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Space Merchant

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Everything posted by Space Merchant

  1. Then you just confirmed the video in question is misleading. And Zeroing produced the results, you using a false witness, big mistake if you dodged zeroing questions which was asked out of respect for 1 John 4:1. The verse has nothing to do with ordering, if questions are raised, it is because of what you engineered by design, by your hand, yours alone. Were the Bible Students racist in the early 1900s as the YouTuber attested to with his bias opinion in his first example - Yes or No. The answer to that is simply No, mainly if anyone is aware of the history. The Bible Students were not Racist as the video attested to in the first example. If the publications were indeed concealed, why is it the Archives exist, which is actually known to JWs? The answer to that is Archives do exist, majority of Jehovah's Witnesses and others know they exist, therefore the claims of concealment from someone with a bias opinion is an example of bearing a false witness. As a side note, JWs only concern is their publications being twisted to obscure whatever it is they are saying, hence their stance of avoidance of apostate material; those disgruntled of their faith. Why claim JWs do not know about publications in the Archives when numerous times they/ even by example, present or cite it (i.e. some of JWI's remarks, Anna, etc. even Bible Students, Reslight), even on this forum, as is with the examples mentioned on other forums and YouTubers who are JW? The answer to that is simply, the claim made by you [Witness] was incorrect, these Archives JWs know about, these archives DO exist, some of them linked and or cited these archives, and just recently you yourself just linked one, hence why I added it to my quote. You exposed yourself with the below despite the fact I cited this originally where you attest something else to defend misleading information. Claim these do not exist of which is unknown to JWs, but free to say the following above.... JWI, Anna and the others are aware these, example, the information on Tulsa, which JWI is aware of, as are those in the source who has this information, likewise with Reslight, who has an abundance of Bible Student and CTR information, granted, as I told you in 2018, this guy has 50+ worth of research and sources on CTR. Verdict, the YouTuber video, which was used by you, is 100% based on bias opinion of his own experience, nothing of the sort is deemed factual therefore, the challenge here, even by means of Allen himself who also called it out, and James, shows this to be the case. As a side note, I am sure that you are, as mentioned, among the older ones here, hence you felt the need to give your history before recently, even in regards to the Catholicism backing. The fact you lack critical thinking when it comes to historical accounts that indirectly impact Bible Students, is quite jarring, to alluded to the thought the events of the 1900s seems to be untrue, is quite sad. In respects, children today know that history of events of that Era. That being said, next time when you are using misleading sources, and lies, perhaps do so in a way that people cannot discern said sources. You said it best... As @Dmitarsaid in that thread in that regard; apply what you are saying, do not go around it because you willfully feel the need to do so. ExJW or not, your downfall here was misinformation. That said, once 1 John 4:1 (a critical verse) is used against you and you go around that, kind of worse than telling lies, it shows that your spirit, as an alleged chosen one of God, is a tainted spirit. Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world. Go repent. Because this time around you will need it, for you engineered your own branding, so to speak.
  2. @Witness Please answer the 3 questions directly, for what you attested is irrelevant from what is being asked. The 3 questions were mentioned for a reason, in a way, these are zeroing questions. Asked in a way to prevent deviation, done so on purpose for that reason. I will quote them, answer accordingly - NOTE - Some have linked several Archives on here before, and or cited some, it is already known that I have done to same in our first debate, therefore, answer accordingly, as you stated, 1 John 4:1 is being used here, respect that verse. Also the irony, you said the publication were concealed, yet you linked an Archive, the same one I cited. Jehovah's Witnesses do know about this, you saying they don't, is misinformation that is misleading.
  3. @Witness I made this separate from the other response because you evaded this numerous times with remarks and claims. Were the Bible Students racist in the early 1900s as the YouTuber attested to with his bias opinion in his first example - Yes or No. If the publications were indeed concealed, why is it the Archives exist, which is actually known to JWs? Why claim JWs do not know about publications in the Archives when numerous times they/ even by example, present or cite it (i.e. some of JWI's remarks, Anna, etc. even Bible Students, Reslight), even on this forum, as is with the examples mentioned on other forums and YouTubers who are JW? 1 John 4:1 is being used in regards to you. This are direct questions, I suggest you not use remarks to dance around them, otherwise, it would simply expose you to everyone here of you attempting to push misinformation, as you have done many times before.
  4. You do not have to be a JW to locate Archived information, Reslight is not a Jehovah's Witness and he has publications dating back to the late 1800s, The Wiki have no affiliation with JWs, yet they have citations and sources that can trace back to old publications, the same sources which was used to refuted you back in 2018 when you attest to the Masonry remarks. I have found even linked sources of which are identical. This has nothing to do with being a JW or not, the fact you attempt to use this remark again to cowardly hide from attesting to the the questionable video is damning on your part. Like I said, you are not of the government, yet you tried to give sources and information on the govt, likewise with banks, knowing very well the source you used was a conspiracy theorist one. These silly remarks you have to avoid using, it isn't a good look, as is your ignoring the fact that the YouTuber's opinion made a bold face lie in regards to the first example, but not too long ago you attest it is wrong to give a false witness. This has nothing to do with knowing everything, it is knowing what is fact, therefore, your source has bore a false witness. This is ironic, you not a Bethel member, so you wouldn't know anything, if you want to play that game. Your source claim Bible Students were racist in the early 1900s, sadly, they are not, if that was the case, the White Bible Student as is others would NOT take such a risk, and JW would not be existing today. Granted how EXJWs claim JWs cannot use critical thinking, this seems to be an err, granted you exposed yourself for not adhering to such, so much for God's chosen. Note - ARCHIVED. This is vastly different from the claim you are attesting to. The reason as for why JWs mentioned that is because of JWFacts sources, the same source of which you used in the past to obscure information, to which you were called out for, many, many times, i.e. our discussion on the Spiritual House, which we did twice. The JWs issue has nothing to do with Archived sources, in fact, they take issue with those who twist said sources, like you attesting to the idea that somehow a pastor is affiliated with Freemasonry whereas JWs and the Archives, state otherwise. This link is an example of that, our first debate for even back then you made claims that were found out to be unfounded, only because of Archived information I used as a source vs. what you have at the time (PEarl Doxsey and a ExJW who is somewhat leaning on the Spiritualist side (Spiritism)) - Nice try trying to play spin doctor, but I have been debating enough to know how people attempt such. The average JW avoid sources that twist their publications, they do not avoid Archives, example - The Kusserow Archives (Source - United States Holocaust Memorial Museum). ExJWs are not familiar with archives, remains, this is