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Space Merchant

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Posts posted by Space Merchant

  1. On 11/16/2021 at 10:55 AM, Srecko Sostar said:

    @Equivocation Our friend SM introduced Capitalism and Communism into this topic :)) Don't ask me.

    I only brought up Communisms and Marxism only, hence CCP. You brought up Capitalisms and trying to equate it to the latter.

    This is my comment, and look at yours below


    That being said, it was pretty ignorant on your part to confuse these factions.

    Marxism, Capitalism, Communism, Socialism are vastly different. Plus it didn't make sense for you to even bring up Capitalisms because of Taxation.

    Communism positions itself in opposition to liberal democracy and capitalism, as with Capitalism, it does this to Communism. Clearly you trying to make it seem as both are the same, is incorrect.

  2. On 11/15/2021 at 8:58 PM, Equivocation said:

    But he is right about what he said. Nobody can have full immunity to child abuse, not even us, not even Facebook. The best one can do is prevention. One can't act like child abuse cannot plague social media, when this was the case for years. Space's claim is going back to some things you said, specifically your discussion with Anna a while back, he cross-examined you saying if you can leave Jehovah's Witnesses from 3 months of research, why not the same for Facebook.

    TBH, you kind of walked into that one; a cross examination. Besides, some of us here, know very well how crazy child abuse is on social media. And that is actual truth. Animal abuse too, which is very bad on Facebook, since FB live has many loopholes.

    I don't think he said anywhere that Facebook is a Religion so I don't see why you went with that. He just said Facebook is plagued with child abuse too. He was quite logical about it.

    He can't see the forests for it's trees. Someone who is aware of CSA being earth wide would not pretend as if CSA does not exist in social media, and his own statements is the reason I recalled the racisms thread and the thread with Anna coining a few points. It is fare worse compared to the schools, churches and homes, mainly due to the fact predators can use the platforms to manipulate, i.e. learn a child out with Minecraft, be it game or community. As of recent, one community in question had reinstated one of their members after he got rehab. Although he did not take action on a child, his communications were suspect. Then there was a situation where he nearly took his life, and the like.

    That being said, it was a cross examination of his own statement. See a simple question results in total deviation and defense mode, not to mention a few appeal to motives and ad hominems, which proves the case of specific former JWs.

    On 11/16/2021 at 11:02 AM, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    SM was comparing the JW Org to Facebook.

    Didn't compare them both, if you looked at all my comments I stated both have CSA. You tried to equate Facebook to a religion.

    On 11/16/2021 at 11:02 AM, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    That is comparing a religion to social media. 

    Religion was not compared, it was only stated CSA exist in institutions and social media. Can you show me where I stated otherwise here and in regards to all statements on CSA?

    On 11/16/2021 at 11:02 AM, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    The big difference is that I was actively promoting the JW Org.

    Which is irrelevant. The point is in regards to your remark to Anna, for if you can leave JWs for CSA, if the institution of platform was different, would you do the same, yet here we see you whining up a storm.

    On 11/16/2021 at 11:02 AM, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    I am not promoting Facebook, i am just using it. 

    Which can see seen from the start, but going with the question itself, which you avoided to answer, would you do the same. You were asked this 4 times, then you constantly shoehorned GB or whatever into the mix for no reason and tried to attest to the idea Facebook is compared to a Religion.

    Such delusion.


    Something I proclaim for months on here, why would I say anything different? from what I see, you, a Facebook user is trying to absolve them as if the situation of CSA is not as serious.

    On 11/16/2021 at 11:02 AM, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    If you cannot see the difference then it's because you do not want to see it. 

    He does see it, that is why he, and others would point out the same thing.

    Next time when you say something, especially in your discussion with Anna, say something you live by, not drop at the slight of hand.

    That being said, already debating with Leftists, I don't need the appeals and ads from a Big Tech Solider.

    On 11/15/2021 at 8:59 PM, Equivocation said:

    @Space Merchant So do you suppose people need to do more in the Awareness Department for Animal Abuse on Social Media? Seems as though everything and everyone is grouped. But we won't have that soon since Facebook is taking a VR route with..... Wait for it....

    The Unaware do not know the meaning of Awareness, for if you recall last time, a specific person stated what you conveyed was a form of Activism, which is not. AS to why he made the comparison? Pure ignorance. VR will be both a blessing and a curse, and as with all curses, imperfections plant the seeds in order for it to grow. Anyone who takes pleasure in CSA or Animal Abuse will exploits any new Technologies and Resources to their benefit. Mainly due to the fact that even those who favor sexual immorality has been utilizing VR for immoral practices, and sadly enough, such ill use of Technology has teenagers and children using them with friends and or strangers.

    If you are familiar with the movie Ready Player One, the body suits in relation with VR are legitimate and real, although not like that of the movie, but it is similar.

    Example below:

    CodeMiko, the most unique streaming experience » Esports

    It will com to a point where, the usual child abuser will exploits such Tech for their own benefit, even to the point of voice manipulation to trick some people.

    That being said, granted Tech is my expertise, the majority of us, mainly us millennials when it comes to Tech kind of saw this coming. The foreshadowing of all this began with the PlayStation 4 whereas many people, even kids were receiving content from adult brazen conduct.

    On 11/15/2021 at 8:59 PM, Equivocation said:

    The Metaverse

    Essentially Facebook's love letter to hide their misdeeds.

