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Space Merchant

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Everything posted by Space Merchant

  1. Seeing with how religion in general, mainly Christianity, there tends to be a difference between those in the mainstream and those that are among the minorities denominations of Christianity. Other then that there are also Liberal Christians (Liberal Christianity), which does not stem to far from the Conservative tree. They differ, but their goals remain the same, as well as their political views, and we will see that again in full effect this October of 2018 in Texas. The progressivism era was like 1890s to like 1920s/1930s, what is causing society to collapses right now is Capitalism and Nationalism, hence the widely spread and talk about Marxism, Zionism and the like, in the end, it all boils down to the global political mafia themselves. They want power, thus bending all persons to their will and power by means of action and influence. They want wealth, for they are willing to even go head to head with other countries to gain such wealth, for instance, Syria, for such persons already took out Libya and reaped its resources, as well as the resources of other countries close and or far from the US and allies, such resources such as oil (gas prices tend to vary in the most odd circumstances nowadays because of this tug-o-war). They want single government, religion and educational system. They want their government to be head and in control for the betterment of themselves and the people re as puppets,for the government can take action against someone be it Just or unjust, but regardless of the outcome, it is corrupt and not many people trust the government now and they not trust now in the future, mainly when such a government has killed innocence in the past and started unnecessary conflict. They want a single Religion, the very reason they put the Vatican up to task to gather the world's most brilliant minds and religious leaders to join forces in unity, the conquest of peace as they say, and every month such a group gets bigger and bigger and their influence spreads like a virus to the masses, hence what we got in 2016, 2017's kairos, and like before, October 2018 in Texas will be no different, and inwards. They will shame other religions who do not join them and the government. In the realm of Education, they want to teach the masses of children one thing, and one thing only so they can build a better society to which the government sees sees fit, for any brilliant mind who comes with some unique idea, eventually the government will take and use it for their own benefit, as was done in the past and will be now. In this sense, the children will easily be susceptible to such an education that is being pushed by the government for their minds is like a sponge and taking in this knowledge. People today, as they grew older wised up, but majority have not, those that consider Columbus a hero, those who think the Holocaust was a hoax, just to name a few. Â A bit off topic: Speaking of false teachings in the realm of Education, I had an experience once as a younger person myself, Thanksgiving, I use to think it was alright, until I saw marching Native Americans who deemed the holiday as a day of mourning (National Day of Mourning), for their people had been subjected to slaughter and rape, as well as diseases that were alien to them, not to mention stealing. When people could this out, they questioned holidays such as this http://www.uaine.org https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Day_of_Mourning_(United_States_protest) But yeah, that is what the era of which we live in as we speak. Eventually it will come to a point whereas the US allies, Israel already, as well as the United Nations will start to mess around with the people. The UN had done some actions already themselves, but the people retaliated, but it does not stop them from doing the will of their late Spiritual Mother, to infiltrate and influence the people, the churches, the schools, etc.
  2. When it comes to anything biblical I am critical, this goes for anything as well as false claims, false information or anyone's means to twist scripture and or the very bible canons itself. Anyone who is familiar with my posts here and how Christians operate at CSE, they'll know that when it comes to anything of the like - the responer is and will always be, critical, at the same time confutes any accusations and or claims big or small, should said claim is false or in error. The community in question is here: [1] https://christianity.stackexchange.com [2] https://hermeneutics.stackexchange.com both of which that are connected and should you do the same there as you do here, I can say you will be met with serious criticism, an they do not take religion/Christian Infighting lightly and will point that out if need be. I understood what you wrote also,but it does not shield the claims and accusations that are stitched into some of the comments of yours. No worries, as long as everything is readable, you are fine. NATO is US backed, they are among the list of US allies that will help them in a warmongering conquest. The thing is, Russia does not want war, period, but the actions of the United Nations and the Deep State, is pushing the US and allies to seek war with Syria, and Russia, and their allies, even among the UN, do not want this, and are open to defend Bashar Al-Assad, of whom the US blamed for him for chemical attacks, mind you, Assad was not the man who attacked his own people, let alone killed the Christians int he country, it was the actions of Jayish Al-Islam, the very enemy of Assad of whom the US and allies is supporting, said group, if part of Al-Quedina, you can see the details of the information in my post down below: If that isn't enough for you, one of my sources made it very clear of who the US an their allies, even the UN, is supporting against Syria, Russia and the like. Mind you the video is a bit graphic, even though some parts are blurred.  As for the Harlot, Babylon the Great, she is not just the current Israel alone, she is all over the place, even in America, etc. When the Nations start to dwell within the realm of religion to the point they begin to stamp out other faiths, you'll know what time it will be, and for some, it will be way too late. Russia and their allies are not so cool either, but they are the pieces on the chess board, in turn, still part of Babylon the Great, an example would be, they allowed Satanist to mess around with Jehovah's Witnesses before banning them, elsewhere all people who oppose the RoC will be met with serious, serious consequence, no matter what age you are, regarding US and Israel allies, the ones they supported, they shot up and killed a Christian family, dumbing their bodies in a single well of which the village gets their water from, the very reasons why Christians, right now in Syria, have sided with Bashar Al-Assad because enough was enough, and US is marked as an enemy, while Israel and Saudi Arabia will attack with sheer brutality should Iran congregated in Syria - after all, Israel was the one who jumped the gun on the April attack. There is no doubt something big will happen, but God himself will take action at a specific time of which he had chosen, which is unknown to all of us, for we do not know when the Father will speak on the day of Judgement to start, people can guess, people can wait, but they will not know what the Father knows. But should it interest you, there has been a lot of talk about religious unity, something is to happen in Texas in a couple of months, Babylon's view of religion, as it was done in 2016, will be done in Texas in the month of October, if you live in the US, I suggested you not go to such an event, despite how peaceful they try to make it. Ok, but now you are contradicting yourself with what you said before, a claim that still has no source or answer to. Other than that, H'armageddon is already know and before it does happen, times brutal tribulations will ensue, as far as I know, people have already made bunkers. It may be on point like those old dystopian future based movies, but more realistic and difficult. Well then, if you think as such, I suggest you give proof and a source to these claims of yours:  Moreover it has been said that Jehovah will not allow a third world war because otherwise "no one would survive".  You made this comment, if you want to proof yourself as not false - give proof to a source to such a claim. I do not know what you think but the WT has said that "all the prophecies have been fulfilled and that we are waiting only for the cry of peace and security and therefore the attack on false religion". Moreover it has been said that Jehovah will not allow a third world war because otherwise "no one would survive". The Same can be said about this one, you said this and I confuted, as did with the other claims. As for the false accusations, anyone who is families with my comments will not the things you have said directed to me - is indeed, false. Other then that, you can prove yourself right now to give detailed proof to the 2 items mentioned above, otherwise, 1 John 4:1 is applied here, thus making these things, these claims of yours - as false, therefore, your spirit has been tested without much of an effort. If you know who I am by means of my history on this forum, I am someone who does not like dishonesty, and I know dishonesty when I see it, even in the smallest error. I told you, I believe twice to post such in detail, which you have not, that is why my older comment was more inline with what 1 John 4:1 is really about, I even took the time to cited my source and proof of the claim in regards to this verse, if you missed it, it was the colorful one not to far up:  But you make it religious by using scripture against a religious group, The Jehovah's Witnesses, this act is called Christian Infighting, or in another term, Christians Persecuting Other Christians, not on doctrine mind you, but on the belief itself. Other then that, it was not a debate, per-say, it was more of a correcting of the wrong, for knowing me, leaving something that is in error going unchecked will only cause more damage later on - and error does not sit well with me or anyone else, mainly if a claim is coined with no proof. And I'll say it again, it is outlandish for a man to love a religion over the bible, for this claim makes no sense, I even posted the definition of religion, but I do not think you have read it, this time I will link: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/religion http://www.dictionary.com/browse/religion I hope you never make that claim to someone in person, for if you do, they will critique you on what the word Religion even means, which in itself speaks more than the claim you are bringing up right now. Religion basically mean the practice of a faith = Christian/Christianity = teachings = adhere to God's Spoken Word and the practices of His Son, and examples left by us by the followers = She Being Part of us, She meaning The Church, of which the Christ is the Head of. If in your eyes people love a religion, they we should all be guilty of being Christian, regardless of denomination, we can take it a bit further, all Religions of all branches are guilty, but the false ones and the true ones. See? Does not make any sense, hence why I linked you the definition. Advantage of wisdom Being Awake and making supplication in regards to the Luke verse. Isaiah 28:18 is regarding the death and the grave. And no it is not because of my faith, it is because I study the bible day in and day out. And due to biblical studies, discernment to root out error and falsehood as well as dishonesty. It would seem you have no learned from making false accusations, yet you want to play that card again, we can go about that as soon as you post proof to 2 of your claims, otherwise, the table would have turned twice for you. Who are these men you speak of? If you read any of my history here, I tend to keep God's Word as number 1, that is why I always mention this word hermeneutics, which means the branch of knowledge that deals with interpretation, especially of the Bible or literary texts. Can you cite a source for one who "adore one's own religion"? This is the first time I ever heard such a claim in regards to someone of a faith. I hope you do have a source for this one, so this brings the count to 3. Then next time pick your words wisely, and your claims, otherwise they will be confuted. So how what is true about God and World War 3 comment from you? What about the false claims whereas everyone here knows how I respond and yet you make a false claim against me? How I this true? Just as Jesus had did, I stand and confute those who make such error and dishonesty, regardless of who that is a Muslim, a JW, Unitarian, Black Israelite, etc. If someone makes an error, a twist in scripture, infighting and outlandish claims, and the like - they will be confuted, and they will be met with actual criticism to their false claims, therefore, such ones have their spirits tested, and will be rooted out for their error, no matter who it is. Cite your sources and perhaps things would be different. This I still await, otherwise, those claims, like the false accusations, are deemed a lie, therefore, is false. modus operandi does not change God's Word and what His Word means, let alone His laws. It may be a novel to you, but I give detail of what is true and nothing but truth as well as pointing out error, such as the ones you claim and it is clear as day to all here who reads on this very thread. Next time you want to make claims, make sure it is true, this was the case with 2 others on this forum who have been exposed for their error, count that, it is 3, for there was whereas I gave a history of Christians banning something. Also if you are going to make a false claim, make sure it is not in the sight of those who are real Bereans who can act upon their discernment and defend what is true no matter what, even if it means rooting out the lies painted on others, which you have done, and the error on your part about God and World War 3 comment. I won't be having a good time, like a Christian, I will be vigilant,and enduring, no matter what, and doing what the early Christians and our fathers have been doing, teaching the real truth of the gospel and defending it, as well as rooting out falsehood of those who try to push their mainstream Christianity over the truth. As for the claims, you can either say nothing, so we know the conclusion, or you can attempt, but will result in the same outcome, unless what you had said is indeed true, then it would be different, other then that I suggest you read up more on what is going, mainly about the nations and religions perhaps you will wonder why a specific faith is declining all over the world, hence why they side with those in government. Other then that, you are indeed smart, but it seems you are still blind for the errors you spouted out in your comments, but the more you read, the more out of the blindness you dissolve. The truth will set you free, do what you will with it, should you choose it. PS: before you wanna take shots again in regards to my beliefs, I suggest you do some homework on how I am, which is very easy to see by means of my profile history.
