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Space Merchant

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Posts posted by Space Merchant

  1. 20 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    So why then does the WTJWorg official site not put on its site.

    What is stopping you from going to ARC to even read it? It was said many times here, ARC's information is open to the public.

    Other then that, that is quite a baseless remark; with a bit of reaching, and for reason. 

    That being said, you coined ARC, do yourself the favor and look into the findings themselves, the same ones that your video source has withheld from you.

    Other then that, cease the reaching.

    Here is the link for ARC - https://www.childabuseroyalcommission.gov.au/ You can find Jehovah's Witnesses and all things pertaining to them from a 2 second search, not difficult as you make it out to be.

    20 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    orthodox JW who is not on other platforms like me and others like me?

    I'm pretty sure every single JW who has access to the internet are found on multiple platforms. 

    Also seeing your history elsewhere, you are not a grounded person, as it is true here as well.

    20 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    I am a regular guest on this Forum, for now.

    Sure. But you're no quest, you logged in with an email, from a device tied to an IP Address via ISP on an open forum. One thing for certain, this proves that birds do not provide you internet access hence our last discussion regarding that.

    20 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    I leave a comment on another YT

    I thought you said you do not have a platform? Yesterday you said you do not have such things, now here you revealed to hypocritical state you have access to YouTube (logged into via email, from a device, tied to an IP via ISP).

    You leave comments, yet, nothing grounded or impactful to encourage a neutral discussion and or conversation about sex abuse.... Therefore your remark from yesterday was not true, let alone what you told the teenager.

    20 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    someone’s blog or whatever it’s called, a page or something.

    Here we go again... Access to someone's blog, using an email from a device, tied to an IP via ISP....

    Yesterday remark is starting not to age well.... A poor choice of words at best.

    20 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    So it’s not a problem that I have the freedom to choose and view other people’s content elsewhere.

    It isn't about a freedom to profess elsewhere. You deliberately stated you only have this open forum as a platform.... Yet now you expose yourself without me saying anything.

    On 9/22/2021 at 1:49 PM, Srecko Sostar said:

    i am only on this platform, JW Open Club.

    Even if you did counsel such things, you can easily be found out.

    The club isn't a platform, the forum is, hence the provider mentioned way at the bottom.

    20 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    But you make a big question out of it.

    Probably because you can talk about child sex abuse. In your other platforms, you post links and post things about awareness, mainly because of animals even advocate of aiding animals and the like, which I know because the teenager referred to you as Frida a few times, which confused me.

    But for some unknown reason you often speak about JWs from one sided sources, yet never used the opportunity to speak about child sex abuse from both sides of the spectrum or at a neutral setting.

    20 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Am I interested in which platforms you operate on?

    Clearly not. But I am not unwise to say having access to the internet, therefore only remaining on a single forum. I would not say something absurd to hide hypocrisy either.

    Devices and internet majority of the time 99.99% equates to access to other platforms, as long as you have an email (also derives from a platform, G+, Outlook, Yahoo, etc.)

    That being said, the Information Tech infrastructure  is what I dwell on, so I can see through the farce, even yours.

    20 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    But you’re someone who checks other people’s internet activity and then forges your own theories.

    I only called you out, nothing more.

    Srecko, this is why I said you pretend not to know, I hate theories, mainly conspiracy theories, I am Anti-Agenda, and I have a total dislike for the Left and Right Paradigm. Truthers hate theories for the fact that is results in misinformation, even getting people killed, i.e. Serena Shim, Seth Rich, Beck going into hiding (washed) etc and what revolved around their deaths; and how the MSM spins things.

    The only reason you can easily be found out in regards to platforms because all someone has to do is look up "Srecko Sostar" and everything is shown, as with your remarks. I need not do anything because your own name puts you in the spotlight. Just google yourself, see what comes up, you are everywhere on many platforms.

    Conspiracy Theories found it's way into Child Sex Abuse and Missing Persons cases, and that in of itself is damaging, I see it all the time, mainly when pedophile is weaponized. More so, JWI may not see what I see, but pedophilia seen as normal to some is a problem, people seeking to normalize it exist and you see how much of a problem that would be, hence my issue with the New York Times' agenda, which Butler did not see.

    Other than that, continue to kid yourself because the JW teen said the same thing, if you have a platform, you can use it in this manner, in fact, I can quote him

    My friend, we aren't talking about Activism, or to make change. The issue of morality stems from Scripture even, for if there is a danger, counsel can be given in a discussion about the subject matter.

