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Space Merchant

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Everything posted by Space Merchant

  1. @Gone Away Indeed, we must not add to His Word. Deuteronomy 4:2, 12:32, Proverbs 30:5, 6, John 10:35, Revelations 22:18, 19 And most certainly His Word does not create confusion, 1 Corinthians 14:33.
  2. Of course. But you seem to contradict yourself before, to where you have called Jesus as well as the Holy Spirit being God as well, which excludes the only God being the Father. For it is 100% true only the Father is God, but clearly you do not accept that, you do not even accept anything in regards to what Jesus had said "that is written". Indeed, it is surely called the The High Priestly Prayer, moreover, it is the most famous for it being the very last prayer of Lord Jesus Christ. For Jesus had done this prayer in behalf of his disciples, for the current time and age they were in now and of the future, since it was very soon that of what will become of Jesus. As for the last sentence of yours, you seem to be missing the point. Jesus wanted his disciples to know who the true God is, hence why he said for them to come to know you "that they know you" or "for they coming to know you" in some translations, it varies, all in all equals to them taking in knowledge of the true God and continuing to know who the true God is, in addition to that, we see the Greek verb being used in this passage, γινώσκωσιν (ginōskōsin), Strong's is 1097, also meaning to perceive and or recognize. It alludes to denote a process of taking in said knowledge about someone and or getting to know someone and eventually becoming better acquainted with someone, in this case, the disciples to God the Father. What we also see when we put this passage in context is it refers to developing a personal relationship with God by means of by continuous increase in knowledge of God and Christ and a growing trust in them both. However, it takes more than just knowing who a person is or knowing his name, therefore, it would also involve knowing what that person has an interest in as well as their disinterests, knowing his standards, values, actions, etc. Hence the reason Jesus was born into the Law. He knew of the Father ever since he was a child for all Jews were to learn of the God of Israel, the very reason why Jesus had said what he said in regards to what he professed as a child, and as an adult (Mark 12:28-34). For Jesus was sent (Shaliah) to represent the Father and to teach things that is not of his own, but of the Father, and such includes the good news gospel of which we can see in the four gospel accounts. The disciples of Jesus already knew and used God, even by his name. They saw and read it in the Hebrew Old Testament and or scrolls available in very synagogues they dwell in, this also includes the oldest and most reliable source, the very source of what the Bible Translations we have today is based on, nothing pertaining to that of the 16th century, moreover, this source is a Greek translation of the Hebrew Scriptures, which was used in teaching. Lord Jesus made the Father's name known not only by just using it, however, by revealing the one who bears that name, His purposes and the like. For it is known that Jesus himself is the one who had been at the Father’s side, Jesus could explain the Father in a way that no one else could (Matthew 11:27, John 1:18). The knowing of who God is and his name and what God is all about, of this, Jesus' disciples take great importance of. Are you sure about that? Scriptural Principle and application when there is a lack of connection? Jude 4 speaks of those who dwell in the churches to do vile things and brazen conduct, such ones who do not adhere to God's laws, those who are inviting of sexual misconduct, accursed teachings, idolatry, unkindness, and a list of other things. The reason as to why this specific point in this passage says the following: For certain people have crept in unnoticed who long ago were designated for this condemnation, ungodly people, who pervert the grace of our God into sensuality and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ. This verse also direct to Acts 20:29, 30 and 2 Peter 2:1, that being said, there is a lack in principle of what you are attempting to apply, in addition, this verse alone also alludes to the very fact that of such ones, people, sinning because they know God will forgive them, in a sense, abusing God's forgiveness. I concur. Jesus is indeed Lord, and the Father is Lord, and clearly we can recognize who is above who. This goes for any Lords of Masters of mankind compared to the Christ and or God himself, in addition, God has indeed made Jesus himself Lord and Christ (Acts 2:36, cf. see 1 Corinthians 6:14), the very reason Jesus speaks of his God given authority and power as seen in the Gospel of Matthew. I have also made a response to such in the past here already. For the true one God is indeed Lord but that does not mean someone who is Lord is God, for the scriptures speak of many Lords, example Abraham to Sarah, The 2 Angels to Lot, The Philippian Jailer to both Paul and Silas, David's servants to David himself, etc., we also have Jesus, and the one above all, being God himself. If anyone understand JW Christology, I believe they're aware of this already, the same can be said about those who take time to read and research passages and taking high importance to context. But it would seem you have it the other way around, for such in the opposite view is said of Mainstream Christians of mainstream Christendom. You do realize God is Lord and His Son is Lord? Like I said, there are many Lords/Masters in scripture, some above others, and I made mention of this in the past already in full detail. If you are aware of what the oldest source even is, that of the 4th century, you would realize the Lord being talked about here, is God himself. We know that the Holy Spirit is of God and wherever it is, there is freedom. The cross-references also make this very clear: Isaiah 61:1, John 4:24, Romans 6:14, 8:15, Galatians 5:1, 13. And? Then you have failed to take in, in full context, of what this final prayer of Jesus is about. For as stated already, Jesus identifies his one and only God, the Father alone, which thereby excludes everyone else including himself. That being said, we are not talking about godlike ones (I do not consider the Holy Spirit as a person for such have already been confuted elsewhere), the focus is on the bene elohim himself, Jesus, who speaks of El Shaddai as being the only true God.
