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Space Merchant

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Everything posted by Space Merchant

  1. Not quite. They will where a head covering that appears to be somewhat looking as though it is a Hijab. As long as the head is cover, which is in respects to God's Law and biblical standards, it should be A-OK, at least these young girls and women have respect compared to the mainstream, new age and charismatic movements in the US. Mexico is rather dangerous also if you do not know where you are and or going, for any man who the Cartel sees as a threat will be dealt with. The Cartel show no purpose to a popular Mexican kid on YouTube who had quite the colorful words for them, only for the next day, this kid, is no more and was done away with by the group he insulted, this can be found here: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/video/news/video-1595444/Mexican-Youtube-star-killed-insulting-drug-lord.htmlÂ
  2. Did you not read the above and or choose at your own will to avoid of actual truth in this matter? And so I cometh, to invite ye, to gaze upon what is written above in response. It's not a matter of favoritism, Sostar, it is a matter of how Adam and then Eve had came about on to the earth as to how the church and family is structured, of which is heavily explained above in full detail. A female cannot be above the man, a child cannot be above his father and or mother, mainly in regards to the father who is present and is of authority to the family household for he is the head, or as the Americans say, The Man of the House. If you think of such in this regard, show me where in the bible that the woman is the head of the man? Unfounded and indefensible. For it would seem in the realm of the church by means of history, you are not strong in this domain here. For as your other comments, you've already crashed your new car before it has even left the Dealer's Lot. Adam was made first and only later on when Adam was in subjection of wanting a mate of his own after seeing the animals, Eve had been , made when Adam went into a deep sleep and a rib was take out of his body and used by God to make another human being, a female, of whom is called and name Eve (for she was named by Adam himself). So to say there was no time gap, clearly you haven't really read into Genesis that much.For chapter 1 of Genesis is of the beginning of creation in an introductory form, for if God was spoken of to make man and woman and yet in chapter 2 we see him only now making Adam, you are only going to run into a problem here. This is the same case with John 1 and Mark 1 for some people, apparently yours, it is Genesis. Perhaps because man was made in his image and likeness only after every other thing in the heavens and the sea has been created? Granted of when God created the first man, that alone is a clue of which is in place for you to follow. Helper and or Partner is irrelevant to the discussion and I rather not go out of discussion. Today, Sostar, the key phrase is being focused, so no more games, giggles and convoluted statements form this point on. Lastly, you fail to see that the women is clearly no mute, the focus here is religious leadership, after all you were in agreement some points before, why the change? Clearly you haven't read and or taken into context of what was stated. This time take into account biblical facts and information, mainly that of the historic position of the early church itself. At this point, the Watchtower is as irrelevant as a fly on the wall for they know their stance in regard of the early church nor making mention of them will help your resolve here - granted of how strong the historical ascpets of the church that comes from the Bible is made known to us, therefore, even predates JWs for them and all of us were not alive or even existing during the days of the early church, for even anything from them will save you from what is being talked about - Church History, something of which those who claim to be Christians and yet adhere to the mainstream do not have a grasp of knowledge in. Today you'll learn and you will learn it the hard way. As is said before, we only see the virgin Mary meeting a Prophetess, Mary is never spoken of to be a Prophetess, granted her position in all this, as is Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptist. We know women can be ministers, teachers, prophetess, which is absolutely true, but NEVER we see in the church's structure that a women holds office to and or religious leadership of authority within the church's history and it is yet unseen by means of the biblical accounts of anyone who makes claim and or attempts to connect something that is not there, putting a puzzle piece in the wrong spot, so to speak. We know of dire situations that will put women to task, but such is not permanent and or everlasting, and if oversea affairs has taught us anything, we see such being done, and I o not need to post any sources from Syria again because I have already and mention such over and over, even to you. That being said, you can go about and speak your peace, you cannot do anything to alter and or try to refute that of the early church's position in regards to religious leadership and authority and the roles and position of men and women of the church. You can go about speaking of women ministers and the like, but clearly when it comes to the church's authority, you are merely throwing pebbles at a titanium wall right now, a fight that cannot be finished, a fight that cannot be won, case and point, Sostar. Other than that, I find your lack in giggles disturbing this time around. The only people to fight for religious leadership of authority to be held by women are only those of the mainstream Christendom, for they think if a man can do it, they can do it too, having a total disregard of what the Bible says and the history of the church as seen in the Bible. To make matters worse, they do not even take into account of head coverings. So it is wise to not cross a line that you yourself knows is not right.
  3. @James Thomas Rook Jr. Yeah, I don't think they are the type to vote and or pick sides in the realm of politics, but even if they never were neutral, having the option of Trump and or Hilary is a nightmare, granted we have a nightmare in the White House right now. But that being said, they've been neutral for a long time an their neutrality was only brought forth in the 1940s when JW kids refused to stand for the flag that resulted in JWs being hunted down by angry mobs that is of ku klux klan levels of crazy, moreover, the Bellamy Salute (Nazi Salute) had been changed after some time, probably after World War II. Present day because of the whole kneeling thing in the NFL, people are tailing about the JWs' neutrality in this regard, and because of the nations of JWs, a lot of people do not stand for the flag for various reasons, but mostly religious reasons, like a child who months back refused to stand for the flag and says he only stands for God only to be roughhoused by a Teacher who is a Patriotic Nationalist. But it makes you think, what if kids today were still suppose to o the Nazi Salute/Bellamy Salute even after World War II has long since ended? That would be quite the sight and very eerie, mainly to those who had family members fought in that war to have flashbacks. If I am not mistaken, I think those who uphold neutrality are often attacked, mainly in African countries where political theatre is at play.  This is what the Bellamy Salute looks like back in those says: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bellamy_salute
  4. But when it wears off, you have to do what Adam West did, fight off the shark Â
  5. @Srecko Sostar Even without the Bible, the instruction of the church's hierarchy is clear and concise and is of God on to his Son, to the people of whom he entrusted the abilities of the church to, which is clear of leadership authority of the church, therefore, to speak as though women held such a position over a men is both unfounded and accursed - that is, if we take God's purpose and will of which is included of the church itself seriously. Also why re-link this thread when you are posting on this thread? Other than that, both you and Witness have a lot of history to catch up on in regards of church hierarchy and why it is of whom is to assume role of religious leadership. We should not being attempting to change what is in place, or tweak what is in place as if it was a game of The Sims, this is serious stuff and should be taken seriously. For if ye cannot stand the heat that cometh from the kitchen, ye must make haste and leave. Other than that, both of you have not proven any women being of religious authority and or leadership by means of the church's core structure of which is professed in scripture and in historical evidence of the early church, let alone the claim of Mary
  6. @James Thomas Rook Jr. Well it is better than being a stuffed-human being and positioned in a chair, a motorcycle and or a gaming seat with a bag of soda and chips next to your body during a viewing, or perhaps being sent to space. Yeah, I never understood how some in the US, perhaps elsewhere flush a fish down a bathroom toilet. For us it is usually literal burial in the dirt or casting the fish aside into the sea. Other than that, never fall a sleep in water period, you'd be amaze how people think they are Sponge-bob or Aquaman, believing they can breathe as well as sleep and live underwater, and boy were they wrong. Better to sleep near the shoreline away from the water that can easily send you off, for water is the worse way to go and as said by others, very painful. Also it is a good idea to bring the shark repellent.
