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Space Merchant

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Posts posted by Space Merchant

  1. 18 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    You can say what you want. And you can continue too. :))  Ordinary JW members do not have access to the JW archive, but only to the JW library. 

    Yet examples were already presented. As with the facts, I didn't give my own word to anything, it is known facts that are always used as with alluding to Scripture. I haven't changed on that notation for the time I have been here, even here in this thread.

    Therefore, regarding the Holocaust, is this true or not in regards to the video, this pretains to the 1930s source of which you attest JWs do not know about.

    Seems to be you are attempting to deviate, if you need a reminder of what was posed, read the below

    47 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

    were the Jehovah's Witnesses the first and primary target of Hilter's Nazi Regime as @Witness video from the ExJW Bethel attested to? Do they teach their faith community they it was them alone? For his notation was that the JWs were the first targeted instead of the Jews and others 1933 and onward.

    Remember, he attritbued this to a big secret, even pulling and archived 1930s source (Archived Associated) that has nothing to do with what he conveyed.

    You even coined the term Agenda. The question posed will show the truth of the matter.

    Hypotehically speaking, if the JWs didn't know, then their notation of the Holocause would be different, more so, if the events played out different in the Segregation Era, Jehovah's Witnesses would most certainly not have existed, perhaps their HQ in Warwick would have been an ara where the American Dream would have been built, who knows. Both you and Witness might have become Durbinites, possibly.

    That being said, facts were presented for the archives, you do atetst otherwise, shows you adhere to falsehood, granted, everyone is aware of these old publications, the predesscor of JWs were around to even publish such material.

    This I can tell you, one of the reasons I am Anti-agenda is in regards to those who try to re-write the history, namely anything related to the Holocaust. The Agenda shifts the history so much so to fool people, therefore, people sucha s myself, see this as a problem, as is with historical events in history be it in the US or outside of it. As we speak  cesnorship fo truth is already a problem and in regards to censorship, it not only hides information but removed/alters archives in an attempt to shift the narrative. A really bad look.

  2. 8 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    I think there is a simple explanation for why something is called a library and something else an archive.

    What is officially displayed by WTJWorg is a JW library...... and not a JW archive.


    The main difference between archive and library is the type of content they house. Archives typically contain unique and rare public records or historical materials, while libraries contain various reading and study materials. - https://pediaa.com/what-is-the-difference-between-archive-and-library/



    Libraries in towns (public libraries) or universities (academic libraries) can generally be defined as “collections of books and/or other print or nonprint materials organized and maintained for use.”* Patrons of those libraries can access materials at the library, via the Internet, or by checking them out for home use. Libraries exist to make their collections available to the people they serve.

    Archives also exist to make their collections available to people, but differ from libraries in both the types of materials they hold, and the way materials are accessed. - https://www2.archivists.org/usingarchives/whatarearchives

    An Archive is a collection of historical documents or records providing information about a place, institution, or group of people; they are also interconnected in some way shape or form, even if the legitmate information is no longer present in some domain or median. Archives can be in form of Data, reasons why I mentioned Network Instrutures and Domains. Therefore impossible to prove otherwise of which you are doing. Also your link ultimately hurts Witness here, as with you. Therefore, I thank you showing your calims cannot beat the facts.

    Also, really? The first searched item on Google in seconds? Not a good look. Truly.

    This ifnormation is not ailen to anyone, even JWs, i.e. their facinsation of a specific Archive mentioned already.

    That being said, I believe someone was asked of you, it pretains to the archive source about WW II.

  3. 25 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    The third factor that belongs to these two, verified evidence and opinion, is also faith.

    How will you prove with verified facts that someone in the past was “inspired by God” to write a written text? There is only someone’s faith that proves for or against. One’s belief that every biblical book was written under the inspiration of HS, is his attitude and his personal opinion which is not crucial to the other person. Someone’s opinion of his own belief in something is not proof that he is right. It is already/only his interpretation of his own personal spiritual experience.

    Do you believe/have faith that archive.org is the official site of WTJWorg?

    Then let us do True Witness vs False Witness as is in respects to 1 John 4:1. A verse hat one can't really disrespect here unless you are like your cohorts.

