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Space Merchant

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Everything posted by Space Merchant

  1. This is due to the events of Cyrus being recorded prior to him taking action, something of which can be read about, researched if you look carefully into what Prophet Isaiah had professed. I suggest you read The Book of Isaiah, in relation to the liberation of the Jews. @Witness Look at the verse below, which reads: Isaiah 44:28 - who says of Cyrus, ‘My shepherd will fulfill all that I desire,’ who says of Jerusalem, ‘She will be rebuilt,’ and of the temple, ‘Let its foundation be laid.’ ” (Reference: Ezra 1:1, 2; Isaiah 41:25; 45:1; 46:11; Daniel 10:1). So it is identical for those of calling; God is able to use those who are for him to enact his will, in the same manner Cyrus was used, hence Restoration, for if God had not used people, you would not be having a Bible in hand, let a correct one, and most likely Commissions, or an attempt to attest to the Commission would not have existed, at all, moreover, the ability to profess the Messianic Age, having the freedom to do so, despite the fact even the misguided speak too, not having that, or worse case scenario if the UN was successful in what it attempted back in the early 2000s, 2017 and even 2020, speaking about God or Christ as presented in Scripture would be outlawed as Hate Speech (despite the fact we are en route in this now not knowing if the UN will act again prior to 2030.)
  2. Yes, and it is in regards to why those who claim to have gone to heaven/hell and return to earth are usually red flags, this goes for those affiliated with the various movements, some of which that connect to the interfaith.
  3. Well there is also an issue to this where some attempt to use spurious text. Example, this spurious verses: 17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; 18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover. Led people to believe that they can drink poison, be it from snake or other, and assuming that they will not be harmed. and or not at Death's Door after consumption. Believe it or not, some people actually did take this literally and paid for it. On top of that, these same folks believe that they still have specific gifts of which the Apostles had in the past, i.e. have visions/be transfigured, as is with Inspired Prophets, despite the fact such ability died off with the last Apostle. On the other side of the spectrum, it cannot be confused with anything pertaining to prophecy, which is written and or is to take place and or to come.
  4. The people make up the church. They make up the church as well, for they are Christians too. In the Bible the term Temple refers correlates with people as well. The context in some verses indicates that the Christian congregation makes up God’s temple in which God’s spirit dwells, or as some would say, the Fullness of Deity dwelling in them. Not really, you were just corrected. Why would I dislike something I use 80% of the time on here other than the ESV? My response was to point you in the direction of the word soul itself regarding the BSB, for you were confused about the verse in Revelations, when the BSB tells you this, and both the BSB and NWT are no different when it comes to source, mainly due to the fact they both provide you with notes. You missed the point, the focus was source. Also that is in relation to the other thread, not here, regarding the BSB. If a translations sticks to or tries to follow the earliest sources, then there is no issue. I tell you this many times, why else would quote directly from the BSB and ESV in nearly every response I make, as is, with using such against the KJV? It should have been obvious if you paid attention to any quoted verses, mainly the pervious response I mad to Brando regarding LORD, or nearly all responses made to Witness was both BSB/ESV against her usages of KJV. That being said, the people in Christ are the Church, and they have God dwelling in them, from the Christians of the Church to the Chosen, all who make up the living stones of the spiritual house.
  5. Well that was quite the Nuked from Orbit type move. That being said, 1 John 4:1 also good in most cases in this regard.
  6. Brought this up too a while back, excluding the strict persecutions I mentioned. The situation with Churches will fall into the category of Freedom vs. Compliance, should the pressures of Authoritarianism, Inflation and a list of other things continue to increase. To be moved into that category it will effect people, even those of your faith, for I have already seen some in a broken state because of the Endemic, as how broken, Bane breaking Batman's back kind of broken, in turn, they are not the drifter types, but the COVID-19 situation takes a toll of them, as with many people. That category I would not be surprised if half the people on this forum get affected by it. That being said, I doubt the latter will get rid of their buildings for it makes no sense to take care of it if you will later drop them, worse case sincere is if the National Guard takes them over. At the end of the day, it does get boring for some, not being around those that they care about, especially the elderly, however, as long as the people are together, they make up the Church of the Christ. The pros to zoom for many is the fact they can reach out to a lot of people, be it church wise or gospel spreading wise, but at the same time, even opponents, like MSC also utilize this too, some, having access to their churches.
