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Space Merchant

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Posts posted by Space Merchant

  1. 3 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:
    • Member

    Here it is !





    • Doesn't this prove the point ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

    This was already addressed, and the fact Matthew 24 and 25 as is 1 John 2:17 was mentioned. The rest of that archived article was more focused on an increase of ministers, yet never - ever addressed God's Day to be 1975 hence the claim people are making.

    It's called reading comprehension John.

    And the fact the 60s and the 70s was the 4th and final Great Awakening, minister and preaching of the gospel was at an all time high, and the fact people were gospel preaching kills the claim due to the mention of what Apostle John and Jesus said concerning the Commission.


  2. @Patiently waiting for Truth John - You are a former Witness of your former faith and often times there has been some things you have posted from said community.

    If you are saying this now, the many times in the past as to when it was coined, you would have said the same thing.

    3 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    Dream on JWs including JW supporter SM. 

    Sure, because I am not going to believe a claim based off of speculation as some have.

    Ironic from the man who was swept away by the New York Times.

  3. 48 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    :)))) you are really funny. 

    I can claim how i saw NLO fall, and you would believe this? .....

    ...... but if i made claim it came from Pluto but how origin of NLO is Klingon's, that would make you suspicious?

    Making jokes regarding something in connection with the  Ukraine-Russia situation? Attribute common to some who are unaware.

    Your example doesn't really even equate to what you brought up this time. Nor does it have anything to do with suspicious granted the term Propaganda was used and MSM - read carefully.

    Not a good look. As stated before, I encourage you to do research further as is wait for further information instead of dwelling on speculation, you cannot just assume it came from one side or the other because BBC tagged a name on to it. Your link is only 2 days old...

    Example of image:



    I mean, after all, this was from you, of course...

    You are saying it's Ukrainian but your source seems to point out otherwise.

    Your comments - Mystery drone from Ukraine war crashes in Croatia.

    Like I said, don't put too much trust in the MSM, even if it is in your country.

    Just so you know unlike the Right, the Left Paradigm that is heavily leaning tends to add/remove things to events and or stories (like that of a literal Ghost shooting down Jets), even going as far as to be among the ones to promote war mongering and propagandize for it for Ukraine. As we speak they're continuing with information that is deemed questionable. Granted BBC News is Left-Wing, as mentioned, they'll do such things, for earlier on during the war, they used false videos and should something happen, they pin the latter to the event, hence Snake Island and now the situation with the Ukrainian Mayor. They're promoting Ukrainian s a victor but Russia abruptly takes ground. 


    This is one of several examples.

    I believe I stated people falling victim to Babylon and the Wild Beast, this is an example also granted of how useful of a tool the MSM can be for some, if one does not fully know the situation too well and simply accept what the MSM tells them.

  4. Just now, Srecko Sostar said:

    I conclude (after your two comments) that you are actually claiming that the news (BBC) from the link I put up is fake news.

    I asked you to do research, never made the claim of fake news. Because during war time a serious situation, propaganda is all over the place. If you look up the drone story itself, there are different notions


    1 says it is believed to be...

    the second says its from Ukraine.

    The 3rd, yours, assumes is from Ukraine just by looking at what is written.

    And the list goes on. It is no different from the example given, Snake Island.

    As shown below

    BBC and similar  2 weeks ago around the same timeframe:





    You can't put too much of your trust in the MSM.

    5 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Fortunately for me, I live in Zagreb, so I claim that the drone fell in Zagreb.

    Anyone can claim they saw a drone fall, but clearly you can't claim origin and what was the origin of impact, now can you?

    5 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Unless you want to believe me I'm telling the truth?

    Ok then enlightened me - Who shot down the drone, and who operated the drone?

    Was there anything that can be branched from a false flag category to get your country involved?

  5. 6 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    So you don't believe GB will give them life-saving information? Or do you not believe that GB information will be available to every JW in a timely manner?

    Concerning 1975 they simply mentioned things of which some people speculated.

    7 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    I'm talking about one and you're talking about the other. Fantastic. 

    It is in relation hence your other comments, there no different. 

    Unless you want to move on to another topic, you are free to do so.

  6. Just now, Srecko Sostar said:

    You wrote a lot, and without the merits of things.

