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Space Merchant

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Posts posted by Space Merchant

  1. 23 hours ago, Isabella said:

    Dear @The Librarian

    I have a JW neighbour who lets his dog to go out without any supervision. For what I see this dog goes in the streets looking for food. He must not feed him. Isn't this animal cruelty? How this JW can pretend to be a ministerial servant if he is not taking care of his domestic animal? Prov. 12:10

    Believe it or not, some in people actually do this - it is a rule of thumb for well trained dogs for some, even for cats, although some dogs/cats do eat in the home, sometimes they eat outside of the home as well (i.e. Cats hunt food also), so this person's dog who eats outside of the home, mainly due to the fact the dog is able to return to said home, should not be an issue. As for animal cruelty for a well trained animal, no, unless if the dog does not look weak and feeble, has injuries, looks unkept, etc, then I would not say animal cruelty, unless if it is visual present. Now a dog that does not really eat in the home can and will often times he hostile outside of the home towards other animals/people, and when there is food pretend, they can get violent towards said person/animal. Granted there is no indication that this is the case in regards to your statement, it is unlikely and the latter is true for an American raised domestic animal.

    That being said, a dog that is well trained can be left unsupervised in some cases, noticed I said well trained, for a well trained dog if is is not in the home can handle itself, even return to said home, likewise with cats



    Now if he had an unkept dog that is put in a dog fight like setting, that that rules animal cruelty.

    2 hours ago, The Librarian said:

    I would consider that animal cruelty.... however... remember that the cheeseburger I just ate was from a cow that was just minding his own business and chewing his cud not even a few days ago.

    Korea and other countries actually have dog markets where dog is a delicacy.

    As the world gets poorer, more desperate and hungry I think we shall see a lot more of this.

    It would depends if there is evidence of the dog being unkept, etc. Granted it isn't a dog in a feral like state and well trained, the latter is ok.

    As for cows, yes, people eat the meat of the cows, bones even, however, it comes down to how the cows and chickens are treated. A farmer can raise a cow well vs a famer who brutalizes and abuses a cow, and there is a difference; another factor is a use of drugs and hormones on said animals, to which many people, the US and the UK being big consumers, do not pay attention to this factor and consume without question.

    As for Korea, this is true, however in some Asian countries there is a far more darker aspect in regards to such markets, some of which are quite unclean. At times if your pet dog goes missing, there is a high chance it may end up in said market, and depending on the owner of said market they can abuse the dog, drug it, etc. hence Animal Cruelty. This is why in some Asian countries, owners are very critical with supervision of their pet dogs and cats compared to that of the US and UK.


    That being said, the biggest form of cruelty towards animals, in the realm of animal abuse is what Big Pharma does to animals, dogs are not spare, and those hidden labs some of them have that is straight out of the 1950s is quite diabolical, for I have seen abandon Labs of Big Pharma and labyrinth of cages and testing areas that are something straight out of some Alien Si-Fi, it isn't nice.

  2. @xero A lot of things transpired recently. The Joe Rogan vs. Sanjay Gupta situation, those under 12 will evidently get the vaccine, China having a large amount of DNA/Genetic data via US healthcare systems due to COVID-19 as IA entails, if you do not take the jab, for some, there is a high chance of Social Security Checks to be withheld and a possibility of evictions. On top of all that, it seems the one the Cult of the Woke and the Left refers to as Lord may have lied; the NIH may have admitted that they did fund gain of function studies, thus making Fauci now appear to be a lair, but as you know, the MSM will not address that and will try to spin the narrative as they did with Colin Powell. Late Fall into Winter will be another set of stormy days.

    That being said, all this stuff can cause you to drift from other objectives at times. Us Truthers have been eyeing Ghislaine Maxwell and Bill Gates, so outside of COVID-19, us as is with you and everyone else, be careful to lose focus, as many did with other events.



  3. @ApostaBabe Linda James I guess I had spoken too soon, granted us Truthers tend to be very early with things at times before the general public. The Libs, Cult of the Woke and Leftist who had promoted the Pfizer propaganda got their way - https://www.pfizer.com/news/press-release/press-release-detail/pfizer-and-biontech-announce-positive-topline-results

    The increase division, fights, etc. will be ignited just from this alone, therefore, it makes the mantra "They're coming for your children" even more chilling to those who knows what that means.

    This will essentially give even criminals an edge to commit even more harm, so to speak, and or injury because this opens more doors for them since more children will be present. And this does not only lean towards CSA, but, should the unaware fail to stop it, the indoctrination of children when it comes to the brazen conduct now being taught in schools/Higher Education in general, for a form of CSA and racisms, as is with hate is being taught to children. Granted we have JWs and ExJWs here, it will be no surprise The Holy Bible (or those who read the Qu'ran) will becoming an even bigger target on the Woke's hitlist, then you have Section 203.

    That being said, mid-Fall into a Dark Winter is very close - in the realm of CSA and other things, should the grenade be tossed to you in a trench, be sure to throw it back.

  4. Well the paranoia from The Taiwanese people, some I know myself, can be justified in regards to China.

    Other than the whole Lord Fauci mantra, it is said that the Intelligence Agency gave a warning concerning the Chinese Government, CCP. That warning is in connection with a database of which the Chinese has; A Genetic level database , the largest supposedly own by China, in the world. This is in connection with the COVID-19 Test Kits and Bio firm buy ups, which in turn, gives them somewhat of a level of a dominance over United States' Healthcare and this can lean towards having an advantage, military wise. Granted they are heavily involved in this situation when it comes to testing. This also makes the US in a way heavily dependent on China in regards to this sector. As for the Taiwanese, there has been growing tensions between them and China, something of which was mentioned a long time ago.