  3. @Cos I believe what you have addressed has been said before, and a response has already been made. It seems we are taking laps around the track field, in this sense.
  4. @Jesus.defender It's also alluded to in the New Testament, whereas Jesus made mention of God not having much of a form at all, since he is a Spirit after all. Indeed one verses, but there are several. 3068 says otherwise. And nowhere in the bible does it say there are 3 who consist of being one God. The bible is explicit, that the only God is the Father, even God's own testimony makes such even true in addition to the very laws upon laws that consist of such that has been brought forth in Moses' day.
  5. @Matthew9969 Perhaps because cats (dead or alive) were USED in pagan practices? A Yule Tree has a symbolic use in pagan practices and rituals, in some cases, inviting of evil spirits. The irony here it is not JWs who believe this either, this goes for other things such as birthday cakes, the cross, applying laws not of Christian application, Traditions of Men and a whole list of other things. That being said, I do not think God is a fan of those who willingly take practice of such things, let alone having symbolic representations of such that welcomes that of evil spirits. I believe we have talked about something similar before, for even recently, I had your comments confused with shiwii.
  6. @James Thomas Rook Jr. Understandable. I have seen and heard things that would make a holy man shed heartfelt tears. However, it is negative to not give a warning on such things for this was indeed random, however, some people are unfazed by it.
  7. @Matthew9969 The actions of a few does not justify the actions of many and or others, regardless of who they are or what faith they profess. If a Christian says he wants to kill anyone he does not agree with him and actually causes harm to someone, it does not mean all Christians are prone to do the same thing, some will not even agree with the same person they sit next to. In this sense, if a JW says something vulgar that does not mean a JW somewhere in like the middle of Madagascar is the same, for of course, every individual are different in regards to experience and the walks of life, and the like.
  8. @Jack Ryan You do realize Eddie's disdain for religion as a whole? Right? If you are familiar with his work, you'd realize that A, he is a comedian, and that B, people like him are not a fan of region, you think his jokes about JWs is wild, wait til you look at what he says about Christianity and the Bible, not only you will fall off your chair in shock, your socks will come off in shock as well. He does not stop at religion and the bible itself, he also talks about other faiths such as Islam as well as their Qu'ran. That being said, you never gave a warning to as to how vulgar this video is in regards to language. I have been around so I am clearly not fazed, I had worse, but at least show some respect to others by giving them a heads up. Despite my differences with Matthew, I come to a common ground and agree with him on this note, you should have gave a warning. Lastly, that isn't the only time the faith was being joked about. At the end of the day, for all men, you do not joke with God, and clearly God does not toss around senseless jokes - he enacts judgement, and clearly, that won't be a laughing matter with any man, mainly in a situation to the mold speaking back to it's molder, it's a no-go and an obvious judgement. Some comedians have material that is not always true, just putting that out there and you've given points to atheist - not cool. Also why the Polygamy tag?
  9. @Witness Once again, the actions of a single person or a few does not represent the group as a whole. We live in a society where such ones who want to do harm to kids will go somewhere where they can reach kids, at the same time earn the trust by others there and take advantage of rules and regulations of said institution. If we are to go by the mindset you are applying, then should anyone do a crime, they will place people such as myself because of my ethnicity as suspect. They wouldn't think twice when dealing with such ones like me, and clearly that was the mindset of what took place some days ago when we had another police shooting, for the situation is quite obvious, mind you, the teen had nothing to do with anyone or anything of what went down. Another situation is if someone of law enforcement itself, who had done something vile, someone else who know of this event, with such a mindset similar to you, will have thoughts that all who is of that group should be punished, in some cases threaten with death or even killed, this example is primarily in regards to law enforcement, the other was about race, for this is the type of mindset of people nowadays and most people tend not to think outside of the box when such issues arise. This applies to all people, even JWs, for there was an obvious case in the UK regarding a hate crime against the faith. That being said, there is no question any abuser of ANY kind, I do care if it is a teacher, a coach, a police officer, and especially if it is a JW, for a crime they commit such ones will be met with justice, and at the same time, because of the actions of that person, I do not go out of my way to attack all people, if you haven't notice, Christianity is crawling with wrongdoers in its midst, this includes abusers, we should not be ignorant of what the price of sin causes such ones to do. Your next problem is those who promote such behavior and do so with gross media, if you can't stop that, which is neigh impossible to stop anyways, you cannot stop the abuses, what you can do is prevent and educate, not go on a hate-tirade against others for something they did not do.
