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Space Merchant

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Posts posted by Space Merchant

  1. As predicted - https://www.today.com/news/california-teacher-accused-mocking-native-americans-placed-leave-t235477

    Although they will say to you she was mocking Native Americans, however, the MSM or anything that is semi leaning Left pushes the narrative vs those who know fact and truth.

    Like I said, stuff of this level will indirectly effect something else, then you have the situation of teenaged students dancing and performing sexual like acts to teachers. The Left defended such acts, yet, would ban a Bible verse...

  2. 1 hour ago, Arauna said:

    I saw today that CCP now has Satelite chompers (I forget what name they called them).  In outer space they chomp up all space garbage......... and CCP views all satellites (but their own) as garbage....  So we may see a space event soon like Pearl Harbour...... anything can happen... because China has been invading air space of a lot of areas which do not belong to them.

    Well they recently sent out a Hypersonic nuclear capable missile that circled the global before hitting it's target, this got the US military stumbling. Th Biden Administration says they have 0 defense against something of this magnitude. This is low orbit, and requires little to no maneuverability, and it is capable of bypassing any known US missile defense system let alone conjuring up a deterrent to said missile. Although Russia has there own, this one seems a bit higher up on the destruction food chain. Some would argue the US may have advanced weaponry that the majority does not know about, i.e. the unknown aircrafts zipping in and out of the ocean, but it is known if that is something that cannot match this missile.

    Other then that, the Chinese people, often times, I tell people, that they're not the problem, but their government is.

    The fact they run on a social credit system, it will hit the US also, granted big businesses seems to have already adopted the idea.

    1 hour ago, Arauna said:

    They have satanic view of the world just like all other governments.... 

    They seek absolute power. As is their allies, as is their rivals, of which all of them, are under the United Nations banner. Essentially, a class of students, under a teacher, whereas half of the class is of one faction, and the rest, of another. The teacher in this example cannot unite these factions for there will be an inevitable fight between both factions of students.

  3. On 10/30/2021 at 11:19 AM, JW Insider said:

    My son knows persons who have participated in the protests. You can even find them discussed on YouTube and WeChat channels.

    They'll have to be careful, even now, granted the resurgence of some groups, and those effected by inflation, mandates, etc believed to have joined said groups. I was in the crosshairs of specific protests, mainly a UC Berkeley teacher who isn't shy to throw pushes if your race and sex fit the description. As for the YouTube Platform, after the Facebook whistle blower situation, nd Loudoun County, a lot of people are getting shut down, terminated, having some of their content removed from the platform, even if you have no videos, any comments made, gone. This also connects to the YouTube Algorithm that is known to effect things, as is, the YouTube police, if someone, even some kid, does not like your content or what you say in the comments, he or she is going to send an army your way to somehow get you or something you said removed.

  4. @Pudgy The truth is, that everyone uses social media, it is both a blessing and curse. Unfortunately, CSA exists even on social media and it is uncontrollable, as is far more complex compared to the norm of someone going into a school and or a church with one ill goal in mind; more so, it is very problematic when it comes to people end up as a Missing Person, for social media can be used to look for the lost, and to those with ill intent, used to lure someone to them, which is why the recent news about the police in the UK, them having a difficult time. Social Media also connects to various media, even the world of video games, where majority of the player base are children, hence why gamers often joke about how annoying kids can be when you play competitively against them. So one is to be very careful and if given the chance, teach about safety online, for there are many cases.

    The problem here, mainly in regards to @Patiently waiting for Truth is hypocrisy. He attest to the fact if anything has CSA, it is a reason to leave right away, which was the case with him being a former JW, but in response to that, Anna mentioned the total opposite. I've mentioned before that because of various situations, even CSA, some people would leave, some people won't leave, in fact, some people tend to try to remedy the situation and regardless of either side they would never make such a statement, if anything they would want better measures, how to improve, clarify, etc., but in the mind of JB, total abstaining from anything having CSA, yet, when Facebook comes to question, I was given a dance talent show, which was predictable, and in his dance, he uses the Jehovah's Witness' Shield defense to hide from the question, which is silly. It was also foreshadowing due to past threads/comments.

    That being said, in the case of Animals, there are some good things on social media, at times, too over the top, but at the same time, there are people committing acts of Animal Cruelty on Social Media. There was a woman tormented her pets, yet she still remains on the platform.

    Facebook at times tries to stop such acts, but often times, any ill acts pushed on to the media, often slips by - https://www.onekind.scot/facebook-rules-let-animal-abuse-slip-through-the-net/

    And even the children of Facebook such as Instagram, and Tiktok, is even more horrific when it comes to Animals - https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/animals-youtube-facebook-tiktok-video-b1906254.html

    The list goes on, and it all pertains to the notation of abuse, be it a person or an animal. The biggest problem is that the viewers of said content, are simply there to laugh, i.e. The Snoop Dogg Bird.

    21 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    Timmy’s once again stuck down in that well.

    Unfortunately it has been revealed that someone cannot live up to his own words when it comes to a social media platform. The irony because he was the one who mentioned CSA.

    That being said, granted the question could not be answered and an attempted elegant dance around it, is evidence to the fact, some people do not always defend their own statements which they often say on occasion even when it is not necessary.

  5. On 10/30/2021 at 4:00 PM, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    I forgive you for bullying me.

    It isn't bullying, granted you were the one that told everyone here if something has CSA you would leave it, even abstain from it. Granted, you told us this regarding the JW faith for that was your reason for leaving - understandable, but why could not that be applied to a media platform of which is extremely problematic when it comes to CSA, I wonder why.

