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Space Merchant

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Everything posted by Space Merchant

  1. Yes, but you also have to factor in the statistics, in regards to crime and police involvement, granted that black people make up 13% of the U.S. population. However, as I mentioned recently, it is no surprise that the agenda of the media will only showcase a black person in such a predicament, like Jacob Blake vs a Nashville Resident; both had a knife, both shot at by the police, but only one made big headlines. Now for black on black crime, the media's agenda can twist such situations into a Frankenstein monster to get pro-black groups up in arms in regards to race against their own in the black community who can see through media deception.
  2. It varies for me, majority of the information is from the community I am part of, anything Biblically is anything that I know/or from experience via debates, culture, etc. or of the CSE community which consist of many Christians. Possibly, the way I see it is once the system is in place, there are those who found some exploits to increase wealth and assets; personal gain. Also, there are various countries that are being siphoned by such persons, they even target poor or not so wealthy countries as well. So much so they don't even bat an eye to the problems that follow soon after because they know it will not effect them, mainly due to the fact that such persons are somehow increasing in revenue while others, common folk are suffering and or becoming poorer, the constant printing of money also increases problems for such people to the point that they'll eventually kick into survival mode, to survive even if it means hurting someone else, which is a strong possibility in the coming months.
  3. Being knowledgeable does not equate to being part of the world. For if a man knows there is a Tiger in his village, he prepares himself, but a man who is unaware of the Tiger will most likely be mauled to death because he didn't have the knowledge of a potential danger. Something of this regard can be liken to Proverbs 22:3 and all references to it. The prudent sees danger and hides himself, but the simple go on and suffer for it. Moreover, these events ties in to things globally, not just America, an example would be these court cases, which now concluded, which got people around the globe speaking, hence the world is watching. Hence, the week I was out, I was in debates, majority of them being with Leftists who do not know the justice system. That being said, it should be known to you even Christians of old, as is followers of the True God were knowledgeable and aware of things happening around them although they are no part of the world, an example would be the decree that took place in Joseph and Mary's time concerning the month of Ethanim. For if followers of God and his Christ know what is going on around them, granted we have several examples, what is stopping you, as a Christian, or anyone else to do the same? Like I said, there are people who are aware of things, and there are those who are unaware, which often times, succumb to Bystander Syndrome. Symbolically, there is a Tiger, in your neck of the woods, which was professed to you weeks ago, perhaps, maybe, you know. This is true, however, usually what is professed, even when it comes to pushing the narrative, the media often uses any situation where it is a black person (ironically never someone of authority, i.e. David Dorn). Also there are statistics, which is public; for black people make up 13% of the U.S. population, about 33% of that 13% is related to crime, some of which there is police involvement, which does not involve any of such persons being shot and or killed in the process (some instances, but not insanely high) because of the low percentage, however, this does not stop various pro-black groups, and Leftist, who do not know this information will proclaim their own information. So if we are to take 2 situations, a white man being shot vs a black man, the agenda wants to push a racial narrative, so the black person being shot will be the choice of media content for them. We can even see this in regards to both Wisconsin incidents - Kyle Rittenhouse vs. Darrell Brooks Jr., and in regards to Darrell Brooks Jr., this guys history, alone with how they let him out, is quite surprising to me. The extreme Left does not realize how damaging their actions are. It'll be worse for not just the black community, but everyone else once the reset starts; as we speak a great transfer of wealth is taking place. That being said, the family is a strong unit, if the system can break the family, then it can break each individual that make up the family very easily. @TrueTomHarley I do not believe they are both the same Srecko, one is actually aware of most things.
  4. @AraunaAs of recent in the modern era, what was in place in the past, is expanded upon drastically. US Billionaires (some of which are Christian Capitalists) are 62% richer during COVID-19 Endemic, having a worth near/up to $1.8 Trillion dollars, Largest Transfer of Wealth, something of which the Investor Community has been fighting against - The Establishment. Granted this benefited them, and for the Investor Community and anyone in the crosshairs are impacted negatively. That being said, the US Federal Reserve also embolden such types of folks, effectively increasing Socialism for the Billionaire Class.
