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Space Merchant

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Posts posted by Space Merchant

  1. 1 hour ago, Witness said:

    Which is exactly why I told him the truth about her.  

    He knows prior because of what he asked me for over PM. So you are quite late.

    1 hour ago, Witness said:

    That is your opinion, your right to say whatever about me;  and my opinion, my right to say once again, that you can't be trusted.  

    It wasn't an opinion. You were the one who mentioned this in our debates, and the claim was indeed factual.

    Again, I say this to you a 4th time, you are free to speak your peace, but what is known will be brought up.

    1 hour ago, Witness said:

    you can't be trusted.  

    Sure... But last I checked, I was not the one to violate 1 John 4:1 to defend untruths, you don't attest to anything factual let alone do the critical thinking to do the research when encouraged (twice). For you see, light shines on those who attest to what is true, a false light attest to those who deem a falsehood as true. A call back to what you've been told a long time ago.

    That being said, going forward, it would be wise to understand the difference between what is true and what is false. As is, do not end up like an unaware sheeple as most are regarding the current situation.


    Light which truth shineth

  2. 46 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    I would say the heading of this topic, in the form of a question, IS political. So why is it here on the JW page, which should be discussing spiritual matters not politics.  But my opinion of you in this instance SM is that you are just Americanised.  

    The origin of this club is that anything could be discussed, even in some instances, you attest to this notation, you fit this bill whereas some notations treads outside of faith itself. The only JW centric space is the closed one, unless there is another and this one is more populated because in the beginning it was essentially anything goes (Controversial Posts). It would be political should anyone, even current JWs take sides on be it for the Democrat Party or the Republican Party which is associated with the Paradigm - The Left and the Right. The situation with what is going on now can and will indirectly effect everyone, i.e. some who didn't escape are being forced to fight, while others, are unaware of what is going on and instantly taken by Propaganda.

    Your opinion, however, unverified, however, you are free to speak your peace. The truth is I am not Americanized, for if I was, I'd be for the influence of today's society and be somewhat of a Nationalist, more so, specific cultures would have overwritten the one I already follow, which is heavily Caribbean Islander based, a mistake Srecko, Dmitar and Witness attempted to challenge and failed. Time and time again some notations I proclaim against various things in today's society. I am more so an enemy to the culture of today's society, for those outside of the paradigm, even us Truthers are essentially viewed as the bad guy, and they equate us to Conspiracy Theorists.

    Other then that, today's society is the reason I am against various Agendas; having a strong disdain for misinformation that is engineered to mislead, as is, build a path for the Reset.

    46 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    And yes I read Russia Today news and MSN news, but I'm not foolish enough to fully believe either of them. 

    The MSM cannot be trusted at all, to verify what is truth, you have to do the due diligence to find out what it is and evade misleading information. The thing is now is a lot of us are being censored (I got hit with a lot of censors as of recent), a contact of mine in Russia has not only been censored, but because of the situation, his family instantly hit the poverty line, this is the same contact who was able to get information for me concerning a Hacker website used by the FSB (of which a group of people shut down) that targets people in Russia associated with Alexei Navalny, as is JWs during the ban, the same person who I was able to get information on how easily Putin won his election, as is what I said about Russia and China concerning NATO 4 years ago.

    All that said, propaganda is everywhere now, so much so, it is even a problem for my community and those who support it, one person had to come out to apology because he was tricked by the videos from Ukraine, one in question even @JW Insider posted to give example of how easily emotional videos can get the best of people.

    46 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    It's just the two sides of the same problem and i have no history of either and therefore have no idea who is wrong.

    But you can still be effected indirectly. To not be knowing of this puts you among the unaware, as with most people, even among JWs, for some are unaware.

    46 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    BUT we as Christians know that all war is wrong. 

    War is indeed wrong do argument on that, but to be oblivious to is also a problem to oneself; to be cautious you need to be aware. We have to know how our enemy operates also, so we do not fall victim. The Wild Beast and Babylon are very cunning, and some actions done by them, the unaware are usually the first to be taken by surprise vs those who are very cautious of every step, example, Babylon's actions in Washington in 2016, or a move by the Beast in 2017, etc.

    Better to know these things, vs to not be aware, even Biblically, we have examples.

    46 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    ( Well maybe James has a different opinion )

    He's quite aware of the situation, and most likely will have his say.

    46 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    I am truly glad I'm not American ( or Russian ).

    The United Kingdom is of the first group, which is associated with America whereas Russia is in the second group under the United Nations banner. One sees an Order, the other does not. Whatever they do, it effects, example, Russians are suffering because of the sanctions met to target the RU government. Boris Johnson's say and action, along with is allies, will effect you and the UK people indirectly. Evidently, you will feel it, and to be unaware, the next move will sweep you or anyone else like a sudden flash flood.

