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Space Merchant

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Everything posted by Space Merchant

  1. @AudreyAnnaNana But then you have the question addressed. Surely if it was coined about problems in some faiths, the question should be noted. There was reason why I equated it to elephants, lambs works too, granted the follow up to it.
  2. @Pudgy That is true, some of the groups I mentioned a while back are sharpening their blades, so to speak. The people in Washington, the aware seem more worried about the FEDs now occupying the state and it's counties, and they will be there into 2024, early and mid. So outside of the protest as I told @Witness, and the others, there will be factors at play, as of recent there was a deranged person who people assume to be associated with the FEDs drove a truck into the White House perimeter. You have officials, higher powers getting satellite phones because something is on the horizon and the most damning of them all, is the disappearance of a 30-ton shipment between Cali and Wyoming, which, should something happens, something dangerous, the fault is 100% on the FEDs, the FBI, etc. That being said, something rare, especially in my case, never ever have I seen the Truther Community this high on edge to even bring up information like this, especially the missing 30-ton shipment. EDIT: Now Mexico is dealing with a problem that will probably turn into something big - Popocatépetl. @Equivocation Yes, it will be a repeat of what happened in New York (100% and I put my hand on the Bible for that), but this time in Washington DC, which, as stated, isn't a place to be fooling around, in fact, it is the bane of why protesting and riot groups even exist, i.e. BLM (Black Live Matters), and it spawns and influences characters like Milo Yiannopoulos who is now noted as an agent of chaos by some, despite even his rivals being far more destructive. I believe @AudreyAnnaNana mentioned Robert King, some of his followers follow specific folks in such paradigms, and if you remembered the listed groups I had from a while back, expect to start seeing them return in mass, it is also the very reason why some of these people are trying to connect your and a few other faiths to Soros, on top of that, the new group that just entered Washington DC. But as per the question, the protest against your faith own do much, it'll put a light on disgruntled EXJWs for sometime, but granted pervious events and many mistruths spoken, like NYC, the public will either not care and or challenge even correct misconceptions, there will be people who will be against it because any action would effect their own faiths, beliefs, values and what they stand for, granted, the same people in the Capitol are the same ones having men parading around half naked in front of children in schools and churches, as is other Godless notions. Excommunication along with what is attached to it will not really be hit either, granted, nearly everyone form religious, to non religious, even the political, practices Expel, and, ironically to the protesters, shunning, hence Santos. Then you have the child abuse issue, which, even if you remove whatever guidelines from the faith, it won't stop child abuse whatsoever, hence, why people need to educate people and kids, this is what some people are doing. They won't really be able to knock them on blood either, granted, it is one of several procedures, and it is hypocritical because, even the disgruntled EXJW would refuse a medical treatment for their young (COVID-19 vaccines and the like), but would bash anyone, in this case, JWs, from doing the same thing, even in terms of alternatives, in addition, the whole abortion issue, which, also ironically, some disgruntled EXJWs were in support of, granted, JWs and other minorities are neither for or against. That being said, that is what happens when people ignore solutions and do not seek to compromise in a middle ground.
  3. @AudreyAnnaNana Speaking of Elephants, have you ever questioned why Jehovah's Witnesses, Bible Students and or other Minorites in this paradigm of faith and religion that exist today, let alone why is it that Babylon is targeting all minorities, mainly if being it's focus since the day the Great Awakening took place?
  4. Granted you are new here, this is the norm for this specific Cedars acolyte. All and all, I pointed this out in the past here, for all the denominations in the Abrahamic faith didn't just spawn for no reason, for there were differences the closer some got to what is core and what is true (i.e. practices, customs and or information concerning soul, hellfire, tartarus, etc.), and in doing so, learning as they go, successfully and or in attempt to stick with core teachings in different eras. The core of it all, from what I had seen, debated and dealt with, is the Trinity Doctrine itself, this is something of which Christian minorities are often at odds with Mainstream Christendom, it is also the very reason why JWs along with others who do not dwell in debate are often targeted for, when a debate actually does take place (G. Sandford vs J. White), let's just say the Triune idea becomes confusing for those that believe it. One thing I do admire is throughout history of Christendom is that throughout the centuries, you can see the echo of that you have the difference within the faith come to light, thus sparking the whole Non-Trinitarian vs Trinitarian battle up to present day.
