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Space Merchant

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Posts posted by Space Merchant

  1. Sicne I cannot edit my last post for there is a limited amount of time that option is available, just stating here that I read the report, granted I made the time for it because no answer would be given. The reports in question vs. the video - conclusion

    • Reports from the website - gives incident of the situation at hand and what is to come.
    • The video - Murkying the water with said reports, leaning towards a false witness.

    In this case you can side with what is true, or what is false.... The video in question is in err, however the reports is in the realm of what is true, espically to those in the public who wishes to view said reports thoroughly.

    In respects to the abused, and those who have been abused in some shape or form outside of child abuse, highly recommended to read the reports itself.

    One thing Truth seekers always state is - Be careful of where you get your ifnormation, for this example, regarding 2 sources, is on the level of CNN/MSNBC type nonsense.

    That being said, truth exceeds way about falsehood -

    On 11/2/2021 at 2:52 PM, Space Merchant said:

    ... an unfortunate truth in our current reality is that a lie will make its way around the world twice before the truth has time to get its pants on, for truth will always be the first casualty in any war and or conflict and in these days truth is the new hate speech, and a victim in the eyes of the MSM.


  2. 2 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    FIVE tags of JWI in the same post!!!

    And the fellow wonders why he gets banned.

    He seems to be drawing others in to not answer to his claims. He does not realize how CSE folks operate. Granted JWs are known for knocking on doors, in this sense, regardless of his faith, he knocked on the wrong door, and evidently will end up like the Pearl Doxsey followers prior to the Washington events concerning the Mandates.

    That being said, in my eyes, I don't care if he is banned or not, he seems to be venting fustration here I guess, often times you have these types on various forums.

    1 hour ago, JW Insider said:

    I'll NEVER recommend that he be banned. I am more than happy to let him make his own motivations clear. If he's banned, all that evidence he provides against himself just goes away, and he just starts it all up again with one of his 40 other names.

    He seems to think of it otherwise. Often times in forums when someone gets banned to many times, even in the realm of online video games, this angers the person (at rare times some reform), they come back more fratured and unstable then last time. So in this case, it seems this forum has created this Allen Entity to come back fratured each time. The only difference between this one and the early Allen was Allen was legtimately unbroken vs current Allen.

    This incarnation of Allen is essentially The Joker to your Batman. He seems to connect you to his newfound existence, even learning to make claims to unsuspecting folks, but not so much against those who are knowing.

    He is lucky this isn't CSE, for how bans work there, you cannot create another account due to the website recognizing a former user's attempt, elsewhere, you can't have more than one account, often times you slide with two.

    That being said, I wouldn't say that, I was able to trace back my own comments in reponse to a person from the UK we are all familier with to use as examples, or caitations. But what is true, for those banned, it may not be easy for them to find reponses from an account that has fallen into oblivion.


  3. 2 hours ago, Dmitar said:

    You're just shifting. Just like @JW Insider, Instead of owning your mistake, it becomes a justifiable theater.  Once again, I don't need to justify myself to you or anyone else. If you have a bible question as a Professed Christian, then ask? Otherwise, you are just performing for your bad actor friends here.

    On the contrary, you did shift, look at the pervious page (2 specifcally), you brought the claim, I asked yuo to prove it.

    No mistake in regards to my culture was ever made, even prior to you mentioning said notation. Even several years back, I uphold what I was molded by in conjunction with Scripture.

    This has nothing to do with a Bible question, granted to what was being asked of you.

    2 hours ago, Dmitar said:

    That's your problem. Don't make it mine. I have ZERO to do with your internet friend, JWI. He has nothing good to offer that interest me. Like I said, it's your politics. A Christian doesn't involve themselves with that. If I mention, that @JW Insider is "defending" the politics and atrocities coming out of CHINA because he has ties to that pathetic Country and claims to be a Jehovah's Witness, then, yes, I will be vocal and point out his departure of Christian ethics. If you defend that as well, then YOU depart from those Christian Ethics.

    You made it an issue when you challneged my culture, something Srecko and Witness destoryed themsevles in doing. Therefore, it isn't a problem when you are asked to prove your claim. If you bring something up at least attest to it, do not run from it.

    I don't dwell on politics - I am of no paradigm, Truthers are not leaning Left, or Right, even center. This should be evident if you are aware of what I profess on here for I am against the agendea of the paradigm.

    I don't invovle myself with politics, however, if there is a lion in the midst of the people, I do everything and anything to profess to others of said lion so they themsevles do not get devoured. Therefore, I am vigilant of my opponent, my opressors, and evidently those higher up among the beast and Babylon. The Bible makes example of that, as is examples in the Book of Proverbs - to this should be known to you. More so, you did make comment when I mentioned one of my rivals.

    On the contrary, I am aware of what JWI says about various things even China. Actucally no, if you paid attention to the events of China for the past several years, it is kind of absurd to linked a JW to the CCP, the CCP supresses people of faith. It wouldn't make sense for JWI to be aligned with China either because of what has and is taking place with Christians, as is Muslims, in that country, likewise with the situation concerning the Endemic, and the Illegal Black Markets, as is with the situation of Transhumanism and Project Ambrosia who are interconnected, the list goes on. Unless, you are trying to paint JWI as an advocate of said things, however, that remains to be seen.

    That being said, you utter Christain entics yet discerment and to test the spirit is nowhere to be found on your part, in this thread alone, paints evidence to that, even going as far as to brush over several Bibical verses of which I alluded to without uttering a citation; ironically, you didn't notice that.

    2 hours ago, Dmitar said:

    Is he, or is it you that started with it? Such a foolish path, you continue on.

    Cowardice. If you claim something prove it.

    What I see as foolishness is a man who says something, but is too afraid to speak said claim because others can see falsehood. As for your remark, this is true, never seen JWI challnege anyone in the realm of culture let alone attest to 1 John 4:1 - unless you want to show evidence to that claim, I challnege you to this too, granted your claim is unfounded. In regards to that, JWI was not aware the person in question was a Statist, a Statist is a contributor to the Left vs Right Paradigm, such ones will prove to be problematic later down the road when anything of the Bible will conflict with their new world based view for the next generation.

    What I find interesting is you are among the type of Christains who dwell on assumptions, that is unenthical for a Christian.

    2 hours ago, Dmitar said:

    When it's covenant right. Just to get along. That's a departure from Christian Core Values. Your lack of bible understanding, is out of accepting misinformation by people you respect.

    Then let's see you name one form of misinformation with any prove of a citation.

    For I attest to the following:

    • Last I checked, JWI and the JWs here do not harbor guns in bunkers to attack everyone in the End Times. If you can prove a moblization of attacks, then be my guess - Witness and RT News failed here, let's see what you can do.


    • The JWs do not own any resources associated with military grade missiles and weapons of war. The very reason I brought up Mr. Zelda in the first place. Is he right, or is the former JW who knows Encomics in the right? The thread was given to you already.



    • They are not New Agers, nor Prosperity Preachers, etc. Something of which Disgruntled ones often proclaim, even Witness herself. Unless you have evidence, be my guest, I like to see what evidence you have of them associated with PEAK, Kairos, etc.


    • JWs are not immune to brazen conduct and or the imperfections of this world, granted all flesh can fall to sin at any given time, some with ill intent, despite how some EXJWs who are disgruntled claim otherwise for shock value. For JWs themsevles have their own members who sccumb to such imprefections as is the spirit of this world for those who are not capable of dealing with it. Unless you have something else, I wait.


    The list goes on.

    That being said, it has nothing to do with respect, respect is given to God and his Word, facts and evidence is evrything. Therefore, if a claim is made, the only way it is to be true is by means of the facts itself. To make a claim with no evidence shows deceit and lying, therefore, falsehood. You being afriad to assert your own claims attest to the narrative, therefore, you use the term Christian entics, but cannot back it up with evidence, whatsoever.

    2 hours ago, Dmitar said:

    A quality you profess to hate.


    Can you show me or anyone here as to where I proclaim to hate respect as is to promote disrepect; mainly outside of a debate disccusion? If anything, it is known I have a disdain for a number of this, primarily falsehood, Paradigms, and the Triune.

    Carribean folks have respect, and display said respect which corrlates with the fruit of the spirit, but when they see falsehood, they will say something or do something. Likewise if any of them are faithful men and women of God, they will speak the truth, bring up the facts, etc.

    The difference between you and I is that I respect Scripture, I do not cherry pick and use something random, I do this 24/7, therefore I adhere to discerment, as did our early Christian brothers and sisters. You seem to apply entics whenever you feel like it, and you most likely lack expirence in the real world when confronting people about the coming of the Christ.

    I myself do not hate discerment, or testing the spirit.

    2 hours ago, Dmitar said:

    That's might be good for @Space Merchant, @JW Insider, @TrueTomHarley, @xero and other conformist here, just not me.

    Anti-Agenda folks are not comformist. If I was a comformist, I would comply with an agenda of some form, even my own culture and views would be forfeited to the paradigm, more so, I would not be a Truther, therefore, being Anti-Agenda, as is dealing with grave issues such as missing/abused persons, would never be professed by me. My last remark about Facebook, would be in support to Big Tech, not against it, likewise with the MSM, espcially CNN.

    If you missed it, I often speak of the different between Freedom vs. Compliance, even if the situation calls a situation where you can lose your life.

    That being said, you made claim, proven to be false. Truthers are not comformist, due to that, this is why we are enemy # 1 to the MSM, and as of recent, The PM of Canada, the list goes on.

    Ironic, when you challnege a non-JW, you cannot prove any of your claims to be true, let alone Truthers.

    Moreover, you say you are not a comformist, but one only needs to look at your past tenure, perhaps they might find something. All I need to do is ask you one question, which can easily determine the conclusion, as I did with some already.

    2 hours ago, Dmitar said:

    Let me know when your daddy @JW Insider needs to step in for mommy to defend you

    An appeal to motive. Just so you know, childish remarks does not work on me, people tried, Srecko, Butler, Witness, Cos, Shwi. Some even tried to make racical remarks, others in my debating expirence threaten to kill me, but has no effect. Nice try though.

    I assume you are a grown man, why enterian the idea of childish remarks? Absurd.

    Anyways, no one defends me, I am of myself and myself alone, I fight my own fights, that is how us CSE folk operate. If you cannot show an example of said claim, then you my friend, just professed a falsehood.

    That being said, ironic, you say this, yet you are the one to tage JWI several time, unless, you want him to come and save you from your own claims so you can deviate again.

    2 hours ago, Dmitar said:

    just like he enjoys defending former Jehovah's Witnesses like @Srecko Sostar and @Witness with their misapplications and misrepresentation of an institutions litererture and scripture.

    Although Srecko and Witness are wrong most of the time, he did make remarks of err on their part in the past. Like I said, if you are indeed the entity that some people speak of, you are in your baby boy form, unable to witness your own past remarks vs those who can look for them at will.