    As pointed out before, in 2018, 2019, China isn't a US ally, for it is an ally of Russia, Iran and Syria, more so, China is the type to even pry at it's own allies, essentially a General Shepherd type.

    That being said, the late Fall into Dark Winter notations I brought up several times, although not connected to China, will ultimately put every soul to the test, as is break some.

    Preparation is key, as is being aware and vigilant. As for those vaccinated, you are all in the system now.

    Other than that the Cult of the Woke has been pushing BioNTech Pfizer like crazy through various propaganda.

  5. 2 hours ago, Pudgy said:

    Since we do live in a two dimensional forum on the site, I feel pretty confident in forwarding a two dimensional comment.

    Looking at what ABLJ STATED, Above, it seems to have no back up or make any sense whatsoever.

    Yeah I do this all the time, but it is clearly understood by those who have two neurons to rub together.

    It’s like the old saying goes, I never repeat rumors…… So you better pay attention the first time.

    TWICE she assumes things that are not in evidence, with no basis whatsoever for the premise upon which that opinion is offered.….. and who is this “we”, in “we assume…”?


    Unfortunately there is Hell coming in any violent and sex related crimes. I was among the hundreds shut down because of the school situation, abusers and criminals are being released this time around and it is Antifa season, CSA is going to be more brutal because of a stars aligned type situation that was in action, and those of high status are still immune.

    That being said, I am looking forward to the Maxwell situation concerning abuse, but if she says anything too wild, it would not surprise me if the government ends up "killing" her to protect those who committed the abuse, namely one of UK's Princes, in which the police simply ignored and pretended he had no ties, as is with the situation with Bill Gates.

    In short, the world has lost it's marbles to the point even some folks are giving their children to abusers of status just for the money; selling their children.

    Prepare for a cold end for Fall and a Dark Winter.

  6. 2 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Are you familiar with the WTJWorg position on vaccination? Is there agitation on members to vaccinate?

    Most of us are aware, however, there was a lot of misinformation spread about Jehovah's Witnesses and vaccinations to the point it was addressed in a public briefing in NYC. Regardless, when it comes to mandates, everyone gets effected one way or another, JWs included. At the very start of the pandemic, both Kosnen and I coined segregation and division among the people, and such kicked off in January 2021 and onwards. Two United States, Two United Kingdoms, Two Africas, etc.

    The JABBO situation does result in some issues; and it is a path for those in power in relation to the Reset.

    2 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Basically, what you mention, can really be a problem, that smaller children won’t be able to come with their parents. I mean, on the other hand, kids will be spared from some aspects of bad theology from the podium.

    Unfortunately, the huge increase of abusers do not always need a church or a school, granted of what transpired from a county, and the people released into the night. Moreover, the justice system is dropping people off, even those known for criminal action, i.e. the woman who was raped on the train, the boy who raped a girl in the bathroom of a school, etc.

    This also proves to be a double edged sword for those escaping abuse from the homes, whereas the Father and or Mother abuses children violently or sexually and the only solace is indeed a religious institution and or a school.

    That being said, when the Reset happens, CSA will be moved down the ladder, so to speak. The UK, another story. Texas recently released an abuser, and around the states other criminals are left loose. Ironic because it is Antifa season again.

  7. And so it begins, the rise of opportunist, as pointed out. The story as been made public because many people are talking about it, granted, anything related to children now in Australia is often covered up. Granted none of us are in that area, Truthers there and IJs are looking into it, granted they can get past the lockdowns.


    Police hold grave fears for Cleo Smith and say all circumstances surrounding her disappearance are being considered Credit: EPA


    Australian police say they have "grave concerns" for a four-year-old girl who disappeared from a remote coastal campsite at the weekend.

    Cleo Smith was last seen sleeping in her family's tent at the Quobba Blowholes camping ground in Western Australia early on Saturday morning.

    Her mother said early the next morning the tent was open, and the girl was gone, along with her sleeping bag.

    An extensive air-and-sea search is continuing.

    Cleo's mother, Ellie Smith, told local media of their "horrendous" past few days. "We haven't really slept," she said at an emotional news conference.

    "Everyone asks us what what we need and all we need is our little girl home... The worst part is, we can't do anything more. It's out of our hands so we feel hopeless and out of control."

  8. On 10/16/2021 at 4:45 AM, Patiently waiting for Truth said:


    Again - if the root has never changed, it does not matter, therefore, no violation. They all originated with that one Strong's which was mentioned to you.

    @NoisySrecko Agreed, but the 1925 thing some people simply read a few words, but do not read into what was actually said, thus end up coming up with their own narrative.

  9. 3 hours ago, John Houston said:

    I'm in my sixties and still enjoy the newer versions of the older video games. Don't play them with the time and zeal as before, but they take mind off the awful pain and suffering I'm in now. I do have to choose which ones I play with my grandchildren, since we can play across country, they love to beat up on old grandpa, at times.

    Believe it or not, there are some older folks out there who play videos, mainly war time games because they are reliving the Vietnam Days, and there are some, granted their age, they play games where they create a younger version of themselves. Then you have the older folks who got into VR.

    True, it does take your mind of of things, and or giving you time to think or strategize, however, sometimes, we have to be careful to not get too real with video games, mainly VR


  10. @ApostaBabe Linda James Yes, and outside of religious institutions, children of the ages 5-11 are being targeted as we speak in this vaccination push. This will evidently make the division even greater among the people in the face of mandates and will result in a bigger number of revolting parents/guardians. However, that will not stop those who are the latter to the pedophilia disorder, granted, there is more of them around even on media. Other than that, there is a possibly of Gang Stalkers as well, although nothing to do with children, these people are out with the goal of fishing people out of schools and churches.

