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Space Merchant

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Everything posted by Space Merchant

  1. The irony is the comment speaks for itself, as mentioned there will be those who defend him also All in all, in the New Normalcy, should your faith community finally return to what they were doing, his activism will most likely continue only to drown out his actions.
  2. Biblical Unitarian. Factionalist? And this pertains to what? God is the Father, and the Holy Spirit is of God, not God. Hence, the Anti-Trinitarian stance. I believe JWs also understand the Holy Spirit isn't God either, hence the view of Trinitarians, who believe The Holy Spirit is God, as is Jesus is God. If you are implying that I am alive (life concerning spirit), then yes. All of us here are alive as well. We exist because God breathes life into us by means of his Holy Spirit, not only in humans, but living animals, insects, etc. As is plant/flora life. God is indeed the creator. I don't know why you went from God's Spirit to the notation of life, but ok. Perhaps if I was not alive, then yes. Well if you were, you wouldn't be a alive. Be it of the Bible or not, that is known logic. The other remark you also sounded as if you were a Spiritualist, if read out of context.
  3. They'll eventually track bank accounts with some new ruling. They're also afraid to say COVID-19 is Endemic. Although they less restrictions, chance are, they'll bring them back, so for example, if you do go preaching, who is to say you'll be stopped to have your papers checked? That kind of power those in power will not let go 100%, temporarily, but not permanent.
  4. @Anna You may want to save whatever is in those links in some form of documentation. Even the Way back machine can get scrubbed clean rendering your links useless. Granted these are Archives, there is no doubt some people want that information to disappear.
  5. Ok. And? As do most who understand Core Teachings of the legitimate Christian faith vs the other faction that originated in the 4th century, he mentions this early on in the video. For in the days of Constantine, our predecessors, The Subordinationists, it was a dangerous time for them. This even goes into the Reformation, we had to deal with Catholics. Most Subordinationist Christians were killed, even in an era where there was a new Emperor. To not accept the Creed or the Trinity, death will follow. Therefore, Jesus is not God, he is God's Son. Moreover, Subordinationists never fought compared to the early days of Mainstream Christendom who took over. Then you have to factor in the issue with Bible translation. God's Day, Jesus does come back to fight against lawlessness and badness. God and the Holy Spirit are separate, for the Spirit isn't a literal being. He literally says this in the video Perhaps you took this man's words out of context. He mentions that Trinitarians believe in One God, but in 3 persons, therefore, in the Trinitarian view, The Holy Spirit isn't separate from God, but God himself, essentially. As far as I know, JWs, Muslims and most Anti-Trinitarians do not believe that the Holy Spirit is God, nor do they believe Jesus to be God, rather, the only God, is the Father (YHWH); Jesus states this too. Unlike our other Unitarian counterparts, we believe Jesu pre-existence. As far as I know most Anti-Trinitarians, even JWs, believe this, but JWs are noted by opponents as Semi-Arians because they believe, like the Subordinationists Jesus was created by God. Some of the Unitarian Church outside of Biblical Unitarian believe Jesus only came into existence when conceived by Mary. God's name? Srecko, are you aware of what the holy spirit is and what it is capable of? The Holy Spirit is from [of] God and it itself has many names. Granted this video was posted in my other debate, even the website of this man made the correction; @Costried to get me on that, but failed. Moreover, another person similar to the man in the video, Kel, made the correction. God indeed has many names, as is his Son, as is his Spirit. His spirit is used to direct his followers, in the past, enabling them to do miraculous acts. The Holy Spirit can be prayed for, and given to those who ask for it. Hence, the ending remark is correct. The debate against @Cos concerning the Holy Spirit, probably the only debate where I was annoyed with a Trinitarian. Ironically @Dmitar was mentioned in this debate as his last tenure I remember talking about this video years ago on here, likewise with Kel and Buzzard. From what I am aware, the core teachings they're aware about, the only difference is that they're as a whole an organized group compared to others. So not sure of what you are attesting to. Most of us Anti-Trinitarians trust the Bible also. One is organized and one is not? That being said, at the end he made it clear of the different Unitarians out there.
