main topic being gender related and so forth. I would put up some information here and or something that is in tired connection to such, but stuff like this is not too friendly on the eyes of the ones who do not suspect such a thing.

    For me, my biggest fear is stuff like this taking off, full sail, to the point it cannot be stopped and will eventually tip over and cause some real damage.

    That being said, I will be researching on this more, mainly a few years back from 2015, mainly in regards to the EU, for pedophilia is far more greater in such areas compared to the US, for a number of kids are placed into human trafficking and other things in relation, and stuff like this hits home for me because someone, a Democrat, who is friends with Hilary, nearly did the same to my country in regards to taking children into human trafficking and since that day it still bothers me, as well as the assassination of Me. Ebrewein, it was not a suicide as the media claims.

    But yeah, in short, it is a major fear, like a virus spreading that cannot be stopped, eventually it will drive you to be highly cautious, perhaps, mad, and a bit overly protective, for in this sense, the schools and the churches are riddled with unsuspecting abusers who take up the disorder to commit ill intent on others.

  10. On 8/18/2018 at 2:49 PM, Grey Reformer said:

    To sum it up. The one that governs the body of Jehovah’s witnesses is the inspired word of God. The GB doesn’t have anything to do with the framework Christ started, other than obeying God’s and Christ commands. They don’t add on as the general public of former witnesses speculates. If this is too difficult to understand, then the arguments you personally make are simply conjecture.


    So, this will conclude our conversation on this matter, and return to the topic at hand.


    There is no greater authority than that of God and Christ. That makes even more valuable and has a greater appreciation for the gospel of Christ. 1 Peter 2:21 which the GB intuitively do.


    You can't reason with a man who believes the following and or adheres to:

    • That birds pay for his internet connection.
    • He believes God is not going to be surprised about people changing their sex, even physically by means of drug and or surgically.
    • He makes claim to something he deems as absolute proof when all that is seen is a registry based on a census.
    • He states a woman known as Chloe leads a church and says it is in the Bible, but nothing is found and this woman is only mentioned ONCE in scripture.
    • Thinks writing letters is political, when on the RU side is is not seen as such, nor by anyone who takes into account EU media.
    • So called things addressed, linked, only lead to main page of a website.... That has no mention of what he himself addressed.
    • Thinks that if someone knows the Bible more than him, such one considers others as inferior, when such is not the case.
    • relies on the Admin to save him from his own error(s), but when the topic is focused, stumbles upon himself and likes something that is irrelevant which only worsens for him.
    • Thinks being called "daft" is a major insult, when it also means one who is ignorant.
    • Thinks fighting for Religious Rights is also political when such can be done in a non-political space.
    • Does not know the difference between ECOSOC and SOC; as well as criteria(s) being met or not.
    • He makes a statement about a faith community taking in loads of money from a venue when in reality the information provided says otherwise, thus prompting him to wipe his current message and a message from a year ago.
    • He is not a fan of anything in regards to a man named Abraham, even going as far as to call this man of the Bible, selfish and not caring of anything but himself.
    • He speaks in opinion of money, yet is in agreement with a verse in which a coin came from a fish, and contradicts himself over and over again.
    • Believes a Judge can lead a church when the Old Testament speaks nothing of churches.


    The list goes on.

    That being said, a bit more relaxed that I have I returned from The Motherland.

  11. 22 hours ago, Witness said:

    I should have brought this out before; but then, I have many times under other topics. 

    JWs are aware there are both genuine anointed ones,  and those who are not anointed within their congregations. 

    As is others, this is no surprise to anyone. What you should have also mentioned is that those chosen and or destined for Priesthood, the fruits after Jesus, are chosen, not self-chosen and it is known by those, as some would say, are invited by God. There have been people who predate even us who is of the chosen ones and like those days, those chosen and those of the church are in total awareness of such.

    Also it is not a sole racial/ethnic group that will benefit from Priesthood, granted the Bible says otherwise.

    22 hours ago, Witness said:

    They are a “new creation” – neither male or female – to serve as one Body under Christ. 

