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Space Merchant

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Everything posted by Space Merchant

  1. The shortest answer would be is no one here, JW or not, is leaning Left, or Right on the issue with Ukraine and Russia. I've yet to see a Left/Right leaning JW on this forum, even a while back. Moreover, no one here is Pro-Putin or Pro-Zelensky, and in regards to Putin, it wouldn't make sense for them to be Pro-Putin due to the events of 2016-2017, and the USSR if you go further back. If we have to delve into who has a political view, it should be noted that there were some, in the past, on this forum and elsewhere, who became Pro-Putin in support of the JW ban in Russia, not realizing the repercussions that came afterwards. Granted, I dealt with people in the paradigm, including some rivals, I can see via discernment of who is who concerning the issue. Bystander Effect is universal in all instances, regardless of view, faith, etc. It can be imposed on people even for the wrong reasons, likewise with the Ostrich Effect. As for Bystander Effect, it can be utilized by Pro-Zelensky types on JWs, if left behind, to be forced to take a rifle and fight. Granted JWs are neutral, they will not fight therefore they reap consequence from the Ukrainians, as is be branded with the notation of Bystander Effect; those who do not want to fight for Ukraine because of, [any negative remark someone can think of.] The Paradigm does not attest to the fact some people are being forced to fight for Ukraine, let alone the notation of Marshal Law which was put in place. That being said, not only one should be praying on the matter, as you attested to, we should be praying for those so they do not get caught up in that mess who live in those areas, likewise, with any Russian caught in the mix, or African, etc. Because many people are effected by a Superpower and a neighboring country fighting, for a gun or a bomb does not care if you are neutral, facts and information is vital so those we pray for, can know how to tread their step so they can escape, evading forced into a fight, jail time, or worse. They're not part of the state. Those affiliated with the state is Mainstream Christendom. It is obvious due to the fact the moves Babylon made ever since the war started, even prior in relation to their conquest for peace. And speaking of this, one of the Agents of the Beast resurfaced again with more war-mongering talk in support of war and a political side. Actions of Babylon and the Beast does, for Christians should be aware of a threat and or enemy. Clearly if there is a potential danger, you'd look for information first then make a move. Likewise, when Babylon and or the Beast moves, we evade the danger by knowing things. The difference between someone who is aware and unaware. For you should know this, 2016 was coined. Babylon swept away many, the aware, evaded. If they prayed correctly. As for praying, one prays for those in the crossfire, for in Ukraine, it isn't just Ukrainians. It appears to look like you pulled this commentary from The IVP Bible Background Commentary: Old Testament. Contextually with the other pages concerning a political role, they also address those who have a political side as is with professing propaganda as a notation of truth. Evident by the fact the other pages explanation of Egypt and the Assyrians, in which it had an indirect effect on the Israelites. No one here is Left leaning. No one here is Right Leaning. Likewise, although misguided, the EXJWs here in this thread, hold no political faction, collectively, everyone is indirectly effected by the events with Ukraine and Russia. Hence, the remark of 100% certainty, that everyone here buys bread or the equivalent (or oil if you utilize it like the majority). That being said, someone who holds political faction, can easily be spotted, in this thread, and elsewhere, outside of the Mainstreamers who role with the Triune or the Atheists', I see none. All in all, there are people escaping Russia, taking up the opportunity. Reason, mostly due political superpowers and their actions.