why the average JW, as is others who are aware of JWs are capable of dealing with anyone twisting the facts. There is no evidenced this information is concealed if Archives exist. If there were NO Archives that are public, then you'd have a case. That being said, everyone here can now see so called God's chosen, is attempting to use deception. Fact - Bible Students were never racist folk in the era of those who held a Jim Crow mentality. (This is evident in the source presented which is 100% factual) Fact - Publications dating back to the late 1800s/early 1900s are not concealed information granted that Archives of said information exists (example - https://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/serial?id=watchtower), many sources and examples, especially those who studied the history of Bible Students, let alone pastors of old, namely CTR. Fact - Anyone can find this information, it is not JW exclusive. Fact - Jehovah's Witnesses avoid sources that taint/defile their publications (example - JWFacts, avoidjw.org); put in a negative light (The reason they make that state, mainly when they speak of apostasy), however, they take no issue with Archives, granted, they have the same identical information themselves, hence the remark about the Holocaust one and or Tulsa. Most JWs are aware of this, example, even the ones here, JW Insider, Outta Here, Anna, etc. Fact - The mentioned historical accounts did in fact take place, therefore, the YouTuber not mentioning it was a means to obscure when such a history, mainly in February, is known by the majority. Fact - The black man and the white man were indeed Bible Students who looked out for each other, thus disqualifies the YouTuber's claim of Racism. That being said, you have no glass for the murky water you want us to drink from. And to quote Solider of God who spoke with someone who supposedly stated he was chosen "With that tongue, a child of God you are not - go repent for you are lost if you cannot make the distinction between Truth and Untruth." You can make your disagreements about JWs known, but the problem with you is you rely way too much on misinformation, therefore, putting you in the category of those who adhere to falsehood. Not a good look for one who claims to be chosen, so much so, even another one who says he is chosen, called you out before for the same reason. Now I can make remarks of his second example, and in it, he did the same with example 1 regarding race, bias opinion without fact. Another Archive - https://wtarchive.wordpress.com/english/zions-watch-tower/ (This one should be known to you because you teamed up with 2 Trinitarians to deal with a Novice JW)
  5. @Dmitar Well that was quite the mic drop with that screenshot. It would be interesting to see what claims now will be made by the latter in that regard. Not to mention the fact people of that site, as is with the situation on YouTube, has the ability to remove/block/silent people, essentially marking a response as spam. The irony here is there is little to no chance whatever is in that section of that forum, is archived for the public compared to the accusation made in the video.
  6. The facts were presented. The events of 1900-1939 whereas Jim Crow Laws enabled these things, however, a neutral group, the Bible Students were not Racist, mainly in regards to the events of the bloody summer of 1921 whereas in some instances Bible Students, both Black and White interacted with each other despite the fact there was a Race Riot taking place, and the actions of the Jim Crow mental folks running around parts of the US. https://www.history.com/topics/roaring-twenties/tulsa-race-massacre This isn't anything new nor is it a mystery, likewise with the Act of 1964 - https://www.eeoc.gov/statutes/title-vii-civil-rights-act-1964 Bible Students in the era of the riots - http://reddirtimports.blogspot.com/2012/04/is-that-poster-of-judge-rutherford.html (alluded to archived sources) Tulsa was brought up in a discussion before - If Bible Students were truly racist in those days, then there would be a chance that Jehovah's Witnesses may not exist today. Let alone this example, which is fact and true, below: That being said, for someone who is as old as you, this is tragic, you do not this history, let alone a former JW, whereas JWs are aware of some history, granted they speak of a late pastor of old. I need not talk to him, the fact that the comments that say nearly the same thing I said, were blocked by him. He was very clear in the video to have expressed an opinion, for if he did use facts, this information would have been known, elsewhere, others who speak of Bible Students have mentioned facts, hence why I made the remark to neutrality; granted, their stance was clear early on prior to the riots. This is irrelevant to the claims made against you. Are Bible Students Racist as this former Bethel member said vs the facts that state otherwise? Like I said, the facts are everything. In regards to Archived data. In regards to calling out opinion hit pieces with legitimate fact. So why did he mislead with the example of Racism? We can start there. Archived information can be found, even by the general public, i.e. the information I used against you in our debate about CTR. This isn't concealed, even the commenters said it before they got blocked. That being said, the below is both an opinion and brief facts I mention from our debate the first time; some of the sources I used traced back to early 1900s concerning the Free Mason claim -
  7. If you read the remark, the so called concealment isn't secret, this is why I mentioned Archives, if you recall, the last time we spoke about, for example, CTR, the sources used were identical, and if you remember, I cited Reslight, who he himself has a abundance of archive information. Therefore, these so called publication are not really concealed. Just because it is behind a login, does not mean it is hidden information. More so there is a level of privacy laws in regards to material, which is nothing new. On the contrary, I did the research, I stated nearly the same thing to you a long time ago. You never touched a nerved. You never question anything, you simply mentioned Storm Trooper, and I gave a brief notation as to why this is, despite the fact you deviating led to the response. This is why I need it relevant. It also shows even outside of fiction, you do not have a decent level of critical thinking, even in the realm of historical accounts, namely, World War I. It is not about concealment. The uploader of the video legitimately made claim to an opinion that Bible Students were Racist because of segregated churches, being ignorant of the fact of the events of 1900s, especially Tulsa. If it was really that concealed, why is it whenever JWs can be found, they can pull archived information? Moreover, why do ExJWs have the need to force YouTube to block those who said the same thing I have? It is funny you didn't say anything about that because whenever there is an Agenda, you are silent on the matter. That being said, examples have been mentioned here, and many, many times in the past, if such publications were really that concealed, then the so called Archived information mentioned time and time on this forum, and elsewhere, would be non-existent, namely anything from Bible Students of today, i.e. Reslight. Also ironic how you claim the video has FACTS, yet say nothing of the issue of the uploader making an false claim on racism. An opinion - not fact. There were comments in the video that countered the uploader, he, and the ExJWs got them deleted/removed. Seems like anything said in opposition, they find ways to silence those who see the err in the video. That being said, the fact Archived data exists, disqualified the claim. The video claims Bible Students were racist in 1900s - which is false. The truth, which is fact - Bible Students were not racist, at all, nor do they adhere to Jim Crow Laws. Video claims that a so called secret database of publication exist, and it is unknown to everyone. The truth, which is fact - Although the website does have a logon requirement, the archived data is indeed public to all, which explains how others were able to gain Watchtower publications even dates back to the 1800s, example, Reslight, example JWI, who is aware of Reslight, example my debate with you in regards to CTR concerning Masonry whereas Archived information was used again both you and Pearl. The irony here is there were several instances where you yourself have used Archived data yourself, therefore, making your claim and the uploader's claim obsolete. That being said, you often attest to passages concerning those who bear a false witness. Even recently to which @Dmitar called you out on it, as is, someone here who is an abuse survivor. You can disagree with JWs all you want, but at least take the time to be a critical thinker and use discernment for the video in question to see opinions that can mislead. It is also shameful, for someone who is alleged chosen, to not attest to testing the spirits as well - problematic. Ezekiel the Goldfish, from CSE is a JW, as cryptic as he is, he is aware of archived information dating from the early 1900s, as is historical accounts. 