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Space Merchant

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Posts posted by Space Merchant

  1. On 2/23/2022 at 9:34 PM, admin said:

    Check this out 

    Klaus Schwab is head of the World Economic Forum.  

    Globalist tend to be haughty and some are narcissists. If that is a statue of him, it is no surprise. Likewise with Fauci and his prayer candles of himself.

  2. 4 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    This 'thread' and in fact this forum in dominated by Amercian thinking. 

    There is no American Thinking. If a bomb lands on your doorstep, you associate that with American thinking? Clearly not. As is with Dmitar, you yourself buy Bread, and eat it too.

    Eating and or buying Bread does not make you part of the Globalist Monopoly, which is interconnected with various branches of the government.

    4 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    Revelation states that Yeshua made it possible for people of ALL nations to be Chosen.

    Yes, but there are the ones who will stand with the Christ at Zion. The sheep, are the Christians who will take up the earth God has made, hence new creation. If everyone is chosen, the earth will not be associated with God's promise concerning what is to come.

    The Chosen and the Christians are of the same house though, the spiritual house.

    4 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    The GB don't want that, and the GB have told those other Anointed not to meet together. 

    Hence the remark, now you spin a contradiction. As is prior to JWs even existing, there were chosen ones. Acts 2 is as clear as day (33 A.D.).

    4 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    Surely as world events unfold then ALL of the Anointed Remnant should be in contact with each other.

    Perhaps Digitally, but not Physically. This is liken to your choice of Realism also.

    4 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    Rather than rely on 'worldly' news, surely the Anointed remnant shoud be guiding God's people. 

    News is propaganda. However a legitimate threat calls to question some verses in Proverbs of which one must apply. I am 100% sure if UK sounds the AIR-RAID, you would move before the panic, or perhaps get stuck in the panic, since Bojo was among the many who pushed SWIFT sanctions and is among the leaders who angers the second group under the UN banner.

    As stated before if a Lion or a Serial Killer is in your neighborhood, there is no doubt you will examine the situation and plan an exit.

    Likewise, Romans surrounding Jerusalem, a similar case, so to speak.

    4 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    But you people are more interested in two things. 1. Serving the GB and it's Org. 2. Being involved with this political world. 

    1. The situation of Ukraine has nothing to do with GB or JWs.

    2. No one is taking a political side. If you want to speak about taking sides, one can recall you quickly being fooled by media in some instances where you drew question, i.e. the time you asked who Qanon was, clearly you have no political backing, but was concerned.

    As far as I can see, no one, not even you, shown to favor the paradigm, however, some of you, have been tricked by MSM.

    That being said, God's people do not dwell on politics, however, when those of politics do take action, it can cause an indirect action, therefore, God's people act.

    Hence the Proverb - The prudent see danger and take refuge, but the simple keep going and pay the penalty.

    4 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    Indeed, By their works one will know them. 

    By their works, but a Christian to be devoid of concern will end up like those in 2016.

    Babylon has made several moves, so did the Wild Beast, if you are unaware, you are just as much of a victim here, and you would not know your works will be associated with them, hence the Alt-Right article which, if I remember, fooled some, even you, for if that can get you, you would most likely be swayed by the Beast or the Harlot.

    That being said, Ukraine and Russia is corrupt, as is their puppet gov't, and their actions will effect people who are not involved - even you, that is, if Bojo continues to run his remarks to anger those who could easily take action on the UK. Ukrainian politicians are putting Boris to task, which will effect you, since your country is not only part of NATO, but also in the EU, as is the proponent to the events surrounding SWIFT.

    That said, misleading information is a problem also, ironic how Witness reacts to you since she attest to misinformation. But unfortunately such false info is boosting corrupt morale for the paradigm which will harm people who do not want to get involved.

  3. 1 hour ago, Thinking said:

    They have a massive amount of control legally attained..which in itself was corrupt…most people here do not realise that as we  were by nature not interested in politics .It seems legally everything is in place for them to start turning on anyones faith when they see fit .

    The paradigm is very cunning and callous, there is a reason as to why they censor people for speaking truth. As in regards to faith, they have planted their seeds in the educational institutions, something of which people are oblivious to the workings of the higher education system.

    The next couple of years is going to be vastly different since the culture war started back up again.