    That being said, you made several claims I will do you the favor of listing them - stop running from your own words:

    Where is your evidence of narrcisim whereas the latter's culture is struictly against it?

    Name one peice of misinformation profess, of which you made the claim.

    Can you cite one of my comments as to where I specifcally promoted hatred against respect?

    How is discerment/testing the sprirt show a lack of Bible understanding as is in useage of I use it literally all the time?

    Where is your evidence of one being a Conformist when the latter speaks highly of anti-goverment and agenda, as is the difference between freedom vs compliance?

    Out of all my response, to which you didn't relaze the multiple times I alluded to Scriptutre; how did you deem this as lack of Christian entics?

    If you cannot attest to your own claims, it seems your Christian entics was null here, and you tried to bluff your way out with claims and appeals to motive, namely, in a childish manner, coming from an adult, which is very sad, so to speak. So much for entics (the appeal to motive killed it for you...)

    That said, if you cannot give any shred of evidence in that regard, even though you were challneged to it in page 2 already in which you deviated from, then you professed falsehood, effevtively, leaning you towards being a bad actor yourself.


  4. @Pudgy Perhaps Captain Claw of the High Prehistoric Seas may have the answers everyone is seeking.

    That being said, in this current timeline, I would say Truck Drivers. Anyways, the article in question (although I dislike the NYT for reasons pertaining to current events) already gives mention as to WHY the action was taken, hence instead of their own words, surprisingly, they used a source.

  5. @Srecko Sostar he is discussing with you in regards to the Genesis 3:22 remark, the information provided was so you have incite. But it seems you are doing the same thing you do all the time, holding hands of the Jehovah's Witnesses/Watchtower by means of deviation of the addressed.

    That being said, is remark was related to those not having faith as is a justification that is no longer of importance.

    And to that, I leave you with this, do what you with it.

  6. 56 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

    Don't shift the blame for the conversation going south with your obtuse characterization of ME being MISGUIDED.

    That's your narcissism. 

    I haven't shifted granted you were asked this prior, it was coined because as of the last response you deviated from what is being asked of you, this can be seen in page 3 of this thread when addressed, you shifted the path assuming I would not bring it back up.

    Therefore - Can you or can you not prove the claim? If you need to be reminded of your remark, you were the one who brought this up and you attested to it. You also have to know what narcissisms refers to.

    A narcissist is someone who who has an excessive interest in or admiration of themselves (arrogance, constant need for admiration). Focus on their ideas and theirs alone which in of itself bypass not just the words of others, but even the facts. They cannot take criticism, they exploit others with a lack of empathy with a remorseless mindset. Haughtiness. To add to detail, these types of people express some grandiose sense of self-importance, preoccupation with fantasies of unlimited success, power (seeking power, even to the point of gaslighting), brilliance, beauty, or ideal love, belief they're special and unique to the point that they themselves are above everyone else. In short - They see themselves as perfect (utter perfection)

    I have given examples of political Statist who express such, so much so one in particular JWI was not aware of, corrected on even when given the truth about said person.

    There is a reason as to the culture of old generation Caribbean Islanders who adhere to Scripture have a disdain for such a behavior, and for good reason - hence why our proverbs speaks against it, as shown to you already the one in French. Therefore Narcissism is seen as dishonorable, so much so, I have refuted and dealt with people in that category.

    As for your other point, the remark of misguidance was directed as Srecko and Witness, not sure as to why you elevated yourself in that remark, but if you want to speak of misguidance, is the dwelling of assumption that can get the best of some people, in your own words - prone to misguidance.

    That being said, you were ask to show evidence, or end up like the rest who unexpecting challenge the culture mention.

    56 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

    You error on your assumption. I had no response to your statement other than your false claim of the usage of the word misguided. Now you are desperately trying to evade that consequence, by @JW Insider tactics which I deem pathetic.

    Then why be so afraid to prove your case - you were asked to show your resolve.

    As for @JW Insider I haven't seen him challenge anyone with 1 John 4:1. In my case, I have, and in the realm of culture.

    Therefore, let's see what evidence you have.

    56 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

    Once again, you prove your lack of bible knowledge. 

    I haven't. Because unlike you, I understand what it means to test the spirit and applied that verse in question. Likewise, I understand discernment, therefore, you having a renewed tenure, you cannot look with discernment as is one's spirit from their remarks in the last several years prior to the shift to clubs.

    Again, prove yourself, or have 1 John 4:1 tried against you. The other assertions were already address, so respect the verse that is applied in regards to claim.

    That being said, an unwise man do not jump to conclusions in the arena of culture, otherwise the end result would be out damning, unfortunately for you, you engineered an inevitable outcome.


  7. 35 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    And the Lord God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: - Genesis 3

    To whom He said?

    Short Answer: He was talking to Jesus (possibly Angels also), he was not talking to Adam, hence pervious verses in the chapter, and other chapters, namely Genesis 1:26.


    You are referring to Genesis 3:22 in which our God stated the following (after he spoke the original promise).

    Then the Lord God said, “Behold, the man has become like one of us in knowing good and evil. Now, lest he reach out his hand and take also of the tree of life and eat, and live forever.

    The Most High was most likely speaking to his Son, Jesus (possibly nearby angels, we cannot say definitely, but it isn't unlikely granted Angels are always in God's presence), but granted of what is considered, as is the majority of Genesis 3, God was communicative with Jesus, which is extremely logical granted Jesus was with his Father (The Son who rejoices at the works that is done from the Father's hand); this excludes what our Trinitarian counterparts think for their assertions are incorrect.

    As for Genesis 3:22 you have to consider the context.

    God (of whom you call Jehovah, Yahweh or Yehovah) said what he said after passing some form of judgement to Adam and Eve after the first promise was professed by Him.

    The fact he mentioned "one of us" in plural form is also liken to the pervious verse of a pervious chapter, such as Genesis 1:26, which reads,

    Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”

    Outside of the Trinitarian narrative of multi-personnel idea, some would try to rope in Satan the Devil, however, Satan was not present with God in Heaven at all, we all know where he was at the time.

    Granted God, Christ and the angels are spirits, God has made man, such as Adam, in his image, hence 1:26, which pertains to that of likeness as well. In regards to Jesus, he himself is a perfect being. Man is also the image of the invisible God, as according to Scripture, Apostle Paul (which is a call back to God's Order, which you took issue with a while back).

    In addition, 3:22 seems to make it clear that the Son was indeed in his vicinity, hence Right hand of God.

    One thing to note about both God and Christ (Father and Son) is that they, prior to Adam and Eve, had knowledge of what is good and what is bad, therefore, they had said knowledge before Adam, and later Eve, therefore, they know, even prior to the day that man was molded out of the earth's clay. In Jesus' case, he knows just as the Father does because Jesus worked closely with his Father, who is his God, mainly when it comes to God's purpose, will and standards, as is the principles that stem of God's qualities - therefore knowledge of what is good and bad, he knows and how to operate, even determine what is clean or unclean, something of which Satan cannot do, and later, Adam and Eve, who made the wrong choice which categorized them as disobedient, thus, our early parents serve as an example, from their perfect life, to a disobedient one.

  8. 13 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    1)The Bible text refers to; God spoke to himself or to someone in heaven while he was saying this ...., and perhaps he said the same thing to Adam. 

    Friend, look at the context, it is clear. The remark regarding Adam and Eve, was discussed before, as to Ryan, who made a claim of the early parents of mankind. Don't rely on your own exegesis.

    That being said, his response to you was to draw in a specific point, of which I can see.

  9. @Dmitar The other stuff has already been remedied. As is the thread with evidence of such.

    Now then, in regards to a claim you made, 1 John 4:1 was in use, as is you being invited hence your response. Can you point out what it is in which the culture I came from deems dishonorable.

    As stated, it was a bold claim of yours. Let's respect the verse in use - that is, if you are among those who consider the contextual backing of said verse.

    As for the one in Romans, next time use legitimate context.


    If you have forgotten as to what prompted the use of the verse/meaning, it is the below:



    As stated, you were the 3rd to make the attempt, [Witness, and Butler] being the first 2, now you, the 3rd. You speak of Christian Ethnics, let us see if this leans to Truth of a falsehood in regards to that bold remark.


    That being said, the original remark of which I made prior to Lisa, remains true.

    Claim: Inside info on Jehovah's Witnesses companies & revenue made

    Truth: There is also misinformation about companies and revenue that is being past around by former witnesses who are disgruntled, some of which having been mentioned here, even debunked with the words of former JWs, ExJW vs ExJW essentially. That being said, due to the pandemic, their numbers seem to have been reduced. (evidence in: mentioned/cited threads)


  10. I would not call it a Doomsday - far from it. The events is linked with the Reset and the NWO. Some of us knew there would be tension between Russia and Ukraine eventually that draws in the world. Long time ago, there was tension with even their religious leaders, RoC to Kiev, NATO, Syria. As is with Kremlin Critics. Then you have the situation in Crimea. The US can't really do much either because of they go to Taiwan, the Russians can make their move, if they go for Ukraine, the Chinese can make their move.

    I no longer have that many connections in Russia, had a few in the past, but unknown to everyone, majority of them have been suppressed due to growing tension. The censorship doesn't help[ much either, therefore, some are wiped out.

    That being said, there is possibly a false flag taking place to spark up some flares, putting the world on edge, so much so, it shook a few communities such as Investors, even Preppers.

    The biggest I told you so ever was due to those congratulating Putin for several actions he has taken in the last 5 years, as one of my Russian sources once said to such people "You are happy with what The Kremlin did to the economy, to faith, to families. Best be prepared if something big happens or when soldiers in their war boots start to march." Friends of the 7 crew, and Free Radio Europe.

    Russia and China are allies, so if the US swings at one of them, the other will attack. Essentially, the US in between a rock and a hard place.

    As for the people of China, Russia, Ukraine, etc, they don't want any role in their super powers, yet they are victim, and in regards to Ukraine, who is very corrupt, the US is angering some of the people there who has not role in their government's agenda.

  11. On 1/28/2022 at 9:09 AM, xero said:

    I'm not sure how you could be confused as it does indeed point out clearly who wrote the article "

    This is dealing w/the archive of a specific family who suffered at the hands of the Nazis and which family legally passed the archive on to the society and an individual who had no right to profit off the sales of the archive. (the only one making money here).

    Think again. You can dislike the organization all you like, but do it for legitimate and rational reasons. Tell the truth when you criticize otherwise all your other criticisms are devalued. (Were you high or drunk when you stumbled on this?)

    In the Truther and Independent Journalist community, we often joke that "Some people read ONLY  the Headline/Title, but do NOT read the article in question." It was often coined by an Independent Journalist by the name of Timothy Pool otherwise known as Beanie King or Beanie Lord by randoms on the internet.