  3. Just next time never make claims that cannot be backed up and or false accusations because the very verse that is in question, 1 John 4:1, can and will be used against you in regards such. As a Christian, you have to tread carefully, otherwise there will be those who will pick up and cause what you say to backfire on you and you alone by means of critical unshakable truths. Those who study the bible do there best to not make such an error as you just have, in regards to the bible, even Jesus himself was falsely accused and we can see how he defended what is true and himself when challenged by Pharisees and those who do not like him or what he had to say. But as for your more direct false accusations, I will consider it as nothing more than water under the bridge, so to speak, for this time, and perhaps you will now know there are serious people on this forum as realized - you just discussed with one and it will happen again should any error or false claim is coined - for I myself come from a very neutral, and yet highly critical and very serious community that consist of solely biblical readers whereas the slightest of error there will result in a very strong confutation, not a mere refutation. Other then that I will leave this here as a reminder, for this below does not apply to a specific faith and or other, it applies to all people who make false accusations and or the enabler, the one who makes such claims:
  4. @Israeli Bar Avaddhon You do realize I can still see the very comment of which you removed? There is a good reason as to why I call myself Space Merchant, although I can spot half of the comment, which I will quote: You stated: I have no interest in continuing this conversation with people who prefer to repeat that their religious organization is the right one, that it is never wrong, and that it does not intend to question its own convictions even with the Scriptures. I concur, for if one brings up a claim and holds it to a high regard and or with strong conviction, such claim should have a source as to such, in your case, 1 John 4:1 can be applied to you, for you brought the claim of several things, but lack an actual and or credible source of said claim, which turns can be deduced to be made up and or said just because whereas actually evidence of said claim does not exist, thus making such obsolete and a total lie to mislead any reader of this topic. And no one is repeating anything pertaining to a religious organization, the problem is, you are making claims you cannot back up with credible sources, which I will post shortly in this response. And again you make accusations, which you cannot back up. As I recall, even though this forum is a hub for Christians in the Jehovah's Witnesses faith, not everyone here is a Jehovah's Witness as do some who are not part of a religious backing and or read the bible enough to understand hence why people seek questions from those who can explain something to them, but they are welcome to join this forum and have their say and share some things, but it has not occurred to you probably - unless you are blind to that very solidified fact, which is deemed true to anyone who has access to this forum as a member and or a guest who reads the threads and discussions here. Oh, and everything has to be done by the Word of God in terms of Scripture, not twisting it, changing it, nor using it for a sick gain. You stated: I think it is right to make my research and Scriptural reflections available, but discussing or polemics is useless. There is no issue with that, but the problem you face is with said research you can easily mislead others, and assume that what your research is final judgement for any man, woman, or child who professes said faith, when people know very well everyone is distinct and different from each other regardless of their religious background. For instance, you may know JWs, Muslims, and Jews in the a specific state and county in the US, but you do not such ones who live in the micro islands, in Asia, perhaps India or Iran. Same faith yes, but each of them differ, some more stronger in biblical studies and understanding than others, while those who lack tend to be easy target of any Anti-Christian and or Anti-Religion person who crosses paths with them. You stated: If you are really interested ... Buddy, I am more interested in a source and a detailed answer to claims. The lite stuff as mentioned below, in case you didn't see the response or realize what I as getting at. Since you do not want to really study the Bible with no religious or cultural conditioning, "we stand by and watch." Any man or woman who claims biblical hermeneutics should tell you something, and I have claimed this many, many times as well as my understanding of scripture and history in Christianity, in addition to the study of the language. It is one thing to study the bible, but it is another thing to understand what the bible teaches, for studying the bible alone will not help you, mainly when tasked and put in a position to answer basic, but still somehow complex questions, of which people want to seek answers to. That being said, if the bible gave clear instruction that we should not be idling as Christians, why the response from you? Obviously during the war that will break out (next, unfortunately) the WT will say exactly what he said during the first and during the Second World War. He will say that "this is really the last and will end with armageddon". Yet another affirmation that will demonstrate biblical ignorance. The war will not lead directly to armageddon. So if the WT has already had a state on something why contradicted it with the response you have given about the group? Let alone the information presented by those who are neutral with and or not a fan of the Watchtower at all, for if their word is true, why bring a contradicting statement? I do not know what you think but the WT has said that "all the prophecies have been fulfilled and that we are waiting only for the cry of peace and security and therefore the attack on false religion" I study the history of Christianity (a great deal of it to the point it plays like a documentary movie in my head), apparently I do know more about the Watchtower as well as I know about other Christian faiths, the Sunni and Shia beliefs in Islam and many other faiths, for to speak on terms with one person, you have to understand where they are coming from and why, hence the study of religion and faith - Theology. The cry of peace and security has resulted in the creation of the Interfaith Institute that had the Pope do his little events at a UN gathering, as well as his actions in 2015 to 2016, especially Washington DC, just recently prior to the Syria Attack done by the US, Israel and backed allies, Peace and Security has been mentioned and soon after that the actions taken by Christians in Syria against the people you claim to be just, the Israeli gov't, as well as their allies, the head of the group being the US. But one never notices the actions of religions when Peace and Security is uttered, just wait until the One World Region takes full effect, perhaps only then you would see, but it will be a bit late. That being said, you really do not believe that the false prophets who have religion as a front will not be attacked? They are going to throw something down in Texas in October to gain more people on their side, for the bigger they get, the more bigger the target gets on religious minorities and eventually the nation will attack religion, for if you are against them, or as the political communication phrase goes - "you're either with us, or against us" Moreover it has been said that Jehovah will not allow a third world war because otherwise "no one would survive". Who said this, and how are you so sure of a claim that it seems to be that you are the only to "make this up" for it cannot be found anywhere else expect your comment? This is why I stated, if you make a claim, back it up with detail and or sources, otherwise your spirit will be tested and in this case, it came out as a negative, until valid proof is presented. This is the very problem that a lot of people face with those who claim rapture before end time tribulations, for they make the claim but do not have proof to back it up, which hurts them even more is that the bible says otherwise. Perhaps next time you mention something, make sure it is valid and or that the source itself can be seen, read and verified. We should not resort to dishonesty to mislead the masses, and seeing that I literally know the actions of the government and politicians because I literally dive into this stuff, mainly with the situation of a world war for I have a very very VERY strong source in this regard, and I presented my information elsewhere on this forum, you can look for it in my activity. The Bible teaches that the king of the north (which is Russia) will attack Israel (the true nation of Israel, which at present is Babylon the Great and not "the world empire of false religion") and this attack will lead to an escalation of other wars that will lead to the clash with the king of the south (the Ango-American empire, one of the few correct things said by the wt). So how is a nation true and pure if they are able to snipe and shoot down innocent civilians who are not for the corruption of Israel? I am not a fan of RT, but somehow they manage to get the footage, which describes what I am talking about. So is this God's people as you claim to be true? Mind you, the Israelis shot and killed a 15 year old who was walking away in the opposite direction. As I last recall, the Israeli government is part of Babylon the Great, for the group that the Pope is part of, the group in origins is Israel. The United Nations and the Deep State have their hands deem in the very team they want to win, anyone on the side of the US and those who are connected to the US alone, and such ones are against those who are against US's conquest, the very reason why Israel is now in conflict with Iran, who is teamed up with Russia. But what is interesting is this alone contradicts your previous claim. As for Russia, they are not too clean either, but there is a clear reason as to why they are against the One world agenda, the very reason why the Pope is trying to join both sides, which will result into something far worse, for the last time the Pope came into contact with the Russia's church, the JWs got banned and the kidnapping of civilians took place in Chechnya, and the Ukrainian Christians were very angry over what the Pope had said about them to the RoC. Also again, it would be kind if you were to post an actual source and or the very saying on the WT's side rather than just saying it to expect people to believe words without fact. So this is the reason I stated the following of still awaiting a detailed source to such claims, perhaps then I would understand where you are coming from, but in this instance, one can apply 1 John 4:1 to the claims you mentioned, for if you say something, it has to be deemed as true, for if it is not true, the very notion of 1 John 4:1 will be subjected to you in telling something that is false and deeming it to be true - that is, if you have real information of said things mentioned. As for the accusations however, despite that being false, I would not hold it against you, for as I said, this is the very first time you/I have discussed with you/me. So I would not hold such against you, but should you expand on the notion of false accusations, expect a not so pleasant confutation, for a confutation is far more critical than the average refutation. Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world.