  4. 57 minutes ago, Witness said:

    Not that this will reach you since I believe you've blocked me; which is interesting that one can spout out lies and block the comeback.  It is the exact tactic that the GB practices with any who speak against their lies.

    What you've described is demonic channeling that occurs in Bethel; proof given by eye witnesses.  You know nothing "for a fact" about how the Holy Spirit teaches one - it is not channeling.  I'm pretty sure I have already brought it out here once before, and if I wasn't blocked by you, you would have read the answer.  If you were brave,  if you really wanted to know the truth, Pearl could clue you in about the difference in demonic channeling, and learning from Jesus Christ.  

    He surely had his reasons to block you and it seems he alluded to this briefly. It is not so much as a GB practice as you claim, but the fact that falsehoods associated with demonic influence laced to it, push the decision made by the latter. For if it was a GB tactic, as you claim, they all present JWs here would have blocked you.

    That being said, You also proved now you cannot speak for yourself, but allow Pearl to speak for you. As mentioned before, Pearl was called out by some folks, some who are not even JW, granted she mixes things deem uncanny, and it is associated with your occasional mixing of verses, conspiracy and unproven claims, one instance, leaned towards New Ageism. Pearl may have good intent, but clear misguidance is not a good look. The only counterpart to Pearl I am aware of is Krystal, who is extremely grounded, and genuine when it comes to God and faith. 

  5. 2 hours ago, Matthew9969 said:

    Just curious, how would you deal with unprepared people who would try to steal the food you have grown?

    I have dealt with them before. Us Truthers have essentially a Grey Man mentality when we are close to a SHTF. We are not like our Prepper counterparts, but we can hold our own.

    A Gray Man or Woman is someone who can blend effortlessly in with the crowd or in dire situations, resulting in them being easily overlooked, even unnoticed. It's a form of protection (even personal) allowing one to move freely in otherwise difficult surroundings, in some instances, some Grey Men/Women trained themselves to adapt even further. To Preppers, it is seen as a method of urban camouflage and disguise that can be used with or without any additional props. Grey Men are capable of maneuvering around unprepared persons and are capable of linking with their circle of people who share similar traits. I am more in tune with this even more due to experience in the islands and the situations I have been in over the years prior to being of the community, which learning and adapting only enhanced this mentality. Granted Truthers who adhere to this look into information, we are quite informative, knowing what is going on around us or elsewhere and how it can effect our surroundings, i.e. we knew/know gas prices will go up, medicine will be restricted/limited and in some cases may be rare, etc. so we are well above that notation, as is our Prepper counterparts.

    As for the other remark, no one would be able to tell if myself or any Truther has home grown food granted how we move without being noticed in that regard. We are also less likely persons to be tracked. Skills are also concealed due to bring extremely unnoticed.


    A less complicated example would be, people not being able to equate Batman to Bruce Wayne, vice versa, so to speak, cannot link a playboy millionaire to a brooding Vigilante.

  6. 54 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

    That's the point of God's promise to the church of Smyma Revelation 2:10

    The other point is, no matter how hard people prep for Armageddon, to hide from it, it will be in vain.

    Yes, it comes down to who remains faithful until the the conclusion of the End Times.

    55 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

    Every Christian should know if the spirit of God dwells within them. If they don't feel it, it's because they have become unworthy of God's Holy Spirit. They are now tax collectors without inspiration. The purpose Peter referenced his concern in 2 Peter 2:21

    True, and to maintain their faith it is like a battle or a fight, to endure until the end (Jude 3).

    That being said, although Babylon is on the move, when the conclusion comes, it would not be surprising if she starts using more lethal tactics, of which one's faith can combat it.

  7. 4 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    The GB are the ones that say only they are the Faithful and Discreet slave.

    And the GB say that YHWH and Yeshua trust the GB.  

    The GB also strictly advise all other Anointed ones NOT TO MEET TOGETHER. 

    Yet it spins a contradiction because of the events that took place before the Christian Great Awakening, even beyond that, for, it wouldn't make sense from what they also said that they were others who are chosen.

    That being said, you might what to address that elsewhere, for this thread is vastly different.

    That being said, @Dmitar is correct, the notation related to this thread and anything connect has nothing to do with America alone and or being American. Remember, NATO is a collective, which includes those associated with the US and UK.