  3. On 11/15/2021 at 9:05 PM, Equivocation said:

    @xero @Space Merchant Well this whole Kyle Rittenhouse case is spinning heads, and somehow the news made it about race. I saw that Bannon was taken in, so what is the deal with that? Also SM, someone said Silver Haired Truther during the Verdict of Kyle Rittenhouse, any idea who that may be? I found name well title, but not sure 100%

    That case has been my focus for the past 2 weeks, along with the case regarding Ahmaud Arbery. Been in several debates so far regarding Rittenhouse, 8 debates, 3 still ongoing. The MSM made it about Race and Politics, something very stupid for them to do, and they influence the masses with misinformation and inaccuracies. So much so, even my friendly adversary made a few points of her own. The MSM was also caught cutting streams with a brazen lie concerning the trial and MSNBC stalked the Jurors.

    Guilty was practically not guilty from the start and the trial was not necessary. For the past 8 days in the trial they tried to get him on Joseph Rosenbaum. There was an issue with video evidence tampering where the defendants for Kyle got the wrong one, compressed, in addition, since the death of Rosenbaum by the hands of Kyle was deemed reckless homicide, it was still within grounds of Self-Defense, mainly via Law in Wisconsin. Although all persons involved having a history, namely Rosenbaum, who violated/abused several children, some even not reported, somehow this guy was released and he got himself into the Kenosha Unrest, and there is another man, Black Man, who was dubbed Jump Kick Man, who also had a criminal history; some believe his Ninja style kick emboldened the late Huber to attack Kyle with his skateboard and immediately getting shot/killed. The whole situation could have been avoided with the police and those in authority didn't cave into the demands of specific groups and those who support them. Regardless, this is the court room and that stuff is not as focused.

    The issue with Kyle, it was not him who was on trial, but rather, as from what I have seen, The Constitution's First and Second Amendment, as is with those who uphold their bearing of arms rights. This also brought forth a huge battle with the Left vs the Right, as is those in between like us Truthers and Independent Journalists.

    We kind of already knew about the situation with Steve Bannon and Project Veritas, and a lot of nefarious things what the government and MSM such as MSNBC and the NYT have been doing. Although one does not always agree with these guys 100% of the time, the fact of what took place with them is an indirect action, something of which I always talked about on here.

    As for the Truther guy, I assume you are talking about old man Brian. Like him, me and the majority of us, were laser focused on the Kyle Rittenhouse situation. So much so, it was a rare moment where Independent Journalists and us Truthers actually sat down to speak, we even had the company of various lawyers who interacted with the community.

    That being said, these debates with Leftist are annoying, but at the same time, they need to be called out for their nonsense, and at times, ignorance and stupidity. They were spoon fed by those with an agenda.

    On 11/15/2021 at 9:50 PM, xero said:

    @equivocation I've surmised that the fuss is "Hey! We should be able to riot, loot and burn and pillage w/o worry that someone might shoot us"

    These silly groups seek opportunity to cause trouble and nothing more. Talked about them a lot, but because of Rittenhouse now, they want to cause even more trouble, and it is the same usual folks who are committed to such actions. They are pushing riots and now we have a contender on the list of combatants, The Revolutionists. The fact the ACLU took action some days ago, it is no surprise the United Nations might chime in again as they did back in 2017.

    That being said these groups are very sick. A child molester is now seen as a hero, granted I am very vocal on what some of the Left have to say about pedophilia, moreover, some of these, people in authority and power, they joked about a teenager being raped in isolation, others wanted to witness said teenager be killed in the most gruesome way possible, then you have some who professed to see cities and towns, even Kenosha burn down - the irony in this is Facebook and Twitter left these messages up, only for the person who gave the message to delete it themselves. It is people with this mindset that are a danger to everyone, and it shows how politics and misinformation can drive some crazy.

    It is stuff like this, that can indirectly effect people. Granted your faith community cannot preach gospel, those in the insane Left or Right can indirectly effect you in the long run.

    That said, the days are counting down, and there is a clustered build up of things that will literally explode in people's faces. What you see now is mere leaks from the powder keg of events.

  4. 27 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    As such, it can be tested and verified and accepted or rejected, not only by people (in general) but also by the God you believe in.

    But even when tested, those in opposition will cater to misinformation and justify it as a truth. Unfortunately the unaware are victimized by this type of thing. In regards, the truth is anything pertaining to CCP and or equate to it concerning powers and or governments do not favor the change and will enact any means necessary to prevent it, even by means of propaganda. Propaganda, depending on the level of it, can even sway members of a faith as well as former members of the faith should it be allowed. There are, literally even examples of things on this forums alone, i.e. Should the NYT make a hit piece, some will believe it because it has something it caters to the unaware.

  5. @Equivocation The below video is an example of a Truther (Luke) and a few Independ Journalists speaking about the situation. You do not have to watch all of it, but you can see exactly as to why no one favors the MSM, even the FBI at times, in which recently they have been doing some bad things themselves.

    Also this woman, Ana Kasparian, got humbled completely, a crack in the armor that is the MSM and the Left.



  6. 27 minutes ago, Isabella said:

    My question was regarding the process from the beggining. I was NOT asking about men being appointed and then turning into wolves and betraying the christian congregations as Judas did or others in the 1st century and later. I meant about the appointment of  men that from the beggining had the intention/purpose of damaging the congregation. I see it has happened in other countries like Rumania.  Also found interesting this Bible verse, but I am not sure if those false brothers mentioned in Galatas 2:4 were appointed 🤔




    Tactics of the Enemy

    In their attempts to weaken the faith of Jehovah’s servants or to bully them into submission, the Communists employed spies, traitors, torture, lying propaganda, and the threat of death. Spies and informers included neighbors, work colleagues, apostates, family members, and Securitate agents. The latter even infiltrated congregations by feigning interest in the truth and learning theocratic terms. These “false brothers” did much harm and caused many arrests. One of them, Savu Gabor, even held a responsible position. He was exposed in 1969.—Gal. 2:4.