  5. That may be the case, but it is a repeat of 2017. Evidence to that is because not only they mention their mission, but they threw in other things that had nothing to do with the protest itself. So the outcome of 2023's protest will be exact like 2017. The only difference the silenced, cannot counter them, mainly the child abuse survivor, who stopped part of the protest, since it is in his family's state this time around. If you do not see what is behind this, you do not see the present threat. that being said, the same people they want to be heard from as Expelled people themselves just recently (even shunning them, i.e. Santos), as is some making the attempt, via using law in some instances: Florida Republican moves to expel Schiff from Congress McCarthy says House ethics should move ‘rapidly’ on Santos as Democrats push for expulsion Marjorie Taylor Greene announces impeachment articles against President Biden Concerning Santos: Another added factor, title 42 expired, so stuff like this will play a role, as I said months ago here, even years back. @boyle There is already a counter narrative from some folks, even former JWs who do not align themselves with disgruntled EXJWs. As mentioned, disgruntled JWs are working hard to silence anyone who is against them as they did before. As for your other point, 2022, things opening back up, like schools, allow threats to enter into the space, with 2023 amplifying on that 3 times over, it will indeed be an interesting year, speaking of interesting, Chinese trained military migrants entered the US via boats [Chinese migrants were dropped off by a boat and came to shore, ... reported more than 23 thousand migrant encounters in South Florida], and terrorists have entered after title 42 expired. So there will be threats that enter the US, as is some in the US who would pose a threat to anyone who enters, specifically children.
  6. Well one thing for certain, several events, including the one that is to take place today, will also put another pang of despair for this October event. The added factor is the California situation concerning reparations and the reaction from those who are affiliated with congress, on top of that, the presidential run that will take place. Like I said earlier on, there will be things that will play a role in ANY protest or riot, and outcome will be obvious. That being said, it should be noted that some of the things these upcoming protesters are demanding.... Was put in to practice just recently by members of congress, and other political affiliates, and outside of that, other communities, i.e. an American woman living in the UK, who was cast out, expelled, of a community of people, predominately black, for quoting with little context a book written by a man named Tomas Sowell. Then you have figures in congress itself, who had a shifty history, but blamed political opposition when their actions of their sins came to light. Of course, the people who the EXJWs want communicate with, allowed these figures back into the fold despite their actions, one action being threatening a man with an object during a riot, which was said in the MSM to be peaceful. The list goes on. Therefore, if the issue of Expelling is what they will speak against, it'll be neigh impossible to remove it from society itself, granted, it is practice even outside of religion.
  7. This is the case, but they have been rallying religious leaders since the early 2000s, have several events and movements that spawned from it, even using the Pope as a mouthpiece. Some of the pastors some EXJWs follow, are among this fold. Babylon is working and moving about but only when the time comes, the Beast will attack her. They will be involved, however, they are under the UN banner, even side by side with their opponents. The only group who, switched teams, is Saudi Arabia as of recent. Tribulation End Times will be brutal, but the Firstfruits still roam, and we should be doing what we can in concerning the gospel, and the truth itself. We should also be aware of who the real enemy is, otherwise, those who do not know will fall easily, if people can easily fall back in 2016 concerning the Pope, even in regards to the JW ban in Russia not realizing the timeline of it to Putin's re-election, they will continue to do so now.