    Yes, this is known, they are stones as well of the House, but that does not make means of something that is not of the church, of which you and Sostar are high-fiving each other about. And I explain and corrected you on this before as well, if I recall.

    22 hours ago, Witness said:

    They are also, the Bride of their “husband”, Christ. 

    They are a “brotherhood” – unless someone believes Paul was only directing his words to women.

    They are “living sacrifices” offering themselves for all who will gain life in the Kingdom. 

    Already known.

    22 hours ago, Witness said:

    Chosen people, holy priesthood, living sacrifices, living stones, spiritual house, Temple of God, brotherhood, virgin “wives”,  bondservants….and “sons” of God.  ( Add to this, are the gifts bestowed on each within this Body.) 

    Ok, but do you recall what you said before on this? Such ones who are also chosen are not of the normal Jerusalem that each and every one of us know today, but even those who are chosen are still bounded by the church, as if our history, mainly the church on the rock, as taught us anything.

    22 hours ago, Witness said:

    It is the new thing that God had planned long ago to be established when His Son came to earth.   Jer 31:22; Micah 4:8

    Interesting, why equal these 2 verses together in regards to referring to new thing?


    As for the rest, nothing of which you have stated here has anything to do with what was talked about. If you want to speak on Being One with the Christ and of Priesthood, that is all in good intention, then so be it, however, using the Being One with Christ to profess a practice that is not of the church is borderline heresy, but what to think of those who consider and or in agreement with such who make the claim that Chloe was in fact a church leader, hen the reality is, this peacemaker had nothing to do with leading a church.

    I guess no one pays attention to Matthew 16 nowadays, giving the Agnostics more fuel to fire their torches.


    Anyways, another day at the office it seems, mainly after returning from Africa, and it is still seen that you are connecting verses together without knowing if the context matches up or not, I leave that homework with you because in your case, this isn't the first time. As I told Sostar, read each and every verse for context, read the passages and or verses that are in direct connection with said passage because this had been talked about before, and I not going to bring up your pass discussion with in some degree is in parallel with what you just said, let alone going about in defense of something that didn't originate with no one 2,000 years ago, furthermore, I invite you to take some historical lessons on both the Bible and the Church as well as the 12 Apostles.

    You are there, yes, but you still trip over yourself, perhaps, purposely.

  12. 2 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    Hmmmm.... I don't ever remember thumping MY New World Translation.

    What is "thumping", anyway?

    An expression used for those who take the Bible 100% seriously. Others tend to take a Non-Christian approach by taking literal action of extreme proportions. In this case, it is following the bible's principles by means of lifestyle.

    That being said, you have the serious Bible readers, mentioned above, and now we have the Extreme Bible action takers, most common and or majority originates with New Agers and Oneness believers or that of the KJV-Onlyist Movement. You never really know which one you will confront, you'd be surprise some people can and will beat you up with a Bible, literally, or even throw it at you while shouting a verse.

    So when met with an extreme Bible thumper, prepare to shield yourself and or duck for cover, because they will use a bible as a mallet to, as they say, cleanse you.

    Picture it this way, but literally as in, having a Bible thrown at you should they be in disagreement with you:





  13. 20 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    There is a basic rule I discovered:

    The more words a person uses to explain a simple idea ... the less likely it is to be true.

    MANY words are used to hypnotize with boredom ... NOT inform.

    Yes, but these are not my own words, these are literal facts. I think the letter is a bit much that is why I linked it. 35 pages is a LONG list of information.

    That being said, information is key and knowing information brings for accurate truth to this matter, and this one fits the bill nicely, mainly when said information was of ones who lived during that time, in my case, I was not even existing let alone in the womb of my mother. But hey, for me personally, the 90s was a good time to live in, mainly in the Caribbean islands were no high tech tom foolery was in play at all, just a chilled, cool environment and nothing else, and then.... we moved to America, although the environmental change, as time progresses, things before more tech-dependent.

    That being said, it is not that much, usually what I go detailed super power mode I make a page, word after word in seconds. The facts coupled with small bits of information is basic stuff. Furthermore, no one really mention the 6,000 part too, so that has to be said.