    I could have gotten some info in regards to the UK and the US, but a missing persons case took my attention, so I am doing research as of now.

    That being said, as mentioned to you before, you do not have to 100% concern yourself with such but at least be aware of the Lion in the field. If thousands of Christians could easily be duped worldwide in 2016 from that same Lion, there is no question the same case can happen now and onwards into the Reset.

    As for our Russian friends, it is tough for them, some of them now face Racism, for the actions of the Kremlin somehow Russians are deemed the enemy. My contact also suffers from this.

  3. On 2/25/2022 at 9:19 PM, JW Insider said:

    Just saw a Youtube episode of Jimmy Dore (below) who hits many of the same points that I (and others) have made about Ukraine. A little too defensive of Putin, and too snarky in general, but accurate on most of the points he does present. Some of the best points are about the hypocrisy of the U.S. rhetoric, a point he actually understates.

    I am familiar with Jimmy Dore, he is the opposite to his former team on TYT who loves to slander and fan the flames of violence. But as with him, many are skeptical of any news coming out because in the sea of propaganda, the truth is really difficult to spot.

    The below is a recent video for others who are similar to Jimmy, the first video is an Independent Journalist, the second from a Truther, who occasional starts his video with a meme, but is equally serious as the one in the first.


  4. 11 minutes ago, Pudgy said:

    Yeah you do, but most cannot afford to.

    I had a Mormon friend that said Mormons have 6 months of supplies stashed away.

    I asked how well his home was defended, and would he please stock up on mustard sardines.

    Canned foods are cheap in some places. But yes, 3-6 months max, for at least you will not end up as the many who will buy items when the prices are scaled up to a ridiculous amount.

    As for home defense, Systematic Warfare is something serious, mainly if caught off guard.

    Also just to be safe, it is wise to check your car from time to time should you go out to buy food, as is unload what you have at a specific time, for larger items.

    that being said, better to be prepared vs not being prepared, as is awareness. Although doing this is good, the Reset itself will start a shift within the general public.

  5. 43 minutes ago, Pudgy said:

    I always thought that if things get really bad in the United States I could escape to Australia, but it seems that Australia has become or is becoming a totalitarian state.

    It all began when they confiscated everyone’s guns.

    If you go there now, they might send you to the camp, into a confined space with a picture of PoV Daniel Andrews with his ever-staring gaze looking upon you.

    That being said, disarmament, there are many examples, like the Syrian Christians who became like fodder for ISIS.

    As for the situation with Ukraine and Russia, there is already some big players looking at the situation carefully, all this while the transfer of wealth is still ongoing.

  6. The Prepper Community is possibly way above everyone in this regard. Likewise with Truthers, even some Independent Journalists, who are second in preparedness next to Preppers.

    One of my contacts in Russia, his family essentially hit the poverty line because of the Economy. Not to mention now suddenly, because of Putin, people are showing a sense of Racism towards Russians. So his family will have a hard time with food in the coming days.

    Aside from that there is a danger, for like at the start of COVID-19, people were being firearms and the like in the states, even those who were ANTI-Gun. So it won't be a surprise should someone's mental pressure pot bursts, their colors may change.

    Systematic Warfare will ensue and it will not be a good time for any normal citizen in the states, especially in the cities.

    It is wise to at least have some items stored away for a period of time, you do not have to go full end of the world bunker mode with resources.

    Other then that, in my case, my family are islanders, we can cultivate from the land if need be, and unlike normal folks, we are capable of fasting for long periods of time, in my case, I can fast for 72 hours, possibly longer due to the fact I trained myself to be as such for a long time, originally for health benefits, but I am use to it, for Ghrelin does not effect me as the normal person.

    That being said, this is an example of a prepper, the Truther community knows this guy well, he is Brad from Full Spectrum Survivalist


  7. 20 hours ago, Witness said:

    Pearl Doxsey is her name.  This is her webpage, her blog:  https://4womaninthewilderness.blogspot.com/

    She was a JW for around 36 years, I believe, and is an anointed one guided by Holy Spirit.