  8. 1 minute ago, Anna said:

    I have heard it said (besides this video) that America was intentionally egging on this conflict for its own benefit.

    Well this is true because the propaganda stories they are pushing, for instance, The Ghost of Kyiv. Even the Fact-Checkers are dancing around that one when in reality, the so called ghost is associated with a video game. Likewise with the event of Snake Island where in order to push Ukrainian morale, and push more Russian hate is that they preach that The Russians killed the Ukrainians stationed there when in reality, they were captured.

    4 minutes ago, Anna said:

    If this were the case, why did Putin fall for it? Or if not aware of this until later, why hasn’t he pointed a finger at America, and accuse America of “starting" the war?  (or did he?).

    Putin is laser focused on Ukraine, however, his ally, China, has been pushing the blame game on the US, despite the fact the super powers all brought themselves into this situation. Then you got NATO.

    That being said, as of now, people are faking stories about Ukraine in order to gain a profit (also exploiting the horde of propaganda pieces), using platforms like TikTok, Facebook, etc to leech money off of people's emotions.

    12 minutes ago, Anna said:

    So all I seem to have heard from the Russian side is the Donbas reason. Wouldn’t this be the perfect opportunity to talk about the pipeline and how America does not care about people but only cares about money? So, I am wondering if this is completely true.

    This may seem to be the case for both sides not only seek power, but also profit. So fighting over gas and energy is not a surprise. Even more due to the crippling Economy.

    That being said, as of now, it is very difficult to go through a lot of these stories because one need to really discern what is true or false.

  9. 16 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

    Glad you see the distinction.

    I always have for this is what I coined many many times for several years.

    16 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

    That's the point about staying awake and keeping on the watch, it's about spirituality.

    Yes, but there are those out there that can lose here to those of Babylon and the Beast. A level of persecution engineered to break someone's faith and the like, in many cases, those of the world succeeded in doing so, even using others to do this.

    18 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

    The point of judgement day is to prove God's existence.

    Yes but in regards to God's creation and what he has designed, faithful ones know of his existence, even those who are subjected to outlandish dark agents in the world, know God exist.

    19 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

    Those that remain righteous with be accepted, while those that are proven unrighteous will be judged regardless if they are dead or alive. 

    True, but as stated, people can break, subjected to it, so in order to be vigilant, awake, even, one must tread the path accordingly so they do not take a wrong route that leads to a very troubling situation. Some make their way back, others, dwell on the wrong path and pay for it.

    This is also true, some people think death is an escape from judgement, they are terribly wrong.

  10. 18 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

    Then stay on topic

    On the contrary, it relates to the topic, granted the abundance of propaganda associated with even weaponized by those who are tricked by it. As stated, evidence in this thread alone, no one has taken a side, therefore claim is null.

    18 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

    You're preaching to the choir.

    You coined that people sought your banning, therefore, interjected for it parallel what you said previously to Tom.

    That being said, was is noted previously is factual.

    Call backs (recalling) and preaching are 2 different things. The term/idiom, preaching to the choir denotes to speaking for or against something to people who already agree with one's opinions whereas a Call back/Recall is bring (a fact, event, or situation) back into one's mind; remember. The remark about Matthew was a factual call back because there is evidence in relation to the notation of banning.

  11. 4 hours ago, Thinking said:

    Dogs are kept in quarantine for somewhere between 6 to 12 months over here…..

    Sadly in Australia, during Authoritarianism, dogs can be terminated should someone give the call, this was the case when Authoritarianism was scaling up in the country.

    As of right now, Australia still upholds Authoritarianism. Absolute Power corrupts Absolutely.

  12. 11 hours ago, Dmitar said:

    When it comes time for humanity to witness God's judgment upon this earth, it doesn't matter how much you prepare, in a literal sense, when Jesus words to a Christian were to be prepared themselves in a spiritual sense. No one can escape judgment.

    Spiritually, one has to be prepared. Babylon has done moves to break Christians, Systematic Warfare is intertwined with it, we already have real life examples, i.e. Syrianic Christians vs Kurds.