    Other than that, the whole letter thing is not a political move, nor was the Soviet Era people or others who were well within the realm of Civil Disobedience.

    @Srecko Sostar And no, as stated, it was never a political move in their case, even the Russians do not consider it as such. The only political move that was done in regards to Mevedev and the Kremlin was this, in addition, we also have the big Anti-Corruption Protest that was around the same time as the JW ban and the uproar going on in Ukrainian Churches, more than 1,600 Russians have been arrested

    Now if JWs did do any political move, they would not be stamped out prior to the election, they would not be targets by professors who know of their neutrality, hence what took place in Russian schools, they would not be said to disrespect the Nationalist Day held by Russians every year and a list of other things, most importantly, they would have been listed on the FSB website, at least the remnants of it, but all you can see there is political actions being done by Alexei Navalny (??????? ?????????) followers and others political advocates who are not for the Kremlin and are against it. Lastly, the French NGO would not have robbed them dry prior to and after the Pope's visit with Cyrill.

    As for Dmitry Medvedev, he cares for no one but his inner circle, nor is he a religious man (but gives a show for Cyrill), but he is a man who has a strong addiction to the Ducks.


    FYI, the woman on the thumbnail is dubbed an extremist, but she is a professor of a school who had nothing to do with anyone.

  15. I will put some information here that would clear up of which I have gathered.

    To be brief, nowhere does it state on the Jehovah's Witnesses behalf that 1975 is the end of the World, and with the information at hand, we can see that the difference between JWs and their opposites, only one side is telling the truth. 1975, however, was in regards of being vigilant, granted the whole 6,000 of creation since Adam. Plus it would have been hypocrisy on their part if they did in fact state that 1975 is the depend and yet they still continue to preach prior to, on, during and after that specific year, granted the Bible did say a time will come when the spreading of the gospel would cease, and then the end would come, which we can see JWs had never stopped preaching any given point during that time.

    I will start with a quote:


    Yes, Witnesses did get carried away with speculation about 1975, but it was never an official position taken by the organization. The date was based on the Bible’s chronology which indicated that 1975 marked the end of 6000 years since the creation of Adam. Many equated Adam’s creation with the beginning of God’s day of rest in Genesis, believing that “day” to be a period of 7,000 years.

    The though was that at the end of the 6,000 years, Christ would begin his reign of 1,000 years and restore everything to the conditions on earth God originally intended by the end of Jehovah’s 7,000 year day of rest.

    However, that view was corrected in 1974 when it was pointed out that the 7th day of Genesis did not begin until sometime after the creation of Eve and we do not know when she was created. Nor do we know, how long Adam was alone in the Garden, which could have been a considerable length of time. God had him name all the animals, the names of which, suggest he studied them for some time before choosing a name for each.

    Later, when God finally determined it was time to create Eve he stated that it was “not good for the man to continue alone” and when he brought her to Adam he exclaimed, “At last” this is bone of my bone, flesh of my flesh. All of that suggests the possibility that Adam could have been alone for a long period of time before the creation of Eve and we still would have no idea how long it was after Eve’s creation that the 7th day began.

    All that said, it was point out that it is impossible to pinpoint a date which might mark the end of the 6,000 year time period.

    None of that condemns Witnesses as false prophets, Jesus told his disciple, to “stay on the watch”and to “keep in anticipation” of his return, and there are many examples in the Bible of faithful ones who had God’s timing wrong and needed to adjust their thinking. Even Jesus closest disciples after spending 3 1/2 years listening to him and hearing his parables about traveling far away and returning with Kingly authority, still asked him just before he ascended if he was, “restoring the Kingdom at this time”.