    But that matter came up because of the false brothers brought in quietly,+ who slipped in to spy on the freedom+ we enjoy in union with Christ Jesus, so that they might completely enslave us;+




    The link also mentioned the accusation of Communism. Hence, this tactic can be weaponized against anyone, even them. They do have tactics to dismantle, which is not unknown to anyone, an example of this, a parallel is the events of Russia.


    Communists do not like change, even if it is a small one. You may want to re check that article regards to the actions of the Communists themselves and what they attempt to do.

  7. 57 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Can it be concluded from this statement that Christians are less bothered by Capitalism, and that they would rather be Christians in capitalist countries than in communist ones?

    That is, that the Capitalist ideology is closer to Christianity than the Communist ideology? :)) 

    That has nothing to do with Capitalisms, this is in regards to Marxism. Marxism is the direct opposite of Capitalism, and it is aligned with Communism. Shoehorning Capitalisms makes no sense in regards to the definition of what Marxism equates to, hence the quotations, so I do not see what you are attempting to convey here. There are views of Capitalisms in regards to religion and faith, but there is no such thing as an ideology in this regard that solidifies it entirely.

    And no that isn't the definition. You clearly do not know what Capitalisms is, which makes you both unaware, and can easily succumb to a potential danger should those in that camp confront you to influence, i.e. Hasan Piker.

    That being said, if you never dealt with those of Capitalism, debate them or confronted them, even in person, it is unwise to make assumptions. It is also safe to note that some of these folks are willing to throw punches, this I know from experience.

  8. On 11/9/2021 at 6:06 PM, Thinking said:

    Never before has Australia been hit with such constant relentless propaganda that has successfully been able to turn Australians on each other…..yes there was propaganda  during the Second World War…but it United Australians….this is devised to break and separate and fill one with fear….to wear each out to accept the mark of the beast fully……..and it is in action world wide.

    The thing is some of us saw the writing on the wall. In my case, I was called a lair and a conspiracy theorist, likewise with those in the community I am in, excluding CSE, who is strictly Bible talk.

    Australia has fallen, therefore as protesting is on the rise, the media attempts to hide it, moreover, because of the situation, this gives the green light to Opportunists who can commit crimes, rape, violence, etc. It is bad to the point that even Truthers in Australia are overwhelmed, likewise with Independent Journalists.

    That being said, the situation with them is slowly infecting other countries with Germany, UK, Italy being slowly engulfed. In China, the Evergrande Group situation made this even worse.

    I mentioned before, in regards to the United States, although the situation is slowly building up, the only thing preventing a major and or instant shift is the US Constitution, ironically, many people and groups, even the UN, is attempting to stamp down, specifically the first and second amendment.


  9. Bon Dieu, The CCP? For starters, there are legitimate Christian Marxist out there, but unfortunately Restorationists are not involved with them. Christian Communism is the theology of compelling to support Religious Communism which correlates with a social system as is religious socialism. In short, they are Marxists. Anything of that barrel is a legitimate threat, to not just those in Asia, but outside of it too, and thanks to The Woke, we have a bit of it spreading in the states. Marxist are also not to shy of infiltration, to a degree, they are like Gangstalkers, but their end goal isn't finding a mate for solely sexual relations or mentally shifting someone (break someone). In regards to them such ones are consider a Judas, which is in line with what was already said, or perhaps like that of the people who have been excommunicated from the early church in the first century, despite being appointed higher position.

    In regards to ANY faith that is Anti-Communism and or not aligning themselves with specific political views, this can land them in direct opposition to the CCP. Although Christians follow the land of these lands, they will never partake in anything associated with and or pertaining to Communism.

    A Communism supporter will always infiltrate a house, a group/people, etc. for some gain and or to dismantle. To abandon Communism in the process is essentially a death sentence.

    That being said, as we speak many people are either underground and or sent to camps, a small subnet, possibly black market. The Communist governments (as is the Marxist folks who follow it), are similar to most governments, in which they live in a state of insecurity and fear if there is even a small atom of change because it is something that can easily affect their judgement.

    As you can see, I am strongly against the CCP, and I have many, many reasons as to why this is because of how much I consider them a threat.

  10. I figured I should at least mention this here, I find it interesting


    [Ezekiel The Goldfish]: craignant Dieu frères et sœurs. L'un d'entre vous, vivant sur la côte Est, a-t-il remarqué quelque chose d'étrange hier soir ? Une étrange lumière verte colorée dans le ciel qui était brillante, peut-être un météore.

    In translation - God fearing brothers and sisters. Has any one of you, living in the East Coast notice anything odd last night? Some odd colored green light in the sky that was bright, possibly a meteor.

    Possibly the rarest time I seen this guy not being dramatic and poetic. He was referring to something associated with this story.

    That being said, I am already debating some people in regards to it, for an obvious reason.




  11. 20 hours ago, xero said:

    While I'm at it, circumcision? A lot of various people practiced it, but you can imagine a person who wasn't given some background as to why this was so critical could wonder...

    At some point that was no longer required, granted, we are under the New Law now. However, it does not stop the Anti-Pauline debates I often see going on, mainly when context of the situation is literally a tossing of the baby with the bathwater, so to speak.

  12. 17 hours ago, Pudgy said:

    There a groups of people in the Ukraine who made between $9,000 and $15,000 a day making up totally false “clickbait”, at two cents per “click”, during the Trump/Clinton Presidential campaign.

    ”Follow the money”, and everything becomes clear.