    Agreed, no one can escape Judgment, especially those who are of willful sin, however, our Christian brothers and sisters, even ourselves need be careful. As pointed out in the other thread, the move Babylon did over the years, especially 2016 easily took down people, so it will not be a surprise if an even harder attack comes during the Tribulation End Times, i.e. renounce of faith for survivability should the Wild Beast tempts people. I even told Tom and Arauna that Babylon, when she is serious, can break Christians, even if it means using former members of the faith at full force to do it, COVID-19 was an example.

    11 hours ago, Dmitar said:

    No hole deep enough, no place underwater, in a mountain, where man can hide. Judgment will find us all.

    True. But if Faith is lose, the body and soul is destroyed.

    11 hours ago, Dmitar said:

    Those, who fear death, have no "faith" in God's promise. Therefore, they have weak hearts, when it comes time for Armageddon.

    Agreed. The actions Babylon took over the years was baffling, and it shows how weak in the faith people are granted they fell for that trap.

    God knows who is for him and who is not, but in the mean time, when serious situations do come, we have to be vigilant and endure, for some of these people are so desperate they go for the young to re-write history and add their ideologies to essentially erase us.

  13. 8 hours ago, Dmitar said:

    Crave, you must be speaking about yourself, and @Pudgy. Perhaps his greatest fans. I believe you mentioned something about, how people like me are overbearing with how intelligent we must be, while you praise and acknowledge how @Arauna, @Space Merchant, and @JW Insider are so intelligent.

    More so, I rely on facts alone and subtle Biblical verses/references.

    8 hours ago, Dmitar said:

    Is the Current President of Ukraine Really a Jewish Nazi Collaborator?

    Yes, this is the title, but I recheck the thread, I don't see anyone taking sides in the paradigm. It would be understandable if indeed someone took a side, therefore, they are in violation of a neutral stance being null, on the other side of the spectrum, in regards to Ukraine, there is tons of falsehoods being spread, some of which can trick anyone, even JWs and EXJWs.

    Even more evident when truth is censored. In addition, now those who dwell on politics and picked sides, the Racism and Discrimination towards Russians has increased, therefore, revived Russiaphobia.

    That being said, we all buy bread.

    10 hours ago, Dmitar said:

    @TrueTomHarley, How many times have I mentioned, @JW Insider in order for you to insinuate, me getting banned?

    A bit off-topic - I don't think anyone wants you banned expect Matthew, granted, Matthew tends to get frustrated with people and often times creates a thread about the person, for he did this to me a while back when he was corrected on John 17:3 to refute a Trinitarian claim. He is a Durbintie, so to speak.

    That being said, after looking at your tenure and mannerism, I was able to deduce you were once Noiseysrecko, hence the Bible Student remarks in the refutation against Witness and Srecko, who still didn't learn their lesson.

    All in all, assumptions, claims, evidence, etc. if spoken, I do not see why people want to seek someone's ban. Other then that, I believe you should be fine.

  14. Just now, JW Insider said:

    I know about the first journalist --and he's very good-- but nothing of the second guy. I'll have to look him up.

    Tim is very informative, Luke, is somewhat like Tim but he is more so on the Truther side of things, as is has some experience. He is somewhat of a Prepper as well, but he is one of many who are skeptical of the paradigm and their actions.

    As for TYT, they are among the several that is the cause of censorship on other platforms, so much so they have went after people indirectly, myself included, as is the person who had gone missing a few days ago and was found. Even in the past, some of those they seemingly support, often attack others when confronted, such as the one I often mentioned, the Berkley Teacher. For it is stuff like this we see the paradigm as misguided ones in the political system of which they follow, the same one that does not benefit them, and at the same time, turn them against each other and go after neutrals.

    That being said, such ones are an obstacle, for they want to be on the right side of history by misleading people.

    9 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

    He let Aaron Mate do his thing on a recent one, which I also thought was a quick way to get an understanding of how NATO and Natural Gas fits in. But it's also a good perspective from the US coup in 2014, Biden's pro-war complicity and corruption, and the actual more nuanced answer to the question I raised in the original question that started this topic:

    Outside of NATO, it wouldn't be a surprise if the war's focus is on gas, for that is essentially a profitable win for which ever side takes that recourses, despite the fact the common citizen who does not want to be involved with the political of super powers get effected by this.