    • Acts 1:6–7 — So when they had assembled, they asked him: “Lord, are you restoring the kingdom to Israel at this time?” He said to them: “It does not belong to you to know the times or seasons that the Father has placed in his own jurisdiction

    Other information we can turn to is a message written, 1 out of 35, date of origin is March 9, 2010, name Paul Leonard, all messages in this regard can be found here, I will post a book of info, granted I am already lecturous as it is: https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/JWquestions-and_answers/conversations/topics/3704

    Further information, I had to go to the Arabic channels of where I debated with a Trinitarian before, knowing that Arabic JWs tend to show up there at times, one of them who made a response to the 1975 comment directed us to information, of which can be read below, and clearly all of us, even me, read this information of which I will copy/paste here:


    Did the Organization of Jehovah's Witnesses Ever Say That Armageddon Was Definitely Going to Come In 1975?

    It is an absolute lie to claim that the Witnesses said that Armageddon would come in 1975. Here is an article from *1974* that I carry around with me which shows what mature Witnesses knew and were saying:

    "The publications of Jehovah's Witnesses have shown that, according to Bible chronology, it appears that 6,000 years of man's existence will be completed in the mid-1970's. But these publications HAVE NEVER SAID THAT THE WORLD'S END WOULD COME THEN. Nevertheless, there has been considerable individual speculation on the matter. So the assembly presentation "Why We Have Not Been Told ‘That Day and Hour'" was very timely. It emphasized that we do not know the exact time when God will bring the end."--w74 10/15 p. 635

    You will notice that this appeared in the Watchtower at the end of 1974 and it was referring to what all Witnesses heard at their conventions that summer. So the facts are that anyone who was saying that Armageddon was definitely going to come by 1975 just was not listening carefully. They were doing what critics still do; rip statements out of context and selectively choose only what they want out of the literature.

    I was baptized in 1966 so I was there in 1975 and it had absolutely no effect on me nor anyone in my very large family. The reason that it had no effect on 99.9% of Witnesses is because most were listening to what was really being said and not speculating. They were NOT saying that the end would come in 1975.

    The truth is that from the start of discussions on 1975, JWs were told not to speculate on what may or may not happen. For some, it was a real test as to why they were JWs. Was it because of a date to save their necks or were they JWs because they loved and appreciated the Truth and Jehovah?

    The year 1975 can be calculated from the prophecies in Daniel and confirmed by the events foretold by Christ. This interpretation is in complete agreement with standard rules of exegesis. So the Witnesses’ teaching on 1975 and our being in the “end times” of wicked human society is completely scriptural.

    What was said by Witnesses in the ‘60's and ‘70's is still true: the end is still near and we should live our lives performing “holy acts of conduct and deeds of godly devotion, awaiting and keeping close in mind the presence of the day of Jehovah” (2Pet.3:11,12).

    From 1914 onward, ALL the facets of the "sign" denoting the “end times” have escalated to an unprecedented degree worldwide (Mt.24:3ff). No other time in history has seen all these things come on one generation in such overwhelming measure. Combining this with the Bible chronology’s pointing to 1975 being about 6,000 years since man’s creation proves beyond any doubt that the world has entered its time of the end!

    In what I received from him, there was more information:


    1975 and Jehovah's Witnesses - The Claims Vs. The Facts

    The following will address in order:

    • 1.) The basis for the original speculation of 1975.
    • 2.) How even though there were articles printed that were speculative in nature, not one ever stated that Armageddon would definitely come in 1975 and, in fact, the then President of the Watchtower Society even instructed his listeners against saying anything as such.
    • 3.) The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society's acknowledgement of "implied" statements concerning 1975 and the significance of this.
    • 4.) The reason opposers focus on this issue.
    • 5.) How Jehovah's Witnesses accusers employ two sets of rules.

    Understanding the Speculation Concerning 1975

    "The Witnesses had long shared the belief that the Thousand Year Reign of Christ would follow after 6,000 years of human history. But when would 6,000 years of human existence end? The book Life Everlasting - In Freedom of the Sons of God, released at a series of district conventions held in 1966, pointed to 1975. Right at the convention, as the brothers examined the contents, the new book triggered much discussion about 1975." - Jehovah's Witnesses Proclaimers of God's Kingdom; pg. 104, Declaring the Good News Without Letup (1942-1975)

    Speculative Articles, But NO Definite Statement

    While there was likely a lot of speculation surrounding 1975 by individuals, no publication ever provided a definitive statement saying that the end would come in 1975. Some articles seemed to say that it was highly possible, though they always qualified it.