  8. @Arauna I'm familiar with Redacted, in fact, most of the Truther community supports them. But yeah, we saw this coming like the Desmond situation concerning children and the UN. The normalization of pedophila is a big problem, and at this point, to safeguard children, people need to teach them. As I told @ApostaBabe Linda James 2022 and onward will be worse for children when things open back up, be it indoctrination and or subjection to vile and brazen acts, such as a recent story I am looking into Luz Maida. Outside of children, it should also be noted to have girls and women in your faith to keep their awareness up and be vigilant. Gang Stalkers are more out and about now. I say these because outside of all the violence and abuse, females are becoming more of a target nowadays, even in religious communities. There was a JW elsewhere who mentions an EXJW was not only trying to go to them to start debate for CSA or other stuff, but rather, take picture of any female JW who is preaching the gospel, even going as far as to take inappropriate pictures. That being said, the world's agenda seems to target women and children. People need to keep their eyes open, and regarding the disgruntled folk from your community, it is a shame and a surprise to this day they haven't figured out what to do, although an abused person tells them what they should do, they crucify him.
  9. @AudreyAnnaNana The Administration and elements of the Beast that roam within it, as is those connected will not be in anyone's favor, including the UN, especially with what the Beast is doing currently via children. There is already a censorship war raging on with prominent people already losing their jobs; understandable to leave a message, but including the website here, would, in some cases, paint a target on Admin's back (which did anger him once if I recall), something similar was done several times in the past here, one instance involved a website that can fool anyone via spoofing and possibly take real name and information from any unsuspecting persons, the other situation, is getting doxxed, thus putting him, and or anyone at risk. Although the message sent to you is automated, nothing is stopping them to go down that route, especially if you have certain types of people who, like me, Anti-agenda who do post here. The Administration and or any affiliates are not kind to Truthers. As for Russia, whether Putin is here or not, it is the powers itself that is the problem, the paradigm that would put Christians to the test is a collective, not the US and UK alone. Like I said, people like @Kosonen and @Arauna besides myself speak a lot of these things, it should be known to you as well. @boyle The websites are identical in terms of what documents they hold for anyone to download, nothing changed, expect if anyone does something bad in the JW community, that is often times noted. For example, @Witness's website link, is now a dead website because of the truth spoken about concerning spoofing, that had the potential to steal people's information, in this case, any gullible JW who assumes the Login tab is real. This is why after 2017, TVAA group's failed protest died off and they rely on memes and other absurdities to draw attention. What I did notice in the website Audrey linked is it mentions the whole tax and fund information as seen here, Which @Witness used in the past on here, as is with Jason Zelda's information, which she used, and in the debate, and lost when an EXJW's [Legolas] information was used against her claim. The other problem is that anyone who is familiar with even the basics in stocks and finance, was also able to call out the lie Zelda preached, yet, although false, many EXJW websites still prompt these lies, which is no different form the UN's DPI vs ECOSOC ordeal. This also goes hand in hand with people who had enough of the lies, even among EXJWs who refuted their own. Although there are people who disagree with JWs on some things, they will not be fooled by mistruths proclaimed by the disgruntled few who are one sided, after all, you already have some disgruntled people preaching, who are also going to that protest, that JWs literally see infants as spawns of the devil and are deserving of death, the fact they are preaching this to get people to rally against JWs is a clear sign of an agenda at play. After all, if none of them are speaking the truth about ARC, that is another clue. It should also be noted, the whole Newscorp thing @Witness, @Srecko Sostar and Butler supported, the odd story about JWs and the Cayman islands had vanished several months after the Redress scheme, as I told them, if they do not not how the Alt-Right plays their games, it is best to not see everything they say as a truth.
  10. @admin His time was coming, perhaps they needed more evidence against him just so they can, in this sense, excommunicate him. Don also lied too about no one contacting him because he was called to speak to someone higher up, hence the response he was given by CNN. All and all, the MSM is problematic. Tucker Carlson was let go too because he began to realize the MSM was problematic, judging by one of his past interviews, and Fox News has been sucked into the paradigm itself. Ironically enough, Alex Jones was correct regarding what happened. That being said, something is at play, and we won't see or have an idea anytime soon, we may see something in the coming weeks.