  7. @Jack Ryan Fighting for religious freedom has nothing to do with voting. Granted this is Russia, JWs are not only allowed to vote, they are kept away from voters because of suspected influence of neutrality, mainly for the fact that there is a HUGE amount of Russians who are Anti-Kremlin/RoC, which resulted in them being called heroes, for said heroes are targeted, hence the various websites having the pictures and information of people as if they are targets for the hunt should the situation call for it.
  8. @James Thomas Rook Jr. No, Christians who are serious about neutrality are not suppose to be voting, however they can be in defense of Freedom of Religion, which is in conjunction with what the Apostle Paul taught regarding Civil Disobedience and when and where and how it is done by the Christians, in this regard, the Jehovah's Witnesses are in a defense of trying to preserve what they practice and preach, as well as the Bible, for the Kremlin has been cracking down on all Bibles prior to the ban, they say they target JW Bibles, but really you can get can a visit from the police or FSB if you have a Bible in public. Plus there is also another factor, for JWs in Russia are Anti-Nationalist, not even taking part in war glorification ceremonies and or often targets in institutions and threaten, and prior to the election, Jehovah's Witness crackdowns were in full force, for the Kremlin believed that JWs neutrality would hinder those who are not of the faith to not vote, perhaps not vote for Putin, for this was included in a list of things as to why the ban was issued. Also I think it is obvious of how Putin won, that end result for the election was clearly rigged, but if you say something, you'll end up like most Kremlin Critics, or perhaps end up like Boris Nemtsov. So in short, Christians will be in defense of religious Freedom, even if it means Civil Disobedience against a political party, but never will they take sides, granted all sides and spots on those sides are held by the Kremlin and their connections. Other than that, this is all the Russian Church, the Kremlin and the Duma care about, this video speaks for itself: This other image is whom was in connection with the Pope to get rid of JWs to begin with: The master mind: So even if they had the chance to vote, they get pegged with rocks with the crest of the Kremlin (Coat of arms of Russia) painted on it, figuratively speaking. For the biggest clue that people missed is the fact a JW family had been awarded, and the only reason Putin was present is because the RoC and the Duma were not there during the ceremony - for a very specific reason. @Matthew9969 Not really, for if there was a halt to prevent the JWs from influencing neutrality, clearly the Kremlin had put in motion on how to get rid of them, but little did they know Religious Freedom is held to a high regard to the Russians, mainly to those who are outside of and against the RoC. The Kremlin do not even let them preach near any political office that is in regards of voting. Other than that, fighting for religious freedom has nothing to do with voting, if the case involving baker and the 2 homosexual men had taught us anything or that of the two women some days ago.
  9. I am already aware of the symbolism in majority of Revelations (it is not unknown to anyone the outline for this book is called The Revelation of John, and or The Apocalypse [of John]), I simply made mention of Revelations 2:20-23 for this point that is to be made of anything in regard of Prophetess by means of mention and or occurrences (9-10 in combination with H/G text), specifically the Greek New Testament. Granted it is among the list of biblical text that mentions anything in relation with Prophetesses. Moreover, the title for each portion in chapter 2 and the outline makes that very obvious: Titled To the Church in Ephesus (1-7) To the Church in Smyrna (8-11) To the Church in Pergamum (12-17) To the Church in Thyatira (18-29) outlined Messages to Ephesus (1-7) Messages to Smyrna (8-11) Messages to Pergamum (12-17) Messages to Thyatira (18-29) As for what the passage conveys, the Jezebel-like woman (Jezebel Spirit) is in regards of the Church of Thyatira, of whom had claimed to have prophetic powers, but at the same time has taken the course of ancient false prophetesses and received the condemnation of Christ, Jesus, in his message to Apostle John at Revelations 2:20-23. This one improperly acted as a teacher and misled members of the church into wrong practices and action - again, leads such ones into accursed teachings - as is done by the Jezebel of old. For this passage in the chapter in question, for this is why you have to take into context the very cross-references that stem from those 5 specific verses, for the basic references total up to 6 verses, extended theological research, the total, max, is up to 24. Jezebel woman points to 1 Kings 16:31 and 2 Kings 9:22 She teaches and misleads the slaves to commit sexual immorality (porneia) 1 Corinthians 5:11, Galatians 5:19, Ephesians 5:5 scr: 1 Kings 21:25, 2 Kings 9:7, 22, Ezekiel 13:17, Acts 15:20, 29, 1 Corinthians 10:20 He will give us each according to our deed for the Churches will know who has dealt with her Revelations 22:12 scr: Psalms 7:9, 26:2, 139:1, Jeremiah 11:20, 17:10, Matthew. 16:27, Luke 16:15, Acts 1:24, Romans 8:27, Revelations 20:12-13 The Jezebel in of Thyatira is one woman or a group/collection of women, not men specifically in regards to what it is pointing to, but to some degree men and women who are influenced and or effect by means of this woman, this Spirit of Jezebel, with Scriptural evidence makes it very clear of whom this is directed to and why this is and of whom she influences. This one and or those of this Jezebel Spirit (her Spirit as some would say) encourage and condones immorality and idolatry among and within God’s people, from every nook and carny, from young ones to old within the church. Those in the church have been persuaded, they listened to her, subdued by her, for Jesus speaks as though as if those who take to ear of what she says are like her children, for they are her followers, as we can see and read in Revelations 2:22, 23 and clearly such ones are to be punished. Because of her, her influence spreads like virus to a population who are ill-equipped/unaware [of] for it, for it threatens to make the Church of Thyatira and it's people corrupt, as is done to Israel in the very days of A'hab. She bears high influence the Jezebel of old, pagan princess turned Queen, the wife of A'hab. She is said to have strong personality and the fact that she claimed to be a prophetess gave her quite the seat in the church. The ill practices she brings forth to the people also had some form of role with patron god(s), false gods (tutelary deity). The teaching of Jezebel in Thyatira is also in relation of that of Ba'laam in Pergamum, see Revelation 2:14. For The Church of Pergamum had to deal with heavy persecution, and only a few were imitating Ba'laam of old in promoting fornication and idolatry, which resulted in people being cursed, and a lot of bloodshed to cleanse said curse, the preserving of young women who were not affected, in addition to anything relating to Ba'laam's practices being destroyed, for the practices were very disgusting. (Also just as a note, passages in relation of Ba'laam such as what took place with the cursed ones leads mainstream Christians to reject Moses entirely. This