  10. Apparently some people do this, making false accounts with an individual's name, give it a picture and a few tags to make it seem legit, it tends to get even more grime when such ones attempt to use the name and image of a deceased individual. Sadly as technology continues to become more and more advance, you do not need profiles to fake something now, all you need is a good picture of someone's face and let the programming of a specific software do the rest, such can range from minor to realistic and defile someone's name and or image, unless someone has a good idea to spot that what was created is indeed fake, which was the case several months ago.
  11. @JW Insider @Shiwiii Seconded. Then we have things pertaining to those being resurrected, for the earth will give birth to the dead, as some translations would say, or simply put, the earth will let those powerless in death come to life. For some who do not believe in the "all good people go to heaven" doctrine, they grasp what their counterparts cannot, and that is what the new creation entails, in addition, we have those who have their hope in the resurrection itself in addition to eternal life, for the reason they believe in what the new creation will bring, that is the new heavens and earth, all things that has cause mankind to stumble and or commit vile things will cease, for we can look for those who do such acts, but they will not be there, they won't be to the east of you, nor will they be to the west, nowhere at all, as Psalms 37:10 states: In just a little while, the wicked will be no more; though you look carefully at his place, he will not be there. For God's Kingdom itself will provide such, for God will act through for His chosen Messianic King to bring back those in out o the dead by a great multitude, and to some, what they really want is to see those who succumb to death and they know only God has the power to reverse that and will execute his promises when the time comes. We do not know how things will play out exactly, but it is certain, the bible gives us a variety of evidence of what we are to expect should we come to understand what we read, that is, if we are to endure truly until the conclusion of things itself.
  12. Seconded. There are those out there who say they believe in God and automatically think once saved always saved and even if they sin or do bad, they get off Scott-free. As for others, they tend to abuse forgiveness that God gives, knowing they'll sin and thinking they can always be forgiven, such ones are playing with God's forgiveness. Regardless though, this I agree with for everyone is accounted for what they have done or should have done. In the JWs case, for example, we can say 3 JWs, Tim, George and Pamela. One is making the effort, one is still learning, but the one of them calls themselves a member of said faith, but does something and or practices that are not of the bible at all. When the day of judgement comes, it would be obvious of who is who among them who will be judged. In today's churches in Christendom, there are things taking place that would make even the spiritual among you cringe in shock, for it is that bad and continues to get even worse because the concern for the mainstream is converts, they care little of the sin, they just want a seat filled and nothing more, at times, tend to be very unhelpful in dealing with some situations. And now we are in a state whereas people can use the bible to justify a practice that is deemed unbiblical, example would be same sex-marriage, and the list goes on, it is as if people have lost themselves in their own little world while still being in the world itself- a state of inception and deception.
  13. You sure about that? The comments you make at times seem to contradict each other, over and over again. God is not a man, it says that several times in the Old Testament (Numbers 23:19, 1 Samuel 15:29) for the molder is not like his mold (Isaiah 45:9, Romans 9:20), moreover, even Job himself even stated God is not like us men (Job 9:32-34). God is also incorruptible, cannot succumb to what us humans succumb to, one of them being death, for God's nature is incorruptibility (1 Timothy 1:17, Romans 1:23), he cannot die nor taste death (Habakkuk 1:12), he is the very source of life itself, for He is the living God, the one who is the fountain of life, and he has no beginning or end of existence. (Jeremiah 10:10, 17:13, Daniel 6:20, 26, John 6:57, 2 Corinthians. 3:3, 6:16, 1 Thessalonians. 1:9, Psalms. 36:9). No where in the Bible does it states that God suddenly out of the blue becomes corruptible/moral. To think of someone who is that great to which nothing can contain him, would become visible flesh, that is somewhat absurd to conclude he could become a man. Granted that God himself was known to have been offered sacrifice than you have Jesus' sacrifice which in turn enabled amnesty of sin an allowing us to be forgiven allow us a way to receive eternal life, in addition to the New Covenant, it should be pretty obvious as to how such works. As for the rest of your comment, do you realize what you are saying?