    All genuine anointed are “inspired” by Holy Spirit at the time of their anointing (Rom 5:5) but can choose to ignore the truth God puts in their hearts, by turning to fleshly desires, instead of seeking spiritual knowledge. (1 John 2:27; John 15:5-7; Matt 7:7,8; John 17:17; Heb 8:10) https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1+John+2%3A27%3B+John+15%3A5-7%3B+Matt+7%3A7%2C8%3B+John+17%3A17%3B+Heb+8%3A10&version=NKJV

    (Luke 4:5-7; Matt 6:19; 1 Cor 2:13,14; Phil 3:19; Col 3:1,2)

     If the GB are anointed but say they are not inspired, it reveals that not all members are genuinely anointed, or that they have chosen to ignore what the Spirit can teach them, by relying on their own “philosophy”; their own doctrine.  (Isa 59:2; Jer 23:16; Col 2:8,20-22; Heb 10:26; 1 Tim 4:1)  

    Case in point, “this generation” teaching, failed dates of Armageddon, and an earthly organization as the way to salvation, which is idolatry. You are told to “move ahead with Jehovah’s organization”. This signifies that the organization “goes before” all of you, just as the golden calf made in Moses’ day, was said to “go before” the Israelites.  (Exod 32:1)  Is it not true that the organization touts that it alone, has brought people out of pagan worship? 

    Exod 32:4b - Then they said, “This is your god, O Israel, that brought you out of the land of Egypt!”

    “It is a flight out of the religions of Christendom, yes, out of any part of Babylon the Great.  It is a flight to the place of safety within Jehovah’s theocratic organization.”  km 4/89 p. 1,2

    God’s only “organization” is His spiritual “house” built with living stones of anointed priests.( 1 Pet 2:5,9; 1 Cor 3:16,17)  It is not a physical entity that requires dedication to. Pearl’s inspired message to God’s chosen people, the anointed, (Isa 43:10; 44:1 Pet 2:5,9; 1 Cor 3:16; Eph 2:20-22)…

    … is one of “restoration” of the holy priesthood (“Levi”) that is under the dominion of a counterfeit priesthood ‘representing’ them – the elder body.  Subsequently, the “Temple” of God has been trampled.  (Dan 8:11; Mark 13:14; 2 Thess 2:1-3; Mal 3:1-5; Matt 17:11; Rev 11:1-3)  

    We are to put our faith in God and Jesus Christ alone, not in a manmade organization that battles the court systems to protect its riches, and wields unrighteous power over God’s holy people.  (Rev 13:1,2,11,12,5-7,14-18)

    “However, the Most High does not dwell in temples made with hands, as the prophet says:

    49 ‘Heaven is My throne,
    And earth is My footstool.
    What house will you build for Me? says the Lord,
    Or what is the place of My rest?
    50 Has My hand not made all these things?’

    51 You stiff-necked and uncircumcised in heart and ears! You always resist the Holy Spirit; as your fathers did, so do you.  Acts 7

    I am familiar with the one you follow, but the JW was not, as is what some of her followers are capable of doing which you yourself cannot defend or speak for. However in regards to your last remarks elsewhere, you can't be taken seriously anymore, tainted one. Perhaps next time, speak your own peace for once.

    @Equivocation At least now you can see the example. Be careful of tainted ones who violate 1 John 4:1, especially those willing to conjure up a conspiracy befitting for an Agenda by means of Justifiable Cause.

    That being said, there is a lot of conspiracy and propaganda being created right now, so be careful. Likewise, even pertaining to your community also.

  8. 20 hours ago, Witness said:

    Do you know that thousands of JWs were Catholics at one time?

    No, but you attested to the notations, hence why I bring it up. The only reason I mentioned such.

    20 hours ago, Witness said:

    y brother and myself grew up as Catholics and became JWs. 

    And this is known because you stated this in our early debates. I do not see why it is a problem if I was able to recall this.

    20 hours ago, Witness said:

    Interestingly, we were not "shunned" by our Catholic family for making the decision. 

    But in Catholicism, there is a version of Excommunication that warrants Damnation. As for the shunning command, it isn't something outlandish.

    20 hours ago, Witness said:

      What "woman in question", and who is it that is speaking for "her"? 

    You answered this yourself.

    20 hours ago, Witness said:

    What sort of conspiracy are you up to now?  

    I am against conspiracy and falsehoods. Everything said was indeed true.


  9. @Patiently waiting for Truth Because people are enabled to be aware of the things around them, even in Bible times, this was the case.

    As pointed out before.

    On 8/21/2021 at 3:33 PM, Space Merchant said:

    No man ignores a loose Lion hiding in the tall grass as he walks by the beast. To be aware of things, knowing the workings of the real enemy, it gives you the opportunity to evade, and protect oneself from danger, unlike the man, you'll have awareness to not even walk along the tall grass.


    That being said, hypothetically speaking, if there was a serial killer in your neighborhood, you would not be oblivious to that notation and you'd be extra careful. even should the police get involved, you can give incite if you witness anything, moreover, you can proclaim the message to your household so they do not become victim, but rather, cautious of interactions. As with the events of Russia, some of us saw this coming, the writing was on the wall.