    It does not matter if someone is young or if someone is old - you are on a platform where child abuse is openly discussion even at random, it shouldn't stop you or anyone from providing insight. Perhaps now would be the best time to do so. Like I said, there was only one thread that was Bible heavy on the matter because of discussion, if that can be done, you can do the same, after all, you can create threads as someone on this forum, since you did nothing, you can do something now.

    Therefore, you can do something. Does not have to be anything major either. I say this because for some ExJWs they don’t really cover these things.

    That being said, the fact you didn't know the mugshot results question of how well you are aware of sex and violence abuse crimes done to children and teens in the UK. The story of Sarah was a major story which can be felt to this day; to make a thread about CSA in the UK, but not knowing this, shows that you aren't really into any discussion about child sex abuse, even the ones taking place in the JW churches.

  2. If it is the PIPA constitution the article is referring to, then yes, they're practically under Alberta Personal Information Protection and Privacy Act (PIPA). So they are right, to go around it is unconstitutional. PIPA applies to all organizations and to all personal information held by organizations unless the Act says that it does not apply (section 4(1)). Different types of non-profit organizations are fully subject to Alberta’s Personal Information Protection Act, while others are only subject to it in respect of information collected and or data, used or disclosed for their activity, even commercially. Religious societies, etc, even housing, federally incorporated not-for-profits, and or organizations incorporated by private Acts are fully subject to the Act and have the same obligations in respect of privacy as do other organizations.

    It does have some similarities to that of the US when it comes to the 14th amendment and or HIPPA, etc. The UK has something also comparable, such as GDPR; The Data Protection Act. Although an EU regulation, anyone operating in the UK is in subjection to it, mandatory to comply. Other than that UK's type of constitution is a bit convoluted, granted it is sort of a a union state.

    That being said, castanet looks like an odd media source, reminds me of 4chan a little bit.

  3. 17 hours ago, ApostaBabe Linda James said:

    I know that I wasn't directly asked this question by you, but this looks to be the same person in both of these shots. Would that be correct?

    Yep, it is the same person, I asked JB if he knew the mugshot for a reason, it was all over UK media at one point. It is in relation to something to push a fight against CSA, which as for a while the system in some instances have been brushed off at times by police in the UK.

    Seeing that the other two will not even addressed this at all. Child Abuse, although a plague in every place around the globe, educational/religious institutions, academics, clubs, etc, even in recreational settings, there will be pockets of people who will exploit those around them in order to sexually abuse and or commit violence to a child. In The United States and the United Kingdom it is problematic, and eventually with the events taking place now with governments, it loosens the barrier for things. Both have vile, infamous abusers, but since the focus is the UK, they have some of the most twisted ones on top of the pedophilia food chain, excluding the grooming gangs.

    The man in the picture I posted is among the infamous abusers, his name is Roy Whiting, a British convicted child murderer and offender, from West Sussex county.

    As pointed out to both @Srecko Sostarand @Patiently waiting for Truth, pedophiles who act on their disorder seek to cause harm to a child, either sexually or by violence, both of which physical. This man took it a step further, and he does not try to enter churches or schools to gain access to a child or manipulate people around him, be it teachers or pastors, he hunted down and kidnapped underaged girls, as well as being deranged. This is why, often times, abusers who act outside of such are difficult to deal with, mainly those who are more aggressive.

    This abuser had kidnapped a 9 year old girl in Crawley and sexually assaulted her, and was only caught and arrested a few weeks later after a friend of his knew about what he did and came forward, even identifying the car Roy was driving in, which he tried to get rid of. After this, Roy admitted to the charges of  charges of abduction and indecent assault and was given prison time for 4 years, nearly getting life. As pointed out to @Patiently waiting for Truth the justice system a double edged sword and is a double standard, and this resulted in Roy getting a lesser sentence because of admitting to the crime and as well as sparing his victim of having to give evidence in court had the case reached a trial. After this he was admitted to a Psychiatrist, confessing that he was likely to do the same thing, re-offend once he was released with a possibility killing any would be victim.

    Despite this event, he was later released in 1997, having served just over half of his 4 year sentence, in addition to being one of the first people in Britain to go on the newly-launched sex offenders register. He was scheduled to have been released from prison in June of that same year, but had to serve an additional 5 months in prison for refusing to take part in a rehabilitation program for convicted sex offenders.

    This brings us to the girl in the picture, and from the aftermath, the Law that was created.