    Because those verses have context. Granted you did not acknowledge it, shows you truly do not understand as to what Matthew and John is cited.

    1 minute ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    If Jesus knew there would be no The End in the first century and knew the apostles misunderstood his words why did he leave them in the wrong belief?

    Jesus literally tells his followers to go and preach the gospel and talked about Signs....

    Jesus knew there would be an End, he is aware of that his Father has a Day of which he and the Angels do not know. It even connects back to God's original promise.

    4 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Preaching in style - The end is near (very close) but without it really being that close is crazy.

    Then perhaps to you Jesus was crazy in Matthew 24 and 25, and that Apostle John was crazy in 1 John 2:17.

    5 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Is it in the interest of Jesus and God to keep followers in a constant spasm of anticipation?

    The Bible was quite clear of this because of not only maintaining faith, but to be vigilant and enduring to the end. The Commission only stops when the one who commanded it says for it to end prior to what will transpire afterwards.

    7 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    What are you really talking about? 

    It is pretty clear of what I am talking about, even in example - those who make assumptions vs those who understood context.

    7 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    I said: They, GB, made claim how Jesus and JHVH have complete TRUST to FDS aka GB.

    I can see that, however, you made a similar remark in this same thread concerning 1975, granted it is linked, I made the response.

    It is more evident when you, after the remark, continue with the 1975 claim.

    8 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    ??? Tactics in debate ???

    No. The highlighted in read explains this.

    9 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Another example. You said: That is like be saying Srecko thinks a Ukrainian Drone is legitimate, when in reality, it is based on assumption due to the situation taking place. Or the events of Snake Island, etc.

    An example yes, of which I gave.

    Pretty clear to what is shown in the image below:


    10 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    I asked you, do you believe in report about drone in Zagreb, just that. 

    Because it is related to what was said to you originally concerning the BBC... Hence my stance on truth concerning a war time situation.


  7. 29 minutes ago, Witness said:

    There is no way to add a note near the link, since the option to edit is gone. 

    It's fine, a lot of what is said is in the beginning of the thread. At least they have an idea.

    29 minutes ago, Witness said:

    This may have been posted on reddit, but I first saw it on another forum, where exjws and jws congregate. 

    Usually things of this nature is sourced first, eventually gets to reddit and similar websites, some of them, prior to branching out elsewhere.

    That being said, not sure if you have one, but just keep a malware scan in case. As mentioned before, main page, you are safe, but clicking anything outside of it, is risky. If you want to just move with caution on the main page, it doesn't hurt to right-click, check the link address before going any further.

  8. 3 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    So you're saying the drone didn't fall in Zagreb?

    What I am saying because of propaganda, you have to do the research to not fall victims; especially when Left-Wingers are involved.

    Remember - The first casualty of War is Truth. So because of escalation, it can lead to various stories and actions, some people being fooled, even out of their bank accounts.

    3 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Which two groups are you talking about?

    All. For Christians are known to use the term the end is near concerning God's Day.

    3 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    About two groups of 1st century apostles?

    The verses cited, especially the one in John should be obvious.

    3 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Or about two JW groups from around 1975? Or both?

    The fourth and final Awakening was the 60s and 70s, it should be persistent and the same.

    3 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Do both groups have the right to consider themselves true followers of Jesus?

    If you are aware of what transpired in the 4th century, you'd realize why there are 2 factions of Christianity.

    3 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    I know that you are more intelligent than this what you wrote! Please don't use such model of explanation  which offends the intelligence of the readers of your comments!

    But Srecko... That is literally what it means. 

    I doubt it offends people, most people are capable of basic reading and understanding, problem solving also. Idioms are somewhat elementary.

  9. 2 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Which End was near for apostles (which End was the End for them) ?

    If you understood Pentecost 33 A.D. you'd know why the Messianic Message was preached, even before that, prior to Jesus ascending to God in Heaven, he gave a Commission for Christians to adhere to, Matthew 28:18-20.

    Which reads - 18 And Jesus came to them and spake unto them, saying, All authority hath been given unto me in heaven and on earth. 19 Go ye therefore, and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit: 20 teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I commanded you: and lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.

    Everyone should be well aware of what that entails, as is the events mentioned in Acts 1 and 2, which can be traced back to the Gospel of Luke.