  2. Indeed, but due to him being callous, he tends to get people who think they had fled from various tactics and temptations. I don't shift, granted I am always leaning towards or alluding to facts, likewise when it comes to the Bible, from the examples from it. Aside from that any Truther that shifts, there is a term we have for such ones. It would depend on which branch you are directing to. Everyone, even Truthers are imperfect, however, most of us rely heavily on facts/evidence (i.e. Sophie Long), especially due to the fact the Paradigm is relentless towards us and our counterparts. Then there are the pretenders, for I am not sure if I directed this to you or someone here, there are some of these types who attempt to pretend they are of the community. Which branch in the community? Because the community as a whole seeks truth, but in different branches, for instance, misinformation about a death, a missing person, they seek evidence. CSA, they look for, kidnappings, etc, mainly when it happens in their area. Some even see if they can track people via the listings in the stores of person's of interest, there are others who uphold the 2nd Amendment, Lawful types, others who deal with refuting the Paradigm, etc. It is quite vast. Also on the contrary, there are legitimate Truthers who are heavily Christian. Some of which I made reference to, i.e. one who refuted EXJW followers of Rick Fearon. Or the events of 2013-2017 concerning Russia. They're not conspiracies, God's Day will come a day to be witnessed by the Just and the Unjust. As for our Tribulations, it will be far more chaotic compared to what we see here. The problem with some conspiracies is the Mainstream types tend to have an insane view of God's Day and End Times Tribulations. This is why I mentioned Lisa Haven by name because her being a Mainstream Christian and a Conspiracy Theorist tend to go on with outlandish opinions and oddities conjured up by her and her followers. That being said, one thing I see as demeaning is the fact people attempt to water down what God is going to do with Jesus' Kingship, that, in of itself, is a problem, therefore, the truth along with evidence must be spoken in that regard, especially about God and Christ. Those notations have several contextual points, but the ones coined are fine. On the contrary, we are against conspiracy. All in all, I do not see the idea of God's Day being a conspiracy, unless we are taking about the ideas of the Mainstream. Indeed, I mentioned this before. There will be some who buckle and will betray, especially when times are extremely tough. When the Endurance and Vigilance is not there, the Faith slowly goes away, and will be consumed by bad influence. The Devil claims all who are at their weakest, falling and unable to get up. All in all, this will be a surprise to the unaware, the dark persecutions, also mentioned here in the past, also linked with this. That being said, this will be the notation for not just the religious, but the non-religious, and such types will be aggressive. True. And there is no middle ground. One is either for God or they are not. In regards to forgiveness, one of the JWs mentioned this a while back, people who exploits not only others, but God's forgiveness. People who do this, will not be in the book of life. What makes matters worse is that there are some who try to drag others down to their level too, i.e. Gangstalkers, perhaps the most subtle and problematic types of people to enter any institution, even a religious one. On the contrary, we have some idea of what it is, for the battle that started in the 4th century is still ongoing, for in the days of Lawlessness, there are many False Prophets and Teachers. Those associated with the Anti-Christ will attempt to reach the people using the Christ, but promotes ideas that never originated with the early church, i.e. hence what I mentioned to you before concerning the Trinitarians who are on this forum, namely, Cos. For I am certain both you and I, as with some here, even the JWs understand that Jesus is God's Son, not God Almighty himself, nor do we water down the position of Christ and his Father. The Anti-Christ types also while promoting the Christ, will reject anything he says about God's Kingdom and it's purpose, and they spin contradictions that make no sense, at times disrespect God's Word in the process. They cry out the Christ and they do not follow him truly, for instead, they follow their own Exegesis and the ideas of the Mainstream. The list continues. Even in the other thread, the followers of Pearl, some of their ideas don't line up with Christian Ideology, no God-fearing Christian Man would defend same-sex marriage, hence the influence in today's society is a ridiculous. All in all, we need be careful of these types. That being said, you coined Truther many times, Solider of God was not only a Truther himself, but he seen these things take place and gave warning to people, hence my mentioning the Desmond situation, as is the events of 2016 Washington, for if I recall, I believe you told me you knew. Likewise with Elijah, who is also against the badness taking place, so much so, he is the only Christian of Restorationist I know to have gone off-grid, literally. The Anti-Christ may not be a single soul, but it is still a dangerous enemy, at Babylon's disposal, as is the Beast, for Wednesday of last week is an example to be careful; such ones will use Christ in order to get people to bend to a Tradition that never originated with the early church, and they do these during War-Time to draw people in. All of us need to be not only enduring, but vigilant, even JWs, for last I told them, they, and their EXJW counterparts, can break under enough pressure.