    That being said, this is a common occurrence on forums too. It also shows no one reads reports or articles, they see a name that do not sit well with them, and form a conclusion and or an exegesis.

    That being said, not a fan of The New York Times though, their agenda was to peddle war mongering. Even today with the situation overseas, they do this.

  12. 52 minutes ago, Witness said:

    Someday, all of your conspiracy theories are going to get the best of you.  

    Truthers are not of the paradigm, we don't dwell on conspiracy, however, evidence of you dwelling on such does exist on this forum. Many, many examples, too many to count outside of the usual mixing of verses and butchering of Strong's. If you had to be compared to someone, you are similar to Lisa Haven, a Mainstream Christian who has wild conspiracies in mind. 

    You can't even be consistent with your own truth...

    That being said, bold claim, but sadly, you do not have evidence of such, as what is stated in regards to someone such as myself who is against the paradigm and agendas, ironically, if we Truthers were conspiracy theorists, what I said about Russia would not be a true real world case today - funny how that works.

    52 minutes ago, Witness said:

    We're done.  I don't think I've ever met a man who creates illusions so well, and believes he knows everything about everyone.  

    The problem is not about knowing everything, it is about the facts. Illusions are dishonorable and last time you were corrected on culture, for the culture has very damning things to say about illusions, even in wording.

    That being said, you do not understand your own folly. You even ignored it after claiming the subject matter is serious.

    Your video sells a different story to the facts, and the facts of which can be seen in the Kings County Reports.

    The reports of which you linked are no illusion, for the facts are there. Likewise with the information on Zalkin and Kaplan concerning child abuse.

    The issue with you is you expect us to 100% believe what is seen in the video vs the reports of which you didn't read, which now calls you into question for your San Diego remarks in regards to Zalkin.

    For, if you did take this seriously, the reports holding the facts concerning abuse among JWs should be your focus. Stop relying on videos and start reading, if I can take this seriously, as is the an abuse survivor whom I will quote below, you can do the same.


    On 1/26/2022 at 12:16 AM, Amidstheroses said:

    As a victim of severe Domestic Violence for which my apostate husband was sentenced to six years in State Prison, I see patterns familiar to me in this tragic story

    I preferred reading the 34 pages of charges presented to the Kings County Supreme Court over the verbal summary of the upset woman.



  13. On 1/28/2022 at 8:09 AM, Matthew9969 said:

    Maybe they were newbies.

    Newbies don't use a Lure to Bait and Switch Tactic, especially in a religious space. That, in of itself, is highly uncanny.

    On 1/28/2022 at 8:09 AM, Matthew9969 said:

    Some newly converted jw's in another country are still celebrating christmas.

    And how is this relevant to the following?

    • [A] Pearl Doxsey sources via a reddit user
    • [B] Sympathy towards Same-Sex Marriage as if God would be Ok with it.
    • [C] A Political Opinion that derives into a stance in which Conservative Americans took issue with it (mind you, this was during the time people, myself included were heading to Washington, some for the event).
    • [D] Ignorance as to why some Bible verses are omitted vs what is actually inspired text.

    To be honest, I didn't plan to debate, for them, they assume me to be among the others there, not expecting a thing until they brought sources, which sparked the 15 min debate.

    That being said, the only reason mentioned as to why Conservatives went after them because of the politics. As you may know already, as stated here since years ago, America, as is some parts of the world will succumb to a division, it will become large and uncontrollable and will be a problem during a crisis. - As predicted.

    Look where we are now, and as you can see, those in the paradigm do not like each other very much.

  14. On 1/28/2022 at 1:11 PM, Srecko Sostar said:

    So how do you not understand. The "Christian" testifies to something. The person is a "Witness". @Witness testifies to the situation in WTJWorg and on other things connected to faith in Jesus and Bible.

    Unfortunately concerning child sex abuse among Jehovah's Witnesses, the Court case reports in the link provided shows more than the video provided by former witnesses. The video in question is a bit misleading, and offers the idea of instant guilt as is the weaponizing of child abuse in relation to an institution.

    It is already known Child Abuse around the time of the incidents mentioned in the report was rampant, granted back then, there was not a whole lot of solutions and other things to deflect the issue compared to now, with firms, such as Kaplan, Zalkin to aid abuse survivors, as is communities and persons dedicate to dealing with abuse, going as far as to educate.

    The problem here is essentially 2 stories being professed of which Witness posted the latter. [A] The Report(s) and [B] The YouTuber Video.

    If neither of them lines up, only one is correct. Witness has no idea what is in the reports, and aligned herself with the video (which is problematic because she mentioned Zalkin before in relation to San Diego) whereas I align myself with the reports, granted I was aware of the situation in Kings County for a long time, I addressed this too.

    That being said, the people outside of the religious space who are aware of the CSA cases, have enough discernment to seek truth rather than lies and assumptions that promote a warpath like mentality. Despite CSA cannot be stopped 100%, that is not how you slow down CSA, it only shifts abusers to shift their movements and tactics, as I recall I educated you on Red Flags.

  15. On 1/28/2022 at 10:17 AM, Witness said:

    Me?  You've got to be kidding me.

    You did. twice you equated them with a Democratic Candidate, the first time was in regards to Mr. Fearon, the second, in regards to Smurf Girl. The irony with Fearon is that he had some connection with the latter rather than the religious leader of the JWs.

    On 1/28/2022 at 10:17 AM, Witness said:

    I don't even vote.

    But you had sources and have used sourced to equate the latter to some political faction.

    Never said if you voted, the issue was you associated the latter with the Democratic party via your sources, you were questioned about it before, but you dodged the remark about Fearon.

    On 1/28/2022 at 10:17 AM, Witness said:

    But, I do believe the Wt. has political connections, which is my right to believe.

    Unfortunately, they don't have connections. Like it or not, that is the truth. If JWs were part of the paradigm, then they'd already be in the crosshairs of Truthers since the Left and Right factions took rise 2011-2012. More so, the events organized by EXJWs in 2017, the political faction would be in the Borough defending JWs, rather, after getting out of jail, they had their own agenda.

    Yes, your right to believe, but you have to understand, there is a truth and there is a lie, you can only be for one, regardless of what you believe. Black Hebrew Israelites believe only Black people are chosen, of which they believe, but the truth in the Bible says otherwise. 

    On 1/28/2022 at 10:17 AM, Witness said:

    After reading over your initial post about this, it appears that you pulled up a red herring to detract from the grave seriousness of the post; is it because the GB is involved?

    Actually it was you. I asked you if you read the report fully, then you derailed into the trying to assume you are not the reddit user. You even went as far as to give your life story and your Facebook. I don't care about that, you can do that another time.

    Anyways, as I pointed out, this issue is in MY county. Did you are did you not read the report?

    That said, as for a Red Herring, there was no misdirection, you confirmed all suspicion. You are the reddit user.

    On 1/28/2022 at 10:17 AM, Witness said:

    For a “truther” you made presumptuous accusations that were all false, groundless.

    None of what I said were false. But us Truthers know a conspiracy theorist when we see one.

    The report in question, of which you didn't read, didn't lean on instant judgement, as your friends in the video claim. Looks like they do not know how Kings County operate either compared to what is seen in the reports.

    What is groundless is you relied on a video vs the court case reports.

    On 1/28/2022 at 10:17 AM, Witness said:

    Do you see how you took the actions of two individuals claiming to be JWs that quoted (?) from both the Wt. and my posts on reddit, (?) and accused me of supporting them? 

    They were followers of Pearl, unfortunately. You are the Door keeper to Pearl, your reddit account. You confirmed it is yours. Luring for a bait and switch is not a good look, therefore, friends of Pearl should attempt to remedy that problem, you included.

    On 1/28/2022 at 10:17 AM, Witness said:

     Since when would a JW, unless they are waking up, support both Wt doctrine and my posts, that expose their lies?  

    They were not supporting The Watchtower. Those who do lure for bait/switch tactics have an agenda. This is in parallel to an incident at a cemetery involving a JW publication about the dead, which transpired in 2019 that got everyone assuming JWs took the action, and the JWs themselves were as confused as a deer in headlights.

    You fail to see ill influence of a community can result in such actions, some of which you and others may not have known about.

    On 1/28/2022 at 10:17 AM, Witness said:

    I think you’ve got the picture now, and I don’t expect an apology, but what you’ve basically created is nonsense, and accused me of being connected to an abuser, condoning that person’s actions, as well as being active in politics. 

    Your reddit account gateways them to Pearl. You confirmed the reddit account is indeed yours after stating it was a lie.

    I haven't created nonsense, I raised suspicion, which is evident in what I said originally. You simply confirmed the conclusion.

    Never said you condoned, only said perhaps you should say something in said community to make sure something of this magnitude does not happen. But if the roles was in reverse, it wouldn't bother you granted it be more ammo in your rifle, so to speak.

    Never said you were active in politics, it was stated you alluded to the latter of being of a political party via your sources, i.e Smurf Girl.

    On 1/28/2022 at 10:17 AM, Witness said:

    You had said, "You should be blaming Pearl's followers because they are not mentally sound when they debated me."

    Too bad you didn’t get their names! 

    Then what is stopping you from creating a Bible based thread on upbuilding the community so nothing like this happens? Or Pearl?

    I do not care for there names, it was a random debate, and I didn't have time to ask disgruntled folk for such after burning a school shooting victim, as is aiding those hit by a tornado and suffer high amount of damage, and at the time, I was rushing to Washington. There irrelevant, as is their gross action.

    On 1/28/2022 at 10:17 AM, Witness said:

    Perhaps among all the thousands of individuals who anonymously read her posts, we may have recognized one!  What nonsense. 

    Nonsense you say, but as a God fearing person, it should know of how damaging such a tactic is.

    Interesting, now it can be confirmed here that is what you see of your community, anonymous folk, which contradicts the Spiritual House remarks you made in the past.

    That said, if there is minor damage in the spiritual house, one should be knowing of it, and be quick to fix it, right? Us as Living Stones will do all that we can to remedy the Spiritual House of which we are in as God fearing people, therefore, we do not see our brothers, our sisters as randoms anonymous folk, we see them as a people in our community. Perhaps, in your eyes, they are anonymous, but they did originate and or have connections somewhere.

    One who knows their community does not see it as nonsense, but rather, a community of which they can build together, as is help to fix any issue, to upbuild.

    One who considers nonsensical things in their community and does nothing, will get called out for it, but as to alleged community itself whereas no one is truly connected, will eventually crumble, even when the Wild Beast takes action, such a community will not last.

    On 1/28/2022 at 10:17 AM, Witness said:

    She doesn't keep a record of the names of individuals as the Watchtower does.  

    She does not have to keep a record of names, she only has to convey a message so nothing of this level takes place. It can be problematic because if someone does something even worse, it will only make a bigger fire.

    On 1/28/2022 at 10:17 AM, Witness said:

    You have done exactly what you always accuse others of doing, not getting the facts straight.