  6. Yes, and for all we know due to whomever he was with, since this is in the realm of Prostitution, be it a person (which is known) or several (a possibility due to how some operate in that regard), among them could be trafficked sex ring victims, and or underaged, for in Thailand the age of consent is 14-15 there is no question that some people with ill intent, often go to the country for that reason and try to shroud themselves, granted how high this notation is, especially in Thailand Bangkok - of all places in Thailand. This is something his followers will either soften the blow or avoid talking about, and or listen to what he has to say not realizing how things are in Thailand. That being said, since he truly wanted to commit sin via adultery willfully, what hurts one's yoke with their mate even harder is with a Prostitute, his brazen fun and games until he was caught (for if he wasn't caught, he would be remorseless), hence the rift in the EXJW since the 2017 incident in the Borough is a large one. There are parallels situations, someone from the Mainstream who made the news I believe, but ironically, the fact this Mainstreamer was a Woman, clearly in that moment the justice system didn't do much; other situations similar too. All in all, like the Wiccan practitioner, he scrubbed some information on the Warwick situation too. For regarding these 2 former JWs, is is evident that they adhere to ill influence, and the action that follows. It also is a nod to the problems of Mainstream Christendom, in which forgiveness is often times, mostly, exploited, in short, people who play with God's forgiveness will fair badly in the end.
  7. Speaking about voting, sometimes one's stance can cause someone to make assumptions. For instance, a JW can preach to someone in a Blue State on the matter of, for example, child abortion and life. Granted all of us know how life is viewed, even what the Bible says, the home owner would mistaken you for a Right-Winger whereas that same home owner is for abortion. They conclude that, although neutral, you are a Conservative Voter. Even when it comes to a Biblical view, those of he political paradigm often confuse themselves. Elsewhere there ae those who force you into a political side. That being said, in the New Normalcy, the paradigm is a lot more aggressive.
  8. It is more so standing on corners and the like. For me personally, the ones more troubling to deal with is the Black Hebrew Isrealites. They themselves tried to change history for the wrong reasons. That being said, it is going to be tough. And it will get worse should the gas, energy, and now wheat supply shifts in an unfavorable direction. This will effect people who do not know what is taking place in the background, even members of your faith. even mentally one needs to defend themselves. Although @Dmitar would say otherwise, he agreed several times on the fact of the influence that has flourish recently in which it can effect some people namely younger people., for ill influence can effect everyone if they're not careful. This particular EXJW is an interesting case, this excludes the others who went into spiritism full 100%, for this one, he slowly got into it. Despite preaching against JWs for he was essentially the voice of the Warwick protest and a legitimate rival to one of @Srecko Sostar's following, John Cedar (who is now known to be immoral), as for spiritism, he slowly began to be influence by spiritism. After the protest against JWs, he was shown in a video after his rant about the park situation doing a Wiccan practice - The Maypole, the picture below is an example of what that is After the video came out, he made another one after he was called out by EXJWs, but soon after he deleted both videos yet for this major error, EXJWs still defend him and they still attack Cedars, however, despite this, he still communicates with Wiccan practitioners, who drew in more EXJW converts. This is the same EXJW turned Wiccan who attempted to pretend he was a Truther, as is a member of a Hacktivist group only to get called out. As of now he also dwells on conspiracy. For even former members of your faith they need be careful, but most do not watch their step. That being said, this same move is made by others, to trick people into accepting traditions, stating God sees them as harmless. So one need to be careful. Granted @Dmitar was confused with his Unitarian remark as was @Srecko Sostar. There were no churches in the area at the time, so learning of God and the Bible was in house, for my Father had a reason for this because of a practice in my mother's country which is related to Spiritism as with violence (although at the time his country his no different), so holding on to what the Bible says is light holding a sword to fend off an extremely disaster laced influence which claim many. As for Biblical Unitarian, this is in regards to the fact my Father, as with me also, believe God to be the Father only, and the Son is the Christ, hence me being vocal against the Trinity and Mainstream, as is some of what spill over into the Anti-Trinitarian faction. Because of Restorationist movement, it actually gives the Anti-Triniarian a legitimate fighting chance against the Trinitarian and the Mainstream.