    For example, the 5/01/67 Watchtower says: 

    "...1975 marks the end of 6,000 years of human experience.....Will it be the time when God executes the wicked?....It very well could be, but we will have to wait and see." 

    Other articles frequently used words such as "may", "could" and "possibly"," regarding this.

    Even Frederick Franz (the then President of the WBTS) forcefully instructed:

    "... don’t any of you be specific in saying anything that is going to happen between now and 1975."  - Rejoicing over “God’s Sons of Liberty” Spiritual Feast; Heading: the Year 1975; 10/15/66 Watchtower

    Acknowledgement of "Implied" Statements

    "In the years following 1966, many of Jehovah’s Witnesses acted in harmony with the spirit of that counsel (of Frederick Franz). However, other statements were published on this subject, and some were likely more definite than advisable. This was acknowledged in The Watchtower of March 15, 1980 (see quote below). But Jehovah’s Witnesses were also cautioned to concentrate mainly on doing Jehovah’s will and not to be swept up by dates and expectations of an early salvation." - Jehovah's Witnesses Proclaimers of God's Kingdom, pg. 104, Declaring the Good News Without Letup (1942-1975)

    "There were other statements published that implied that such realization of hopes by that year (1975) was more of a probability than a mere possibility. It is to be regretted that these latter statements apparently overshadowed the cautionary ones and contributed to a buildup of the expectation already initiated." - Watchtower, 1980 March 15, p.17, par. 5

    Rather than to be met with scepticism or scorn, these acknowledgements of "implied" statements concerning 1975 is an obvious willingness to attempt to learn from them. And this is a relatively unimportant, non-essential issue when contrasted to the fundamentals Jesus laid out for the knowledge necessary for eternal life! (John 17:3)

    In comparison, most other religions will not change doctrines(!) such as the Trinity, the immortal soul, and hell fire even though their own scholars admit that these beliefs are not taught in the Bible. Yet Jehovah's Witnesses have always been willing to change any belief in order to harmonize better with increased knowledge of Scriptural teaching.

    The Reason Opposers Focus on 1975

    The primary reason Jehovah's Witnesses opposers even bring up the topic of 1975 is to try and paint Jehovah's Witnesses as 'False Prophets'. By a definition of their choosing, Jehovah's Witnesses critics ignore what is meant by the word 'prophet' and what was intended by WBTS publications.
    (For more, see: "Have Jehovah's Witnesses ever claimed to be an INSPIRED prophet?)

    Though some may accuse the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of claiming otherwise, from the beginning, the Watchtower has never claimed to be "inspired and infallible and without mistakes": 

    "[the fact that some have Jehovah's spirit] does not mean those now serving as Jehovah's Witnesses are inspired. It does not mean that the writings in this magazine, The Watchtower, are inspired and infallible and without mistakes." - May 15, 1947, page 157.

    Admittedly, earlier WBTS publications have occasionally published information that was speculative in nature and turned out to be mistaken. However, these publications also had provided accompanying statements cautioning it's readers that there was no certainty as to what would happen.

    Two Sets of Rules?

    Some critics focus solely on Jehovah's Witnesses concerning non-essential, mistaken expectations about the fulfillment of Bible prophecies. Yet at the same time, they ignore these high-profile religious figures who have made mistakes similar to Jehovah’s Witnesses: 

    Protestant leader Martin Luther believed that the Turkish war in his day would be 

    "the final wrath of God, in which the world will come to an end and Christ will come to destroy Gog and Magog and set free His own"? [John T. Baldwin, "Luther's Eschatological Appraisal of the Turkish Threat in Eine Heerpredigt -wider den Tuerken - Army Sermon Against the Turks]," Andrews University Seminary Studies 33.2 (Autumn 1995), 196. 

    He also said that 

    "Christ has given a sign by which one can know when the Judgment Day is near. When the Turk will have an end, we can certainly predict that the Judgment must be at the door". - Ibid, p. 201.