    Actually the facts do not line up.

    The court case information if read in full detail paints a picture of the brazen conduct taking place in the churches of JWs. However, your video states something else, and expresses instant guilt to said parties without even questioning the information from the court cases.

    You were asked to read it for that reason - the report and the video do not sync up. And the trolling-sque tom-foolery in said video when a serious matter needs to be talked about, isn't helping, in addition, it falls in line with weaponizing child abuse even in the face of an institution. You should be aware that weaponizing child abuse is NOT a good thing.

    I take CSA seriously, so I read everything (even the Kaplan Filings in NY on the behalf of abuse survivors issued May 18, 2021), I am aware of how things operate in my county, Kings County, for I spoken about it before actually and the issue with CSA in New York State, essentially the East Coast. I am also aware of prisoners let go early on with some among them being abusers, hence knowing the justice system as some broken pieces in it, they enable the abuse in some shape or form, therefore, the community needs to seek solutions to prevent further abuse. The issue with CSA in JW and most institutions a long time ago abuse was not something a community would look into hence bystander syndrome, but it is different now because there are people out there, myself included, who took a stance on CSA, some of us, knowing a level of Law as to not go as far as being on  warpath to end a practice, that is not going to slow down CSA, in fact, it will embolden abusers, granted 2022, as predicted, seems to be their year, even aided in putting a man who wanted to abuse an underaged girl, in jail this month actually, so we need to be careful.

    If you want to speak about not getting the facts straight, you may want to address the Report of CSA regarding JWs vs the YouTube video you also linked.

    Please, I invite you to be factual, just so you know, I read the report, therefore, you best choose your words wisely. Regarding CSA, it is best to be 100% with information, not lack lustered, and misleading.

    That being said, I suggest you start reading if you speak pertaining about facts.

  16. On 1/28/2022 at 12:13 PM, Dmitar said:

    @Space MerchantUnfortunately, not where it counts. Being a defender of a bad actor just to stay in someone's good side is someone that enjoys playing, devil's advocate. Sadly, that has no place in a true Christians heart, especially when citing they are part of Jehovah's Witnesses. That in itself brings "reproach" to God by his namesake. 

    Then if that was the case, the cries of guilt should have not be brought for in your account.

    One thing the Bible puts emphasis on the most is discernment, it is not so much of a defense, rather, a Christian being watchful. Surely, you could have known that.

    My issue is not anyone being a JW or not, my issue is the MSC narrative and pertaining things deem problematic.

    To that, you were invited to prove your case, you can do so now.

    On 1/28/2022 at 12:13 PM, Dmitar said:

    It is good you attempt to defend the core values of Christ teaching. My point is, there are certain areas where you yourself are misguided about Christ teachings. That is my point when you insist that others are misguided. There are differences when you apply that word toward someone's character and or their understanding of Christ teachings. I myself don't appreciate the manipulation of scripture and the misapplication of an institution's literature.

    Can you show any evidence of anything related to Core Christian Teachings of which I am professing some form of misguidance? Surely you do realize CSE folk see this as a challenge.

    On the contrary, as stated many times over the years, majority of the time I allude to Scripture and or a Proverb, and or a quality, in this case regarding the one you deemed a bad actor, discernment and the use of the latter verse. I do not leave such stones unturned or unchecked.

    I do not care about institutional literature, granted the focus was in regards to money and pertaining of.

    On 1/28/2022 at 12:13 PM, Dmitar said:

    Then you are not willing to separate your Christian conviction with that of this world. This is a perfect example of being misguided. When have you corrected your mistake?

    According to my people, how they were brought up, via Scripture, even those before me, none of us are part of this world. Therefore, your example is null.

    If you cannot prove I am part of the paradigm I am against - Then you have no glass for your water.

    But I consider this a nice try granted, out of my years of debate with mainstream Christians, Black Israelites, etc. They attempted to make that claim, even going as far as to a gross assumption towards the island of one of my relatives, which backfired.

    That being said, I have corrected myself, several times actually, mainly due to the fact I have an extreme push to be overly detailed in often times something is amissed. In regards to that, can you tell what verse I alluded to here? Hence your last claim?

    On 1/28/2022 at 12:13 PM, Dmitar said:

    A True Christian is a champion of God, and should react to Christians misinformation and misapplication of scripture. This means, here is another example of being misguided.

    We are soldiers of God, as the late one before me professed the same thing. We continue, sword and shield in hand. It is also one of those reasons as to why there is a good chuck of us in the Truther community who upholds this, myself included, as is the late Solider of God, who he himself is among the Chosen. Not only he passed away, but those deemed our enemies, scrubbed everything he professed, and they did this for a reason. MSC are callous, mainly the ones so misguided by Constantine's version of Christianity.

    That being said, as for you, a True Christian has enough reason to use discernment. I ask why is this missing from you, unless you are the type to jump into things without knowing the battle at hand?

    On 1/28/2022 at 12:13 PM, Dmitar said:

    If you wish, we can go further than that. Since we are speaking about this forum, a decade is just fine for me.

    You do realize, as stated, this has been going before either of us were born, our parents, them those before them. As stated, this goes back even before Jehovah's Witnesses, and all Restorationists who are not rootless, existed. This was the core debate between Cos and I prior to the talk about the Church Fathers and the original Church, as is the Core Teachings itself.

    Going back a decade, as you stated, does not do much, even beyond this forum, and speaking of forms, CSE existed long before this forum was even conceived; and even then, that battle between both groups was still ongoing.

    Outside of the forums, same thing, not sure if you had that experience, or you are just an online personnel who has not seen the trenches.

    On 1/28/2022 at 12:13 PM, Dmitar said:

    Can you elaborate? Are you saying it's okay for visitors to this forum to accept the misinformation that is dealt here on a daily basis?

    Visitors are aware, they can look into what is being discussed, and make comment to it. The thread started by Witness in regards to if JWs won't some right to military type arms and the like, several guests pointed out the absurdity, even before that, when this place was Controversial Posts, guests had a role in several discussions, not only we have these types that show up, but MSC guests as well who are to blind by the Mainstream Christendom as is the things of this world.

    Reasons why when some discussions get serious, some come forth to bring a correction, even if it is guests vs guests whereas legitimate users on the forum often take the stance of a spectator. Granted you are somewhat new here, you may have not seen or took part of the early interactions of this forum. If I am not mistaken, some come with questions; in my case, some CSErs recognize who I am because of my CSA thread and they made remarks here too.

    That being said, I congratulate the guests who are mentally sound when it comes to some discussions, mainly when it is a Bible related one.

    On 1/28/2022 at 12:13 PM, Dmitar said:

    Then you can agree this would be a concern, especially when it comes to visitors. However, I won't indulge in politics, that's too worldly. That's what makes certain Jehovah's Witnesses, here, hypocrites.

    You do not have to. My rival, Ms. Birdie, is political, however, I am not associated with the paradigm, but I do call them out, as is refute them. They cry out, but they do not realize man cannot correct the problems of an imperfect world, no matter how much they try and at times, man will drive their own into ruin, and or into a shallow grave.

    You have to be more specific, not all Jehovah's Witnesses are wise, I gave examples, as is mentioned a few, therefore, referring to them as novice JWs, as I do with others. However, there are some who are wise. Unfortunately for them, The Restorationism are the figurative punching bags in the war of who the Christ is, granted, they are among the few who are not as combative when it comes to Scripture, hence the Hyde Park incident. In the eyes of the disgruntled JW, they never go for an experienced JW unless they catch them off guard, there is a reason as to why if they record anyone of them, they never record the experienced ones, but rather, the novice types.

    As for our visitors, in regards to politics, the disgruntled ones often try to equate JWs with the Democratic Party, however, this is false, and our visitors can see to it of this falsehood, be it they agree and disagree with JWs on some things. As is the situation with other instances.

    That being said, an example would be in the linked thread whereas Witness tried to connect them to a Democratic candidate, myself, as is a guest, can see that information was false.

    On 1/28/2022 at 12:13 PM, Dmitar said:

    Does this mean, a storyteller like Pearl Doxsey has merit? We should be in the same page with Christian ethics, not a personal opinion of someone's character. 

    Pearl dwells on conspiracy. Some of her Bible points were refuted by some, surely both you and I understand God's Order, however, Pearl and Witness said otherwise. This is the reason as to why the Religious office debate I had with Witness, she, using Pearl as a shield, as is the Watchtower, failed the debate when the Bible was used as a sword against her (and Srecko), therefore, God's word being victorious, hence why at the end she attempted to make a remark that is a lowly attack on my culture.

    That being said, if you consider that personal opinion, clearly you didn't see the debates, therefore, you relied on brief mentions of her - hence, 1 John 4:1 as been used against you, granted with minor discernment, I have deduced that. I suggest you look exactly as to what was mention in the debate.

    Unless, you are willing to name a Christian Church in ancient Israel that never existed, then be my guest.

    God's Order has never changed then, and now - [Woman, to Man, Man to Christ, Christ to God].

    On 1/28/2022 at 12:13 PM, Dmitar said:

    Sure I can. Tom claims the words of Paul. I forgot which bible text he quoted, even though it was misapplied, but I'll use, Romans 3:4. The context is "God remains faithful," to claim everyone here is a liar. Like I told @TrueTomHarley, yes, Paul had many things to prove to the Jews, but being a liar wasn't one of them. 

    This didn't prove anything for I said "Tom has his own remarks", more so the true context of the verse in question shows otherwise. You might want to pull a legitimate quote of where he made said misapplication.

    Friend, context is more than a few words. Surely you can do better than that. You merely quoted part A of the verse, and only that. Context deems explanation, as a preacher of Christ, this should be evident.

    Paul’s surprised remark was in regards to the question he raised in the preceding verse pertaining to those who lacked faith, and such ones their lack of faith invalidate the faithfulness to God - in question. Most Jews at the time showed a lack of faith hence as to Paul's remark, particularly when they rejected the Hebrew text with associated prophecies that pointed out clearly that Jesus, who is the Son of God, is indeed the Messiah (Christ).

    For us today, something of the magnitude still happens, even for legitimate God fearing men and women, who often times can be overwhelmed concerning a man's ability to conflict with God's Word, hence the verses in question. One has to trust God Word found in the Bible as well adhere to God's Will, this is something vital when it comes to those who profess the Gospel message, in which, in turn, can help others.

    You can quote Scripture, even part of it, but when it comes to context, there needs to be a brief explanation. Quoting and explaining context are two different things, even so, you can alluded to the context briefly even without mentioning Paul.

    On your part, that contextual remark isn't an incorrect one, mainly if you understood Paul's conveyance in regards to the Jews concerning the Christ in that passage alone, therefore.

    That being said, the fact that you mention it, I suggest you quote Tom exactly in accordance with your claim. Should not be difficult, for you seem to express that this interaction with Tom seems recent.