  5. This is why it is very important to stick to the original source, let alone a bible translation that sticks to said source compared to others that do not. For the slightly of error can cause many to mislead, and the mislead misleads others. Any example of this would be 1 Timothy 3:16. This verse has led others, in fact, millions, to believe Jesus is God, however, what such people do not know is what the original manuscripts have stated. For the sake of this response, I will make a reference to the KJV, despite my disdain for King James and his translators, mainly Francis "shaky hands" Bacon. KJV - And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory. We see in this verse in the KJV, they replaced what was originally there with God whereas a majority of other bibles will simply say He or the Christ came as a Human, something of that nature. examples: CEV - Here is the great mystery of our religion: Christ came as a human. The Spirit proved that he pleased God, and he was seen by angels. Christ was preached to the nations. People in this world put their faith in him, and he was taken up to glory. NASB - By common confession, great is the mystery of godliness: He who was revealed in the flesh, Was vindicated in the Spirit, Seen by angels, Proclaimed among the nations, Believed on in the world, Taken up in glory. BSB - By common confession, the mystery of godliness is great: He appeared in the flesh, was vindicated by the Spirit, was seen by angels, was proclaimed among the nations, was believed in throughout the world, was taken up in glory. NIV - Without question, this is the great mystery of our faith: Christ was revealed in a human body and vindicated by the Spirit. He was seen by angels and announced to the nations. He was believed in throughout the world and taken to heaven in glory. ESV - Great indeed, we confess, is the mystery of godliness: He was manifested in the flesh, vindicated by the Spirit, seen by angels, proclaimed among the nations, believed on in the world, taken up in glory. He who was manifested in the flesh (ASV) Who was manifested in the flesh (NAB) He was manifested in the flesh (RSV) He was revealed in flesh (NRSV) Which was manifested in the flesh (Douey-Rheims) He was revealed in the flesh (NET) Who was manifested in the flesh (NAB) In the Bible of the Jehovah's Witnesses, they to stuck to the original source, as did the others mentioned above, giving references to said verse also. NWT - Indeed, the sacred secret of this godly devotion is admittedly great: ‘He was made manifest in flesh, was declared righteous in spirit, appeared to angels, was preached about among nations, was believed upon in the world, was received up in glory.’ So it is clear that the following in regards to added words in scripture results in such things like this: The Trinitarian Claim - Trinitarians claim this verse identifies Jesus as "God" because it says "God was manifested in the flesh." The Claim vs. The Facts - The manuscript evidence, and the immediate context, shows the KJV reading was not authored by Paul. Conclusion (quote) - So when we review all the evidence the solution is plain to see. The historical evidence indicates the word "God" was not there before the late fourth century at the earliest. The manuscript evidence indicates the word "God" was not in the original text. The grammar and the immediate context also indicate the KJV reading is not authentic. Christ is the mystery in question which is why the passage should read, "great is the mystery of godliness who/which was manifested in flesh, justified in spirit..." It "which" is correct it refers back the mystery; if "who" is correct it refers to Christ. Very obviously then the passage reads smoothly and makes total sense with the rest of Scripture by using either the word "who" or "which" which are attested in early manuscripts. The KJV reading is an obvious error or forgery. Great is the mystery of godliness which/who was manifested in flesh." So to a degree, no man who try some act of silliness when translating scripture, and no man will overwrite and or change as to what the original source has stated, but it didn't stop King James and crew sadly and quite plainly, Trinitarian translation scholars are admitting this version of the verse is not authentic. One then wonders why Trinitarians so often continue to appeal to it. Therefore, false and or man man verses and or changed are added to scripture, in turn, blinds others and result in the blind leading the blind. Mind you, this is but 1, of dozens of forgeries and errors to those who appeal to the KJV camp and or those in favor of later sources over the original one, especially those who do not know their Greek/Hebrew.
  6. It gets way deeper than that friend, for the Justice System has its ways with the rich, people of color, religious figures, and or those who are deemed an enemy in the eyes of the so called Christian nation who are for their own ideologies of the faith and their believe in the Justice system and the government. The Jehovah's Witnesses, any faith of Non-Trinitarianism, any faith who are not for what is to come that the Christian nation who dwell in government and politics so gladly accepted, are categorized as targets, only few in the Justice System do not buy into such things, but the majority does. It applies to everybody, yes, but a person of a specific status, background and or worth changes things that can benefit in favor of and or disfavor of the Justice System itself - history repeats itself, and I believe it has done so just recently, yesterday. In the end however, those who do bad things will get hat is coming for them, but it amazes me how the plans of a now long-dead woman is in full force with such things infiltrating the churches. Makes you think what is to come in the next several years regarding the whole one government, one religion, one education system talk.
  7. Ah, now you remind me, as a child, I loved Keebler Cookies, liked the M&M's ones too. Anyways, as far as I know Unicorns is but one mention in the scriptures, mainly the KJV/NKJV translations. I know the others, but time and time again the Unicorn one has been brought up a lot, mainly with those who are only familiar with the fantasy Unicorn whereas not many people are aware of what Rhinos were called back in the day. I blame such on Disney and the Brony community. This picture sums up the Brony Community who are Unicorn/Phony Fanatics: People can have their fun, but sometimes it tends to go on a bit on the extreme level.  That being said, I agree with your comment, and now the sudden reminiscing of keebler cookies.  Other then that, the person who reads their bible would know what a Unicorn is in regards to Rhinos, but someone who reads the bible, dare I say the KJV, and stumbles across any verse that speaks of Unicorns, they will probably chuckle, perhaps laugh with an obvious thought in mind, as well as a hint of confusion.  As for the Holy Spirit, it is as it is implied in the bible and the very scriptures as well as the oldest source of what the bible is based on. Even after Jesus' death people tend to get confused about what the Holy Spirit actually is, some would come to the conclusion that it is a person with its own mind or something like that. But the bible makes it clear of what the Holy Spirit is and what it can and cannot do - anyone who says otherwise, clearly has not given clear research on what it is in the bible itself, I would go off into detail, but that would be for another time, for when I start rolling, it is as if I am writing a book with every attention to detail.
  8. True. However I believe I addressed that Unicorn thing a while back though. The bible also speaks, well in this case in the KJV/NKJV, of Satyrs as well. Well not here, but elsewhere on this forum.
  9. @Israeli Bar Avaddhon I was serious. I am still awaiting on said claims of which you stated. Since that topic was indeed about 1 John 4:1, bear in mind such error begets this verse to be easily without a shred of effort, to be used against you - should these claims of yours turn out to be false, hence still the sources of which you said such remains to be seen.
  10. In the end it all boils down to Church Discipline and Rules, Laws of the Land and what such laws consist of for they vary in each state, especially in regards to child abuse, and exemptions. Mind you, this is a place that Child Marriage is a thing there whereas the rate is in the 10k, the age to marry is 15-16 with judicial approval being set for all minors, in addition with paternal offer consent being enabled, be it the minor is and or becomes pregnant or not. It is hurdles like that that makes things far complex to deal with, mainly in regards to the abused.
  11. This was already talked about waaaaay before the JWs were banned, mainly with how the FSB has been "leveling up", so to speak with more power being given to them. But as I said time and time again, there is a lot going on in the EU, let alone Asian countries and Russia that many people are not even aware of or even bother to really do the research. In Russia, when FSB want you, they get you. They are quite serious too, example, they took this guy from his home in front of his wife and daughter, mind you, they were sawing his door down, and also roughed him up when he was captured by the FSB. The name of this man is Vyacheslav Maltsev, he is not a fan of the Kremlin and speaks of their corruption, this incident took place back in Nov. 3-5, 2017, during the time the JWs were being banned, the kidnappings in Chechnya and the massive anti-corruption protest as well as Russians protesting to save their homes. His story can be read here on the (Not Kremlin Controlled Media: https://www.rferl.org/a/russia-fsb-arrests-suspected-extremists-ahead-revolution-anniversary/28833551.html  I think recently today they had crossed paths with Russian Jehovah's Witnesses and had assault rifles trained on them, for they suspected the so called extremist practicing their faith to themselves.