    It is more of an underground. But not all of them do this for money, but as of late, Crypto Currency has been of interest by Hackers, even the Black Hats. The parallel to this is there are those who the Left had influence with propaganda, to which an Agenda, one of them being the infamous Russian Collusion.

    In the age of COVID-19, false information is always spreading, more so, false information can also be pushed to influence people to look at someone or a group differently, at times, in hopes of chancing segregation and division, which seems to be working for them against the unaware.

    15 hours ago, xero said:

    Unfortunately the MSM will no give out the information accordingly. The goal is to make Kyle look like the bad guy when the latter (who's intent was to kill Kyle for he was armed as well) look like a Saint. Even the Judge in this trial is annoyed by the MSM, which should tell you something. The witness, Gabe, pretty much killed his own case.

    The testimony in question proves Rittenhouse Witness was actually the Assailant, the irony is, he thought Kyle to be a police officer, which explains his gleeful intent to kill until it backfired on him. There was also some talk about by some that the FBI had a role in this, in their attempt, to make Kyle the bad guy also, and defend the witness in question; fuel for Extreme Leftism to be ever more crazed and mentally deranged as before.

    As I stated in the other thread regarding indirect action, it began with Bannon, and it will start with others too. January 6th was no more than a move on a game of chess to get to this point now.

  13. 22 hours ago, BroRando said:

    Once trintarians are exposed that there is no scripture that states...God is made up of "three seprate persons, they will often dump the trinity and jump on the Modalist bandwagon. They don't even mind rejecting the trinity teaching of three seprate persons to try to justify that Jesus is God which is an anti-trinitarin view. Both hertic dogmas do what they aim to do and that is to deny Jesus is the Chirst, the Son of the lving God. (Matthew 16:16)

    Ces gens ont perdu la tete.

    Only when convenient they do so. Are you familiar with the Granville sharp rule?

  14. 1 John 4:1 - Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world.

    Because all man can claim they are of God, have faith, and would say they speak truth, for there are men who actually do show these things, but at the same time, there are men who are the complete opposite.

    This is one of the reasons I am extremely Anti-Agenda, not of the Paradigm, and not a fan of the MSM, as is those who attest to falsehood when it can easily land them directly in front of the White Throne.

    That being said, in regards to the verse, it is not only about having a favorite verse or quoting it, but understanding the context behind it.

    Apostle John had a reason to state this, encouraging Christians to always test the spirit, an expression to see/discern if someone, even themselves originate with the Most High, moreover, John also attest to the fact God's inspiration came through also from the Christian Church Congregation itself. This also equates to being and or encouraged to be Berean-Like, as a Christian.

  15. On 11/6/2021 at 9:50 PM, xero said:

    The argument given is that it's voluntary given that your job, etc. is a privilege, not a right.

    There is a high possibility that Boosters will be mandated too. Which will really hurt even more people.

    On 11/6/2021 at 11:52 PM, Pudgy said:

    Freedom is like a Salami ... you would go to war if they stole the whole Salami at once ... but they steal it from you slice, by slice, by slice ... none of which people are willing to go to war over.

    But over time ....

    Freedom .... like the Salami, has disappeared.

    Well we are in a Freedom vs Compliance like situation right now in which everyone can easily be effected by this, regardless of race, background, religion, sex, etc. No matter the age either, granted, the situation spoken about in the past concerning segregation, is a reality, or some two-tier like system. As for our children, even among them, there ahs been a cause of division, reasons why the whole Tim Pool vs Jack Murphy thing shows this point.

    That being said, as the weeks go by, as the days go on by, you are going to see what a concerned beast will do.

  16. On 11/5/2021 at 1:42 PM, Pudgy said:

    What is a MSM?

    What @xero pointed out, it represents Mainstream Media. MSM consist of various News Outlets as is Online ones, of which is branched out into Social Media and other platforms. After the Blood sport Era, The MSM has not only been pressing at their rivals, the Right Wings, and those equated to them, but they also began to press at Independent Journalists, as well as Truthers, who they attempt to dub us, and Independent Journalists to some degree, as Conspiracy Theorists. The MSN also supports certain groups, i.e. The Left will side with BLM and ANTIFA whereas the Right will side with members such as Patriot's Prayer, Pride Boys, Trump Supporters, etc. Qanon is an odd ball group of which the Left will weaponize against their rivals.

    Some of these people are not pleasant in person. In my case, it was Yvette Felarca, she is crazy, and if you are a white man, you will not be walking away from her and her group, hence her past actions.

    The MSM also tricks people, and at times, even use celebrities and other super stars to do it, essentially, making them a tool, for example, if someone said the Bible was an Extremists , there will be one sided narratives in order to push people to be influenced by this. We have an ongoing situation right now in regards to the Kyle Rittenhouse case.

    On 11/5/2021 at 2:54 PM, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    Because SM and the Truthers have some special 'media' which is not main stream and they keep it secret amongst themselves :) 

    We do not follow the paradigm when it comes to the media, nor do we have a one sidedness mentality as the majority, even you, attest to. We do not have a special secretive type of media either.

    Truthers do not keep secrets, in fact, we simply want people to know the truth of things, and do not want them to fall victim to misinformation. This is why Big Tech, and those of the MSM favor censoring us, as is, those under them, who are committed to do the same thing to us, and lie about it at the same time.

    That being said, speaking of misinformation, Truthers, such as myself are able to discern the NYT articles for falsehood and influence, an example would be the one you addressed before that were Hit-Pieces, which was trying to push the LGBTQ community narrative. I call this out, likewise, with you believing what Witness professed, which came from Smurf Girl, who is a conspiracy theorist. Also there was Newscorp.... The list goes on.