  3. @JW Insider @Arauna My contact is attempting to get his family out of Russia, not sure how he is going to do this, but he is trying, as of recent due to some news that came around the Truther Community; the US, and soon, possibly their allies, are giving warning to their citizens to leave Russia due to claims of threats. They're telling people to do this with a sense of urgency. Concerning your faith community, granted their unfortunately situation in Russia, you think some of them will leave because of these warnings, take up that opportunity? I ask because elsewhere, one of your own was asked this same question, although Ezekiel is an American, he simply does not know; which is ironic because he never gives a straight answer, he is often cryptic in his words outside of Scripture. That being said, some in the community are already speaking on the matter, for this is recent -
  4. Both Babylon and the Beast have made moves, the recent one regarding Babylon had a religious aspect to it due to a Mainstream Christian Tradition that took place on Wednesday. The one who is still on his conquest for Peace had his say during the Ukraine and Russia conflict, the same one mentioned years ago in what he did in 2016 that swept away many. There is also conflict within Babylon itself, due to the religious leaders of Babylon's ranks, namely, the very one who somehow got spiritual power from the earth, as his people attested to prior to what happened to your faith.
  5. Indeed. People will practically harm or kill other families to support their own during an escalating crisis. With how things are going now, things of this nature will take place.
  6. Not really. As mentioned Preppers are way above Truthers in this domain, excluding cultural aspects and the like. Preppers tend to be more of the armed types also, 2n Amendment upholders, although they make up the majority, some Grey Men and Women are not armed types. This is an example of the Prepper's mindset of a Grey Man and or Woman, from an unarmed/armed viewpoint. NOTE: When COVID-19 began, most of people essentially evaded harm's way and the panic because of this attribute. The below is also from a Prepper, but he is more leaning towards the aspect of a Grey Woman:
  7. In the end, the people will be put to the test, the aware and the unaware, and some people will break. Babylon the Great made moves, a few, in this month and the last, and the Beast is ever moving now because of all the instigation leading up the the other team under the UN banner.
  8. 3 years later and this thread comes up. But yeah, it isn't uncanny. The King of the North notation isn't something surprising, concerning the modern era. That being said, haven't seen this Atheist in a while.
  9. A couple of Independent Journalists recently got SWATTED, one in particular, for the 3rd time. SWATTING began in the Gaming Community, and it soon spilled over into other communities. SWATTING as led to some deaths also and mental scars.
  10. No one here has a political side. That being said, you asked for [A] Qanon a while back on here, [B] as is used the NYT Times, as is, [C] another article to a the Woke's narrative of Inclusiveness, and a slew of other things on your pervious tenure as John Butler. The fact that you give remark to these things, as is mentions of Law and the like, in the past, despite this, you have no political side, you are neutral, as with most here, expect Jack, who actually has a political side he leans on. That being said, as mentioned you buy bread, it does not make you part of the Global Monopoly, vs Darth Klaus who is, at the same time hold political views. Even as a neutral, whatever Boris Johnson does aka Bojo, it will effect you, and if it comes to it, can put any EU affiliate at risk. Therefore, the land and their politics, no one has to take a side, however, these authorities, their actions, can still effect the people, therefore, you can have concerns and take action if needed. The British dodged a bullet recently. It is kind of sad though, that the paradigm, even in the UK, sheds its influence on the unaware...
  11. The US and their allies tend to make rivals and enemies of some countries. A lot of bloodied coins and lives traded amongst those of power. NATO, being among the top-dogs in that sense.
  12. Possibly. Because the majority are aware Jehovah's Witnesses are not taking sides politically, but when it comes to War and War-time efforts, they are neutral, as most are who oppose war. The Bystander Effect may be an accusation in relation to those who do not participate in the War between Russia and Ukraine, and the Propaganda tends to spill over to those types, even some who see the wrong in both Presidents of those countries. As we speak, there is Racism and Discrimination on the rise in the EU, surprisingly, pertaining to Blacks and Russians. That being said, the Cancel Culture aspect is ridiculous. I don't see how banning Russian cats or taking a Russian Futball team out of a video game is going to change Putin's mind.