  12. When you tell someone something in one ear, it goes out the other. The same can be said when it comes to critical hermeneutics of bible scriptures. Sadly people with this type of reasoning results in stuff like this - making those who read the bible and understand, and applying it, are made to look like a joke because of the actions of others, who also read the bible but are not up there in hermeneutics and understanding, and or lack biblical understanding of things:
  13. You have to be more specific, otherwise this cannot be taken seriously. If I am not mistaken others have done miracles also and believed in the teachings that originated from the Father, which are indeed bible accounts and or passages, in addition to that, even false ones have been able to do the same thing in terms of so called miracles - we know this because of Matthew 24:24, which reads: For false christs and false prophets (cf. Mt. 7:15, 2 Pe. 2:1) will arise and perform great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect. (cf. Mt. 7:22,23;2 Thess. 2:9) Matthew 28:18 - God Given Authority and Power Hebrews 1 - Jesus Christ having been exalted by God the Father and several other verses, which have already been mentioned. If God gave Jesus said authority, surely God the Father is capable of doing such also, which seems to be the case, expressed heavily in the Hebrew old Testament, for instance, God's authority and power in regards to the situation with Moses and the family of Korah, God's actions against those who do bad things, those who practice bad things, Ahaz for instance, and how by means of his authority and power, as well as applying His Justice, and the like - even to young Jews when they recite the Old Testament, they learn of who God is and what his Authority and Power entails, and such was a practice into the days of Jesus, after his death and even in present day. In the same case, if the Boss of a company gave an very experienced employee the authority and power to hire and fire someone, change the shifts and tasks of someone, even down to pay raises and promotion, it does not make the experienced employee who has such a position higher than the Boss, who in turn, can and will do those things regardless, for he is, of course, the boss. The same thing applies to God the Father, Yahweh/Jehovah to the Son, His Son, Jesus/Yehoshua. And then what is a missed here is the mention of the New Covenant, which came into affect after the death of the Christ. We know this because of what God had announced, by means of Shaliah Principle, by means of the prophet Jeremiah, that there would be a new covenant - Jeremiah 31:31-34; and Hebrew 8:13. Years later, on the basis of Christ’s death, the old covenant was canceled out, thus paving a way for the new one - Colossians 2:14, Hebrews 7:12; 9:15 and Ac 2:1-4. God, our creator and Father in Heaven foretold this himself - we must not ignore The New Covenant. What? This is what these 2 verses means. Jesus uses and applies the expression (Lord of the Sabbath) to himself, we know this because of these verses: Matthew 12:8 - For the Son of Man is lord of the Sabbath.” Luke 6:5 - And he said to them, “The Son of Man is lord of the Sabbath.” Which pertains to Mark 2:27 and 28. With that knowledge, it is an indicating that the Sabbath was at his disposal, for the work he was commanded to do - a command that he followed of which the Father, his God, had commanded the Christ to do, we know this because of what we see here: John 5:19 - So Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of his own accord, but only what he sees the Father doing. For whatever the Father does, that the Son does likewise. John 10:37, 38 - If I am not doing the works of my Father, then do not believe me; But if I do his work, believe in the evidence of the miraculous works I have done, even if you don't believe me. Then you will know and understand that the Father is in me, and I am in the Father." And we know the teachings of Jesus was not of his own, but of the one who sent him, His God and Father in Heaven, as Jesus said in John 14:10 - Do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in me? The words that I say to you I do not speak on my own authority, but the Father who dwells in me does his works. On the Sabbath, Jesus performed some outstanding miracles, which included healing those who are sick - Luke 13:10-13, John 5:5-9, 9:1-14. This is a total foreshadowing of what he, Jesus Christ, will bring during His Kingdom rule, to a similar degree, like a sabbath rest: Hebrews 10:1 - For since the law has but a shadow of the good things to come instead of the true form of these realities, it can never, by the same sacrifices that are continually offered every year, make perfect those who draw near. Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath, and He came to fulfill the law not break it. Jesus and Disciples Pluck and Eat Grains on the Sabbath The Law is concise about the Sabbath (Leviticus 23, Deuteronomy. 5) and makes a general statement not to work. Plucking grains on your neighbor's property was permitted by the Law (Deuteronomy 23). Reading the Law at face value, the disciples were not breaking Biblical law, but Rabbinical Law. Reaping is one activity forbidden on the Sabbath based on the Misna Shabbat. David Eating the Showbread Jesus states that David eating the showbread was unlawful, as it was lawful only for priests for eat the showbread regarding Biblical Law. One can either read this passage as Jesus then condoning breaking Biblical Law because David was hungry or that Jesus was highlighting the inconsistency of His opponents. Since Jesus came to fulfill the law and obeyed God in everything He did, it is more likely that the latter reading is accurate, especially considering how serious God took priestly matters. With this interpretation, The Pharisees revered David and possibly did not condemn him for his eating of the showbread. Jesus asks then why they condemn Him and his disciples when they did not break the law. Both King Saul and King Uzziah were punished by God for acting as priests. It is clear that God showed mercy on David in that situation. Nothing in Samuel indicates that David was esteeming himself as a priest by eating the showbread but rather eating due to hunger. Priests Working on Sabbath Jesus is speaking with hyperbole saying that the priests profaned the Sabbath by working on the Sabbath to point out that even all work was not forbidden on the Sabbath. The priests and Levites were assigned altar duties, and later in Numbers, God calls for a Sabbath offering - Numbers 28. Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath As Jesus often does in addressing others' questions or comments towards Him, He uses this situation to make a statement about Himself or the kingdom of God. Jesus declares that He is greater than the temple and is "Lord even of the Sabbath." Yet as Lord of the Sabbath, Jesus does not break the Law or condone breaking the Law. Jesus clearly had respect for the Law - Matthew 5:18. For truly, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law until all is accomplished. In short: Jesus and His disciples were not breaking Biblical law by plucking grains to eat and satisfy their hunger in the moment. The Sabbath law required some interpretation since it was general, and Jesus interpreted it as allowing the actions of Him and His disciples. David's action was unlawful to eat the showbread, but he did claim to keep himself and men holy beforehand. God had mercy on David in this situation. God permitted some types of work, priestly work, on the Sabbath, and even Rabbinical law accepted saving someone's life as permitted on the Sabbath, thus medical work for saving a life would be allowed by their strict interpretation. Jesus states that He is greater than the Temple and Lord of the Sabbath, which only God can be. He is more capable of interpreting Sabbath law than the Pharisees. Note: Regarding John 5:18, in the mind of the Pharisees, to them, Jesus was breaking the Sabbath , and John is informing us that at least that is their charge against Him, Jesus. In addition, pertaining to this verse we know about Jesus' healing on the Sabbath, in which, the Jews would help someone in need on the Sabbath, and that is what Jesus is doing exactly in John 5:18.
  14. One thing for certain, pedophilia is not only a mental problem, it is also a problem of which such people act out their ill intentions, as well as being the only customer of such persons who can provide such things by illegal means, for there is an even darker rabbit hole to such things that is not really known to the public and or the media itself. One thing that can be analyzed by this is that the church itself has done an internal investigation, how they went about doing this, we do not know, but if such reaps some sort of evidence or the like it can be used to go after those who commit the crimes - for the judge did order the group to produce internal information and or a testimony related to the problem itself. Now the focus is on a sole church of the faith in Montana, specifically Thompson Falls. 2 people, as the article states that they had been sexually abused as children, for it does say the following: the two Plaintiffs were sexually abused as children by a member of the Jehovah’s Witnesses It would have given us a clue as the actual time-frame of said abuse but such information is not given and or this article lack the details for some reason and or they have never received such information, but if the abuse took place when these 2 persons in question were indeed children, then these individuals are possibly adults now. We also know the abuser is but a sole suspect, for so and so not only had access to the two victims when they were children, he must have also had a position of authority, being among the ranks of those in the church that act as Shepherds to the churchgoers, and obviously the members consist of infants, children, teens, adults, and the elderly. And in most cases, the abuse itself takes place outside of the church, rarely does it take place inside of a church, but in a well knitted community, such vile actions tend to take place outside of the church itself - for the role of an abuser is to commit the act and or act upon the urge whereas there is no one to witness the act, for one prerequisite has already been met, that is, earning the trust of the people and even the children, this includes the victim, this is what is taught in Child Abuse and Neglect PSA and media, at this point, it is very difficult to determine the motives and or actions of the abuser, let alone the signs, but only went it is too late, this will be realized. Next we have another point in the article: were aware of the abuse and failed to report it to the police, choosing instead to handle the reports and investigations internally pursuant to Jehovah’s Witness guidelines The thing that is not mention is the law in regard to child abuse itself. Ironically it tells a different story and the actions of those who to report the child abuse crimes to local authorities. There is no penalty for those who adhere to internal investigation, which seems to be the case and is done by religious institutions in Montana, mainly in the case of the Catholics, which in the past had some bizarre thing going on, which involved a victim being murdered. Other then that, the JWs are no different from anyone else who subject themselves to internal investigation, however, they and or the victim can speak out, which is the case with the numerous child abuse cases in Montana itself, for if the church does not do anything but gather some evidence, the victim(s) and or their families are obligated to make the report also. The biggest problem you also have is this: The Confessional Exception to States' Clergy Abuse Reporting Requirements Also here is the site in regards to the Laws in that specific area, child abuse information can be found here: https://statelaws.findlaw.com/montana-law.html Anyways, now we have: Their decision not to report the abuse to authorities allowed the perpetrator to remain in the congregation and continue to abuse one of the Plaintiffs. As said before in regards to the victim(s), and to the respects of Child Abuse and Neglect Education, if the abuser still remains, it is vital for the victim in question and or the guardians of the victim(s), be it parents, and or any blood relative, close family friend, they too can report this themselves to local authorities, no one is being stopped, for if a priest, a teacher, and or other is not that much of help and or such persons at least offer advise and or do a bit of investigation themselves, they tend not to report to the police, but it does not stop others from doing so. When an smart action is taken, it helps to zero in on the abuser, but not speaking of the matter when you know there is something that can be done will only cause more problems. Mainly if said abuser has earned the trust and respect of everyone else, including the victim's family and friends, thus putting the victim in a confused and hurt state, some victims will share what happen to them with a trusted adult, possibly more adults who will listen and one of these people will take action while others will advise. For if this was the case with other child abuse cases in Montana and suddenly it shifts in regards to a Christian group, that is expressing hypocrisy towards other victims who did take it a step further. Again, as I said time and time again, there are better ways of doing things, as well as smarter ways, for in doing so, you not only save yourself, but others as well and bring into the light of how said abuser had used others in order to get access to children int he very homes of the victims - mainly if the abuser is a relative. Throughout this case, and similar childhood sexual abuse cases across the country, the Jehovah’s Witnesses have refused to produce documents related to their internal handling of reports of sexual abuse and related investigations and disciplinary actions claiming that the information is protected by the clergy-penitent privilege and the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. Child Abuse is everywhere, even to the point where, the world's society whats to make pedophilia legal, just like they make identifying yourself as another sex and or an object legal, but in this case, the interest of children is considered a sexual orientation by the world, which is very wrong, but it does not stop them from what took place last year in regards to the homosexual/trans community who with what they did in regards of children is wildly accepted and those against it are attacked. That being said, we already know that JWs and other religion subject themselves to internal investigation in the category of church discipline, others taken it a step further with confession requirements an the like, in addition, not many religious people are well educated in the realm of child abuse, an example, an African JW church tends to be far better equip to suspect child abuse be it among their members and or community, even those who they preach to, for missionaries of any sort have stumble on to some things that you would not suspect while on the other side of the spectrum, a JW church in the UK lacks in the realm of suspecting and or seeing the signs of child abuse - this is why education is key, for if you learn something in this regard to can teach someone else, this goes for the non-religious too for we do not know what the neighbor does with his or her kids and or the kids of other neighbors in the vicinity, for a close friend in the neighborhood has to be well analyzed and watched to see if he is not a creep. As for the information in regards to the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, this seems to be the case. It is widely referred to as the Priest Penitent Privilege, as seen here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Priest–penitent_privilege It also states the following: The First Amendment is largely cited as the jurisprudential basis. The earliest and most influential case acknowledging the priest–penitent privilege was People v. Phillips (1813), where the Court of General Sessions of the City of New York refused to compel a priest to testify. The Court opined: It is essential to the free exercise of a religion, that its ordinances should be administered—that its ceremonies as well as its essentials should be protected. Secrecy is of the essence of penance. The sinner will not confess, nor will the priest receive his confession, if the veil of secrecy is removed: To decide that the minister shall promulgate what he receives in confession, is to declare that there shall be no penance... A few years after Phillips was decided, People v. Smith distinguished the case on the grounds that the defendant had approached the minister as a "friend or adviser," not in his capacity as a professional or spiritual advisor. As with most privileges, a debate still exists about the circumstances under which the priest–penitent privilege applies. The capacity in which the clergyman is acting at the time of the communication is relevant in many jurisdictions. It goes on to say: In U.S. practice, the confidentiality privilege has been extended to non-Catholic clergy and non-sacramental counseling, with explicit clergy exemptions put into most state law over the past several decades. In most states, information gained within a confession or private conversation is considered privileged and may be exempted from mandatory reporting requirements. This also goes hand in hand with the Confession Law/requirement that is in full effect in most states. So in other words, you'd have to dismantle what is already running the engine in the justice system. But as we already know, it is not possible to change such very easily, and should it change, it will break and or create something else - possibly worse. As we speak there is only one group known to the entire world that wants to alter the First Amendment and possible the laws and or the like pertaining to it, but this group seeks to nourish its own benefit. Through briefing to the court, NPR convinced the Judge that Defendants’ privilege claims were unsupported and improper under the law. The Court agreed that Defendants could not blanket everything related to their investigations in secrecy and that they must turn it over to the Plaintiffs. Often, this is the very evidence that can win or lose a case like this against a religious institution. With that information at hand, anything goes at this point, and it would seem that there is more information to this case of which is left out by the article itself, as stated before, they either lack the information and or such information has yet to reveal itself, hence waiting an update. Most likely the defendant will produce whatever evidence they have but with this last bit it makes the other section of the article a bit murky. Other then that Internal Investigation done by any institution, be it religious or not, is not secrecy, for such tends to help out authorities should they have access to this information be it given, require by law to have in their possession, and or other, etc usually depends on the law of the land also and the exemptions and the like with play a role in such things. We'll have to wait and see when we cross that bridge on September 2018, as of right now anything revolving around child abuse and or violence, false flags and the like, the conspiracy theorist and minions are out in full force. I am already reading into some underground madness that took place in both the US and the UK, not forum friendly with what is spoken of such unless you have the mental strength to stomach what is said. That being said, the laws of the land and the constitutions goes hand in hand with the state and the church, for should you want to alter one in order to fix a problem, it will lead to something worse.Knowing this, some people tend to deal with problems the best to their ability, and in this case, for victims, they too can play a role in finding a positive conclusion to a big problem, as many people already have before and to this day and onward.
