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Space Merchant

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Everything posted by Space Merchant

  1. DoC was used for Christ Disciple when they attempted to source you - read what was said different for the latter requested to solely Pearl sources in search of you in the debate, hence the reference. Never have I equated either name to something entirely different as you are attempting to shift. Never said they were different, they attempted to pull said name in regards to Pearl sources, they referred to you as your reddit name and accidently a few times stated DoC (A disciple of Christ) when trying to stated Christdisciple. Nowhere was it mentioned that there was anyone different. That said, I haven't referred to anyone else, but you, and you mentioning Pearl and your mannerisms. Never said you did, but you said I was lying because of the reddit remark, of which you now claim as true, thus you lied in the process to the latter statement. What was said was truth, those threads on reddit are identical to the ones here. Never said anything of the sort, however, those two individuals who were pretending to be Jehovah's Witnesses to commit nefarious deeds (in an attempt for random folks to blame JWs) as their end goal. They attempt to lure people with JW publications to spout whatever it is shown on reddit or written by Pearl. That is essentially a low blow type of move, perhaps Pearl should talk to her people, after all, you spoke to some of them on reddit, as shown by your history in the exjw sub reddit. That being said, they were the ones who attempted to trick me, not knowing that I am capable of debating and countering misinformation, especially now with what the MSM has done for the past few months. How is this relevant? I had to deal with a various things, even recently, someone who actually looked up to me was shot and killed by a mentally problematic kid in Michigan. Dealt with a now displaced people who lost everything, then the situation in Washington, but it does not top anything prior of what I went through, but I do not use such things as a shield to run around questions. That said, such a thing is your business, you do what you need to do to survive and support. But in regards to what is address, you have to open your own eyes and see that even some people who follow Pearl are not as caring of a people such as you or myself. Luring people to double speak some other message, that is a problem. You know this is a problem, we all do. You make assumptions when the information was already said, the people in question where associated with the one you quote on here and on reddit, perhaps take a break from Watchtower warpaths and consider addressing a solution to people, about why such people should not resort to such actions, for what they did was not Christian at all. That being said, you are but an ant to the government, however, it is no surprise if they tell you something, you'd jump without questioning it. I make no accusations because you confirmed my suspicion - you confirmed this twice already. After the victims of the school shooting were buried and the volunteering move to Kentucky, after the situation with the middle aged woman, prior to Washington, I ran into these individuals. If you read what I said, reddit seems to be their source, you were coined even though they could not say your reddit name correctly, some of the information addressed originated from Pearl, the same woman you quote time and time again. That being said, I am of no media affiliation who are pro-censorship. After they named dropped you and Pearl, I did a bit of looking around myself, therefore the Christdisciple of whom they also referred to as DoC, points back to you. This is why I alluded to reddit originally, to which you confirm that is you on reddit. Not sure what became of the two people who attempted to debate me with their narratives, however, when I left them, other passersbys who were most likely en route to Washington were angry with what the two stated in regards to, possibly, politics. Granted the people who heard our little debate were most likely Conservative, the 2 false JWs were in trouble here because of some said politics, and it is evident of what side they were leaning on. Nothing, however, reddit can be a source where non-truths can thrive, even in the religious space. Hence the use of Pearl by these two individuals who claim to be JW. But the good thing about them was they opened a way for me to find out who you are on reddit even if I didn't ask, it was until Pearl sources were used. No one did, but it was only address now, today even, because of these 2 false JWs. But if that was the case, why state it was a lie originally? [I'm sorry, but again you are telling a self-assuming lie.] Like I said, I had a reason to bring it up to confirm, but you who said I lied, just confirmed it yourself. I only asked you one question. A question concerning a serious child sex abuse situation always needs an answer to. Therefore, since I care about CSA, I