    Yes, they'll need education, however, what I notice is the some people, even some JWs, who adhere to said education are usually the ones who, well the majority, bounded by culture, i.e. in 2020 JWs, well rooted in their culture, majority islanders who now reside in America, stopped an abusive father from taking his kids from his divorced wife who is a current JW, prevented him from entering the JW church even, elsewhere, you have Swahili JWs, and the Arab in the UK I mentioned, however on the other side of the spectrum, you have those who are more intertwined with a cultural ideology that does not hold values on top of the list, evidently setting them up to Bystander Syndrome, something of which effects majority of people around the world, even those in law. The fact of the matter is, there are those well rooted in said culture who are more aware on seeing red flags, even stopping abuse before it takes place - JWs being in this same boat with all imperfect men.

    You are in the right to be concerned, but with the events taking place, anyone resuming paused activities will have to face what is coming in the era of COVID-19 and the imminent Reset.

    Yes leadership is one thing, however said education needs to be applied. For someone of authority can tell the people to avoid doing bad things, but it will not be applied by everyone, if anything, only a few, and it will 100% be ignored by those with bad intent. This is one of the reasons we to why many, even myself, are getting censored due to the Loudon County situation related to child on child abuse, the Trans community, which evidently now has another comedian on the chop block. On top of that, education in this regard is now critical due to more who seek to commit to harm to people, even children has increased, there are Opportunists out there.

    True, for most who commit a crime, even admit it, will attempt to evade justice, not only education is to be applied, but you have to be swift; something of which most in the United States are not too keen about, mainly due to how much politics effects even that of the justice system, granted, the Left vs Right paradigm escalated from 2011 to present day. Abuse in Montana is moderately high, mainly from 2014 and onward, problematic this year because abusers do not often target schools and churches because most are closed down. In addition to that the justice system in Montana concerning child abuse is a mess, therefore, those in law are being investigated on by lawmakers on how they themselves handle the cases of child abuse from institutions and or other. As for the guy who apparently went to Mexico, it would not be a surprise if he was enticed by those who are somewhat connected to coyotes, of which, often use children to a means to an end; for they are a cog in the machine of increased abuse.

    As for Utah, that is a combination of Bystander Syndrome and not being educated on CSA, for some will assume they are doing what is right when it comes to Internal Church Investigations, however, the Elder here, fail to see the problems they themselves raise, in some cases, aiding the wrong person unknowingly, and it is factual the abuser here, a Gang Stalker, was able to exploit both the Elder and the Victim. The audio recording, in some states, are considered legal sadly, even in regards to the justice system, however, it seems uncanny for the Elder in this JW church to equate it to a religious practice, for it that was the case, everyone else would have applied this, more so, recordings of that nature, of someone being raped, is not normal for Internal Investigations. Said recording, the Gang Stalker who abused the girl spun his own narrative which pins the Elder against the girl here, granted, Gang Stalkers are, compared to the average child abuser, are more intelligent when it comes to their goals. In addition to that, the abuser here can be identified as a Gang Stalker, hence Anna's Testimony, and like majority of abusers, the fact he got to the Elder first, no doubt he was able to manipulate said Elder who was evidently against Anna. Gang Stalkers with ill intent will try to get to someone of authority before a victim, even family members, and granted this was a rape, it most likely told the Elder she consented, which clearly we know that this is a lie. More so, there is a strange practice in the States, even in the UK, and elsewhere to record audio or videos of sexual relations, be it with or without consent, in other words, pornography as well as revenge porn, which is the recording of and or pictures of sexual relations to be used against someone, there is even an Underground Community, related to this, and in my case, I lost someone to this because of the Adult Industry. That said, stuff like this is problematic, mainly due to recent events.

    Would depend on the elder and or JW, some JWs, even elders, are quite vocal about CSA and what can be done outside of receiving some instruction from religious leaders of their faith. Not too long ago a JW teen brought up his JW church and what they have been doing, granted, their community is vs that of American JWs in Utah and Montana, culturally stick strongly to values and are not easily hit with Bystander Syndrome and all things pertaining to it. The irony here is the current JWs and or Elders who also profess this elsewhere, are often removed by former members of their faith, i.e. the situation in 2017, which to this day that bit of history was re-written. The Arab JW I quoted speaks about CSA too, and he is lucky to even speak because of what nearly happened to him in 2016, and there are more. These are, apparently, the only subnet of JWs who some can actually speak to about CSA and even come to a neutral grounded setting to speak of the matter.

    On the other side of the spectrum, what most people do not realize is that they can indirectly help abusers go to these institutions, even JW churches. We already know of what the media and the law is doing, however, to go online and weaponize abuse, and making jokes that it is a paradise results in enticement of abusers, likewise with the ExJW community, of which some of us Truthers found abusers in that community too, so everyone needs to be more aware and careful.

    Then you have Law, which works differently in various states, for a law in NYC could be different from that in NC outside of the basic laws known. In the case of CSA, it is handled differently in each state, in some areas, a victim is forced to be the mate of their abuser, which in turn, caused an uproar. 20 countries in which a child, raped or not, mainly girls, are forced to marry their abuser, and we can see someone with ill intent can and will exploit this whereas in other countries it is not lawful. The Justice System is also broken in regards to CSA as well, hence Montana. It is also reasons why events of CSA, even among JWs, usually happened in specific states whereas CSA is problematic. Although race is also involved in this, to the dismay of John Butler (Patiently waiting for Truth), it is legitimately true, concerning information from the FBI, who they themselves are not immune to CSA. Laws are not always helpful in some degree, so it is wise for people to adhere to the education necessary to better protect the children, some people are equipped, even some JWs, but not everyone, and those who are better equipped, culturally, are like that of a fortress that guards children, perhaps people, mainly Americans and Brits, can learn from this to see how they can minizine abuse.