  9. In your case it is fine, however NoiseySrecko was confused. Granted, the reason was given; from the quotation that was in response to Butler. Not quite. My position was due to the upbringing in a dangerous time, therefore, it was somewhat of a practice, for observing the Bible and professing faith in home only. Especially during a time where there was literally no churches anywhere. I've also made the point to you before, of those who are organized and those who are not, especially due to the experience of constantly being in Bible based debates for a long time. This is the same with our counterparts in the other group, The Trinirarians, in which they are lone or organized, but the idea persist. It ahs nothing to do with defending the JWs, more so, speaking against misconceptions and falsehoods. The same case can be made when early on in my debates with the notation of Islam. The thing is, with JWs, people can agree/disagree on things, however, to pertain to legitimate falsehoods, leads to problems, and one should not be surprised should the notation be challenged and or refuted. An example of this would be my debate with you concerning Abraham and the Church of Corinth, and Judge Deborah. In which you used these examples to protest claim of Sexism concerning religious office in your former faith, not realizing that God's Order has not changed and remains the same. Just because the world has changed even the Mainstream, does not mean the JWs, or anyone aware of God's Order should change this too. In that same debate, you stated I was defending JWs because I respected God's Order in the very Bible you and I both read. You even told me that a woman lead the Church of Corinth, as is, Churches in Ancient Israel which makes no sense because Christians didn't exist in the time of Judges, then your remarks on Deborah. Then we have Abraham, for in short you attested to the idea he was selfish, whereas the Bible says otherwise, and somehow you manage to rope in JWs. Likewise in a recent debate concerning historical points in US history and Germany. Another instance where you stood with Trinitarians for a justifiable cause knowing well the Trinitarians is essentially the other faction; deem you as the enemy concerning Christ. I mentioned to @Dmitar my debate with @Cos in which you were involved attempting to defend the Trinitarian's altering view of history all because of JWs. Likewise with Witness, who is essentially Lisa Haven in this regard, i.e. attempted to use Smurf Girl as a source, and like you, cannot do the research. You were also shown to accept things without doing the research. That being said, for, if God's Order has not change and many even JWs are aware of this and you and others say otherwise, then of course, you will be refuted. As for Individualism, you can't real have this stance if you get tricked by misleading information and profess it as a truth. In Witness' case, she rely mostly on others and not herself, therefore some of her notations and Exegesis, tends to backfire, i.e. Church of Corinth. In both of your cases, in regards to Trintiarians, you were both used as tools by them, in some of these debates, such as yourself when I debated @Cos. You mean my Father? We had no churches at all, hence learning in home in a dangerous time. You seem to not understand what the term Apostate is and used it in a way that makes no sense. Clearly my faith in God and his Christ was never renounced. How can I come out of something if I was never in it to begin with? The quotation of the legitimate explanation of a Truther, notes my upbringing. That being said, you may want to look at the quote I left for Butler. Don't make another mistake.
  10. Declined, but it has not gone away, hence why there are some who are afraid to say it is Endemic, regardless, caution must be taken. In the spring/summer time, COVID-19 has always been on the low, just like last year, yet it is quite different in fall/winter, cooler weather. COVID-19 is quite slightly low, however still contagious, unless, you are among the fortunate who seemingly cannot get it, you should have nothing to worry about. There is the Omicron variant and the BA.2 variant, sub variant. The irony in this is that the MSM and the CDC suddenly changed their tune on the Endemic. Deaths are high, and due to the vaccine situation, information has been changed, others scrubbed. As for War, this is true, and it draws concern for some, however, outside of war, there are other problems in which the people will shift into a mindset, some of which, could be dangerous, in conjunction with that the mention of inflation, and the like. For instance, if you buy, for example, apples, do not be surprised by the fact you'll be attacked for those apples. Other then that, practice being vigilant. As we speak, there are some ramifications that are about to take place, even in the realm of cyberspace in the coming days, so in that regard, secure yourself should it effects your country. True, but should they return, for there is a New Normalcy, it won't be the same. For their churches also, hence what I told Linda months ago.