asked in that regard, and for good reason, it was not associated with ill will, but you are on the defend because of reddit. That being said, no one stopped you from demanding answer(s) to CSA, yet when it is demanded of you, all you can say is you do not care yet you are the one who posted the topic? I already stated prior you would not answer, so when the report is fully read, anything you say going forward that is incorrect, the link you sourced can and will be referenced. Never asked for obeisance. I asked a question concerning CSA. Respect those who suffered from CSA and address the report which you posted, if they can see that they know what you're talking about, you earn their respect. I have seen children of abuse, sex and violence, seen some who died by means of suicided, even buried a few, one of which I mentioned was a close friend. In Michigan we buried a few kids of a school shooting because of a mentally disturbed child, Ethan Crumbley (15), of abuse who is now locked up for a crime he committed against many, a death seeker. This is why I shed experience to children and adults to combat child abuse by means of provided solutions so not only they can save themselves, but they can say others - reach one, teach one so they can save one. Not only they evade sexual abuse, but any mental, physical, so much so not only they avoid to become a victim, but not be the villain who commits ill acts towards others. I told you how serious this is, and you really have to know your stuff when it comes to these reports, otherwise misinformation can be problematic for the onlooker, and even for you, if you do not know what you have before you. It is bad to be in a position to weaponize CSA instead of fighting against it. Of course. It was already foretold, God willing. This isn't the first time, sensitive and serious this matter is, onlookers should know who is on their side here concerning CSA. Yet you are unaware of what it contains despite linking it. The matter you claim to be serious, but you do not take the time to analyze what is addressed. So should anything be said once read, you can easily be corrected, as it was done before when this court case popped up in the past on this forum. I dealt with CSA, why wouldn't I read it, at least afterwards I can acknowledge, even to those of abuse and knowing of this court case, and Laws, can profess what it says vs a conspiratorial redditor. That being said, this time, take CSA seriously, care for everything, as is the facts in regards to CSA.
  2. Truthers are not influences by the paradigm. Especially Truthers who are Christians with a strong cultural backing. Can you elaborate? Which is agreed. But MSCers do not, as are those influenced by them, as is those of ill influence. The True Apostolic Church is something Christians, who truly believe in truth should follow; strive to be. From the looks of it, they're against each other, like of the US vs RU, in this sense. Different opinions and views, when it comes to core teachings truth vs untruths. Likewise, I simply speak truth and call out err, even if a mistaken is made it is acknowledged. How does it equate to you if you yourself is not disgruntled? Can you elaborate? It was already pointed out 2 types of ExJWs, I believe you were the one who saw this too. Also for the latter remark I made to Srecko, this is exactly what Kosonen is, mainly if you interacted with him. That being said, so far that is the only grounded ExJW I have seen on here who claims to be chosen.
  3. Already been in several battles, but this is essentially among the most random during the Endemic era of COVID-19 and The Unrest of divided souls. Been out for sometime because of going to various locations such as Michigan, Kentucky and recently Washington specifically I only wanted to go to Michigan to visit a grieving family. While traveling I confronted some people, among them 3 JWs. 1 of the 3 people were legitimate JWs, this one was in the Kentucky area whereas some people volunteered to help clean up the area/recover things along with the locals; had a friend down there who was gathering people to help out. However, the other 2 were not JWs, but pretended to be JWs while luring people in with one of your publications as shown here: When speaking with one of them, it was clear that this person was no JW at all because after briefly speaking the person started to speak on EXJW points and showing me sources from reddit as is with speaking on said sources (ironically the sources to some of their points led back to Pearl Doxsey; lined with DoC), and this brief interaction transitioned into a debate on Scripture, as is politics and Same-Sex Marriage. What made them look bad was a misuse and misapplication of Scripture, even attempting to use the KJV in app form when the mention of omitted verses popped up from the NWT translation of the Bible. Trying to utilize politic points and Same-Sex narratives as a weapon against not just JWs, but Christians who are neither neutral when it comes to the political theater that is out there, as is the view we, and the