    Whiting then moved to Littlehampton on West Sussex and was there for some time. He was still visited by officers from Sussex Police who did  a number of inquiries into the disappearance of Sarah Payne (an 8 year old girl from West Sussex), who had gone missing in the Kingston Gorse area of Littlehampton the previous evening several miles from where Roy lives. Despite being released, knowing what he is capable of, he was the one responsible for Sarah Payne disappearance; the police did not take him in then, only much later on they re-arrested him on suspicion. There was still not enough evidence to charge him with and so he was released without charge for a second time.

    In 2001, Whiting was convicted of the abduction and murder of Sarah Payne and was sentenced to life imprisonment, with a recommendation that he never be released. After Whiting was convicted, it was revealed that he was already a convicted child sex offender; this the the Payne family's correct in their belief that Sarah had been killed by a child sex offender who had already committed similar offences, which had already led to them co-operating with a media campaign for public access to the sex offenders register, as well as tighter controls on sex offenders who had been released from custody. This campaign had started within days of Sarah Payne's body being found, and several months before Whiting had even been charged.

    Whiting's previous conviction had until then been kept from the jury at the request of the police, who felt that if they had heard details of his previous conviction and he had been found guilty, it would allow him to claim that he had been convicted on the basis of an earlier offence rather than the one for which he was being tried, paving the way for a potential successful appeal.

    There were renewed calls for the government to allow a controlled public access to the sex offender's register. This became the campaign for what is known as Sarah's Law (also known as The Child Sex Offender Disclosure Scheme in England and Wales) due to the aftermath, after the introduction of Megan's Law in the US following a similar case several years earlier. After a 3 year trial period in a few police districts from 2008-2011, Sarah's Law was expanded to the entirety of the United Kingdom in 2010, a law known by the majority.

    From the aftermath of the convicted pedophile, Sarah's Laws allows parents/guardians and or relative to ask the police if somebody with regular access to their children has a record of sexual offenses, which is utilized today, however, there had been some issues with the police concerning this later on, whereas anything related the police tries to misdirect callers, mainly for those who are seeking information.


    That being said, it is very tragic of what happened to her, as with most. For if she was alive today, she would be close to my age. She is lived on through her siblings, especially her sister, who, to this day, looks just like her.

    Roy Whiting is but one sex offender among UK's history, there are others, far grim, far worse, one in particular so disgustingly twisted mentality it is as if he was pulled from Batman's Rogue gallery out of Arkham Asylum. Pedophiles are often attacked and or killed in prison, the one I equated to a Batman villain, was tortured, killed and was allegedly about to be eaten by one of the prisoners, this person is The worse pedophile ever known dubbed Britain's worst pedophile. The US also have some crazies too outside of the schools and churches.


  4. 8 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Yes, if we count few individuals at this Forum, called Jehovah's Witnesses Open Club, with informative topics.

    And what is the point of this?

    The Club is a Jehovah's Witness Club, whereas it's predecessor was Controversial Post, post at your own risk with the possibility of being challenged.

    The forum is an open forum, hence the domain.

    8 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    This Open JW Club is in fact "illegal" in the eyes of WTJWorg and GB and Legal Department. In what sense  "illegal"?  The title of club contains the name Jehovah's Witnesses. I assume that the name Jehovah's Witnesses  is the intellectual property of WTJWorg and should not be used without their consent. Because the club does not have the approval of the GB to promote JW religious ideas beyond/out of the range of official JW religious teachings of the JW Church and outside the official JW channels. Because this club does not have the GB approval to conduct any debate that calls into question the JW religious system. Because there is no GB approval for the discussion to be led by current and former JW members (discussion of this type, ie interaction between current and former members is actually completely forbidden by GB). If the JW elders of the congregations, to which the members of this club belong, learned that these JW brothers and sisters are members of this club and that they are participants in the discussions, they would be invited to serious conversation and at least warned if not rebuked or even excluded / dfd from the JW assembly.

    And? This is Invision based forum by the way. If you noticed, Invision forums isn't isolated to a specific group. I don't see why you're whining about approval of JW religious leaders. Invision is an open community, even Admin addressed that several times. If you want a JW only based, they made their own.

    That being said, https://invisioncommunity.com/.

    The rules in place are the ones @admin brought forth, and made it known in a John Butler thread. He even addresses that every single one of us are of a religious backing, and some are not. On this forums the only hot and active clubs and or home topics are the obvious.

    8 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Oh man. You are "worst" than them. :)  If 30 year old JW male member claimed how this are all lies, in 2015, and one GB member made similar claim on JWTV, then problem is not about "how to deal" with something (CSA in this moment), but about general denial that CSA exist inside WTJWorg. Other GB member made different view when made public statements.