  11. Babylon the Great is far grander in the religious aspect of things, but regarding Hollywood, it is a mix of both Babylon's work as is the Beast, granted, most in Hollywood favor the shift away from Christian values in support of what they deem is true gospel, as is, the political spin to draw in followers and people to a paradigm, for instance, what they're doing with Gen Z. Babylon has also used people in Hollywood and some industries as a voice, such as the events involving the Pope back in 2016. That being said, if you are religious, even if you are not of a faith, this stuff is concerning, and should be watched carefully in order to evade danger.
  12. The website bares the exact notions of the other group who caused problems for the people of the Borough on the East Coast, the group is referred to as TVAA, which, after a build up, failed in whatever it is they are doing, therefore, this website, proclaimed the very same thing they did, and it would be a repeated process, only this time, there is a political element involved. There will be bad actors, as usual, and you already have people angry at not JWs, but former JWs who caused various issues in the past, the irony is, any disgruntled EXJW will not tell you this. For instance, this build up to the 2017 event, planned in advance - https://www.jehovahs-witness.com/topic/188275/since-some-were-asking-about-vast-apostate-army The thing is, this stuff isn't unknown to anyone. People are aware that in every institution and or group, be it religious or educational, even business/corporate, there are some who do bad things, abuse their power, all while in a position of authority, this goes with the issue of abuse, even pedophila. During a one-year period in the U.S., 16% of youth ages 14 to 17 had been sexually victimized; and over the course of their lifetime, 28% of U.S. youth ages 14 to 17 had been sexually victimized (https://victimsofcrime.org/child-sexual-abuse-statistics/) Even told @ApostaBabe Linda James that once everything opens up, things will be worse, and you have articles like this appearing - https://www.justice-firm.com/blog/the-prevalence-of-child-sexual-abuse-in-schools/ Despite this, there are people within such communities and institutions who do speak truth and is against the bad, although some, are not equipped to deal with some situations and use whatever in their ability, what is known, to deal with it vs those who adhere to solutions in order to prevent abuse or suspects of abuse. This is why the majority, even those on the Conservative side, specifically seek to target the people who do bad, in a sense, pulling weeds out of the grass, so to speak. It will not be only EXJWs who will appear there unfortunately, there will be opportunist (as with all rallies and protests because there is something to gain and or commit - an agenda). EXJWs have influenced people who is neither JW or EXJW to join them, i.e. EXJWs claim all JWs are Anti-Gay, sparking some folks in the LGBTQ community to rally with them, when in reality, JWs and most Christians do not dislike the person because of homosexuality, it is the conduct itself that is detested, in addition to that, Christians would often times be prompted to speak of the Bible with such people (hence Commission), however, EXJWs preach that this should not be done at all. They even have the irreligious among them, which is worse. That said, seems the disgruntled EXJWs will not have much to stand on for some practices if there is a biblical connection, granted, for example, Expelling, otherwise known as Excommunication is not only within the core of Christianity, but also, practiced outside of religion, just recently we seen the MSM, all the way to members of congress, even practiced Expelling, therefore, this is something that disgruntled EXJWs will not really be able to beat, as it has failed back in 2017, it would fail here. This is a different case compared to the situation in the Bible, they are about to deal with not only the political paradigm, but the majority of folks, like Leftist, who advocate for something a watered down Christianity, which is what the Beast supports, and pedophile being normalized in today's society, not to mention people who actually harm children, of which the police will not tell you, is that there are such people who live close to schools and churches, as is releasing such people out into the general publication who can do anything and go anywhere, even fool religious people, such as JWs, in order to enter said community. A child abuse survivor out of one of the Bible Student community, who was attacked by EXJWs back in 2017, stated, the real fight should be against those in that paradigm who work with the beast, otherwise, the problems will continue to on. Sadly, he was attacked and forced to make another video to retract what he said, and later, he was forced to delete his videos because of the Apostates who came out of the JW community. It was bad to the point both JWs and non disgruntled EXJWs had to come to this man's defense, even the former EXJW himself, now turned Red Light District Adventurer, Llyod Evans. I was