is because when a question in this regard is pose they find it extremely difficult to answer, mainly in regards to Moses status of a Prophet). Regardless, that of Ba'laam, and of which we know about the Jezebel woman is ill conduct, corruption and dealers of death, and their words tickle the ears of God's people, and easily pushes some of these people to be followers, of which is the case with the Church of Thyatria, in regards to the Jezebel woman. For this is existing to this day and onward until the End Times conclude and it involves many leaders of Christendom who imitate Jezebel in tolerating in their churches ill practices such as homosexuality, fornication, unrepentant sin(s), liberalization the church, sick influence and ideas, immorality (even promoting it), adultery, abortion, abandoning and or watering down God's Laws and Bible-based standards, and most importantly, of which is being done today, allowing themselves to be among religious leaders who are on a conquest for peace, for such ones believe with conviction that all persons should for their cause, all persons should be for the EI.I., which is obviously and known by all to be in connection with the Harlot, and other things that is condemned by God. Therefore, we should be aware and avoiding these things, it's influence and it's ideas of which are adopted by both men and women, we should be avoiding the Jezebel woman just as we avoid Ba'laam, who is as equally bad as the other one. When we do so, we please our El Shaddai, God, who is our Father. Granted we are talking about the Jezebel woman who is spoken of as a Prophetess, specifically, it would be very wise to stick to the very references that stem from the verses itself. We already know the Great Harlot herself, but we are talking about those deem as Prophetesses who mislead the churches, regardless, we already know this one is of Babylon, but not the great prostitute herself. Revelations 13:11 is in regards to The Beast out of The Sea and The Earth, we already know Babylon's connection with the Beast. Revelations 17:5 the Jezebel Woman is of Babylon the Great, she is not Babylon the Great, in as much the same way as Ba'laam is of Babylon the Great. We can talk about Babylon the Great, but again, the focus here is about Prophetess mentioned, which includes the Jezebel Woman (Jezebel Spirit) and religious leaders. Perhaps dwell on something that is not already known, for this I am fully aware, ponce again, for if it was the the case to profess such I would not have stated anything alluding to that previously. Regardless of men and or women prior to Christ's return, gender is irrelevant here, as is said before, granted if you take in all seriousness of what Apostle Paul had said to the churches by means of his Epistles, especially in regards to the Galatians or that of the church structure itself - religious leadership and authority within the church. And yet the structure of the church and family is very clear on who is in position of religious leadership in the church itself. You've yet to show anything in regards of women church leaders when it is already known of what a Prophetess is, women who teach and or minister despite not being able to and or allowed to be religious leaders as seen by the evidence and the like. So it is clear you are not really aware of how God by means of his Son have the church set up, dare I ask are you aware of what abilities the church leaders also possess? Also you still have not mention Mary in depth, as you did list her as a Prophetess when we see she met one. And we have yet to see the biblical basis of the church leadership being assumed, in role and office, by a woman/women. You make it seem as though being a minister, teacher and or prophetess is a qualification to be a religious leader of authority when the reality is, how the church is, is enough evidence against you at this point, the most critical thing, real genuine Christian women knows what I have made mention and are in agreement, for they know how the church is structure and very clearly can see this by mans of the Bible itself, therefore, in regards to leadership in the church, women having authority of that of men of authority - is unfounded, and it is deemed an accursed teaching and or practice when the weight of the evidence is like that of a stone that you yourself cannot lift. The same goes for those that take issue with women and head coverings who do so in respects to biblical standards and God's Laws.
  10. So which is it then? They hide evidence to a case of abuse? or They destroy evidence to a case of abuse? or Fail to reproduce evidence to a case of abuse? You can't have a Charmander, and a Bulbasaur or a Squirtle at the same time, you can only pick one to go with. A silly analogy, yes, but I find it relatable to the matter of focused choice. Other then that, more information for this story will be brought forth and with said information we can gather the detail and evidence. But is reminds me of the time the same people made others believe JWs go house to house to write and or draw the Watchtower logo on private property, saying the WT knows all, as if to make them see as crazy persons. As of late, a bit busy with a debate regarding extremist of Islam.
  11. It is a group of people who are independent from Russian media and tends to find out the truth in regards to things taking place in Russia. Odd name, but that is what they go by, perhaps in an effort to evade the FSB from coming through the roof, doors and or floor boards to apprehend them. Just like their other counterpart, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, who also focuses on Russia, seek the actual information vs. that of which is brought forth by Russian's obviously controlled media to which most US and EU people are clearly not aware of. In the case of Christians outside of the Russian Orthodox Church, a lot of falsehood is being spoken of such ones. As for JWs, the RoC sees them as a competitor, granted their size is very small in Russia, the RoC is red hot mad to the point they were involved in the Russian ban prior to Spiritual Enlightenment from the ice of the earth and words from the Vatican's Pope. This crew still operates today an they are among my sources of which I even found out about the FSB websites. You can only find this group, as with any group connected to them if you dwell on information solely in the EU and Russia, in their language, technically like using a key to open up a door, that key being the very language these people speak, Russian, and dwelling on information that could be found by means of that key. They other than JWs, an the actions of the RoC, they have a focus on the State Duma, the Kremlin and a list of other things, such as the whole Alexei Navalny situation months ago, as well as the mass protest and arrest in Russia and the forceful take down of Russian civilian Soviet Era homes. As we speak, the Russian's Duma, has been working to block such ones from speaking truth, the very reason the Duma Laws were created to crackdown on independent media who are actually saying something. Meanwhile, you have the public around the globe being duped by nearly 80% of Russian affiliated media, for instance, RT News, for some of their segments is downright propaganda and or false information, which prompts truth seekers to look for the actual truth of a story, for example, anything in relations to news about Syria, as seen several months ago.