    Hence, this is why you should choose your words carefully, therefore, Anna, was 100% correct in the old thread - CSA was NOT the sole reason.

    On 10/30/2021 at 4:00 PM, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    I forgive you for your rudeness and your aim to domineer me.

    Speaking Facts and using your own words is not being rude. Again you deviate from the question asked.

    On 10/30/2021 at 4:00 PM, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    I forgive you for trying to discredit me.

    You said that regarding CSA you left JWs, that is what you said, therefore, nothing is discredited.


    Everything pertaining to Child Sex Abuse on this forum alone, with practically 95% of your comments is factual to the statements you made for months here.

    Even here, when the subject matter is about Animal Abuse, you brought up CSA out of nowhere, yet now when your own remarks come to your doorstep, you scream discredit accusation? Friend, this is truth, live up to your words.

    On 10/30/2021 at 4:00 PM, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    I continue to forgive you because Jesus said this is what we should do, forgive. 

    But you should always be ready to speak, granted you were the one who attest to the idea of leaving anything that contains CSA. If you can't answer that, then it shows regardless if there is CSA, you'd still use said tool.

    On 10/30/2021 at 4:00 PM, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    However I will continue to give my opinion on things no matter how much you disapprove.

    But you said you would leave something and or a group because of Child Sex Abuse, yet somehow Facebook is on the Accepted Friend Request List, thus, it shows you are in the category of Compliance in the face of your own statements.

    On 10/30/2021 at 4:00 PM, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    The more your insult me, the more I know I'm doing what's right.

    You said insult, yet not one insult is mentioned, the fact you make the accusation of insult yet cannot show evidence of said insult, shows how strong your deviation is.

    CSA is the subject matter, of which you brought up, is it not? It isn't an insult to speak on your own words, but it is insulting to run in hypocrisy to your own words. If we are to speak further on insult, you should check your remark to Xero where you first uttered CSA.

    On 10/30/2021 at 4:00 PM, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    the more I know I'm doing what's right.

    So tell me, what is so right to remain on Facebook when you yourself said you would leave something if it has CSA riddled all over it?

    On 10/30/2021 at 4:00 PM, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    The scriptures make it clear that we must suffer for our faith. 

    So what about the 5k UK kids? Clearly you never did anything on Facebook to combat CSA, let alone recent events. Surprised that this discovery by the UK police did not move you to leave a social platform.

    On 10/30/2021 at 4:00 PM, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    Your defense of the GB, the Watchtower and the JW Org is rather disturbing considering how immoral they are and the lies they tell.

    Never brought up JWs, merely brought up Facebook. As we can see, you continue to bring up JWs and the Watchtower only to defend your own skin, running from the question in of itself.

    You speak of defense, so tell me, a girl who was abused live on Facebook by someone twice her age isn't enough to get you off of Facebook? Or perhaps make awareness of CSA? No?

    Of course not because if the CSA issue was that big for you, clearly you'd use your platform to try and add positivity and how to combat CSA.

    You want to speak of immorality, perhaps the many women and children abused on Facebook live would have their say, over perhaps the 5k children.'

    Clearly, never once, you bring forth awareness of CSA on such a platform, reasons why when former PM May was mentioned, you had no idea.

    On 10/30/2021 at 4:00 PM, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    You obviously feel that they are 'doing good' so maybe you are deliberately turning a blind eye to their sins.

    I don't care about Jehovah's Witnesses or the Watchtower because the focus here is CSA and your own words as is your hypocrisy to your own statements.

    I am pretty sure no Jehovah's Witness, current or former, would ever make such a statement while at the same time playing favorites when it comes to others media or tools. That is 100% hypocrisy.

    On 10/30/2021 at 4:00 PM, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    Do you really think I'm naive ?

    You are, JB. Because it is unwise, 100% to ever make such a statement, but you do the opposite when it is another form of media. Therefore, you should have given more detail to your statement and perhaps made it clear to everyone else first. Which you did not.

    Yet when it is revealed how dangerous your tool is, you run from a simple question with absolute deviation. Therefore, going forward, anything related to CSA, this can be brought forth at any given time, as is your past statements, which ignites more flames.

    On 10/30/2021 at 4:00 PM, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    You are trying to put pressure on me to leave social media as you are aware that I can use social media for the benefit of others and myself.

    The question was, in regards to your own statements on CSA, if you can leave JWs for CSA quickly, why can't you do the same for social media, specifically, Facebook, which in the realm of Social Media, CSA is not only far worse, but complex to track? Facebook couldn't even suppress/stop a child being sexually assaulted, raped, on FB live. In some cases, the viewers, watching the rape; often times people state if they themselves should be charged, hence the situation with Bystander Syndrome. Likewise with animals being tormented, assaulted even, killed on live, hence Animal Cruelty, same situation.

    Granted, if you can leave anything with that magnitude of CSA, surely you can do the same, but clearly you can't, therefore, your past statements are quite contradicting.

    On 10/30/2021 at 4:00 PM, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    Perhaps you should advise ALL JWs and ALL Christians not to use any social media. :)

    The problem here, no one has made the statement you made, reasons why I mentioned the thread with Anna, even quoted her.

    You were the only person to attest to the fact anything with CSA one should leave it, hence your own situation. Therefore it is said as to why you should have been very careful with your own words.