    Concerning the End (The End Is Nigh), Jesus and others alluded to this, but in Jesus' case it is in regards to the Signs. The term, even Biblically refers to potential apocalyptical and eschatological events (Biblical Apocalypse). Especially if one can grasp what Revelation entails, as is the visions of some of God's Followers.

    Back then, from century to century and even now, it is not something out of the ordinary for a Christian to proclaim the End is Near all while still being alive. Granted no one knows the day, God could act if the given circumstances are met for it.

    2 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    They, GB, made claim how Jesus and JHVH have complete TRUST to FDS aka GB.

    Religious leaders of JWs never claim or wrote about God's Day taking place in that year. If they had, you'd produce the remark already.

    You've been asked this, perhaps, every year now.

    That is like be saying Srecko thinks a Ukrainian Drone is legitimate, when in reality, it is based on assumption due to the situation taking place. Or the events of Snake Island, etc.

    I think a more simpler term would be jumping to conclusions, some of which, even got the best of JWs at the time, obviously.

    2 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    "Life saving instructions" in/for the time of global confusion and attack on JW members

    Continuing to adhere to God's Word is live saving. To go about your own understanding can cause problems in the long run.

    If the confusion was global, it would have effected ALL JWs at the time, but the fact they were still gospel preaching, it also puts a stone in the face of the claim.

    This is why when you asked where in the Bible does the notion relate to, I cited what the archived said, 2 chapters and a verse.

    2 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    it can only mean one thing; GB has a "special knowledge" of the end of the world in Armageddon.

    How can they have special knowledge of something of which was never uttered in 1975?

    If there was evidence of them saying that, then you'd have a case, but whenever the 1975 thing comes up, no evidence to the claim is ever produced.

    So it is almost a Hitchens's Razor type situation.

    2 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    So who should believe that but you and JW?

    If there was evidence to claim, then it would be believed, noted as a truth.

    However, there is no evidence to claim, therefore, the claim is not only unfounded, it was false.

    I had a similar discussion and debate elsewhere, but it was more inline with Inflation, for the latter didn't want to believe the truth when he was told differently.

    So in short, we can't read things into something, mainly if Deut. 4:2 can be understood. This is a problem that most Trinitarians have also.

    2 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Yes, they made The Claim...... :)

    Yet, they never said God's Day would 100% occur in 1975 nor did they write it down...

    If they had done so, you'd provide the evidence to that, but this is the same situation as last time.

    2 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    But you don't listen?

    I do, and most of what I said is what I said to you 2-3 years ago...

    2 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Or you missed the WT articles and JWTV ?

    Ok so show us evidence that they proclaimed God's Day to be 1975, hence Armageddon?

    Again, if there is no such evidence, we can't make such an assumption and rely on speculation as truth.

  10. 56 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

    That site is framed as any other E.U. Scandinavian country. Does that mean, everyone that illicit that type of PHP is spoofing? Seems to me, it's a simple data storage.

    One of the domains I was able to trace to San Francisco, unless the other 3 are located elsewhere, so that might be the case. The main page is evidently on the main domain, but the other stuff is outside of the page.

    11 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

    Okay, I see what you are saying. You're correct, this fake website is specifically made for spoofing. It does have an area to log in and create an account. Once that link is generated, the hacker can reverse the IP address and can install malware here. Then this site, becomes an internet highway for illicit use. Might even be Russian, since all internet communication is being disrupted by high-tech, and they need a workaround access by dummy sites. Good Catch!!

    Website spoofing

    Website spoofing – also known as URL spoofing – is when scammers make a fraudulent website resemble a legitimate one. The spoofed website will have a familiar login page, stolen logos and similar branding, and even a spoofed URL that appears correct at first glance. Hackers build these websites to steal your login details and potentially drop malware onto your computer. Often, website spoofing takes place in conjunction with email spoofing – for example, scammers might send you an email containing a link to the fake website.

    Yes, so it is safe to shut out the browser completely better to be safe then take a potential risk.

    The source of where Witness may have gotten the link is possibly Reddit, the website in question is in connection with this person - 




    Not only he has a strong disdain for JWs, but also God. Seeing his mannerism, he is most likely a younger person.