4Castle of CSE, as with others, granted, CSE forum users are known to pull all information from all sources, so it is not common to find information on CTR or the Watchtower on there, some pull information from places you would not think of. As well as Anne, Kris, and a list of others, granted this information is known to them due to deep discussion about Eschatology. Mr. Truly, is aware of it, and no one knew he was a JW until he started posting videos. Reslight the Bible Student, he is no fan of JWs, however he agrees/disagrees in some parts, and he is technically has a warrior type mentality to defend CTR and his works, the information he has in regards to the Watchtower dates back to the 1900s, archived information of which your YouTube friend deems hidden. The Arabic JW, Kathgar, who was nearly a target of the terrorist group, ISIS, is also aware. He is aware, mainly due to the fact my first debate with him he alluded to some information from the early 1900s, especially since he is often a target from those of Soco Films, a YouTube/Christian group who believes in the Trinity who often targets Muslims, Jews and anyone who does not believe Jesus to be God. There are some here as well, most likely JWI, who he himself is aware of the events of Tulsa, granted both he and I brought it up. Then there is the parallel version of this forum that consist of JWs mostly (from what I am aware, even those who want to know more about them), who are also aware; it may not be easy to join their forum because it is most likely not as club base like this one, and should you bring that type of video to them, you will also get called out. The list goes on, even some of the non-religious who loves to collect the history of old Pastors, have such information. Then you have those who were aware of which the YouTuber and the comment section of that video, got rid of, not only in regards to the alleged secret database, but other examples used only to project bias opinion. That being said, the archived information is not hidden at all. Like I said, we discussed about this long before, an early debate, in some instances Allen and JWI had a say in regards to the focus of the debate regarding CTR, as is with the claims of Free Masonry. This is no big secret, nor is this anything new. Likewise with other institutions, although some things are behind a login, in some instance in regards to privacy issues and laws, archived data can still be found by the public, this is no different. As for someone who deals with Networks, some institutions can use their setup to be this way should they choose.
  8. But your last response shows something totally different, if you knew, you also call to question the remark in the video - which you did not. I didn't express my own opinion - anywhere. That was fact, and there is evidence to said fact. Lynching, people being hunted, etc, hit with violence and other forms of harm, even scarring, did take place in that Era. An example of a historical fact - Lynching, defined as "the killing of an individual or small group of individuals by a 'mob' of people" was a particular form of ritualistic murder, often involving the majority of the local white community. Lynching was sometimes announced in advance and became a spectacle for an audience to witness. Lynchings in the United States dropped in number from the 1880s to the 1920s, but there were still an average of about 30 lynchings per year during the 1920s. A study done of 100 lynchings from 1929 to 1940 discovered that at least one third of the victims were innocent of the crimes of which they were accused. Then you have the race riots. If you now said you know about the Era in question, your response would be very different. And no, in regards to Segregation, this was a very true thing, this is why I mentioned the the Tact of 1964 and the Blood Summer of 1921. No on said such violent acts are normal. Do not twist things. As for Bible Students, their neutrality disqualifies them from partaking in such ill minded situations. i.e. Tulsa. It can be found on their website, they legitimately are against Racism, so much so, that is what the former JW began with in his example before giving his own opinion by attempting to use his mentality of the current age for events of the 1900s. This is why I stated the following: Interesting thing is you said you know about the Segregation Era, but look at what you are attesting to. It is already know as to Bible Students, and then, JWs view of authority, this is something discussed many, many times. Unfortunately this has nothing to do with Caesar, is is more of a Jim Crow situation whereas the boot can be placed on the neck of any black person, or white person who is against the Jim Crow mentality of things. Again, I coined Tulsa a 3rd time to someone such as yourself who claims to know about the events of the 1900s. According to the history, they were not fearful, in this regard, if that was the case, any Bible Student Church and or home of which a black person was to be found, would have been stamped out. That being said, seems you are confusing yourself, if you say you know about the Segregation Era and speak as you do now, are you, in this case, lying? It is already clear and obvious as to why I know this history, knowing as much that this surpasses that of a religious institution granted how things were in those days. In regards to being equal, perhaps you might want to say that to white supremacist, namely, people like Richard Spencer, an American neo-Nazi, antisemitic conspiracy theorist, and white supremacist. I am going to point this out again - The Segregation Era (1900–1939) If you do not know anything about this Era, it is wise to not attempt to make assumptions in this regard because it is only going to spell disaster for you in the face of those who know this about American History. That being said, The former JW Bethel member is incorrect, so is Witness who has no idea about what the video says, as is you assuming what the Era is about which is dangerously above even Bible Students.
  9. Let's not forget the monster sized college debt (and other loans) that is chained on to the individual.
  10. This remark shows you know nothing of the Segregation Era, for those bloody years is way above both Bible Students and JWs combined. What was said is fact. The 1900s all institutions were effected, the history is there. If you say this, then you automatically can admit the video from this former Bethel JW is absolutely wrong. As already noted, he applied his opinions of things now to the 1900s. Has nothing to do with doctrines. Irrelevant because this has nothing to do with doctrines, more so the history itself. Therefore, the truth is - the video was incorrect, as is misleading. Jehovah's Witnesses didn't exist in that time, it was Bible Students. Actually it was. If it was the opposite, as you claim, there would be a lot of blood and death in the water in the Bible Student community, and, hypothetically speaking, perhaps Jehovah's Witnesses may or may not have existed today to a degree if those who are against unification started a campaign to stamp them out. This goes for all institutions, schools, etc. It isn't uncommon for school, church burnings to happen, let alone the homes of Black people in those days, and or anyone who is against the Jim Crow-sque mentality. That being said, perhaps you need a history lesson, it's still February, and as mentioned, better to adhere to the facts than an opinion.