trying to find the videos for those who wanted critical information, but they are nowhere to be found. I said this to @Equivocation because among the JW churches disrupted, his one was of them There was also a cover up related to that event whereas some videos by disgruntled EXJWs, they wiped and or deleted after it was revealed of who stopped the park protest. Like I said, it will be like 2017 but a bit more concerning, problematic and complex. The US and the UK are under the UN banner, but they are not the core, it's head, which makes no sense because their opponents, such as China, and Russia, are under the UN too. Several of us, like @Arauna, @Kosonen, etc. and myself, spoke extensively about this, in my case and @Kosonen, we tend to track whatever the Beast and Babylon is doing, as of recently, the Beast has plans for children that will only embolden abusers and will not be favorable for anyone with or cares for children, in my case, Truthers are very knowing of protest and what the core of such lays on, some with foundations, some that has nothing, but thrive primarily on emotion. Babylon's attack will not start with JWs outright though (this goes for the Russia situation prior to the proxy war), as everyone knows, they, as do others, know that the Firstfruits still roam, the greatest of her attacks will come in full force soon, and during that time, it will be revealed who is for the Most High and who is not in relation to everyone who claims to be of God and his Christ. 2016 and other events reflects this, but it will be grander when that time comes where everyone will be involved. They have the right to protest, but is MUST be for the right reasons, as the abuse survivor mentioned. Abuse of power for nefarious means is NOT unknown to anyone in the general public. True Christians will not show up to this event (as is any event that is similar, i.e. Washington DC 2016), mainly if you factor in of [A] who they want to speak to and - [B] who supports them, i.e. no True Christian who stand side by side of advocates of the LGBTQ community to take down a faith of whom they agree/disagree with on some things. For example, Soldier of God, when he was alive, he knew about the upcoming protest in the Borough (TVAA showing up at JW churches, Warwick and a Public Park) and advised everyone some Christians faiths are like another tribe, and such tribe have their enemies, do not mingle with the enemies of other tribes are you'll become not only an enemy to their enemy, but to everyone else. Mind you, someone who is said to be chosen, now deceased, has stated this outside of bringing up awareness to anyone who listens. Moreover, EXJW have stated they want to burn down the Watchtower and shut down the JW faith entirely, which is very extreme, although it was said in 2017, it is said now, and the difference here is that they do not joke about harming or killing religious leaders in the faith, hence, which is probably why the abuse survivior stopped them. That being said, protests have two paths, legitimate change and there is the warpath aspect of it, I say this from experience because of the people I dealt with for several years now. This one will be just like Nov. 2017 without question, it is absolute certainty. There will be not only JWs against them, but former JWs that do not follow the disgruntled apostasy mindset of those with a warpath ideology in mind, as is any regular civilian who is a rational thinker, who, as of we recall form last time, compared disgruntled EXJWs to Extremist for not only the protest, but disrupting religious service, which they are known for. Example of a regular rational person vs a disgruntled EXJW in the screen below, The ironic thing about them weaponizing ARC is they will not tell you a key element in Case Study 29 (which the general public can read vs what is said online or by the MSM - https://www.childabuseroyalcommission.gov.au/case-studies/case-study-29-jehovahs-witnesses). This seems to be the case with the website you linked, nor will they tell you the truth about the ARC investigation, for disgruntled EXJWs will tell you that the reported number of perpetrators is 1,006 who did the crimes related to child abuse and it had been hidden by the JW church as the claim goes, however, the reality is, the ARC investigation recorded that around 380+ of these have been reported to the police around the time abuse or suspect of abuse had occurred, and because of this, a percentage of the 380+ resulted in convictions of those who committed the crime. Therefore, the notion that this was hidden information, or that JWs did not cooperated and such cases were kept form justice, with lawful authority; all regarded as false. This is something @Srecko Sostar, @Witness and Butler did not understand at the time, and even today, the same case. As for other events, with what has been going on recently with both Babylon and the Beast, this protest will not do well. @Kosonen and I are correct when it comes to various protests, be it this, or political ones and or other, this goes for Truthers, who also deal with and often times are victims of so called Activists.