  5. A lot of people even reporters ignore facts and statistics, even when it comes to police shootings. But sadly, they already put in the influence and it has some people thinking with the wrong info, namely some people who follow specific pro-black media who spins a lot of information to make anyone who isn't black somehow an enemy. Some African Diaspora media is quite dangerous and misleading, mainly on the issue of CRT; hence why Higher Education can be an issue with some form of indoctrination being taught to the kids. The MSM also supports CRT, and deem anyone against it an adversary, which is insane. That being said, they do not want to admit Trump, although he is problematic himself, to be right, hence the NPC narrative of the MSM - Orange Man Bad. Now look what that got them? In addition to that, Trump was their biggest source of revenue and views.
  6. Same, I caught that one too. But the only good pros to that is that anyone paying attention to that Trial can see what the Prosecution tried to do. The people who attack the judge are more inline with anything pertaining to Marxism and Socialisms, namely, BLM and anyone assisting them such as the Revolutionist, who are of the Left. The man shot by Kyle, Gaige Grosskreutz, is a Revolutionist himself, for he is part of the People’s Revolution Movement, a social justice (SJW) group that originated in Milwaukee. Plus in various discussions, you can see the difference between someone who watched the Trial vs those who didn't and focus on the MSM only. Yep, that last 2 days of the Verdict was chaotic, and it also exposes MSNBC for what they are, and now people question past articles and stories they profess; ironically afterwards, they still continue to spread misinformation, even now with recent events in Wisconsin. From what I heard prior to the verdict, among the Jury, it was 7 women, and 5 men, one of the men was African American. Yes, Conservatives proclaim him as a Hero, but in reality, although he could lawfully defend himself, it appears to have panic, then you Jump Kick Man, who some say may have embolden Huber to attack Kyle. BLM is a problematic group, and I myself often get into heated discussions with pro-black followers because of them and their Leftist allies, even recently because of the Rittenhouse Trial. On the other side of the spectrum in regards to all this, someone like Rosenbaum should not have been out in the first place, likewise with his friend, Kaminski, who fired shots prior to Rosenbaum chasing Kyle. That being said, the way the MSM is reacting, as is anyone like a Hasan Piker or a Seder is reacting, it shows that eventually these people want a system in place, a Socialist one, and eventually a Marxist one, granted most Leftist groups adhere to Marxism, namely BLM. We will see what will take place after the reset. Other than the Arbury Case, I am looking forward to the Giselle Maxwell one, but I doubt this will be public, so this one would be difficult for some of us to get information on.
  7. Yep. Something I said a while back is that what is holding back and or slowing the process is because of the Constitution of the United States. As for other countries, namely some EU, even the UK, and the like, they will slowly crumble, which is happening now, to a system of which will cause a not so happy reaction among the people who are not among those who accept compliance.
  8. The good thing is, if it was not public, the Prosecution would have gotten away with the misinformation they presented, especially in regards to the issue with the video footage's quality (original vs compressed). As for the media, mainly Left leaning, they tried to smear Kyle as if he was a White Supremacist, and lied about various other things regarding him. The Trial being public also allowed people to see other things, like what MSNBC tried to do, as is what took place outside of the courthouse, but like I said, the Left are crazy, so much so they got Facebook and Go Fund Me to strangle the funds for Rittenhouse. The VIP of ignorance in the past 2 weeks was Joy Reid of MSNBC, who was among several people who wanted to stir up a race war by professing earlier on that Kyle shot and killed 3 black people, which caused pro black groups like BLM to be triggered. Among all groups in Kenosha, Revolutionist were present, and among the people whom Kyle shot at, the 3rd, Gaige Grosskreutz, was one himself; not to mention him being foolish when giving testimony. That being said, it is odd how BLM is involved even when given the facts, but they are attempting to use this opportunity because of the Blake shooting. And now the recent event at a Christmas Parade, they are trying to pin this on Kyle. But as pointed out before, these events are merely leaks in a powder keg, this event with Rittenhouse, as is the events unfolding with the death of Ahmaud Arbery and how that case is doing. The MSM's agenda is to have a crisis, and to them, a race war may be something they want, not realizing we will end up with a situation similar to what transpired in 2017 whereas a rare moment the United Nations attempted to step in. Yep, and they had a lot of pressure on them to, so much so, it was said by some during the 2 weeks that there will be people seeking to intimidate the jury, even the media. As for the justice system, I always said it is a double edge sword in regards to all things, the good thing is the judge in question was not the one the prosecution, and the MSM expected. That being said, this case as with Arbery, were among many rare moments where Truthers, Independent Journalists, Creators, Preppers even, and some Lawyers got together, but we are not out of the woods yet. As of right now, the case regarding the late Arbery is still ongoing, and the MSM is playing tricks still, only for people to expose them.