  11. I simply speak truth to the best of my ability, whatever anyone does with the information, so be it. I think he brings you in in order to make an appeal that only backfires, ironically, he brings in Witness, although she is essentially like Ms. Haven, it is kind of odd to add to her words. In addition to that he is extremely lucky, I never quote his last tenures because it would break some of his notations with his new name/tenure. That being said, concerning the topic itself, in short, it is known that your faith community still preaches the gospel, namely over the phone and letters. Hence the COVID-19 restrictions, of which was mentioned. So my response to Butler was correct, none of them are preaching to different houses. Perhaps soon you may be doing so, but you have to understand, things are different now. I remember telling @ApostaBabe Linda James that because of the change in society, especially now, preaching to houses will be somewhat difficult and or problematic. Likewise with any of your churches opening back up, you have to be extremely vigilant now, hence the change in society and the mindset of people. I also talked about Gangstalkers, any religious institution that opened a while back became subjected to such types, so even when there is happiest of going back to an institution, you still have to be hyper vigilant of those who come to said institution for their own personal gain, as is theft. So in short, extra precaution and safety. While your faith community was away, there were some religious folks of the Mainstream who acted as a substitute for those who normally preach the gospel. From the Black Hebrew Israelites to the Jehovah Warrior types who think Jesus is Jehovah, as is the ones who claim COVID-19 Endemic was somehow judgement from God, even those who use ill influence to spread some weird Exegesis about God and Jesus that makes no sense. So when you do return, you shouldn't be surprised to see some of these folks come around, as is your embolden opposition from the EXJW camp, more influenced by not only conspiracy, but ideas from the Mainstream. On top of that Babylon herself is more dangerous than before, so Mainstream Christendom does hold some more power, and some tricks. There will be political conflict. The mention of Pearl's followers and some of their ideas resulting in Right Wing Conservatives to confront them, that should some form of awareness of what is to come when things open back up. Then there is the level of Authoritarianism and the broken justice system. Therefore, watch your step, not for yourself, but for those around you.
  12. 3rd person? There is no games to be played in a discussion, but I can see the appeal to motive from that alone. Although Witness is misguided, I do pity here. But to make claims even to add words to her mouth, is kind of unfounded. It is already noted of who challenged me on that, and I mentioned them by name, primarily Cos. Witness was probably somewhere in that debate, perhaps briefly, and never dwelled on Anti-Trinitarian vs Trinitarian discussion, granted the focus was heavily on that vs anything pertaining to JWs whereas even some guests got involved, the visitors you speak of. As can be seen by Cos ridiculous notation, of which as stated, Mainstreamers do hold an influence on EXJWs, as seen in that debate. Therefore, your claim, is unfounded. You were told before, at least have evidence. Around that time you were among your older tenures. So be it, it does not matter to me, I simply respond to a response. Sure... Yet you even throw a debate opponent, Witness into the mix when you made an unfounded claim even about her. To Weaponize a former JW, this is a new one. And yet another appeal.... And you say I am the one playing games. That being said, you just gave yourself more call backs, for visitors to see, if anyone of us quotes them. For if your words are not true, why speak them, NoiseySrecko? If I were you, I would focus on that lesson and apply it. That said, games and assertions do not work on me, perhaps next time try harder. Quite the remark of one who makes unverified claims, and cannot keep his word as bond. But I digress.