  12. I have read it, simply putting it out there that women are in no position to be church leaders and or having a pastoral-like position over that of men, for, the church’s structure is ever so evident and clear, even in relation to the structure of the family and or that of Adam and Eve, as to what is said and this cannot be changed regardless of how one tries to make the attempt, you cannot tweak and o change what has been set in motion and or entrusted which is in strong connection with God's Purpose and Will. Women can be ministers, teachers and prophets (prophetesses), but never has women in the church’s history from biblical times to the days of the early church and The Didache had a woman been a religious leader of authority over men, like I said, a position held by only men of authority and women are restricted to ministers and teachers, prophetess roles, as well as those who have the gifts. This isn’t a matter of men vs. women as some people over the years make it seem to be, for this has been debated for years, and the truth itself speaks, we should be in no position to make a change of what is written. I figured this point be made because rarely does anyone speak of the church’s actual structure and there are those quick to claim that if women are and can be ministers and prophets to teach and or prophesied, they make it seems as though they have authority to lead the church and some even make excuses and rather weak arguments, which is incorrect in many cases, granted if one reads the Bible and understands the structure from man to woman, to the family to the church correctly. Only then you will see why women cannot and will not hold a position of a authority and True Christian women will even tell you this for they know what the Bible says and these women are the very ones who will refute mainstream Christian women who do not put what is said in the Bible 100% - again, a clear distinction between a True Christian and a mainstream Christian. I am aware of what a prophetess is, a position held by women, if I was not aware why would have I had mention these women such as Miriam, Deborah, Anna? Perhaps the others I spoke of months ago in relation to remarks made regarding the early church itself? Ephesians 2:20-22 (Epistle to the Ephesians), One in Christ, which speaks of what is actually being read from verses 11-22 and of the actual title of said passages in the chapter - those being One in Christ, I believe this has already been discussed before regarding the Spiritual House, granted it speaks of the Christ being the very foundation of the church itself, the stone/cornerstone of the church. For such ones, both the Jews and the Gentiles, be it men or women are indeed one in Christ for the gender of one is not even irrelevant, as well as race and or position for what matters is being in the Christ, for here they themselves having the True God dwell in them as He did in Christ, as we learn later on of our early brothers and sisters of the church in the Scriptures. As for 1 Cor. 14:29-31, it is best to read out the entire passage portion of this and the references itself. The entire Orderly Worship portion in Chapter 14 of 1 Corinthians is verses 26 to 40, this is also not only regarding the brothers, but the sisters, the women, as well, moreover, the very outline of the passage half way through is titled women's position in the church. Granted with how one sees the passage but never put into application the very context. People of any race, age and or gender is irrelevant, for what matters is such ones being together, one in Christ, these persons who take in knowledge that is like a treasure, having the Holy Spirit, allows God to dwell in them as He did in Jesus, and Jesus himself dwells in such ones as well, mainly if you take into account what Jesus said to His disciples in his final prayer, the same disciples who had been entrusted with the abilities of the church, of which is practiced and followed by the early church of the time, mainly in Apostle Paul's day. But is is no surprise people will use Galatians 3:28 when the very weight of what the Bible says holds more regarding the church's structure and those being one in Christ. Some of them have already been mentioned. None of them held religious leadership and or authority of any kind in the church over men, regardless of their views. Miriam was a Prophetess (Exodus 15:20) Deborah was a Prophetess (Judges 4:4-7, 14-16) Huldah was a Prophetess (2 Kings 22:14-20, 2 Chronicles 34:22-28) Isaiah's wife was spoken of to be the prophetess (Isaiah 8:3) Noadiah was a Prophetess (Nehemiah 6:14) God spoke to Ezekiel of Israelite women who were acting as Prophetesses (Ezekiel 13:17-19, 13:20-23) Anna was a Prophetess (Luke 2:36-38) That of Philip’s four virgin daughters, having been prophesied under that of God’s Holy Spirit. (Acts 21:9; 1 Corinthians 12:4, 10, see Joel 2:28, 29 and Acts 2:14-18) as well as the mention of head coverings (1 Corinthians 11:3-6) Jezebel-like woman who act as Prophetesses (Revelations 2:20-23) Prophecies will be spoken in the last days by both men and women, young and old (Joel 2:28; Acts 2:17). This was seen on the Day of Pentecost, when God bypassed the priests and scribes and spoke to the people of Jerusalem through the common people of the early church (Acts 2:12; 4:13) I haven't seen Mary mentioned as a Prophetess in the Bible compared to the others, so I leave you with the opportunity to show us where exactly it says she is called a Prophetess. She did in fact met one, and that Prophetess she has met with was Anna. Yes, but as to where female servants/slaves are said to have authority over the church, especially over that of men of authority? It is already seen as to what position they hold in teaching by means for he ministry, but never do we see the church's structure having the religious leadership position in a pastoral-like fashion held by a woman. And yet you ignore the very structure of what has been put in place even by means of God's view? Nothing of which you are addressing shows anyone here that women hold a position of religious leadership and authority or said position of office over that of men IN the church. Being a prophet, minister, teacher does not override the authority of a religious and or church leader of a pastoral-like level over a man of similar and or equal position. Teachers are both male and female, but according to how God’s actions through even his Son, the Christ, what is set is very specific role and action to both male and female. According to the church’s structure, I defend what God’s Word informs us about, unlike mainstream Christendom, I do not try to alter what the Church structure is, try to change up God’s Laws because for some it is burdensome and or harsh and or seen as unnecessary, I do not try to tweak anything in relation to binding and loosening, the abilities of which has been entrusted to the Church by the Christ himself and a list of other things. I am aware enough to speak, saying by means of biblical interpretation on even this subject for years now and what is said is indeed true and unbreakable. Other than that, is is a very good thing that people like me are aware and have studied the church's history to even make known of what is actually the case in terms of religious leadership. Why wouldn’t I know? Pentecost was indeed something that everyone knows and who was involved and who had received the outpouring of the Spirit, both men and women included, as well as all the disciples of Jesus who remained in the city, which also includes Judas’ replacement, Matthias. What took place right after the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, the helper given to the people? Those having the Spirit and by means of the Spirit’s power allow God to be with them, as he was with the Christ, these people went on to preach and teach, having people coming to know God, know his Son and what the Kingdom is all about, and those who became disciples become teachers themselves, and the cycle of making teachers of disciples continues until the conclusion of the End Times and Tribulations. But nowhere we see a woman, be it a minister, prophetess, teacher, etc take up the role of a church leader of which is only this position of authority is associated with men. The records show us that women taught as teachers and some of them were prophetesses. No Church structure has a religious and or church leader that is a woman, and attempting to place a prophetess, a minister and or teacher in such a position is only bringing forth accursed doctrinal teachings (Galatians 1:8-11). Now, Jesus, the head of the church did indeed call on to women to help out in this regard, and he called them into significant ministry, for He was for them. Although he did not choose women to be apostles, as some argue, it does not mean that the role of women in the church was not important at all. Jesus was one to believe that it is beneficial for the church and the family if men assumed the role of Christ-like servant and leaders, and women came in alongside with their respective gifts to help