  9. I'll ask you again - What does this have to do with Communism? You are not making sense, Srecko. The articles spells a different story, i.e. the attempt of defamation, the mention of propaganda for a governmental gain over an adversary.
  10. Take a look at your original response vs the later one. Then why introduce Capitalism in regards to Marxism/Communism when that is on a different realm of it's own? What does Capitalism have to do the topic which is focused on JWs and Communism? You were already told how that is vastly different, outside of the mention of taxation. That being said, such things can't be confused for one another, this is the biggest issue with the paradigm regardless if it focuses on an institution or not. You may want to take another look at the link Isabella brought up. Also if we are going about a modern era, perhaps you may have a case.
  11. Shouldn't this be in the JW club forums? Other then that, Russian gov't will make this temporary only. Too much power to lose or be put to the test in regards to them.
  12. Bit Tech Solider is related to someone who defends something when his own word is used against him, in this regard, a platform. The term fits. This term is unique. Again, these things are factual. Nothing more. You may see the name as silly, but it proves the point with you running for your own statement when the spotlight is on a platform. You are influence by the Left and the Right, that is why I said you are acting like a Leftist Lib. You call it rubbish, but this is indeed the truth. The "Magic Hands" guy, a former JW himself, complained about Jehovah's Witnesses in order to win a debate in London's Hyde Park, something of which I mentioned before to you specifically, and he only lost because he came speaking about things that does not whole a candle to the truth and he kept going on about misinformation and falsehoods, not to mention his strong hold for the Triune belief. Which makes Kel's statement absolute fact about most former Witnesses, such as yourself. If you believe this not to be true, we can go back to the Strong's Concordances and your confusion, which is among several examples. You tried to convince me, someone in the field, that Facebook is real life. You said it several times. However, the reality is, social platforms/internet isn't real life. Real Life is interpersonal connection with people, physically in their presence - Realism. Social Media cannot replace Realism, be it with a person and or an animal, pet, etc. Not it has not. Pixilation vs. Physical Interaction are two different things. You are not being specific. Are you referring to a Smartphone or a normal phone? Regardless, it does not replace Realism. Irrelevant. But the point was made already to you. And? This is communication via a social platform. Legitimate person to person communication is vastly different. Interesting, you don't own your own property. Clearly not a person to person interaction. You can simply go to the bank and speak to the person. Communication with a bank in that matter, you are merely a simple customer. Facebook to contact your bank... You do realize potential risk because communication in that matter, with sensitive information is not private to a degree. You could have easily used your telephone for that, but then again, you ignore risks, as do the majority of the unaware. Of course you do, because your business uses it, you comply. Should you do anything otherwise, let's just say the cult of the Woke is strong in the UK as well. That said, how is this relevant? And? Surely a well knitted family uses more of their time via physical communication with each other. A tool of which even with your own words concerning research you cowardly go around the question brought forth. Facebook considers you a tool also, since your information is being marketing without your knowledge, which is ironic due to the privacy thread you brought up a while back. I do know that, but the problem here is your own words in relation to the question. I find this comical for you saying this, yet you stated telephone without specifics. Pixels, subnets, and bandwidth can't replace real life. A device cannot replace legitimate real, heartfelt, thought provoking communication, especially communication that strengthens the family, the households, binds them and or builds up a people and community. Then again, I would not be surprised if you become a candidate for the Metaverse. That being said, next time watch what you say because that was easily used against you concerning Facebook. Luckily that thread from when Anna mentioned such is still intact, therefore, going forward this in conjunction with Facebook + your words, can be used against you.