    On the contrary, anyone who actually examined Case Study 29 and 54 (which you have not, clearly), is in relation to my response, as I have stated a while ago also. It is still on the ARC website. Ironic how after all this time, you never read into any of it, granted it is public. Even key details are left out by most of the EXJW camp, I wonder why?

    You are clearly convoluting the context and deviated from what my response was about ARC's public information.

    Actually on the contrary, it does revolve around the how and when, even for those who profess detection, therefore, you missed your mark.

    8 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    I'm glad you mentioned that. When I realized that the topic could become a source of misinformation because I didn’t understand the English text in the video well, so I misinterpreted it, deleting the topic was a good choice, in my opinion. If the owner of this Forum thought I should have reacted differently, then he would certainly have warned me about it. But that is his right as the owner, not yours. If I have offended your feelings by deleting that topic, then I apologize to you. I hope that one day in the future you will be able to forget that topic and move on with your healed feelings. 

    You had it up for a long period of time. The only reason you were reminded of this because you attempt to use that information in a refutation and failed, when you were told 4 times it was false. Until the evidence came along, you quickly deleted.

    This did not stop because anything Mutual Funds related, United Nations based, and or Bible based, you continued to do the same thing on the backing of others who adopted the Conspiracy Theory Mindset (you know this already of how I look at such), even though all of it was proven to be both misinformation and false. Moreover, me being, Anti-Leftism and Anti-Right even with evidence made against them, you still believed the sprinkled propaganda from the paradigm, an Alt-Right one. Witness attempted to use a video to make an explanation, which was an utter failure, due to the fact, I know these groups well, I have rivals in said groups, as is with a frienemy, who came out of these groups who aided against fighting pornography and other brazen conduct, she herself had pedophiles attack her online, to which several of us put an end to it.

    Regarding the Bible, you bashed some verses without knowing the context, and you were corrected, several times, mainly regarding Psalm 137:9, then you suddenly spoke about JWs to avoid Bible discussion and or Bible Fact. You became a Yes Man to unproven remarks Bible related, and again when you cannot bring any further information, you jump to JWs again, which shows you are dependent on them, which I told you before.

    That puts you en route to be like that of the Cheshire Cat in a sense, on your part.

    This is even evident here of you not knowing the case studies in which ARC made public. Being checked on ARC at this moment is the last thing you want.

    I do not forget things, the reason I bring them up is because some people tend to repeat the same thing, therefore, get called out for it, and when it is called out, people can see the mistake being played out again, as well as guests who come to this forum to witness it.

    That being said, the video in question focuses on partial parts of ARC, it never addressed everything in the findings itself, likewise with the commentary. It isn't grounded, and it appears one sided, and the commentary most likely does not know much about Australian Parliament.

    8 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Regarding solutions. Your solutions and counsels or recommendations, that without doubt are good, would be, i guess, welcomed in WTJWorg if you deliver to them in writing. WTJWorg is a large system that has millions of members and millions of those associated with them. So, if they got the information you have about solving a CSA problem, you would do a good deed that would benefit millions. 

    They're not my solutions, they are sourced from CSA prevention. The same source of which you agreed with Witness on a while back, however, when it is professed by someone else, you change your tune.

    As for JWs, if you actually read into ARC, some of the findings in their publications even addressed, this is evident in their citations and examples. The teenager even linked them all to you in the other thread. Moreover, it was even pointed out some make an effort to apply it, while others succumb to bystander syndrome to a degree, thinking that nothing of that magnitude will happened to them, as with other forms of harm that results in injury and or death, for all things are unexpected, as the Bible says.

    Child Abuse, be it sex, violence, mental, etc can be reduced, and or prevented, hence the solutions if applied well, however, Child Abuse cannot be stopped 100%, as addressed. That is like saying you can end racism, war, gun violence, hunger, etc. Steps can be taken to prevent, but cannot cease these things. Imperfect man cannot turn the world into a paradise, only God and his Christ can do these things, rendering all that effects man in a bad way, nonexistent.

    8 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    On contrary, i am only on this platform, JW Open Club. Please, tell us all here, what are those names of "all over the place" where i am and, allegedly, participate, and supposedly, I make an impact on millions ?   

    On the contrary, you are on many platforms. You can easily be found with a search and 2 years ago, the JW Teen recognized you from elsewhere.

    In today's society, no one is of a singular platform, therefore, such ones are  kidding themselves. You are able to access this website because you have an email, associated with that name, and that email is linked with wherever you decided to ink your statements, opinions, and the like.