    On 10/30/2021 at 4:00 PM, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    They would probably tell you to mind your own business. 

    Actually if you check some of the threads of where I mentioned Social Media and it's problems, some things were very positive. Unlike you, some people, even JWs, former ones who are not disgruntled, even will acknowledge the fact CSA is all over social media, but still use the platform anyways, to some, they actually spread awareness if anything, actually looking for neutral ground to speak should the discussion calls for it. In the other thread, both you and Srecko never once reached this level, and in regards to you, your statement, puts you in the spotlight.

    Even outside of that, they would not, mainly due to the fact those who are serious about CSA seek neutral ground with all people instead of being one sided. An example would be the CSA cases in the JW faith, current and former JWs who know the justice system, even law would speak, but they would come into a confrontation with former JWs who became disgruntled. Look at half of what Srecko brought up on CSA vs the latter, that in of itself is an example, even more, a lawyer who deals with CSA, Srecko, and even disgruntled JWs believe that he is being paid by the JWs despite the fact this lawyer is defending an abused victim, another example would be your own remark towards @TrueTomHarley on this thread and what you said to Xero which was completely out of left field.

    On 10/30/2021 at 4:00 PM, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

     I know that may English JWs use Facebook including Elders. 

    And? Name one who made the statement you made and did NOT live up to said statement and all that equates to it.



    That being said, going forward, perhaps choose your words wisely because it seems that now said words are deemed indefensible; mainly going forward when it comes to CSA.

    Dancing around and Deviating from questions only makes you look more guilty, perhaps sent yourself free from that truth next time around.

    Anna's response was related to what you said to AllenSmith34 a while back, as is, what came forth afterwards from it.

  6. 1 hour ago, xero said:

    Climate change is a joke. It's like complaining about plate tectonics. It's all about controlling economies and power. Weather is not climate change, but every time someone gets hot, cold, wet or dry windy or whatever, we're all supposed to nod sagely and intone "climate change at work".

    True, and often times it is manipulated by those in power and politics. So in regards to what is to come very soon and the Reset, it would not surprise some should the narrative comes into full force.

    It would not be a surprise should they use animals in a way to manipulate people, after all, they defended Fauci, yet if it was someone else, they'd attack them for it.


  7. 2 hours ago, xero said:

    I pretty much live for a mention in a thread anywhere. I'm starting a scrapbook. :)

    Because what he said just recently contradicts due to what he addressed to you.

    The thing is, anyone can be of any community, leave it even, sometimes return to it, however, it is hypocritical to use one problem and pretend it isn't somewhere else. Although Facebook is problematic in many cases, it does not prevent someone to leave unless they choose to, therefore I didn't see why he danced around a simple question.

    That being said, I mentioned Bojo (Boris Johnson) for a reason. Granted animal cruelty, and children was brought up, Boris Johnson made a dark and unsettling joke to children about, feeding the people to animals. Now there is no question of what is to come to the United Kingdom in the coming months. This also all connected to the United Nations because the focus is on Climate Change; they released a bizarre video recently after Bojo's remark. Hence the remark in question a outlandish, concerning the fact he was focusing on animals regarding climate change. That in of itself, is borderline cruelty.



  8. On 10/28/2021 at 9:23 AM, JW Insider said:

    This isn't true.

    Somewhat, if anything, misinterpreting Scripture like some of the groups in China vs those who went underground.

    21 hours ago, Arauna said:

    Many of their oligarchs have received prison sentences. The Alibama oligarch was let out of prison recently and half of his wealth was taken away. .....

    Yes, people often disappear if they mess with the CCP, at times, disappear for good. Jack Ma's disappearance effected stock market investors for some weeks.

    As of recent, people are making memes about China's social credit score, sadly, we may have something similar here soon:


  9. 22 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    I'm surprised you are into video games SM.

    I don't play video games, however, at a young age I played sometimes, but I was raised in a religious household, majority of the time was spent reading either that or history, and physically, I like being active. In the IT world, you are bound to find people who have high interest in video games, either building a lifestyle, their appearance, or their attitude around it. This is why I mentioned those who are into war, they primarily play military shooters, while the latter are more puzzle based.

    22 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    I think video games are much worse than Facebook.

    Actually it is the reverse, the EXJW member who defended a female abuser was in the video game community, that operated on Facebook. The only reason I was able to know this person was EXJW because during the situation back in 2017 with said abuser, there were many defenders of this woman, and someone was traced back to EXJW reddit and Cedars' channel. His reason for defending said abuser was both laughable and poor. Since then the guy vanished from social media, YouTube and Reddit. On the other side of the spectrum, video games don't have exploits used to lure people, if anything, online capabilities, however, there are more strict ruling in place to prevent bad action, and they don't run on algorithms unlike Facebook and most media, which in turn, opens doors for exploits, even child pornography. In short, parents/guardians have a better chance of supervising their children on video games compared to the past, however, social media, mainly with recent events, it is difficult for them to determine what is going on.

    22 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    I would never waste my time on such a 'pretend' life style.

    But some people do. Ironically enough, it is also a mental thing for some people, especially those with disabilities. There are also those who are lost in life and believe that video games takes them back, and or gives them a chance to recoup.

    So I would not shoot down some folks just like that, without having a clear understanding.

    22 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    Fantasy worlds, voilence, crime, immorality, et al.

    Essentially all media, it comes down to choice. You can choose to watch/play anything historical, while the war time veteran wants to play Call of Duty Modern Warfare, while the old lady down the street prefers Virtual Chess.