  13. I am against conspiracy, misinformation and falsehood, I say this all the time - literally. Even in debates, gospel preaching, etc, even to the youth that look up to me, always say this. This past 2 weeks, the MSM was lying. In some cases they do lie in regards to specific events (i.e. German Journalist). I can give you several examples, if need be. They profit off of crisis and people's suffering from said disasters also uses the same to influence. They also pain their side as saints in order to fulfill that agenda. Also who said I am against the truth about natural disasters? I was quite vocal about several events in the past, so why spin that into a lie? That is quite the claim. Also, I think Facebook has already done the job for you. Truth is the real information, even in a grounded setting. I am not the only one seeks truth in a sea laced narrative of lies that the MSM spouts on the daily. An example, JWI Insider, Arauna, Thinking, TrueTomHarley, NoiseySrecko, Anna, etc. know. Kosonen, him being a former JW, is on an equal footing to a degree when it comes to information, yet the latter always tries to get him to believe a conspiracy, even shot down, hence your tenure as JB and JB2. More so, both of us knew what was to come in 2021, and some of the things we said was a foreshadowing because the things the MSM do not tell you, some people will speak in regards to what is true. It is not being about knowing everything, it is about knowing the Truth, and nothing but that concerning everything. An example of this is with recent events with Rittenhouse. Which isn't unknown to everyone, and I live by that in regards to the community itself. I mentioned Independent Journalists also and those who know of what they are conveying, JWI being an example. That is quite a sheeple remark. You say this but in the past you got tricked with Newscorp, The New York Times and various articles from the BBC. I mean, you got fooled by the NYTs when it comes to homosexuality because it mentions Jehovah's Witnesses, in that same article, it gave a list of Pro-Gay narratives to fit the agenda. As pointed out before, you can easily be influenced by those with an agenda and express that influence without being affiliated. This is why the paradigm is dangerous for unware people such as yourself. But you still get influenced by them, we have examples on this forum alone, by your hand and your other accounts. Not too long ago you didn't realize what seems to be a good thing can create indirect effects, even towards Christians. That is the paradigm. They are both misguided, and some on the extreme have a level of badness as is ignorance to them. I do. But you do not in some cases. If that was the case, then we would have grounded discussions from the get go. But even when this was coined, this never happened, even when stressed. But it does not stop from you doing the same, @xero is an example. But you succumb to their influence. Again, we have examples. Yet anything leaning left or right can still influence people with that mindset. Mainly if someone is unaware. Maybe if you actually looked for Truth, you would not be in this position. That being said, the past 2 weeks when I was out, I was dealing with Leftists. Some of their influence enabled mob mentality in the wishing of a teenager to be imprisoned and or killed, raped even while at the same time defended a violent person and a child abuser. This caused several debates on why not only Leftists are wrong, but those who are not Leftist who adopted the influence, are wrong as well. Tread carefully if you choose to. The MSM is not your friend.
  14. Some would believe that the Romans founded Capitalism, however, this was not he case. Although their system mirrors that, they were not entirely Capitalist. In ancient Rome, as is, other ancient cultures, they did have many of the features associated with Capitalism, if not as formal, but rather, legal institutions in the strictest sense. This also goes hand in hand with customs and traditions (pre-industrial societies), which is tough due to it being intertwined by law(s) in Roman culture. Some examples would be rights to private property, 3rd party contracts, Market prices, and support from the governments. The Roman Empire had these features at least partially. Some will attest that one of the most important features of Capitalism is private property as a tool to gain large quantities of wealth and to use such capital for rents, whether as land use, currency or equipment used in production. In addition, some also attest that Rome to be essentially Capitalist. Granted how much power the Romans had, this seems to be the case with what took place in Jesus' time, however, there was no shred of Marxism or anything equal to that back then. In regards to Isabella's thread, the level of Communism appears to be around the 1940-1950s. Moreover, Christians who are heavily attuned with government and socialism will often attempt to justify some of this to push the narrative, well in modern day, an agenda. That being said, today's Capitalism is vastly different compared to back then, I believe around the late 17th or 18th century and onward, things took a drastic change, mainly due to applied scientific natural law to economic behavior. As for Socialism, it is somewhat different, but not too far off the mark, granted, it is viable to the economic and political model. Therefore, in regards to the other thread, which is related to Communism, it doesn't make sense for one to equate this with what was discussed there. Marxism would be understandable, but Capitalism.... Not so much.