    It is not a question of impacting millions, it is in regards to reaching whomever you can. When I helped out children, it was always a small group, 3-4 kids in my community that is culturally connected, eventually other kids show up, be it White, Asian, etc, they are the types who often seek encouragement and knowledge of many things, for kids and teens are effected by events in school, clubs, etc, even indirectly of world based impacts. They're is always people seeking information, a skill, likewise, even adults, or the elderly.

    This is a club, the platform is a forum based, reasons why you have an email linked to here. Granted if you can be found anywhere else outside of this forum, shows you have other platforms you go to, as with this is evident to the other responses you made, even to the JW teen, the same reason you were asked what have you done so far.

    Note: That JW knew who you are and addressed you by a name, which confused me the first time I saw it. The name connects you to multiple platforms. Do not kid yourself because your remark can be used against you here, as is 1 John 4:1.

    8 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    And you thought I was an expert on this subject? 

    Clearly you do not know what a grounded conversation is. You are talking about CSA right now, are you not? Yet, you never made any post or thread, here or elsewhere that is a grounded discussion. You don't need to be an expert to do so. 

    This is why I mentioned to @Patiently waiting for Truth about what unfolded in London. The British people who came to confront the religious people of the park, even the non religious wanted to come to an understanding when it comes to the big problem they are facing, Child Abuse and grooming gangs. This evidently spawned groups, as is prevented chaos in the park whereas people were hunting down specific groups or any English speaking British person, pinning the blame on them. If the events of 2018 did not happened, there wouldn't be a fight against CSA in the UK around that time, with the remnant from the park still active to this day. They cannot combat Grooming Gangs directly, as we seen what happened with Robinson vs High status child molesters protected by UK Law that nearly sparked the chaos in the park to continue.

    That being said, it would be wise on your part, speaking about CSA for years here, yet never adhered to any grounded form of talk. Also I recommend you read up on ARC because some information, even by means of your video, is withheld.

  5. 6 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Do all abusers "look" this awful? Or do you mistakenly promote the image of abusers looking messy and neglected? 

    This one in particular sparked something in UK history that helped push the arrest of child abusers. The fact you do not know this, although not directed to you, shows you may not know a whole lot about the CSA situation in the UK.


    Thank you for showing me this, Srecko.

    Also the above you are repeating yourself and post some of this before. The thread linked already answered you, twice. Nice try though.


    That being said, nowhere ever, even once, you spoke groundedly about CSA, ever on this forum, let alone made a comment in this manner. FYI.

  6. @BroRando Didn't you post something similar to this already? I remember the 120; how and why you got to it regarding Genesis 6:3-4. Concerning 2034 and Tribulations prior to the End of things, I remember bringing up English mathematician Isaac Newton.


    That being said, seems the path in regards to the United Nations, and of Babylon will evidently kick things off between 2028-2034, mainly due to the fact of the events spoken of, mainly everything transpiring after January 6th.

    There is more tragic events and turmoils to come since the UN is now active even more because of specific events.

    Also not worth the effort to explain roots and concordances to an MSC. Such ones do not understand, even that of the usages of some words, and it can be seen, even in the past on here. It is also hypocritical on their part when a defense was pushed for unauthenticity of omitted verses.

    That said, there is no Greek violation on the notation from Bible Hub.

  7. @Patiently waiting for Truth Also just to add concerning the UK, as of recent 4,760 (about 300-320~ among the most dangerous caught) arrests regarding crimes against children, with a total of nearly 7,000+ children safeguarded. As pointed already, the grooming gangs is an issue, for any abuser who is afraid of the law may end up with these gangs, granted, these people thrive in numbers. Even with this small victory,  a strategy to collect more detailed data about these gangs have increased slightly, not by much, and it connects to all things in the realm of pornography and drugs. The NCA is to be used to further the progress, this also connects with violence against women. But still, a community effort is needed, otherwise the tug-o-war with CSA will continue in the UK, us Truthers do not know how the state of the UK will be if they end up with Authoritarianism; ending up like Australia, and Canada.


    By the way, reporting CSA as a couple of issues, concerning said issues, are you familiar with the below mugshot? I ask because you said you have been sending information to the IICSA, the mugshot below is in relation to one of their branches; this is United Kingdom base.


  8. 22 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    Ex JWs are 'cut off' from communication with JWs and JW children. 

    Not all child abusers are in the faith in question. Some ExJWs cannot detect child abusers at all, they do not know the Red Flags, hence the remark; haven't mentioned Excommunication. Not all ExJWs are cut-off, granted, not all of them fall into the category of apostasy, hence the remark I made to Srecko concerning 2017.