    Likewise, talking about the issue with Ukraine, one does not need to dwell on politics, but it shows a sense of awareness.

    But you must be vigilante also, depending on how Bojo operates, he can indirectly effect you, move with caution. Granted he and the Ukrainian President were pushing on the SWIFT issue with Russia.

    Also this

    3 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    UK idea of 'weapons of mass destruction' wherever that was.

    Be careful of what the MSM tells you, for even the UK is tied into the Agenda.


    @JW Insider I had to stop paying attention to the situation with Ukraine for 2-3 days, there was a missing persons issue close to home concerning a contributor, so I had to help with that and it was resolved. Speaking of RT News, apparently they were hacked, and the claim now is that Anonymous had involvement with it. Some of us see this as out of the ordinary for the group to do such a thing concerning their view of the Constitution and Free Speech. Aside from that, there is tones of Propaganda just coming out of the Woodworks.

  10. Well I guess I spoke too soon. There was an emergency about a day or two ago regarding the need for men able and willing to fight, resulting in some staying to fight and those fleeing with their families, as of recent this report came in:

    Reports: Ukraine bans all male citizens ages 18 to 60 from leaving the country

    Therefore, any member of your faith will be subjected to (possibly), along with those who are Anti-War, to the cited below.

    4 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

    There are potential outcomes, in which [A] Those of your faith community will be among those who are called to arms to fight for Ukraine, and if not will either be among those who flee or be possibly imprisoned. [B] Should Russia do a full takeover, anyone among your faith and or anyone who is among those of which does not have the Russian ideology, will possibly face consequences; as is persecution, extreme type (dark), granted this situation triggered even that of the people in the religious world who, some may be supporting Putin.

    As for those who are not so much religious but Anti-War who are male, there was talks of Wartime cross-dressers, a possibility in regards to those who want to try and escape.

    That being said, this was inevitable. Either be victim by the Ukrainians or the Russians (damned if you do, damned if you don't), hence this being in between a rock and a hard place type situation.

  11. 12 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Your very long respond didn't answer simple question i nicely ask you to answer! 

    It wasn't that long, it was half a page. I did answer for it is in that response.

    12 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    What does it mean when you put statement; "outside of any faith community"? 

    It means that people who are not even religious can ostracized someone and or something from a home, household, family, group, community, institution, etc. Example, Billy caused several school fights even after suspension and pranked several teachers, put a glue on the Principal's chair, thus ruining his suit, therefore, Billy is Expelled permanently from school and his record is effected. The school is no longer in contact with Billy due to Billy's actions, Billy cannot graduate from said school, and due to the chances he was given, no option for an appeal, hence he is essentially ostracized, even shunned by the institution, should be attempt to come back, the school can call the police on Billy.

    Mind you this is a minor example of a form what is stated in the latter.

    12 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Outside of JW and every religious group?

    Although JWs and most Christian practice Excommunication, a level of this is in practice outside of all Abrahamic Faiths. This was already mentioned.

    12 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    If so, why you put explanation that is religiously shaped?

    I explained it in regards to Christianity as is outside of The Abrahamic Faiths as is mentioned the most serious one of them all.

    That being said there is indeed a level of ostracization and shunning in practice, even in various communities.

  12. 12 minutes ago, Arauna said:

    Wars are not just about territory but also about the resources in the territory.  Ukraine is a rich country, not only in wheat but also in Uranium and other resources. The West ruined the country with the corruption they brought into Ukraine. Having good people fired and putting puppets in place. 

    Exactly. So if Ukraine, and evidently, Taiwan falls, there will be an insane level of crippling for everyone, even Russia, however, Putin's Ego is in regards to an Empire. Granted as of now it is Ukraine only, it will cause a major issue for many concerning resources, especially in gas and energy.

    This is why panic buying started in Ukraine prior to the invasion, and even here, the Prepper Community are preparing themselves. Only a matter of time until panic buying starts again in the West and within the country of US allies.

    The thing with SWIFT will prove to be a diabolically huge catalyst for what is to come, especially if there is direct action to Russia, and in regards to SWIFT it can cause someone to coin it as an act of war. Germany didn't comply but Ukraine and UK is pushing the US to take action on something that can start an even bigger conflict.

  13. 1 hour ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    You revealed new light for me. You mentioned the expression "Shunning Command" that exist "outside of any faith community".

    This isn't new, it was talked about before, and the notation of Excommunication existed from the 1st century church and onward. It is related to the binding and loosening of the church itself.

    The only reason why many, even EXJWs see it as outlandish is because Mainstream Christendom has already put in the idea into many a totally different view of mercy and Excommunication, the facts speak for itself when you simply do research, the majority against this is Mainstream Christendom and those who adhere to their influence.