    23 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    My 27 year old son, that still lives at home with us, plays these horrible games.

    Perhaps he grew up being interested in those games and or forms of media, actions in the household, etc led him to what he is playing now, along with how certain games are popularized. In my brother's case, who recovered from a porn addiction a long time ago, the only reason he got addicted in the first place because he tried to download games for Free at a young age, and some websites are very shady, i.e. you want Super Mario, but clicking on a fake Mario link will send you to an immoral website.

    This is why such an addiction today in social media is problematic, mainly the known ones Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok, Snapchat, and Twitter, which is notoriously known for allowing pornography on the platform, and at times cannot determine what it is vs child pornography, hence why there is a major issue with social media outside of the other issues. Even someone who, I consider, a rival, so to speak, often times is very vocal about the things in social media, as of recent, there was grooming material being championed by some there, of which the opposition is being censored for shooting down.

    Hence the Whistleblower issue kind of threw in a monkey wrench at the majority.

    23 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    Unfortunately he has other problem and these games seem to help him, but it's all a pretend lifestyle. 

    Which is stated, sometimes video games can help people. Again, it is kind of demonizing to say pretend lifestyle. I can tell you this, there are many stories of abuse mentioned in the Truther Community, a boy, now 23, used video games to bring him comfort and or an escape, enabling him to later be a better person because the violent physical abuse he faced from his parents and his sister, nearly led him to suicide. For if it were not for video games, this 23 year old would not be alive right now. He was ostracized by his own family at 18 and went to live with his friend afterwards, and now today, he is on his own. His personality somewhat revolves around the games be plays, reasons why when he speaks he is borderline technical and very detailed in what he says in a discussion, or to resolve a problem.

    As a side note, it was because of him I am aware of Deus Ex, and how eerily similar it is compared to COVID-19, alongside Orwell's 1984, in addition, the mantra, used predates the Leftist group, Black Lives Matter (BLM).

    23 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    Facebook is 'real', it's talking with real people about real things. 

    Also dangerous. Be careful to believe social media as "real", granted social media is the cog in the machine that is breaking down social life, the family household and a list of other things, should you let it consume you, essentially a blessing and a curse that can quickly destroy you.

    What is real is verbal communication, face to face with people close to you, friends, family, etc. Such interaction does not kill the social life.

  10. @Patiently waiting for Truth The fact you danced around that question shows that the old discussion in regards to Anna being involved was correct, and your answer is predictable. CSA has nothing to do with religion, for in your words, it is a worldwide issue. When it comes to social media, CSA is ridiculous worse because often times it is abusers using a platform to lure people. The reason I even address the question to you is due to the fact that you said it yourself, you left JWs because of CSA, but when it comes to a media platform, you cannot bring yourself to do the same, therefore, is shows what was proven time and time again for some folks, including you.

    That being said, I suggest you look into the 5k children, JB, for you hold IICSA to a standard, perhaps that should have peeked your interest without question.

    23 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    I DO NOT work for Facebook, I USE it as a tool,

    You still use said platform which has issues with CSA, no one mentioned working there. Not wise to dance around the latter question.

    23 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

      I DO NOT advise people to go searching Facebook for immoral purposes.

    No one is asking for a search, it is merely stated there is CSA on Facebook. Granted CSA is there, like your former faith, what is keeping you from leaving?

    23 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    I do NOT advise people to use any social media for immoral purposes.

    Unfortunately, you can advise, but not everyone ahs good intent.

    23 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    So what is your porblem ? 

    There is CSA on Facebook. Surely you can leave it just for that, can't you.

    23 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    Would you stop using trains or buses because pedophiles might be using the same one ?  Would you stop using shops because pedophiles might be using the same shops ? 

    Continue to dodge the point, granted the question was posed due to your saying of leaving JWs; hence, that could be equated to everything else.

    23 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    I left the JW Org becaue I WAS working for them. I WAS a baptised servant of the GB and their Watchtower / JW Org. 

    Again, no one is asking about working. Why continue to dodge why brining up occupation-sque remarks.

    23 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    I  WAS encouraging people into that place which could be unsafe for children and young adults. 

    Facebook is unsafe as well, so surely you can leave, right?

    A recent was allowed back on Facebook, let that sink in. Will you leave it for that?

    23 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    I WAS serving the GB by distributing their literiture.  

    I don't care about the GB, I am focused on a platform that has issues with CSA. After all, you brought up CSA in this thread.

    23 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    You seem to have quite a problem with social media.

    The issue here is your remark vs the question about Facebook. I have no problem with social media, only the misinformation. But the question addressed to you is in regards to your remarks about CSA.

    23 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    The simple point is, that the JW Org is still dangerous

    Facebook is dangerous too. Would you like to know the recent events regards to CSA outside of the 5k groomed children? Some cases are not PG.

    Granted you left the JWs because of CSA, I don't see why you cannot do the same for Facebook.

    23 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    they have not changed the way they think or act.

    Likewise with social media platforms.

    23 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    The whole world is unrighteous but not every person is wicked. 

    Is that so? But some of your reactions here can now be deemed questionable, if you hold true to that statement. As is with your remark to @xero in this same thread, concerning unproven animal cruelty, you were quick to make a remark, even being unaware of how Americans tend to leave well trained dogs alone at times, moreover, granted the owner is JW, and Xero is most likely JW, you were quick make an assumption. That is the same mindset of those in London with ill intent of their own to some degree, but with some parallels.