  11. Yep, sadly Australia has fallen so to speak, however, the people are doing what they can against political zealots. The tragedy of this is that those who are not involved can be impacted indirectly. The US, unlike Australia, is pretty subtle of what they're doing, and in the coming days, people will the events that take place. Namely with the situation that roped in Ukraine whereas Biden threaten to cut off a needed supply knowing very well of how that can impact people. That being said, the Tier system idea is not too far-fetched.
  12. Nothing in that video pertains to facts, merely opinion and a bit of bias. You won't be able to validate anything because it is pretty clear you didn't do the research on the video of choice, which is common because every time you post a source or link, it is deemed questionable, and it shows you even more you rely on this vs. the ability to attest to legitimate research. And what I said is true, you do not do the research and accept nearly anything outside without looking into it. That said, you have to understand the difference between what a fact is and what an opinion is - Facts and Opinions are NOT in the same category in this sense. This is why this video of yours (which I know you did not review) is being called out in that regard. Just because this person is a former JW Bethel member, it does not mean whatever he deems a big secret is unknown to JWs, granted, numerous JWs (and non JWs, i.e. Reslight) are aware of the things of which this person slaps his opinion and bias on. There is a difference between The Facts and An Opinion. Some people may think, you included, they are quite similar, but actually, a fact and an opinion are very different ideas, for facts can be verified whereas opinions cannot. Facts - are a statement(s) that can be proven true or false. Opinions - are expressions of a person's feelings that cannot be proven. Opinions can attempt to rely on some information deem factual, with inclusion of emotion, however it can be used in a basis based on this notation, which can sometimes be a means to deliberately mislead others. Therefore, it is important to be aware of the whatever it is someone or something is professing, even when it comes to the choice of language and conveyance of said proclamation. What are you talking about? For someone who is chosen, you being convoluted, so to speak, in what you are conveying. Never gave advice, gave a statement, do not confuse things, mainly in regards to something so basic. If you can't do research on things and be a Yes Woman to everything without even critically thinking at all, then that is a problem. In a sense, to a degree, you may seem to be the type to not think for yourself. That being said, this is why people like me also take issue with those of the paradigm who have some abundance in whatever it is the Agenda is telling them, sad to say, this mentality makes people appear to hypocritical, even those who do not know any better. I always proclaim facts, so much so I am aware of the events of the 1900s. As for this former Bethel member, he does not, as with you. The irony here you are perhaps older than the me and the former Bethel member, perhaps by a decade and or more, so historical events should not be this unknown to you. This is irrelevant… Why mention Storm Trooper to deviate from the fact you are attempting to use bias opinion as an absolute truth? For someone who is chosen by God, you are seemingly stumbling near with every step in that regard. As we know already, God isn't the author of confusion (1 Cor. 14:33), nor are his chosen. Your problem is you accept nearly anything and everything videos like this tell you and you yourself do not take the time to either [A] Review your own material/source and [B] accept such things without even doing an ounce of research. This explains why you are attempting to deviate with irrelevant remarks and now going after a profile picture which has nothing to do with what the video is being accused of. You assuming opinions to be fact, shows you do not do research, let alone apply Discernment as a Christian should – this is not only laughable to those who speak harshly of what is a legitimate Christian (you giving ammunition to those who hate God and Christ), but it is also a tragedy that someone such as yourself, lacks such things. Again, with the Storm Trooper remark. Everyone knows what a Storm Trooper is factually, in the realm of fiction, Star Wars, unit soldiers of various groups, etc. and in the realm of non-fiction, German Specialized Soldier Units known as the Sturmtruppen in the era of WWI (World War I), for something of this is a known fact for [A] If you are unaware, people have been taught this elementary knowledge of World War I and events leading to/and the aftermath of it and [B] In regards to Star Wars, people know what a Storm Trooper is. That being said, it seems you lack reasoning also because although not that important, I do not simply have the profile picture of a First Order Storm Trooper for no reason, in short, it is in regard to my experience of debating in regards to the gospel; refuting people, hence why I was called a Bible Storm Trooper, and the other, was due to a child who died before the age of 11 because of an infection. For these reasons were already known as to why I have the image, and it was only mentioned when I was challenged and or asked. Again, deviating only shows that you are not even committed to your source at all despite the fact the spin doctor approach this former JW Bethel member used. Not really. Stuff like this is elementary, mainly to anyone who knows basic history of World War I, as is with Lore of fictional characters. an 8 year old can research these things and find out what a Storm Trooper is in real life and in fiction. If I really wore a mask, as you claim, I would be using several accounts and pretending to be something or someone else, unfortunately, I am only one, and how I present myself here, is how I am in present, i.e. dealing with Pearl followers, MSCers, those in the paradigm, etc. For me to pretend to be someone or something else is a waste of time and energy, no one has time for childish games, as is, have time to make, in your case, an unfounded claim. Sadly, your appeal to motive does not work, as is your deviation. Also 1 Cor. 4:5 usage here is irrelevant, makes no sense, but it can be used to exposed your video. As for the video in question. Now then, the former JW Bethel member stated that the WT library has a public and private use, which is not a big secret for Institutions be it Government, Educational, even Religious has archive of old publications and or documents of older teachings, practices, etc. as is with the practice of privacy protection laws and the like, despite archives. Regarding Jehovah’s Witnesses, the archive data of old publications. He claims that no one knows of this, however, many, even JWs who look into the past of their faith, are aware, it is evident due many who can cite and or pull up information dating from the pervious years of the 1960s, especially those who archive some, if not most, of the works of Bible Students, mainly in their early years. His bias opinion to the audience is that this stuff is unknown and or hidden, however, this isn’t the case, everyone is aware institutions have archived information, in which some cases, such information requires a login of some sort. Even in my eyes, this is nothing uncommon granted I have seen Network Infrastructures of some local businesses and institutions that mirror the same thing when it comes to privacy, keeping said information private despite most of it already been made public and searchable. In addition to that, just because this seems to be the case, does not make it something of some conjured up mystery. So, is this a Big Secret that the Jehovah’s Witnesses and their religious leaders of keeping from the people, the general