  13. You were quoted, word for word. One can't refuse separation if they were never part of it, so much so, their opposition makes it obvious. You don't because I do not. This is what you said to me when I coined the events, not so much of a misdirection of there is evidence to said response. An appeal to motive cannot help you here. Jesus was aware of the situation in his era, however, he does not lean for any side expect God's Kingdom, as is his Will and Purpose for mankind. As for his followers. A True Christian isn't part of the state or the paradigm. Hence your latter response, is now a contradiction. But why equate them to be associated with the state when they are not? The application of which you made a remark to does not make sense for if you push it off without explanation, it holds no water. Hence the example in regards to church and state pertains to the year coined, 2016, and for good reason. I thought you knew, but apparently not, although you did agree with me in the other thread concerning influence and those swept away. For this event did happen, evidence to it is also noted. Well to apply the notation seems unfounded if there was no presented examples. For, if something of that nature is addressed, the people should know, even those who visit here. It also puts you in the spotlight because of the article you sourced in this thread whereas the persons involved did draw concerns for the events of Ukraine, but not politically involved. On the contrary it does, for it relates to the ideas or strategies of a particular party or group in politics; hence leaning. However, there is no question for that both you and I are aware people can be tricked by the influence of the paradigm, not realizing they accepted an ideology of said side. There are examples. So who here is on the Left or the Right in the political paradigm? Not really granted the reponse. I need not defend someone who literally stated he does not like any of the leaders of the paradigm, the irony here is even the former JWs here would say this, despite a few being tricked by the paradigm's influence until it was explained to them. That being said, the sudden mention of him, for possibly the 4th time, is irrelevant, so much so if you cannot accurately determine which side is is on when he expresses nothing. You are beginning to make a parallel remark as my rival did before her arrest. That is quite the memory. Unfortunately it isn't a misdirection, granted you cannot verify your claim on the matter. Therefore, Hitchens Razor. Yet we see you address a source as seen here - Hence what I said from the beginning, those caught in the crossfire of these super powers. Clearly if you understood the events of Russia 2017, you'd realize what I had been saying here already. Then again, you might equate this to conspiracy or, shifting, as you call it. Then why make a remark of the latter? I make a response to a response, for it was brought up because of what you stated in your own words. They're not mid games because there is legitimate evidence in all of what was mentioned to Butler. Therefore, your response is null, if all of the remarks to him have call backs. He isn't Political, he is Neutral, but fell for paradigm influence easily, as is almost accepting propaganda of a conspiracy theory group that is a fringe in the US and have some holding in the UK. For some of these groups play a role pertaining to the propaganda storm of the paradigm, even regarding that of Russia and Ukraine. Appeals to motive do not work on me, at all, as is the opposite of the razor. In this sense, it does not provide any justice to the visitors here if you do these things. Therefore, perhaps next time, be cautious of what you say if you can't hold your own words to a candle. Also FYI, going back do your source regarding the Russian JWs, perhaps by your logic, it makes you leaning in one of the political sides, but clearly, as with most here, you yourself is neutral too.
  14. It should be noted that those of a specific Status may dodge a couple of bullets in the UK; smaller fish will get hit, but not the largest ones in the pond. Likewise with other countries, even the US, in which there is a lot of corruption revolving around money.
  15. This seems to be the case, granted the information known to us, as is, who is allied with Russia and who is allied with the US. At the end of the day, the actions of super powers effects the normal citizen.