  14. The Gospel of John John 17:3 "And this is eternal life, that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent." ? Proof of Trinitarian Error At John 17:3, Jesus identifies the only true God as the Father, the God whom he reveals to the world. The Trinitarian response is to claim that since the word only modifies/qualifies the word God it does not rule out the possibility that Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, are also the only true God. And so Trinitarians like to say in response: The Father is the only true God The Son is the only true God The Holy Spirit is the only true God In other words, the Trinitarian is admitting that if the word only had qualified the word Father then yes only the Father would be the one true God. But since it does not, the Trinitarian insists that it does not rule out Jesus and the Holy Spirit from being the only true God too. The Trickery, Exposing the cracks in the Trinitarian Armor 1. Matthew 24:36 But concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only. We will begin with the above Trinitarian claim, which must be taken with a grain of salt. At Matthew 24:36, the word "only" DOES modify/qualify the Father and they still deny the obvious implications of the verse - that only the Father is omniscient and therefore only the Father is God. It says only the Father knows the day and hour. So we can see that even if Jesus had said, "Father.... this is eternal life, that ONLY You are the true God" that form of language still wouldn't make any difference to Trinitarians. God's day of judgement, that only he knows, will come like a thief in the night.  2. Unwitting Admissions of Trinitarian Scholars In their discussions and debates of John 1:1, Trinitarians scholars admit that the use of a definite article at John 1:1c would have meant Jesus is the entirety of God and such language would exclude everyone else but Jesus. In fact, according to their own argument, all one would have to say is, "THE Father is THE God," and this would exclude absolutely everyone else. The words "only" and "true" would not even be required. 3. Obvious Trinitarian Hypocrisy Trinitarians will insist that the expression, "God sent his only son", which means that nobody else is God's only-begotten son and it means that ONLY Jesus is God's only-begotten son. We must carefully regard the significance of this hypocrisy. On one hand, they insist the words "only Son" do mean that only Jesus is God's own son while at the same time they insist the words "only true God" do not mean that only the Father is the true God. But the situation is exactly the same. They are talking out of both sides of their mouth. Their claim that "only Son" means only Jesus is God's son betrays the fact that they really do know that John 17:3 is telling us only one person is the only true God. 4. The Real Trinitarian Problem The real problem at hand for the Trinitarians is their implied definition of the word "God" for this verse. They must attempt to suggestively define the word "God" as "the divine ousia" or "the divine nature" since we are here talking about the one God and the oneness of Trinitarian doctrine is the divine nature. To define "God" as the divine nature here in this verse is the only definition of the word "God" which Trinitarians can even attempt: The Father is the only true [divine nature] The Son is the only true [divine nature] The Holy Spirit is the only true [divine nature] However, this will not even work for them at all. For Jesus to identify the Father as the divine nature would be confusing person and being, a big violation and or something they are not suppose to do in regards to their doctrine, that is, the Trinity. If the Father is identified as the divine nature that would mean Jesus' divine nature is the Father. 5. "You" and "the only true God" are Necessary Equivalent. When Jesus says, "that they may know You, the only true God," it is quite clear that he intends to say that one is equivalent to the other. "You" = "the only true God." However, the only way Trinitarians can define the word "God" is to define it as "the divine nature." But that would imply that "You" and "Only true God" are equivalent things confusing the what and the who, person and being. Also, the Father is NOT equivalent to the divine nature since that would mean Jesus' divine nature is the Father in Trinitarian doctrine. When it is understood how they are suggestively defining their terms, it becomes clear that they are not making any sense. 6. It's Not About Knowing a Nature but an Identity Jesus is here referring to knowing God the Father is a personal and intimate way, a personal relationship with God. The words "only true God" are a reference to an identity with whom we can have a relationship. We do not have relationships with natures; we have relationships with persons. And the person we are to have a relationship with here is "the only true God", that is, the Father. FATHER... that they may know YOU, THE ONLY TRUE GOD, and Jesus Christ whom YOU sent. The words "only true God" cannot refer to a divine nature. These words must refer to an identity with whom we can know, that is, with whom we can have an intimate personal relationship. Therefore, just as Trinitarian scholars have already admitted, the Father and "the only true God" are co-extensive interchangeable terms and this excludes all but the Father from identity as the only true God. To have a relationship with the only true God is to have a relationship with the Father. One cannot then say that the only true God is also Jesus with running headlong into the insanity of saying Jesus is the Father. 7. Jesus Christ's Only True God At John 20:17, Jesus makes it quite clear that his God is to be our God and that God is his Father. At John 17:3, Jesus is in prayer to his God and Father. His Father is his only true God and his only true God is his Father alone and it is this only true God who sent Jesus as he says here. Jesus knows nobody else but his Father as the true God. Hence, we can be certain that when he refers to the Father as "the only true God" in prayer that he means only his Father is the true God. In fact, Jesus does not even need to say it. It is plainly evident quite apart from John 17:3 that nobody else but his Father alone is his God.  Conclusion It is quite plain that the Trinitarian trickery here is to suggestively imply a definition of the word "God" which means "divine nature" so that they can say all three persons are the only true God, that is, all three persons have this one divine nature. However, it is clear that the word "God" is not a nature here but an identity, a person, the Father, with whom we have a personal relationship. Jesus here identifies his one and only God, the Father alone, as "the only true God," which thereby excludes everyone else including himself.