    Somewhat true, however, some people uphold God and they do not want to drag God's name in the mud. However, at the same time, this is of little importance to those with ill intent, this even goes for those in secular authorities who are in this same boat when they themselves are not immune to CSA, everyone, even the police are not safe, therefore, they need to be better equipped. The irony in this is when it comes to the Left vs Right, the Left would say this about faith groups, even JWs however, their counterparts say otherwise because their focus is on the causer of the problem, hence the mass censoring taking place now related to CSA.

    The God of you, me, the JWs and everyone else will take action soon. Granted Child Sex abuse or violence against children stems from imperfections of sin that is upon man. All that can be done is to minizine abuse as much as we can, for we can prevent, however, we cannot save all unless more people play their part. There needs to be a conversation about abuse too for no one truly is seeking grounded discussion, mainly in regards to JWs and ExJWs, never, at least once there is grounded discussion, and should JWs speak about CSA they are censored, attacked and or removed in a bias arena. This is why I often used Hyde Park as an example of people coming together to speak about CSA with faith groups after the situation with pedophiles being released back into the public.

    That being said, should there be no ground discussion going forward, the mass exodus of abusers, rapist and killers of people, specifically women and children, as is with an uptick of Gang stalkers, etc. will effectively put people in bondage. Should Authoritarianism rise in the states, CSA and violence will be far more brutal than what it is now, even past the Reset; those of status who are abusers themselves, will forever be immune and if we speak, we will be censored.

    The question is, who among the faith ground will start? The JWs or the ExJWs concerning ground discussion? Some instances of this was professed here, mainly by Anna, JWI and Tom, The JW teen, and the guy with a black cat for a profile pick, and there are many examples elsewhere. To clearly though, there are two factions of ExJWs, the ones that did not dwell on what JWs see as apostasy vs those who do; the ExJWs, the latter, are also attacked by those who have turned to apostasy, even mocked, i.e. A few ExJWs and a Bible Student stopped a protest at a park against JWs, these people were dealt with sadly.

    That said, there is Hell coming this late Fall into Winter, mainly due to what the paradigm is doing, this goes for the mass children released at the dead of night, as is with criminals.

  11. 1 hour ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    But it proves where their hearts and minds are. 

    Actually no because they will not know someone's intent, mainly due to the fact the wild increase of pedophiles and child abusers due to the lockdowns and COVID-19, and how well rooted they made themselves in some communities that did open back up, mainly schools. As of recent, we have examples, some of which the New York Times and other forms of media now is branding the sexually abused high school girl's father as the enemy. This is why I told you before of how some Leftist operate, an inaction will result in a spill over into other communities, therefore, JWs will have a wave of things take place, as is everyone else; for parents are already battling Higher Education Systems. Likewise to you in the UK, there are things brewing of which your media will not inform you, and evidently this will catch you and other Britains off guard if not unknowingly prepared.

    This is why the things I said on CSA is fact and true, even vital because we are in a phase right now, for if us Truthers are this worked up with mandates and what was born out of this Endemic, it should scare you.

    That being said, I myself as with others were shut down by the MSM who defended the girl's father, and anything CSA related in this regard is getting wiped off platforms, they started with a Comedian/Conservative Journalist who spoke about it, Steven Crowder, and them striking him down emboldened them to strike a lot of us out, and some in the Truther community. This is why it can be said the push for this narrative has increased, mainly that of both pedophilia and Ephebophila.

    This winter is going to be quite dark.

  12. 8 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    I agree with your prediction you repeated several times on various topics. This only proves that the WTJWorg Administration along with its members is dormant in its self-confidence of living in a “spiritual paradise”. Poor internal communication, poor policies and rules of conduct in critical situations, poor education, in general, and especially for CSA. The fact that they are capable organizers for construction projects and the purchase / sale of real estate is not enough.

    It is something that is to happen, granted of the vast majority that [A] entered the country and [B] the sheer increase of CSA, which I brought up time and time again, New York recently had a man released (who raped and killed a child years ago), and elsewhere in the US a multitude of people were dropped off throughout the US at the dead of night, some of which may have ill intent, and ironically are barred from both mandates and vaccinations.

    They're not dormant, granted if the people take the needed steps to counter anyone suspect, namely if they display any of the Red Flags of which is mentioned to you. As of now, abusers, namely children who sexually abuse other children target institutions, as is with media for meet-ups, i.e. the situation which YouTube was hit by, as is Twitter, but somehow they allowed the pedophiles back on to the platform, resulting in people monitoring and teaching to evade such ones.

    It has nothing to do with policy or rules, hence recent events, but simply the education aspect of CSA, which is no different from the IICSA notation. Moreover, the biggest issue is bystander syndrome (Bystander Effect), of which majority of people who are unaware tend to be effected by, for recently, like I said, child on child abuse because of someone exploited transsexual/LGBTQ community, elsewhere, a woman was raped in a train and everyone just simply did nothing, some just had their phones out, a woman in UK was raped and killed by an officer, some abusers were released from captivity, one of them the MSM championed in their articles, etc.

    Institutions are capable of teaching such outside of their operation, however, it is the people to apply the education. You can teach a room full of school children that drugs and sex before marriage is bad, but a good chuck will continue to go down that path, you already did your part, in this sense. This is similar to education related to CSA, strangers, drugs, etc in the realm of religious and educational institutions.