  7. It's no contradiction if you recognize the roots, it can also mean a living person/living soul, granted you are using the BSB, you should have seen that one coming, and if we are to add on to that, the BSB and some translations, even the NWT have near identical sources for the Greek text. That being said: people/persons, animal/beast, life. All well rooted with "soul", even that of which is deceased be it person or beast. We also have to remember the state of which John was in concerning visions (The Seals/First Seal/The Conqueror)
  8. Concerning the pastor, Rutherford, 4Castle was quoted before, and some of his quotes, some people have the same ailment, even those who are not in the same faith or is a member of any Abrahamic Faith. Kind of beating a dead horse when this was responded to before, as is with Smurf Girl's conspiracy, in addition, to the fact something based in an isolated location, not really being international, so to speak. That being said, you brought this up before... Also word association "charity acting on behalf of", should be known as to what that implies.
  9. @JW Insider Indeed, because the MSM tend to rage against the Orange Man, and or anyone against the Agenda. Yes there are various groups that spawn from both sides, the ones more notable is ANTIFA and their adversary, The Proud Boys. In ANTIFA's case, they tend to simply attack anyone that do not agree with them, in most cases, anyone who is a white male, granted today's society pushes such attacks on people. This is true, I have confronted some Leftist before, and they have provided the sources they deem is true, even when challenged and corrected, they refuse to listen and can get violent. The only leader of the group I had ran into directly was Berkeley teacher Yvette Felarca of BAMN, a militant, far left group, and this woman was extremely aggressive, was not too happy of paraphrased Bible verses, of which she deems hate speech, so much so, she deems those using anything Christian based used against her and her group as "Bible-thumping bigots" and automatically assume the person, myself, as a Democrat. The irony was unlike many they could have assaulted me right then and there, but because I was black, they also assumed I was associated with BLM, granted, BAMN supports BLM, especially in the in Berkeley situation back in 2014, as is what she did afterwards with Milo Yiannopoulos, who is a British Far/Alt-Right Winger. Then you got the events of 2017 whereas the Left and the Right were at it, this time with White Supremacist and their leader, Richard Spencer, and on top of that, what the United Nations attempted to do with the Constitution, which failed. This is true, for the Left will say and do things because they feel they have the freedom to do so, but in some cases, some of their content/comments are taken down, but the majority of takedowns were of people of the right and or neutral, that does not align with those of Big Tech's way of thinking, i.e. Hassan Piker, Stephen Molyneux, the Gina Carano situation in comparison to Pedro Pascal, etc. Other times they do take down things without warning, and or if there are people backing the removal, which explains the case with Reslight, for the fact he speaks about Bible Students and Jehovah's Witnesses, mainly on a Goggle centric base, it will effect him in some type of way, in general, even outside of Religion, just the Bible alone, should you explain context in a way that someone does not like, you can be subjected to what happened to people like Reslight, for instance, if you challenged Soco Films, a Trinitarian Christian Community on YouTube, you can get shutdown in a way, and or James White followers. The Cooperate and Academic Left do have some power, although some in Leftism, if they do not have financial means to commit action, they can bring forth influence, for instance in Higher Education, there has been some indoctrination going on of which some realized how damaging it is, as is with some form of Child Abuse being taught in some manner, children given material to sway their thinking while at the same time make them very uncomfortable. The situation in China, some, even myself, equate it to what is going on with the Black Markets in organ and blood. Speaking about such will often times land some unhappy visitors on certain platforms. Exactly, there is a lot of misinformation about COVID-19 as well as legitimate fake news, and some truths, of which some consider fake news, in addition to the fear mongering. As of now, COVID-19 is giving those in power more ability to exploits a crisis, and very soon, the full effects will be felt by many in the time of the reset. That being said, it is always wise to look into things and think critically vs what the MSM says or some other form of media. The last thing anyone need is to be influenced by the MSM, and when that happens, they already have you. I remember mentioning to Arauna about more dark and stricter forms of persecution, granted JWs are neutral, some wonder how they would handle or react should the powers that be censor them on grounds of the Bible itself, since slowly but surely, some people are viewing the Bible as a form of hate speech (like in schools) in some parts of the US and should it escalate, people, mainly the Left will react.
  10. I read about this. There is also an extremely wealthy child predator who is subdued a woman, in turn the woman allowed said predator access to her 2 teenaged daughters, this same man also believes R. Kelly isn't a predator. I only found this out in the Business Community, and despite this guy openly exposing himself, saying what he actually does to girls, setting traps for them, because of his status he is untouchable. Reasons why teaching is vital so younger ones can avoid these types of people, and not to become like them. That being said, CSA becomes more difficult in a way if people give up their sons and daughters to brazen conduct, giving them to predators.
  11. Well there is virtual reality gaming now. In this day and age, even my generation, video games aren't for younger people anymore. In my case, I do not play as much, very little, compared to my brother, who is 3 years older than me, him being 32, plays a lot of strategy.