public? Not really. The irony of this people in the comment section of that video called out the uploader, however, these people were silenced by the ExJWs (which seems to be the norm) using the YouTube comment options to have their comments marked as spam/removed. So, if the video was in fact true, in your eyes, why was there a need to silence the people who said something else, attesting even? If that is the case, the video is not factual, even on the YouTube layer. Now we can go on his first example, even though it is the first, he uses bias opinion in the other two examples without factual merit. The first example is in regard to Racism. If you do not know what that is, Racism is the belief that different races possess distinct characteristics, abilities, or qualities, especially to distinguish them as inferior or superior to one another; even in some ways to mock/taunt, i.e. JB (Butler) made remarks that is deemed problematic in the past, and pretends it is no issue, he was called out for it by not only myself, but the Admin who saw escalation. This former JW Bethel pointed out that everyone, even Jehovah’s Witnesses who adhere to Scripture abhor Racism, as is discrimination of all races, something of which is common knowledge - people indeed hate Racism. The problem here, he went to a 1900s source in regard to the Watchtower, and explained that in those days, Bible Students (since Jehovah’s Witnesses didn’t exist yet) were semi-racist, even going as far as to make remarks that they purposely segregated their churches in regards to that. He gave an opinion here and concluded with it, using this source, but never stated the fact as to why this is. The fact is from the 1900 to 1939, there was racism and segregation in those days. This is why that year range is noted as The Segregation Era (1900–1939) whereas essentially it was during a time where hell can break loose at any second (literally). The Segregation Era had some intense moments, however, then came The Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin. The Act prohibited discrimination in public accommodations and federally funded programs. It also strengthened the enforcement of voting rights and the desegregation of schools, although some schools have already attempted desegregation (i.e. events of 1954~), it was increases at the time. Now this brings us to the Bible Students (the predecessor of the Jehovah’s Witnesses). The issue with Racism was not unknown to the Bible Students granted them originated from 1881, and the fact that how Racism was before the 1900s. During that time, the Bible Student indeed have segregated churches, but it was not because they held some sort of racist mentality against black people. For the Bible Students had segregated Kingdom Halls in some places whereas white people congregated in some, and in others, black people congregate. This also goes in regard to people going to people’s homes for worship, Bible Study, or a gathering, etc. In the early 1900s, it was a very, VERY, bad idea to have mixed institutions, even Churches. For any institution caught with a mixed face of people inside or else, it would result in violent and dangerous attacks from those who deem such unification is wrong, in addition, it would trend into the political spectrum of things, which would make it even more damning for anyone who becomes victim. We already know what happens to the Black folks in those times, they get hit with a high level of attacks, even from those of the Ku Klux Klan (The KKK), as for a white person, they’ve be punished as well, should the opposite sex, Women, be involved, and children, such also get the worse kind of treatment if caught in someway shape or form, likewise with Black Women whereas beatings, scarring, rape and possibility of death is high. Moreover, the Bible Students themselves did not do this because they believed in segregation (as your video alluded to), they did it because society required them to do so. In 17th and 18th century they probably would have done the same - kept neutrality and adhere to secular laws and customs. An example of this, which is fact, is prior to, during, and after The Tulsa Race massacre on the Summer of 1921. There were Bible Students who had congregated with each other regardless of skin color (black or white) in some instances, may have helped each other during an extremely violent and bloody time, and when I said bloody, I mean that literally. At the time, since pastor Russell had since expired, it was Pastor Rutherford who was head of the Bible Student group. It is also why when people saw pictures of Rutherford during the Tulsa situation, it drew confusion, so they did the research, I can say much for ExJWs and Trinity believing folks who claim a different narrative. That being said, facts in this regard can be verified, always has been the case, however, opinions are opinions, they can’t be verified. Mind you although this is the first of 3 examples from the video, the JW Bethel member used the same spinning of the narrative using his own opinion and bias with his other example, more so, it is silly to apply today's type of thinking in regards to such examples, such as Racism, with how things were in the past. 1919, 1920, and 1921 is vastly different from 2019, 2020 and 2021. The biggest irony here is February is known as Black History Month, I recommend you look into the events of 1900-1939 instead of believing someone who has his own opinions.
  13. Well those associated with the Wild Beast has taken recent actions. I allude to that every time I mentioned Freedom vs. Compliance. As said in the past in regards to some events, even the likelihood of Civil Disobedience committed by the people, is true. Those who are admiring the beast will slowly but surely sparkle in a level of Authoritarianism, although the US upholds the Constitution, Authoritarianism is only slowed down by it, as of recent, the Constitution isn't going to hold up any longer against it compared to other countries who do not have, who fall easy. The thing is the danger was evident, I remember explaining to you the groups on the Left and Right and their actions would lead up to not only Biden's presidential victory, but what will transpire after it, those who seek to re-write history. Likewise with the events of Russia and Ukraine, which I talked about a lot in the past. That being said, in regards to the beast, they seem to have a focus on children/the youth, and they have some plans in place granted, the higher education system is already infected. Reasons why Truthers deem the public school system, some of them, as an indoctrination camp, due to the fact of how out reaching the government, as with Biden is, even now, in regards to it. Better to be ready for the roaming bear so you can evade danger and steady your step vs an unaware man who is about to turn the corner to a furious Yogi Bear. - Proverbs 22:3.
  14. I thought you were not a fan of awareness? That being said, the inquiry is in the UK, IICSA, in addition, it focuses on all forms of abuse, that is, if you read the status, as for this - the court case information is based in Kings County, this County is in the United States. Last I recall you didn't speak to happily on the firm involved in the Child Sex Abuse case in this regard. Anyways, in relation to the court documents itself and the situation around it, at least take CSA seriously, it seems you and JB seems to break that, especially when there is a legitimate survivor of abuse who has commented in this thread. I'd be careful with Twitter if I were you, for, there was a time, CSA material that is explicit and extremely damning was technically allowed for some time, and this drew in abusers on the platform. Those unaware and or not taken action essentially were flanked, in this sense. Believe it or not, this happened already, for, some former EXJWs have succumb to paganism, a few, to this day, still rally with EXJWs.