    23 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    I don't care what they have put in writing because they admit that they tell lies

    But when Facebook spouts lies, and or those not realizing what Big Tech is capable of, why not speak in the same manner in regards to that?

    I brought up Boris Johnson for a reason, and regards to what he told children recently, Facebook blocked opposition truth with misinformation. Surely you can leave Facebook just from that, can't you, hence, the older discussion.

    23 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    They call it 'spiritual warfare'. 

    Christians are aware that there is spiritual warfare taking place, it isn't uncanny for them to state the same thing. For, there is indirect action that is effecting any Bible Reader as we speak, even young ones.

    23 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    'having a form of godly devotion'

    There are JWs with Godly devotion, there are even some here. But the fact you are steering more and more into GB/WT mantra to evade the Facebook question is predictable, even evident.

    23 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    Tell me now, is Facebook pretending to be the 'one true religion' ?

    No one is mentioned Facebook as a religion, it was coined that CSA exists in Facebook, anything pretending to child abuse, grooming, sodomy, rape, luring, human trafficking, rape, as is with the numerous of those who exploit the system for power and political gain, attempts to deplatform.

    That said, CSA is there, again I ask you, what is stopping you from leaving, granted you easily left JWs for CSA primarily. CSA in this form is, in a sense, far worse than that of old tactics used by those with ill intent, and it is far more dangerous now in the age of COVID-19.

    23 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    Is Facebook pretending to serve God properly ? 

    There are people looking at specific individuals as "God" and "serve" said God. Then you have the situation with Big Tech. Clearly you are unaware of your so called tool of a platform. Then there is censoring, which correlates with CSA.

    23 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:



    23 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    So there is no comparison between the JW Org and Facebook.

    There is a comparison. You always see me say that no one is immune to child abuse. Child Abuse is in schools, churches, etc, therefore I always bring up education, ironically, IICSA even addresses something similar to the source I use.

    As always pointed out, Jehovah's Witnesses are not immune either, and some folks can potentially not notice the Red Flags, even EXJWs, are unaware, granted, a year or two ago, Truthers found someone, from the EXJW community who essentially defended an abuser. Facebook, also has CSA, and it is rampant, and the fact the police are struggling with this in the United Kingdom should alarm you.

    Seems you are adding on to the narrative to deviate from a simple question.

    23 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    They are totally different types of organisations. 

    Ok, then answer the question - If you can leave your former faith because of Child Sex Abuse, why can't you do the same for Facebook (various media)? Which has it worse concerning Child Sex Abuse, in some cases, the algorithm itself enables big problems for children.

    Everything I said in the past is true, concerning some people, even those of other faiths, in addition to that, Anna's remarks in an old thread. The irony here, the question addressed towards you makes it wildly predictable.

    That being said, perhaps next time you should be aware of your own platform and be very careful of what you say. CSA exist everywhere, and it is far worse in media then it is in schools and churches because of how much of a dynamic abusers have to use said tools, even use the system to lie in order to gain access to children. Why else you think Facebook is changing their name? Many reasons to take the smoke off of them if you.

  11. 3 hours ago, Arauna said:

    In China they rewrote the bible......and replaced worship of jesus with Xi Ping photos in churches. and in the west they are busy forming a new religion for us - which will unite all people supposedly. 

    Yes, this is why majority of the various Chinese Christian groups are either underground and or had escaped to Hong Kong to evade the crackdowns (it is likely they had been compromised around this time), while others are captured and getting "Social Credit Scored" to the point of vanishing. At the same time, over the years, this enabled those who think they know the Bible to form groups, spawning cults in China that can fit the description of Heterodox teachings, i.e. Church of the Almighty God, their core belief is that God has returned to earth as a Chinese woman to wreak the apocalypse, and this group is behind various murders. There are several others of which some believe the CCP is defending, for what reason? It is unknown. Moreover, it is extremely difficult now compared to 3 years ago to get any information in China, and I believe any Truther there post-Hong Kong Protest in many months ago, were heavily suppressed, especially now because of the Taiwan/Japan situation.

    As for Xi Jinping, the CCP considers him like that of a God. Although we know what the law says about Gods, as is with worshipping the True God, but it seems the CCP applies The One True God title to this man. The CCP is problematic, so much so, there seems to be a bit of infighting, in Jinping's case, he has been challenging former leader Jiang Zemin for quite some time, and this guy is equally bad, for he had a role on crackdowns prior. There was also recent rumor of a police operation that could have been used against Jinping, but that was scrubbed quickly.

    That being said, as of recent in China, here has been recent brainwashing of the youth, Greece summiting to China and the CCP sapping resources from an African country, Nigeria, not to mention what some under the CCP has done to the people in parts of Africa, but the children, specifically, young girls, for this also plays a role in increase tension, even racisms, granted Pro-Black Groups to react in such a way that is problematic. Then there is the black market, which is a whole different can of worms.

    3 hours ago, Arauna said:

    This should set you thinking - we will be required to put faith in mother earth with the new environmental goals of UN.

    Yes, but it will not be a surprise should some people break/crack under intense pressure and or something equating to that. This is why what I said in the other response, and or what I have been saying for a while on here, is vital. The United Nations is a threat, and although no one here is really political, if what they did several times triggered Conservatives, that should be a wake up call of what is to come, granted them and now the ACLU has been targeting the amendments.