    On 1/28/2022 at 12:13 PM, Dmitar said:

    To me, he is just using excuses to justify the actions of bad actors here.

    Can you quote exactly the misapplication in regards to him? People can say things, but seeing it can at times shed a different reality.

    On 1/28/2022 at 12:13 PM, Dmitar said:

    Since I'm concerned about the Christian conduct of Jehovah's Witnesses here toward those that visit this site, then my concern lies with Christian ethics that are poorly displayed here.

    So what stopped you from being Berean like in regards? This is beyond ethics. You also made assumptions - Christians should show evidence of a claim instead of assumptions, for instance, in my remark towards Witness, I showed the receipts.

    That being said, I recall you were called to question in regards to something that is seen as dishonorable to my culture. To this I wait still. For an assumption like that, surely you have evidence. Therefore, if you have nothing, Christian ethics can be called into question, as is the tossing of a specific fruit in which 1 John 4:1 can easily be used.

    If that is the case, makes me wonder how you would operate in a gospel preaching work, let alone a dark form of persecution that is crafted to break a man's faith, even that of a JW, something of which I mentioned before, which, as predicted, taking place now.

    On 1/28/2022 at 12:13 PM, Dmitar said:

    Does that include former Jehovah's Witnesses? Not really, That would mean I have an interest in what they have to say.

    But you have to use discernment. Witness once attest Satan somehow freed God's people and saved Hezekiah and his Kingdom, all because she misused a word and at the same time, claim the JWs assume something else, whereas in reality, the Bible speaks truth. That is one of many examples, as is the latter regarding God's Order.

    On 1/28/2022 at 12:13 PM, Dmitar said:

    But when current members behave the same way, and tell people, YES I'm a Jehovah Witness as many people are here, then that concern increases, and those that are related or were related in one form or another, tend to be more defensive in supporting a bad actor.

    Not everyone here is a Jehovah's Witness. You have a few JWs, a few ExJWs, some Atheists, Muslims, a Hispanic Philosopher who used mainstream narratives, a confused man who wants to re-write history, a man who is one with dogs, a man who rants about CSA at random but does nothing about it, as is being a slave to big tech, a Jeff Durbin (Durbinte) follower who wants anyone banned for pushing his buttons, but does the same thing, A conspiracy Theorist, A talking cat, a wise mouth parrot, a happy go lucky Queen, A Latino teen who came forth like that of a Ghost who is cryptic, Museum mentally JW, a concerned woman, a Bitcoin Junkie, etc, etc. - the list goes on.

    CSE is essentially 2 camps Trinitarian vs Anti-Trinitarian, we do not, even now, as is the new ones there, operate like this forums, or most media.

    That being said, welcome to the internet. However, bad actors seek to create some form of confusion, often times, from conspiracy.

    On 1/28/2022 at 12:13 PM, Dmitar said:

    For me, this is what I mean about being banned.

    Have you ever looked at the reason as to why you are a bachelor to the ban hammer? At times, people look to even ask as to why and seek reason. I thought you were someone legitimately new until @JW Insider made his remark, equating you to the infamous entity on this forum codenamed Allen. Perhaps, if this worries you, you may want to look at what he stated.

    On 1/28/2022 at 12:13 PM, Dmitar said:

    There are a few bad actors that can't stand to be wrong, especially when they are proven liars, deceptive, and manipulators of scripture.

    So the remarks related to money, should not be of concern.

    The worse thing about being wrong is making assumptions. You made a few, and I had invited you to show what you have.

    That being said, in regards to Scripture, you have to do a bit more than that, context is not a quotation, it is an explanation of something. When it comes to Biblical Context, the verse, word or passage needs to be clarified and its meaning needs to be understood.

    I can say that Jesus only considers the Father as good, and quote the verse, but no one would know what that entails; more so, anyone can take said verse and create an exegesis, hence, a wild interpretation, for instance, the verse in question Trinitarians mix up the most, likewise with the remark, God and our Savior, Jesus Christ whereas the MSCers assume Godhood for Christ instantly when that isn't the case.

    On 1/28/2022 at 12:13 PM, Dmitar said:

    You and everyone else is STILL HERE.

    I am not bothered. If you are a preacher of the gospel, you run into people, it is not different on here, or on a more serious place like CSE. Likewise with run ins for debates. Some of us have seen disgruntled JWs debate... It is not pleasant, the first thing that comes to mind is the Magic Hands ExJW who lost to a Muslim.

    On 1/28/2022 at 12:13 PM, Dmitar said:

    Like you said, people are too lazy to do a proper research. They base their conviction on the words of others, even if those views are wrong.

    This only came forth on this forum, from what I had seen early on, when the people of the mountain come down to the village, so to speak.

    On 1/28/2022 at 12:13 PM, Dmitar said:

    However, I find @Srecko Sostar to be more of a child that needs to have "daddy" @JW Insider hold his hand.

    @Srecko Sostar is a follower of Cedars, granted, some of his remarks, and I would say Pearl also due to him being associated with Witness, often times being a Yes Man. Srecko is misguided, but even outside of anything JW related, Bible-wise, is a bit lowly, for instance, remarks of Abraham, as is the Widow's Mite, and the debate I had with Witness on God's Order. Even in the thread linked, Srecko was not too aware of how he got fooled by Witness when he tried to teach Economics. Not to mention is supposedly rivalry with the ghost kid who revealed to be a JW in a thread in which The Admin took part. Therefore, the man is misguided. As for @JW Insider, he may notice this too with Srecko, often times to educate him, but knowing Srecko, he never changes, reasons why when his young rival came back, a damning revealed shows there was no application, whatsoever.

    On 1/28/2022 at 12:13 PM, Dmitar said:

    Then you have a "hellhound" @Pudgy come from behind to express some meaningless rant like a puppy loving court jester. 

    Could be he has a high interest in dogs, jokes, and Superman (Kal-El). There are times where he is serious. Granted you are, starting from a New Game File, so to speak, you do not see this for yourself.

    That being said, what was stated in regards to money, funds and JWs, is actually true, therefore the latter believed in a conspiracy - which does not surprise me, for a lie by some can be professed as a truth if said loud enough.

  17. 12 hours ago, Pudgy said:

    Many people are deeply religious because they need divine support for their already deeply held screwball ideas.

    This worked better in previous years when you could threaten people with hell, and they did not know much about volcanoes.

    But the problem is, they lured and bait and switched.

    It is like someone calling to you if you want to adopt a dog, and once they have you within reaching distance, they say if you want to adopt a cat instead. Should you ask for the dog, they switch up and said they never had a dog despite calling you to adopt one.

    This is something not uncommon in the debating space, however, the lure to bait and switch was an unexpected one.

    That being said, although they sought after people, they were not expecting a debate, which later landed them in the hands of Conservatives, who, like me, were on their way to Washington for the event that recently past.

    Although I hate Authoritianism, I didn't come for the rally, I had other reasons granted there were several Truthers that were there.

    Apparnrlty because I and the others being there, CNN and other MSM media didn't spare any minute to claim that everyone present were Anti-Vax.

    Anyways, the country is being gutted, there will be some instances of danger, and in situations like this, those Pearl Doxsey persons will be among the many who will come out of the woodwork to commit an exgesis.

  18. 21 hours ago, Dmitar said:

    How do you compare her interaction with you.

    It stems back to our first debate, and onward. When misinformation is shown and spokena s a truth, it does not take long until someone comes forward to refute said claims. Granted, she relied on conspiracy theoriest in the same manner as Lisa Haven, Truthers are Anti-conspiracy although the MSM likes to lie and equate us to the extreme types.

    Second, I come from a debating background, namely orginated from CSE, Christain Stack Exchange, but outside of that have done actucal debates, concerning the Bible and who God is concerning Core Teachings of Christainity.

    21 hours ago, Dmitar said:

    That would mean you're prone to being misguided too. Having a civil discussion isn't predicated on an onside discussion.

    Prone, for all men can fall to be misgudied, however, some are very careful in their step. This is why my remarks of the White Throne are serious ones.

    Actucally, on the contrary, there were some civil disccusions, however, some choose to act up in said disccusions, example, @Cos, a mainstreamer who essentuialy tried to re-write history in my debate with him, and later, the holy spirit, in which his wild claims did not go unoticed. Likewise with misinformation and conspiacy spouted often times on this club once known as controversal posts.

    This connects back to the remarks about Trust and Mutal Funds, as is the incorrect Newscorp source, all of which Witness attempted to use in the past.

    21 hours ago, Dmitar said:

    The way you are referencing yourself, it would be, you're the only one that has a credible opinion, much like @JW Insider.

    I stick to facts. I am not the type to believe JWs have weapon bunkers under their churches, have boxes of poison ready to go to take themsevles out and those around them. Witness professes a man who has followers who believe that, for this Fearon type is more of a radical verison of Pearl.

    And seeing that @JW Insider is a JW himself, I don't think he is the type to, and others like him on this forum, to kamakzie themsevles or anyone one of us here.

    Something like this, is even crazy to assume such bunkers under churches are real to a Restorationist group. I'd take that frpom Patriot's Prayer concerning rifles, but not Restorationists.

    21 hours ago, Dmitar said:

    That's narcissism 101.

    On the contrary, it is not. To speak truth to falsehood isn't as you claim. What makes this even more untrue is I have been adamant about my cultural backing. Narcissim is dishonorable in my culture (Non seulement c'est déshonorant, mais c'est une mauvaise image de soi et de sa famille). Not sure if you are aware of how old genegeration Beilzeian and Haitian folk raise their children, espically those who are in a sense, born of Scripture, so to speak.

    But, if you want to challenbege me on that, I invite you, for as Witness tried before to meildy bash my cultural stance before, as did Srecko, you are the 3rd to make that attempt.

    21 hours ago, Dmitar said:

    I go a step further to include Jehovah's Witnesses that trigger misinformation, falsehoods, and conspiracies.

    A man named Kel mentioned the same thing a while back when challenging Trinitarians, but it was in regards to Bibl tampering. The fact that you mention this, are the JWs in the wrong for what they did with Acts 7:58, 59? Granted you bring up misinformation and misapplication, the Mainstream camp professes that this is among several of the JW's err, as is Joel 2:32, however, codexes say otherwise. Likewise with John 1:1, when people cannot see the Genesis Act of Creation correctly.

    21 hours ago, Dmitar said:

    I find some not willing to enter that narrow door so as not to get banned.

    And what narrow door would that be? A ban isn't as worse of an eexpirence than dealing with a woman of a Leftist mindset who would sick a band of thugs against you, and or someone who having lost a Bible debate orchesatred the summoning of many police officers on a Sunday afternoon in Harlem, to take you out, more so, correcting a man who having lost a debate and resorted to racial remarks to try at provoking someone and failing.