  15. I have used Scripture and offered an explanation as to how those who are invited are already chosen, hence the door being shut, but it would seem that is not enough for you apparently. The very fact is, God is the one who invites such ones, as out older fathers have said, God is the one who anoints, and those who have already been chosen, and such ones await what they'll be given. Not really. Because as to what Jesus is the first fruits of, in regards to those who are chosen, as well as those who will remain on the earth itself. And many people know of what this implies, for it is something that is not only known to Jehovah's Witnesses, especially if one is to understands what the New Creation is all about. Such information is quite brief and understandable. That being said, those of that New Creation are the ones who make up these groups, those who rule alongside the Christ, and those who inherit the earth itself. If it is a separate thread you want, then by all means, regardless though, what was said is of this topic, mainly when it comes to those among the righteous and the meek. If anything, I was going to post something to this degree in a few days.
  16. @Brother Rando The fact that he made mention of uninspired verses that had been forged to be true, in addition to using verses out of context, his credibility has literally jumped out the window. Also proves that Trinitarians are totally alien to the oldest source known as the Septuagint. The irony is everyone and their mother knows about 1 John 5:7, it is known as the greatest forgery done by the Trinitarians, but Trinitarians still struggle on to consider what is uninspired as truth, while some even admit this - but this is one but many forgeries and changes they made.
  17. @JW Insider Unfortunately, in today's world, the churches teach that people go to either heaven or hell, immediately judged upon death. Such ones do not know of what those verses mean or merely confused. They consider those who are to rule alongside the Christ to be symbolic and not to be taken literally, others have a different view, but the majority sticks to the same template. What many forget is God, who took an abundant amount of time to make the earth, made it for a reason, and it is intertwined with his purpose and will.
  18. This is why I stated technically in my last response, in addition to making referring to those that God has chosen liken to an invitation, these people are already identified by God. The door is shut meaning such have already been identified and clearly God does not have need to have such invitations exceed 144,000, however those in the mainstream teach that this number is indeed symbolic and more people would be chosen and this number is render irrelevant, others, believe that this number relates to actual Jews chosen, then you have those who state only them and their tribe(s) is of that number, others think it will take place during the end times tribulations start but this isn't the case in regards to when these people were being picked, but the reality is, those of this fold, are hand picked by God and eventually will be sealed. This is also not my opinion, for it was, my response would be entirely different. I already have proven such in regards to identification and sealing, like I said, if those of this fold are already chosen, there's no question that 144,000 chosen throughout the centuries down to this day, are clearly awaiting the position they'll be given. The fact that you think only the Jehovah's Witnesses believe this is mind-boggling. They, as well as those who profess the truth of what the Bible says, know that those chosen are the only ones going to Heaven to co-rule alongside God's chosen Messianaic King, who is among the first ones before the 144,000, hence the harvest. Which begs the question, are you even aware of what it means when Jesus is both the firstborn out of the dead and the first fruits of the harvest, the first among those who are asleep? It is no idea, nor is it a mere opinion, we know of what Jesus is in regards to the New Creation (which is as clear as day in the Revelations of John) itself, as to what he is the first and last of/beginning and end of.
  19. Going back on this, I am actually in error, confused you for Matt, for at the time I was messaging both you and Matthew96969 regarding Christmas at the same time dealing with Cos, for Matt was the one who brought up Jeff Durbin, a mistake I admit. However, the Christmas practices and the celebration of birth, had indeed been in discussion with you present whereas I was still dealing with Cos regarding church father beliefs, I believe I also made reference to Christians other than JWs who do not practice it, even those who predate them, some who even banned such. That being said, such ones have wised up because they know that Christmas has nothing to do with faith and religious worship of God, and it would seem those who continue to practice and or take part in even the slightest of such puts themselves in a bad position. Furthermore, we have today's Christendom pushing this only to the bible, thinking that the practice of such is in the right, again, false teachers will do such when they themselves know it is wrong, but they do it anyways and practice it, at the same time they will attack those who do not take part in anything regarding the practice of that holiday and or the celebration of one's birth. And no, it is no distraction, like I said, I was bring very direct in regards to false teachers and prophets. Well since we do have the mention of Jeff Durbin, he is like many others who profess the same thing that is not of the bible, thus pushing people away from what the bible says, in addition puts