  13. There is no ban, there are restrictions, then there are the laws in place, in which, if you forgotten, Christians show respect to some laws and the like in the land and or county they are in. Mind you, when counties place these things, everyone is abided by it until loosen. The ignorant paid the price for it though early on and became a systematic statistic.
  14. @Srecko Sostar They haven't stopped preaching, from what I know they are secluded to letters and phone calls, the physical act of going from home to home ceased because of the rise of mandates and restrictions placed on all States, especially the Blue states. Outside of JWs, there were some who tried to preach without taking precaution, some caught COVID-19, even died from it, so to speak, however, it is noted that people can be ignorant and do not tread their steps wisely.
  15. There are many pretenders out there, seen quite a lot during my debate days, the only recent group being the ones who preached that God sent COVID-19 as Judgment, these types are easily refuted. That being said, the lure tactics, as mentioned, is not something they would normally do, so it is now isn't so much as a surprise when it comes from people from the EXJW community, granted the events of 2017 and onward were seemingly a foreshadowing.
  16. @Arauna Possibly India also, good with US over the years, but slowly changing teams. Some Truthers and Preppers are mentioning them leaning towards Team Russia/China. Granted, people are seeing the US as a weakened power. Prices for Gas has been going up the last I checked, and will continue to do so. But sadly, with the Economic problems, some people adhere to the Ostrich mentality (Ostrich effect), which isn't too far from the Bystander Syndrome, evidently leading to a dangerous precedent down the road. Regarding the Agenda and the UN, with too many distractions, they could make a move if they please without any push back from anyone this time.
  17. Agreed, the very language I resonate with. Not only it is the first casualty, some people paint Truth as Hate Speech, so much so they do this to put falsehood on a pedestal as a truth to trick people.
  18. China is indeed an ally, likewise with somewhat of a secret ally, that being North Korea. Both China and Russia are under the United Nations Banner, Team Russia has several known groups who align with them, the most notable ones, hence the 2018 remark I made. In addition to that Another thing to note is the issue with Ukraine is also linked with the statement below: The US and their allies were indeed involved with Regime change actions for noted countries, among them, being Ukraine, hence the Pro-West coup regime change to which we have specific folks such as Zelensky. That being said, granted how big and complex the situation is now, who is stopping Russia's allies from, hypothetically speaking, wanting to deal with their adversaries out of the UN's Libya playbook, which can go into a Fog of War type situation. There was some chatter of Middle Eastern allies on both sides may want to get involved, one in particular who seeks revenge on Russia, but due to the murky water out there, this needs to be research to confirm if true or false.
  19. In respects to someone in the Truther community who I respect a lot, I will post this here. You do not have to donate, also wanting to bring forth awareness of the fact Leukemia not only effects those who are adults, but young ones too.





  20. It is a habit, when I use to be heavy on debates I use to say this a lot vs "Now to Conclude"; it is second nature. As for what I told Butler, the spotlight is indeed getting bigger on the United Kingdom who are Pro-West. The US knows that having a No-Fly Zone would not only cause Russia to focus on them more, but further escalate a full scale war with Russia, granted a No-Fly Zone pertains to the US and NATO would be able to shoot down Russian Airplanes. Should Boris Johnson succumb to the whims of an emotional political Activist, who wants the PM to adhere to the No-Fly Zone request, it can pose as a problem for the United Kingdom and NATO; even more damning due to the fact the UK isn't in favor of a ceasefire. Even as of recent the Ukrainian President is also calling for this, as is some Journalists who obvious lean towards one political side, ones like NBC News' Richard Engel. This puts a bind on the US and UK for international warfare can be hastened, UK even more due to the fact the EU is roped into this situation. A dangerous game is being played by Super Powers, so much so, those of Babylon are also getting involved, granted, the Tradition of the Mainstream is today; Patriarch Kirill only speaks because there is a big spotlight on Russia.