  11. 1 hour ago, Witness said:

    Okay, no one wants to experience what you are talking about.  I can either highlight what you say here, or I can delete the entire post.  What do you suggest?  

    Granted what spoofing is, you can leave it, so visitors or any onlooker would be forewarned, granted this was traced back to reddit, no one would acknowledge spoofing, which is only mentioned here on this thread. So you can post something just to provide caution for anyone, be it JW or EXJW, or other.

    1 hour ago, Witness said:

    This isn't hate against JWs, it is hate against lies, false doctrines.

    Witness, this is further beyond that. When you find the replication, there are remarks that not just target JWs, but God himself, even Jesus, in short, they are making fun of the Christ and his Father. Surely you, along with the rest of us are not happy when Atheists mock God and his Christ.

    1 hour ago, Witness said:

    God has never dismissed corruption when His people have abused and ignored His decrees, as the organization has.  

    Yet we cannot ignore an Ashiest just outright mocked God and his Christ, shielding this behind the Watchtower.

    1 hour ago, Witness said:

    The wrath of God is real, and is enacted against His people.  Will you be prepared to face it?  Rev 18:4-8

    Yes, God's wrath is real, but we have to remember there are those who are alienated from God who can cause problems and often times, they are the ones weaponized.

    Galatians 6:7 - Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap.

  12. 1 hour ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    So really, in her reckless hate-campaign to malign Jehovah’s people and organization she is exposing @adminto potential liability. Should this crazy woman even be here?

    When it comes to things like this, spoofing in general, at times those who do not know these things are unaware. Granted she has not seen beyond the main page, just by discernment @Witness was actually unaware, especially when she didn't believe the broken links to be true, but now with this information now, she should be, for anyone, even her would not want to put their personal information at risk if there are threats due to the re-directs. So she will need to be careful next time. If she wanted to continue what she says about anything pertaining to the Watchtower, she should just stick with what she knows, for example, JWFacts.

    But yes, hypothetically speaking, if the situation turns out serious for anyone who falls victim, and they want to take action, real action, they'll start pointing figures at people and websites involved. So it can cause a list of problems. I mentioned Nintendo for a reason. For there was a parallel situation which landed someone a couple years of prison time, for although a Japanese Gaming Company, they're relentless when it comes to stamping out what they deem as a problem.

    But yes now people are aware, especially now due to cyber attacks taking place.

    I also mentioned Google, for this is akin to it - https://mashable.com/article/fake-google-domain

    Other than that, the remarks about God and Jesus on the spoof site is very sad, I am aware of parodies, but they are hiding behind that as an excuse.



  13. 6 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Mystery drone from Ukraine war crashes in Croatia.


    Is this the rest of the days of our lives?


    There is an abundance of Propaganda, this is why research is vital.

    That being said, the MSM are speculating with this one - one says claim to be, the other likely, the other assumed to be, the other believed. One attest to the fact it is Soviet Era, the other of Ukraine origin.

    I wouldn't trust the BBC if I were you because when it comes to a situation like this, they're prone to give bias, as is war mongering notions if the situation calls for it. BBC has been known to make mistakes and pushed as truth in dire situations. Not only it is bias, it is more Left Wing. I recommend looking for unbias news if research is something you cannot do.

    Anyways, War is a sign that the End is Near, as is Famine, as is destruction and death, and in such things, people's lives are cut short (ending the remaining days they have left), directly or indirectly if they are in the wrong place at the wrong time.

  14. 5 hours ago, Thinking said:

    Yes these words encourage the belief of 75….it should have been stepped on instead….this selling of business happened in our area..some openly preached 75 was the end….probably much like the apostles on there first mission who thought Jesus time had come to rule as king….he didn’t stop them with that false understanding either..

    The problem with speculation is that those who understand context will be ad odds with those in their community, which was the situation in those days. If you have one JW debating another JW on what was read and heard in those days, that in of itself is a dead giveaway that speculation caused people to lean on their own understanding of things, granted the 60s and the 70s concerning Christianity for both factions tend to a thing, and regarding JWs, they themselves were caught in this too.