    That being said, there are others, even above me, who stared down death in similar situations, perhaps even graver ones, but a ban? Is miniscule.

    Which reminds me, on CSE, people do get banned, but it is for the most extreme things, but we simply say the person got excommunicated, sometimes their ban is temporay, other times it is a permaban for a specifc reason. even then, such people return, but a by the book admin can remedy that if the person has shown him or herself to not change.

    Other then that, I don't care much of someone getting banned or not, but if someone false cries for the banning of a few, that is concerning when the latter tends to be the insitgaor of the situation.

    21 hours ago, Dmitar said:

    It certainly isn't. That word has many applications, that can also be applied to all of us.

    On the contrary it is. The word in question is in application to Christians who has some sort of vendetta against their fellow man. If you have been in the debating space as I have, this is something quite true, and even to the non-religous, i.e. the Warwick protest which gathered the people of the Borough.

    A Christian is someone that has become disgruntled with their faith. Instead leaving their former faith in good heart, they step their lives decicated to destory said faith. A parralel of this, being a disgruntled employee, who seeks to damage a company and or steal information, etc.

    You are correct to say it has many applications, but in the religous space when it comes to former hellbent members, what I convyed to you is true, for, you cannot say that there are those of this mindset, after all, we see it here. There is a reason I mentioned Mututal Funds and Glasgow; more to it, that even former members of the JW faith call out said people of this collective.

    A disgruntled Christain can also become an Atheist, example, the user Jack Ryan, on this forum, also another, I debate on God, and primarily on Adam and Eve, even ironically, on the faith of Islam, he was corrected.

    That being said, I am not a disguntled person. Being disgruntled is a waste of time and life, and I do not abhor God and Scripture, espically with my background.

    21 hours ago, Dmitar said:

    Can it be applied as you stated being a champion against misinformation?

    Us Truthers, even some of us who are Christians, do not consider oursevles to be champions of misinformation. We speak truth to facts, but never do we consider oursevles champions, even in the realm of other things such as child abuse, violence, governmental issues, etc. We call it out, help when and where we can. In recent years, we did take a few hits, and as of recent, major ones.

    21 hours ago, Dmitar said:

    We can inadvertently be without taking it to the extreme. Then it takes a tone of disappointment. That's my point. Never say never. We are not perfect.

    Yes we are not perfect, and the imperfections of man reaps sin, granted men with ill intent take action on anyone at anytime, no one is immune, even JWs are not immune, as is all faiths.  A bad man can join any insitution to commit harm, what makes it even worse is the laws and some regulations, even ruling can lead to such men to enter to manupltate others to harm and infleunce people, i.e, A Gangstalker.

    That being said, for the disgruntled types, they never change, they take their warpath with them to the grave. This is why I take issue with Witness mentioning Fearon, King and Zelda, for they seem to take what is known and molded into something else to emboldend disgruntled types.

    21 hours ago, Dmitar said:

    True. They have dealt those cards for almost a decade.

    Even longer than that. Such a back and forth predates JWs and even us Bibical Unitarians. The core of this battle is the view of who God is and who Christ is, as is the role of the Son of God, whereas the latter, assumes the Christ is God himself, which convultes the role of the Son of God and a list of other things. JWs are not the type to debate, however, I did see some who debate, even debated against one myself a long time ago, an Arab named Kathgar.

    The battle between the Anti-Trinitarians and the Trinitarians will continue into the Tribulation End Times, for who knows, our Constantine Christain-sque counterparts make get a bit more extreme in that time.

    21 hours ago, Dmitar said:

    However, where does that leave the visitor? That's my interest.

    We had some visiors here before, mainly Trinitarians who pop out of the ExJW community, example, Jesus.Defender. Then there is Cos, the first person I debated here, but he didn't care much about JWs, he cared about professing a false history of Christainity and twisting the words of even Church Fathers of old. This is not uncommon because Catholics try to fool people into thinking that these Church Fathers believed in the Trinity themsevles, but in reality, they take their words out of context, something of which Cos tried to prove.

    That being said, if it was not for Cos' actions, I may not have been debating anyone on this forum at all, but would simply challenege the conspiacies.

    21 hours ago, Dmitar said:

    How do you define the past from present bad actors that have been around this forum applying misinformation, misinterpretation, and misapplication in various ways?

    They are still here apparntly, as is some of my advseraies elsewhere, even a few rivals of mine, one of them, who she herself was an apprant shill to Donaold Trump. After being called out, she now proudly burns her MAGA hat, but still acts as hypocrite. The only thing she is good at is her stance on CSA, for the only common goal we have here is stopping those who are trying to approtiate pediophila, a battle in whiich, if we do not act fast on, all insitutions, even JW churches, will become bigger targets, granted 2022 is essentially the year of bad intent folks to act morec crazed.

    That being said, the bad actors here have the same tactics over and over again, even some of them cannot get their Bible Strong's correct, as always when try to drag JWs into a Bible only disccusion, which tends to be an inconvenience.

    21 hours ago, Dmitar said:

    You state "wildly incorrect to what was actually true". This depends on the interpreter, not the storyteller.

    Not really because they met what they said. One belvies that the Judge named Deborah had a Christian Church in the days of the Isrealites, and when corrected, as is with wildly alterings God's Order; she challenged my culture afterwards, then assume I hated women because I quoted what Paul said word for word. Another time, misuse of the Bible to assume somehow God somehow gave Satan a form of authority, which makes asbolutely no sense, and she kept going on about it, and her yes men agreed with her despite being corrected on a verses in question. The list goes on. And of course, some of what was said orginated from the infamous source of all, pearl doxsey...

    22 hours ago, Dmitar said:

    I claim @TrueTomHarley words about everyone here being a liar in one form or another.

    Can you explain? Tom has his own remarks, he can be serious, mainly to what I stated on Russia a few years back, which turned out to be true, for what is taking place, the banning of JWs was a stepping stone in Russia's move. He may have made mistakes before, and has corrected himself, but never have I seen him profess conspiracy. He is as he is because of said bad actors who continue with the same song and dance but prior to this, espically when I talked a lot about Russia, he was not as he was then because at the time, the number of bad actors was not as big nor where they relentless with their wooden sticks.

    22 hours ago, Dmitar said:

    Some also go for loyalty. That makes it misguided loyalty, and not part of Christian ethics.

    Probably because such of whom they follow has a resonating message of which they can profess as a truth. Example, when Witness attempted to use Mr. Zelda. The JWs here most likely have no idea of the inner words of reality and muttal funds, possibly basic information, but Zelda makes it seem complex, but what stopped Witness' spread of Zelda's falsehood was ifnromation from someone who knows the subject matter well, an ExJW who was fed up with his own counterparts who believed in lies, so he did what he had to do. Likewise with the Ex Bible Student, and the EXJW who posted legitmate evidence to the 1975 situation of which members from Cedars EXJW crew erased from media, the reason, so the narrative of 1975 of which they profess stands over what is actucally true, and in Witness' case, we already saw what she put.

    The ironic part is even Truthers, who are familier with JWs, know the 1975 situation themsevles.

    That being said, there is an agenda in play, something about agendas, I am against agendas, hence not being of the paradigm.

    22 hours ago, Dmitar said:

    Yes. I agree 

    Yep, and I seen this in the other thread regarding the linked website. As pointed out before, such ones when they're caught, they show their true colors, even if a mistake is made on their part, they do not acknoledge it. What makes it so damning is the person claims to be chosen. Kosonen and I called her out on this, and stated she is misgudied. Her energy could be put to better use, but granted the people I ran into during my travel, this is evidence of what I stated back then about neutral disccusion and calling to accountbility in the community of which she follows.

    That being said, the forum will remain the same, which reminds me, there was only one instance in which the legitmate admin had to step in, for should I mention said instance, a friend of ours from overseas will lash out; this is what caused his ban, if I am not mistaken for such as caught up to him to the point he wishes not to disclouse who he is, when everyone, even mods, know who he is. That is the mindset of a complying soul instead a free one.

    Anyways, my remark to Srecko regarding money and Glasgow is in connection with this thread, in which Witness went on a conspiracy rant, even tricking vistors who came to the forums a while back with misinformation, Kosonen, a former JW, even breifly called her out in the same thread. Tom also had some remarks. Witness herself in the same thread even alluded to NOT being educated on the subject matter she brought up also (You can't teach someone about mutatl funds if you do not know what it is, let alone call someone out for something you have no knoweledge of - yet she does not disqualfy herself from doing so)


  19. 23 hours ago, Witness said:

    I am not Christ Disciple, nor am I Christdisciple on reddit.  I am "christsdisciple".  You don't seem to get it.  And I post links to Pearl's website there, just as I do here.  And I'm not the only one.

    They called you this when trying to remember your name, and they cited Pearl. You should be blaming Pearl's followers because they are not mentally sound when they debated me.

    Of course you are only one, noe one mention any other person but you, hence why it was raised in the first place, only one person cites Pearl to the T constantly, with the same mannerisms - that is you, in which you confirmed.

    23 hours ago, Witness said:

    I was coined even though they could not say my name correctly?  

    Look at the orignal remark, in an attemt to remember you name they made a small err, however, what they showed as a source was 100% from you.

    Likewise, people call me Baptise, they know how I operate, they're not mentioning anyone else be it they say SM or Baptise, granted this is me.

    23 hours ago, Witness said:

    You are man who expects details, evidence, on everything.

    Because the facts in this regard matters.

    23 hours ago, Witness said:

    Find out the name of the woman and find out the real name of DoC - Christ Disciple. 

    According to the debate and the use of Pearl sources, this woman is you. If they haven't used Pearl as a source when pretending to be JWs, they the connection to you would not have been obvious. Although they say Christ discple or Discple of Christ, they are specifcally speaking of one person who is the owner of that reddit profile, of you you yourself confirmed it to be you.

    Prior to posting here, I even mention that this reddit user is someone on this forum, granted the reddit user, you, professs Pearl, even using the same topics here and on reddit, it was obvious it is you, therefore, I made the conclusion that the reddit user, and you, are one in the same. Nowhere else have I mention mutiple person, just a single soul, a woman who proclaims another as if it was a Godsend.

    23 hours ago, Witness said:

    If they addressed Pearl's information, tell me why the interest. 

    What transpired was they lure people in, and used sources that are not associated with Jehovah's Witnesses, in a sense, more like Anti-JW message, all the while, using Pearl as a source derived from your reddit account. You use many verses and citations from Pearl, and that was being profess by these two.

    I was not interested at all prior to debating them, however, the moment that mentioned Pearl, showed me their source, I was able to make the connection, you post exactly the same here, i.e. Spiritual House. We talked about this a while back, among the posts you made on reddit, I was able to recognize exactly whatw e debated about, namely on the focus of The Book of Zechiaraich and Living Stones, and from there more and more Pearl related topics was used from your reddit account in an attempt to sway the debate.