carry the leadership through according to those gifts in regards of the church, for instance, teaching, ministerial work, etc. For it is not a surprise to anyone that God has ordained that in the home and in the church men assume a special role of responsible of not only teaching, but assume role of leadership, which is in conjunction with the church structure itself by means of the head of the church. Now, God’s Word makes known of the following, that a woman should learn in quietness and full submission, in addition, it does not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, which is the case with any leadership and or pastoral-like position, for she must be silent 1 Timothy 2:11-12 – (11) Let a woman learn quietly with all submissiveness. (12) I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet. Regarding the church, God has different roles and or position for both men and women, which is in connection with the way mankind was created and the way in which sin entered the world 1 Timothy 2:13-14 – (13) For Adam was formed first, then Eve; (14) and Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor. Our Heavenly Father, through an Apostle, Apostle Paul, has place restrictions on to women from serving in roles of leadership regarding teaching or having spiritual authority over men, a high position in the church, if you will, which prevents women from serving as pastors over men of authority, which definitely includes preaching, teaching them publicly, and exercising spiritual authority over such men. According to the women I have mention several times here and elsewhere, some will make the claim that women can be leaders and or pastors of a church, religious leadership by ill interpretation, mainly when said interpretation is heavily focused on Miriam, Deborah, and Huldah, all of them being Prophetesses (Prophets) in the Hebrew Old Testament. It is true, without question and or doubt, that these women were chosen by God Yahweh/Jehovah for special service to Him and that they stand as examples in the faith by means of their courage and their actions, and, yes, one can say such is somewhat of a leadership role, however, the authority of women in the Hebrew Old Testament is not relevant to the issue of pastoral-like position of leadership in the church itself; of the church. The Greek New Testament Epistles shows us a model for God’s people, the church, which is the foundation - the Body of Christ, which involves an authorial structure very unique to the church, and only the church. Now that we are in the Greek New Testament, we can go more in-depth of both Priscilla (Prsica) and Phoebe, both of them being ministers and or teachers. We know that in Acts chapter 18, Priscilla, and her husband, Aquila, are presented as ministers. Both Priscilla and her husband teach the gospel of Jesus Christ to many, even the likes of Apollos, a Christian Jew raised in the city of Alexandria (the place of higher education and learning known for its wonderful library in those days as well as culture), the capital of the Roman province of Egypt. This man of whom the faithful and courageous couple preached to was well versed, knowledgeable and educated. Because of Aquila , as well as his wife, Priscilla, their ministry by means of teaching Apollos accurate knowledge of God was a success, hence God’s spirit enabled him to show enthusiasm for the right things and to be willing to accept teachings that were more accurate of which he received by means of this ministry. The very reason it can see seen in verse 26 of the passage that they explained to him the way of God more adequately, hence why he was able to receive accurate knowledge about God as mentioned right above (Acts 18:26). Although we see this, we do not, in fact, never in the Bible that the wife of Aquila, Priscilla, held a pastoral role in a/of the church or taught publicly or became the religious leader of the church, and or a congregation of saints. Now we go to Phoebe, a Christian woman of the church in Cenchreae. In Romans 16:1, Phoebe is called a deacon [diakonos in Greek] (or in this case, a servant), in the church and she is highly commended by Apostle Paul. But just like Priscilla, there is nothing in Scripture to indicate and or show that Phoebe was a pastor or one for having religious leadership of men of authority in the church. The ability to teach is given as a qualification for elders and or church leaders, but not for deacons (1 Timothy 3:1-13, Titus 1:6-9). Going back to what was said above, the structure of 1 Timothy 2:11-14 pretty much makes for reason why women cannot be pastors fairly clear and analyzing Apostle Paul’s statement is very simple, mainly verse 13 to that of 11 and 12. We also have to take into consideration that of both Adam and Eve. For this also is very simple: Adam was created first, and second came Eve. Adam was not the first to deceive, for it was the woman, Eve, who was the first deceived (again, 1 Timothy 2:11-14). God created Adam first and then created Eve to be a helper for Adam. The very order of creation has an application in the family structure as seen in Ephesians 5:22-33, and in the church, it is quite obvious of how the structure actually is. The fact that Eve was deceived being read in 1 Timothy 2:14 as a reason for women not serving as pastors or having heighten authority over men is abundantly clear. This does not mean that women are gullible or that they are all more easily deceived than men, otherwise they would not would be in a position to even teach/care for children, having the gifts, or ministerial works. The text simple and clear, that women are not to teach men of authority or have some form of religious authority over men and the reasons for such is also clear. God Almighty has chosen to give men the primary teaching authority in the church and we can see this in scripture as well as what His Son entrusted the church. Many women handle various gifts of which is good, such hospitality, mercy, teaching, ministerial works in accordance with the gospel, and helping/serving, there is also no restriction on praying as some nowadays also come up with a silly argument of, for in their part, they are wrong (1 Corinthians 11:5). Majority of the ministry of the church, locally, is dependent on women and their actions of contribution, for instance we have a Christian woman of God by the name of Lydia, who was most likely a Jewish proselyte. Also, the Bible nowhere restricts women from exercising the gifts that comes from the Holy Spirit itself as seen in 1 Corinthians 12, Spiritual Gifts (1-11), One Body with Many Members (12-31). Despite not having a religious leadership role in the church and or position of office in some regard, women, just as much as men, are called to minister to others, to put into application and express that of the Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23), and to proclaim the gospel to the those who do not know what the gospel teaches (Matthew 28:18-20, Acts 1:8, 1 Peter 3:15). God has put into place and action that only men are to serve in positions of religious leadership which includes teaching authority in the church, in addition, some will even point to 1 Corinthians 11:3, 7-8 of which can be seen of how God has said how the church and family hierarchy should be like. This is not because men are necessarily better teachers or because women are inferior or less intelligent, but simply, it is the way God designed the church to function, it is also the way of which the Christ has set forth for the church. Men are to set the example in religious leadership in their lives, their household and through their words, on the other hand, women are to take a less authoritative role. Women are and always have been encouraged to teach other women as we read in Titus 2:3-5 and the Bible also does not restrict, as is mentioned already, women from teaching children. The only activity women are restricted from is religious authority of teaching or having authority over men thus preventing women from serving as pastors to men. This does not make women less important, but rather gives them a ministry focus more in agreement with God’s Purpose and Will, as well as the gifts HE has given to them. We must also be very aware that True Christian women follow the examples set in the Bible itself, as seen in Proverbs 31:10-31. As sated above, women cannot hold a religious position of authority over men, an indication from the scriptures itself which is as true as the sun in the sky, but they, like men, have a full share and position of the work of the Great Commission itself, the ministry regarding the making of disciples, the spreading of the gospel to the people, bringing them to learn and take in accurate knowledge of the truth of which comes from the Bible. And as stated already, they, when taking into account how the church is structured in a family sense, teach children (Proverbs 1:8), by means of their words and action, women who are True Christians, who know what the Bible say, even to what is being discussed, work hard to be a good influence, once again, Titus 2:3-5.