    Then answer this, were the Jehovah's Witnesses the first and primary target of Hilter's Nazi Regime as @Witness video from the ExJW Bethel attested to? Do they teach their faith community they it was them alone? For his notation was that the JWs were the first targeted instead of the Jews and others 1933 and onward.

    Remember, he attritbued this to a big secret, even pulling and archived 1930s source (Archived Associated) that has nothing to do with what he conveyed.

    Also note that Witness deemds this video as factucal despite not being aware that bais opinions and claims were made.

    I ask you this question because you coined Agenda. The reponse can deduce a mulitidue of things.


    The spotlight is on you.

  4. 6 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    "Archive.org"  ("archive.org") is not official JW web site. If you put the term "Archive.org" or "archive.org" on their public and official JW.org search engine, there are no results. And if you type in "Internet Archive" then it takes you back to their official site.

    I am refering to Archived publications, not the website. Nice try.

    This ahs nothing to do with a website, Archives is documentation/publications exist, although the domain does not have it, the ifnromation can be found by the public, i.e. an old history book no longer in a library, but can be found elsewhere, even by means of a collector.

    No different from old books, so to speak.

    6 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    You speaking in agenda style. :) You are disqualified.

    I am anti-agenda, if I had an agenda, I would not be of a community that is against it. Therefore, your false claim has been proven false and the last thing you need to to challnege someone from the Truther Community about agendas.

    Therefore, your deviation has been halted here.

    That being said, as pointed out the existence of Archives....

    22 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

    But now you have to disqualify the Archives, which is impossible.


  5. 35 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    If that ex Betelit said something inaccurate, semi-accurate or dubious then we can all comment on it. What's the problem?

    Everything he said was misleading, as is he added bias opinion. The problem here is those, such as Witness, not realzing it and continue to defend a False Witness. That is the problem.

    35 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Maybe he also comments in this video on something he interpreted in a way that can be disputed. And what now? Have your say and let others have their say.

    ExJWs in the comment section got the comments of those who say otherwise detled, using the YouTube's anti-spam features to block.

    For your latter stated, they can find out due to the archives. If you forgot, JW.org didn't exist back then, and for a time when they got a domain, it was a .com, prior to the .org. Witness reacted in agreing with you despite possibly knowing that in her 30 years, there was a .com to .org - domain move. From what I looked into, in the .com, there was a possibly of older publications on there without the need of a logon, hence how their libarary CD/DVDs were made.

    As I told Witness, she can say whatever she lies, but anyone reufting a False Witness will indeed speak, after all, she quotes the verses all the time, but in this case, purposelly not apply it.

    That being said, I used you as an example, you knew your mistake in the same situation and corrected yourself, but Witness did not, the reason I mentoned glasgow was for that reason. Therefore, although both of you are former JWs, there is a difference in that regard.

  6. 3 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Next part: About The 3 Layers in video

    There is nothing wrong with that. There are parts of the JW website available to the public, both secular people and members, and there are parts of libraries that are only available to elders, and even that might be selective. But that third issue could be explained to us by JW elders if there are any on this forum.

    But now you have to disqualify the Archives, which is impossible. That is the issue here. If the Archives were never a notation, then Jehovah's Witnesses would indeed be in error - however, this isn;t the case.

    If someone is hidden, the archives would be non-existent, let alone the history of the CD/DVD notation.

    That being said, Privacy Laws, layers, Infustrature, etc, have been coined before, and it is among the reason why Dmitar is on the loose here.

    Ironically, we did speak on Privacy issues before, as with Archives. This goes for any present JW here also.

  7. 38 minutes ago, Witness said:

    I never said the Archives "are unknown to people."

    You said:  If the publications were indeed concealed, why is it the Archives exist, which is actually known to JWs?” 

    My response:  JWs in general?  NO!!  They don't all know about it!  They blindly follow their leaders advice to stay away from anything that is not approved by the GB!  

    JWs in general are not aware of the Archive.org.  I personally didn’t know about it until a few back, and I was a JW for over 30 years.  I have been out of the organization since around 2013.  

    If you read further, it was pretaining to JWs as well, this was before the first example on Racism was refuted.

    Also it should be noted, the frame of which publications were shifted from their CD/DVDs, etc to the Library itself. Espically if you factor in when it was published, along with the move. Archives existed even before then, reasons why I mentioned those in and or of JWs knowing. You alone does not negate to everyone else.