  15. 32 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

    Perhaps these so-called Jehovah's Witnesses do better a truthers, not Christians, which is supposed to be their creed. You won't change my mind, so let it go!

    Truthers hold no creeds, as is anyone who is aware of the apostolic church. Creeds are interconnected with agendas, this is the reason why Mainstream Christianity is an issue because they attest to a Creed that never originated with the early church. Truthers are neutral, and do not favor Left or Right, but they speak out against falsehood and the hypocrisy of those associated with the paradigm, call out misleading misinformation. There are Christians who are Truthers. 

    That being said, the community is a prime target for those Agenda driven.

  16. 22 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

    Once again, I'm not interested in your political views nor anyone else's. I haven't said material entered here is NOT factual, just redundant for a true Christian. Do better in understanding other people's points.

    I don't have political views, I am against the paradigm, as stated, Truthers are legitimate against the left and right, so the claim of political view is unfounded, especially if one is the enemy of those who have political views.

    That being said, there is no question that you eat, and you buy food (resource), therefore, it does not make you part of the Globalist monopoly compared to most. As is view of life, it does not make you a Right leaning Conservative, nor does it make you a liberal clearly not.

    Actually it isn't, since you coined 2016, you should be aware of how Christian view the events, granted, some visitors here were subjected to it, and regretted it. Genuine Christians were able to evade a massive bullet, so to speak, with the event that sought after Religious peace when in reality, Babylon was gathering faiths, forming an Interfaith worldwide using the backing of the Beast.

    No one is knocking your understanding, however, you are interjected paradigms of which no one has sided with.

    Other than that, as far as I know, only I and a couple of visitors knew about 2016, didn't know you were aware of it granted you coined the year.

  17. 2 hours ago, Dmitar said:

    Why is it important to prepare for disasters?

    The Bible says: “The shrewd person sees the danger and conceals himself, but the inexperienced keep right on going and suffer the consequences.”—Proverbs 27:12.

    Preparation is key. However, one should not go overboard with it. As for Systematic Warfare, it'll be tricky if, for instance, you are being tracked, therefore, the semi-grey men mentality comes into play, so much so, you not only protect yourself, but those you care for, your network.

    As mentioned in the other thread, events can cause an indirect action towards many, anyone who can buy food and or resources. Therefore, one must be prepared. Us Truthers are not like our Prepper counterparts, however, we can hold our own in tough situations, even physically, adapting to not eating/drinking for long periods, if need be.

    That being said, it is 100% that many people who are unaware will be caught off guard, therefore, some among them, the fringe, will become dangerous, for there is no stopping a man who is on his last burst of wind to do what he needs to do to support his family and only then his true colors will show itself. A situation that some cannot confront, granted, not realizing the common man can turn into such a state.

  18. 24 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

    Wrong. It's your opinion that Jehovah's Witnesses aren't expressing political thoughts. They're just like you, that's a fact.

    Never addressed any opinions in this thread, nor have a mentioned JWs and political in one notation.

    That being said, that is an interesting claim, but you should be aware that Truthers are against the paradigm, we hold no political stance because we see the paradigm as a problem to the truth.

    Moreover, as you can see in this thread alone, no one is supporting Ukraine or Russia and or specific ideologies that lean Left or Right, for if there was legitimacy in such, there would be evidence.

    That being said, truth is always a casualty in such situations, therefore it draws concern as is one needing to be vigilant.

  19. 12 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

    Sorry, I'm not interested in politics. Maybe you should relate your thought to other Jehovah's Witnesses here. What I will say, even though @JW Insider is trying hard to dismiss, is my position about 2022/2023. From the month of Nissan to Elul will be the interesting thing to watch. I made reference to that back in 2016 I believe. Maybe sooner when this forum had a different name.

    No one is, but there are concerns, even guests have concerns about the situation. Unfortunately, these are facts spoken, not of one thought or opinion, I believe you are aware of this already. I am unaware of what you are attesting to concerning those months granted the facts I was referring to was directed towards a different matter.

    That being said, regarding 2016, if you are talking about what transpired in 2016, why the reaction concerning this thread? The events of Washington was an ominous one, so much so, many, even some guests here got fooled. The event in question connects to these world powers of the political paradigm, a threat to the majority.