    That being said, the influence is very strong, and should things hasten their actions, it will indirectly effect many, just like this reset that is to come in relation to COVID-19. This will also reveal who is truly strong in their faith in God and who is not, granted the compromising situation people are in today. It should also not surprise you that opposition will use whatever indirect change or action committed to weaponize against you, i.e. mandates which cause division results in people professing their own conspiracy and speak of it as a truth.

  12. 13 hours ago, Matthew9969 said:

    I was wondering if Tom Cruise would be willing to shoot a movie there now seeing how passionate he is about his religion.

    As already pointed out if you missed it the first time

    16 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

    This excludes those of status

    Tom Cruise is someone of status. Regardless of his following, nothing can't really be done in regards to him because of this. This is how things are played in the world spotlight, however, anyone in the same boat as Tom Cruise who does not have status, will get the boot. So in his case, should be shoot a movie there, he would not have any issues.

    When it comes to the 2 factions of world powers and or important figures, status is what separates those of of top tier vs those of lower tier. Now if you went there now to make a movie with the same plan Tom has, chances are, unlike Tom Cruise, you'll end up in the same situation like that of an Alexei Navalny Hero with FSB being the one to come after you, perhaps have your door sawed down whether you are a Russian native or not.

    That being said, some people are not aware of this status role, let alone how Russians operate when it comes to faith, politics, etc. As if the Soviet Era Home situation would give people a clue. Then again, most do not really pay attention of what is going on there.

    As of recent, he only completed with a Russian film crew.

  13. 3 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    SM you are rather strange in your way of thinking.  I don't have any problem with UK social media. In fact I don't have any problem with worldwide social media. I am not the judge of this world. 

    You missed the point entirely. The media you use has been revealed, in connection to what the MSM in the UK is telling the general public vs what they're not telling them, evident only your reliance on sky news in some cases and what they are not trying to say to the public of the UK. In this you have to be very careful.

    This has nothing to do with judging. The platform in question played a role in grooming of children, granted that is part of CSA, wouldn't that enable you to disband said connection to such media?

    You told me once you love Facebook, and elsewhere, you left JWs for CSA, what is stopping you from doing the same with said media? Out of curiosity.

    3 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    As for animals, a person wouldn't eat meat, drink milk, or use other things, if they seriously researched everything. 

    And yet some jumped to conclusions of animal cruelty with not much evidence in the face of the rule of thumb concerning domestic animals.

    This is true, but there are other aspects. You do not know the actions of those who handle said animals, this is why I mentioned the cow example. This is the same with fruit and produce, for you could be taking in chemicals in your body because of how the person(s) in question handles it. But to some that type of food is so good, they do not bother to inspect or clean or learn where it came from.

    Seeing how things are in the US and UK, as is what Bill Gates have been up to, you may want to think twice about not only what you are eating, but the source of which it is coming from. Americans as well as British folks tend to consume too much of something that isn't good for them, something such as Soybean.

    3 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    BUT, none of us can be totally separate from this world.

    This has nothing to do with separation from the world, it is more so of taking action. What I conveyed to you is in connection with recent events.

    3 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    I judged the Watchtower / JW Org because I was part of it.

    Current or former, you just said you do not judge people and or persons. Ironically a while back you were quick to judge Islam, although you are not part of it. You should have chosen your words carefully.

    3 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    I had to judge it to make my personal decisions.

    That is an action though. So why not leave Facebook? 5k children, UK based, lured, groomed, drugged, etc. More even knowing to law, some situations so outlandish, some instances far worse that institutional CSA, so why not leave? Perhaps YouTube as shouldn't be used, granted, a child predator, of which I and a few others help terminate was brought back into the platform.

    No one passed judgment but rather took action.

    3 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    Firstly, I was inviting families into the Org, and I now judge the Org as immoral and possibly a dangerous place for children to be... Secondly, i was handing out literature which contained things that I didn't believe, so I was acting as a puppet for the Org and distributing false information.  

    So what is stopping you from using media granted of how damning CSA is in media vs institutions?

    3 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    Now as for social media, I don't go searching for rude or immoral things, so I don't know what 'hidden' things you mean. However it would seem that you have full knowledge of all the 'hidden' information there ????  

    Then why not leave it entirely as you did the JW faith? CSA is quite rampant, hence what UK police was able to dig up. Ironically, this connects back to the events of Tommy Robinson.

    3 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    I can use social media and still have a clear conscience, as I use it in a constructive way not a destructive way. 

    But it has CSA, surely you can leave it. If you can leave a faith for the same reason, it would not stop you from abstaining from it, as is with YouTube. Granted, you often times criticize those who has nothing to do with CSA but bring it up.

    Facebook apps used in more than 5,000 child grooming crimes, says UK charity

    The IICSA also found something interesting despite them never mentioning the person of status.

    That being said, you always bring up CSA issues with JWs and even attest to the fact it was a contributing factor you left it, yet when it is anything else not JW related with the same issue, perhaps even greater, seems like the tune has changed.

    As a side note, Bojo (Boris Johnson) said something quite demeaning to children recently about animals. It is not funny to joke about such things to children, granted what he said was mildly dark, if I may add. Children should not have heard such, as for animals, even the domestic ones, should not be subjected to what was professed; for it kind of shows how some in authority sees people, mainly the unvaccinated.

    I recommending avoiding the people in the UK who blame their own for CSA, such ones cannot be reasoned with, mainly due to what is to come on your neck of the woods.

  14. 1 hour ago, Matthew9969 said:

    I'm guessing we won't see a Mission Impossible movie  shot in Russia any time soon.