majority hold on Same-Sex marriage. But as far as any Bible related discussion, they kept going back to the Watchtower when the focus was on whatever Bible related topic they brought up, essentially a JW this/that or they said this and or that type of talk. The second alleged JW with him clearly saw his friend was not doing too well when speaking to me and he chimed in, making statements about the publication in question for he spoke like a crazed person about it even though he had no idea what was in the very publication he carried - essentially the debate was me against the both of them at this point, I myself haven't been in an in person debate in a long while, so I just went with it to correct them. Although this encountered lasted for about 10-15 mins, there were others around who heard some things, specifically in regards to politics and Same-Sex marriage. After I was done, these people confronted these two people who look defeated, it was obvious these people who confronted them were Conservative, so some of which these 2 individuals were saying did not sit well with these people as I could hear them speak on political issues. One thing to note is that this was some days prior to the event in Washington on the 23rd, so some people were traveling at the time, on their way there from various parts of the states. It was clear these 2 people were not mentally sound and from what I see, them using said publications, it seems as though they were luring people in pretending to be JWs, and from there, they speak on anything negative using their sources. Mainly on their stance for Gay marriage, possibly to egg people on to attack for them. The way I look at it was what some alleged in regards to a cemetery incident a while back involving one of your publications, and or that of a fake police officer/security guard. That being said, I thought I should mention it here because it was something unexpected and random. Although I take issue with Mainstream Christians to a very high degree, they're smart enough to not do something so absurd, a stunt such as this...
  4. @Kosonen is one. Like Witness, he claims to be chosen, but he is quite neutral even though he has some disagreements. Reasonable even as is concerning, as is a grounded person who even if speaking JWs or the non religious, he does not jump like a crazed animal. He to a degree, does not see Witness as a fellow chosen one of Christ, even feels discouraged by her in some instances. If he does not see what Witness sees, somehow he is a threat, which makes no sense. People can agree/disagree on things, but wise persons do not go on a warpath like your friend you are Yes Manning too. Both Kosonen and I were also correct on specific events years prior to them taking place, for he is familiar with the Truther community, however, some of his sources had since been wiped, for we were correct on the censorship issue along with the riots, transpiring to the events of January 6th of which the media claims to be an Insurrection. @Dmitar He is misguided, that is all, as is with adopting ill influence. He does not have to 100% agree with JWs, but he adopted some narratives from disgruntled folks. However, time is short. What was said 2018 and onward, is reaching a tipping point. It would not be a surprise either, granted of how some view the Bible nowadays.
  5. How am I wrong if you admit this is you when you stated I was lying in the first place? DoC is you, thanks for confirming. Also... I never mentioned this, only the reddit profile. You jumped when you should have dived. They mentioned you as a source on reddit in a challenged towards me. I didn't ask about your life history. These followers of Pearl were being nefarious in a crisis and coined used reddit as a source. How did I lie if you just confirmed it yourself? Anyways, address the question concerning the court case. You already exposed yourself as DoC on reddit so that case is closed. EDIT: 2022 is not going to be a good year at all, mainly with what I stated from 2018 to now being true. In regards to CSA, I am reminding you this that the system is being loose with child abusers and or pedophiles as a whole, some of my own rivals even question those who view pedophilia as a normal thing when it is done. Some of these abusers are also being let out back into the streets with a high potential of them going after children, one of which I aided in stopping, for I mentioned him, and suddenly he was back briefly on media prior to him changing his name. Therefore, with such a situation I see it with total seriousness, at least respect such by doing the same. I know you won't answer the question even though you are the one to address the link in the thread, so going forward, any inconstancies on your part, can be used against you once the article is read to conclusion, you've been forewarned. That being said, there is no need to response to my response because [A] you exposed yourself as the reddit user and [B] usually when you are asked something you never answer. I'll do what you cannot burden yourself to do yourself.