  13. @Srecko Sostar brought this article up a while ago, division is common in all groups and institutions, etc. This article was also brought up by the very EXJW that got terminated off of YouTube because of his views of the whole 1975 thing differed greatly, granted he (and others) mentioned that some JWs have dwelled in speculation of their own, thus creating the division internally. As for the bit of Communism and Romania, that was also talked about too, for if I remember correctly, comments where made concerning that. I believe it was @Isabella who brought this up also, but did not note the article in question. That being said, outside of the serious divisions (like Biblical inerrancy vs. infallibility or the COVID-19 stuff), I've seen and heard of religious folks get worked up on things as simple as, and or pretty silly stuff, such as the color of a carpet inside of religious buildings, specific foods sparking outrage between pastors, ministers, etc. As of recent, somewhat concerning, the whole gender situation and it being mixed into the Abrahamic Faiths. @derek1956 Former members of any faith, group, institution and or business, etc. will always say the opposite and or mix things on a social platform, even media. Therefore, the division caused by it, there is usually an agenda at play. This is the case with us Biblical Unitarians whereas division is caused just by adhering to Jesus pre-existing, and because of that, negative things are said concerning those who believe this. Then again, the world in it's current state, idle hands are the devil’s playground, in relation to that verse, you will find such ones of this magnitude anywhere at any given time, as is those influenced by it.
  14. What a lot of people do not realize in the West is if China cuts off some supplies, it would hurt them greatly, this is in terms of products, even medication. Best to be prepared in case of anything, for a lot of the things many of us proclaimed about, seems to be coming true by the day. As for the West, specifically America, they're in no way shape or form to deal with China, and they cannot pull the same trick done with the proxy war in Ukraine, their dealings in South Korea, Yemen, etc. It'll also possibly drive them to take the sons and daughters of folks into another war, and any who refuse, even the religious, will suffer. That being said, be vigilant, be enduring, prepare, and keep your awareness high.
  15. The teams under the UN banner are changing teams behind the scenes, the only one who is public with it was Saudi Arabia. It will not look good for the US later down the road and a lot of what many has predicted for years down, concerning The World Police, and it's currency, will be put to task, a difficult one. At the same time, it would be wise to know who your friends are and who are foes are because under express pressures, someone people change tune completely. But like I said many months ago, Hyperinflation and a list of things, inevitable, and the world leaders aren't making anything any better for those who tragically depend on them.
  16. @AudreyAnnaNana That was only small portion of the screenshot, apparently there is a lot more that is still there, other sermons, and even articles (more than 1-3 pages of articles, and 2-3 pages of videos concerning this person), etc. Several of your videos you noted there I was able to see via search, on top of that Jehovah's Witnesses as a monthly worship via broadcasts, those are still present in regards to this person; as for streamed live events, that is usually temporary across the board for anyone who does this, excluding other platforms such as YouTube. Other then that, on a database, regarding this, one cannot simply delete things, majority of the time it is archived, even if that were the case, the other sermons are present. As for @Kosonen, I am aware of his threads and his posts, he is among the few that knows some various situations that would affect people, even other JWs, same case with @Anna and @JW Insider, but @Arauna, and someone who use to comment here, Outta Here, took it a step further - this is of course outside of any Biblical discussions that took place on this forum. In fact, @Kosonen and I, although speculation, noted the events that would most likely transpire/lead up to the events in Washington DC on January 6, 2021, even regarding things of what the Wild Beast is currently doing, moreover, he seeks more chosen ones to connect with, who are neutral like him, but he has not really been on for some time, and was highly discouraged by @Witness a few times over.