    22 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    I know of two men, JWs, one is an Elder. I have reason to suspect them of being capable of CSA. You see I must chose my words carefully here.  I will of course be accused of just being anti-JW.  

    Speak your peace, for you are former JW, an EXJW not and or cannot be counted as an Anti-JW (Irreligious). An Anti-JW is irreligious. They don't side with JWs or ExJWs let alone speak favorably of the Bible or God often times they pave themselves into the path of Atheistism, but harbor hatred, this is why I brought up before how both sides are often attack, even quoted them in the past. Clearly you do not hate the Bible or God. There is a distinction between the two, despite the fact people get them mixed up. In short, any irreligious mentality is for current and former members of JWs (any faith also, even towards a philosophy), and it stems into other faiths even.

    It is already known of your history, you were the among some to bring up an instance of potential CSA a while back, I was the one who responded to you, I believe Anna did the same as your tenure as JB. You even mentioned potential child on child abuse if I am not mistaken, although hard to determine because the word of mouth was insufficient, and no updates for specifics.

    That being said, Srecko and I are the only ones talking, if the information is explicit, you can speak granted this is in regards to CSA. For we all talked about ARC before, even the sensitive stuff, most of us here mature.

    22 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    The local congregation quite often has 'dressing up' parties and the Elder wears costumes that other JWs find shocking. That Elder made a comment to a Sister about her two daughters which the Sister was shocked to hear. She told my wife and I about it. This was before i left the 'Org'. 

    Some people tend to speak or jokes that can shock people. Often times the abuser has a favorite child they seek to gain access to, they do not go for multiple victims at once nor do they make specific comments to the public concerning a potential victim (for comments are often directed to the victim personally), they attack one by one mainly in institutional settings which seems to be the common motive; for abusers who seek to harm someone has a focus on the specific victim. Granted this was a costume party, in the UK somewhere, where supposedly everyone in that local JW church dressed wildly, comments can be slipped, i.e. immature comments, vulgar, etc. That can shock anyone.

    Also the name of your former JW church or the area itself, in the Truther community there may be something that can be looked up, granted UK Truthers are heavy in regards to CSA, especially now concerning everyone. They, even us in the US, utilize the claims registry; and for good reason.

    Can you remind me why you left the JW church specifically?

    22 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    The other man came to the local congregation and it seems that no one knows anything about his past. (If the Elders do know then they are keeping it secret) He has made himself 'very friendly' to one of my step daughters and her four young children, mainly the three girls. He gets the girls to sit on his knee. My wife tells me of these things as my step daughter is still a JW and I'm not allowed to visit her and her family. So I cannot converse with those children that maybe at risk. 

    This was before you left the JW church or after in regards to the first part? Also can you be specific on when these events began?

    Them doing nothing doesn't negate to them hiding something, as pointed out before, if the man was a potential abuser, he would have manipulate the people around him, even the JW elders, but with the later remark it shows he has no singular victim. Such ones become friendly because they need the community to see them in a positive light.

    Although you cannot speak to her, seems like your wife is still technically a bridge, granted you are still getting information by means of her.

    22 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    On one occasion, it seems, one of the girls was sitting on this man's lap and someone else entered the room, so the child got off his lap and went over to the other person. This man seemed to get very upset and moved seats to be closer to the girl.

    So we can see that this is possibly the same girl. Also the other person, was the person your wife since she knew was the sole person who knew about the one girl sitting on this man's lap/knee previously?

    Potential abusers already sit within close proximity to a child they are targeting, kind of strange for it to happen afterwards, if not the victim, the guardian themselves.

    Same area or different concerning the seat change? For if he moved his seat, didn't the girl already leave the room with the other person, possibly your wife?

    Perhaps you met, since the man was alone with the girl (although how is unknown granted the mentioned above), later on in that specific Church Congregation, this event took place. Moreover, an abuser would already be close to or sitting next to their victim and or their guardian; and or working with them, unless you can clarify that. Because they develop an attachment prior, mainly due to the first part of the comment with your step daughter.

    Was it ever said on how he got the child to be with him alone in the first place? Abusers, whom already earned the community, will ask for the child mainly if they are with a guardian. Something or someone may have separated them.

    22 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    The whole family have remarked on this but no one has told the Body of Elders about this man's behavior.... My step daughter still allows this man to spend time with her children. As an ex-JW I am an outcast from them.

    So it was not just the wife who knew, more people involved.