  6. Not quite because there has been conflicts with what is true and what is not true, something of which was mentioned time and time again. Examples of original Christianity vs the Mainstream version of Christianity are vastly different. It should be because the original form was legitimate Christianity prior to the 4th century when Constantine had a hand in religious affairs, as is what it birthed, such as New Ageism, and other Theologies, etc. You can't abandon or knock down the original with Mainstream concepts and teachings. We had core teachings of which should be followed. If learnt something, we could have easily done the research later down the road, however, with the events of the 4th century, the councils, the original Christianity was essentially pushed out, some possibly killed around the age of Theodosius. Then we have the 16th century situation and later The Great Awakening that took place around the 18th-19th century that brought many forward to knowing the truth about original Christianity, in some respects, this gave way to even the Restorationist Movement. Present day there is simply 2 Factions of the Abrahamic Christian Faith, it should be obvious as to which faction some are on, as is their roots. There are legitimately those outside of the Mainstream who strive to follow or adapt the original Christian church, the Apostolic church. Such ones are, by the Mainstream, are deem Fanatics, Cult Members, Heretics, Zealots, etc because the goal of the Mainstream is a simple one, to be above the original, not realizing they themselves are a tool in the toolbox of Babylon and the Beast. This is why my comments about the White Throne is a serious one.
  7. This has nothing to do with beliefs, look at the quotation, that comment was from an EXJW concerning JWs and money. This also connects back to Glasglow, remember that? In the thread I am alluding to, you agreed that Mr. Zelda was right about JWs and Trust funds when in reality, that was false entirely, you believed the narrative half way through the thread and deviated, being silent in some cases, as is with acknowledging you believed in false information concerning Glasglow. Tell me, how is that incorrect as you allude to it? It is now about being right, it is about accepting factual information, what is true, even if you yourself are not of the faith, your remark could have easily been like the ExJW mentioned here and back then when both you and Witness believed in the narrative.
  8. Short answer: a lie? Not quite - https://www.reddit.com/user/christsdisciple/ Long answer: I made the connection after coming back from Washington via pondering. The 2 alleged JWs I ran into prior to the school shooting situation in Michigan and the devastation in Kentucky. They were not really JWs although they had publications of JWs. Their information be it the Bible, marriage and politics kept stemming back to reddit, DoC (Disciple of Christ or Christsdisciple) is among several sources they used in order to counter questions in the 10-15 min encounter. Christsdiscple have nearly the same, be it, identical posting mannerism as you do and often goes back and forth between two camps (JW and ExJW reddit) to speak about the Watchtower and the GB, even when corrected, what was done there is the same here. Therefore it isn't a lie when several things said mirrors that of some of the posts you made here, mainly with mentions and links to Pearl, etc. So in reality, it isn't a lie as you claim (there is a reason as to WHY I brought it up), as is the 2 so called JWs causing trouble that the worse of time to stir trouble; hence the Conservatives in that county went after them in regards to their views after I left. Didn't think friends of Pearl would be up to some nefarious things when an area is in suffering, and the neighboring area suffering from a school shooting. Not cool. You have been the only one linking to and using reddit and biblegateway. You solely pick up anything from the /exjw reddit and bring it here at times. Therefore, you are savvy in a sense on where to get your sources, this isn't the first time. A good chuck of your comments sourced reddit, so you are savvy in this sense on where to draw up your information outside of Pearl. Actually there are, that is why I mentioned Smurf Girl last year and how some EXJWs even challenged their own on the matter, the source in question which you professed as a truth. Some are also fed up with Pearl in which you gave a response which mirrors some of your posts and threads here. For not agreeing with Smurf Girl or Fearon? Last I checked the JW churches down have weapons bunkers, you were asked over a dozen times and each time you remain silent or divert. Enough of the diversions, DoC. I asked you a legitimate question concerning Child Abuse pertaining to the Reports of which you linked/started the thread about. So I address is again in red, so you can see. Again, I ask in seriousness, respect that. I didn't come back for bread and circus deviations after what I experienced. Your friends didn't do much of anything to help better the situation. Again - 1 question, answer it since it is related to the OP.