  17. Interesting to see another Haitian person on here, I am Haitian/Belizean, the Haitian side of the family is out of St. Marc, Ayiti, raised there for a good chunk of my life on God's green earth. But you'll have to join groups, if you are one of JWs, you'll have to go to the JW only group. @Anna or @JW Insider should be able to help you with that.
  18. At a glance, it seems his sermons are still present. Are you sure they're deleted? For as far as I know, people apparently do not like to waste data, if anything, they archive it. The website also reflects whatever app they use.
  19. I always share the information, only a few pay attention, especially regarding institutions, which, in this case, connects with what I had learned over the days elsewhere. For the record, I am 100% conspiracy theories and falsehoods, Truthers in general are against such things, hence why I am very critical of misconceptions, even misconceptions spoken here. I stick to truth and facts. Nor have I ever told anyone to do the research unless they ask for something specific directly and or if it is warranted in a debate. Apparently there has been rounds of religious folks (Christians being on the forefront) and the morally upright being targeted regarding various things they are moralistically are against, which originated long before the Nashville shooting for there has been a new emboldened build up for some time now, but as of recent has become more and more concerning. I had share similar notions in the past before concerning what the Beast/Babylon is doing. Unfortunately some do not listen, for instance, what I told @ApostaBabe Linda James or Butler. As for those in Catholicism, one of my debate rivals talked about threats being sent to Catholic churches and schools, which has gone unchecked by the paradigm, and apparently he wasn't the only one to bring this up. Only recently the media somehow is picking up on this in Penn. state. Pennsylvania State Police are investigating a series of hoax phone calls made to 911 centers on Wednesday that prompted numerous schools across the state to enter lockdowns or go into evacuation mode.... The calls are believed to be "computer-generated swatting calls," state police said. They are hoax calls made to emergency officials which aim to cause large police responses. Safe2Tell noted - Resurrection Christian School and Loveland Classical Schools both closed school Friday, citing rumors of violence against Christian organizations and general threats SWATTING threats usually involve falsehoods about murder, threats of murder/assassination, bomb threats, etc. The sadistic goal is to it to lead to a few deaths. This also goes for rumored threats. Those 2 examples are two of several, outside of Nashville and the other ones, one recent mass shooting stopped by a janitor. As for Jehovah's Witnesses, are in this too, concerning security measures, for, both Ezekiel and Kathgar who are JWs, cited there were talks of security, even before the Germany shooting, however, it is more serious talks in that regard, adding for their communion, this was the case, in Kathgar's case, he was already a victim of a terror group in the past. It will be a little harder for them because, not all JWs are aware of things, in a sense, a few of them easily gullible in some instances. I am not non-religious, but it does affect us too, granted, some of us are out and about proclaiming the gospel, I already had my share of experiences with folks that do not like the Bible's message, especially out of the crazed political paradigm, one person in particular, who, I mentioned by name, is out of jail and still works at a school, hence my disdain for the current, and broken educational institution. Although I do not give into threats, even regarding some folks in other places, even here. Not only there is a physical threat, in that regard, but a mental one too, something, Butler posted a while back, what I told him, became true, which is predictable because of the various things taking place in the background. The reason I use the avatar was because of a child, a good friend to me, who passed away in his sleep, a few months shy away from age 11, I had mention this many times. Star Wars, specifically, The Storm Trooper was one of his favorite character (First Order so they're not clones), although they miss, he, was, and I myself later, was aware that they only miss because the plot demands it. That being said, he was an only child of two genuine parents. Although he has been a sleep in death for a long time now, he is not forgotten, and soon God, along with his Christ, will bring him back. This goes for the other lost souls who were close to me, one of whom, suffered greatly. I am not a Universalist Unitarian, especially when I am not in support of the Oneness view, which isn't core, among several things. We had this conversation before, and I recall some people attesting to the same thing only to be corrected. The only person who thought differently was @Jack Ryan, he assumed I was Muslim. That being said, I am simply a man of God who understands that how a Christian should operate should be like that of the early apostolic church, who defends what is true, as well as speak truth to falsehoods misconceptions and other conspiracies that people proclaim as a truth, as is being 100% against agendas, in turn, knowing very well who is really friend or foe, as is the real enemy. With all that said, there is some ongoing noise in the Truther community, a bit more direct towards religious folks though, so should I post anything this time, it would be wise to pay attention. This goes for you, or anyone here, any JW, etc.