    23 hours ago, Witness said:

    Who are the false JWs? 

    Possibly Former Jehovah's Witnesses and or those who are associated with anything pretaining to avoidJW movement. Granted they used Reddit heavily, your account in the debate, it can be noted they may have been users on reddit. Granted they focus on your sources related to Pearl, they act as though they are followers of Pearl; which is not uncommon because I pointed this out to you a while back in relation to Rick Fearon Listeners.

    However, what they did is not good. Why pretend to be a JW, lure people in with a Publication, once they close in, begin to speak another message. What killed it for them was when they transitioned to omitted Bible verses, something of which the reddit exjw community spoke about a lot, in addition, used a KJV bible app. This led to them losing the debate of which they roped me into to, as for the politics and Same-Sex marriage, they were refuted on that, and afterwards, Conservatives went after them on their poltics. As a sidenote, in relation to polotics, you, several times before, attempted to equate JWs to the Democratic party and or have some polotical connection which was proven false. The only reason Conversatives went after them was because Conversatives are not much of a fan to Democrats.

    23 hours ago, Witness said:

    If you believe that I have labeled myself as DoC, show me proof. 

    Never said you did, the proof is connecting you to the reddit user, of which you confirmed for me without hesitation.

    That is the proof.

    23 hours ago, Witness said:

    You can find my real name here:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/restorationofjacob

    I don't care about your real name, the focus was the reddit profile.

    That being said, thank you for showing me you are more on the complicance side instead of freedom. A Christain is not compliant, even in the playgriound of Big Tech. You should know of what they'll do to followers of the Christ and his God once all the chosen are gathered.

    Then again, not too many people are as vigilant.

    23 hours ago, Witness said:

    Ok, this throws a totally different light on what you've been saying.  It's as if you are backtracking now, which is fine, and I realize as well as Pearl does, that there are many individuals who are not authentic.

    But you do realize how much a problem that causes? There was already an incident in 2019 in which even JWs were as confused as a deer in headlights because of something quite grim that was done that became a story, and became a tool used in the exjw reddit community, in a sense, framing someone.

    You or Pearl has never called into the community to build up and remedy said community, for nearly the majority of what is said by you and her is Watchtower based only.

    Even here, never, ever have you addressed a grounded disccusion, everything you said revovles around the Watchtower, even in our last bibical only debate, you roped them in.

    It is stuff like this, that results in such ones roaming about. The last time I had somewhat of a similar situation was dealing with The Hebrew Black Isrealites, however, even they themsevles who are misgudied would never do such a luring type tactic and switch up once the person is now speaking with them. These followers of Pearl, essentally were entrapping people.

    23 hours ago, Witness said:

    They come and go, they cause trouble, they slander, and then leave. 

    Unfortunaley, in the debating world, such people do not go away, I gave examples, Hyde Park is a big one, mainly in regards to those who are associated with indivduals like David Wood and Jay Smith. I recall there was a situation in which their followers debated JWs on what a Mediator is, and since the JWs were fed up, they were confronted by others, who, like the JWs, know exactly what a Mediator is.

    Once a fire of this magnatude has been started, which is something thatw ent on for years, probably before you were even alive, it can't be stopped, therefore, people come to refute and correct.

    23 hours ago, Witness said:

    They seem sincere at first, but turn out to be the "insincere" ones. 

    They were no sincere. Bad intent, even willfully is a means always show negativity. I do not think you ever had expirence of that nature compared to me. This is why I am very expressive on the notation of and application of 1 John 4:1; even in confrontations, which is not my first rodeo.

    23 hours ago, Witness said:

    I can't tell from what you are saying whether the individuals that you ran into were giving false information about Pearl or not.

    They were not using false information of Pearl, they were using 100% of what she as professed by means of your reddit account. They clicked on your account, and focused on all of your main topics/posts in relation to what they tried to convey to me. It is as though of what they pulled from Pearl was a Mainstream-sque.

    The sad reality is, before I was in that area, it is unknown of how many people they fooled with Pearl's information, how many people they fooled into thinking that they were JWs.

    Possibly the end goal for them was to make people in that area assume JWs to be crazy and radical, or as the Mainstream refers to them, Zealots. At the same time, they put a bad light on you as is Pearl also.

    This falls in line with what I stated in the past of one's Ailenation from God our Father because of people like this - a form of weaponization, if not child abuse, if not violence, if not war, it is this, in order to damage and confuse.

    Perhaps next time use your reddit to profess a grounded message outside of your exgesis.

    23 hours ago, Witness said:

    But, it wouldn't be the first time.

    Witness, this has been going on even before you were born. The only difference now is that people are aware of primitive Christainity, even our Muslim counterparts. People are aware of Bible tampering, people are aware that God, be it you call him Yehovah, Jehovah or Yahweh is not the same person as Yeshua/Jesus/Ieosus, as is having a better understanding once they learn more about the core teachings. Because of that, a lot of us, such as myself, speak to refute the major mainstream idea by professing the Core Teachings, even at a grounded and based level, then you have the MSC who want to assume their position in history when all of us know what transpired in the 4th century, and what was orginately believed prior.

    That being said, the Dam has been broken, on your part, and Pearl's. If one can spot people like this, then it is something that cannot be remedied 100%. Once the Jehovah's Witnesses are out of the equation, stuff like this tends to happen faster, this mirrors what I said about the events of Russia and Ukraine concerning Christainity, and now years later to present day, it was as predicted.

    Anyways, the botom line is that you are the owner of that reddit account, they follow Pearl and the subreddit and they used said information to lure people for the bait and switch. No one, but these Pearl followers, did this stunt.


    I read the report by the way, some of what is read does not match up with the Youtube video you posted. I asked you if you read it yourself, therefore, should you bring up these YouTubers again concerning the case that is taking place in my county... You will be refuted.

  20. On 1/11/2022 at 11:26 PM, Mic Drop said:

    It only took 2 years to find out Fauci was behind the funding of the virus....

    check out these damning details: https://www.zerohedge.com/covid-19/hidden-military-documents-reveal-nih-intent-create-sars-cov-2-using-gain-function-research

    Yep. And the situation has gotten out of hand, did you hear about the monkey situation?

    Essentially Ape Escape, but in real life, but the apes have been spreading a sickness.


  21. 9 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

    In some of Pearl Doxsey earlier blogs, it appears that she still claimed to be a Jehovah's Witness. 

    Yes this seems to be the case, mainly due to what Witness has stated already in the past.

    Since you are here, what do you think about this report vs the people in the video taking the report out of context? Witness, being the one to link it, seems to not want to address the question. In addition, looks as though Zalkin Group is involved.

  22. 4 hours ago, Dmitar said:

    Think about your argument with witness

    In regards to her, she is misguided too, led on by someone who allegedly has some folks who are up to no good. Witness herself is a Mainstream Christian who follows even that of conspiracy, and to us Truthers, conspiracy in most aspects is a huge problem, so much so the MSM and the paradigm seeks to shut us down anywhere we are, even indirectly trying to come after us, i.e. the situation with the YT dislike button.

    In my case, I do not take kindly to misinformation, falsehood and conspiracy, therefore, the use of facts and a correction should be in use, especially when 1 John 4:1 is applied when said person's spirit is tested and or exposed.

    4 hours ago, Dmitar said:

    Can this be applied here by most Jehovah's Witnesses?

    They're Restorationists and such ones are birthed by Subornationists, primitive Christianity, even the like of us Unitarian counterparts, however, some of them broke root. As for our Mainstreamer friends, of Constantine's Christianity, as is their counterparts who broke away from Christian roots somewhere in the 19th century and onward.

    5 hours ago, Dmitar said:

    When you have bad reports by both sides, how can you distinguish? Then, those opinions do not differ if they have the same view.

    You have to be specific here. One side states in regards to anything money, such as mutual funds, etc, the latter assumes they own everything, but in reality, the benefactor, the one in question are. The facts concerning a benefactor holds true over the one who claims something that isn't true, hence my response to Srecko. Likewise with the mention of Glasgow of which somehow misinformation about that ordeal gave people the wrong context, when in reality, the Glasgow arena can be rented out by anyone who wishing to use it.

    So it is not the same in this sense, likewise with Bible interpretation, whereas, in this case, Witness once tried to convince me that Christian Churches existed long before the Christ was even born, around the time of Judges, which is false. Clearly when it comes to Witness/Srecko vs the Bible, the Bible was correct here.

    Witness is the equivalent to the woman conspiracy theorist known as Lisa Haven.

    5 hours ago, Dmitar said:

    So do I, However, you seem to have a problem correcting your mistakes.

    I have corrected my mistakes, i.e. Septuagint, Excommunication, LGBTQ and Pedophilia, Codexes, etc.

    5 hours ago, Dmitar said:

    Two types of witnesses by your standards. I don't make it mine.

    Unfortunately, this is true. This came about in the event that took place around November 2017 in which a mass protest was assembled by disgruntled JWs whereas non disgruntled JWs were against them, so much so, a former Bible Student got involved. This even caught the attention of the community in the Borough and Truthers who were already dealing with the ANTIFA situation because disgruntled JWs tried to convince some that somehow the Watchtower was associated with the Extreme Leftist group, even tried to connect it to Soros. The disgruntled JWs were banned from the park due to the former Bible Student, however, it did not stop them from going to the gates of the JW Bethel building, it didn't stop them from annoying the people fo the Borough, it didn't stop them from profiting from low ranking ExJWs, and it didn't stop them from taking over a New Jersey JW church, of which someone on this form is a part of. From there, the people, even the ones in the Borough, who denounced those involved, made the distinction. The situation got a little dicey afterward because someone's girlfriend was in that JW church and the boyfriend was looking for the organizers of the group, of which they try to sell him the idea that is girlfriend is long gone because she is a JW. This also started some form of infighting with those who follow Cedars and some Paganist EXJW Youtuber. The Aftermath was the Former Bible Student was attacked online, got death threats, and even still former JWs came in to stop the disgruntled JWs, however, that vital piece of information this Bible Student professed, was flagged to Kingdom Come, deleted by disgruntled JWs, so evidence of that video can not be found.

    5 hours ago, Dmitar said:

    The word "disgruntled" you have shifted to, has many applications.

    It isn't new.

    5 hours ago, Dmitar said:

    What kind of disgruntled am I? What kind of "disgruntled" are you?

    Clearly you are not disgruntled. If that was the case, you would be acting like that of specific personnel on here even when faced with facts. Another reason why the Trinitarian took issue with you and seek to have you banned for what reason remains unknown.

    5 hours ago, Dmitar said:

    How does the same ideology factor into former or present witnesses?

    I believe they know this already. You can even see the interaction between JWs and disgruntled JWs on the forum, even against Trinitarians.

    5 hours ago, Dmitar said:

    Of course, this is in no way a response in context with what I applied to Screcko's video.

    His video has no connection to what was professed.