one in a position to which they themselves do not know truth or remain ignorant of it and eventually be judged. We have churches today that teach things that do not apply to the early church, the bible, or the very teachings itself, some out there teach an accursed doctrine and these people are not following what the Bible says and will go against anyone who speaks what is true. In short, those who have been identified as among the chosen ones, all there is now is such the sealing (Revelations 7:1-8, Revelations 14:1-5). Technically the door is indeed shut, all there is now is to wait it out. But those of await an inheritance that is eternal life, such ones the door is indeed open for them, for there is time for such ones, even those who want to make a change. The chosen ones, the 144,000, chosen for priesthood, have very special qualities, for we know of this because of the book of Revelation, as with other areas in scripture, mention them as highly favorable to God, mainly due to the position and the role they will play out in the Messianic Kingdom. Those already identified await to be sealed, such ones are specially selected and of Spiritual Israel. These chosen ones stand on Mount Zion with the Lamb and have the Father's name written on their foreheads. Such ones will sing a song that no one could learn, for that song only the 144,000 who had been redeemed from the earth can sing. These chosen ones are are virgins and do not defile themselves with women or that of Babylon. Those chosen are considered the first fruits of God's harvest, moreover, we already know Jesus to be the first of the first fruits regarding God's purpose and will regarding the new heavens, and new earth, new creation called by some and lastly, such ones are guileless. The scriptures inform us that the angels are holding back the final judgement that will soon be unleashed on to all that is wicked on the earth until 144,000 chosen ones on earth are sealed. (Revelations 7:1-4). We know of what it means to be chosen and or anointed but is not the same as being sealed, for it is - identified already, but clearly on standby to be sealed. Being chosen or anointed by God is like that of an invitation, in addtion, the sealing itself is the like a stamp of approval from God the Father that the one who is chosen proved faithful to what is in store for him. Furthermore, those who have been chosen through history have had God bear witness that they are invited to join his Son, Jesus, to rule as kings and priests over the earth. God does the final sealing if someone is proven worthy of such a position proves faithful to their calling, after all, only God knows who has been faithful and is clearly the one who has selected such ones for such honorable service. Many who takes this into consideration know of such things, and in regards to the Jehovah's witnesses, they are just as convinced as we are when it comes to the obvious state of this world of which we are living in, deep into the end times, and it makes sense of what was addressed regarding the door being closed, granted for how long the choosing, soon to be sealed, of such people has been going for, for all we know there is probably a small number left among 144,000 awaiting the seal of approval from God. Regarding false prophets those, such ones who adhere to teaching traditional non-biblical doctrines handed down to them throughout the centuries by a corrupt and false teachers clearly are not among this fold. On the other side of the spectrum, you have the billions upon billions of whom will be resurrected, those to take up inheritance of the earth itself free of wickedness, and those who are taken out of death and restored, to be judged. Indeed, I tend to say the same thing about myself at times, but information is always key. When it comes to speaking against mainstream Christendom and their ill practices, some misconceptions of something even Christology based, and a list of other things, information must be provided in detail, but from the beginning I only began to put more in my comments/response overtime because of those speaking of misinformation, mainly in the regard of church fathers and or history and no, including you it is but a few. I tend to make a comment to each response and that is what I do, for if 8 points are made, 8 points will be made in response to claim, mainly if other things are mentioned, in addition to information that is actual fact vs of which that is false and or conspiracy filled. Other than that it is common to those of CSE to explain things in this matter. I care not if someone is easily sleeping on what I have to say, I know how I am, but when the information is indeed out there, people do read it, for if little to no information is brought up to a claim or response, how is it can you correct when you lack? I know what I have made a response to, at times some errors and mix ups, but the points are always made, even on such topic if something else is brought up, I tend to make a response to it, which was the case with the other user here, who's comments have been moved elsewhere for he had made several claims at once to which I made a response to, only for insider to move it to the other section. With that being said, those who are chosen await to be sealed, such ones will be with the Christ and serve by his side. Then we have the other group, those who will inherit the earth, which is cleansed of wickedness and such ones are indeed saved, for God knows his people, and there will be those who are unrighteous, such ones will be judged. For there will be many, many people throughout the centuries who will be resurrected, from the first faithful man to the last, and this is something that many people await.