    It also stems from politics, for should the Left have their way, as is with some Libs, you'll not only have more abusers around, but more Desmonds roaming the schools and the streets, on the other side of the spectrum, the whole situation with ARC in Australia is technically lost due to Authoritarianism, granted, when such is in effect, Opportunists will show up, and it will be no surprise that Opportunists how there had their way with children/teens be it violently or sexually, with police essentially dropping like flies due to despotic like action. 

    That being said, indirect occurrence will effect majority of institutions if they leave their heads down.

  13. I doubt. But the fact that the US currency is slowing dying, Bitcoin, Gold and Silver are a safe bet for some folks in order to prolong themselves, survive and or maintain themselves. Bitcoin itself is a digital currency, a decentralized system on the blockchain. Bitcoin also has similar cousins, some of which, are better and more popular, Cardano, Ethereum (soon Ethereum II), etc. Now Bitcoin will most likely not be a decentralized currency for long since for the past few months, the governments have been eyeing Crypto for sometime, more so, their has been a battle with Retail Investors, whom the MSM has slandered them to the point where the rich got more richer when playing mind games with them.

    That being said, it would be no surprise if some held Bitcoin, or the others, as a side currency when the devaluation of the dollar increases in the US and outside of it.

    Bitcoin is like money, although we cannot be lovers of money, it is, and forever will remain a tool for us to use. Therefore, what was done with the US dollar by some, even JWs, it will play out the same with Bitcoin, i.e. buying food, clothing, travel, etc.


    On 10/15/2021 at 9:44 PM, Pudgy said:

    If they invested it all into Pudgycoin, since we keep no records, it will be perfectly safe, with complete plausible deniability!

    Well now you'll have to compete with Dogecoin and Shib Inu Coin, in addition to that, a long list of other things such as..... Competing with:



    • Elon Musk Fans
    • Cathie Wood Fans
    • Mark Cuban Fans
    • Snoop Dogg Fans
    • Ryoshi Fans
    • 50 Cent Fans
    • Vitalik Buterin Fans
    • Day Traders
    • Charles Hoskinson Fans
    • Citizens of the Hype Train
    • Compete and even wage war against Crypto Scammers.
    • Fight with Pudgy Clones who try to impersonate you.
    • Every teenager who got into Crypto at the age of 8-10 (even those that seem to follow the so called Market Fortune Teller, Pelosi).
    • People who really really love memes.
    • Hedge Funds, and Market/Crypto WHALES.
    • MSM
    • Youtubers, TikTok/Snapchat/Instagram, influencers, models, and trolls/haters.
    • Jim Cramer


    All this to essentially the only way to push Pudgycoin. Quite the list.


    That being said, as a reminder, always proclaim that you are not a financial advisor.

  14. @ApostaBabe Linda James Apparently some JW places of worship may open up very soon. Elsewhere, the Arabic JW I mentioned before confirmed this, and I am sure other JWs would bring this up too.


    كاثغار ، أتباع المسيح - Vaccination rates vs Cases vary. The higher the vaccination percentage is, the higher the chances some places will open back up to resume activities, this even goes for us Jehovah's Witnesses, where we can return to our place of worship as a people, as a congregation. But clearly, this "New Normal" is spontaneous, anything can happen, and us going back to our Kingdom Halls, in your case, resuming your business, will be short lived. Now it is uncertain of which area will resume their activities, I can't say much about our coronavirus issue here in the United Kingdom.

    Be safe, keep continue to keep Jehovah's Kingdom first.

    I see this as something short-lived because of the Endemic situation. I believe they will not return to door to door preaching because of the current situation, more so, if they do open back up and continue their worship, there is a high chance that some people who go meet with JWs or become JWs had their colors revealed during in the Endemic. Although it is a good thing for anyone to want to resume worship, but they do not see how wolves and other predators who, increased, during a critical time on the outside. In a sense, JWs will get hit even harder than pervious, granted how high CSA was when COVID-19 began. Reasons why the opportunity to actually educate oneself on CSA is vital while there is time and this time people need to move very carefully, granted the pool of abusers, namely pedophiles, even Ephebophiles (Chrono) is very high this time around, likewise with child on child abuse.

    That being said, I mentioned elsewhere that there are people who took a hit, me included, for calling out a School in a specific county, even in the past when I spoke about educating oneself on CSA prevention, what I stated, from CSA prevention source, the Bible and quoting a follower of Christ, is very critical due to places opening back up.

  15. On 10/16/2021 at 10:36 AM, Patiently waiting for Truth said:


    This has to be good :) 

    Halloween and Valentine’s Day have been canceled for elementary-school students in a Michigan district over concerns about being “inclusive” and “equitable.”

    Technically yes, but to the aware, this is just a front, it is good at the surface, but the deep aspect of this results in the cancelation or barring of other things, at times, such things being unknown to most people, i.e. banning of specific Scripture because to some it is "considered "offensive". Also the acceptance of brazen things, i.e. legitimate CSA-sque teachings, CRT, etc. Which causes a rift between even that of the students. There are students who do not partake in said pagan activities, however, they are at times unfazed and ignore them vs those who are for them, likewise, with their parents, who will no doubt fight to make change of the situation.

    At times, the banning of festivities or activities, even pagan ones, can indirectly effect others. Evidently, when stuff like this, especially Leftism and The Cult of the Woke gets involved more, that can put various challenges in front of the student as well as the parents, for the last bit, Racial Equity Team, was one red flag here, granted of how often such is spun in the general Education system from Pre-K to College/University. The very reasons why Schools, mainly in the United States are often called Indoctrination Camps by Truthers, mainly due to what is often found out to be taught in the schools and or who holds office their, their history and or disorders, etc.

    On 10/16/2021 at 10:36 AM, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    Well I think that is one piece of good news. 