  9. @Srecko Sostar And yet, this does not prove the misinformation to this day disgruntled JWs consider true while ExJWs who know their Economy, calling the out for falsehood. You were among the participants who believed the narrative a while back, and one instance where you erased your own convictions. That being said, it is best to do the research then be a Yes Man to a YouTube video, then again, some folks don't do much research of anything in this day and age. Most importantly, a portion of said video has nothing to do with JWs, but what the Bible itself states, but since the uploader has a corral with JWs, and the fact a JW professed a known interpretation of the Bible, somehow it makes it false. Surely you can do better than that, but your record of a Church found in age of Judges still holds a trophy to a list of your own errs. Here is a comment made by a former JW to disgruntled JWs, especially those of which who follow a man named Jason Zelda; this quote was given to both you and Witness (DoC): Source from 12 years ago by someone who is neutral with JWs, and clearly among one of the speakers of the former members of the faith (links may be updated): I have no interest in pontificating on this matter which to me seems so straightforward. However, since I continue to see newbies and others periodically post in error stating that the WTS "owns" Tobacco company stock I believe that this should be corrected and the matter put to rest, hopefully for good. Don't be a sheeple or a Lemming to believe everything you read and hear without research...
  10. @JW Insider As pointed out before, anything profess online, even by means of those who speak against the MSM is scrubbed permanently. YouTube and Facebook are acting like Sentinels from X-Men stamping out all said information and stating what was said, even by this doctor, is misinformation, so much so Independent Journalists are on edge of being wiped also. As of now, some of us, even the Truthers are salvaging as much information possible, even information of children effecting by COVID-19. @Anna Well it is gone now. You can try this instead, there should be a way to download the interview - https://www.bitchute.com/video/9fOc1N4qjy5r/ The mass censorship and scrubbing is in full force, so better to gather what you can as some wish to re-write history and demonize people in the process. The segregation I speak of in the past is a real thing. That being said, I saw Malone in Washington recently was there because several of us Truthers were in the area, so I met with them to speak.
  11. No, they're not preaching at this moment. Yes. There are people who pretend to be JWs and try to preach. Ran into 3 JWs, 2 of them, were not really JWs yet tried to use their publications (trying to replicate the cemetery situation from a while back). One of them when exposed started to bring up ExJW opinion points and named dropped sources from reddit, one alluded source being connected to someone on this forum. I challenged him on Scripture, but he kept trying to divert the conversation to the Watchtower, which tells me, as I apply 1 John 4:1, that he was faking it when knowing Scripture, and is no different from the situation in London's Hyde Park. As for the other, even though he used the publication, he spouted stuff that wasn't even in the very thing he was trying to use the publication seen below A 2 vs 1 debate, and they both lost badly. What killed it for them was outside of the Gay marriage and political nonsense they spouted, they kept saying the NWT Bible purposely removed verses and passages deemed inspired by God, and got a KJV App (at this point they dug their own grave using the KJV). Indirectly those around us heard about what verses/passages were omitted, and some didn't take too kindly to the 2 false JWs who were leaning towards Gay marriage, some who are heavily Conservative, didn't like what they heard. Afterwards, I simply left them to the pack of Conservatives who were not too pleased with what they had to say after I was done with them. The interaction as a whole took 10-15 minutes. The one met in Kentucky was a legitimate JW, whom I ran into first prior to the other 2 mentioned. Although he did not preach to anyone, he only started to talk about God when a middle aged woman who got her house destroyed kept wailing and blaming God for what happened, even stating as to why the people of Kentucky as to suffer, even the ones who died, several people comforted her, and it was the JW who explained why God isn't the cause of the damage done to ease the woman, even reassuring her. I found out that this person was JW when I confronted him. Running into different people wasn't uncanny because people volunteered to help from various counties, some come on their own accord. In my case, was in Michigan for some time, when to Kentucky, then Washington. Only ExJWs who are under the influence, no legitimate JW is out preaching. There were some earlier who people assume to be JW, but there were Gov't lackeys trying to see who is vaccinated and who is unvaccinated, and press you as to why you are not jabbed up, evidence of this was in impoverished areas, and moved up to middle class areas.