  20. I am aware of what Insider had posted, but my response was direct to what you have stated. If you want to be direct to the letter, he was talking more specifically on the those chosen for priesthood the door is indeed closed in this regard, as for the others, not of the chosen ones, benefactors of the Spiritual House, the door for eternal life is indeed open still, should they choose to accept it. EDIT: I believe this should ring some bells, the video that you posted to support your claim. Clearly, and possibly, none of us here are of the chosen for priesthood, this includes you, however, eternal life is a possibility, should you choose it by treading carefully to not even lost such a reward by the slightest step that causes stumbling. So in short - the door will indeed be closed for those of us who do not adhere to God's Word and when it does, it will be too late. As for the chosen ones, since you want to throw the letter on the table, figuratively speaking, then yes, it is, the chosen ones, those of the first fruits. That door is indeed close. You really do not have to be of the Watchtower to know that this is indeed true. You brought Jeff and his team, Apologia Studios to make a claim in regards to Christmas festivities and the celebration of one's birth practice, paganism, druidism, etc, to which I had spoken such things are not things a Christian should be doing, for even in the past, I myself brought up those who took issue with such. I made mention of him because he is among the false teachers inside of mainstream Christendom. Indeed it is agreeable you are applying verses, but surely you should have known of any one who is in technically a false teacher, who literally does not stick to the sculpture and God's Law. I write a lot, possibly due to how fast I can time and what is on my mind that I feel should be said. And I have made a response, it was direct to the very comment you made not too long ago, I didn't address the letter because I thought it would have been obvious to you, but it would seem an explanation of who these chosen ones or these first fruits should be made because it would seem you are possibly not aware of such ones who to be part of the Messianic Kingdom. No, I always post a response and give an answer with detailed information and example regarding that response for I tend to be as direct as possible. You may think of it as rambling, it does not matter to be because I lack the ability to care at times when something is that minor, however, because you clearly do not want to adhere to what is being said, as it was before, as is now. Oh and it is relevant, Matthew 23:23 has been said, so information in detail can be brought up in a direct response to what you have mentioned. That being said, the door is closed for those chosen since the number of chosen ones is very limited to 144,000, but the door is and will soon be closed for those who are to inherit that of the New creation, that is, those to be subjects to the Kingdom, the Spiritual House, those who will be given eternal life, those resurrected, given eternal life, at least those who didn't get the chance to know who God is and who Jesus is, for it is vital (John 17:3)
  21. Last I recall, the Watchtower only have stated that time is indeed short and the end is very near, but even outside of the Watchtower, people are aware that end time and tribulations is and will be upon us and just as in the days of Noah, the doors will be shut and at that time, it will be too late. You yourself have to realize that, for that is pretty much the common conclusion to which people who adhere to scripture will recognize and be aware of. Speaking about Noah, when the door to the Ark have been shut, it was shut by God himself (Genesis 7:16, 17) and clearly when the people who were doing what they do (Luke 17:27) became suspect, it was already too late. The same can be said for Sodom and Gomorah whereas as to their counterpart, Nineveh, wised up when God sent Jonah. Indeed, there are false ones out there, some far worse than others, who derive people away from what the Bible says, this is also said in Luke 11:42. Among them would be pastors, teachers, even church goers themselves who push something that is not of the Bible, those who not only follow God's Laws, but such ones who preach and attempt to convince others not to follow God's Laws, in addition, that of which Jesus had entrusted the church to do. We have such ones who apply Traditions of Men into the church, for if I last recall, I will take an example of a pastor you brought up before, Jeff Durbin, known as the Hipster Pastor by some, also known as a voice actor for one of the most violent video games out there that resulted in the whole ESRB rating. The current churches of our day teach that Jesus Christ is God, when the bible says otherwise, they practice things that are not biblical yet call themselves Christians, the list goes on and on when it comes to false prophets, but out of the fold, there are those who strive to do what is true and seek what is true and for that reason true Christians do not mess around with such ones, but should any falsehood be made against the latter, a correction is to be made. At the same time, one has to be have to be very mindful of those who actually attempt to seek what the truth is or attempt to follow it because any misstep can put you before God's throne for judgement, the very reason by my stance is pretty much neutral and not being gullible to misconceptions. Furthermore, false ones are deemed hypocrites or make claims of 100% inspiration when they do something other than what the bible says, or that of the first church of the early Christians. For there is big line between those who stray away from actually attempting to seek what is true and on the other side there are those who do their best to follow what the bible says while seeking truth, just as there is no middle ground here, it is in the same regard for both life and death.
  22. @tromboneck Unfortunately, people of mainstream Christendom do not take the bible seriously. They think all this adding Levite Laws, these celebrations that have nothing to do with God, man made traditions into the church, etc, further proves the seriousness is not there, for simply being good is not enough, and it most certainly will not help if we have the mainstream turning churches into circuses and molding things of the world into said churches.
  23. @Shiwiii The doors will eventually close, to not realize what is to come very soon only shows that people are sleeping on this matter as if it is water under the bridge. The very reason why there is time for people, for such is indeed Life or Death, this has not changed, and it is known that God has not changed on what his purpose and will entails for the righteous and meek, and what is to come for those who do not adhere to what he requires, what his Word says or his Laws. The very reason those who are aware are vigilant, enduring, sacrificing, and the list goes on. Simply being good, is not going to cut it, for there is a lot that is required in building and maintain faith, just as a bodybuilder takes care of his or her body, to maintain muscle and the like by means of exercise, rest and nourishment, the same applies for faith and adhering to what the bible says.
  24. @Anna Unfortunately, this Trinitarian, Jesus Deserter, is very dense and clearly unable to adhere to what the bible really says.