    At the same time we have to be careful, indeed paganism even idolatry is bad in this sense, but it will cause rifts in the district, mainly if more and more parents are involved, even more now due to the situation with Higher Education, at the same time, stuff like this will act like that of a Trojan Horse to start chipping away, or even resurrecting things that can effect a child's way of thinking, even faith, if need be.

    That being said, there has already been a waged war from 2014 to present day in the Realm of Higher Education and Academics. In my case, one of the chosen I've mentioned, Solider of God, was hyper-focused on the situation with the Higher Education system around the world, more more specifically, the US. And like him, a lot of people have a spotlight on the Higher Education system, me included, as of recent, people tried to get me and a few others canceled for the inclusive situation that led to a big problem in a Loudon County School District.

    The mantra "We are coming for your Children" is a legitimate threat, of which all of us should be very vigilant, in this sense.

  16. 14 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    They never were 'distress pangs'. that was just a false teaching of the Watchtower. 

    Funny how now You call it Birth Pangs, the scripture has always called it that. 

    It isn't a WT thing, it is a Strong's thing, there is no violation of the Greek language, remember, granted we all have access to BSB, it should be obvious of what the Strong's shows us.

    Therefore, the BSB, the ESV, even the NWT is correct, if it was something other than the Strong's itself then you have a case against @BroRandoand or the WT.

    BSB have Strong's shown on the bottom for a reason.


    That being said, birth pains, birth pangs, troubles, distress pangs, sorrows, etc is ok to use in the realm of the Greek text.

    5604. ὠδίν (ódin)

  17. 53 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    To me, this sounds like God would need people to destroy each other for the sake of the Bible, translations and interpretations. 

    Actually no because if God has no one to take action, the people would be the ones to commit to bloodshed. Like I said, after John died, if there were no one to take action at all, non existent, this would be the case, resulting in the latter not having to group at Asia Minor for the Councils and the people will come to the conclusion of who or what God is and make a decree. Abide by them or face death, so essentially Theodosius II like mentally for centuries to come after that.

    You got it backwards, I suggest you look at the history of those who translated knowing the risks of the Catholic Church and those connected to them.

    55 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    * red text highlighted by me

    I am not sure how to understand this. Who are "non inspired prophets" who have made "inspired works"?

    This was explained to both you and Witness who spun the narrative of what the difference is of an inspired prophet and a prophet not inspired.

    That being said, the originally written works of Scripture were written by all inspired prophets.

    58 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    The reasons why someone dies for the “truth of Christ” need to be learned from the person himself. JW, Catholics, Protestants, etc. suffer for their version of truth about Christ.

    You continue to miss the point again, if God didn't have anyone after John's death, known of John's students, no church fathers, etc. The truth of the Christ would be determined by the latter, and no one will ever know the truth at all, i.e. I doubt original copies would exist either because they'll be destroyed by the latter, who will burn all written work and or kill the person who has access to said copies, if need be. This is from an historical stand point regarding Scripture in a scenario where no one came forth to commit to the task of translation of said truth.

    1 hour ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    This is the first time I have heard that someone is dying today because of a (specific or any) translation of the Bible.

    Weren't you a former JW? You should know why there are many translations, examples of the type of punishment below:

    The Bloody History of Bible Translators - Los Angeles Review of Books


    1 hour ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Maybe there are people who have a Bible, and the state forbids them to have one. But then I would say that ultimately these people suffer because they don’t want to renounce God from the Bible, not because of the book itself which is made of paper. If they are hiding the Bible from the authorities and risking their lives for it, then they should ask themselves what is worth more: The book or their life?

    A bit of that, but more so on translations as well. It was extremely risky, essentially, a death sentence, more so, if you speak anything different than the church power's themselves, i.e. Saint Bob's Gospel of John is different from Saint Srecko's, therefore, Saint Bob attest to the church to deal with you, it was that bad.

    1 hour ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Certainly, I agree that one should be true to his principles and pay the price for it. But where to go, how far, with the principles. Well, the Bible itself says that it is "better to be a living dog than a dead lion." However one wants to interpret this saying. And it can be interpreted in many ways, right?

    Yes, however, the discussion is if God has no one after John, there would be one translation no doubt and one faith, and the truth of God and his Christ will most likely be lost forever, should the latter destroy all surviving works.

    1 hour ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Do people die because of the "truth", for the "truth" or because of/for their "belonging to something"?

    Yes they do, even infiltrated and torn from the inside. Tyndale was betrayed.

    1 hour ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Because, if a man has sinned while he is alive, he can repent and start again. And when he surrenders to death because he thinks that with his death he will please God, then that is debatable. Because, he died for his vision of the truth about God. And the question is, was that true at all. At this JW club, it is constantly proven that “truth” is changing within this religious community. I don’t know how it is with other religions and how often they change their interpretations and dogmas. Perhaps you have some information and can make comparison with JW.

    Srecko, as stated, if there is literally no one after John, JWs, Baptist, Reformationist, even Unitarians, will be the least of your worries. Perhaps people would have been forced to take up the Templar Shield, so to speak, and should they drop it, the end result is torment and death.

    That being said, something along the lines of a long term Spanish Inquisition-like type situation. Let's say if that was indeed the reality, both you, and I would have to commit, if broken away we will be put into Hellfire, so to speak.

    Again, a possibly dark reality, something of which because of God's action, we won't have to see unless someone decides to make a movie, write a book, create a game, etc about it. And should a small instance of it does occur, it is dealt with.