  15. Yet you are not of government or a bank/firm but you hold your word as bond? Hypocritical. One does not have to be of a faith community or some institution to understand a YouTube video with an opinion which can be murky with information based on such; as with all videos in association, people who have their own say, even in disagreement, their silenced/marked as spam (keeping the narrative one sided), so much so they are accused of being one of JWs prior - we've been down this road before, and even recently in the other thread, use legitimate sources. Opinions anyone can have, but you have to understand, facts are everything. That being said, this isn't the first time you did this, and you continue to do this all the time, so you can and will be called out on it. Again, there are 2 types of JWs, the normal formers, and the disgruntled, both sides do not agree with each other on a number of things just because he is a former member turned disgruntled, does not mean everything should be accepted as truth without legitimately looking into it, i.e. a Former Bethel member who did nearly the same thing only because JWs do not fancy Pansexuals (there is a video on that). The irony here in this regard, you essentially discouraged yourself from doing research. Clearly one does not have to be a JW to realize that God made 2 sexes/genders - male and female. Again, at least do the research instead of simply looking a few seconds of an video and brand it as arbiter of truth. The JWs are not perfect, they are as imperfect as can be, but one needs to understand facts outweighs falsehood and opinions, granted in regards to facts, there is evidence to claim.
  16. What was deemed normal is done away with, the new normalcy, you will have to adapt to. Some can break, some do not, hence endurance. Unfortunately there are things taking place in the background, for usually the unaware are taken by this because their guard is down. Those of the paradigm, even those who Conform to the Entities in the system will evidently be even more embolden now should you confront them, for instance, in the coming months, even years, the higher education system will need to be treaded carefully because the, their coming for our children manta, is a real danger, so much so, even in the realm of faith, people will be challenged by not just the paradigm, but those in government. Those blinded by the paradigm's idea of inclusion and diversity are also blind, and they themselves will be another danger to the youth and others. That being said, this new normalcy has messed up even the unaware, even, as stated prior, which was predicted, broken some people, even among JWs. This can be equated to when the Israelites were in the Wilderness, some continue, some will break. The question is now, since the Wild Beast has taken recent action in the past few days, what will be your next move and how would you guide your step? That is a decision of which you will have to make. EDIT: I spoke to soon, recent events will put people to the test, therefore, your move and your step is vital in this new normalcy, mainly if you are in the US/Canadian area. For said events, as mentioned before, will hit you or anyone indirectly.
  17. A misconception; for the media toots the fact the vaccine is the end all be all. The narrative was that the vaccine can provide immunity to the virus, more so, there was a sense of united, the, we are all in this today, mantra, being preached as a gospel by the majority, but such things are superficial. Suddenly the science changed, according to them, more so, they take bribes from a lucrative business to change the goal post even more. The vaccine in reality is a choice, one can choose to get it or not, and it makes sense for older folk (and or anyone with underling issues), for originally, it was unknown as to why children were not affected by the virus. The vaccine only provides a level of protection, not immunity to the virus (for even if vaccinated you can get the virus), however, the Media and News Articles began to demonize those who make that remark, so much so as those who brought up information on T Cells. Although the vaccine provides protection and solely that, it's effectiveness can be loss over time, another thing the Media tried to deny originally, but later advocated for Booster Shots, and even then, Boosters effectiveness is loss over time, in a given time span, a range of 3-4 months, more or less. Another factor some people failed to see is the vaccination status cards have several points, not 2 for the 2 jabs, and those who take the jab technically sign waivers, therefore, anything that happens to you, Big Pharma and or manufacturers are not to be held in account for, in short, if anything happens to you, they are off the hook, and will not suffer from any consequence. The sense of unity, is gone and now there is a state of segregation and a tier like system, the Left and the Right continue their blame game paradigm and most of the time, they blame Donald Trump, the fall guy apparently. The now broken mantra sparks chaos and violence and anguish, and a list of other things, in some instances Authoritarianism. And now, children apparently needs the vaccine, even below the age of 5, and in regards to the children, they've been reduced mentally and physically due to the situation at hand. That being said, in the past, people deem anyone a conspiracy theorist for speaking truth, now look, evidence is out there and their tune has changed.
  18. No disrespect, but a single YouTube video riddled with opinion isn't much of a bombshell. As mentioned before, you cannot rely on YouTube videos if you are not too knowing of what the video was professing. You were told this in the last thread, in regards to murkying the water.
  19. The remark about Gun bunkers came forth from the debate (with multiple subjects for the latter loves to deviate) with Srecko and Witness, evidence to what is true/false is noted in the source presented in the pervious page. Witness made several claims in regards to JWs and the WT using sources such as Rick Fearon and Zelda and a list of ExJW information, however, what she did not realize is not all ExJWs are disgruntled, resulting in some being aware of any knowledge in Funds and other things to speak up against the people of their own community. This also brought forth the notation of the Watchtower somehow being owners of companies that are essentially into military weapons dealings (as is a gaming company and women's lingerie in which some believe they own) Witness was challenged on this, and all her conspiratorial claims were proven false. In the same source, she attempted to allude the idea that JWs have connection to a Democratic party members, however, this was also false because it is alluded it was actually Fearon who probably held some Leftist backing, to which some believe this to be the case after doing some research. Then Srecko hopped in and made a fool of himself in the process. In regards to @Dmitar who believes guests are not aware, in that same source, guests were interacting in that same discussion, and saw both Witness and Srecko's claims to not only be problematic, but false, mainly due to the fact the most powerful source in that thread was from an ExJW who challenged disgruntled ExJWs on Economics, money and bonds. Even much later, Witness attempted this again using a redittor associated with Smurf Girl, a conspiracy theorist, once again attempting to link JWs to a Democratic candidate for the Senate this time, Raphael Warnock (D) is an American pastor and politician serving as senior pastor of Ebenezer Baptist Church. In Witness' claim, anything that had the term "Watchtower" she automatically assume it is associated with JWs, however, this is false, God forbid if she connects the WT to DC Comics who also uses the term. Then there is the situation with Newscorp, prior to the Redress Scheme, something I believe you are familiar with, whereas you, Witness, and Srecko were fooled by an Alt-Right media source with information that has nothing to do with the WT in order to draw in readers and clicks for the Redress situation in Australia, which as of recent, is a broken country where CSA is highly problematic now. This is why I take issue with the MSM, they obscure things, even now, they beat the drums of war, of which was predicted by most for several years, hence the actions of the Guardian, NYT, Atlantic, CNN, MSNBC, etc. - The paradigm is a joke. I already know Rook and James are one in the same, as is the other. You seem to miss the plot. James does not house weapons under the churches of JWs, as mentioned earlier, this narrative was from Witness' source. These weapons, even poison, etc are alleged to be used for mass killings, and self harm. These Fearon types profess such these ideas and some made videos in the EXJW community. For instance, Anna, Arauna, and JWI are JWs, will they commit mass murder with weapons and poison because no one would accept the Bible's message? No. Do they side with the military in highly danger weapon grades? No. Would they commit to self harm as some ExJWs believe they would that equal to the level of the events of Jim Jones? No. Do the leaders of the JW faith attest to wiping themselves and or their enemies out on a Holy War-sque path? No. Even the guests saw this is a great falsehood being professed from both Witness and Srecko, who tried to defend her. James is very familiar with the notation of bearing arms, as is the 2nd amendment, so much so I remember talking to him about self defense, however, James isn't the type to go down an extremist/terrorist route, nor is this the intent of any JW present, no matter how most EXJWS fuel such an idea, which can be dangerous. In one thread not only we mentioned how to better protect children, but with the inclusion of self-defense, this was discussed. This is why both Srecko and Witness were very wrong for attempting to protect a man/group (in Srecko's case, defend Witness on this) who advocate for such a nonsensical idea. What is ironic that even some disgruntled ones find Rick Fearon to be insane, more so of his actions. The below is just a snippet of that, my response to Witness... The issue is Guns, weapons, and poisons, bunkered inside and under JW churches, a claim proven to be false. Let alone the mass murder idea. Firearms are legal in the United States, it is constitutional, the second amendment, right to bare arms, etc. In James' case, in his own thread he mentioned good guys with guns. James' discussion on the matter was a grounded one via example, in which everyone was engaged, both guests, even Admin, made remarks. This was one of several. Witness and Srecko were already debated on this, the source is in one of my responses in regards to JW and money on this thread. Sadly, Witness has turned herself into Lisa Haven, and Srecko, a White Knight of Haven.