    This excludes those of status, granted, fi you are aware of how those integrated within the system operates vs. those who are not. Then again, most Russians like him anyways.

    @AraunaYes, but some people have a breaking point, even Jehovah's Witnesses, granted, they have never been in a Freedom vs Compliance like situation that can spark an artificial form of division, in which even an indirect action can effect them, i.e. The ACLU and or whatever the UN attempts this time in regards to the 1st amendment, should something get restricted/limited, it could barr you from preaching the gospel quite easily to a degree. Also it can be weaponized against by opposition, mainly those who are Anti-Scripture (or irreligious). So in a sense, everyone is in a tough spot right now, therefore, you need a Batman level of endurance to get through the current situation, as is, what is to come; for the constitution itself is technically what his preventing the US from turning into Australia at such a fast rate. I cannot speak for the UK, a US ally, because in the next few months, the people there will start to get hit by the changes. Consider this your Moses and the Israelites in the Wilderness type situation.

    There has been some indirect actions committed, which is slowly moving now just towards faith base communities, but the Bible itself. Many people who I am familiar with, such as Solider of God, Ezekiel, etc. even one of your own, the Arab JW in the UK, mention this for a while. At times, we were often criticized and even censored to a degree because of it, even more now in regards to the school system talk. Evidently, in short, the motive of these entities is to consider some parts, if not some, most parts, of the Holy Scripture as Hate Speech, and in order to do so, some of said entities have their way in the education system and they do this because they have access to children, in turn, this enables indoctrination of the children, in a sense, even getting them to see God and his Word differently if the situation calls for it. Some of them fight it, some succumb to it.

    That being said, there is a lot going on, even in the Truther community, we are bombarded with a lot of stuff taking place right now, all that can be said late Fall into Winter it is going to be Hell. This I can tell you in regards to COVID-19, as of recent focus, there is information on the US military, their intelligence for it is likely that they will take over the tracking of and mandates system with a cloak and dagger like tactic, which in turns correlate with the break down of the federal government’s plan for a 4th procedure.

    As for Russia, it won't be too pretty for them in the coming months, it is already revealed they are attempting to not show weakness because of COVID-19 and military cogs will have their day in what is to come.

  15. On 10/25/2021 at 7:37 AM, JW Insider said:

    This is already happening in Israel, so I've heard. They are already on round 4 or 5.

    Yep, there was a lot of division and fighting among the people there and the ongoing protest in this regard. The irony here is many of us and us Truthers were censored heavy and called conspiracy theories for bringing this up, and suddenly a reverse Uno card was pulled; still bad enough due to the mass censoring that has been going on for the past few days. We are in a Freedom vs Compliance type situation now.

    That being said, it was said before of how such a thing can spread, as we can see now, this is affecting children now, in some instances, causing division among children. Some in Law resigning, which will ultimately spark an uptick in criminal and ill acts, and spawn Opportunists.

    The big question is will some of these countries, Israel included, go full on Authoritarianism like Australia did. On the other side of the spectrum, the camp ideology is also a problem, more so to the point where some are saying that those who have not been vaccinated should be denied service and should be sent to rehabilitation or therapy for not taking the vaccine and or them wanting to know why, essentially, reeducation counseling and camps.

  16. @Arauna I can't edit my original post, a bit related, but it seems there is going to be a mass exploit of the situation to be used on religious folks. More so granted there has been another attack on the First Amendment, I have to look to see if the UN has done anything, but this time, it is from the ACLU. COVID-19 in connection to this, could render anything Bible based spoken to be met with some form of retaliation, hence, a cog in the machine that paves a path for the events of 2030 as is the reset.

    That being said, you and your faith has now been placed in the spotlight of Freedom vs Compliance, something of which that continues to grow from the events of 2017 and onward.

  17. @Arauna One of the reasons why the ban was well timed, as well as the deployment of FindFace (which is now, it's cousins, being used more and more in the US and the UK in the age of COVID-19) and soon in some places, a two-tier system. The Alexi situation, as is with the Pokémon guy, the child who was arrested, the Librarian, actions of the Duma, Soviet Era Home issue, as is the man who got raided were all to masks what is taking place in Russia.

    At one point they were going to ban all Bibles that the RoC were not using.

  18. 3 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    So then I must be an indecent person as I get more infuriated by CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE. 

    Then keep that same energy. If you can leave JWs for CSA, then you can do the same for Facebook and related media, granted, a crazy recent event in regards to CSA in the realm of social media, as is the people allegedly being let go only to commit more acts, far worse than last, if that is what you are conveying here.

    That being said, in regards to CSA, I don't see how you continue to use said media, knowing what is hidden there as well, mainly when it comes to UK social media. - in the UK alone more than 5k children were groomed, on the other side of the spectrum, some have be involved in violent, sex related crimes and or moved to commit crime. Again, abusers are cunning when it comes to targeting children, mainly those who are willing to run off with strangers.

    It gives reason to those in the UK who blame all who live in it for these acts.

    23 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    Nothing will get a decent person infuriated more than animal abuse. Maybe it’s quasi-instinctive. Our commission specifically is to care for all thing of the earth, have it in subjection. In animal abuse lies the most blatant trashing of that commission. 

    Yes, but sadly, it is also a tough thing to tackle because of how people change their tune towards animals. Only the US has a gun issue, in the UK, it has a knife problem. Some Brits not only use these knife attacks on unsuspecting victims, but this was the case with those in regards to Animal Cruelty, either the crazed person is practicing to kill, enjoying committing harm, etc. Therefore, animals are also on the list with women and children in this area, but since we are focused on animals, some cases are just wild.