  15. OK. Also, Isaiah 9:6, Daniel 2:44, Daniel 7:14, as well as the interesting bit from Zechariah in regards to the Copper (Bronze/Brass) Mountains - in regards to what Jesus said in John 18:36. We also have to remember that Jesus, the Messianic King, is God's chosen Christ and the one to be seated at the throne, or in this case, the throne of David (hence God's promise of a descendant of King David) True, but you have to take into account of Jesus' very command to his Disciples, who in turn, to their students share this information with them as well, hence the early Christians, the early Church. We cannot be ignorant and ignore such things totally - for, it is in the very scriptures itself. We must also take into account also that the Teachings of Jesus is not of his own, nor did it originate with him. Jesus, representative of the Father by means of Shaliah Principle, is the flesh, the man who teachings the Father's Spoken Word, for Jesus himself speaks the Word, that comes from the Father, hence him being in union with his God/Father in Heaven. What needs to be taken into account is what the verses actually cross-reference to. Also, without further explanation I will just post them as is: Cf to John 6:35 John 4:14 - but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” John 7:37 - On the last day of the feast, the great day, Jesus stood up and cried out, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink. Revelation 22:17 - The Spirit and the Bride say, “Come.” And let the one who hears say, “Come.” And let the one who is thirsty come; let the one who desires take the water of life without price. Note: The very expression is used twice in scripture, we see it in this verse, 35, and we see it again in verse 48. In this context, life has an obvious reference, and it makes refers to everlasting/eternal life - John 6:40, 47, 54. In this discussion, Jesus refers to he himself as the bread from heaven as we see in John 6:32, and in verse 33 we see the bread of God in John 6:33, and lastly, we see the living bread in John 6:51. We see that Jesus himself points out that the Israelites were given the manna as a source of food while in the wilderness, which we can clearly read here at Nehemiah 9:20. We also know that, if we are to be honest with ourselves to be aware of this passage, that this provided food, manna, did not sustain their lives for very long - John 6:49. In comparison, the followers of the Christ, faithful and true, have the availability heavenly manna and or bread of life - John 6:48-51, 58, which makes it totally possible for them to sustain their lives, thus living forever. They eat of this bread by exercising faith in the power that is redeeming in Jesus’ flesh and blood that he sacrificed. Cf. John 8:12 Isaiah 9:2 - The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who dwelt in a land of deep darkness, on them has light shone. Isaiah 49:6 - he says: “It is too light a thing that you should be my servant to raise up the tribes of Jacob and to bring back the preserved of Israel; I will make you as a light for the nations, that my salvation may reach to the end of the earth.” Matthew 4:16 - the people dwelling in darkness have seen a great light, and for those dwelling in the region and shadow of death, on them a light has dawned.” John 1:5 - The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. John 1:9 - The true light, which gives light to everyone, was coming into the world. John 12:35 - So Jesus said to them, “The light is among you for a little while longer. Walk while you have the light, lest darkness overtake you. The one who walks in the darkness does not know where he is going. John 12:46 - I have come into the world as light, so that whoever believes in me may not remain in darkness. 1 Peter 2:9 - But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. 1 John 2:8 - At the same time, it is a new commandment that I am writing to you, which is true in him and in you, because the darkness is passing away and the true light is already shining. Note: Jesus, in regards to the main verse, is using a metaphor - the light of the world. He used it to describe he himself may have reminded his listeners about the four giant lamp stands in the Court of the Women: The court of the women (Hebrew: עזרת הנשים‬ Ezrat HaNashim or עזרת נשים‬ Ezrat Nashim) was the outer forecourt of the Temples in Jerusalem into which women were permitted to enter. The court was also known as the "middle court," as it stood between the Court of the Gentiles and the court of Israel, i.e. the court of the men. which were lit during the Festival of Booths , take a look at John 7:2. The light illuminates the surroundings to a greatly and in addition, pertaining to what Jesus had said, light of the world, equals to passages from the foretells of Isaiah, of which spoken of a great light that would be seen by those dwelling in the land of deep shadow and that the one referred to as Jehovah's/Yahweh’s servant (Servant of Elohim/YHWH) would be a light of the nations - Isaiah 9:1, 2 and 42:1, 6 and 49:6. Now let us get on to the Sermon on the Mount. There, we learn that Jesus used the same metaphor when he addressed his followers, saying: You are the light of the world. - Matthew 5:14. That same expression fits smoothly like a puzzle piece in regards to Isaiah’s words about the Messiah, the man who is the Christ, Jesus, being a light of the nations. In Acts 13:46, 47, we learn that both Paul and Barnabas affirmed these prophetic words we see in Isaiah 49:6, practically a command to all followers of the Christ to continue to serve as a light to all the nations. Jesus’ preaching of the gospel and that of his followers would enlighten and show the people spiritually and rescue them from the likes of false religious and or accursed teachings. Cf. John 11:25 Psalms 13:3 - Consider and answer me, O Lord my God; light up my eyes, lest I sleep the sleep of death, Matthew 9:24 - he said, “Go away, for the girl is not dead but sleeping.” And they laughed at him. Acts 7:59, 60 - And as they were stoning Stephen, he called out, “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.” And falling to his knees he cried out with a loud voice, “Lord, do not hold this sin against them.” And when he had said this, he fell asleep. 1 Corinthians 15:6 - Then he appeared to more than five hundred brothers at one time, most of whom are still alive, though some have fallen asleep. Note: This one is pretty straightforward, I am the resurrection and the life (also before this it is I know He will Rise and Fallen Asleep). Jesus’ own death and resurrection enabled that the dead can return to life. After Jesus was resurrected, His Father, Yahweh/Jehovah, granted him the power not only to resurrect those among the dead, but also to impart eternal life - John 5:26, for just like the Father who has this ability to do so in regards to giving life, he granted such to the Son also, hence what is said in this verse. At Revelations 1:18, Jesus calls himself as the the living one, who has the keys of death and of the Hades (Sheol, Hell, Pit, etc.).Therefore, Jesus is indeed the hope of both the living and the dead. For Jesus promised to open up the tombs and give those in death one thing - life during the time of the new creation, in this case, the new heavens and the new earth whereas Jesus will do as such alongside those who will co-rule with him, under the rule by his heavenly government and the Messianic Kingdom.—John 5:28, 29 and 2 Peters 3:13. Also we cannot forget, that Jesus had God given authority and power. We know this by reading Matthew 28:18: And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me." We also get to see it as such as it is referenced here, I believe last time we debated I mentioned this to you and rook, anyways, Ephesians 1:20:21 and Philippians 2:9, 10, which reads as follow: Ephesians 1:20:21 Thanksgiving and Prayer (20) that he worked in Christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly places, (21) far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, and above every name that is named, not only in this age but also in the one to come. Philippians 2:9, 10 Christ's Example of Humility (9) Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, (10) so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, Actually in Matthew 16:15 he was covering with his disciples, to which he was talking about who the people think the Christ is whereas Peter made his response, since Peter was the only person to bring up said response on the following verse, 16 (Matthew 16:16). His response as followed: Simon Peter replied, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” We also know that Jesus was also teaching a lesson to his disciples as well in the majority of this chapter, and into what the church actually is. Summarized: The Pharisees and Sadducees Demand Signs 1-4 The Leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees 5-12 Peter Confesses Jesus as the Christ 13-20 Jesus Foretells His Death and Resurrection 21-23 Take Up Your Cross and Follow Jesus 24-28 Outlined: Pharisees and Sadducees ask for a sign from heaven (16:1-4) Jesus warns against leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees (16:5-12) Peter identifies Jesus as the Christ (16:13-17) Jesus gives Peter the keys of the Kingdom (16:18-20) Jesus foretells his death and resurrection (16:21-23) Requirements of true discipleship (16:24-28) Yes, pretty straightforward to: One who exercises faith in the Son will get eternal life, but the one who disobeys the Son will not see life, pretty much not getting the reward that is eternal life, and in situation, they will instead have the wrath of God the Father upon them which will remain. Shaliah Principle and that the Word of which Jesus peaks originates from the Father, for what Jesus does is because the Father is with him. OK. We also cannot ignore Jesus immediate response after what was said in Mark 2:7. When such was said, we see that in the following verse, we read, Mark 2:8: And immediately Jesus, perceiving in his spirit that they thus questioned within themselves, said to them, “Why do you question these things in your hearts? By his spirit in himself and or in his own mind - for Jesus, if we take into account what the Greek says, is in reference to Jesus’ perceptive abilities, in this sense. For he was quick to discern what was said. We also know more about this in regard to what Jesus was able to discern by means of thinking, reasoning, and motives of others - John 2:24, 25. Plus those men, if you check for cross-references were referring to the laws of the land. This is why this very verse (Mark 2:7) points to 2 other verses we are aware of: John 10:33 and Acts 6:11: John 10:33 - The Jews answered him, “It is not for a good work that we are going to stone you but for blasphemy, because