  13. And? Had it ever occurred to you that perhaps the Tree, as well as the Tree of Life may have and would have had a different purpose later on if Adam and Eve had become disobedient? Who knew what God's plans were originally before he said the following in Genesis 3:15 which paved a way for his Son, Jesus to clean up after us. Adam and Eve simply disobeyed, kicked out of the Garden and left to cultivate the earth, they did the hand out treatment that the Garden and Eden had for them, so they had to do things on their own, get and make food on their own and realizing they were naked, they had to cultivate the earth in order to cloth themselves, granted I did find the exchange between God and Adam regarding Adam's nakedness quite funny. All tree-fruit aside, evil came about has men progressed. I wouldn't call it an unleash of evil, it came about among mankind who already had inherited sin, and they were not the only ones who did evil and or bad things, we have demons, fallen angels, former Spirit sons who dwell among God's presence, who had sexual relations with the daughters of men and eventually exposed an cast out of heaven, clearly a fruit didn't cause the angels to go on a earthly dating trip. At that point, God see that things went from 100 to 0 really fast, then came Enoch, and then came Noah, and afterwards men, again, went on to do bad things, but no worries, remember Genesis 3:15, God knew what had to be done and therefore Jesus was indeed coming, and he will return to actually cut out the wickedness like a seed in an Avocado. Unless you knew what God's original plan WAS for the Tree of Knowledge and the Tree of Life, then you can speak of what you are saying, other than that, none of us know what was the original plan before God even stated what he said in Genesis 3. Who knows but the LORD. But I can imagine if Adam and Eve ate from both trees, not only we have to deal with imperfect men, but every tyrant and monster in American and or mankind's history, we would all have to deal with to this day. Ok... No application of context and what the cross-references say exactly? You might as well look up what evil/calamity, in any translation points to. Also both Calamity and Evil are 7451, so there is a respects to the Strong's and the manuscripts, not much of a drastic change if the Strong's are identical. So those listed are correct.
  14. You really have to go into Russian stories with a skeptical point of view and a grain of salt, this is coming from a guy who has strong Russian connections with those who understand media and all things going about in that country, but now you have given me something to give to my sources to check it out. This is why I thank the 777 crew.
  15. @Claudia Sanchez That just goes to show you that presidents think they are not being watched. Apparently, someone manage to get a picture of what we see here. Granted in Monroe's case, a lot of men wanted to be with this women, the president clearly no being excluded among the group, at the same time, he has committed adultery.
  16. There has been 30+ female leaders/co-leaders and they are as equally worse and or far worse than male leaders, but it varies, for instance, we have the leader of the Egyptians known as Cleopatra who was in-between good and bad. She took down and ruined her own brother's Kingdom and killed him by means of an order, she also had her sister killed. She literally attracted so many men of her time that would cut their own foot to lay with her, hence why she prostituted herself around to even the Romans, and had a connection with a prominent one, Caesar. Ironically, she is respected because she wanted to keep the culture and traditions of the Egyptians in check and did everything by means of her power, as well as her looks, to do what is necessary. Not a good person by means of the standards though, but most certainly had chaotic evil compared to most women rulers out of the many we had so far around the world for centuries. But she also respect the native tradition of the Egyptian, tried every trick in her books to preserve the integrity of her nation against the ever expanding Roman military. She is a good leader, one of the best her people could ever hope for - but she was definitely not a ‘good person’ by most standard. But as with what we learn from history, there is no specific age and or the sex of the individual, for power begets action and action, at times begets evil due to corruption. Other than that, as for what is in discussion, a woman cannot be a religious leader. What can be done is covering for a religious leader, but never, ever can take his place, and even if she was to hold a position, temporarily, she is to cover her head in order to not disrespect God's Laws and or what is active by means of the church foundation.
  17. Now, since the Genesis storm had subsided, as back to the original-original topic at hand. The Jehovah's Witnesses, even during the days of the Great Awakening as Bible Students and before that when this Restorationist group was still in it's infancy, had never, ever claimed to be and anyone who says otherwise clearly has not taken up a class in Religious History: Christianity 101. Restorationism and or those of it are the category of Monotheism (The belief that only one God exist and that God is the Father). Such ones speak of being directed by the spirit and or spirit directed, but never inspired, for if they were, then that would be a completely different story, for the Church is indeed directed by the spirit, but those of the church never inspired, for they are but students of the same Monotheistic practice practices by the leaders, to the stewards to the members, to which they in turn, teach to others, thus being evangelicals and to convert people, make disciples, prepare for baptism and the former students, now members of the faith will replicate the same thing, for the making of disciples will only cease when the proper time arrives. Granted Restorationism are continuous in learning biblical knowledge and practices, hence over time putting into application of what is beneficial for them, this pretty much breaks the claim of some people who speak of such of primitive Christendom. Also Modernist Inspiration is unfounded by any who adheres to the early church. This practice is normal posed by mainstream Christians are are among conservatives, liberals and the like or if we are to speak of Babylon's religion, we have those of the Kairos Movement, and or anyone or any church in connection to the E.I.I. (The conquest of both the Vatican and the Nations)
  18. I think I told Mr. Butler before, excommunication and handling by the faith itself is as it is, but at the same time it usually depends on who issues X for the actions of Y. So let's say you have an Indian church in New York (A) and a French church in Boston (B). Let's say in Church A, someone got busted for smoking and he was only caught because of a post online, and in Church B, a similar situation, but the family found out and informed the leaders of church B. Church A can give a warning, as well instruct while church B ends up expelling the person, church ties are cut so the church will shun you, but the expelled person does not dwell in Apostasy and later reinstates himself. Let's add another church into the mix, church C, Greek Church, same situation, this person is excommunicated, but now speaks ill of the church despite being shun by it, this will also lead that same person to be quite rude and ignorant of his actions to even his own family, at this point is is Apostasy because the expelled person this he is in the right when he was busted for smoking. Excommunication cannot effect cultural based practices, which is something not really much known to Americans and most in the EU and it is usually in such in the Caribbean, Africa, and Asia, for Asia, East Asia to be specific, has the East Asians Filial Piety. I can give example of myself also, let's say I was of the church and was excommunicated, all church ties among the leaders with me will be gone as well as with some members who have a position in the church, at the same time, I will receive in a few months people of the church coming to speak with me, to give instruction on steps needed to work on my own error: At this point I can accept the advice and later on chose to go about it or not, I can say to myself, smoked once, it won't hurt me again, I have my own money, I can buy a pack or not. This will bring forth the strength of the family to help me put the advice into good use, and help me get back to the church. If I become an Apostate because I wish to smoke up a storm at my choosing, at this point the my family will simply leave m,e to my own devices, hoping I make the change, and then lung cancer, paid for it in the end. In short, due to how my people are in culture and practices, excommunicated or not, there is a solution to help you with yourself and or get back to the church. As for Americans though, are not the ones to have core cultural basis compared to those who do, so that, with excommunication can lead to a lot of things, majority of the time, Apostasy because hey, when you leave a church, Apostasy is easy when you can spark Interfaith-sque attitude to everyone and your household. Tragically, people have done these things, suicide and even murder and other things, for such ones are taking things to the extreme, and usually in social media, the information is often convoluted and leads a person of the church to actually thing this is what is going on and or God hates them and that their life is indeed worthless, but at the same time we have to take into account the value that life is, mainly in front of the eyes of the life giver himself. This also happens when Interfaith is in subjection with the expelled one's current and or former faith. But it is crazy that some would take the extreme approach as suicide when the help from other sources is present. As for the other, technically there is Spiritual Death, out of excommunication, the other form, Herem, is a stoning of sons and daughters, not literally of course, but the presence of the one within Herem is pretty much asking to be ignored and stoned. Herem is tough because there is little to no chance to be reinstated and Apostasy leads you off road at this point, pretty much you have to rebuild your reputation of the faith community greatly in order to get yourself out of a Herem. Other than that, church ties are severed. The only connection is your family, but the reputation with them will be a bit low due to them being in the same church as you are, and you would have to be careful with them for they are literally the key to being reinstated to the church faith. Even though the church unfriended you at this point, you have to work on yourself to build yourself back up, prove it, which can also be done to your family. And as time processes, you can go back to the church, and you, the stone, is put back in the foundation you fell from. While excommunicated, it is easy to become an Apostasy so one has to be very careful of that, for church ties can and never will be an easy to fix, and in some lands, Apostasy is like dishonoring not just God, but your family, and you'll be treated as a man treats his not so friendly mother in law. But yeah, messing with what binds and loosens, as strict as it is, we cannot tweak and or change what it is, you can only work with what you have in this regard. Oh and if we still had stoning, it is best to craft a shield for the stone storm and run away, not only that you are excommunicated, but you exile yourself from the community. Also getting pegged by a stone HURTS - like getting it by a not so smooth golf club.