  16. I was never part of the Unitarian Church at all. I remember mentioning my upbringing as a Biblical Unitarian before. I am aware of others in Unitarianism who do go to a physical church, but my case was quite different, as is my baptism, in a literally small waterfall, Bassin Bleu. As for being an Islander, hence the title, also true due to where I was raised, which is why I Dmitar had trouble around dealing with cultural aspects a while back. As for faith, it was mostly built up in the household itself. In your case, your faith community had actual churches to go to. Unfortunately, what Dmitar fail to see is the upbringings of different people is vastly different. As for Truthers, I mentioned to Butler before, the term originated in 9/11 - 9/11 truth movement, in which the word was used whereas later on, the term became associated with people wanting to know what is true by means of facts and evidence pertaining to various things and events, for example, the situation with Propaganda used to mislead, something of that nature, we try to look for actual facts of said information to see what is true and what is false despite the opposition from the paradigm and the MSM, who often times tried to link us with legitimate Conspiracy Theorists. Granted the branches in the community is vast, for some try to help out in various situations, many in one's area, like recently, a missing person, and or things of that nature, even things pretending to what Butler yells about the most, CSA. Some are those who broke away from the MSM, to others those effected by the 2008 events, even their children end up in this route to essentially avenge their parents, for a repeat is happening now but the people are prepared. Others the lies of the MSM or political figures, to some, corruption, etc. In my case, falsehoods and ill influence pushed by the paradigm. So much so the influence of finding truth spread out to others. We somehow cross paths with Journalists who are independent. There are some who do pretend to be Truthers, for example, we had a couple former members of your faith who attempted only to get called out for it, one was mentioned by name in another thread, as is him being exposed as a Wiccan Paganist. For a number of events pushed me into that community and for a long time now, even as of recent with all the propaganda. Even more with legitimate rivals I had cross paths which who are extremely twisted, broken and or misguided by the paradigm and it's influence. That being said, outside of Babylon, there are threats, the MSM is one, but there are others too. As for how I got here, was due to the debates whereas not only I debated one of your own, but numerous Trinitarians who were apparently attacking Muslims in a discussion whereas some Triune believers cited some people here concerning information to defend the Trinity. If it were not for that heated debate, I'd still be at CSE and elsewhere. I never began debating here until I was challenged by Cos, Shiwii and Matthew, but Cos primarily.
  17. There is no playing of games. Also an appeal to motive is not a wise move to make. Therefore, you are free to speak your peace, but unverified remarks are unfounded. On the contrary, you are the one playing the words, NoiseySrecko. I am a Biblical Unitarian Christian yes, however I am not of the Unitarian Church. Your claim was to associate me with the Unitarian Church, a mistake that Butler made, as did Srecko. As did some Trinitarians here, namely @Cos who debated me on that and the 4th century. I am woefully neutral and mild with people however when I see something that dwells in what I am against, I speak. Likewise when challenged to debate or discussion, given my history, I am committed to challenge in the realm of refutation. This is the same case on pervious forums, such as, CSE, as is others. Likewise in areas where I have legitimate rivals, i.e. members of BHI, BAMN, etc. The misguided types, although they are wrong, I pity them, even if they repeat the mistake. That being said, if I were you, I wouldn't make the err Cos and Butler made. All Truthers spoke of censorship and the rise of it. Therefore, you are incorrect. We were hit by it for a long time, before and after the death of Shim. The information we dwell on, scrubbed from the internet. A good example of this our view of Section 230. Elsewhere, many of us were hit, myself included. Therefore, according to the community, we know. I am truly a Truther. So much so to understand to discern even those who lean towards a side and or who is neutral. How so? How are you so sure of the community if you are now realizing what it is? For last I checked, you didn't know about branches. Well, it's Srecko. Dwelling in his own tricks. How so? You are not clear on what video you are attesting to, likewise, it seems you didn't see the quotation left for Srecko when Butler challenged me on the Truther notation. That being said, what was mentioned, surely you have some insight on it, what I left for you in red in regards to your claims. That being said, as for the thread, they haven't stopped preaching the gospel.