    On 11/5/2021 at 3:10 PM, TrueTomHarley said:

    Believe me, Fido knows what the mainstream media is. Ask him what CNN stands for.

    The unaware are not all knowing of the inner workings of the MSM, and they are the types to fall victim to it very easily. Makes me think how things would be when things get Biblical, at a higher level.

    That being said, CNN, otherwise known as Cable News Network, is Leftist media. This is why some Truthers call CNN the Communist News Network. The Leftism spreads like wildfire into others in that same paradigm, such as MSNBC, ABC, etc. As we speak, in regards to COVID-19, they continue to lie and brand others as lairs, and they continue to, sing the praise of Fauci, let, right and center. Various things has taken place, and will take place and they will not report it and if any of their own looks bad, they will paint them as a Saint.

  17. @Pudgy Well what @Equivocation said is true. Even in Haiti for a time as well as Dominican Republic, some folks, my family included, had animals running around the property such as goats, chickens, etc. The problem in some cases that it isn't about training and caring about the animal, but also you have to protect them as well. Likewise in my Father's country of Belize. Stealing livestock was an issue, so you would have to setup protective measures.

    More so, even in the states, some people did this to some degree with smaller animals. Believe it or not, some unusual pet choices such as a pig or a sheep on dog/cat leashes you can find. If you want to get really outlandish, there is some uncanny choices such as the images shown below



  18. On 11/5/2021 at 1:59 PM, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    Oh dear SM you are still whinging like an old woman. 

    Never knew you were the type to make jokes about old women, and you are an adult. I guess some childish antics never truly leaves someone. The fact you even ignore the severity of CSA shows you are unaware.

    On 11/5/2021 at 1:59 PM, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    The big difference between the two is :-

    No there is no, there is CSA in both. CSA has been a problem in institutions and online. What planet do you live on to assume there is a difference. recently some children were lured and raped by an abuser online. As pointed out, abusers will exploits people and tools to access children. Stop being dense, JB.

    On 11/5/2021 at 1:59 PM, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    he Jehovah's Witnesses say they are the 'one true religion' and they pretend that people need to be in that religion to be 'saved'.

    How is this information relevant? And according to past threads on here, it seems you had missed the plot entirely.

    For a former Jehovah's Witness, you seem to not know too much about your own former faith compared to most.

    On 11/5/2021 at 1:59 PM, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    So, JWs deliberately go out and canvass to bring whole families into their religion.

    And? How is this relevant?

    On 11/5/2021 at 1:59 PM, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    They use fear mongering to frighten people into the religion.

    Not really.

    On 11/5/2021 at 1:59 PM, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    And they pretend that the JW Org is a safe place to be. 

    Not really, granted with why I coined Anna and JWI before, you are just spinning your wheels here.

    On 11/5/2021 at 1:59 PM, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    Unfortunately the JW Org is like a whitewashed grave.

    And how is that? From what I have been seeing, they are still active, likewise with their similar Lone Christian counterparts, one of them I had shown before.

    On 11/5/2021 at 1:59 PM, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    It looks nice and clean from the outside, but it's unclean the inside. 

    So why are you trying to counter what I said before about no one being immune? Contradicting yourself, I see despite the fact I pointed this out numerous times.

    On 11/5/2021 at 1:59 PM, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    People are tricked into joining the JW Org, and therefore are in danger both spiritually and physically.

    Not really. Kathgar is a JW and his history was that it was his choice to become one of JWs, granted he came from a Muslim background. Clearly because of this change, not everyone was happy, granted everyone has a choice. His own family assumed the ISIS situation was the result of him converting to Christianity, which, if you learned about what truly happened, it is different.

    Even in the pandemic, there are more people seeking God, and most turn to JWs, even some of the children I use to deal with, and I always told them, if someone speaks truth in regards to the Bible, follow your heart on it and test the spirit, hence why I often quote 1 John 4:1. Ironically enough, even some former JWs returned to their JW churches to be reinstated; even from indirect actions from their own kin.

    And this misconception was debunked a long time ago.

    On 11/5/2021 at 1:59 PM, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    I don't see anyone going door to door telling people to join Facebook, or pretending that FB is a true religion.

    No one said Facebook was a Religion, it was brought up that Facebook is also effected by the Child Sex Abuse situation.

    It seems you keep saying this to defend Facebook, you even ignore the grooming situation.

    On 11/5/2021 at 1:59 PM, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    Adults should be wise enough to know how to use the internet properly. 

    The Internet is a separate entity. Facebook is a Social Media Platform.

    You were told several times that anyone with bad intent can use social media to commit ill acts, hence the Hammer analogy.

    Ads also play a role in the abuse of children too.

    On 11/5/2021 at 1:59 PM, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    And i would guess that even you use social media including Facebook.

    I don't. It is already known I am not a fan of Big Tech as is Section 230 that Facebook will most likely be following. You sound like a Leftist Lib with that remark to someone who is not part of the Paradigm.

    I am 100% not a fan of Section 230, and a foreshadowing role it played in regards to a CSA incident at a School.

    On 11/5/2021 at 1:59 PM, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    But we will never know because you hide behind that 'mask'. 

    I don't hide behind a mask granted it is already know my view of Big Tech and Section 230. Hasan Piker would make the same assumption twice in a row, despite him being a hypocrite.

    On 11/5/2021 at 1:59 PM, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    We can only agree that yes, CSA is everywhere earthwide.

    Then why try to challenge the fact, even ignore CSA can happen on social media despite me pointing it out numerous times, even now?

    On 11/5/2021 at 1:59 PM, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    But unfortunately You are such a control freak that You seem to tell me that i cannot have my own opinons and cannot have my own Christian conscience.  