  12. With the whole Facebook situation, information like this will be wiped out. As mentioned in the other thread, a lot of things is taking place concerning what The Left/Libs deemed misinformation, and now it puts the spotlight on those who oppose them, this includes Truthers as a whole. Should things go side ways, and Section 230 flourishes, there wouldn't be a lot of truth to be spoken in the face of conspiracy, even in the light of talk of COVID-19. The most damning thing is this sets everyone up for the reset and what is to take place 2030 and onwards at a faster pace. That being said, I've mentioned COVID-19 Pills. Granted they can't get people to vaccinated, although they have a choice, do not be surprise if they enforce it. The pills will have to be taken multiple times, as is the vaccine, granted, the effectiveness, mainly Pfizer and J&J with Pfizer going down to 84% after 6 months, reduces protection over time, so it may be an every few months type of things, which justifies this pandemic is actually Endemic. Also, Natural Immunity is also talked negatively by many. Interestingly enough, in the Independent Journalist space, it has gotten some people worked up, in the Truther community what transpired with IJ Pool and Murphy was talked about a lot, even that of which Mr. Southern stated (Her being called "Mr." has a history behind it)
  13. According to what I have been getting now, The United Kingdom will be on schedule like their neighbors. Mainly due to the shortage effecting them as well, mainly due to what the British Military are doing right now, which is, in this sense, challenging for them, as is with the responses of Bojo (PM - Boris Johnson). What effects the US and UK indirectly is China, as is China's eyes being glued to Taiwan. So as said before the situation will get worse, and the effects will last up to 2023, if it becomes difficult, even longer than that until reset. That being said, how police and military operate in some areas in connection to the powers that be, is a small taste of authoritarianism. UK is in a similar position to Canada right now. Allow it to grow bigger and stronger, and you have a big problem on your hands. What is deemed Constitutional, and or similar slows this growth, hence why we see the events of Australia compared to their allies and rivals.
  14. I'll check to see if there are anyone else who may know about the minister, for there are others who speak of Pastor Russell, and are not as one sided as many people tend to be concerning this pastor. As for Google, situation is ridiculously deep. There has been several situations in which, granted Google and YouTube are connected, waves of people getting deplatformed (post Bloodsport Era), removed, deleted, terminated, be it comment and or video, and on the Google Search side of things, searches for specific things are lowered compared to most, or simply neutralized (equivalent to cancel culture today but more damaging). It has been an ongoing battle for years now, so Reslight's material vanishing or being moved is no surprise. Google is heavily influenced by Leftism, and a bit of Liberalism (as with all Big Tech), this is why various events, i.e. January 6th, is censored a lot and what is there is only what those of the Agenda want you to see, this is the same for some who hold no political side, and are neutral, but to them it is a mixed bag in which some material produced by them, even via blogs are simply reduced at times, in favor of what Big Tech wants you to see. On the other side of the spectrum, on the Religious side of things, is also effected. Some JW and Bible Students are having some of their content vanish because of those who use hold influence in opposition to them and they use the system to flag (The tool of the YouTube and Google Police) on Google and YouTube, this is the case with the 1975 video made by the ExJW to debunk JWfacts claims, and the system was used not only to wipe his video out, but his channel, other times they provoke the creator in order to get them to do or say something to get them terminated, i.e. the events related to the man who stopped a protest at a park organized by ExJWs. That being said, the events in connection to Facebook, Project Veritas, even that of COVID-19 puts some of us, even Truthers in a David vs. Goliath like situation. So anyone who is Anti-Agenda are essentially targets, the unaware of tricked. So many people, including me, will get hit hard by this if this turns sideways; granted the situation with the whistleblower of Facebook, with many Leftist involved in a hearing concerning Big Tech, censorship will evidently increase drastically and will effect, mainly with a lot more talk about Section 203. Times like this, it makes you think only a matter of time where the Bible itself will be in subjection to censorship in due time. Other then that, some hold enough power to even shut this place down if need be. If they can do it to Parler, Gab, various blogs, etc.
  15. Stuff like this can spawn Child Sex Rings and Trafficking. Although they spotted this, the underbelly itself is like an unforeseen figure punching you in the dark from random directions. Those who fight it the right way can only minizine damage by trying to reach children and or stopping some instances, the unfortunate part is this stuff cannot stop, granted those working in said organizations, their intent, at times, is undetectable by those who cannot red Red Flags and the fact that they are not Religious based and are all over the place, it makes detection by some difficult. Even the FBI didn't see the actions of a child abuser who is branched in the Gymnastics Team for the US, hence, Sports/Academic Institutions/Clubs.