    But your wife is still filtering you information even after you left, and she had seen these events, even after you stopped being a JW, more could be done, but at the same time, there is always that thin line when it comes to these things.

    Even due to you not being a JW anymore, you still have the ability to report. IICSA takes anything, even take over from there to make the determination, and if anything, they can utilize your wife to make the determination.

    So have you made any reports thus far if this was something recent? If so already, what did you send?

    That being said, knowing the location would be nice, gives the UK Truther some time to scope.

  9. 14 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    WTJWorg and its representatives all these years have not written or said that the JW church has a problem with the CSA.

    In several cases of CSA there has been some information. This is why some JWs are equipped to handle CSA and some are not. Again, Swahili JWs, the British/Arab JW, even the one here who told you about combating CSA, and I believe Anna had mentioned to you time and time again as with others. More so information had been professed.


    14 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    They claim that these are false accusations and slanders by the "hostile world" and former members.

    Not all of them, and often times, some of what they said has been taken out of context. Reasons why the remark in ARC was stated for them to clarify for it is evident that some of their members do not know how to deal with the issue.

    ExJWs sometimes take the words of JWs out of context, but at the same time, there are ExJWs who have to explain to those in their community about secular law and CSA, hence why there is a division between them, this excludes the EXJWs who they themselves, a few in particular, who technically defended a child abuser (The Truther community took care of that abuser by the way, as we did with EDP445). This is even more evident back in 2017 where ExJWs were split on how to deal with CSA when they invaded JW churches, resulting in the community and other ExJWs to push them out.

    That said, there are 2 factions of ExJWs (which I pointed out a lot)

    The ones that speak of CSA and often times take things out of context, never seeking a middle ground for discussion or conversation; most times attack JWs on the daily for CSA even those who have no part in the abuse.

    Then you have the ones that speak of CSA, do not take things out of context, and they actually do not bash the JW faith, but rather want to seek conversation on the issue (this is identical to the events of London 3 years ago). These are the same ExJWs who go after the ones in their own community for misinformation. They are also the same ones who disgruntled ExJWs wipe their information off media, and they are the ones deplatformed, i.e. the events of 2017 on Reddit people still claim the JWs did it because of CSA, but it was an ExJW/Bible Student who is friends with Cedars who he himself said that there are better solutions to stopping CSA; even then, on reddit, the misinformation was preached.

    Likewise, if you remember your Glasglow topic, the one you deleted, to this day, there is only one faction taking that information and proclaiming it as truth. Likewise with what Witness claims of bonds; an ExJWs source who said otherwise.

    That is why in the other thread, it was coined to not weaponize CSA in this regard.

    14 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Denying that a problem exists is also a type of education that JW members receive from their religious leaders.

    They're aware of CSA. Actually no, because Anna and several others pointed out that JWs do speak of CSA and have material that covers it, this material was also brought up in ARC, in one case, enabled an abused underaged teen to know what CSA is, the material in question was taken from one source.

    14 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    And you are calling me here that I am against education?

    Interesting remark even though I haven't alluded to it, but now that you mentioned it - Look at the thread, and take a good look at your response as to mine regarding solutions. The other thread, a JW told you the same thing, asking you what have you done thus far. You have a platform, you are all over the place, granted he pointed that out, so you can educate via conversation, but you brushed it for as activistism. Clearly you are not grounded at all concerning CSA in this forum alone, for it that was the case, the events of Fremont you would not equate it to everyone in that faith.

    That being said, the Red Flags are presented to you, these occurrences are the same for both the United States, and the United Kingdom as with those under them, their allies, and their enemies, for CSA happens on both sides.



  10. 1 hour ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Sometimes my memory is short. I am not pretending. You speak more than it is necessary, when try to expose other people, supposed/alleged motives and position. :)

    I never exposed you, merely pointed out you were told on how to deal with the issue via solutions, even my stance, which I made clear to you, but you continuously go around it even though it relates to CSA prevention. Even with how abusers operate is mentioned, you attest to that same motive. In some of your remarks you pretend you do not see where I stand even to this day.

    You made a comment here regarding my stance and I responded, as seen below


    You were even told the below:

    On 11/6/2018 at 7:29 AM, Space Merchant said:

    Another thing I stated the following, directly to you: Well the thing is Srecko, I am not talking about JWs, I am talking to you, directly,

    I said this because if you are unaware of such services actually exist, you show yourself not to be someone who is doing things the better way of putting into application, teaching our young ones about the problem so they themselves can teach others to lessen cases of abuse, be it sexual or violence and or other.