  18. On 10/14/2021 at 12:00 PM, The Librarian said:

    "Rare" before it was uploaded. 😉

    Some of this stuff we've seen before, so I don't see how that is rare. But, granted this is revolving around a JW pastor, there is a rare instance of him, pictures of him spotted during the fall of Black Wall Street, otherwise known as The Tulsa Race massacre of Summer 1921 (May 31, 1921 – June 1, 1921).

    As you can see in the pictures below, you can see the JW Pastor's (well a Bible Student at the time) picture in the background, the mob outside were whites demanding the lynching of Dick Rowland because he was spotted with a white woman by the name Sarah Page, and was said to have assaulted her, however she declined to prosecute, despite this, that assumption was the fuel the riot needed in their fire; they needed someone to blame.

    Reasons for the picture was due to the fact just the day before, he gave a sermon, "Millions Now Living Will Never Die" on a  Monday, which was May 30th of 1921, and there were many ads/posters placed prior to the talk itself, even in the papers which was to be held at the Convention Hall.  The next day on a Tuesday night, The Tulsa Race Riot began. It is said some black folks wanted to attend this talk (only white people attended obviously), however, because of the Jim Crow Laws that were in effect, this prohibited black and white people to meet/gather with each other, which also connects with a Bible Student by the name Richard Hill not being able to attend, more so, the situation with Dick and Sarah, sparked the lynch mob making anyone who isn't white a literal target.

    Sadly, some former Bible Students and JWs will tell you that the JWs had some involvement and or Hill was a colored person to they barred him, even going as far as to spin conspiracy for those who aren't aware of the situation that took place, but that was not the case, granted anyone willing to look into that history, will see the truth of the situation, i.e. ExJws pretending to be JWs to trick anyone who does not know what Jim Crow Laws are or the real history behind the riots.

    NOTE: The Jim Crow Laws forbid blacks and whites to congregate together anywhere, and it is very strict. Places such as schools, restaurants, churches, etc.

    As for Hill, it is most likely that he and his household survived the bloody riots, possibly were out of harm's way. It was also said that some went to Hill's house for meetings during this time. To some extent, White Bible Students even defended his home apparently as some would say.






  19. @JW Insider The irony regarding Reslight's content being deleted/removed. Apparently, some of us took a hit yesterday, me included, regarding a situation in Loudon County. My Debate with someone was completely wiped out, yet his remarks remain. The debate revolved around a high schooler who was sexually assaulted by a boy, supposedly older than the girl, who dressed up as a girl, to access the girl's bathroom. The girl's father is very angry and the school and the county are seemingly pretending that the situation of sexual assault did not happened. Some media that also talked about this were deleted/removed in favor of the opposition's narrative, in a sense, in a defense of the Trans Gender community.

    If they can do this, they can do the same to you in the future, as is with your faith community, granted, more and more anything related to Scripture is starting to appear as hate speech in the eyes of a few people.

  20. 39 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    Zechariah 8: 22 & 23

    And many peoples and mighty nations will come to seek Jehovah of armies in Jerusalem and to beg for the favor of Jehovah.’23  “This is what Jehovah of armies says, ‘In those days ten men out of all the languages of the nations will take hold, yes, they will take firm hold of the robe of a Jew, saying: “We want to go with you, for we have heard that God is with you people.” " 

    Was this a one time happening, or is it prophecy ?  If it is prophecy then the JEW must be Spiritual and not just one person. And if God is with the JEW = Spiritual Jews = Anointed, then are those Anointed inspired or just guided by God ?


    Acts 2 : 17 & 18

    17  ‘“And in the last days,” God says, “I will pour out some of my spirit on every sort of flesh, and your sons and your daughters will prophesy and your young men will see visions and your old men will dream dreams, 18  and even on my male slaves and on my female slaves I will pour out some of my spirit in those days, and they will prophesy.

    This was prior. The statement still stands unless you can name one person who is chosen with the ability to have visions. That being said, those chosen, after John, are not inspired prophets who can speak in tongues, have visions, etc. Not even John's students.

    40 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    We know this was fulfilled at that time as mentioned in Acts, but is it still a prophecy for our time ? 

    In regards to Joel’s prophecy, the Apostle Peter, who is an inspired Prophet, under inspiration spoke of this. Joel’s prophecy was fulfilled when Holy Spirit, the gift of God, was poured out at Pentecost to the Jews and Gentiles, which leads us to the statement made by Paul concerning the Last Days of the End Times, indicating that such has begun to take course, evidently leading to God's Day, Judgement Day (Acts 2:20). What he said also equates to the fact that the Jews were living in the last days of the End Times in correlation with worship to the True God.

    For them at the time, they had the ability to have various dreams and visions, for these are the very things provided by followers of the Christ of which God gave the spirit to, empowering them to have said abilities. Today, Christians are primarily spirit led, born again, as is with their chosen counterparts.

    That being said, Polycarp, being a student of John would have had visions despite John's death, things may have transpired differently, but unfortunately that was not the case, although he was a man of God himself.

    There are several key difference between a Christian/follower of God who is an inspired prophet vs one who is a prophet not inspired, equating traits is that both are followers of the Christ, profess to the True God, etc.

    Prophecy is still intact, but you have to remember of which these gifts of the spirit are directed to and what gifts are provided, I doubt any of us here would, suddenly drop to the ground and burst into light and begin to transfigure, have visions.

    52 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    It says 'in the Last Days', and we are lving in the Last Days.  

    He was talking about the beginning of the Last Days itself to those who was talking to, and how it transpired from there. Those Christians at the time, had said abelites prior to the death of the last Apostle. For if that continued, perhaps the events of the 4th century may not take place, let alone the actions of church fathers.

    53 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    It says God will 'pour out some of His spirit'. Is that to inspire or to guide those mentioned ? 