    As pointed out everyone who acts under law are don't always have good intent, namely the police, who abuse their authority on people and animals. Since the focus is knives, an example would be Steve Bouquet, a former Royal Navy gunner who has been killing cats in Brighton, England just for the fun of it, to add more fuel to the fire, he had been watching disturbing videos of dog/cat related deaths/killings.

    Over to the UK's ally, The United States of America, there are various cases, but the recent one being talked about is the situation with, to quote the memes, Lord Fauci, who experimented on dogs that are still barely alive. Reasons why [#ArrestFauci] was trending.

    As for both, mainly in the EU/UK areas, there is also a bestiality problem, in some cases, such ill acts even committed by those of authority.

    That being said, in similarity as to how to deal with abuse, when it comes to animals, it is a bit different, for in some cases detection can be flawed, in regards to cats/dogs, one can detect abuse just by physical attributes, etc. Therefore, the fact that this information is missing from OP, in connection to the rule of thumb for most in the US to leave well trained dogs unattended in some cases, it cannot be said it is animal abuse or and cruelty, but if the dog was untrained, causing trouble, etc. even when not watched, then, OP, @Isabella would have a case for that - therefore that remains to be seen, and it is most likely not all Americans know rules of thumbs for animals, likewise with people from the EU/UK.

  19. 13 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    Sigh….though it has nothing to do with anything in the thread, out of left field comes this gem from PSomH:

    “Neither the search nor the investigation produced any evidence that the Belgian Jehovah’s Witnesses had ever protected members accused of sexual abuse of minors by not reporting them to the police in violation of the Belgian rule of mandatory reporting.

    “….The Court of Brussels has now concluded that “there is no evidence” that the Jehovah’s Witnesses in Belgium violated the reporting obligation... Scholars of new religious movements have repeatedly warned that accusations by disgruntled former members should of course be examined, but cannot be considered like established facts, and their attitudes and motivations should also be considered.”


    Yes, this is known, however, I don't see how we went from dogs, cows and chickens to child sex abuse, once again, which proves the case made a while back.

    Other then that, in regards to animals, the US as well as the UK has done wild things to animals, what is sickening is that some people with ill intent have creative and destructive minds on committing harm on animals. So much so that the Animal welfare groups take a lot of action when cases are on the rise for such things.

  20. 9 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    JWs here in the UK are not getting tortured or locked in prison. That doesn't mean JWs here in the UK are not concerned about JWs in Russia or elsewhere.

    Yes and no, as I was clear of the events that transpired out of Hyde Park, which also effected JWs. There is a bit of torment and harassment that has been taking place in the United Kingdom concerning religious folks, even JWs, i.e. a situation with influence from various disgruntled JW members which led to some unfortunate members of the faith to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. More so a version of harassments comes in form of those who are Pro-Agenda, who take their actions out on a victim that is Anti-Agenda.


    9 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    So, on that same principle, JWs in any country should be concerned about Child Sexual Abuse in the whole of the Watchtower / JW Org Earth wide. 

    They are, the ones who recognize CSA, and the one JW who lives in the same zone are you are, is quite vocal about it, the only difference is no one listens to him not because he is a JW, but because he is an Arab, hence Anti-Arabism, this is also in connection with influence spread in the media, as is, the events with Tommy Robinson.

    That being said, as for the United Kingdom, the majority, you included, may not know about what your own government, as is the laws of said land, has been used to shield those of status, such as IICSA's Teresa May.

    What it comes down to is the people taking action, but it seems as although Truthers were right in regards to some people when it comes to CSA; for no grounded discussion, equates to even more CSA, and the fact that the UK is going the same route as Canada and Australia, CSA is going to a big problem in the coming months. For it is said, once Authoritarianism takes full effect, there will be those who seek out children for ill desire that will run rampant, perhaps even closer to home, in your case.

    Other than that, in regards to CSA, that could have been brought up in the other thread, not here since we are talking about dogs and domestic animals, for if we have to go down that route, I would be happy to reveal not just the US, but what the UK has done to animals, some things, of which, to hellish to speak of.

  21. This is why it was said ever since the Pokémon guy was banned, it will indirectly effect others. To this say, many people are not so aware of the timeline of said events and what it is close to. Although Scientology never originated from the Christian Revival, the fact that this route is taken, will indirectly hit others, and those already hit will be hit even harder; kicked while they're down.


    Regarding Russia, be very very careful, with the media coming out from there as is those who report it.

  22. I see you are catching on. Us Truthers said this a while back, but we got censored for it and accused of spreading misinformation. This will evidently harm those now and their children, and their children's children. The COVID-19 Endemic gives power to the rich and powerful. Prepare for the 10% drop in income and the forever gazing omnipresent eyes of the IRS.

    If you can live off the land, you should be well off.

    That being said, there are 2 factions here in all respects, Those for Freedom and those for Compliance, this will befall on all people. As we speak, the next on the chopping block is the United Kingdom and Canada. If you live in those areas, before for an incoming Hell.

  23. 12 minutes ago, Pudgy said:

    I personally prefer to think of eggs as boneless chicken.

    Just be careful to not eat eggs. Eating it in front of the wrong person can warrant physical altercations. Or chicken sandwiches. No one would want to lose their life over a chicken sandwich; especially in London.

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