  12. It is always good to learn and apply. Time is short and a lot of what I brought up in the past conjured up some truth bombs unexpectingly. Be vigilante, be enduring in these times. After what I had seen in the places I went to recently, mid-2021 and 2022 is as what many of us predicted. That being said, when it comes to forums, I don't see how some get heated over someone's actions (some of whom who do the same action themselves). I guess in my case, I always have the shield carrying mentality, outside of that, myself, as with some are too battle hardened to seek an end game like action unless it is a necessary one.
  13. I say this time and time again, the imperfections of man reap consequences, and among them sin. But for any man to demonize because the the ill action of a single sole, is problematic, but this is expected, in the world run by the Deceiver. That being said, this person was dealt with - Regardless if the Conformist(s) like it or not.
  14. Your Crypto needs to be pulled from somewhere so you will most likely need a Wallet ready, with whatever Crypto you own in it. For instance, you can't do anything in the ETH blockchain unless you have NFT, being it converting currencies and or dealing with NFTs, paying for gas fees, etc. That being said, don't let the reset catch you off guard.
  15. As predicted. And the media wanted to wipe us Truthers from the internet entirely. Russia and China are allies after all:
  16. Montana's justice system is also loose, to which presents a dangerous precedent to the general public. As is their handling of things. Red state, yes, but walks like a Democratic person in red clothing.
  17. You always use reddit in most cases, so you are savvy in that regard to where you draw some of your information. Both you and DoC have the same mannerism, and I only know of this because of an ExJW acting up in one of the states I went to during my absence on here. Yet facts are everything, best to respect that regard. Did you or did you not read the report fully, this is what you've been asked, and now a second time. Or as the actually question itself - You already know how serious I am about CSA, so in respects to that, do not teeter that tower into something that is indeed serious. You were the one to give us the link, so it should not be a difficult task to point out various information from the report https://iapps.courts.state.ny.us/nyscef/DocumentList?docketId=T1yAHX0AO9YZ84Iphf0YpA%3D%3D&display=all&courtType=Kings+County+Supreme+Court&resultsPageNum=1
  18. The Allen entity seems to be a recurring instance. That being said, we don't know for sure, time will tell, until then, a mystery.
  19. Didn't we go over this back in 2020 and 2021? I think there was discussion from back in 2018 also. Better to rely on factual information then a reddit thread, don't you think, DoC? Anyways, instead of reddit or Blue Check Mark Twitter, use this instead - https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/17099295/caekaert-v-watchtower-bible-and-tract-society-of-new-york-inc/ That being said, speaking of false claims, to this day I haven't see any information on JW churches, Kingdom Halls, having assault rifles and other firearms hidden in and or beneath their place of worship which are fronts for alleged bunkers. You and Fearon got a lot of explaining to do. True or false - DoC?
  20. There is also misinformation about companies and revenue that is being past around by former witnesses who are disgruntled, some of which having been mentioned here, even debunked with the words of former JWs, ExJW vs ExJW essentially. That being said, due to the pandemic, their numbers seem to have been reduced.