  19. Indeed. For pastors, elders stewards, servants are only putting into application what the Church has been entrusted with by means of Jesus. No one wants top put a crack and or dent in the very foundation of the church itself, the only reason why expelling aka excommunication, be it disfellowship, Herem, Takfir is as of what it is and always be, not the watered down version practiced by the mainstream. Church ties will be cut, and it is up to the person, who has been expelled, to reinstate him or herself or not, at the same time, said person has to be careful not to dwell in the realm of Apostasy. I had a good source for this a while back, I will probably re-post them when I have the time.
  20. @Witness Women, such as Phoebe, as well as the the wife of Aquila, Priscilla (also known as Prisca) were female ministers, and solely that. They do not take up a role such as Paul and or others like Paul, but they are still favored and good contributors to the cause, that is, the Great Commission in regards to spreading the good news gospel, speaking about the Christ and the promises that his God and Father will bring forth. Women cannot be pastors and or church leaders, mainly if you take into account the Church itself, so they were not Apostles and or Church Leaders of any kind, this role is only affiliated with their counterparts, males. But there is indeed a situation as to when a women can take the roles men hold, but usually in a dire situation as to men, both young and old are somehow not available entirely, be it due to terror, political, governmental, and or other action, this puts women in a role of a church leader such as pastor, steward/servant, but at the same time they must remain under God's Law, have head coverings and the like. Regarding Restorationist, this is an option during a last resort, so they, the Jehovah's Witnesses, should any dire event come to them, Russia being an example, but let's say with only men taken out of the equation, then this puts women of that church in such a position, for as long as their is a man who is head and or servant, everything is as normal as can be, but a woman cannot take up such a position unless met with a situation that is literally a code red. This goes for sermons, funerals, leading members in a study group and or anything pertaining to it, etc. But 100% of the time, without question, they must cover their heads, there is no excuse for not doing so and not doing so will put the woman in a bad light. For the head of the Christ is God. The head of the Church is the Christ. The head of the woman is the man. What is also rarely talked about is the fact women, only a few of them in the Bible, are Prophetess, Deborah being one, as well as Miriam, or Anna, the daughter of Phanuel, of the Tribe of Asher, who was present when Jesus as taken to the Temple of God on the 8th day prior to circumcision.
  21. Probably, my calculations look silly after I seen this image: Â Other than that, women, taking over for men, it seems will more of like a book/reading-club-sque like fashion, after doing some research, it appears as this is the case, head coverings included. Since JWs do not have pews, having chairs instead, they can move them around easily, have it set up in a circle motion (musical chairs like fashion).
  22. I am speaking about modern times of stuff like this is happening. One, out of several, of my sources, solely based on this matter, who goes by the name Syrian Girl, real name, Maram Susli (Mimi al-Laham), who is very credible in the information on anything in relation to things in he Middle East, her primary focus being Syria. At times when she is way too informative, it results in those who have attempted several times to wipe out all she has said, luckily, those who adhere to this information, is able to keep this truth alive and thriving. This was the same case with another, like her who goes by the name Serena Shim, who was murdered by supporting US allies when she discovered critical information on ISIS - therefore there are many like myself who are avid truth seekers. I myself have been researching the Middle East and parts of the EU for 6 years now and only took upon this path out of curiosity to what a US General, Wesley Clark, had said. That being said, The current situation has nothing to do with The Mosaic Law, for every True Christian is under a New Law since the death of the Christ, The New Covenant, or as some call it, The Law of Christ (Law of the Christ). Current day Israel's only concern is Iran, and even today, Israel will target any Palestinian Christian they wish, and it does not go well for them, mainly those who find out what the Israeli government is all about and what they are doing, with the backing of several allies, 2 of them being the US and the UK being on the forefront. Well this other part is both true and false. What usually happens is they around up the men and execute them, the boys they either take them to kill, rape and or turn them into soldiers for their cause by force and threat of death, of them and or any living family member, so in a sense, like a bloody ransom with no positive outcome because everyone knows, you cannot trust someone who is radicalized for terror. The women, either they had sexual relations with a man or remain as virgins, are taken, regardless, and they range from young girls to older women, at times, only sometimes they kill any leftover girls or women, and will most likely kill any girl or woman who had already sexual relations with a man, of which an execution is only by chance, this excludes bombings which takes out a crowd of people. This has also led to some women, abandoning their faith, self-excommunicating themselves to become militants, some of them will maintain their faith but have a sense of regret for now being a rifle wielding defender, but they have no choice because they have an enemy out there that seeks to devour them. In some areas, Christian men tend to be absent, which is the case today in some parts dealing with Terrorism and Bad government. This actually results in women taking and or covering the place of a man in the church itself, so for instance, a pastor and 3 servants, all being males were either captured and or killed by members of ISIS. Because there is no one to replace these 4 men and clearly a child cannot take such a position, older women of that church would have to take over and continue, mainly any women who has the experience to take up this role, at the same time, because they are a women, they must cover themselves in total respects to God and his Law. As for Tribes, they had since spread out, and are existing today. Most likely for god(s) and or godlike ones, for female is usually said to be goddess. You also have to remember in both Hebrew and Greek a noun and or verb is always associated with something, and nowhere is it seen in the Bible that a feminine noun is associated with The God (θεός) for it is always Masculine - YHWH, Yahweh, Jehovah, Abba, Father, Hashem, etc is and will always been Masculine. That is because God is a Spirit Person (John 4:24, 1 Corinthians 3:17, 1 Timothy 1:17, Hebrews 11:27), he is not like a man or like a son of man (Numbers 23:19, 1 Samuel 15:29), nor is he men like us (Job 9:32). God is male, and whenever you see Yahweh/Jehovah/YHWH/YHVH (יְהֹוָה), whenever you see Father, The one whom Sent Jesus, or simply put, God/The God of, etc. it is associated as Masculine and of which it is associated with is a male person, in this case, the Father who is a Spirit, for he is YHWH. I mean, seeing this should be obvious: יְהֹוָה, it is a Proper