    Control freak? That is cute.

    I merely put what you said in the same realm in where CSA exist. And we are now seeing how jumpy and whiny you are because of a small question.

    The question has nothing to do with opinion or a Christian Conscience. It was more so an application in this sense of a problematic issue that came forth from sin.

    On 11/5/2021 at 1:59 PM, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    I am not angry with you, I just do not understand your attitude. 

    You appear angry, mainly the last response, in which going full cap puts that in display.

    That being said, to be unaware or compared to Piker shows how low you have gotten, just from one question, resulting in unnecessary deviation.

    That being said, Facts outweighs many things, in this sense, and unlike you, I am not ignorant that abusers can use social media to prey on children, more so to the point I pointed out your own has issues in this regard, including recent events.

  19. On 11/5/2021 at 8:25 PM, BroRando said:

    I thought you would appreciate the following detail information.  Be sure to view the Video... it's fantastic!

    When the Hebrew text of the Old Testament was being transliterated into Greek, they kept the Hebrew Tetragrammaton in its form as יהוה  It was in the firt century that the Tetragrammaton was then also translated using Greek Characters (IAO).

    "The divine name also appeared in the Septuagint, the Greek translation of the “Old Testament” that was widely used in the first century C.E. At that time, the divine name was represented in the Septuagint by either the Hebrew characters (YHWH) or the Greek transliteration of those characters (IAO)."

    I am familiar what it would not shift the Trinity mentality of some. An example of this, Prosperity Preachers are aware of your faith group, Francis Chen being an example, he sometimes uses the name Jehovah, but considers Jesus as Jehovah also, along with the spirit, of whom he personified. Unfortunately many MSC are tricked by this, as is, former JWs, who followed Francis for some time now.

    There are other examples such as Romans 10:9-13 and the references, as is the events with Stephen in Acts 7, where some think Stephen prayed to Jesus and called him God. Some Lexicon writers even attest to the idea to fool people, hence someone I am debating on this now who deems anyone who think otherwise to be a heretic, the irony is, this same person uses this tactic against others, even JWs, as well as Bible Students, such as Reslight.

    That being said, some who also say that the God of Israel in the Old Testament is Jesus..... Ces gens ont perdu la tete.

  20. On 11/5/2021 at 3:29 PM, Matthew9969 said:

    Yes I was joking, making a pun when one of the governing body members told the witnesses to trust in Jehovah, Jesus and the governing body only.

    Ok, but what does this have to do with the Trinity (Trinnas)? A Trinity in terminology is a group of 3, in your latter statement, joke even, you kind of went past the amount, granted the religious leaders of JWs is several men, 7 or 8. So you got more than 3 heads here.

    On 11/5/2021 at 3:29 PM, Matthew9969 said:

    In my opinion I see Santa has become an idol and is sort of worshipped by society it is sad to watch.

    Santa is merely a construct in the machine that is Saturnalia, and the  God of Saturn associated with it. Santa and or Saint Nick or Claus is based off of a man, a Bishop (or a Monk) named St. Nicholas of Myra, otherwise dubbed as the real life Santa Claus, but not as the one those who practice pagan practices have as a portrayal, perhaps the one you had in mind. Saint Nicholas' actions was later adopted, thus we have the Jolly-sque figure today that some people sadly teach their children. Saint Nicholas was also the guy who punched a bishop, if I am not mistaken, that bishop was Arius. Saint Nicolas was also among those who adopted the Trinity teachings and was quite harsh about anyone else who opposed the Creed.


    I don't know what gave anyone the idea as to why to use an old bishop to create something very odd. Then you have the demonic aspect of it, conjured up theologies and stories, urban legends, etc.

    On 11/5/2021 at 3:29 PM, Matthew9969 said:

    I have faith that God will not kill someone for eating a meal together on a certain day, or for givng as much honor to the son as to the father both whom created all things.

    You can't sit at two tables, Matthew; in short, one can have faith to the Most High, YHWH, but at the same time nibbling crackers at the table of a Sun God/Goddess, makes no sense, in association it violates God's Law. If I were you, I'd abandon the Durbin mentality in this regard.

    Korah had faith in God also, but he was no fan of Moses, and he believed God would be on his side for his actions, and he even challenged Moses, likewise with his biggest followers, Dathan and Abiram. Korah and his household, who believed in God as well, thought they were in the right, and it did not turn out well for them and those that followed, this excludes Korah's sons, who at the time were too young to understand their father’s uprising and or maybe too knowledgeable of God’s authority to join in the revolt, in regards, they were spared according to Numbers 26:9–11. Evidently, they sided with Moses, and they too had faith in God.

    Secondly, as addressed to you several times already, there is no problem with people getting together, enjoy one's company, etc. However, there is an issue with paganism. Hence, to use that as a defense to adhere to paganism is kind of contradicting in regards to God's Word, and or a faithful man who follows God's Word.

    To a mere man such as yourself, you would see no issue, but to God, it is, as is his inspired ones, specifically Apostle Paul; for some had some things to say about Festivities, i.e. what transpired in places like Lystra, or the events at The Temple of Artemis.

    Granted Santa was coined by you, it should be known to you that Merry Making, Christmas Trees, Mistletoes, Holly and Yules have nothing to do with Jesus at all - Therefore, The Saturnalia, a pagan Roman festival honoring the Roman God Saturn, has supplied many of the elements found in Christmas. If I recall you defended the celebration of birth practice, which was never biblical a while back, not to mention that Tishri and Tebeth are two different things, hence Dec. 25th not being an official date of Jesus' birth. Some people do not like truth, in this regard, and continue to indulge themselves in Mainstream version of Christianity.