  16. Probably anything in relation to what led you into grounds of Excommunication, in turn, that information, and or data is stored and it shows everyone else in the community who holds some office in the church to know what led to your Excommunication in the first place. This is nothing of a surprise to how Religious institutions, which are connected, operate. It could be a build up of things pertaining to you prior to Excommunication. Well the same can be said for everyone who's data is kept by majority of institutions, they have reasons to hold record and they are under a constitutional right to do so. If you want that to stop, they you'd have to give up your Freedom for Convenience, but that is a big sacrifice, mainly in the realm of government itself, granted, that is whom you have to take that up with. Gambling chips and cards with the Government is not worth it, we can already see that transpiring today. They aren't. But Grounds of Excommunication is seen differently by different people, be it they have experience or not, of which generation they come from also plays into that role, in your case, you were a JW a long time ago, what you did at the time, perhaps a different outcome today depending on which JW church you attend. This is liken to the Smoking example I told you about a while back and the reaction of some within a Religious Institution. Granted all of their elders in the church are different, I doubt church elders of old vs. others, even today have the same reaction. That being said, since we are speaking about Data, and you saying you adhere to Facebook, I tell you this now - Up your security, granted, if you have this view of Data, I hope you are aware that not doing anything now with any platform you are on now, your data will end up on the Black Market. Granted I've seen people selling Data in the Dark Web, that is the last place you want your information to me on. You've been warned. Look into 2-Factor too. In the JWs case, be it they have your data or not locked away, security needs to be upped on their part because even institutions can end up on the Black Market if not careful.
  17. Yep, and they, along with the others in MSM are demonizing people. On the other side of the spectrum, the division and or segregation I speak of is also true for every community, even the JW community, are hit with this as well to which it creates a separation, the vaccinated and the unvaccinated. I made that point to Brando and Arauna, it is going to get serious because now even social media will be in subjection to division if Goggle continues to go on the path they are on right now. That being said, any area of which mandates are hitting the hardest is where the strongest breakage of said communities will take place. @Kosonen and I even pointed this out a while back, in my case, I even brought up a darker version of persecution, for the things of today is a foreshadowing of what is to come. The other notation now is Freedom vs. Convenience, which is creating a crabs in a bucket/Frog in a boiling pot like situation for many who are stuck between a rock and a hard place. Outside of that the economy is going to take a hit, the Shutdown I speak of to Admin and Librarian will be inevitable, and you have shortages incoming that can last up to 2023, mainly due to the fact of many ships being idle in the West Coast. Just recently a lot of us Truthers took a hit and what we spoke of what went down with Facebook and all connected to it, has taken place today, that said, if you do not want your information sold in the black market, I suggest you up your security, not just for you, but for others too.
  18. @NoisySrecko @JW Insider Someone I know in the YouTube Community in regards to the fight against the Trinity provided the link of what Reslight was referring to, the response he was towards a Trinitarian Christian blogger who goes by the name Michael Jay; since she still had the older version of YouTube this allowed her to find all of Reslight's responses YouTube for every video, including the one in connection to his response, granted now YouTube is deleting even old comments from time to time that have links.
  19. It isn't just them either. From the day you are born, your information is spread like a fire in a forest, extends from all areas, even government, etc, even some information you do not realize is being spread around for years without you knowing vs those who secure it. You are effectively in the system. As for religious institutions, they too have records of data, but not to a degree of higher level institutions like that of a bank or cooperate, even big pharma. Likewise with websites, your ISP has data on you being on this website, as with other websites, even knowing possibly your device. The only way to evade that is to be born off grid, or you yourself go off grid, and or if there is a major collapse. Also when something is passed, that can prove to be another factor. Data in the realm of collection and security has a lot of complexity in it, even when laws and acts are involved.
  20. As we speak, people are saying that God created the vaccine in order to gain people, even religious people. For even from a Christian standpoint, this is a personal choice for one self and or the family. That being said, the Bow down at the Altar of Jabbo reference becomes a reality every day with the zealots for the vaccine and mandates. Unfortunately that phrase has become null, even if you are the one to proclaim it concerning the Endemic situation. You an now be attacked for said phrase. Depends on the person, if they are leaning Left you will get a wild response if you catch them on a good day, as for the right leaners, you will also get a response, but not as crazy, some would even agree with you but encourage you to weaponize it against the Left. That being said, those who took the vaccine will be subjected in the things to come, mainly for those who took the J&J, like I said, there are reasons as to why additional slots are on said card, and the 4-5 month dosage will become a reality, likewise with COVID-19 pills, and possibly some inject for the noses, something of which I am looking into to verify. All in all, there will be an Increase of Economical Terrorism, as well as Medical Rape for the unsuspected, with a bit of experimentation. Children will be moved out of the schools and a lot of wild stuff will emerge from mid-Fall into Winter.