    And Methodist founder John Wesley wrote: 

    "1836 The end of the non-chronos, and of the many kings; the fulfilling of the word, and of the mystery of God; the repentance of the survivors in the great city; the end of the 'little time,' and of the three times and a half; the destruction of the east; the imprisonment of Satan. - Wesley's Notes of the Bible

    In 1950, Billy Graham, the well-known US evangelist, told a rally in Los Angeles: 

    “I sincerely believe that the Lord draweth nigh. We may have another year, maybe two years, to work for Jesus Christ, and, Ladies and Gentlemen, I believe it is all going to be over ... two years and it’s all going to be over.” - McLoughlin, William G., 1978 Revivals, Awakenings and Reform. University of Chicago Press. Chicago. pp.185. See also “US News and World Report” (December 19, 1994)

    Would opposers of Jehovah's Witnesses condemn Luther, Wesley or Graham as false prophets? Or would they correctly conclude that they had simply interpreted Bible prophecy? Likewise, the WBTS is not a false prophet simply because interpreting Bible prophecy is not the same as prophesying.

    There is more information in this regard, a whole lot, but you have to really trend those seas to find it. There was also a video that could have put the final nail in the coffin, for this video had shown proof what is addressed, but former JWs took down the video that was made by a non-denominational Christian who exposed the truth, of what was actually said in 1975 vs. that of what former JWs or disgruntled ones have been saying all this time, since his video is removed due to being flagged by former Jws, you have to ask around and dig up this information itself, at times requires forum grave digging which is a hassle to do.

    The video was named Response to anti-JW video concerning 1975, however, this video had been hunted down by former Jws and flagged for removal, even alternative sources they went after to remove the video because it would make JWs in the right and former Jws who had spread their message, in the wrong, proof of alternative link not existing anymore: http://www.answerbag.com/a_view/9873011

    Here are some other facts:

    • With regard to 1874: It should be noted that ‘The Watchtower’ was not published until 1879 and Russell himself did not become aware of the 1874 date until 1876! So it was hardly a matter of a failed prediction.
    • With regard to 1914:  "We are not prophesying; we are merely giving our surmises . . . We do not even aver that there is no mistake in our interpretation of prophecy and our calculations of chronology. We have merely laid these before you, leaving it for each to exercise his own faith or doubt in respect to them" (emphasis added).
    • With regard to 1925: "The year 1925 is here. With great expectation Christians have looked forward to this year. Many have confidently expected that all members of the body of Christ will be changed to heavenly glory during this year. This may be accomplished. It may not be. In his own due time God will accomplish his purposes concerning his people. Christians should not be so deeply concerned about what may transpire this year."
    • With regard to 1975: ‘What about the year 1975? What is it going to mean, dear friends?’ asked Brother Franz. ‘Does it mean that Armageddon is going to be finished, with Satan bound, by 1975? It could! It could! All things are possible with God. Does it mean that Babylon the Great is going to go down by 1975? It could. Does it mean that the attack of Gog of Magog is going to be made on Jehovah’s witnesses to wipe them out, then Gog himself will be put out of action? It could. But we are not saying. All things are possible with God. But we are not saying. And don’t any of you be specific in saying anything that is going to happen between now and 1975.

    So at this point, it is safe to say who is really in the right, for anyone can say they were there that faithful day, surely some of us youngens weren't, I myself was born and raised in the 90s and had only a Bible while living on the islands growing up, but there are those who actually paid attention and took note of what was said and done from 1974-1976.

    But yes, real information can be found out of a sea of conspiracy and or claims regarding this year people are parading around in falsehood when there is actual truth to this matter.

    That being said, anyone can be anywhere at any given point in time, the real question is, did so and so take in the information fully and or did the action correctly?

  16. @James Thomas Rook Jr. But the problem is here is anything pertaining to God being hindered in some way, shape or form, Civil Disobedience of Spiritual Warfare is indeed in use. In some sense, it also is in regards to the whole Bible issue going on in Russia, which a bit of that has spelled over to some areas in the EU and Western US,but as we can, Civil Disobedience is at play in this domain also.