    That being said, even you being a former JW, it should have been known to you the events of 1800s and 1900s even if you do have the archives, granted, the Era and other events were historical.

    This has nothing to do with blindly following leaders. If you want to play that game, you are blindly following a video, when you were encouraged to do the due diligence of research yourself.

    38 minutes ago, Witness said:

    Get your facts straight. 

    My facts are straight, thank you. As is the histroical ones.

    38 minutes ago, Witness said:

    The login leading to the history of all publications, that is accessible to only an elite few, who happen to be in Bethel, is on the jw website at the bottom of the page.  The average JW cannot use it.  It is a different login than the one provided at the top of the web page.  Thus, JWs cannot gain access to the history of publications that go back to the beginning of time, through the JW website!  They are limited on access to publications that go back to about 1950 through the "online library".  Even there, many articles are still unavailable on that "online library".  

    They are discouraged from using the Archive, as I pointed out with their own quote from a magazine.

    Incorrect. They discrouage looking into those who use their publication to twist it, hence their stance on Apostasy, i.e. you who seem to agree with the video in question in regards to the Holocaust, as is your view of CTR and the Masons, as is other, the first debate you had with me was linked, in that regard.

    For anyone who observe the Jehovah's Witnesses, it is known of what attitude they have toward material affilated with Apostasy.

    For they are aware that such people try to get Jehovah's Witnesses to read such books, even twisting their own publications against them, to either misguided in their thinking or purposely trying to subvert the one's thinking. These such members of the former faith who become authors are not unbiased writers or creators. Their material are full of half truths and misrepresentations. As such you will gain absolutely no accurate information whatsoever.

    This falls in line with Exaple 2 concerning the Holocaust. People know Jehovah's Witnesses were victims of the Nazi Regime, but ExJWs like the one from your video, stated the Nazi deem Jehovah's Witnesses as the sole target, not the Jews, and he speaks of the Jews as secondary, despite the fact the history states otherwise.

    It is material like this, JWs or any onlooker, avoid, it is also the same reason why those who were removed from the video called this out.

    38 minutes ago, Witness said:

    They are discouraged from using the Archive, as I pointed out with their own quote from a magazine.

    It just says they can't gain access to the logon, and it does not say anything pretaining to the public archives, which is also associated with their CDs/DVDs.

    38 minutes ago, Witness said:

    Even there, many articles are still unavailable on that "online library".  

    According to the screenshotted qutation, that spells a different story.

    As with the mentions of others factcual examples.

    38 minutes ago, Witness said:

    As I've said before, you can't trusted. 

    I can;t be trusted because I believe that the Nazis didn't go after the Jews first. Interesting.

    This remark comes from someone who fails to see a False Witness of which someone speaks ti as a truth.

    This does nto disqualfy the fact your spirit is tainted, as is you being exposed greatly here.

    Facts are everything - misleading information cannot defeat facts, as is bias opinions.

    38 minutes ago, Witness said:

    You are very guilty of twisting what a person says.  

    Not according to page 2 and 3.

    Nice try, Tainted one.


  8. 16 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Why should I explain what is obvious? My comments are my opinion.

    He may be asking you this because there is conflict between Verfied Facts vs Opinion, which is unverfied to Fact pretaining to a claim. The Fact also shows that others, even @Dmitar was not aware of any of the Interactions you asked evidence for (proven), granted, what we see here is 100% identical to said evidence; transpiring yet again, but this time with the latter.

    That being said, since he is unaware and you responded, his next move will be an unplseant one for you, this is why I said before, it would be best to wisely consider what you say next, otherwise, it puts you in this web.

    Therefore, pretaing to your response, he, along with others, Witness (although she reacted without even knowing what that situation was about) included, do not know about Glasgow, just only you and I, and all itneractions regarding it, was between the both of us. Just like it, the same thing was done here also, same motive, using a YouTube video deem misleading.

  9. 3 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    Wow, 7 pages of arguing between people that say they are Christians. 

    No I didn't read it all. 

    No need to because the issue here is the misleading, so a refutation, however, Dmitar's focus was on Pricvay Act issues, which isn't too different from what you asked before.

    Also as a side note, you of all peole should know a Christian should be defending a Truthful Witness, not a False one.

    That being said, the disccusion is in regards to a True Witness and a False Witness, whereas the latter has no idea what the video entails.