  18. She responded to you but made the mistake of referring to me. You alone mentioned church and state in this thread. Ok, did you or did you not make the notation for Church and State? As far as I can see, page 10, you were the only one. There is no shame in a response that was made. I do play, I simply quoted. You and myself. JWI do not normally attest to call backs as I do. Page 10 is literally there. That being said, mentioning him is quite irrelevant. No one needs to believe if the latter can be quoted. Interesting, so you telling me you knew about 2016 now puts forth a contradiction. That being said, they're not in connection with the state. If they were, there wouldn't be a need for the Mainstream to pursue and dismantle them, so much so, using various movements to do so, namely, those who believe in the Triune. This also goes back to me referring to Gobitis in the other thread. Separation of Church and State is associated with the 1st Amendment, specifically, The Establishment Clause. It separates church from state, but not religion from politics; the favoring of one political side vs the other. Someone who is Neutral does not lean for either political side. As of Babylon, although they attest to this notation, they are two-faced, rely on the state for various things, hence 2016 as is the Interfaith, putting forth Religion and both political leaning sides into one. That said, as we can see here in this thread, even prior, JWI has no political side, he already pointed out he does not like the leaders involved in the Ukraine situation, as are others. The only other person who attempted to link them to the Left Wing side, Democrats, was Witness' Source, Smurf Girl, however, this information was both false and misleading due to information found, likewise when she used Rick Fearon as a source, it was unfounded, but in reality, Fearon held the view and used his influence to gain converts among EXJWs and people of other faiths. This also equates to what the media was confused about during the push for vaccinations. So if I was wrong here, then your response would have included a legitimate political leaning side. The irony here is the article you linked, which alluded to the things I have been saying as is things mentioned here, hence those in the crossfire who are not involved. Actually it was in regards to the Church and State notation - you were the first to coined this in this thread. That being said, if you say something, you stand by your word, do you not? I do not see why it is different with an opinionated remark. Anyways, the remark made towards your comment is indeed true, not sure how much of an experience you have dealing with Mainstreamers who do lean either Left or Right. I do. Not really if there is evidence, as is facts. Unless, you can show me who leans where, then you have a case. That being said, since we are on that topic, there as been some who has been tricked by the paradigm, for you reacted to my comment to Butler, whereas he was fooled by Wokeism, as is Alt-Right narratives.
  19. On the contrary, you did make the comment. Evidence below: You already know I am Anti-agenda, and I said this, responding to you: Further evidence in screenshot, of page 10. That being said, I am heavily against Church and State linking up, and for an extremely strong reason, and have been for a long time. I still sit on my perch in regards to that. I always do. That being said, the facts were presented.
  20. What focus has changed? For last I checked, they tend to focus on what is factual and or seek evidence. Unless you want to give a clarification on what kind of shift are you referring to, granted I gave an example to a mutual confidant. I am not affiliated with Progressivism. Nor am I of the Unitarian Church. I am not a fan of Agendas as you already know from the other thread concerning Archives. Speaking of the Unitarian Church, this was a mistake Patiently (Butler) made, when he tried to equate me to Interfaith. Forgiveness is something we should attest to. Exploiting God's love via Forgiveness is a problem. A criminal can commit a crime and he repents and asks for forgiveness. Another does the same thing, but willfully continues his actions for he knows he can manipulate and exploit such forgiveness and or outright continues to do bad without remorse, there is a difference. There are Biblical examples pertaining to 2 Kings which sheds that similarity. Hence ongoing. Clearly, both you and I are seen as a threat to the Mainstream, their influence is everywhere, even among EXJWs. I gave a summary in my last response. I'll just quote it for you The only problem we have is censorship, suppression, and misleading notations. That being said, in regards to your remark, for example, what is our problems concerning 2016? Or Desmond, JW Russia Ban? Conspiracy? From what I am aware, we are right in these notations, so much so, you even attest to agreeing, especially concerning the remark pertaining to 2016 and Desmond. To add briefly to Desmond, we pointed out that the influence is indeed causing problems, even for those who truly follow Christ. Hence the institutions contribute to the problem in some cases, i.e. Loudon County whereas Truthers got shut down whereas misinformation is spread like fire. Likewise pertaining to this thread, the remarks of JWs ceasing is false. What is true is they are still doing what they do, and this is known by most, even their opponents (clearly not the ones here apparently).
  21. Yes, it was @Dmitar. I made a response to the church and state notation. It is no big deal due to the link just goes back to the page with the correction.