  20. Unfortunately, none of my conduct consist to any misdeed and or sin. You speak of sin, but you prefer lying is your best option, reasons why you were exposed for pulling a Hitchens's Razor move - meaning if in a discussion and or argument, even debates, the responsibility of people who make claims to prove its truth, having validity to said truth. Therefore, the opposite, being if said claims are proven as claim lies results in a problematic situation for the latter. You speak of Christian conduct, yet making false claims and lying seems to be excluded, that is, in your words, not associated with Christian Ethics. Going back into the Hebrew text, The Bible is clear that lying (making false claims) is a sin, not only this type of sin is frowned upon, it is, in God's eyes, displeasing, example of this is the Original Sin in regards to Adam and Eve, which connects back to the one of the commands in the Ten Commandments which can be read in Exodus 20:16. There are many examples of the sort in the Greek text such as Ananias and Sapphira, etc. (Acts 5:1-11). Jesus called himself the way, the truth, and the life for a good reason, and this has a contextual reason behind it to, something of which I professed before (John 14:6), so it is expected those who follow him to be people of truth, doing the opposite is not only wrong, but it will prompt people to call such to question, even a refutation, if need be - a correction. The truth is to be expressed in adherence with a God based quality (Ephesians 4:15), offering hope to those seeking redemption from the lies of the world, therefore, those who speak truth and seek truth will profess. To make claim to conduct, but ignore these things, is hypocrisy, you pretending that it is not, is problematic. Next we have discernment, something of which is of what Christians, followers of God and Christ must have, which you have shown yourself to lack when you were called out for it, and you didn't even make any sort of remark towards it - reasons why 1 John 4:1 was used against you, which also exposed this of you earlier on from page 2. In Hebrews 4:12, in regards to discernment, it is the ability to properly make logical and wise determinations, reasons why it is related to wisdom. The Word of God itself is said to discern the thoughts and intentions of one’s heart, hence the citation of the pervious verse. One with a discerning mind demonstrates wisdom and insight that go above what is seen and heard, being spiritually discerned to those of the human mind lack spirit, showing themselves to be foolishness (1 Corinthians 2:14). One can already see how you really lack this because if you didn't know, I often, most times, alluded to Scripture even without citing it, often paraphrase it, but you missed that outside of the examples in my pervious remarks. That being said, perhaps though such into your allegedly Ethics because that, in of itself, remains to be seen. You are no different from a lying Mainstreamer. I am never impressed. This isn't a popularity contest as you want to make it out to be. The problem here is you made several claims that are unfounded and or riddled with lies, yet at the same time, you proclaim Christian Ethics. In some of your past tenured, it is revealed you hold grudges, so much so, you attempted to pretend to be someone else, of which can be seen when you were called out for it. If here you are saying you hold no grudges, how can you pretend as if your other tenures, several of them, shows a different reality? It seems in each tenure, you play yourself to be a different person and or character. Unfortunately, if you had discernment, you'd realize, I do other and better things. Coming to a forum isn't clockwork, however, seeing the amount of times you response and you being online many times, you seem to not have so much of a reality outside of the internet, which reminds me of someone else who equated a false reality as realism. Biblical Unitarian to be correct, unless you want to be challenged on that, like before, I invite to do so, and I know you will have no evidence to any of your claims. But you sinned already, in fact, you brought yourself there, I had no role in it, just called you out. No need to be hypocritical because anyone can go back to your Reponses in this thread alone to witness for themselves what you have said. In short, Dmitar, you claim to follow Christian Ethics and Principles, yet you have no issue with lying and making false claims, even when asked to show evidence, you brush over it, deviate, and pretend as though you did not lie. I don't care about JWs right now, I simply care about your claims which are unfounded. Christians should be truthful, not make claims that stem into the realm of falsehood. And there you go, but what of your Christian conduct - Why is it ok for a Christian to make false claims while at the same time have no evidence to make up said claims? You essential bore a false witness, so to speak - which is ironic because you attested this to Witness, who is known for falsehoods of Pearl, yet here, you are making claims without merit of proof. Anyone here can say you hold grudges by simply looking into your past tenures, as is, your obsession with @JW Insider which prompted you to cite him numerous times, even in your past tenures shows this. Therefore, not only you lack discernment and inert your own Ethics to lie, evidence to grudges that you hold, is present, after all, the remark about banning, is a clear call back. You said this before, but you continue. I do not care if you say something or not, but a man who lies yet proclaims God, has no principle, or ethics, let alone a man who in the past tried to hide behind remark due to bring afraid of exposure. Hypocritical, in all sense. That being said, as stated, only response if you have evidence, if not, your past will come to haunt you via your remarks and quotes.