  17. @Srecko Sostar And yet you do realize as to what caused the ban to begin with and what prompted such to take place, for if they were indeed in politics they would not have been suppressed months prior, granted if you are well aware of Alexander Dvorkin and everyone in connection to him. Letter writing isn't political just as people who come to defend a memorial area such as a cemetery from those who seek to change it.

    Now, you listed the following:

    4 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    5a the total complex of relations between people living in society

    As well as:

    4 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:
    By point 5a in explanation we are all involved in this process, as human living on Earth.
    By point 3a in particular group (WT JWorg) exist also political activities that is focused on events within society (members) and on other side how this religious group have to deal whit person outside of WT society (WT as Company and JW as religious body of members)

    Would it make more sense to address 3a first and then 5a? Indeed we are humans living on earth, all of us who roam the earth and those of us who use to, thus being buried in Sheol.

    As for point 3a, as the following reads:

    4 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    3a political affairs or business; especially competition between competing interest groups or individuals for power and leadership (as in a government)

    And as to what political affairs? Asking someone to not cease one's primary source of worship is not political, let alone religious rights. What is deemed political if if the faith was in affiliation with groups similar to the other churches in Russia, mainly the Non-Orthodoxy ones. For if we have to speak of this as a political issue then it can be said Apostle Paul's dealing with Artemis followers is seen as political or Christians to Niro, when the reality is, it is not. The only thing political that was taking place during the time of religious distress was in regards to the Anti-Corruption Heroes who are in direct and indirect confrontation with The Kremlin, as well as the RoC Church, due to a number of reasons, for more than 1,000 arrests have been made and a sheer twist of using Yarovaya Law (Закон Яровой) against anyone they choose. On the other side of the spectrum, there has been a non-political/violent movement to save Soviet Era homes only for the State Duma to deal with them, physically, but unfortunately, they too lost to the Kremlin.

    There was also no form of competition, if you know the motto of the Russian Orthodox Church (RoC) they consider others as competition and will do what is necessary to deal with them, be it other faiths, or anyone playing Pokemon in or near a church, to even some child quoting Shakespeare, for anything inciting of hatred tends to trigger the church greatly. That being said, the other factor is Bible bans, that effects all persons and subject them as suspect, we know this because of the tracker site formed by the FSB, so far one has been recovered, but the reason, mainly targeting religion, has been hidden and or changed on Russia's side, only after the State Duma made made new laws about a year ago.

    Again if you REALLY understand Apostle Paul's writing, which seems to be an issue already, you'd realize the Civil Disobedience of Spiritual Warfare, for we can see that a faith's action for worship and or anything connecting to God is being suppressed., cut of, if you will.

    Other then that, go to Russian side of things to actually understand the situation.

    At the end of the day, what these people have been doing and or doing is wanting to continue their faith, nothing more, no leadership or competition and or political interest, simply trying to keep their faith community going for what they see fit is in connection to worshiping El Shaddai.

    Also it should also be point to claim that one shouldn't be ignoring of what was informed to such one before.

  18. @Grey Reformer Well it is said by a majority of Russians I have seen and what is seen in the discussion with those shut out by the duma, Russian Church does not like competition. They will go after you for anything, they went for a Librarian and a Pokemon player, they went for many others and it will not stop as long as the triads of power remain. Outside of religion, people also fought for their homes and other things in Russia.

    The Russian Church had gotten stronger since the day the Pope met Cyrill.

  19. 2 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    It's really getting quite cumbersome .... already it is LGBTQP-FA

    People come up with different things to add on to what is there. But none of us should be letting your guard down.

    Another thing we should be watchful of is those who distribute ill content regarding children for I believe one Priest was caught having been receiving and distributing pornographic material regarding children.

    The dark web is usually where such material is often in distribution, in this priest's case, his action eventually led to his discover, as are for those who do the same.

    Other than that, it is indeed an issue, but those pushing to make it normal are only adding more to the fire and such a fire cannot be put out.