    As for the Apostles, they are good comparisons as is those that came after them. Likewise with any Churches that existed in the 1st century where some small/minor understanding seems to get the best of people. For example, The Church of Corinth. Another, Apollos, in which in that situation, people had their own understanding in which Apostle Paul had to deal with that situation where the understanding caused different groups in the church, Paul himself was notified by members of the church, namely the household of Chloe (of whom Srecko and Witness tried to convince me she was a church leader when she isn't.)

  15. 5 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Notice this:

    ... planning to finish out the rest of their days in this old system in the pioneer service.

    Which is the norm to those who adhere to The Commission, from the day they start to their last breathe, they eventually go to sleep in death and those who God knows to be with him, will be called by the Christ (John 14:13, 5:28, 29, Acts 24:15 [parallels to Prophet Isaiah - Isa. 25:8, 26:19]), the situation is a bit different for those of the Firstfruits, God's chosen. 

    Do what is right in God's eyes, as is the Commission commanded by the Christ for the end of the End Times is near.

    5 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Well yes, they point to 1975 as critical and final date. .............. Rest of their days :)))) not months, not years, not decades, but DAYS.

    Rests of their days - an Idiom to natural cause - death. [To spend the remaining portion of one's life (doing something or being some place).] You do realize that people do what they do until the remaining theirs of their life.

    Granted it states days, it can equate to months and or years, no one knows when it is their time to expire, so in life they take action, as we can see here as already addressed, in the 60s and 70s there was zeal to minister for the Commission, in those days it wasn't only the JWs who had this zeal, but those of the other action.

    This is also obvious because historically, the 1070s was the Fourth and Final Great Awakening in which Christian zeal was in abundance.

    5 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Do we live today in the "rest of days of the overlapping generation"?

    This has nothing to do with the article concerning 1975, and I haven't seen that in the archived article written anywhere. Remember what Deut. 4:2 says and apply it.

    5 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    SM, Dmitar please some illumination from you?

    The 1974 archived article, a year and a few months shy from the 1975 narrative, was already addressed in the other page, although @Pudgy got the archived image of it, the focused quotes were pulled for context.

    All in all, once again Matthew 24 and 25 as is 1 John 2:17 was ignored, hence why it was brought up once again.


    Surely, you know how to read a Bible verse, Apostle John himself proclaimed until his exiled, until the end of his day.

    4 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    First; You inadvertently (I guess) compare GB to Jesus. Jesus, you say, did not help the apostles to stop believing in delusion. Analogously, GB did not help to break the 1975 idea out of the head of JW followers.

    Unfortunately, it comes down to understanding.

    • Half believed in what was said in context.
    • The other Half assumed otherwise and took action.

    In both groups, the claim that this day/year would be it. Moreover them preaching the gospel would not be a thing due to Matthew 24 and 25 as is the verse in John. There was indeed arguments and debate based discussions with within the JW community due to these 2 views - hence speculation.

    From what I am aware, their religious leaders at the time never made the claim, as did any of their works starting from 1966 (hence Witness' original post where her quoted stated they did - was wrong - I still have the links to the original threads). The End is Near, which is true, but the End being specifically 1975 whereas even a list of factors deem otherwise, speculation, hence why they addressed in later on down to human error and or understanding (the part you excluded from your source).

    4 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Second; Why would Jesus not want to help his friends (the apostles) see the truth and the light? Why would he want them to be misled? What special value does cover-up about this matter have for the lives of the apostles and other followers? Analogously, does GB have "knowledge" that they don't want to share with rank and files JW members? 

    Jesus was pretty clear when he told Christians to gospel preach, be committed to the Commission, and the the End would come, hence Matthew 24 and 25. He made that clear to his Apostles and other followers of Christ, for they were aware that the End is near and they must proclaim the Messianic Message as is tell people about God's Kingdom, likewise, with that information, it is up to the people to either accept or not.

    It is more logic and reading comprehension, the thing is, would you allow the knowledge read in full context, or speculate.

    4 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Personally, I don’t believe GB knows more than other JW members. GB just has more ideas and more interpretations because it is their “job” to "survive", to keep them in position at all.

    Sadly, to your behest, they never made the claim. No one knows, however speculation can be drawn compared to most in that day who assume it will happen by other means; which can cause a domino effect.