    5 hours ago, Dmitar said:

    There are many here who claim to be part of an institution when their actions and behavior speak to the contrary.

    The issue is in regards to Glasgow, The Benefactorship, etc. Going with what was stated to Witness in the past, her source being Mr. Zelda was wildly incorrect to what was actually true.

    5 hours ago, Dmitar said:

    Bytheway, this goes toward motive. What are some people's motive here.

    The known collective seek to give misinformation, i.e. Smurf Girl was used as a source.

    5 hours ago, Dmitar said:

    I can at least link two that are or were related to each other that are now, outspoken defenders of bad actors.

    I think I know who you have in mind actucally, they are quite obvious.

  23. 1 hour ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    Yes. It indicates to me that, though are many of christsdisciples, you are THE disciple, a self-proclaimed shining star even among them.

    Witness and christsdisciple are one in the same, as confirmed by herself despite she said originally it was a lie. The 2 people who claimed to be JW kept saying Disciple of Christ and christsdisciples. didn't think anything of it until they used reddit as a source and primarily used anything pertaining to Pearl Doxsey. This raised my suspicion, long after that debate, I looked into it, and realized Witness' mannerisms and fanatical proclamation of Pearl was 100% identical to christsdisciple. This is why I raised remark to Witness in the first place.


    Anyways, concerning CSA, like I said, always, I take this seriously, and I take the facts seriously. The video of which Witness presented along with the link in question, some of what the video addressed seems to be conflicting with some points in the reports found in that link. It is as if, which is obvious, the two people in question may be including their own narratives to the court case itself, which is in regards to catering to their audience obviously.

    This is why I asked Witness one question, if she read the report fully, especially before posting it. What makes it interesting is that in the report it looks as though The Zalkin Law Firm, P.C. is involved, a law firm of which some disgruntled JWs, even from christsdisciples neck of the woods in reddit, seem to dislike to a degree, even on here, if I remember correctly someone assumes some lawyers pertaining to CSA are somehow agents of the Watchtower, being paid by them; this can be seen by some remarks from both Srecko and Butler.

    I mention the Zalkin group before briefly:

    On 10/15/2021 at 10:12 AM, Space Merchant said:

    The good news is, this is in the hands of The Zalkin Law Firm, P.C., who operates in city I know well. However in most cases, those on the outside who weaponizes such cases, often times, make it worse for survivors, reasons why those who understand the law and justice system are usually the ones with good insight - which can be seen in various media of which discussion is available.

    I recall Anna speaking about this law firm group as well, even correcting Srecko.

    recent update being Murray, C., filed on 1/20/2022. The compliant was extended to next month, Feb. 11, 2022 in King's County.

    Again, regarding the video, it is as if they are already insinuating that the religious leaders of JWs are 100% guilty. In addition, they're being dramatic and insinuating they are guilty due to a filed court filings. Pressing instant guilt seems like a stretch, but looking even by the video's comment section, although some instances has been taken out of context, they follow the shepherd here, the uploaders of the video, it also appears any counter response is deleted from the comment section, either by the uploader and or the ExJWs following the YouTuber. That should tell you something. In their eyes, they assume that this would 100% bring down a faith group, however, the people of King's County are not as easily fooled compared to Witness and these followers.

    King's County folks are rational, critical thinkers, they know due process, they know where justice is due, even in regards to some in a faith group doing bad things, they understand all people and groups have issues, imperfect men, therefore, when this essentially gets bigger, there is 100% certainty, such folks will NOT accept out of context misinformation, mainly with everything that transpired in the last several months.

    That being said, some of the provided solutions I mentioned in the past concerning CSA, King's County have some programs that also point to similar solutions to prevent abuse.


  24. 2 hours ago, Witness said:

    I am "christsdisciple" not DoC whoever that is. 

    DoC was used for Christ Disciple when they attempted to source you - read what was said different for the latter requested to solely Pearl sources in search of you in the debate, hence the reference. Never have I equated either name to something entirely different as you are attempting to shift.


    2 hours ago, Witness said:


    Never said they were different, they attempted to pull said name in regards to Pearl sources, they referred to you as your reddit name and accidently a few times stated DoC (A disciple of Christ) when trying to stated Christdisciple. Nowhere was it mentioned that there was anyone different.

    That said, I haven't referred to anyone else, but you, and you mentioning Pearl and your mannerisms.

    2 hours ago, Witness said:

    I have nothing to hide. 

    Never said you did, but you said I was lying because of the reddit remark, of which you now claim as true, thus you lied in the process to the latter statement. What was said was truth, those threads on reddit are identical to the ones here.

    2 hours ago, Witness said:

    I am not involved in any accusations that you have made.

    Never said anything of the sort, however, those two individuals who were pretending to be Jehovah's Witnesses to commit nefarious deeds (in an attempt for random folks to blame JWs) as their end goal. They attempt to lure people with JW publications to spout whatever it is shown on reddit or written by Pearl. That is essentially a low blow type of move, perhaps Pearl should talk to her people, after all, you spoke to some of them on reddit, as shown by your history in the exjw sub reddit.

    That being said, they were the ones who attempted to trick me, not knowing that I am capable of debating and countering misinformation, especially now with what the MSM has done for the past few months.

    2 hours ago, Witness said:

    I am 66 years old, a housewife who took care of her terminally ill husband 24 hours a day, who eventually passed away.

    How is this relevant? I had to deal with a various things, even recently, someone who actually looked up to me was shot and killed by a mentally problematic kid in Michigan. Dealt with a now displaced people who lost everything, then the situation in Washington, but it does not top anything prior of what I went through, but I do not use such things as a shield to run around questions.

    That said, such a thing is your business, you do what you need to do to survive and support. But in regards to what is address, you have to open your own eyes and see that even some people who follow Pearl are not as caring of a people such as you or myself. Luring people to double speak some other message, that is a problem. You know this is a problem, we all do.

    2 hours ago, Witness said:

    Whatever you think I have been involved in with the government or other accusations you have up your sleeve, are false.

    You make assumptions when the information was already said, the people in question where associated with the one you quote on here and on reddit, perhaps take a break from Watchtower warpaths and consider addressing a solution to people, about why such people should not resort to such actions, for what they did was not Christian at all.

    That being said, you are but an ant to the government, however, it is no surprise if they tell you something, you'd jump without questioning it.

    I make no accusations because you confirmed my suspicion - you confirmed this twice already.

    2 hours ago, Witness said:

    Who did, and who are YOU on reddit?

    After the victims of the school shooting were buried and the volunteering move to Kentucky, after the situation with the middle aged woman, prior to Washington, I ran into these individuals. If you read what I said, reddit seems to be their source, you were coined even though they could not say your reddit name correctly, some of the information addressed originated from Pearl, the same woman you quote time and time again.

    That being said, I am of no media affiliation who are pro-censorship. After they named dropped you and Pearl, I did a bit of looking around myself, therefore the Christdisciple of whom they also referred to as DoC, points back to you. This is why I alluded to reddit originally, to which you confirm that is you on reddit.

    Not sure what became of the two people who attempted to debate me with their narratives, however, when I left them, other passersbys who were most likely en route to Washington were angry with what the two stated in regards to, possibly, politics. Granted the people who heard our little debate were most likely Conservative, the 2 false JWs were in trouble here because of some said politics, and it is evident of what side they were leaning on.

    2 hours ago, Witness said:

    What's wrong with being a reddit user?

    Nothing, however, reddit can be a source where non-truths can thrive, even in the religious space. Hence the use of Pearl by these two individuals who claim to be JW. But the good thing about them was they opened a way for me to find out who you are on reddit even if I didn't ask, it was until Pearl sources were used.

    2 hours ago, Witness said:

    No one asked me here before if I am a reddit user.

    No one did, but it was only address now, today even, because of these 2 false JWs.

    2 hours ago, Witness said:

    I would have gladly told them that I am.

    But if that was the case, why state it was a lie originally? [I'm sorry, but again you are telling a self-assuming lie.]

    Like I said, I had a reason to bring it up to confirm, but you who said I lied, just confirmed it yourself.

    2 hours ago, Witness said:

    You ask a lot of questions.

    I only asked you one question.

    2 hours ago, Witness said:

    I don't have answer if I don't care to.

    A question concerning a serious child sex abuse situation always needs an answer to. Therefore, since I care about CSA, I asked in that regard, and for good reason, it was not associated with ill will, but you are on the defend because of reddit.

    That being said, no one stopped you from demanding answer(s) to CSA, yet when it is demanded of you, all you can say is you do not care yet you are the one who posted the topic?

    I already stated prior you would not answer, so when the report is fully read, anything you say going forward that is incorrect, the link you sourced can and will be referenced.

    2 hours ago, Witness said:

    You are not someone that I need to obey.

    Never asked for obeisance. I asked a question concerning CSA. Respect those who suffered from CSA and address the report which you posted, if they can see that they know what you're talking about, you earn their respect.

    2 hours ago, Witness said:

    This is a sensitive topic for those who have suffered abuse, and I am one of them.

    I have seen children of abuse, sex and violence, seen some who died by means of suicided, even buried a few, one of which I mentioned was a close friend. In Michigan we buried a few kids of a school shooting because of a mentally disturbed child, Ethan Crumbley (15), of abuse who is now locked up for a crime he committed against many, a death seeker.

    This is why I shed experience to children and adults to combat child abuse by means of provided solutions so not only they can save themselves, but they can say others - reach one, teach one so they can save one. Not only they evade sexual abuse, but any mental, physical, so much so not only they avoid to become a victim, but not be the villain who commits ill acts towards others.

    I told you how serious this is, and you really have to know your stuff when it comes to these reports, otherwise misinformation can be problematic for the onlooker, and even for you, if you do not know what you have before you. It is bad to be in a position to weaponize CSA instead of fighting against it.

    2 hours ago, Witness said:


    Of course. It was already foretold, God willing.

    6 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

    Therefore, with such a situation I see it with total seriousness, at least respect such by doing the same. I know you won't answer the question even though you are the one to address the link in the thread, so going forward, any inconstancies on your part, can be used against you once the article is read to conclusion, you've been forewarned.

    This isn't the first time, sensitive and serious this matter is, onlookers should know who is on their side here concerning CSA.

    2 hours ago, Witness said:

    Access to the court case has been available.

    Yet you are unaware of what it contains despite linking it. The matter you claim to be serious, but you do not take the time to analyze what is addressed. So should anything be said once read, you can easily be corrected, as it was done before when this court case popped up in the past on this forum.

    2 hours ago, Witness said:

    Read it if you care to. 

    I dealt with CSA, why wouldn't I read it, at least afterwards I can acknowledge, even to those of abuse and knowing of this court case, and Laws, can profess what it says vs a conspiratorial redditor. 

    That being said, this time, take CSA seriously, care for everything, as is the facts in regards to CSA.

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