  15. This might be temporary because in Russia, there is a target painted on their backs. A few contacts I know in Russia would say the same thing, for as of recent, they have been hit with censorship, not because of the situation with JWs, but rather, in regards to COVID-19. For some reason, Russia's government do not want some information to reach outside into the world.
  16. Here we go with the nonsense. You speak of misguidance, yet you think a subnet of the Internet supersedes real life. How is saying otherwise? It was said that both experience Child Sex Abuse and they are not immune. You've been told this many times, even by others yet when your goose gets cooked you want to defend a so called tool when your own words is used against you. You already failed once you deviated from the question asked numerous times. Not one mentioned hiding, it was only pointed out several times they are no immune. Facebook can't hide CSA, however, their actions simply made itself exploitable. Bad example. A Telephone is a device, not a platform. And? Missed the point made several times. However if you are referring to Smart Devices, a Smartphone (Telephone seems old school), it can present some level of danger. This is why it is encouraged for parents to educate their children, as is enable any safety protocols. Granted all apps/games are associated in the social space, such as Tiktok, Snapchat, etc, as is their parent, Facebook, it is strongly advised for the parents/guardians to take protective measures. Those who fail to do this, often ends up with either of the following, addiction (Validation seekers aka Clout Chasers via the child and or their guardian(s) - Example - Lil Tay Claire Hope),a rebellious child, spoiled even, and in worse case scenarios, the child can be subjected to predators luring them, asking them for various deeds that are brazen, as is there is a pandemic in regards to sexting, as is an abundance of pornographic content made by even the owner of the device. This also leads to even that of the Dark Web, in which not only people's information can be marketed there, but also some level of their data. Even emails can be found there, perhaps yours. In other instances, there has been results of, missing persons, injury, and death, even rape when it comes to such things. It is against culture and faith to be prideful, full of pride, and never displayed such. I would break culture even for that, but it looks as though you continue with appeals to motive and ad hominems that make no sense. That said, this is all factual, mainly in my case, in which I have high experience in the field in question, so I know what is going on, and even the facts concerning such, when it comes to safety of the youth, even taking care of youth and teaching them on how the Internet and or Platforms can present a level of danger if one isn't careful. The problem here is when your own words is used in relation to Facebook, you are quick to defend yourself. Everyone else seems calm because never once they made the statement you made, hence why I take no issue with them. But here we see you are very adamant, even you confused real life with social media, a problem. Because these are facts. Of course, I am a fool because I recognize CSA on Facebook, perhaps a fool because I do not make a silly statement you did, which landed you in this position. All bark, but no bite, you are. For a guy who cries about CSA, yet when you were told what you have done in regards to that, you had nothing to say. And perhaps still even after 3 months of research no doubt. Which is irrelevant, but it seems 3 months isn't enough of someone was being abused on Facebook Live. Your tool. The same tool that was also responsible for a list of events in the past 2 weeks. Any? Because I can see the facts, I am not as one sided as you are. This ahs nothing to do with liking them or not, it is in regards to the facts and truth about Child Sex Abuse. You pushed the narrative as if they do not know these things, even attest to ARC, yet at the same time, some of them are aware of CSA, Anna made a remark towards you in the thread you made an absurd statement in, Eqvo, JWI and a list of others, especially JWI. For months into years you complain yet do nothing, even when asked, you are as sheeple as the Media when it comes to these things, even when Case 29 was presented you didn't know even though you brought up ARC. You believe CNN on their remarks as is NYTs. Not to mention, you believed both a conspiracy and a book from a person who dwells on Spiritism. Therefore making you both a Big Tech Solider and a Shill, in a respectful regard. You do not seek for grounded discussion and when it was said you can't handle a debate, this is true and fact because look how far this thread as gone from a small question, by your hand and your hand alone. For an Ex Jehovah's Witnesses, you are no different from the Magic Hands guy from London, or that of a Leftist. To quote Mr. Kel, he made claim that most former Jehovah's Witnesses who fall into apostasy are often to ones heavily misguided, and Kel himself is quite neutral with JWs. I believe you hit that narrative. No one said anything about loving a group, it was pointed out JWs have a CSA problem and they're not immune. Yet you become a church mouse by the mention of Facebook. Typical Big Tech Solider, for good reason you can be called that and another Piker. A man of God uses discernment to look for what is true, you, do not do such a thing.