  20. No, this situation exceeds even any disgruntled JW who has issues with the faith. What I am referring to isn't only a threat to JWs of what I have been looking into, but to myself, you, and anyone where who even reads the Bible. Just be vigilant. This goes for any JW here too, granted all of us have Communion soon. I had talked about such in the past regarding the 2016 events and prior to it, but didn't expect the slight increase in activity. That being said, whenever Christianity is a hot topic by some in the paradigm, it also means there is a threat that is incoming of some kind. Other than that, I am still looking into the situation itself.
  21. A warning, you will not hear this yet from anyone, let alone the news (which they will not cover), a group of folks, a collective, I talked about in the past will evidently become an opposition for you, and clearly some of your current opposition, they will draw in. They already have their eyes on certain states, like Washington DC as of recent. So regarding your event, keep your eyes open, as is your vigilance, Christian values and principles is the focus of the new threat.
  22. People have attest it to his health may be deteriorating, especially when it was abrupt. It may have been obvious too due to the fact JW leaders had additional people positioned with them prior.
  23. @AudreyAnnaNana You've posted the video that alludes to Germany shooting itself in response to @EsADmf, I believe this is @Moise Racette. The uploader of the video is no different from what Pearl Stan such as Witness, has done using Marcus Vaughn as a sword, the same Marcus who lost to a strict Christian concerning Excommunication just days ago in a conversation. That being said, it is not a surprise if someone calls for an investigation, this is what being on a warpath results in, this was indeed called out many times. Apostates often times have done things to people other than JWs to get them to remain in the background, even in some instances, use death threats (in order to get them off a platform), for some events that took place, even breaking into and disrupting a church service, time and time again, the biggest one was siding with the Kremlin for a ban. They even go after Excommunicated EXJWs who, recognize why they were Expelled reasons being because they do not follow what the Apostates were saying, i.e. Marcus' debate with a devoted Christian and an ExJW who is sick of dealing with some people in the Apostate community, this isn't the first time, nor is it the last time, these confrontations took place. All this evidently built up causing people into making this stance. With the shooting, Apostates are saying this was due to Excommunication, however, the person in question disassociated himself with JWs, this was also concern by people who had connections to that JW church and or has known anyone there, even those who suffered. In addition to that, there was a concern about this person because of the letter sent about him which if taken seriously would have prevented the shooting. Therefore, the shunning and or excommunication would have little to do with this, and people who weaponize the situation will only create more problems, with this shooting and the recent one in Nashville, which, regarding that one, any JW, even the ones here should be concerned about because there will be things heading their way due to the people who Apostates have rallied to not only go against JWs, but anything related to Bible truth itself. Also, it should be noted it isn't a good idea to use this person, Goatlike Personality, as an example. 2017 isn't forgotten. Mainly if in the video, he is bias. His issue was with this article, which has and will always be taken out of context because of people who are seeing the nature of some Apostates in opposition to the faith community - https://bitterwinter.org/apostates-3-disaffiliation-captivity-narratives/ The notion is that, Apostates are ex-members of religions or religious movements who become sworn enemies of the faith they have left. They have existed for centuries. Which seems to be the argument of the article's author vs. someone who profits off of JW content. That being said, it is impossible to make a devoted Christian, Anti-Pauline, especially if the Bible is taken seriously in terms of principles and practice.
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