  20. 4 minutes ago, Thinking said:

    Pearl was a witness and a very nice lady but now teaches demon inspired teachings…I know this for a fact…she has no time for study and writes sitting at her table with pen  and paper..she does not know what she is about to write nor has studied the question she is about to answer from someone.

    she writes and it just flows and she herself is surprised at times of what is written….it’s called automatic writing…like channeling …her writings have truths wrapped and Intertwined with expressions and words coming from demon sources …that’s why she can sound intriguing and fascinating at times…the demons can see when we have reached a wrong belief….they relay the proper understanding to here….years later the brothers have corrected a understanding…..she is being used as a mouth peice for them..so they do give her some truths and this acts as a hook to those who listen to her…it’s how Satan always works….over the years I have seen followers of her have a real hate for witnesses…a real venom comes from them.

    satan targets hurt brothers and sisters….while at their weakest…many follow her…some see thru it..having said that. I do understand why she became like that..and it’s a shame a real sad shame….but is no excuse to mislead so many and put them on the road to destruction…it’s a cruel and selfish thing they are all doing.

    By the way I have blocked certain ones here who will probably answer this..

    Some of Pearl's ideas I have challenged before. She's no different from David Wood. The difference between her and the David types is David is relentless, the only time he showed weakness was in an in person debate in London.

    That being said, although she and or acolytes are misguided, I still have pity for them despite their falsehoods, and I say this because of the way Babylon has been moving for some time. Babylon has also claimed members of your faith, as is mine, therefore, it shows how dangerous and cunning the enemy is.

  21. 34 minutes ago, Witness said:

    It's not too late for him to learn the truth about someone, who has had experience as a member of his own religion...without another person's imagination 'tainting' the truth about her.  He needs to know, since the last message is to "Israel", God's anointed, and those who reside with them.  Matt 10:23; Rev 18:4-8

    The information already given was substantial, some information of which concerning Pearl which was never addressed here. Solider of God, when he was alive, was not a fan of Pearl, and he himself was Chosen, likewise, with Kosonen.

    36 minutes ago, Witness said:

    SM, I really don't care if you call me a false prophet. 

    I never called you a false prophet. The issue is with you professing falsehoods as truth, so much so, I took pity on you on occasion but you continue. 1 John 4:1 was used as a counter to falsehood concerning one's spirit, as is, where it is currently. Along with the pity I see you as misguided, and I even told you that you could do better if it weren't for the bindless.

    That being said, you are also someone who is unaware, you never had experience with those who not only attest to falsehood, but seek to kill truth, even going as far as to wanting to commit physical harm towards someone, even those of God. Your experience in Catholicism and a JW does not compare to those who have been in the trenches, granted your time differs from the current one of which I am in.

    That being said, the day you deal with legitimate members of Babylon, like KAIROS, then you'll understand as to why I am Anti-falsehood and Agenda.

    39 minutes ago, Witness said:

    All will be made known when Jesus returns.

    You have to be ready because a misguided state isn't a good one.

    40 minutes ago, Witness said:

    What I do find interesting is that you spend time with JWs, and yet do not speak against the lies their leaders have prophesied over the years. 

    I spend time in various communities to stamp out falsehood and misinformation. Reasons being because lies and falsehoods professed by the Mainstream has tainted most communities, even the EXJW one. An example of this is the fact you got fooled by Mr. Zelda, and many others. Some people, even some EXJWs called out the lie.

    42 minutes ago, Witness said:

    Perhaps you do not understand the difference between what is true and what is false?   

    Granted my experience, I know the difference between truth and what is not true, for truth is essentially a casualty in Free Speech and War, so much so I am among many who are being watched by those who uphold Censorship to the highest degree, even today I was censored more than 28 times for talking about the truth of Crimea. You were never someone who is aware so you are the type to be fooled time and time again only to be called out for it, i.e. regarding World War II. You even deviate from facts, which is another factor that can be recalled.

    In the arena of Truth, falsehood has no weapon that can take out the Truth, even misleading information.

    That being said, it would be wise on your part to choose your words carefully, for, already you were called out for a false witness several times.