  21. More of a force tactic. Before it was your choice to get the vaccine or not, the mantra "my body, my choice" now the script ahs been flipped because of all the fear and misinformation with a bit of segregation among the people, this also stems from the mandates. This is effecting everyone directly and indirectly, in all fields, institutions, etc. for instance, the NBA's legend, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, calls for unvaccinated players to be removed from teams (there is somewhat of a civil war in sports regarding COVID-19), whereas the New Governor of New York, Kathy Hochul, warns health care workers to get vaccinated or be replaced by National Guard members, even in the cooperate and business side of things, you will be effectively terminated if you do not get vaccinated and show proof of vaccination prior to the first week of October. Mind you, this is taking place where the streets run blue, Democratic States. This is slowly seeping into schools and religious institutions, hence people will be put to the test and some will evidently crack under pressure. So essentially, if you do not get the jab, then you will not have a job, or have access to specific things, which some of us like myself saw coming of what this will lead to. Or as one Truther puts it "If you don't bow down at the altar of jabbo, you will be like that of a leper to the general public. Don't let them fool you." Therefore, a Cult around such a thing was formed. Speaking of Truthers, we are about to take a hit in the coming days because YouTube wants to censor alleged misinformation and or those who are in opposition of the MSM, of which YouTube is backing by putting them, Big Tech and Big Pharma on the front page. The irony in all this, it is said by some that Refugees are exempt from the jab, i.e. Afghan refugees. The vaccine is only a protective measure, it does not make someone immune to the virus. People can take it by choice, like other medical procedures, even speak with their doctor about it, however, to express decree over such is a bit much. Although kids under 12 will not take it, some people have done such experimentation on children already. Pregnant women who cannot take the vaccine as of recent are demonized and still lose their jobs regardless. The effectiveness of the vaccine goes down over time, hence the extra jabs, for no everyone notice the extra slots on their cards, and the inevitable show of proof of vaccination (your papers). As for the Mark of the Beast, no so much, an issue I take with those using the Endemic to speak as though God created the virus all while under the New Covenant, is an error, hence James 1:13 and all references for the verse. The truth of the matter is this can be equated to a foreshadowing of the things to come, granted, if you see people writing Jehovah and Jesus in various languages in some parts of the states with cryptic messages, you kind of see where this is going. When the Mark eventually comes, the state of various places on earth will be an even bigger Hellscape. That being said, even prior to this @Kosonen and I were very vocal about Authoritarianism and how damaging it can be for everyone, look at Canada, France, especially Australia, with United Kingdom that will follow suit. The thing with the United States that is somewhat blocking the US from turning into Australia is the Constitution, however, that won't hold for long granted people of power, even the United Nations tried to work around it or manipulate it. Lastly, the fact I am Anti-Agenda, I hate how they are pushing the narrative towards the people, mainly in forms of media, even cartoons towards kids, games and comics towards older ones and comedy for the adult folks, even brazen media is promoting the agenda. Like I said, there are worse worse things to come, some things I do not really mention on here, so best to have a Batman level of preparedness.
  22. I mentioned this a sometime ago to a Leftist, and the reaction was like that of him transforming into a monster due to his anger, and he simply shouted that I was a lair. Funny how this goes yet anyone speaking of the matter, mainly this, is shut down or threatened. As we speak, medical personnel are being booted from their jobs; we can see how much of a problem that will be. From Heroes to Villains, as the MSM portrays them.
  23. Truth has always been a causality in Russia, mainly due to the fact that the media in of itself is controlled by the Kremlin itself. Reminds me of when Putin won, no one really questioned how everyone was very behind while Putin was literally x5~ in percent up during the election. Then there was the situation with Ramzan Kadyrov. He won also recently and it was literally overkill in the percentages (99.6%). Likewise with other areas in such as US allies the UK, France, even Germany. Asia is another one, mainly concerning China, and their eyes being set on Taiwan, in which the US, and their allies are afraid to speak in support of Taiwan without any consequence.
  24. People turning on their neighbors, being friendly and welcoming and in an instant in fear of the Kremlin or be twisted by them become foe/enemy, likewise with those who once welcomed them., even the schools were some professors allowed bullying of those of the faith. This happened numerous times in Russia, even prior to and during the JW ban. There were videos that were presented by their media that got people to shift attitude towards those the Kremlin, The Church and the Duma deem a threat. Some of this stuff may still be around if not scrubbed like the hacker website going after people in Russia via FindFace.
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