  17. Those are more Conservative leaning, mainly due to people such as Ben Shapiro, Glenn Beck and Tomi Lauren, who is practically a time bomb of which emerged early on in Trump's presidency, perhaps even before that during the election race. Of these types I know because of BAMN (An absurd Left Wing group; the big sister of modern day ANTIFA). As for Fox, they have Tucker Carlson, although some of the things he says is correct in regards to specifics, however one needs to be very skeptical about the majority of what is said. Carlson and Lauren are primary targets of Left Wing groups and their Media, namely CNN, in addition to that, Ben Shapiro also, however, for some reason, for a time he was an issue to Pro Black groups associated with BLM (another crazed Left Wing group). To us Truthers, we don't really align with any paradigm, and to Independent Journalists, they do not always speak much of these people because Media as a whole is a direct opposite of Independent Journalism. Essentially, post Bloodsport Era, the tension only went up dramatically. That being said, the Media spun things around for various things, from court trials to the recent Moment Darrell Brooks situation, and also, COVID-19.
  18. Yet you mentioned Capitalism when Communism is more attuned with Marxism, something of which is an opposition to Capitalism. There is a reason why Taxation was brought up, and the fact you mention this now spins a contradiction on your original response - so were you just talking out of ignorance or lying at this point? Also a source from a quick first item search on Google, doesn't really help, granted what else is contained in the article in question which does not help your case. This is where you got your info by the way - https://onlinebusiness.northeastern.edu/blog/a-brief-history-of-taxation/ That said, if you speak of Taxation now, does that make your original response false? Which still does not help your case with your original response. The focus was on Communism from the start, in which Marxism is connected to it to some degree, hence why I mentioned CCP, for a reason, for Communism is the same all around in regards to governments. You were even told this when you tried to equate the latter with Capitalism Perhaps next time do not confuse these things that put you in this position to begin with. That being said, I suggest you learn what Capitalism is, and the very reason as to why taxation was brought up. On the other side of the spectrum, because of Capitalism, a danger chain of events that has taken place that can effect the common man, with an event in China, making it even worse. Moreover, intergraded Social Justice narratives that are problematic. Don't be a Neeko or Hasan Piker, in this regard because what you are stating from before mirrors like that of their followers who I corrected.
  19. You are still lost on something of which you do not know much about. Hence when Taxation was coined when you mentioned Capitalisms, you quickly motioned @Equivocationto me instead. Srecko, the question concerning Taxation was quite easy. And here we see you got yourself tangled in Communisms view of the Christ. Even you, a former JW, should be critically careful here. Other than that, the Gorbachev or Soc view of Jesus in this regard is portrayed in a way to shift people from actual Christology concerning the Christ. Because both those things are not just an enemy to God, but the core Christian Faith itself. Both those things are not equal as explained to you about a week ago, and even recently. As far as I know, anyone outside of the MSC is a big target for the latter, JWs are not MSC. This is quite obvious because what some ExJWs usually call them without knowing the history, likewise with any of Islam or Judaism outside of the mainstream. More so intimidation instead of Seduction. The latter effects primarily MSC since they embrace government, even picking a side, as is with a strong arm upholding Democracy.