  16. @Witness This is what I was talking about concerning spoofing:

    The first image (image A) is from your link, if clicked in combination it intertwines with JW.org. The second image (image B) is the legitimate JW.org, for the image concerning Ukraine was there the other day and suddenly the link you provided already for spoofed images of a recently shown image. The third image (image C) is from your link that if you manage to find the re-directs, it mirrors exactly the same as JW.org, and there is a possible risk for anyone who clicks on a link or try to login. The 4th image (image D) is what JW.org was just a few days ago in which Image A was updated to match it soon after it was changed to Image B.

    Both JW.org and your link also has a workable logon page so you don't know which one is true or false if you don't pay attention.

    The Red Flag here is that once you go to the spoofed website, most, if not all re-directs to JW.org, which is a problem because if the website was to have archived all information collected by JWs and EXJWs, why is there a need to have a replicated site that re-directs on purpose?

    Image A



    Image B




    Image C




    Image D




    Here are other examples, Image A.1 is JW.org and Image B.1 is the spoofed website

    Image A.1



    Image B.1



    Identical if one isn't paying attention because they'll simply be confused, very confused and possibly think the website is hacked and or other serious scenarios. Image B.1 automatically re-directs to JW.org, in addition to that, the IP of JW.org is also semi-mirrored here, so in a sense, it does slowly lean into the copyright waters as @Dmitar mention. At the time time, it is woeful deception.


    Lastly, granted this website assumes JWs to be a Cult, thus whomever made the website adopted the Cult Ideology concerning Christians, some of the things used in the replicated spoof website, he/she mocked God (Jehovah/Yahweh) and mocked Jesus, not to mention shown a lowkey racist remark towards Chinese people. He/She continued to mock God directly concerning COVID-19, and made fun of God to assume as if he was part of a drug cartel/drug growing duo from a drama series, I doubt you or anyone elsewhere here assumes God, Jehovah/Yahweh to be part of a Drug Trade type of thing. Granted the history of this website, despite it's infancy, there has been some remark changes to further mock Jehovah's Witnesses, The Watchtower, as is to mock Christ, the son of God, and His Father, due to this, it can be deduced that this person isn't an EXJW, but an Anti-JW, who is not only disgruntled, but also has a level of hatred for God himself. Hence in Apostasy, the notion of one being alienated from God.

    The person in archived versions of this replica also mocked the Bible and the Holocaust... Considers Jesus a Fairytale, as is all written about him.

    More mockery in the last image 


    With the stuff I have seen, having to close my browser and open it constantly... I can't even said "That being said" for this response instead "What on God's Green Earth" is more appropriate here.

    But really, you should have known what you are linking, this is way examine, even research is key, you can't post things without knowing. In this case, it is more than simply spoofing, but rather influences of an Anti-JW, more so, someone who is in the camp of the Atheistism community similar to Jack on this forum but more severe, granted, the notions are met to hit beyond JWs themselves.

    It gets even more worse

    [Because we witness, or never shut up about Jehovah: Jehovah this, Jehovah that, Jehovah God, our God Jehovah, Jehovah, Jehovah, Jehovah; we are known as Jehovah’s Witnesses. This is a parody homepage but you can explore our real life cult website by clicking on any of the links you see here. Read our own cult Bible online. Learn more about how we break apart families by practising an extreme form of shunning]

    What I see that is ironic, he says that it is a parody website, but you cannot claim parody by spoof replication with assets, in most cases, that do not belong to you. Legal action can be taken should someone choose. He/She even go as far as to admit to the re-direct links which are potentially not safe.

    NOTE: Unlike trademark law, copyright law does not presume commercial use. Under copyright law, “not all parody is protected; instead, parody, 'like any other use, has to work its way through the relevant factors.

    None of them pertain to replication and spoofs.

    The latter also admitted to spoofing....



    This won't end well once people start to realize all of this...

    People will obviously be upset, you should be too. People who mock God directly, equating, in this regard, Jehovah your God, to Drug dealers in a Drug trade or jokingly calling him a Spaghetti Monster is indeed a problem. A serious one.

  17. 2 hours ago, Pudgy said:

    Do you know why Watchtower Lawyers and people that are close to them do not fear being eaten by sharks when they swim in the ocean?

    ……….. Professional Courtesy.