    The Bible Forbids Christianizing Pagan practices, and specifically said to you before, Observance of Paganism, this is but one of several warnings, that we are warned in scripture in this regard:

    • Jeremiah 10:2 - Thus says the LORD: “Learn not the way of the nations, nor be dismayed at the signs of the heavens because the nations are dismayed at them,

    That being said, it doesn’t matter what our intentions are, God’s word makes it clear for anyone who understands it. You can’t turn a pagan holiday that is rooted in evil into something about God, be it involving you are relatives, etc.

  21. 1 hour ago, xero said:

    Why do the protected need to be protected from the unprotected by forcing the unprotected to use the protection that didn't protect the protected in the first place?

    The MSM are fooling people, yet they do not speak much of the situation in Florida, as is the vaccinated spreading the sickness to other vaccinated, as we can see in various parts of the world. The Crisis is only prolonged in which the powers that be want more power and control. Sure they can get people to vaccinate, be it their choice (granted it is wise to speak with a doctor), but at the same time, it lands people into a system of which the mandates will also play a contributing factor into shifting people into more division, perhaps grander then that segregation of old. More so, it allows people to hit their breaking point and to some, show off their true colors, which will create pack mentality and other problems.

    On the other side of the spectrum, you have the powers that be and their puppets concerning the mandates. Granted things will pop off badly in the span of the next few weeks, those in power will ty to usher in more things to create more problems for the people, even if it means to bypass anything constitutional, the edict of President Joe Biden, being an example.

    For what he is doing, he is trying to push something of which he does not have must authority to do so; the thing is, likewise to some degree with congress. His target, now being OSHA, for by January 4th, enforcement to comply. He does who do not, will be effected by such mandates.

    That being said, it is a shame that some people who are unaware get fooled by anything pertaining to the Woke or the Left, for the political paradigm does cannot fix anything, for man will drive their own into ruin in this sense. But as I said, there are various things in the works as the weeks go on by, specifically the US and the UK, for some things they are willing to adopt which will drive the common folk to a tipping point. The unaware will not see it unfortunately and they themselves will be devoured by the roaming beast of the system becoming one with it. Proverbs 22:3 comes to mind in this regard, for those who see the big problem vs those who do not.

    Unfortunately the other platforms tend to be molded by the MSM, as some here also share that too sadly.

  22. 36 minutes ago, xero said:

    Trying to get through to some people is worse than going through a root canal. You might as well just pull the tooth and get an implant. The infected thinking is coming from the heart, not the head.

    It seems as so, but I am use to it, and keep a col and mild temper in the process. Not sure when your faith group was professing gospel if you has ever met a paradigm level of opposition outside of the religious space. Running into people affiliated with groups such as ANTIFA or the groups that predate them, is a different story, depending on race, sex, or leaning, it could land you into some heated confrontation, something of which I had seen a while back before the New Normal when it comes to the debate space. The most interesting confrontation was from a UC Berkley teacher, who I deem an adversary for she was the only person I was confronted by twice, with both instances lasting for a while.

    As a side note, it seems sticking true to Scripture in the eyes of such people who deem one Conversate, mainly on key issue, such as Abortion. Perhaps that is also a reason why, even to some IJ and Truthers, some Anti-Trinitarians who are against it, your group included, are viewed as Conservative or Right Wing as well.

    That being said, it is evident that some people are unaware of how well trained animals and their owners operate, be it in the United States or the United Kingdom, and they do not know legitimate animal cruelty, and failed in this sense, when they consider and assume a rule of thumb as cruelty; that in of itself, is a disservice to the owners out there who trained their animals well because, as the UK Law puts it, sentient beings, of which they call animals.


    Another notation is that an owner who loves their pet, know that in some areas, not all, trained animals cannot be left in certain places, i.e. examples mentioned such as the British Man of authority who has some fetish for killing and tormenting cats. Then you have the folks on social media abusing animals, even killing them for show, in some instances, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Tiktok, etc reinstate these people when their ill intent has not change, which shows, such people can play the system because not only they have ill intent, they seek validation with the do it for the gram/vine mantra. For social media does not have much of a counter for this type of animal abuse, even kids get in on the action.

    The good thing is, there is a subnet of people out there, even various communities, that are against such, and will conjure up an opposition against it, and at times, take action. The woman in the picture above I will redact, but a while back there was a push to get her off YouTube, Twitter and Facebook, however, after some time, she came back somehow only to commit the same acts again, and soon after another push she was terminated. It is unknown of her status on other platforms. Likewise with CSA, Animal Abuse is something that is worse too, and actions should be taken, but at the same time, is is tricky because people tend to make accusations against pet owners, an example, Isabella's remark of which she herself was ignorant of the rule of thumb.



  23. 1 hour ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    ???????????????? Here you go dragging in things totally off topic.

    A remark, was not going off topic, granted some of which was already paraphrased in older responses, hence CSA and what I said earlier. If I wanted to elaborate it into a topic, I would, but I focused on the pertaining comments only, from you.

    1 hour ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    You are blind to the difference between the JW Org and Facebook.....

    On the contrary,

    • Jehovah's Witnesses have CSA problems
    • Facebook has CSA problems.

    No one is immune.  You were told the imperfections of man results in sin, that sin, being abuse towards children as well as animals, or any living soul, mainly if the brazen sin harbors ill intent.