  21. Orwellian indeed. It will be no surprise if it hits the States with the Reset. Soon all truth will be branded as a lie.
  22. We weren't kidding with the censorship. They've been censuring a whole lot of us, as mentioned before they are attacking Rogan. The Left side of the paradigm wants to be on the right side of history, when clearly they are not. This is effecting Truthers, for a lot of information we rely on is either censured, or some people are jailed. As of right now the Trucker Convoy is a reality break for some for the MSM is trying to shift the narrative and both sides are being more aggressive toward each other. On the other side of the spectrum, you have the MSM, as with some media like Guardian, Atlantic NYT, wanting a push for war. That being said, Rumble is more of a battleground for most, however, even Rumble has a few cracks. Big Tech is a tricky enemy. Eventually, some of this stuff will spill over to your religious faith, granted, as pointed out before, the media and events in the world has broken some in your community, the same thing I tell other community, namely the investor community who is getting hammered by the FEDS. In the coming weeks stuff like this can get very difficult. That said, everyone is in a Freedom vs. Compliance situation. Some would be Conformist, but to an extent while others given in.
  23. The response is that you made a claim without proof. You put yourself in that position. An unwise move. Yet the fool is the one who makes assumptions and lies, yet at the same time, claims to be a man of God. A man of God does not make false remarks, of which you did, several times. Now if one can make the claim you shed no Christian Ethics, one can simply come back to this thread. No mistake was man though, if you can't even attest to that claim, you simply lied. I can clearly see that. And those who attest to lies do not sit at the table of holy folk. What behavior if you care to elaborate? I invited you several times yet not once you can proof anything. How am I in the wrong? Can you show me any evidence that JWs have connection to Military Grade weaponry such as missiles? Or perhaps, do you have evidence of JWs having firearms and poison in their churches? No? Perhaps the mutual funds, as to what was I wrong about? Last I checked, the cited source was 100% correct. That being said, you haven't really given any evidence to bad actors, granted one, even guests can use discernment just by looking into the history of some people on this forum, you yourself included because you have numerous tenures here. The facts are everything of course. It isn't word play, this was in regards to my original response to OP before you came in to switch things up for it connected back to mutual funds. The only thing addressed to you at the time is the remark about 2 different kinds of ExJWs, from there, I went back to my original response which was indeed true. You speak of diversion, yet you were the one who diverted with claims. Evidence from page 2 and beyond if you forget. That is ironic remark. I have made no childish remark, whatsoever, but called you out of your use of which in an appeal to motive type response towards me. Here is your reminder. Grown people do not use the word "Daddy" and "Mommy". That, in of itself, is a lack of maturity. It is odd how you somehow forgot. Calling out someone and or making a reputation isn't holding a grudge. Holding grudges is absurd. I do not hold tenures, like you. On what especially? To make claims that hold no truth? I am a Truther, Truth Seeker, I don't like falsehood nor would lie to pander, that is nonsense and it is unethical and reaps nothing but problems. And what exactly does @JW Insider have to do with me? You were not being clear or specific. Clearly JWI and I differ, JWs, most of them, are not the type to go in for debates, however, I do debates, did many of them for years now. As to what am I defending? your response you confused your remark to JW, however, the remark isn't false either. You do have a grudge for JWI, which can be seen here, elsewhere, in your last tenure, in one instance, you tried to fool him in question with who and what you are, evidence to that can be searched. Can you elaborate on the bad behavior you claim if there is ample evidence of your several last tenures? But nowhere have to provided evidence to your claim. So birds that stick together hold on to the same thing, but in the example in the other page, JWI was not aware of the person in question being a Statist. So how does your remark make any sense? Actually I do not care for it does not matter. You should know that because you read my last remark on bans, it doesn't matter if someone is banned or not or comes back, therefore, why must I care about that? That being said, if you get banned, so what? If not, why keep bringing it up as if you want me to care about something to miniscule? As long as you do not cry about like JB, you should be fine. So what is allowing you to read remarks from fishermen and physicians who had no educational backing? At this point, the Bible should be the least of your worries. That being said, if you are an educated person, you would not reduce yourself to the point of lying and making assumptions. It seems as so, Christians who do not know what the fruit of the spirit or what discernment is are the types to show themselves and profess themselves in such a manner to faze. That is David Wood-sque. And I thought MSCers were problematic. How so? It got you to make childish remarks? As is make claims. Your last remark was irrelevant because nothing of the sort equates to a state of mind, whatsoever. Therefore, it makes no sense. How so? In the source I addressed, that is an example of a visitor adhering to facts, and that is one of several, as is the messages in regards to some of these claims. Even some years back my remarks of CSA has been used, translated into Spanish because it has legitimate sources for solutions. For the record, visitors do not like people making claims without evidence, reasons why some of them took issue with Srecko and Witness, mainly in one discussion about God's Order. Actually I am on the right here, you exposed yourself from seemingly leading to the following: Hitchens' Razor, to make claims without evidence. Appeal to Motive, making remarks in an attempt to faze, which failed. Ignoring your own Ethics Meaningless side remarks. You are no different from such ones I debate. Like I said, I do not faze, for you can do all you want, I simply call it out, the only thing I didn't do is bring up legitimate evidence to remarks in your past tenures, some of them, deem to be questionable. Ironic because nowhere have you even applied Christian values yourself. Christians do not lie and simply play pretend as if no one would bring it up, this is why I coined Cowardice, for claims you cannot attest to. Therefore, you bore a false witness. Unwise to say something you cannot prove. You make the claim, but cannot cash it. Which is tragic. But you do not attest to that verse. For Evil attest to lies and deception. You claim to speak as if you are of God, but you attest to lies as well. You cannot sit at the table with God and his sons and at the table of Satan and his demons at the same time. Therefore, you are kidding yourself. That being said, be wise with your remarks going forward, for this time, your tenures can be shown next.
  24. Christians should be giving out of free will, what they can give or whatever promise they made themselves to give. The Tithe is not something required for Christians to do, but in churches of the mainstream, this is a practice, not only 10% in money given, but in some situations, 10% in other things too. This is why some in even the educational spectrum sees this as a money making type of thing and utilize it in the churches themselves. Reasons why I take issue with Prosperity Preachers of the New Theology.
  25. I forget his name so I tried to make a short reference to him the best I could. But this is true, haven't seem him in a while, the last time was debating on him regarding Jesus' resurrection and he wanted to JWI to move a discussion that he was focused on.
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