    47 minutes ago, Witness said:

    As I have said before, I'll do what I can to expose the Wt for what it is; a charade that has led God's holy people astray.  Matt 24:24,25; 2 Thess 2:3,4; 1 Tim 4:1; Rev 11:1-3; 13:1,2,11,12, 5-7,14-18; 16:13-16; 20:7-9 

    You can do as you please, but to use lies to call out your former faith won't get you far. Even beyond the WT you devalued the early church before, of which you were also called out for.

    Also FYI - and still... You mix verses not realizing the context behind each verse. Some things never change. 

    That being said, if you do not wise up, you will fall, and end up like the many victims of Babylon, for if the MSC can trick you, should another 2016 happen concerning Babylon, since she made a few moves now, it will not be surprised an unaware soul is swept away.

  22. 3 hours ago, Dmitar said:

    *** w13 9/1 pp. 4-5 Why All the Suffering? ***
    “By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love among yourselves,” said Jesus.—John 13:35.
    Religious leaders of every creed and denomination preach love and unity. The reality is that they have failed to instill in their followers a love strong enough to eliminate biases. Rather than helping to cultivate love, religion often contributes to the division, bigotry, and strife among peoples and national groups. In the conclusion of his book Christianity and the World Religions, theologian Hans Küng wrote: “The most fanatical, the cruelest political struggles are those that have been colored, inspired, and legitimized by religion.”

    In addition, clerics of many religions have openly condoned premarital and extramarital sex and homosexuality. This has led to the spread of disease, abortions, unwanted pregnancies, and broken marriages and families, resulting in untold pain and anguish

    This kind of worldly thinking HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH PROPHECY!

    It should be noted that Babylon has made a few moves concerning the situation in Ukraine, granted prior to the JW ban, there was the Pope's visit, as is some form of rivalry with the churches of Ukraine and Russia, ironically, before that, the Pope was involved with the events of 2016 which got many Christians swept away by Babylon, as is the Beast, hence, the unaware, are usually the first causalities.

  23. 3 hours ago, Dmitar said:

    This is your opinion, not reality. I don't condone the behavior of Jehovah's Witnesses here like Unitarians. That's where a true Christian draws the line. Any discussion of politics goes against Christ own admonition, give Ceasear what belongs to Ceasaer, and give God that belongs to God. To a true Christian, there is a separation of church and state.


    That wasn't an opinion, the notation of the paradigm was fact. Rarely I dwell on opinion, especially when the Paradigm is involved, but in this thread, there is 0 opinion in all my responses.

    Unitarians are all over the place, you have to be more specific.

    That being said, the number of people swept away by the paradigm is alarming, if religiously back in 2016 in which a many people, even some of the guests here got duped by a movement who holds conquest to peace while being aligned with the Wild Beast.

    Concerns does not make one part of the paradigm. Surely you buy food, you will be effected indirectly, as is if you drive, gas-wise, the same thing.

    God's people are to be aware of potential dangers so they themselves do not get taken in by the paradigm's agenda.

  24. @JW Insider So here is another one  - Zelensky, in a passionate speech, urges the E.U. to admit Ukraine immediately.

    Some of us are still trying to confirm, however, if this is indeed true, this spells a dangerous precedent. For originally, Ukraine couldn't join for they were essentially a poor country in the eyes of the EU. Due to the fact there is a ware going on, like that of SWIFT, he is putting pressure on the EU to have Ukraine join. In Putin's case, he does not want the EU on his doorstep, for he is already flustered by the growing Western Influence. This move by Zelensky is seen as a gut punch towards Putin, and he did so in the worse possible situation.

    That being said, essentially adding more fuel to an already uncontrollable fire.

  25. @Srecko Sostar @Dmitar Unfortunately, no one here is of the political paradigm (Left or Right let alone adopt the influence), nor show the taking of any sides. For if one is indeed political, they hold up to a view in association with the affairs', ideas of a party/group. Likewise with previous threads.

    That being said, people can be concern of a potential danger in their backyard, granted such persons vs those now locked under Marshal Law have no say to speak their peace, etc. It should be noted with this law in place those who didn't get to escape, have the option to fight or be jailed (some gave the idea that such ones may have been killed, but reports are murky). There was mentions of escapees being shot at, not wanting any involvement with the situation, but this too needs to be verified.


    Well the Wild Beast is at it again, a parallel move made with Libya is happening now.

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