    Which he did at Pentecost 33, as mentioned in the whole chapter of Acts 2; before that, Jesus speaking about the promise from God his Father.

    54 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    Surely they would need to be inspired to be able to prophesy ? 

    Yes - again, a time before the death of the last Apostle. Everything after his death is vastly different, however, the gift of the spirit operates by those who are spirit led, despite not having the abilities of Apostles and Prophets of old.

    56 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    The scripture must mean TRUE prophecy so it would need TRUE inspiration.

    God's inspired word informs us of the End Times, and the prophecies are being fulfilled, some already fulfilled, like that of the events of Jerusalem.


  21. 42 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    What has been said is speculation. First of all; God’s finger wrote on the stone and gave the “10 Commandments of God” for Moses to read to the people. If God could write it down, He could have written the whole Bible, right? This would certainly reduce some of the mistakes that could still be made when writing by people. Also, God could, if He willed, make other models in copying and reproducing the original Scriptures, which would give a guarantee that the “Word of God” could not be circumvented.

    It isn't speculation, for there is history behind the Scriptures itself, mainly with what transpired 4th century and onwards. If God had not used people, there would not have been a debate on Christianity in the first place, nor will there be a fight, or bloodshed that came forth just for translating the Bible. We may not have any of the earliest sources and along with other words, they'd be destroyed burned, if anything.

    Although there wouldn't be people crucified on stakes and burned alive, there would be strict enforcement of the Creed of what the people of the churches deem is true, and should you or me say anything otherwise, we can suffer consequence, perhaps have us recite their own Bible verse and pray as they will most likely kill or torment us.

    In a sense, things would be Godless from the jump, after Apostle John died and on award. High chance that John's students or any of the Church Fathers would be able to write their word for they will all most likely be taken out by the opposition, since no link to the inspired prophets is found - practically a dark reality. Maybe be a field day for Freemasons, I bet.

    42 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    But certainly, there are always and will be people who will believe in one or the other, and show confidence or distrust in previous records and the expertise of those who transcribed and translated the Bible into other languages. It happens on both sides. And from those who, reading some translations of the Bible, say they are poorly and incorrectly translated, to those who claim that only certain translations of the Bible are correct and true.

    You missed the point, if there were no inspired works that survives which enabled God to use non inspired prophets, the Bible would not be the one you have in your hand today. They would not have the earliest known sources to even translate the Bible, we would end up stuck with whatever those who assume Scripture, and the like.

    There was a reason why there are people who risk their lives defending the truth about Christ, as well as translation, even dying for it. For one speaks the truth about an inspired prophet, he dies brutally yet the one who speaks false about an inspired prophet lives. You can easily see how bad that can turn out.

  22. This is an example of this specific church of the JWs not being equipped to deal with abuse, and the them or the mother clearly didn't bring up the police, but rather, a lawsuit. More so, all religious institutions are able to, even legally by some, to commit to internal investigation, but it seems CSA was unheard of by them; granted the situation with CSA in the 90s.

    Despite the pressure, the family could have still went on to speak with law enforcement, people unequipped to deal with abuse should be a blocking factor, so there were clearly some missteps, despite the lawsuit, hence CSA in the 90s and how things were handled vs how things should not be handled.
    Again, when an abuser holds some authority and or office be it in a church or a school, they can exploit their authority and the people around them, so the fact the JWs at that church were quick here, the abuser most likely had a hand in engineering things in his favor to evade consequence, and it seems be still holds that power despite not committing these acts, and her wanting to rejoin JWs is blocked because of her history with this abuser, another factor here also is newer JW elders, maybe some being equipped that can prove to be a wild card, if need be.

    The good news is, this is in the hands of The Zalkin Law Firm, P.C., who operates in city I know well. However in most cases, those on the outside who weaponizes such cases, often times, make it worse for survivors, reasons why those who understand the law and justice system are usually the ones with good insight - which can be seen in various media of which discussion is available.

    That being said, child abuse in the 90s was a bit looser compared to now, if anything similar to that of the 60s-70s. Moreover, CSA right now has taken a strange turn in the digital age, some of us, me included are now targets of those under Big Tech.

    On 10/13/2021 at 4:38 PM, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    Now whether this is hyped up, or if it's just advertising for the Laywers, or even if it's false news.

    The point is that this CSA reporting against the JW Org is not going away. 

    Will members of the public be 'turned off' from communicating with JWs because of this ? Especially as this Elder still holds his position in the congregation. Yes CSA IS everywhere, but that does not help the org. 

    Hype is only generated by those on the outside, those who see these cases and speak their mind, some of which, who do not know law, vs those that do.

    It won't go away, abusers will continue to place schools and churches, and should they not be able to gain access to such, they will exploit other means, in some cases, in relation to rape/sexual penetration, in which the minor is to subsequently become a bride to an abuser.

    Not really, there are those in the community, NY and the Tri-State area who know about JWs, they themselves know how bad CSA is, and know that everyone is effected, even Jehovah's Witnesses, at the same time, when it comes to Justice, mainly in New York, like I said before, it is a double edged sword/double standard, for it will be no surprise that people will begin to criticized even that for the family of the woman who was abused at a young age.

    As pointed out before, abusers can exploit the system, as is, with those around them and or affiliated with. Most likely, he took some steps well ahead of the girl and her family prior to the lawsuit. Abusers who enact ill will towards someone will often times use things, even people against their victims, granted this was in the 90s, it was most likely extremely easy for him to do so, mainly in a time where CSA was in a sense, taboo to a degree.

    I can tell you this now, there are complex events regarding CSA brewing, so this are going to get difficult for everyone, even JWs will be hit harder by this difficulty. Education is vital in this regard.

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