    1 hour ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    I would like to know who or what imposes such a “commandment” on people who are not believers? 

    In Matthew 16, the keys were entrusted to the followers of Christ, and from there, the actions in regards to the church. Excommunication took on different forms centuries later, and in present day, Mainstream Christianity sees the old ways of Excommunication as a problem, and those who follow any of what was originally present.

    In that passage we can see that Jesus is solemnly entrusting the Church with the power to bind and loosen, and this is closely tied with the Church’s ability to excommunicate unrepentant sinners. And it’s more than just an ability. Jesus actually instructs it as the appropriate course of action to be taken in the case of certain unrepentant sinners. They are be ostracized, in the way that the Jews of the time treated Gentiles and tax collectors, therefore, the action of Expelling, is enacted, a cut away from the Church. There are also examples of Excommunication of this level in the Greek New Testament.

    It can also be noted that Expelling, hence Shunning Command is further noted/connected to passages like 1 Corinthians 5:11–13 and Matthew 18:15–17 (and ref.), suggest shunning command as an internal practice of early Christians and are cited as such by  practitioners within Christianity today outside of the Mainstream. It is rare for a Mainstreamer to use it, however, there are cases, as of recent, a Pastor complaining publicly (claiming) about immoral blaspheming Witches in his Church.

    1 hour ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Also, do such “infidels” you mention bear any consequences if they don’t want to apply the “shunning command” to their loved ones or to some other people around them?

    I do not use the term "Infidels". I am not a Mainstream Christian, therefore, I do not go around the notation of Excommunication.

    Within Christianity, there tend to be three major views of the place of Excommunication:

    1. We shouldn’t excommunicate anyone, because it’s not merciful.
    2. We should excommunicate, because we want to purify the Church of the damned.
    3. We should excommunicate, because it’s merciful to sinners.

    It is evident as to which one is used and by whom. It can be noted possibly the worse form of Excommunication is Herem, is the highest ecclesiastical censure, perhaps even beyond the shunning command itself, Biblically speaking.

    All forms of Excommunication and or Expelling is a practice outside of religion, also, you were already told this in the past.

  14. The President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, is more so a political puppet. Although Ukraine isn't part of NATO and is of the United Nations, Zelenskyy supports NATO in regards to guaranteed security guarantees and military support. Zelenskyy is very Pro-West in regards to ideologies, hence the state of Ukraine, something of which Putin and his allies are not in favor of, and in Putin's case, he stated that such ideology is destroying the West, but what he attested to is Leftism and the Cult ideology that, in his eyes, he sees as a weakness. Him seeing this in Ukraine is among the many things pushed him to take action, it is also the reason as to why even Putin sees him as a puppet.

    As for the Nazism part, Volodymyr Zelenskyy himself is Jewish, even having lost family a members in the Holocaust. Although he may not be in favor of it, there are those in Ukraine that hold Neo-Nazi and or extreme Far-Right views, to which leads to some attesting to the fact that the Ukrainian President may have unknowingly having been allied with these persons and or groups, i.e. Serhiy Sternenko. Then you have Azov Battalion, a known Far-Right Neo-Nazi group, and who knows, there might be similar persons or groups in Ukraine, who are now in front of potentially elevating conflict. Putin himself is also pressing on this notation to justify his actions to invade Ukraine prior.

    That being said, misleading information is damaging, and as we speak propaganda is spreading like wild fire to get a reaction and other falsehoods to people attesting even nuclear threats. Then the MSM with their silly narratives.

    Among many things the focus is on SWIFT, granted if anything is dealt with that will cause an even bigger problem for the US and their allies.


  15. On 2/23/2022 at 2:51 PM, Dmitar said:

    Can you explain to the visitor how shunning is violent? In that respect, when none believers shun a family member or a member of society because they are either drunkards, or drug addicts, how would that be a violent schism?

    Well this is true, even outside of any faith community the Shunning Command is a practice in society, even outside of such addictions, i.e. a person committed an act that effects the family, therefore, the person is excommunicated, so to speak, from the family, and is shunned to others, limited contact if the minor action results in the latter being repentant for their action.

    That being said, I've seen my fair share of people being ostracized by their family/relatives in broad daylight. And this continues, for some who repented for their actions, others, continue to dwell even further into a rebellious nature, to the extreme actions where there is bodily harm and or death.


  16. 17 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    Yes but JWs are forced to shun ex-jws, and those ex-jws could well be innocent

    From what some of us know, they shun the excommunicated of the church. Blood ties excluded, but Church ties is deemed from this action. Then there is Apostasy, in which one is to use shun command (Expelling) outright, especially when there are situation where people weaponize ill acts against people and or their faith, in this case, CSA. Not to mention weaponizing CSA also causes child predators to be lured into an institution, a recent situation was done in regards to the social media space, actually 2, in which a potential danger is met.