you, being a man, make yourself a God.” Acts 6:11 - Then they secretly instigated men who said, “We have heard him speak blasphemous words against Moses and God.” There is no question without a doubt that these men were not totally unaware of the laws of which they follow as well as knowing who their God and Father is, since we know in the laws of Moses how forgiveness of Sin went down, bu in the New Testament we know that Jesus, the Son of God, is capable of Forgiveness of Sin also, for we know what and who the Christ is and what is his role, so it is safe to say that these men themselves knew that Forgiveness of Sin requires things such a s burnt offerings and the like, but were obviously astounded by this man called Jesus. Jesus was claiming to the law of the Jews if you are referring to what I think you are, no law indicates a man is and or a God, but rather, a god and or godlike for that is what the Most High had called his children in heaven, as well as on earth, as well as the Jews who abide by these laws, so the reaction of some is no surprise. Anyways the continuation of Mark 2:9-12 it reads: (9) Which is easier, to say to the paralytic, ‘Your sins are forgiven,’ or to say, ‘Rise, take up your bed and walk’? (10) But that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins”—he said to the paralytic— (11) “I say to you, rise, pick up your bed, and go home.” (12) And he rose and immediately picked up his bed and went out before them all, so that they were all amazed and glorified God, saying, “We never saw anything like this!” (see Matthew 9:33, John 7:31, and John 9:32) Yes, but we should be aware of the reaction itself and not think it to be something entirely different, for instance when Jesus quote what is written when the Jews wanted to stone him to death and the like, as well as their so called influence. Also 2 Chronicles 6:29 speaks of a request for favors in regards to Solomon’s prayer of inauguration, 1 Kings 8:38 in regards to Solomon’s prayer of temple dedication, Isaiah 43:25 is in regards to a people bringing a case against each other. Other then that, it would have been wise to take a read at the references of Acts 15:8 on your part, which is correct, but those point to verses like 1 Chronicles 28:9 and Jeremiah 11:20 to name a few. (I myself will double check the other ones, for they seem odd to be references in your response, but I agree with you on Acts 15:8 for it is, in the realm of hermeneutics, spot on and correct regarding God the Father, however, there are separate verses pertaining to how Jesus also having such ability in terms of reading one's heart, as well as those who acquire discernment and understanding - so I wouldn't say it is limited to God and or Jesus, per-say.) Jesus can understand the thinking, reasoning and the though of men, just like his Father is able to do so as well as those with the ability of discernment to find understanding, something of which that is acquired by an obvious means. I will quote myself from my previous response whereas the following is said: Jesus was able to discern by means of thinking, reasoning, and motives of others - John 2:24, 25. The verses state the following: Jesus Knows What Is in Man (24) But Jesus on his part did not entrust himself to them, because he knew all people (25) and needed no one to bear witness about man, for he himself knew what was in man. Jesus has such an excellent ability to do as such because he was able to discern the thinking, reasoning, and motives of humans, in this regard, regardless of the sex, age, background, experience, status, etc. of said person. This was foretold by the prophet Isaiah, who spoke about the Messiah, for he said: "And the Spirit of the Lord [YHWH] shall rest upon him (A), the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord [YHWH]. And his delight shall be in the fear of the Lord [YHWH]. He shall not judge by what his eyes see, or decide disputes by what his ears hear," - Isaiah 11:2, 3. [A] Isaiah 42:1, John 1:32, and Acts 10:38 We already seen this in action as to what Jesus' actions were in Mark 2:8, now lets take a look at Matthew 9:4, which reads: But Jesus, knowing their thoughts, said, “Why do you think evil in your hearts? So it is safe to say how and why Jesus was able to discern such men who said such things, for the bible teaches such and it can be read in the very scriptures. The truth has been given, do what you will with said truth.
  16. Because I know 1 John 4:1 will not be expressed to what it actually means, I will just go ahead and post the following: Beloved, believe not every spirit The apostle having mentioned the word "spirit" in the latter part of the preceding chapter, takes an occasion from thence to return to what he had been suggesting in the "second" chapter, concerning the many antichrists that then were, and whom he points out, and here cautions against. By "every spirit" he means, either every doctrine that is pretended to come from the Spirit of God, or every teacher, who professes to be qualified and sent by him, and to have his light, knowledge, and doctrine from him. Every true minister of the Gospel has the Spirit, and the gifts of the Spirit, more or less, to qualify him for his work; he is separated, and called to it by him, and receives his spiritual light find knowledge from him; it is he that teaches him sound doctrine, and leads him into all truth, as it is in Jesus, and brings every necessary truth to his remembrance; and who succeeds his ministrations to the good of souls: but there are some who call themselves the ministers of the Gospel, who, though they may have some natural abilities, and a share of human learning, and a notional knowledge of things, yet have never received either grace or gifts from the Spirit; nor have they been ever called by him; nor are their ministrations according to that divine word which is inspired by him, nor attended with his demonstration and power; wherefore, though some professing to have the Spirit of Christ are to be believed, yet not everyone; and though the Spirit is not to be quenched in any, nor prophesying to be despised, yet care should be taken what is heard and received: some persons are so obstinate and incredulous as not to believe anything that is declared, be the evidence what it will; as the Jews would not believe Christ and his apostles, though what they said agreed with Moses and the prophets, and was confirmed by miracles; and others are too credulous; at once receive every teacher, and embrace every upstart doctrine: this they should not do, but try the spirits whether they are of God not by human reason, especially as carnal and unsanctified; for though the doctrines of the Gospel are not contrary to true reason, they are above it, and not to be judged of by it, and are disapproved of and rejected by carnal reason; but by the word of God, which is the standard of all doctrine; and whatever agrees with that is to be received, and what does not should be rejected. And so to do is very commendable, as appears from the instance of the Beraeans, who on this account are said to be more noble than those of Thessalonica, (Acts 17:11) Paul and Silas in Berea [Now these Jews were more noble than those in Thessalonica; they received the word with all eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see if these things were so] and from the commendation of the church at Ephesus, (Revelation 2:2) To the Church in Ephesus [“‘I know your works, your toil and your patient endurance, and how you cannot bear with those who are evil, but have tested those who call themselves apostles and are not, and found them to be false.] And this is what every believer, every private Christian should do; to them it belongs to read and search the Scriptures, and prove all things, and judge for themselves of the truth of doctrine; and to such a probation or trial of the spirits, spiritual light, knowledge, judgment, sense, experience, and divine guidance are necessary, which should be asked of God, and an increase thereof; and all such diligent searchers, and humble inquirers, are capable of making judgment of persons and doctrines, whether they are from the Spirit of God or not, for the Spirit of God never speaks contrary to his word: and the reason why such a trial should be made is, Because many false prophets are gone out into the world: such who pretended either to a revelation of future things, and to foretell things to come; or rather to a gift of prophesying, or preaching in Christ's name, to be "prophets" and spiritual men, and ministers of the word, but were "false" ones; who either predicted what did not come to pass, or rather preached false doctrine, by corrupting the word, and handling it deceitfully, and so imposed upon and ruined the souls of others, as well as deceived their own: and there were not only one, or two, or a few of these, but "many", as our Lord had foretold, ( Matthew 24:11 [A] ; Matthew 24:24 ) [A] Signs of the End of the Age [And many false prophets will arise and lead many astray.] The Abomination of Desolation [24 For false christs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect.] and which makes the reason the stronger for not believing every spirit, but trying them; and the rather, since they were not sent of God, that is called out by his churches, but were "gone out" of themselves; of their own heads, and without any mission from God or man: and "into the world" too; they were in every part of it, and especially where there were any churches of Christ; into which they first crept in privily, and at unawares, but afterwards became public preachers of the word, and then separating from them, set up openly in the world for themselves. Source: https://www.biblestudytools.com/commentaries/gills-exposition-of-the-bible/1-john-4-1.html Also that World War III about God's actions comment and the WT source I still await, otherwise I come to the conclusion that your spirit has been tested, and the outcome is indeed not a well received one - should said claims of yours are deemed false, which, seems, evident thus far. The bible informs us of truth and we are not to make any silly outlandish claims on this simple fact. True the nations will rise, but what you mentioned goes beyond the gravity of the situation of things in a different direction.
  17. Speaking about Korah, I will just leave this here since it is related to him (people who rebel): Â
  18. Waiting and doing nothing at all is a sin, however waiting and using the time to do the works to build faith is another story. The man has many odd claims to his comments thus far and obviously using Scripture in an attempt to not root out falsehood, but to attack a faith itself, therefore in this matter one can easily see that @Israeli Bar Avaddhon is taking notes out of the mainstream Christianity playbook.