    To give you a breif run down:

    • Witness claims the video is true, however, the video has misleading information riddled in bias opinions.
    • Witness claims Archives are unknown to people, even JWs because of a logon in Bethel, however, the Archives exist to the public.
    • Srecko aruges, and Witness, about privacy, Dmitar interjected.
    • Witness' video claims Bible Students purposely segregated because they were racist, however, this is not true, for although they had seperate churches due to customs in the United States, as is the laws, they still attempted to risk in a violent enviroment to see their brothers and sisters, black and or white. The events of Tulsa utlimately destorys the bias opinion.
    • Srecko claims to know of the focused Era from Example 1, however, he back pedals form his statement,and attested the notation to human beahavior and doctrine, however, this is not the case.
    • Example 2 is in regards to the Holoscause and Nazism whereas Witness' video attest to the the idea JWs were the sole target, which is untrue, the Nazi went after Jews, and everyone else, JWs, came much later; it is also noted that JWs were tormented differently compared to others, it is because the Nazis wanted them to renouced their faith.
    • The conclusion shows there is indeed misleading information in the video, however, the latter defends misinformation willfully, thus even disrepescting 1 John 4:1 in order to do so.
    • Srecko's Glasgow now effects Witness.
    3 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    I don't know if this link will be of interest to anyone 


    The link you provided was brought up in my older disscusion concerning CTR (I am not sure if you even read the link either), as pointed out, not only have ExJWs from that time, 17 years ago, jumble, they state things that are not associated with the truth of the matter; taking information that is true/false and mold it into something entirely different - as seen by opinion riddled comments and so forth for example, i.e. CTR's wife, his beleifs, the Era he is from, Masonic Hall, etc.

    The thread also puts the Witness' YouTuber video in an even more compromising spot.

    For that website/forum is no different from here. The difference is it is riddled with more ExJWs and Atheists compared to here, granted eyars ago, those who are not fans of God dominate the fourm base, this was the case with the Stack Exchange also.

    The irony of it all is that just like the video, the commenters applied today's view of Racisim to the 1900s (and the late 1800s), the same problem the YouTuber has done, therefore leads to the reason as to Witness willfully adhereing to a misleading information, likewise with the Archives, which even in that link some have used (the same Archives Witness attesed to not existing which she uses), as is other events of the 1900s even outside of the United States, i.e. Germany.

    Surely you could do better than that, but if I were you, I would not interject, for the issue is in regards to the party who support misleading information being - Witness, Bill, and Srecko. If you get invovled, it would only be a problem for you because there is a chance your tenure may be brought to question concerning Race and World War II and or you being challeneged in a True vs False Witness disscusion

    3 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    I don't know if this article is saying that BS - JWs expected black people to turn white once they had learnt the JW way of life. 

    This article was brought up, cited before. If people add their own exgesis into it, let alone opinions, as is what we can see by the comments, then the truth in this regard is obsured.

    Also your latter statement is incorrect because at the time, it was Bible Students, not Jehovah's Witnesses, i.e. the events of 1921 and prior, Bible Students were in the United States and they only becaome Jehovah's Witnesses years later.

    It should be known to you of your former faith that Pastor Russell was succeeded in 1917 by Pastor Rutherford, for even around that time, the new Pastor and the Christains still went under the name Bible Students. It wasn't until much later on the group's name to Jehovah's Witnesses in 1931 to emphasize its members' belief that Jehovah, or Yahweh, is the true God and that the Witnesses were his specially chosen followers. The early events of the Segregation Era, as is Tulsa, which actions of the Bible Students then, disqualfies the fact that the YouTuber attest to them to be adhering to Jim Crow-sque mentality.

    If this was indeed the expectation, then the in real life example of the white man risking his life for a black man would be entirely different. More so, if Bible Students gave into the Jim Crow mentality at the time, there is a high chance that

    [A] Pastor Rutherford would have been dealt with early on which would erase the coming events of 1931

    [B] This would literally prevent Jehovah's Witnesses from existing, as with other events that took place since the Bible Students would end up like some faith groups who vanished from 1914 onward.

    [C] even Historical Accounts invovling them would vanish, the situation with the Consitution in 1940, Blood Transfusion, The transation and or collection of various Bibles, etc.