Name, also known as the Personal and or Divine name of God, the Name from the Tetragrammaton. Indeed, but you forget that God has made companion and or mate for male animals, and he did so for the first man, a male, Adam. He had Adam go into a deep sleep and took a rib from his body and create Eve. To be specific, God said Let Us (Jesus was with him at the time) make Man in our image, he began with the creation of man, thus making Adam, we do not see Eve until very later on and it is unknown of how long Adam lived by himself before God had created Eve. For image simply look at the references (1 Corinthians 11:7) and for likeness (Genesis 5:1, James 3:9). It should be straightforward as in how we are made in God's image and likeness, for instance, we have patience, for God is patience, he put this in us, as well as mildness, anything connecting and or pertaining to the Fruits of the Spirit, as a side-note, what is not mentioned in Galatians, but equals to all these things mention is humility, a common trick question, which is like a secret and or hidden truth. Jesus also expressed this same likeness, these qualities, that his Father has, and so do we. As for the last sentence of what you said, that is an incorrect analogy, mainly if you put together scriptural facts. Both male and female can display humility because God has that, both of them can express love and patience because God has that. God has never been seen at all by any man and even if that was possible, a man would die for God's glory is just that great and He, his glory, cannot even be contained. The only ones to have seen God is Spirit Beings, and Jesus himself, so we cannot jump the gun to say his traits and or features when clearly we never seen him. We can only see his Purpose and Will by means of Jesus, for if you see the Son you see the Father, for it is the Father who abides in the Son and it is The Father who is doing the works. That is because the changing of sex, same-sex marriage and or anything that is in connection with breaking God's Law is not tolerated at all. Granted JWs are Restorationist, they are very strict on this, this is also the case with both the denominational and the non-denominational. It was also not intended for males to grown female reproductive organs and females to grow reproductive organs by means of overdosing on Testosterone and or other drugs made for this sole purpose. And now that you mention it, there are those who have 100% success, woe to the man that despite to date a woman only to find out the woman is not truly a woman at all. Granted with the Origins of Marriage and what was enacted prior to Jesus' birth, a man can only be with one woman and a woman can only be with one man, 2 yoked together. Polygamy (this also goes for Bigamy) is not suppose to be a practice among Christians. One can argue that it came about after The Original Ancestral Sin, since there was a few people on the earth, but that was before the times the church and Christians came about and during those days, Polygamy was frowned upon, prior to Jesus and afterwards - hence the Christian marriage arrangement. Christians are able to re-marry, should a spouse passes away and or if a legitimate reason for a divorce is in place, clearly not for those silly situations of who is dealing with the bills. Homosexual tendencies never began with God, for if it did, what was the reason to Eve existing in the first place? Let alone want happen afterwards? Homosexual tendencies came about by the people themselves and we can see this in the account of Sodom and Gomorrah as well as Nineveh. God never intended for us to change our sex in our lives. God not being surprised? We cannot be saying that. Clearly God's reaction to a woman removing her own reproductive system using drugs, which allows the growing of a male reproductive system and removing, God's reaction will be the same as he was with Molech worshipers (fire torment practitioners) and the actions of those in Sodom and Gomorah, people forget that God has emotions, and can enact such emotions, so clearly this practice of changing sex would sadden him and will anger him just as a man can be sad, shocked and angered only to find out Becky is really (was originally) Bob. Wrong as in what? If God, the molder, has humility, love, and a list of other motions, such is passed off to both male and female, who are molded by the molder (Creator to Creation). We are in His image and likeness, and the Bible makes it explicitly clear as to what such conveys, the very reason cross-references ARE in the Bible. Sorry, I do not understand what you mean by that. Figure and or an Expression of speech is what it is. Unless you were being sarcastic, that would be understandable and make more sense.
  23. Well if one has an issue with what the church has been entrusted, one would have to question the head of the church himself, whom gave said abilities to bind and loosen, the church. Excommunication is as it is, regardless of any faith. Various things can get someone kicked out of a temple, home and or any dwelling place for worship, be it a current member and or the every-other-day guy. Excommunication is also known as the Takfir, in Islam, and in Judaism, He'rem, which is far more worse than the common excommunication practiced and used in Christendom. Some Christians deem excommunication too harsh, and took it upon themselves to tweak entrusted abilities, which can pose a a problem when the head of the church himself returns. Even worse, some do not use excommunication at all, thus abandoning the abilities of the church, i.e. 2 persons, seasoned members of the church caught and or revealed to have been doing brazen conduct, since their church does not practice excommunication, these 2 get off scott-free. For some form of binding and or loosening has to be in place, otherwise why attempt to follow to that of the foundation itself? Other than that, ties with the church is cut off entirely until one reinstates him or herself to the church, despite church ties being cut, the only line of communication is family and relatives, but the spread of interfaith and or religious attacking said faith will put one in the position of Apostasy. Excommunication can happen to anyone, any age, regardless of sex, at any time. Church ties will indeed be cut off like lumberjack cutting a tree.
  24. Well someone won't be happy when he checks his email about this.
  25. After all, God only listens to those who can get through the door, and that door being, the Christ, for no one can go to the Father, but rather, only through the Son they can reach out to the Father. It's like someone trying to get past a bouncer in a club, once that someone knows he or she cannot get inside, the next day they will make up all kinds of stories as if they actually got inside for the event and or party. In that sense, someone probably assumes they talked with God and or God talk to them and try to show off in some sense when in reality, that person didn't even bother to knock on said door. But Lord, there are some crazies out there who are extremely insane, demon possessed, and will say God made me to do this, or that. But Jesus just told me to do this, and or that, I did it for Jesus, and said action they did is both disturbing and insane. Because of these guys, they make actual true Christians look like crazy people and make such ones the big joke on the round-table. When I see crazy Christians and or New Age believers, oh and the Spiritualists, my only reaction to their claims and actions, their nutcasery: Â
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