  21. Depends. From what I have seen over the years, there are 2 factions of former JWs. [A] Although no longer of their former faith, tend to not be as combative against current JWs, and respects those who still practice the faith. In some instances, they defend current JWs, mainly those who are familiar with Laws, The Economy, Knowing the operations of a state and or country, etc. To an extent, this can be said of former Bible Students. Some of them even proclaimed of how even the non religious do not side with the disgruntled and if you look hard enough you can find many examples. [B] No longer of the faith, often disgruntled, slowly go down the path of apostasy, and at times cause so much trouble, i.e. back in 2017, a former Bible Student stopped these types of former JWs from gathering in a park to which the latter blamed all JWs in that specific area, not realizing this former Bible Student is an affiliate someone named Cedars. This has also enabled such ones to have a wrapped view of things, even Laws, take things out of context as times. Not only they attack JWs, but they attack former JWs that do not side with them. Above apostasy, you have the crazy ones (which make up the majority of Crazed Mainstream Christian Fanatics) who spout conspiracy theories. Such ones are often found on forums, Reddit, even have bots to generate messages related to various things, they weaponize CSA. Others often go to the extreme to wish death on JWs and or their religious leaders as a whole, in some instances, this led to people leaving even apostate JWs entirely, some put up why they leave, but apostates of the JW faith use media and platforms to erase said evidence so no one, not even a JW, would find it. If you correct these types they will often say "Are you a JW" or "You don't know anything because you are not a JW" yet these types do not even know the core teachings of their former faith. That being said, on here alone, this forums, you have a few Atheists, some Trinitarians who is influenced by ExJws, a couple ExJWs with a convoluted past, also influenced by ExJW leaders, and an ExJW conspiracy theorist. There are but a few former JWs, possibly just one, on here who are absolutely grounded who do not have the mindset of those who are among the disgruntled side. Also dealing with them on the forums is no different from debates elsewhere, for when I see them this is what I see
  22. Out of curiosity, Witness, or should I say, DoC of reddit, did you fully read into the reports or did you let the video speak for you? You knowing this already, as someone who has dealt with people in the realm of CSA, even aiding in some efforts, surely important information you could have address instead of an opinion piece from a video who does not encourage to look into the reported details. That being said, as I alluded to in the past, one of your friends in the community was exposed by Truther's for defending a child groomer because she was "attractive" and once exposed, deleted himself. Let that sink in. Child Sex Abuse and or Violence against children is very serious, and not giving all facts and information can cause more unwanted damage that can effect and negativity influence people, even jumping to conclusions; as stated in the past, Weaponized any form of abuse, is very bad.
  23. I don't think you have ever made any and or started a logical discussion, ever. This can be seen from your history alone. I am not aware of who @Dmitar is, but if he really errs you this much, this exposed how frivolous you can be. That being said, a man of God you speak time and time again to be, yet.... Christians need be careful of slang and vulgar speech, yet here we see, even the Holy Good Book you ignore on this matter, learn to apply Scripture the next time, and think prior a response. Cherry picking isn't the Scripture way, for whatever The Durbin guy is teaching you, shift away. Ecclesiastes 10:12 - The words of a wise man's mouth are gracious, but the lips of a fool consume him. Colossians 3:8 - But now you must put aside all such things as these: anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthy language from your mouth. Colossians 4:6 - Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone. Ephesians 5:4 - Nor should there be obscenity, foolish talk, or crude joking, which are out of character, but rather thanksgiving. Ephesians 4:29 - Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear. Matthew 15:11 - it is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a person, but what comes out of the mouth; this defiles a person.” James 3:10 - From the same mouth come blessing and cursing. My brothers, these things ought not to be so.
  24. I actually went to Kentucky to help out, some in the Truther community as is other communities had a hand in with clean up. But this was afterwards, for originally I went to Michigan, for obvious reasons in connection to the school shooting, which took place on November 30, 2021. Just recently I was in Washington for an event I alluded to several times. I did have some interesting conversations, 2 situations where I did run into 2 JWs, however, the second one, was an alleged JW, apparently such ones you deem apostate, was pretending using your own publications in a nefarious way, liken to the situation with the publication in a cemetery situation that happened in 2021, when exposed, he mention someone named DiscipleofChrist on Reddit who speaks a ton on JWs and quotes Fearon. That being said, as for world events, majority of what I said from 2017, to present day is true, even of how the situation effects religious folk, even your faith, as is with events of Russia and their allies. The irony here is some collectives on here do not pay attention, therefore, when the beast moves, they will not have time to react.
  25. @NoisySrecko A while back, there has been some people who pose as others, and or somewhat pretend to be someone else, often times, it is not 100%, for instance, we know Patiently is JB/JB1, although he denies it. Likewise we had some interesting characters such as a guy named Billy, Jesus Defender, and Alex, who coined "That being said" once and they assume he was me, but his mannerism in conveying things is vastly different from mine. In your case, I was able to discern Srecko from you ever since the Bible student discussion whereas the other Srecko has his own mannerism, often times, quite cryptic and unknowning. That being said, it would not be much of a surprise if another Srecko popped up at any point.
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