  21. @Thinking Understandable, as I told the latter whenever anyone is blocked, there is a reason behind it. But yes, there are people like this online, even in real life, the many people I confronted, some who even seek to commit violence outside of the David Wood types or Mainstream Christendom. The only run in I had, which was a few times, was that of a Berkley Teacher, who ended up getting herself arrested, but apparently because of how the Justice System works people who do bad things are often let free to cause more problems and influence. Similarly to Witness/Pearl, but this woman is driven by an Agenda based ideology so much so it makes her not only dangerous, but deranged, and opposite to the latter because of Anti-Christian notations. Not to mention she in the past used the notation that because she is a woman, she can do as she please without consequence until caught - she was exposed for it. That being said, online and in person, there is deception all around. Because of COVID-19 and the situation of Ukraine, things are vastly different, so should more places open back up, more of such ones will be in full force. Likewise with criminals who are let off easy.
  22. And? Hence latter statement vs what Thinking as said for his reasons for doing such. Freedom of action. I don't delete comments, never have, never will because I uphold the fact a responses remains, be it digital and or in person, even penned. Someone who deletes something is usually associated with mistake and or because of a duplicated issue. All comments pertaining to Corinthians as is Biblical Facts are still present, as is mentions of God's Order of which you threw Pearl and the Watchtower at in an attempt to refute, as is something outlandish of which you and the latter attempt to profess is in the Bible, but it is not. It would be crazy, however, your claim is unfounded, unverified. But makes it even more damning for you is the fact deleted remarks can be recalled, so far I have found a few, tracing back to the one who shares the same lack of critical thinking as you do, but the difference is, that person was actually regretful for falling for misleading lies and made up for it. You are and should remain as so until the dark cloud of which holds you mentally, ceases, because to further expose yourself only befits the role of a misguided soul, on your part. That being said, in regards to Corinthians, I leave this for anyone to see what I am referring to, for it shows how both you and Pearl are misguided, outside of the conspiracy of which is pressed. That said, if you had used critical thinking, perhaps you would not be this moved to shift God's Orderly Structure, of his Church, of which his Son is the head of, more so as to Paul's explanation when building up the Church of Corinth (which is NOT lead by Chloe), not to mention the attempt on not only relying on Pearl, but also tried to shield yourself with the Watchtower. And next time, when you quote a verse/passage, at least understand the context because not knowing, you, a former JW, only commits more harm to yourself than good, especially if done willfully to deceive, tainted one. @Equivocation @ThinkingAs for you both, you are free to take a look at an example of how Acolytes of Pearl are no different from the David Wood types, who are some of the deceptive ones in the Mainstream. Some of which even met in person, this is the case.
  23. @Patiently waiting for Truth and so it begins - ‘You’re Afraid!’: Ukrainian Woman Berates Boris Johnson to His Face for Not Stopping Putin... That being said, granted Boris' involvement with SWIFT, it will effect you, and in regards to that situation it enables Boris to take drastic action (should he got down that route) of which Russia can easily put the spotlight on the UK. I hope you realize what No-Fly-Zone are, and how that can cause not so pleasant ramifications. Although British folks are not Americans, perhaps some are, they adhere to Western Ideologies, therefore, the UK is indeed Pro-West, especially when it comes to NATO. Then there is the negative ideologies of which somehow everyone are being Racist towards Russians; to cause more harm in a crisis, the latter divides the people, therefore, it makes some, even the likes of the Wild Beast, who made some moves, to quickly swoop in to cause damage, for such ones, they are also unaware, and they may not as resilient as you. As mentioned, even with a neutral stance, the indirect action can still cause some damage for the unexpected. Also if I were you, I recommend you start changing your passwords, there's been talks in the Truther community about Cyberattacks, so much so the MSM is actually pinning the Hacks on some groups who may not be truly involved, hence propaganda. Last thing you need is to end up in the Black Market during an Information War.
  24. The truth is such ones can even bypass that also.
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