    Not to mention the fact any EXJW who actually have solutions, is shut down by disgruntled EXJWs.

    It should also be noted there are 3 known forms of Excommunication, in which shunning is connected to it. I believe this was explained to you when you went by the name Butler and 4Jah2me. The only reason there is a view about it is because Mainstream Christianity's version of Excommunication differs, in which they view the latter as not Biblical and or shouldn't be used, to cut out a subnet of Excommunication. It can also be noted, perhaps the notation attest to the fact how people view the modern term of shunning vs the Biblical.

    Even outside of religion, the practice is applied by others, to Excommunicate, also to shun (Expel).

    It should also be noted that this command associated with Excommunication didn't start with Jehovah's Witnesses, granted it was around for a while. It can also be noted minor or major actions can lead to grounds of Excommunication resulting in the effects used.

  17. 44 minutes ago, Melinda Mills said:

    Only think we should be sure to remember is Daniel 11 and 12 - King of the North in the time of the end.  Read over Pay Attention to Daniel's Prophecy, chapters 15 and 16, which are being played out now, mostly in Russia, but might soon apply  to other areas. 

    One of their allies is already blaming the US for everything while at the same time readying themselves to target Taiwan. Under the United Nations' banner, China is the biggest ally next to Russia.

    One thing for certain, NATO, who is also unclean, namely one of their former Generals, Wesley Clark, wanted a war, even now, they push this as a challenge.

    All in all a time for every person to be vigilant, even in the area of which any of us live because such an escalation and falling of dominos can turn, perhaps the friendly neighbor into a potentially dangerous pursuer, for if the COVID-19 Endemic can change some people to ne negative, it will be no surprise if this is the same case from an indirect event due to the Invasion and actions of other countries.

  18. 1 hour ago, Equivocation said:

    @Space Merchant I'm thinking it may be on a level of group policy. All in all archives are indeed available to people and some still have access to the CDs we still have, if they have a drive for it. But yeah if anyone is really hiding anything that doesn't have archives it'll be the CDC because claims about that is legitmate. 

    That may be the case, since all network infrastructures have a level of group policies in which depending on whatever group the user is on, there is access to some things, in this case, someone's access to Archived information outside of a current and up to date Library of information for research purposes, and the like. 

    The CDC is another can of worms as is those affiliated. In that case, they have legitimately hid information from the general public, some of which has no public domain Archive at all, granted this is data and information pertaining to the Endemic that is COVID-19.

  19. 52 minutes ago, Equivocation said:

    Well I'm sure everyone knows. There is a lot of media talking about it and there are even claims of misleading videos and articles in an attempt to push war.

    As I mentioned in the other thread to both Srecko and Witness, misleading information can cause problems, in this case, fear and war-mongering, something of which CNN, MSNBC, The Atlantic, The Guardian, and a list of others along with people on YouTube and other media are doing, not to mention Propaganda Pieces, something of which the US did when they promoted a Neo-Nazi group known as The Azov Battalion, recognized Neo-Nazi Military Unit in Ukraine that seek a gain from the situation.

    That being said, Left Leaning News and publications, as is their politics and or those who have that mindset are always the ones start up the fire to get everyone's attention, i.e. Cenk Uygur, the uncle of Capitalist Hasan Piker.

    56 minutes ago, Equivocation said:

    I know we have a lot of brothers and sisters in Ukraine wondering if anyone here knows someone.

    There are potential outcomes, in which [A] Those of your faith community will be among those who are called to arms to fight for Ukraine, and if not will either be among those who flee or be possibly imprisoned. [B] Should Russia do a full takeover, anyone among your faith and or anyone who is among those of which does not have the Russian ideology, will possibly face consequences; as is persecution, extreme type (dark), granted this situation triggered even that of the people in the religious world who, some may be supporting Putin.

    The most damning thing is in regards to some of what Putin said of Ukraine, he was correct, example of this is in regards to NATO as is Ukraine's adaptation of Western ideology, which introduced even the likes of Wokeism.

    58 minutes ago, Equivocation said:

    There's been a lot of Ukrainians fleeing the country.

    Yes. However, some cannot escape (similar to the events of Afghanistan) because they are within a crossfire zone or they are hiding in their homes or else, some are hiding in the subways, all of which could be an issue granted bombs and missiles are being used in the area.

    Sadly some have died, and some are witnessing warfare, even the likes of children in which a child thought it was fireworks outside, but really it was bombs and missiles being used.