    In short - Jehovah's Witnesses would have not existed for those under Jim Crow would have made sure of it, after all, they tried to eradicate all Black people in Tulsa because they assume a black man had sexually assaulted a 17 year old girl, an event that did not occur.


    As I said, seems you've  successfully interjected yourself when you coined the entity himself. You've walked yourself into this one.

  10. Christmas started early for them, so to speak. The Freedom vs. Compliance situation is only going to increase, the political heads and the people will be at it, and those who are not involved will be caught in the crossfire. People who attempted to go to the Convoy from the US side into Canada, were stopped.

    The problem with the freezing of accounts, as is the alternative to GoFundMe is that it enables the tracking of such people, to make matters even worse, we have Extreme Left leading Hackers who is supposedly helping to fight the Freedom Convoy.



  11. And so it begins, after many of us had spoken about the events of Australia, the EU and Canada, and now this. Some people are distracted by the recent Super bowl, Woke Media, Valentine's Day, etc to not realize this has taken place. That being said, what was mentioned about extreme levels of Civil Disobedience in the uptick time frame, is evidently coming true.

    That being said, we now have the start of assassination attempts of political figures in the US after it was called some days ago in correlation with the fabled Civil War many mentioned, The Ball is in the United States Court now.


  12. Now then, it is already noted that Example 1 concerning Racism by the YouTuber was incorrect, as is him stating JWs not knowing the existence of archives whereas most of them do, after all, JWs were known to have CD/DVD Libraries containing most of these old publications, hence why from there and their website, these Archives exist, people are aware, as is knowing there is other material which are public for search.

    For instance the below, 



    As with majority of comments on this forum and elsewhere that alludes to the Archives (several examples already mentioned, some persons mentioned by name as is other communities, such as CSE), as is the one Witness presented when she assumes such does not exist. Therefore, the Archives indeed do exist.

    A novice JW on this forum brought up archives in regards to dealing with you and 2 Trinitarians, so clearly, stuff like this is not unknown, hidden or a big secret.

    That being said, the Former JW Bethel member's second example - The Holocaust/Nazism. He attested to a publication dating back to the 1930s and made the claim that The Nazis were solely AFTER the Jehovah's Witnesses only, and them alone whereas Jews, Gypsies, etc. were just the collateral damage, pick ups, etc.

    Therefore, his claim was proven to be false, granted of what we know about that history.

    More so he pulled a Leftist like tactic, the reading of a title without knowing what the document/article states - a parallel to something you did with the child abuse documents in King's County in the other thread, and you attested to be serious about the matter; jabbing at a survivor even...

    In regards to this ExJW, he is very far from the truth, and granted the Holocaust is a Historical Event, the majority knows even the elementary knowledge of this account with pertains to World War II, and in regards to Historical accounts, it is already known you cannot handle such, as seen here o for if you didn't know outside of fiction a Storm Trooper relates to WWI, no one would take you serious with events pertaining to WW II.

    That said, the Bible Students, now known as Jehovah’s Witnesses were not the sole focus of the Nazi Regime as this former Bethel member attested to, therefore his claim, in this case, is proven false. JWs at the time endured intense persecution under the Nazi regime (granted this is historical, so much so everyone is aware of this be it JW or not, likewise with the tragically disgruntled  EXJWs who gleefully wished that ALL Jehovah's Witnesses died in Gas Chambers).

    The Jehovah's Witnesses for they were not the focus, but were among those caught in the mix. The actions against the faith group and its individual members lasted around for sometime, 1933-1945, if I am not mistaken. The truth of the matter, of which this ExJW got wrong is that unlike Jews, Sinti and Roma (or Gypsies), and others persecuted, all of which tormented and killed by virtue of their birth, in regards to the Jehovah’s Witnesses, is was more than that, for the ultimatum they had to gain the opportunity to escape persecution, harm and or death was to renouncing their religious beliefs. And granted it is already known how Jehovah's Witnesses operated (i.e. Minersville School District v. Gobitis of 1940 - also a known history, mainly by those who knows The United States Constitution 1789 (rev. 1992)) their level of endurance prevented them from doing so, [refuse/avoid] renouncing their faith, even if the embodiment of death stands before them;  knowing torment and death is a high possibility on that moment, and should they face death by whatever ill means the Nazis had their black book, it does nothing, in fact, this resulted in the JWs getting emboldened, yielding respect of many contemporaries.