  19. Another false accusation or a claim without proven facts? For if I am aware of prophecy in regards of the bible, how am I not really studying prophecy, when there is legitimate proof I am well adapt in such? again, do not make claims you cannot determine if it is true, and from my past response on this forum, everything I say is truth and originates from a long time of biblical study. Again - be wise with your words next time you make comment, for if one sees the history of everything I post here it would pain you as a lair, we wouldn't want that now would we? And no concepts were expressed, it is merely proving a claim to be false in regards to someone makes false claims of another person, and or seemingly judging said person when it is the first encounter, as we see here. You made a claim that I followed an organization, last I recall, I am not a JW, I am a Biblical Unitarian, one of such that has a high regard to who speaks truth and who does not speak truth, thus confutation. Well friend, 1 John 4:1 applies to every man, woman and child who reads their bible, especially if one understands what Testing the Spirit means, which connects with what abides in us as Christians, not sure if you mentioned verse 3. Can you give an example of people who put the Church above the bible? After all, if one knows who/what the Church means, it's mission, it's goal, which of course originates from the bible, hence Jesus' command and that he himself is the head of the church, how are you making the claim of a man putting the church above the bible when God's Spoken Word is spoken through the Son, the very person of which makes up the church? The church of which that was said to be built by Jesus alludes to this as well, how is this missed? I would answer that quite easily, but I do not see how you yourself missed that, after all, all of us here know what the bible says. So what of the Spiritual House and what Jesus had entrusted his Apostles, who in turn, to the followers, to the students, etc of the Church? This alludes to what is stated above. Based on the Apostolic Age, is is unheard of of those who derive from such worship a religion. Any man who is part of a religion has a based belief, at times some beliefs are distributed by religious heads, who are and or act as the Shepherds to the Flock, for if Christian history as not already taught us this, the bible in regards to the Spiritual House and what Jesus commanded, is evident. You have to have valid proof of a man worshiping religion, which in this day and age and since the days of our church fathers, an absurd assumption to make and quite unheard of, if anything the real question would be the faith of the religion itself, that being said, this claim of yours does not even make sense. Other then that, the silly assumption will not do - the reality is, those in a faith and or religion does their teachings and servitude align with God and his Spoken Word, or that of something else, perhaps different from what the scriptures say? False Prophets are known to twist the scriptures, even breaking, picking and choosing God's laws, other times, rejecting totally the Tanakh, Hebrew Old Testament, which is the case with the Christian denominations of the mainstream and the New Agers, for such ones claim to be of God, yet they ignore parts of and or a majority of his word, example, having people of the same sex marry inside the temple, which clearly is against all things that is holy, for we know, by the bible, God has made man and woman, so they can populate the earth, and teach their seed, offspring of who God is as well as how to life in terms of the teachings. All and all, the real question is: Is the person and or group following the correct faith/religion or a false ones? Is said religion's teachings is in harmony with God's Word, in harmony with Man's Word, or a mix of both - picking and choosing? The logic here speaks for itself, and a man who worships a religion is unheard of, unless we have forgotten what the definition of Religion even means: the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods. a particular system of faith and worship. a pursuit or interest to which someone ascribes supreme importance. Again, in order to test the spirit (1 John 4:1), information in this regard has to be met with factual proof in terms of a true/false faith. Can you get a direct quote from the Watchtower itself for confirmation and so that everyone here can examine it themselves? Because when people say something, they assume it is true without citations. Jehovah will not allow a 3rd world war? Sources? Who said - You said? Ironic how you made the claim to prophecy, but I will not hold this against you. Believe me, I know a lot about what is going on in the world right now, things you may not even be aware of, and or unaware of supporting unknowingly, as is the case with 100.00% mainstream Christians. Some, such as myself, are far more vigilant than others, and are not the type to be tricked so easily and or mislead, especially to the claim that you have mentioned, friend, you will have to have a good source on that claim because with anyone who is knowledgeable of the situation at hand - this claim here is false. Other then that, with the knowledge I have in that domain, I will have to say your source and or claim is as I stated it is, for we are already at a tipping point of a war due to 2 factions, and 2 parties that have connections on both sides, that of which I had mentioned in a thread on this forum with 100% facts of said knowledge - hence my extensive vigilantes. In addition to opposers on both sides, expect the 2 parities in question, that being, The United Nations and the Deep State. Yahweh/Jehovah will not allow His people to perish, something we both can agree on, for we know how God has reacted, in scripture, when his people are under attack, he is also aware of those who endure and those who adhere to prophecy, like the situation at Jerusalem being an example. The enemy we have today is the Harlot - Babylon the Great, her agents roam the lands as we speak and has an organization that is connected with a triad of power (political, government, religious) all working as one, mainly in the realm of a One World Government and a One World Religion, for we have already seen what sent down in 2015 and onward regarding religion, and as of 2016, the government, for the legacy of a deceased woman continues to run its engine and acts as an element in the schemes of Babylon the Great. These Spirits have already been tested by those who know who such persons are, and they are indeed among the Harlot's table of champions, which of whom will stamp out any group and faith that opposes them, and such persons will be met with increased persecution, violence, banishment, and even death. And we also see the decline in Christianity due to falsehood entering Christianity itself, however, Christian minorities still stand and such minorities are the very ones being targeted by the Harlot and that of any wicked evildoer as well as false prophets. As stated before, God will actually take action when his people are indeed in danger, and he has an appointed time (Matthew 25:13, Luke 21:34, Mark 13:34) of which he will save his people by means of his Son, who will return. Until then, we have yet to suffer from End Times Tribulations that will devastate mankind on a great level. So in the mean time it is being awake and enduring, as as pertaining to the verse at hand - test the spirits, as well as teach those the gospel that is true. Actually you missed core traits of a Berean truly means. A Berean is free of prejudice, they are not gullible, they are energetic and a Berean is not willingly ignorant, all of which equal to Scriptural Facts,I will not bother posting and referring every single verse, but if you know the bible, you would find this quite easily, and how one can compare a Berean to each and everyone person on this thread. I already know where I stand. It is also important to note that Bereans were receptive to the will of God and they were more than hearers. Whatever the case in regards to our attitude in hearing God's word, we must be obedient to the truth and nothing but the truth. "Many of them therefore believed, with not a few Greek women of high standing as well as men." - Acts 17:12. Therefore having the spirit of the Bereans is indeed vital. You may want to re-look at all facts regarding a Berean again and look at the claims you make, you have to be true to your word if you consider yourself a Berean, yet you make claims that you cannot back up - hence the accusations of which you seem to consider as concepts when you clearly do not know my background, as with other claims. That being said, Restoration of true worship has already been set in motion, and it is by means of true worship, we not only know what is to come, it prepares us to understand scripture and to worship Go the Father, as well as following in what His Son had taught about the Kingdom and what it will bring. Last I recall, no one said anything about restoration of true worship in 1919, in fact, it is more of Jesus regarding the church, as well as the madness that was taking place in 1919 whereas thousands of people died from the epidemic, prior to the end of the first world war. 500 million affected; over 30 million dead, more death than the war itself. I would not say painful, for God is indeed a Just God, however, he will not torment people day in and day out, for we know by a verse that wrongdoers will indeed by punished with eternal destruction, not the so called Hell doctrine, for that is not something that would come into the mind of God, let alone how his emotional response was in the Torah and or his actions against Ahaz and Menassah, however, Menassah wised up and repented. It is one thing to understand the bible, but is is another thing to easily be mislead to use the bible to attack someone of faith. It is understandable against false doctrines and misuse of the bible, but to attack a faith without a solid conclusion of falsehood, let alone a Restorationist Christian based face, that has to be called into question. You cannot standby and wait, for that is a sin - doing nothing at all when what is right can easily be done. Numbers 32:23 - But if you will not do so, behold, you have sinned against the LORD [YHWH], and be sure your sin will find you out. James 4:17 - So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin. (dozen of other verses in this regard) Therefore,until that time comes, again, we test the spirits, we teach, we preach, we read, we live as Christians, etc. As a Christian, there is always something to do, we are active, not passive or deactivated. As a living self sacrifice to service itself, it is by command we keep ourselves busy in the gospel an the teachings. Friend, you are incorrect. Israel is part of Babylon the Great, current Israel, let alone earthly Jerusalem for that matter, is not of God's, but Heavenly Jerusalem indeed is, of which will come soon in the near future - The Bride of the Lamb. Israel contributed to killing Christians in the Middle East and has killed their own neighbors, one instance, a teenager, young man, now dead because of Israeli powers, and with said power, they shot him square in the skull because he was in the right, as did the others who were shot at, some of them being killed by nearly sniper fire to the head, others with injuries from bullet wounds. I am sure that Jehovah/Yahweh is not a fan of sinners killing an innocent child, let alone anyone who is against corruption in Israel, and the actions of their allies, God will most likely destroy Israel, for they are indeed a major player in the One World Religion, as well as the One World Government. Russia at this state is a pawn to Babylon and will attack them, nation against nation, for the US and Russia already have several nations under them, as well as allies, again with 2 parties connected to both of them. As I said before, Babylon the Great consist of Government and Political Powers as well as Religion, of which over a dozen of Religions have already joined her since the Pope was making rounds and gaining support to have all religions merged and or group together, ever take into account of his actions in Washington DC in the US on 2016 whereas in 2015 if was more for political support and gain? This is why I said it before, some tend to be far more vigilant than others. Russia on the other hand, is also corrupt, they had no problems hiring a Satanist group to pressure Jehovah's Witnesses and Muslims, and once they are off the streets, the Satanist are allowed to run free while the RoC takes over alongside the Duma. The JW ban plays a key role in what is to come and such people are indeed an enemy to Babylon the Great, the reason why right after the Pope visited, the banning of the faith took place by means of the RoC and the Ministry of Justice in Russia, very strict to the point that poems and Pokemon can put you jail. Again, apply 1 John 4:1 carefully, hence the topic, the actions of modern day Israel, you think they are a true nation of God vs what is said in the Bible of what is to come? God's people do not send support to allies that get Christians raped and killed by terrorist, of which has gain support by means of an Israeli ally, the US. I ask you to be vigilant, but clearly the application of being a Berean is not being applied here. And yet the claim of to a source of God making sure World War 3 will not take place is contradicting, as well as what you being blind to the situation at hand. It is far more dire than you realize, and clearly it is the signs of the times, but we are nowhere near the End Time Tribulations that will be brutal and very hard to deal with. And yes, we are not discouraged, we endure, we are vigilant, we are doing the works we do not sit around and wait and do nothing. We, by our faith and works teach so that should we perish, the one we teach will continue the words and the spread of the gospel for us, the truth and nothing but the truth. Again, do not make claims you know that is not true - false accusations and by means of testing the spirit, one can see where you stand. I rather not wait and do absolutely nothing, for He that abides in us, I, as a Christian, by faith will do the works, and maintain my faith that is the door to Salvation, for keeping faith, as said in Jude, is indeed a hard fight. Unfortunately for you, there is actual statement of the WT regarding to what they said to this regard, as well as an eye witness to what was actually said in the 70s, in addition to a man who clearly isn't a fan of JWs, but has high respect for CTR and is well versed in CTR by a study of 56+ years - which includes information about Har'mageddon. Speculative in nature, not one ever stated that Armageddon would definitely come when war breaks out. Well I am not those things, hence my history, but I cannot speak for others for my position is somewhat unique. That being said there is more to 1 John 4:1 than what you have posted, but it seems to are directing the reader solely on the Watchtower itself rather than the full detail of what 1 John 4:1 brings forth. I jumped in on this discussion to add cross-references, but the false accusation of you claiming I am somehow not well verses in the bible, is a mistake and I wish not to confute, but if I must - I will. Until then, I will post in detail of 1 John 4:1 myself regarding an those who are true and those who are false without the need of support of infighting of a faith. In the end, to make one remember something, you have to teach it the right way. If you teach a dog to sit, to be silent, he will do as such, but if you teach a dog to attack someone, they will do what you have taught them. The same can be said when it comes to teaching what a verse and or passage means in the bible itself. Agreed, but what has to be added also is that wisdom is indeed good, but false claims is not the best idea against someone, let alone someone who is well versed in scripture. Other then that, I will post 1 John 4:1 in detail later on. I purposely left out other cross-references in hopes you'd make a response, but you did not. But next time you feel the need to make a false claim know this: I am a Unitarian Christian, studied the bible for 2 decades and has can understand both Greek and Hebrew enabled to know the oldest source of which the bible is based off of - hence my love for Textual Criticism, as some have already know. I take into account of bibical hermeneutics, and I do not refute, I correct by confuting against falsehood or misuse of scripture, as well as dealing with the dishonest. I take into account and defend what is true by means of the oldest source and the teachings. I make a response to every comment and or claim, separately (as I have done here already).