  25. Clearly you are very dense on what is said. Jesus never has claimed to be God at all, nor has he said anything to this regard, and like I said, his position between God and men, the very fact that Jesus professed the law that is a clear acknowledgment of the one who professes has a God, disproves everything and anything you say. I have proved it, and I can do it again, but you will make the same response over and over, for this is common among you Trinitarians, for when proven wrong, you keep going, like a broken record, that is why I compared you to Bob The Builder, for when proven wrong, you resort to all the mental gymnastics and silliness to evade what is being asked and or push a claim that is 100% false. Jesus never claimed to be God, Jesus never referred to himself as God, Jesus never took plunder to or to be regarded as God. I doubt you can find any verse that we see Jesus verbally claiming he is God or that he is the Father, for everything when put to the test and or challenged, Jesus refers to himself as the Messiah, the one who has been sent by the Father, and or that he is God's Son. The sad reality is, even demons know who Jesus is, and clearly demons cannot be in the presents of God regardless, but knowing that Jesus is sent by the Father, you can see how Jesus dealt with them, even shutting them up. That being said you've yet to prove anything, but you rely on the butchered works of others to push your claim anyways, for it is evident you cannot express anything on your own expect deceitfulness and hatred. The weak atheist joke is very stale. Jesus as a child was born into the law and the law requires that he learned about His God who is his Father, the very reasons why Jesus said what he said in Mark 12:28-34 when he spoke with the scribes. Jesus always quotes what is written because anything that is written is of the law, but seeing what you have stated before, you do not believe in anything that is written or what Jesus said is written, hence what you posed days ago. Indeed, Jesus did have a God and that God is his Father, the one who abides in him and does the works, and yet you call Jesus God when there is only one, and that one God is the Father - not Jesus. That is why we are encouraged, even told in scripture to thank God, the Father for our Lord Jesus Christ (Colossians 1:3), and it does not stop only at this verse, for Paul was quite explicit on what he had written to the churches and its congregation. God's own testimony further proves that no one is equal to him or above him, for he is the only God (Joel 2:27 along with CR) You are grown, no need for this LOL all caps nonsense. According to the verse that comes out of the bible, Jesus is indeed God's Son. We find this passage of which I had quoted in the following gospel account. Matthew 27:54 - When the centurion and those who were with him, keeping watch over Jesus, saw the earthquake and what took place, they were filled with awe and said, “Truly this was the Son of God!” references being Mark 15:39 and Luke 23:47. The verses say it clearly, as well as explicitly over and over of who Jesus truly is, the Son of God. To make the claim that Jesus is God and seeing him cry out to His God is absurd. Trinitarians will see this passage as some scooby-doo mystery nonsense, but the Bible makes it very clear. Deserter, you make it very obvious that you are keeping your eyes closed, and your so called exegesis has nothing to show for it. I am willing, but I make a response to every point you make, if you want to keep it focused on one thing, stop addressing multiple things at once. You call me deceitful? That is cute. For last I check, you believe that God can die, when the Bible says God is incorruptible. You believe Jesus to be God when Jesus says he is the Son. You believe Thomas sees Jesus as God, when we know of Thomas' situation and the very fact he was with Mary on the day Lazarus was brought back to life, witnessing Mary saying the following: She said to him, “Yes, Lord; I believe that you are the Christ, the Son of God, who is coming into the world.”, read up on John chapter 11. You believe the Holy Spirit to be God but the Spirit is not even a Person, you also commit a gross error when you believe that this so called person of yours was present to people like Mary, Zechariah, and several others. You believe in a 4th God also, the Spoken Word, but fall on your back and roll around like a madman ranting about a Triune God, when the reality is, there is only one God and that is the Father. You push verses out of context to fit your belief, yet any man or woman can see, with context to the passage of the truth and nothing but the truth. You also bring forth ignorance, because you do not know what the Bible says and apply weak and silly exegesis as well as man made understanding into the verses of which you put out of context. As for brainwashing: Jesus.Defender ".... The Father is God, Jesus is God, Holy Spirit is God" and according to the Trinity, the Spoken Word is also God. You speak of 3 and allude to a fourth, but go back and contradict yourself and say only the Father is God, you are zig zagging even your own claims, friend. At this rate, you make the late cult of Attis members from ancient Asia Minor times look like heroes - and that is not a good thing. Nothing more than a Deserter, and another Bob the Builder, just like him, you are slandering left and right that will make even the most experience one cringe at your errors. With that being said, you have not proven anything, the only thing you have proven is the falsehood of the Trinitarian belief, the same goes for your modalistic counterparts. Also, @Anna is correct on what she had said. You only deem her as wrong because what she had said has already made you beneath that of a fool who does not know what he is talking - a worm beneath notice, as they say. The only deceit, brainwash ignorant tom foolery that is being expressed is only by you, as for the other person @Brother Rando, you only say such to him because of his faith and the group he follows. He is right, but what you only see his the name of his group and nothing more, hence your response. The irony he, all that he had said is of the bible, but you fail to see that because like I said, you keep your eyes shut on what the bible teaches.
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