    The reason also stems from the fact that Jehovah's Witnesses were targeted in this manner because they were unwilling to accept the authority of the state, because of their international connections, and because they were strongly opposed to both war on behalf of a temporal authority and organized government in matters of conscience - hence they are and were neutral. This also relates to moves to aggressively steps against Jehovah's Witnesses, breaking up their meetings, ransacking and then occupying their local buildings, etc. and this action took place prior by means of those who old some form of political power/influence, similar to what the Russia's Trio - The Kremlin, Church and Duma did prior to Putin's victory (a suspiciously flawless one) outside of their beef with Ukraine and Alexei Navalny (Алексей Навальный).

    Questionable material? Not really, mainly to those who are knowing of history and or on the right side of history.

    The former Bethel member of the JWs second example mirrors the first one about Racism, as with the Archives, as is the final one, thus his bias opinion... The publication in question should have been read, more so, it puts the majority of disgruntled JWs in a contradiction, namely those of the John Cedars crowd who tried to twist information, which explains the JWs position on apostate material on the internet.

    The last example mirrors the same thing which can be challenged and refuted.

    That being said, to the Jehovah's Witnesses here, in regards to them, I doubt (giving my opinion for the first and only time), they assume they were the sole focus of the Nazis, let alone being the sole target prior to the Jews and others, as for what was presented, legitimate fact, this is indeed true, therefore, something that is verified, as for your ExJW /Bethel friend, proven false again for his bias induced claim, it is no whatever even comments related to that example was purposely blocked/removed, why is that? Of course the fish flailing you and Srecko are doing as with silent Bill, can't do you any good.

    All of the above is 100% Fact in regards to JWs and the Holocaust vs The Former JW Bethel member, you, Silent Bill, and Srecko.

  13. 9 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    And you call this evidence? 

    Surprisingly there is more dating back to when you deleted the thread.

    All mentioned were in associated with you and you alone.

    9 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:


    It is just opinion!

    Actually it is a fact, with evidence. If I had used "I think" or something to a similar effect whereas there is no evidence, then it would be an opinion, for opinions are as such whereas facts can be proven/unproven if true or false.

    As for your latest remark, no mentions the Glasgow remarks. I see you removed Glasgow in it to shift, not a good look.

    That being said, both you and Witness present a dangerous precedent for using misinformation as truth, and you deviating harder to protect her is sad, possibly why your 3rd wheel in this thread is as quite as a church mouse. Errors, even the ones she made, should be called out for it, but you refusing to do so shows the defense, and we didn't even get to example 2 of the video, which is even worse.

  14. Just now, Srecko Sostar said:

    Reading your comment on the topic I realized what you are commenting on that topic. Your comment would be, it is what I understood, not the history of America. 

    Then why did you feel the need that to say you knew about the Era without a thought? Actually it was specific to the Era itself, not a Generalization of American History, this is why I was specific with the Era I was referring to. You later tried to associate this with Doctrines, which is not the case, as is the Bible Students in that Era.

    Mainly with what you said afterwards which you dodged by stating opinion when there was only facts used.:


  15. 2 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Okay, dear man, so it's just me reading your comments and no one else?

    In the forum search, all Glasgow comments were directed to you, about you, even in alluding - literally.

    No one here made any mention of the Glasgow video besides both you and me.

    5 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Please provide some fact and evidence that i am only one who read your comments.

    In the majority of interactions I have with you.

    That being said, using YouTube videos in this matter, likewise to Witness, is a bad move, and it only reaps refutation.

  16. 12 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

    Rutherford not Russell.

    Yes, typing way too fast to mix the two, but it was indeed his pictures around that time since CTR expired already. I did link the discussion on Tulsa that reflects the misleading example Wintess' video was trying to push.

    14 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Apologize, You seem to hear and see poorly.

    Another appeal to motive....

    14 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Where did I write that I understand that part of American history?

    When I spoke about the events of 1900s you stated the following


    If you knew, your responses would reflect that.

    14 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    You really have serious problems attributing your ideas to other people.

    I am using facts, not opinions and my own ideas. You and @Witness used this gimmick all the time because you know the claims of which you profess are indefensible.