    These Entities who are the Alphabet Boys types are beyond the Watchtower and these Lawyers itself. So instead of a Shark of whom you get their attention, it is a Leviathan from the deepest, darkness parts of the sea.

    So far the only infamous spoofing website I can think of from the top of my head is the replicated Google.com.

    A mis-click can direct you to a website that looks like the Google homepage, but it is not, some slight difference, but the average person cannot tell so when they try to log into Gmail and or the like, they are automatically a victim.

    Granted @Witness link has redirects to JW.org, it would be best to not click any further and simply close out the browser completely, then open back up. Doesn't hurt to have Malware Scans or some security definition.

    That being said, people are extremely cautious of these things, especially now with this skirmishs of cyber attacks.

    But to be brief, the main page on the first domain of the website is a collection of documents already known from other websites and even some from archives. However some odd links are in their too, KBs are not normally clickable, but when you click on it, it gives you a random documents with a random language. Seems like a rushed job in some parts.

    Other then that, whomever created this domain has seem to adopt the cult ideology heavily, judging by the tabs that take you off the main page and to JW.org; granted, the assumption once effectively dies if they go there.

  18. 2 hours ago, Witness said:

    I can see that this is upsetting the two of you!  If they call me in for distribution of copyright, they will have to haul in thousands of other people with me.

    I say what I say because I had seen people get into some serious trouble with spoofing.

    And I reason concern for anyone to be cautious because of key logging may be a possibility.

    I don't think you'll get hit by the alphabet boys unless a victims of a spoof comes back here, and they won't go to you, they'll go to Admin.

    2 hours ago, Witness said:

    I don't own the website, I linked it, just as everyone else has. 

    You linked it, but at least give a warning for anyone to be careful of the links that take you off the main page.

    You should say something to the effect, only focus on the main page and do not click on anything else, be it JW or EXJW, and knowing some JWs have logons, what would happened if you Trojan horsed them into getting not only their emails and passwords net-packed, but any personal information?

    From experience, when we took down a hacker website, we has a reason to. The website was shown to be an opposition website however, it tracked more than that. My contact was able to do more to shut down the website due to him being in Russia at the time of where the domain was being broadcasted. The Software in question cannot be stopped, but the usage of what it was used for in that website, was halted. Spoofing did more than trace people, some had nefarious intent, i.e. stalking/following women to their home.

    What you should do next time is carefully examine the website(s) before linking them. Like I said, in IT, some admins/net admins would see this as a land mine type situation.

    Be Careful.

    2 hours ago, Witness said:

    I'm not having any of the problems that you are talking about SM, but I'll let you know.

    You can't see tracing and or key logs, you would not know if there was a problem or not. You can only find out if you have the tools and or if you really got hit with something.

    That being said, next time, just examine, and forewarn people before they click, although you do not like JWs, at least notify them, should they have a logon, to not click anything else after it redirects them to JW.org.

    Spoofing is highly dangerous and deceptive, and from experience, I have seen a lot of Hell for it.

  19. 5 minutes ago, Pudgy said:


    Here it is !



    This was cited several times, but this is good - then again, comments tend to get lost. There were other remark on the pages and good that 1 John 2:17 is highlighted.

    Srecko left out several parts of that archived article, and I quoted the rest.

    That being said, the fact they were gospel preaching the commission around that is a factor.

  20. @Pudgy The other factor(s) is the fact people were still preaching, which contradicts Matthew 24 and 25. In General the Great Commission would come to a halt prior to the end. There will be a class of sheep and a class of goat, separation, etc.

    Perhaps what would have made the claim more believable is if all Jehovah's Witnesses around the world at the time simply stopped preaching/vanished, sit in their homes to make it simpler. But....... That would be a conundrum of it's own for you have those who believe in the Rapture and or that people went underground because a Comet was to hit and destroy parts of the Earth to wipe out most of mankind, the International Destruction crowd. Then there is the direct opposite of the JWs which this individual, Herbert W. Armstrong, actually proclaimed in God's Day would happen in in the year 1975, but his notions was, should I say, very exaggerated, even including World War III. His theme was: 1975 in Prophecy! He did the same in 1972.