  20. @JW Insider Ms. Heine’s information and what she has presented at the TED Talks has been taken by and is used by those who had seen it being for what she says in addition to what they see vs. those who are against the ideas of those to take the information to begin with. Those who speak of Ms. Heine are usually the ones for and wanting to make pedophilia legal in terms of sexual orientation and such has been going on for quite some time in a constant back and forth on this pedophilia. She herself may have another prospective on the matter, but those who have heard her and used her information on the TED talks platform, even going as far as to salvage the full video itself, think otherwise. Yes, TED talks are not the type to be in support certain messages, but it does not change the mind of the viewers. Other than that, the video can be found here on this link. But yes, it has received a lot of backlash and a lot of us have seen it, but at the same time it blusters those who are for pedophilia to be not looked at as a disorder, bur rather, a sexual orientation.

    There is a bit of involvement from the LGBT, not all of them, but there is quite some in regards to pedophilia, for I wanted to bring forth an example here in the past, but it is a bit too much to be posted here as to what it actually is, granted with what was seen of children's involvement in the groups by a good portion of people from the LGBT community. Although no sexual abuse had been committed, for we do not know as of yet, but a bit of inappropriate events involving some from the LGBT community and children is seen as pedophilia, at times be it the parents and or others in connection who are also at play in such events via support while others sound off and are against it.

    But yes, LGBTP may seem like a smear campaign but the there are things that are not being shown or talked about news or other media, one instance being a specific group who is of the LGBT community who teach children to express themselves and even explain to them they can be a boy or a girl, at the same time, mainly for boys, they have them dressed up in such a way that is not normal and have them parading around, in some instances, with group adults, something of which is never brought up, so it may not come as a surprise as to the whole Pedosexual thing. Some may see it as fake news, but it is too obvious to see such people from the LGBT community who have children who do these things, mainly inappropriate dances as to which the child is cheered on for doing. But pedophilia as well as having some of their own in the LGBT community who are for pedophilia being a sexual orientation, granted with what is already seen.

    I  was looking into things 2015 and onward, mainly for those who are making the push to make it a sexual orientation and such ones do not see it as a disorder. I would have to go back further to see just to connect all the dots together, for I had read such had been removed from being a disorder, but a soon to be accepted sexual orientation dubbed pedosexuality.

    For me, personally, I hold to the fact that it is a disorder and such ones need help, but at the same time, it is bizarre to me that there is a lot of people who want to make it a sexual orientation, which will eventually lead to problems, for this is both a concern and a fear hat many, even me, tend to be worried about because when a small problem continues to grow, it will become big to the point it cannot be contained.

  21. 13 hours ago, Grey Reformer said:

    how is letter writing have any political implications? Did the Russian government change its mind, that you seem to think they did and are aware of it? It seems irrational to think that way, But, since you have started in a path of insults, I will not lower my standard of intelligence to meet yours. 

    Letter writing isn't politically no matter what anyone says, so I will put this out here because some people still not fully aware of the situation in Russia and or the EU. What they fail to see at times is in an act where one's faith is hindered and or ANYTHING pertaining to God is being affected, Spiritual Warfare and or Civil Disobedience comes into play, and it comes in many forms.

    Telling a government official to stop bothering people and allowing worship to continue is not political and granted of how much we already know of Russia, well some of us to dwell in this information, such can be said otherwise among truth vs. claims.

    If one deems this as political, then they have to do the same with Christians vs. Satanist at a conference and or a cemetery, or perhaps the whole Bible ban in Western US an the like. Christians resort to Spiritual Warfare and Civil Disobedience should anything or anyone hinder their faith and or ability to worship God the right way, or anything pertaining to God such as spreading the gospel, reading the Bible, talking about, praying in schools, public or even in your home, etc.

    What can be said is since Christianity is on the decline, it will be far worse than Russia or the Middle East. For we already see how Christians are in the US due to some forms of worship and or study has been banned or ceased, they react in a crazy way such as a school girl finding out the boy they like does not like them back, and will go on being enraged angsty warpath until either calmed down or something goes their way to fill that void.

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