  17. 1 minute ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Because of those people who read your frequent comments on the "Glasgow" video. The video is not problematic and is not misleading.

    The Glasgow comment were only directed to you, no one else, so your assumption, these people, is unwarranted.

    That video, as with this one is misleading. Again you said you knew the events of the 1900s, so why is it you ignore the remark of Bible Students? There, Srecko, is a contradiction.

    Likewise with the existence of Archives of which was sued casually by some here.

    3 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    My interpretation of what the journalist said in that video was wrong.

    It was not a Journalist, the video uploader was a Former JW, who has stated to be affiliated with a group who called themselves the Vast Apostate Army, the same group who is affiliated with a man who is not a fan of John Cedars, the one you follow. When I made the remark to you then, you attested to that fact that it was misleading, therefore, you took it down, as with the thread.

    5 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Let me understand for once SM :))) Do you want me to beg you every week on my knees for mercy :))))

    Be serious. When someone is attesting to lies, this isn't a joking matter.

  18. 29 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Since all people are “imperfect,” then one could say that some BSs probably also had racist feelings thanks to their American culture, heritage, and social environment.

    According to the facts - No.

    This is why I mentioned The bloody summer of 1921, as is an example of 2 members of the Bible Students, one white, one black whereas the one who was white put himself at risk during the Segregation Era and the riots that were ongoing.

    Also the latter remark, you are half correct [racist feelings thanks to their American culture]. Granted that the American culture, from the very beginning, developed around the ideas of race and racism, however, not everyone adheres to that notation in the culture, this is why, for example, interracial couples; in which violence towards them, as already mention in an example, can prove to be very dangerous although there is no issue, it is the fact a white/black person are together, which will spark outrage. This is likened to the Bloody Summer of 1921 where someone was accused of something he did not do, sexually assaulting a 17- year old white woman. Although he did not do it, it fuel those with so much hatred for black people that it warrant an extremely dangerous result of high violence and destruction for a few days. Around this time, it was Pastor Rutherford who lead the bible Students, which is evidence by images of Tulsa and the events around it.



  19. 1 minute ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    SM has a special mill that requires water to go uphill so it can run.

    Appeal to Motive, used by those defend anyone defending lies, as is disrespect/hypnotical use verses in to justify falsehood.

    @Witness pulled a Glasglow, need I remind you of what you tried to do with a YouTube video? The difference is, you made it clear afterwards of your mistake, understood the falsehood, however, Witness continues to defend falsehood and falsehood. Both of you used alleged videos from former JWs and considered it a source. You went as far as to not only correct yourself, but remove the misleading thread/video from the forums.

    That being said, for former Jehovah's Witnesses, to know Scripture seems to have went out the window.

    The irony here is appeals to motives don't do anything because it also shows that just how problematic this is, mainly when claims were brought up.

    9 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    No, i can't. On the other hand, I don’t even need to confirm things that belong to the behaviors of the human species. The behavior of the human species in general confirms that these and many other things burden human relationships.

    Because it is unfounded, and what you stated is quite uncanny even, after all, you did say you knew about the Segregation Era, so why this type of response? You need to learn of the events of 1900s instead of adhering to opinions and assumptions. For these events did effect everyone, even the Bible Students, who later went on to become Jehovah's Witnesses.

    It has nothing to do with human behavior/species, it is more in like with the mentality/influence of Jim Crow Laws and events of Slavery into Segregation, etc.


  20. 21 minutes ago, Witness said:

    For a man who demands facts, you use a lot of "bias" opinions.  

    Unfortunately nothing I said was an bias opinion (in all responses on this thread) with facts already mention, i.e. giving personal responses, stating I think this or that.

    I find it funny you say this but you do not know the difference between a fact and an opinion, the very reason I I gave you the legitimate definition:

    20 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

    There is a difference between The Facts and An Opinion. Some people may think, you included, they are quite similar, but actually, a fact and an opinion are very different ideas, for facts can be verified whereas opinions cannot.

    • Facts  - are a statement(s) that can be proven true or false.


    • Opinions  - are expressions of a person's feelings that cannot be proven. Opinions can attempt to rely on some information deem factual, with inclusion of emotion, however it can be used in a basis based on this notation, which can sometimes be a means to deliberately mislead others. Therefore, it is important to be aware of the whatever it is someone or something is professing, even when it comes to the choice of language and conveyance of said proclamation.