    1 hour ago, Equivocation said:

    One of my cousins his girlfriend is Ukrainian and even her father is visibly shocked by all of this, mainly due to the fact he was in his country after the events of Crimea.

    It isn't a surprise because many people and Ukrainians are not happy with what is going on, sadden, some didn't think the invasion would be done but it did; however, the writing was on the wall for those who knew what is to happen, even the events leading up to Putin's gain of power - a man who had nothing, joining the KGB, aiding Russia in a dark time and the power he now has, wanting to revive what made the Russian Empire Great. His Religious Conquest for Power and his high Ego has pushed him in this direction, the Russian-American Investors deem this to be Putin's Holy War, wanting to be essentially like Vladimir Lenin, in which they think he is not only corrupt, but insane.

    1 hour ago, Equivocation said:

    Friends of mine are worried about a possibility of a draft, they know Witnesses don't go to war but they're saying, assuming, things might end up like Vietnam whereas a lot of young folks were sent into war. Although I tried to tell them something like that may not be a possibility however I did inform them it may be different with Ukrainians because Russia is next door to them.

    That is unlikely, but a possibility, that is, if the current US president does not mess up, let alone allies and even the likes of the very organization that has a foot in most Super powers, the UN, forces it's hand, like they did to Syria (also causing war) and to the events regarding Muammar Gaddafi, although dead, but didn't realize his son was released from prison a while back. This is why I stated the Wild Beast is on the move, always pay attention to the Lion in the field so you do not come into direct contact with it.

    1 hour ago, Equivocation said:

    Outside of that you have the pro war people and ofc some former members of our faith making theories, mainly those who were in favor of what the Kremlin did to our congregations. There was one who admitted he was sorry tho. But all in all this is a bad situation for everyone. 

    Well this isn't new, if members of your former faith praised Putin for banning your faith, there is no doubt they will use the situation of war now to justify their disgruntled view. It is also likely if the escalation quickens the reset route, which may cause an systematic situation takes place in the US, they'll be the types to hunt you and your faith. A contact of mine in Russia stated a while back to the people of your former faith that the RU military, some of them wish death on the West, so keeping whatever energy they have about Putin and the ban will come back to bite them. Evidently, there is a few who actually want Putin to succeeded just to get rid of your faith, which even calls back to a remark I made in the past on this forum concerning 2017.

    That being said, them and Pro-Putin types are among the many with their ideology pushing for stuff like this. Prior to the invasion, there has been Bots all over the place.

    1 hour ago, Equivocation said:

    I am also wondering what drove Putin to go ballistic at a critical time 🤔

    What you see now is nothing compared to what is to come should the other dominos fall. Putin's actions, ironically, some points he made he was correct concerning NATO and the fact that Ukraine became a puppet to them and the West, however, the actions taken by him is what fueled this, even as we speak now, protesting in Russia, as big as the ones back in 2017 are taking place, but Russia as shut it down, displaying the power they have, effectively showing Putin's Ego is beyond the needs of his people and the lives of others; in effect, also sacrificing the lives of those in Ukraine for his dream of his grand empire. Moreover, Pro-Kremlin people even protesters favor Putin's action thinking this is a liberation whereas the US and their allies are saying they are the liberators.  As a side note, Ukraine (even NATO) is infested with Wokeism, also something of which Russia and their allies also hates, it also shows the effect the Cult of Wokeism has on various people, even the likes of Super Powers.

    Putin gives threat should anyone get involved, there will be things that no one would see before, therefore no one knows; misleading sources are pointing towards nukes, however one fabled urban legend of a weapon is also talked about, known as Rods from God, Kinetic bombardment from orbit, possibly more devastating than nukes, in short, rods that come at the speed of sound from space to hit targets, a 1950s idea, but a crazy one, as it is unlikely. Not to mention Markets in the RU are down 40%-50%~.

    Sanctions would never work because Russia's allies, namely China, is backing them. Speaking of China, China is blaming the US, and as we speak, there is fear of an action being done to Taiwan should the US get involved; using the situation to gain the country of which could cripple the West greatly, in addition, the situation is complex due to Ukraine being a trading partner with China while being somewhat of an enemy to Russia. The UK and Ukraine is pushing for removing Russia from SWIFT, which in response, Russia will see this as an act of war.

    The ramifications of these events will effect everyone shortly, beyond gas and energy. There are more dominos that has not fallen yet and should they fall, burst of escalation across the board. The situation with NATO is a deep seeded one. Something of which the US had the chance to change a while back, going as far back the 1990s, some of us Truthers attest to the situation of Madeleine Albright, who was among those who pushed NATO expansion into the EU, leading to this disaster of a situation you see before you.