    On 11/6/2018 at 7:29 AM, Space Merchant said:

    In this day and age, a child can be swayed by an abuser from a game such as Minecraft (it extends to even social media, something of which I will post very very soon putting forth the facts),

    On 3/17/2018 at 7:49 PM, Space Merchant said:

    Same thing goes for other things, social media and online video games (possibly the subtly in these things tend to be very dangerous) to where abusers also use and prey on young victims, especially on popular games the kids play nowadays Minecraft, Call of Duty, etc (apparently old fashion Mario and Donkey Kong is too retro for today's tech kids) for predators will pose as a "friend" in the game to lure their victims, despite such cases already, especially the recent Minecraft one that had a happy ending to it for the child and her family (link here), the games were not commended, but the parent's as do others also, are told to better supervise and educate children of online games, as well as social media, for back then to now, social media was literally haven for abusers - some also who bribe children to do things, at times offering real money just so they can blackmail the victim and record or take images of them, a situation similar to a friend of mine who passed away via suicide due to exposure and blackmail, for I have mentioned this before here.


    CSA is the same across the board, you said it best, Earthwide. Does not matter the faith, the background, the chosen genre, space, etc. If you want to speak about bindless, we can see you display that, granted the information about the 5k UK kids seemingly fell off your radar, in reference and link. Ironic that you were as quite as a mouse on that, open your eyes, JB.

    The only difference is CSA is complex in detection in the social media space (many, many examples, as pointed out even by UK police), of which Facebook is associated with, likewise, with the various medias birthed by Facebook such as Instagram, Tiktok, etc. Tiktok being infamous for some cases. Social Media's, as is Facebook's predecessor, was no stranger to CSA, granted, a lot of child luring and grooming began.

    For example, Myspace, granted it was already said to you how pedophiles exploit not only groups, but also resources, such as social media, it is not unknown to anyone, they care capable of doing the same - https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-397026/How-paedophiles-prey-MySpace-children.html



    Sky News - https://news.sky.com/story/facebook-responsible-for-94-of-69-million-child-sex-abuse-images-reported-by-us-tech-firms-12101357

    Hence Red Flags. Abusers exploiting resources, etc.

    Since the inspection of social media, abusers took up the space, granted of gaining access to children without much of an effort compared to schools and churches; even so, they are difficult to detect until you are serious about doing some detective work.

    That said, with what Facebook, even Apple and other Big Tech is doing now, parents and guardians will need to step it up as not only the hackers are getting smart, but the abusers as well.

    1 hour ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    But probably because YOU go looking for abuse

    This stuff is public. Loudoun County was public, but Wokeism and the Left likes twisting things and censoring people, me included. Everyone knows that child abuse is earthwide, as you said. I don't see why you changed tuned in that regard, granted from other information pertaining to it which one can paraphrase.

    In the Truther Community, this information pops up in all branches, talked about a lot, as of recent Child Abuse and Sex Rings related to the United Nations; even missing children/persons cases, some of which pertains to CSA, be in the US, and even the UK, or elsewhere there are Truthers, even those in connection with Independent Journalists, in which some of us have sources.

    Granted there is too many to count, some of them I usually bring up, even in the thread of which you mocked what we are doing.

    1 hour ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    I don't go looking for it because i use FB as a tool. 

    Pedophiles uses Facebook as a tool. Will 3 months of research change your mind? Clearly not. Therefore, I agree with Anna's remark.

    1 hour ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    I find it strange that YOU go looking for such things on FB.

    I do not need to look if the information is public, as well as sent forth. A link in regards to the UK was just presented to you, which you ignored.

    1 hour ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    Why do you go looking for it ? 

    Because there are people out there that are taking action in regards to CSA in some way shape or form, even doing what it needed to prevent more victims. You should know I have been doing this every time the subject of CSA comes forward, likewise with missing persons.

    At times I do not need to look for it if the community pushes it, as is, with what can be done to help if such is even within a locality.

    Solutions were even presented, and in that span of time, clearly you didn't apply or did anything.

    1 hour ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    It never 'pops up' on my FB pages.

    It pops up on independent sources and various communities and or groups, i.e. IICSA, ARC, etc. Even those who, which I attest to, outside of the paradigm.

    1 hour ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    I see my family and friends and Classic cars, vintage photos, motor scooters, men's fashion through the ages,  BUT NEVER any 'abuse'.

    Because you are clearly of the unaware, and of no community.

    1 hour ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:


    You favor Sky news do you not? You can see that. BBC? You did post such before, which was public, granted they are both in the paradigm.

    1 hour ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    So it seems YOU must go looking for it to find so much. 

    And clearly that isn't the case hence what I said for months, years here. Assumptions only make you look silly, JB. But what more to deviate from the fact the very tool you use is also in the hands of abusers who can exploit anything they touch for ill intent, effectively putting both people and animals at risk, and the unaware are always unaware of this notation.

    1 hour ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    Why do need to go looking for child and animal abuse on Facebook SM ? 

    The point was already address. If a child goes missing and or anything pertaining to CSA, Truthers and Independent Journalist inform those in their community, I do not have to do much, I am just send the info to do what I can, mainly due to the fact of my history. You mock a community, yet you do not know how they operate, FYI, one instance, we found among ExJWs, let that sink in. This is also how I was aware of the IICSA situation with Theresa May, and when I asked you, granted you follow IICSA heavy, you didn't know what I was referring to.

    That being said, it can be seen here regardless of what you said to Anna in the past, should it pertain to something else, you defend with deviation and no truthfulness.

    Continue to consume Wokeism on the social platform and be unaware, for those who are aware knows the dangers and are awake in this sense when it comes to animals, women, even children.

  24. 44 minutes ago, Matthew9969 said:

    What do you get when you cross Dexter with Hannible Lecter?

    How is that relevant? Perhaps is what do you get when you confront a crazed Berkley Teacher, a real person, in this case.

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