  22. You skipped the latter of the response [The shortest answer would be is no one here, JW or not, is leaning Left, or Right on the issue with Ukraine and Russia.] Depending on which side one leans exposes where they are political, of whom they side with. As for prophecy, signs of the End Times, war, sickness, death and famine whereas the effects hits all man. Aside from that the movements made by Babylon and the Beast, in which misinformation, a scenario which is no different from the events of 2016 and the ones that came after it concerning these two. That no one here is leaning Left or Right. These paradigms are associated with a political stance. As pointed out I have experience with dealing with those of the paradigm, and they are quite obvious when their political colors show. As for prayer, there are those who, in this sense, pray for things that pertains to their leaning stance, i.e. what Babylon did recently. Discussion of the events of Ukraine and Russia. And yet no one here is leaning Left or Right, likewise with you. Again, we all buy bread. They were more concern with holding power and authority, hence their dealings with the Christ. And of course, both you and I know what influence they were under. Well that would be due to the fact of how they view any forum that speaks of faith vs the one they uphold, for example, The Russian incident of 2017 concerning them. The irony of it all, they did try to paint JWs in Russia as political opponents despite the faith group being an opposition to the church, so much so, pressure on their neutrality is challenged. My Russian contact made this point, as with others of Russia whom I mentioned before who brought this up, in addition to that, even in the schools. Outside of JWs, the State Duma, who made this political with those not getting involved and the people paid for it, up until Putin's victory for his election. So if this site was on a Find-Face level of a list in Russia, or China, it would be removed. Granted this forum is linked with Invision it is 100% unlikely this forum would get removed. It was talked about how those not being involved with the actions of super powers are being effected, in the crossfire, hence why some escape, and or forced by said powers to fight when they do not want to.
  23. Care to elaborate? Apostasy dwells in those who are alienated from God pertaining to Faith. So I don't see your point. The term is misguided by the paradigm, for sometimes those who seek truth can't tell the difference between what is real or not when it comes to whatever research they make. Especially now, during a time where truth is shrouded by a flood of propaganda. And of course, you attempt to go by the MSM playbook. Instantly checked with a quotation. It should be noted to you, as to why we are heavily censored, as is misinformation about the community is spread so much so to equate us to Conspiracy Theorist. That being said, the notations pertaining to the actions of the Wild Beast and of Babylon attest to what the Bible says of what is to come, as is the movements she, and the beat makes. To attest to the Truth, someone such as myself can see and refute someone, such as yourself, who is willing to use Justifiable Cause to defend misleading information; we call it out, and this is but one of several examples. When it comes to missing persons and similar situations, we look for the truth of the matter and not follow the misinformation from the MSM. We adhered to what is true concerning enabling of abuses in various notations, even counties, of which they deemed us and our counterparts, as the enemy. We are also heavily censored, and from there, information in regards to us, as changed, even by definition, to others, being too close to the fire, i.e. Serena Shim, who was also a Journalist, and never forgotten. Although the term originated back during 9/11, it has other branches to it too whereas a more truthful push concerning the movement originates from. We tend to be more aware than most. Information can be concealed, but you need to realize there is a line between truth and conspiracy. In that same thread you were corrected, next to Butler. If I were you I would gamble a debate about it only to be exposed. There is no question to that. We even seen you break a few times to protect something via Justifiable Cause. That being said, the truth of the matter is, they haven't stopped preaching, and or isolated to only phones and letters. This excludes pretenders.
  24. Ezekiel was uncertain himself. My contact who has family in Russia, is still struggling to get his people out, granted the Russian Ruble is worthless; being less than a penny. The situation also worsens by the minute. And speaking about Russians, there are some speaking out on the current situation, and it does not look good. Not only they have to deal with heavy discrimination from around the world, but they have to deal with tough times and situations like that, if some are not enduring, can lead to problems. That being said, your faith community, temporarily, have the spotlight moved from you, for now.
  25. They are cunning, they used a Mainstream Christian Tradition of their own to draw in people, even more effective with the very man who cause the 2016 situation, Pope Francis. His friend, alleged to have spiritual power, is also looking foolish. PEAK and KAIROS are going to use this situation for another wave in the coming months.
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