    That being said, many of us Truthers, Preppers and Journalists were talking about this for a while, of potential conflict and events leading up to it, even the likes of Alex Jones, and every time many of us were censored. To those who do not know things, like members of your former faith as is Pro-Russian Kremlin folks do not know as to why some events over the years, primarily from 2014 and onward outside of NATO would lead to this.

    The fact that Russia took this action and potentially China, it will cause even other allies of Russia to take action, therefore, The United Kingdom, France, Israel, even Germany would be in trouble, as is secondary allies of the US who may get cause in the crossfire should Russia expand beyond Ukraine, granted Belarus and Poland is nearby should things spill out more over to them. The potential of other countries to get involved, will inevitably make the situation dire, more so a NATO ship that was destroyed is associated with Turkey, this also leads Ukraine to tell Turkey to shut off Black Sea Routes.

    All that being said, there is a lot more stuff going on, and some of us are paying attention to the situation heavily. Remember, be very careful of misleading videos and media that push propaganda and opinions that are murky, as mentioned there are censors going around.

  20. 4 hours ago, Arauna said:

    I have not read it in the bible but that is a good point to consider.  People do not realize how quickly the world turned wicked before the flood. And the period right before God decided t bring the flood saw a greater escalation because of the wicked angels interfering in earth's affairs. It was pretty bad.  That is why it is logical that the world we are living in now will become as bad with wicked angels behind everything.  Very violent, terrible sexual practices with an open hate for God.  

    In short, Wickedness so great that an action must be taken.

  21. The events of Russia were seemingly predicted, i.e. Crimea, the situation in Russia around 2016 and 2017, Putin's Election, The power given to the State Duma, The Church, etc. I have also been vocal on this for years now concerning the Superpowers on Team I and II.

    As of now it is merely dominos, should one fall, it triggers something else. Then you have the fact that Russia's biggest ally supports them, even when the West and their allies assume Sanctions would work against a former KGB agent, and this ally being China.

    As we speak, China is now spreading the propaganda machine on their Mainstream News, in short, they are stating the same situation with Ukraine will indeed happened to China. Then there is both China's and Russia's hidden ally of whom no one is talking about.

    The Russian public are afraid, some of my contacts there are speaking up, but as usually, censored with a high possibility some may end up as FSB targets, as for friends in Ukraine, some of them had fled, some to Romina. For the United States, there is a possibility of a Cyber Attack en route, for the Truther Community brought this up several times even recently, so these attacks will be used to cripple.

    That being said, what amazes me is those who supported the Kremlin for an ill justifiable cause, some are now changing their tune on events that took place around 2016-2017. Hypocrites, who now change because they succumb to fear of someone whom they gave praised to, Vladimir Putin.

    Granted the area of which Ukraine is and where it is near, should a specific domino fall, it will cause kinetic escalation, and will get NATO and others involved, thus triggering a possibility of Global scaled war; WW III as some are stating.

  22. 1 hour ago, Arauna said:

    I meant that he was seeing the future Jehovah promised before he died.  He seems to have been a prophet. A prophet is someone who lays out the word of Jehovah and brings Jehovah's judgement - not just one that predicts the future.

    Yes, like that of a prophetic trance/vision.

    But yeah in his day, if wickedness was a scale, the scale would be broken.

  23. 1 hour ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    You can call his experience a "trance", and the end result with "God took him", the fact remains that he is dead (and you declare that he died and did not continue to live in heaven). If he did not die of old age and disease, and if he did not die of the enemy, then he died at the hands of "friend."

    Prophets are known to be in such a state concerning trances/visions, Enoch's case was different, and yes, he died at the age of 365 but never experienced the pangs of death, therefore, is no more.

    Him going to Heaven is a false assertion, and it is easily countered by the fact this idea was never of core teaching, and ultimately Jesus' own statement.

    57 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    What I do is comment on the Bible and comment on your comments, your beliefs, and your claims. Nothing else. I am not judging you or belittle.

    Unfortunately this has nothing to do with beliefs of a faith group, it is in regards to what the Bible states, and in regards to Enoch, these things are indeed true. The same case can be said for Moses, in which for some reason Satan had an extreme obsession in wanting to find out where God had personally buried Moses specifically, and God did so, to which some claim to have been done secretly.

    59 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    As far as I remember Enoch asked God to "take" him.


    1 hour ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Moses did not ask God to "take" him.

    His situation was a parallel to Enoch. For his death and burial was noted as a mystery, granted God buried Moses.

    1 hour ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    But if they loved each other then it is quite understandable that they want to be close to the one you love while dying.

    Enoch and Moses were indeed close with God. This is obvious from the accounts in regards to them.

    That being said, both deaths on how it was done is deemed mysterious.


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