    That being said, outside of Jehovah's Witnesses, from the 1960s into the 1980s there was mass speculation of God's Day, some attest to the fact it will happen now, others, it will happen soon, others, we do not know but it could. But the general public will assume otherwise. If we go back further in the past, things tend to be more serious, really serious during a time you can be caught up in a bad situation if you preach the gospel - being BBQ'd on a stake by a Pope with a Bible straddled around your neck. Some dark and wild times.

    Then you have the Cults who jumped into this also, some infamous ones, such as Jim Jones. And the BHI who thinks everyone who isn't black will face destruction.

    But those with genuine intent, truly await God's Day at heart because the world in the End Times is a tough and cruel place.

  21. 1 hour ago, Witness said:

    Whether that is true or not remains to be "seen".  Amazing that within 15 minutes you found out that "half" of the site is dead.  You're quick!

    Because I dwell in IT (I branch out in a few things in that domain), there are things, tools we use to scan websites, and that is in connection with the device I use which is passive, there are 3rd parties too.

    Broken links appear as such below if you click on things outside of the main page itself:


    It loops you in with every click. They're not only broken, but they're fillers; possibly just for show.

    You can have fun with this one - https://accessjw.org/en/index_20211223.html

    It does not take 15 minutes. Scan only took less than 2 minutes. That is how I got the Age of the Domain also, and IP. Scans normally take anywhere from a few seconds to 5 or so minutes. The website only had 4 domains also. 15 or more minutes is like trying to go through, for example JP Morgan, however, that is a well secured 443 and rarely are links broken they get terminated.

    The site even suggested it is an affiliated Trademark, granted most replicated assets do not belong to them. even if it is a joke to say TM, it is serious when it comes to copyright.



    Hence Laws



    This in combination with TM remarks, potentially spoof/hacking, direct linking to JW.org via some links via redirection, is an extremely high possibility of a bad situation waiting to happen should an entity look at this. Nintendo levels of law is something no one wants if caught.

    1 hour ago, Witness said:

    Grant it, I haven't opened everything, but I have yet to come across links on the other pages, that don't work.

    That is because you are on the Main Page of the domain. When you click outside of it, it brings you to the image as shown above, even blanks.

    Main Pages are not so much effected with Domains in it's infancy stage.

    1 hour ago, Witness said:

    Are you trying to dissuade JWs from checking it out themselves?  

    No. However, a lot of this stuff was collected over the years, some of which JWs and EXJWs know about, as is the debates and discussions around them, that is why I brought up the Trust, the same documentation was brought up when the EXJW refuted Mr. Zelda's claims, which is ironic that I mention this now because I just told Dmitar about it not too long ago in a response.

    1 hour ago, Witness said:

    If so, why?

    Because no one wants to be unknowingly traced and or key logged, or worse, if they click out of the domain, especially the login which is sketchy, can easily get someone's email/username along with password, to net-packed back to the domain outside of JW.org, a data-breach.

    The Gateway to JW.org may be compromised, hence the example given.

    One is better off with the other known domain used by your community, you already have JWfacts, do you not? Even for them, they would NOT make such a move that puts them in the crosshairs of entities of whom one cannot truly comprehend their movements; uncommon, for these types are in line with The Alphabet Boys.

    1 hour ago, Witness said:

    No kidding.  🙂

    Spoofing is nothing to be joked about. If you do not warn people to be careful, you can inadvertently put JWs and EXJWs at risk if they don't know this stuff. And this can ensue ramifications of possibly entities that have nothing to do with the Watchtower, especially, if someone accidently got victimized by a spoof the other way around is to pin blame on the Watchtower for hacking people without them even know what happened prompting the Watchtower to figure out who did what, in this case, you'll have victims, the Watchtower, and Entities you do not want coming for you, to zero in on the cause.

    That being said, whatever domains remain of the information on the main page, it would be best for anyone, even EXJWs to stick with that solely instead of the latter.

    But really, a 443 with filler/broken links is not a good look. If you do not know what that is, 443 is an Internet Protocol (Port), in English, its HTTPS:\\ associated with the Secure Socket Layer.


    Knowing this stuff is of my expertise. Stuff like this, the people should know.

    Technology is a blessing and a curse.

    The World Wide Web (Internet) is a blessing and a curse

    It all comes down to how it is used, for some people have bad intent to use such things against someone.

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