  20. Some of us Truthers are already aware of this, likewise with Evergrande, which effected not just the Markets, but the Economy in a way, as is Taiwan of which they claim wanting to liberate.
  21. Since you took the JNJ, it is anything goes for Boosters of your choosing, perhaps pfizer. But you will need to get another granted effectiveness does reduce over time. As pointed out before, mentioned below: This essentially means you will be getting more Boosters than recommended in the coming year(s). The 4th procedure isn't shy of mixing shots either, hence transpired in Dominican Republic, which Big Pharma wanted to hide from the masses who took the jab while at the same time shaming anyone who took ivermectin (or intimidate any medical personnel who recommends it), now is a reality for the majority who are vaccinated. Then you have the pills, of which the media and the Left would say is a lie until now. That being said, the COVID-19 has become a Gold Standard Medical Procedure, but some people will opt out, even their own children, they opt out, should a medical professional protest against the parent(s) or even a minor will attempt to refuse, a situation which is very similar to others. As for the vaccinated, they too still get COVID-19, in some instances, multiple times. Other than that, it is propaganda all around. Some of us already know what is next, but as you can see, Big Tech Soldiers like to censor a lot of information in favor of the MSM and Big Tech. As for mandates, the NBA did this with Boosters, so any Blue Wave area will do the same eventually, and or if outside of the US, something Draconian concerning mandates will be proclaimed.
  22. Sadly some who still watch them without trying to find truth themselves. I am literally at war with Leftist right now because they themselves have been watching MSM, reading the NYT times and never once think to look into the facts, the truth itself. This is why as of right now, their misguidedness and them eating and professing misinformation spawned the riots taking place after a trial. When it comes to anything, even various things, even discussed here, the MSM will speak in good terms of those that commit ill action, but should someone else does it, they are ready to run people into the mud. The biggest absurdity in all of MSM is CNN, of which we Truthers call it the Communism News Network. That being said, MSN is among the few who seek a cultural and a race war among the people.
  23. And unfortunately when everything resets, some people will either endure or cave in. Some who choose Freedom, some would choose Compliance, and speaking about Compliance, Germany and even Austria, walked into the Lion's Den with that one, and in regards to Austria, Authoritarianism is increasingly drastically.
  24. Because he speaks without knowing. He Glasglow'd himself with that one. I had good reason to compared @Patiently waiting for Truthto Piker, and that comparison is with merit. Aside from that, Hasan Piker is a legitimate Leftist who is a glorified Capitalist. As of last year, him and another person, Neeko the Boomer Girl, were called out for their favoritism and allegiance to Capitalisms. Hasan is also a Socialist, mainly due to the biggest capital move he made back in early 2021. Such people are not only rival to the Right, but they, indirectly are somewhat of an enemy to independent Journalist and Truthers. And a chuck of their revenue comes from lost men and small children, at the same time, these people plague the youth with nonsense and false ideas on money and the like. The irony is I have been debating some of their followers for the past 2 weeks, mainly Hasan's followers. Essentially @Isabella's reaction would be obvious because some people do not know how such governments work, mainly the nefarious things they do. In regards to that Article she linked, some events over a few years fit the same M.O. of patterns, infiltrators do not attempt to hold religious office, and if they did, it would be last resort. Essentially if that were true, if the push to execute an Agenda took place, JWs in that country would have ceased a long time ago around that time. Communism is a direct opposition to one's faith, mainly if that faith maintains a neutral state to the paradigm, the agendas, and political goals, this is why some will even lie in order to get the unaware to side with them should the move be successful. Your faith group has an example, a few actually, Germany and as of recently, Russia, perhaps China since we are talking about communism. That being said, Gov't agendas, I have hatred for, as is with those who are like Neeko and Hasan. As pointed out before, there is a ticking timer for everyone, even you and others on this forum in regards to the targeted places, concerning them.
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