    Example: You said you think JWs adhere to the Democratic Party, that is, an opinion (your opinion, which is unverified). A fact is evidence that says otherwise. Likewise with this former JW of Bethel.

    Your spirit is tainted, and you exposed yourself as such, as is your inability to critical think for yourself, and your lacking of legitimate history.

    Take Scriptural advice and repent for adhering to a false witness, let alone choosing to dance with the Devil, the resister, only when it benefits you.

    If you wish to embarrass yourself even more - be my guest, tainted one. You are only making it worse for yourself and you give @Dmitar a reason to refute you.


    22 minutes ago, Witness said:

    It looks to me that you are quite guilty of applying this yourself. 

    Sure... But unlike you, I do not use misleading information and proclaim it as truth.

    "An honest witness tells the truth

    but a false witness tells lies."  Prov 12:17




  21. 36 minutes ago, Witness said:

    No.  I chose the one I cared to answer.  You have such a habit of ordering people around.  

    Then you just confirmed the video in question is misleading. And Zeroing produced the results, you using a false witness, big mistake if you dodged zeroing questions which was asked out of respect for 1 John 4:1. The verse has nothing to do with ordering, if questions are raised, it is because of what you engineered by design, by your hand, yours alone.


    Were the Bible Students racist in the early 1900s as the YouTuber attested to with his bias opinion in his first example - Yes or No.

    The answer to that is simply No, mainly if anyone is aware of the history. The Bible Students were not Racist as the video attested to in the first example.

    If the publications were indeed concealed, why is it the Archives exist, which is actually known to JWs? 

    The answer to that is Archives do exist, majority of Jehovah's Witnesses and others know they exist, therefore the claims of concealment from someone with a bias opinion is an example of bearing a false witness. As a side note, JWs only concern is their publications being twisted to obscure whatever it is they are saying, hence their stance of avoidance of apostate material; those disgruntled of their faith.

    Why claim JWs do not know about publications in the Archives when numerous times they/ even by example, present  or cite it (i.e. some of JWI's remarks, Anna, etc. even Bible Students, Reslight), even on this forum, as is with the examples mentioned on other forums and YouTubers who are JW?

    The answer to that is simply, the claim made by you [Witness] was incorrect, these Archives JWs know about,  these archives DO exist, some of them linked and or cited these archives, and just recently you yourself just linked one, hence why I added it to my quote.

    You exposed yourself with the below despite the fact I cited this originally where you attest something else to defend misleading information.


    43 minutes ago, Witness said:

    The above source is an archive site, a safe and public library featuring much of the last century's print works, free of charge.


    Claim these do not exist of which is unknown to JWs, but free to say the following above....

    JWI, Anna and the others are aware these, example, the information on Tulsa, which JWI is aware of, as are those in the source who has this information, likewise with Reslight, who has an abundance of Bible Student and CTR information, granted, as I told you in 2018, this guy has 50+ worth of research and sources on CTR.

    Verdict, the YouTuber video, which was used by you, is 100% based on bias opinion of his own experience, nothing of the sort is deemed factual therefore, the challenge here, even by means of Allen himself who also called it out, and James, shows this to be the case.


    As a side note, I am sure that you are, as mentioned, among the older ones here, hence you felt the need to give your history before recently, even in regards to the Catholicism backing. The fact you lack critical thinking when it comes to historical accounts that indirectly impact Bible Students, is quite jarring, to alluded to the thought the events of the 1900s seems to be untrue, is quite sad. In respects, children today know that history of events of that Era.

    That being said, next time when you are using misleading sources, and lies, perhaps do so in a way that people cannot discern said sources.

    You said it best...

    On 1/28/2022 at 11:56 PM, Witness said:

    "An honest witness tells the truth

    but a false witness tells lies."  Prov 12:17


    As @Dmitarsaid in that thread in that regard; apply what you are saying, do not go around it because you willfully feel the need to do so. ExJW or not, your downfall here was misinformation.

    That said, once 1 John 4:1 (a critical verse) is used against you and you go around that, kind of worse than telling lies, it shows that your spirit, as an alleged chosen one of God, is a tainted spirit.

    Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world.

    Go repent. Because this time around you will need it, for you engineered your own branding, so to speak.

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