  20. Alright then, as long as you respect the cross references, there should not be a problem, some Christians tend not to adhere to cross-references in order to justify something that is in error. Error does not sit well with those who apply Biblical Hermeneutics. Actually, I was quoting your previous comment, the one I have quoted in my previous post. There is more to a false prophet than just mere accursed prophecies and or teachings, but okay. What of 2 Peter 2:1? This is the only cross-reference of which part C points to. I do understand, and by understanding I tend not to leave anything out. Oh and I know have understanding, I live and breathe scripture, pertaining to the posted I've made in the past, this is but the first time you have seen a comment from me, and I am not here to belittle, if that is what you want, but this is not the case. I posted the cross-references so any reader can see where 1 John 4:1 points to, nothing more,nothing less, for the bible provides such for a reason, and it is vital because any man, woman or child can easily misinterpret and or mislead others by a single verse when not connecting the dots with any cross-references that said verse is connected to, for instance, the many laws of the Jews of which Jesus has quoted and or profess of what is written, cross-references leads the reader to see where Jesus is quoting from and what said quote originated from, the laws of the Jews given to them by God. Also, I would be wise if I were you, to judge and assume someone, underestimating them even, by your comment, hence what you have stated: you are a fanatic and do not care to understand the meaning of scriptural quotations but simply "belittle what others write". Oh and as I said before, I aided cross-references so that people can see what 1 John 4:1 alludes to. I am far more interested in showing biblical truths, nothing more, regardless of religious background. That is a nice comment here, of which you said: You worship your religion, not God. It is evident. May I ask, as you sure that this claim of yours is correct? For any comment I have made there is absolute truth as to how this claim of yours is false, a Christian should not make a false claim. Again, be very wise in your words, for we all know what the bible says about false accusations, you however, have already made 2 against me. That being said, I care only for honesty, for time and time again, I stated my detest of dishonesty and lairs and manipulators of scriptures and such ones will be confuted, as already the case in the past. Can you state how is 1 John 4:1 not valid? Cross-references does not make a verse invalid. A man who twists a verse makes verses like 1 John 4:1 invalid, something that remains to be seen, of which has not happen yet.I do not like mockery of scripture either - such tends to be a violation in the realm of Biblical Hermeneutics. Other then that 1 John 4:1 is indeed valid in terms of false prophets, mainly against those who claim to be totally and utterly inspired, those who are borderline Anti-Christ and or those who teach of what is accursed, as stated in Galatians 1. The question is, if the verse can be applied to those inspired or not inspired? For everyone and their mothers knows, because of Adam and Eve we are imperfect and the price of imperfection we pay is sin. Only from there one can discuss, research and come to the conclusion of said false prophets an those who teach an accursed gospel. Make sure the meaning is very close to Scriptural Facts because with minimum discernment one can catch error and refute with what is true against what is not true, and I will wait, as I have with others who speak what is true and some who have spoken utter fortune cookie nonsense, hence the dishonest ones. I am always watchful, vigilant beyond a point of no return, hence my experience and knowledge of the bible and Christology itself. Just next time, before you make false accusations of a person, in this case, me, make sure it is true and not outlandish claims. Exodus 20:16 - “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor." Proverbs 19:9 - A false witness will not go unpunished, and he who breathes out lies will perish. As with the case of Pilate and the Jews against Jesus in regards to false accusations (Matthew 27:22–26). Ironically, 1 John 4:1 is among the list of verses in regards to false accusations. Perhaps understand of where I am coming from by looking at my past posts here, example being I am known of breaking down comments to response to each point, as I have here just now. Other then that I am happy to discuss further on 1 John 4:1 in terms of Hermeneutics and understanding, for as you have already seen, there is now cross-references.
  21. Not to mention what we can find from the cross-references of 1 John 4:1 alone, which totals up to 5 verses. But to see this one would have to see where each part of 1 John 4:1 directs the reader. English Standard Version Test The Spirits 1 John 4:1 reads: Beloved, do not believe every spirit [every inspired statements] (A), but test the spirits [inspired statements] to see whether they are from God (B), for many false prophets have gone out into the world (C). [A] The Man of Lawlessness 2 Thessalonians 2:1,2 - (1) Now concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered together to him, we ask you, brothers, (2) not to be quickly shaken in mind or alarmed, either by a spirit or a spoken word, or a letter seeming to be from us, to the effect that the day of the Lord has come. Some Will Depart from the Faith 1 Timothy 4:1 - Now the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons, Jesus Is Coming Revelations 22:6 - And he said to me, “These words are trustworthy and true. And the Lord, the God of the spirits of the prophets, has sent his angel to show his servants what must soon take place.” [C] False Prophets and Teachers 2 Peter 2:1 - But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction. All of which are harmoniously connected to 1 John 4:1. It is stuff like this that should not be ignored, thus leading to some easily misleading others and or making an obvious hermeneutical violation in terms of scripture.
  22. Things might get a bit dicey in the coming hours/days. Team I members, the US, France and the UK, alongside the UN, has taken a shot at Syria, just days after Israel's actions, who is killing innocent unarmed civilians who are literally having a Martin Luther King like protest as we speak, I believe dozens have already been killed. @James Thomas Rook Jr. You may want to get your popcorn ready sooner than you think, World War III may be a real thing because things have reached a tipping point tonight, and there is a lot of peace and security talks, a lot of talk about God and Syrian Christians siding with Assad against the US and allies, historic moment for the UK PM, the United Nations, etc.  Global Mafia strikes again and this time they want Syria, for that was on the list several years ago as General Wesley Clark had openly said. https://www.globalresearch.ca/we-re-going-to-take-out-7-countries-in-5-years-iraq-syria-lebanon-libya-somalia-sudan-iran/5166 Â
  23. True, but I was about those who want to expose the mainstream media to the point where people will pop up in their headwaters to demand why they are being lied to, or any meeting and or town halls that they have by those exposing falsehood in big numbers, things of that nature, but I agree. RT is part of Russia: RT is funded in whole or in part by the Russian government. There is though a few independent Journalist who have appeared on RT to speak truth, leaving RT newsroom team unable to counter them and or change the subject, other times, independents just speak truth to get a reaction out of the mainstream newsroom team, one of the reasons you do not see independents every now and then because of how they put the RT team at the edge of their seats. But yeah there are some people who are on the outside, but they do not get a lot attention though, for the mainstream media equals them on the level of Alex Jones and or the likes of Tomi Lauren, who pretty let the mainstream mess with her head as well as Donald Trump and friends, of whom she supports. At the same time those who speak truth and or against the mainstream, like I said, are often silenced and or blocked somehow, but they are good, some have quite the colorful language though, but get to the point because they too have been fed up with the lies and misinformation. I'll make note of this, for this is the first time I ran across these two names.
  24. They also treat him as a superstar. Any news pertaining to Trump is like a TV Drama show, all the while Trump and friends are making decisions that cause some damage. But outside of the US, majority of media is controlled by government and politics, an example of this is Russia, when the JWs were banned, they used the media as a source to spread misinformation JWs, as well as other targeted Russian/Ukrainian folks. Elsewhere, media is use to paint potential targets as the enemy, and speak slander of such people and or cover corrupt people of whom they support. That is why when people speak truth on outside mainstream media, they tend to be silenced by means of their incoming getting cut-off, taken down and at times even death, which was the case with Journalist Serena Shim: https://wearechange.org/murder-never-heard-serena-shim/ I dunno if he still goes for Hilary or Obama, however, he attempts to should he find someone to blame. Hilary and Obama, on the other hand, are not so clean either with what they got on their table. But yeah, majority of Americans, even those outside of the US who are glued to mainstream media will accept anything that is said to them and will consider that as a source of information. Sometimes when you speak the truth, they will not accept it either, and they remain with what they have been told and or heard by means of the media. It may soon come to a point where someone is going to expose the mainstream media to a great deal for the world to see, the Sinclair Script incident for the stations being just the surface.
  25. The Russians are always prepared, like sleep with one eye open prepared. Seeing how the Kremlin likes to showoff their military might, with the Duma and the church backing them, including allies, they will show their force of power if they have to, especially when provoked, in this case, Israel being the only opponent of theirs who jumped the gun, which didn't sit well with anyone. As for Russian firepower, they may not have as much as their counterparts, but they sure pack a huge punch, let's not forget nuclear options too. All and all, as we speak they are ready to rumble right now. I recall last year, the RU military saying they do not trust the US, this may come into play soon.
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