    Never once from there onward to today you did any grounded discussion about abuse, and when asked, you stated activism, when at the same time you admit being on other platforms. CSA prevention encourages discussion to look into solutions, they didn't ask you to strike out.

    1 hour ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    CSA is not "test" for victims, but it is "test" for GB and JW elders who put themselves in position to judge people (perpetrators and victims) about it. Who put themselves in position to bring Policy that is obligated for members to respect and obey inside WTJWorg. 

    Victim or those manipulated as victims so the abuser can reach children is not a test, nor was it to begin with. You picked poor choice of words to those who dwell on this.

    You said recently that they were under some test, no need to re-route your words now.

    1 hour ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    When JW elders convince a victim that they cannot and must not trust him/her because there are no two witnesses to support his/her claim, then it is disrespect to the victim.

    The latter of the ruling was also addressed before. After research one can learn what that actually is and it's application, as is with the information of an ExJW who spoke of this until he got shut down himself, hence my quotations to the Atheist.

    I can see now you are attempting to spin the test remark due to blow back. Not wise.

    Now, that is a contradiction because the JWs aware of CSA do otherwise, not all of them assume something that horrid would take place in their community, some are aware. Even the JWs on this forum are well aware of CSA and they are capable of discussion in the matter, being grounded. Fremont was unprepared but their counterpart were, this can be said in the UK whereas CSA is problematic. So how can you say this when one, even some, are able to handle CSA, moreover, evidence, likewise in the justice system, is also counted as a witness too if an aftermath does occur (injury, bodily fluids, blood and or fluid on clothing/furniture, etc.). The justice system use the similar ruling, so the remark you made is also null.

    Regarding The Justice System - https://www.justice.gov/archives/jm/criminal-resource-manual-1750-comparison-perjury-statutes-18-usc-1621-and-1623#:~:text=The "two witness" rule%2C,uncorroborated testimony of one witness.

    This is why ARC, knowing what it entails, told the JWs to better clarify what that means vs those who apply it incorrectly and or don't know what that is.

    1 hour ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    I think your claim is misdirected.


    Here you go: JW members believe that God and the Holy Spirit lead/guide this “imperfect” Organization that claims to be the only true Christian congregation. Observers would rightly expect the CSA plague not to be in such proportions at the JW Church. Observers would rightly expect, too, that JW members and especially leaders/elders in JW assemblies be prepared for all, "be able to extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one". But, sadly, JW members and elders failed. They failed the exam/the test.

    Child Abuse is not a test, be it the victim, those manipulated, or those who got caught in child abuse themselves due to them not being able to properly handle such in some instances, even if some fail, and thus suffer from an aftermath.

    Don't refer to such things as a test, for, as stated, it is a disrespect, mainly due to the fact this is a brazen sin that effects everyone and every group. Abusers, being traitors or deceptive, know what there doing making people fall to this form of manipulation, which in turn, brings forth the Red Flags, from the basic to the serious.

    1 hour ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    in this example, cannot be directed at the type of crime, but at the people who experienced that crime on their own skin.

    How does this constitute to a test as you stated should those involve fail? The person ends up becoming a victim. Granted we are speaking of child abuse, should another child abuse a child younger than them, and failure is involved, that in of itself is a crime of which people deal with the aftermath, this was not a test granted the victim end up as prey to an abuser, be it adult or child. As of recent news, the events with the FBI wasn't a test either due to failure.

    UK is a bit different in this regard, I addressed this to JB already, but the problem is the gangs, which gives abusers outside of it a chance to take action in person or online.

    1 hour ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Not trusting and not helping a victim who has gone through “hell”, that is disrespect/disrespectful.

    Hence manipulation and bystander syndrome which begets being unprepared, therefore, people go through "Hell" as do those being unaware go through "Hell" even because they themselves fell victim in a sense.

    NOTE: Abusers can manipulate the people around the child, you were told this in this thread several times.

    As already mention, when an abuser enters a community successfully, the basic red flags are committed. Those in the community, not knowing the red flags are slowly manipulated and the abuser takes action from there. There is a reason as to why they take time to commit their attacks. People aware of Red Flags have an ample amount of time to detect and discern the situation.

    That being said, the very reason I asked you if you knew the dominant Red Flags regarding child abuse, that can range from violence, sex, mental, even pornography. You must be aware of these things to better help a potential victim, granted even outside of religion, it is difficult because of how abusers operate in a neighborhood instance of an institutional community, mainly those who hold back action, moreover.

    As I said before, to help a child, use your platform. You're all over the place yet not once, going to what the JW told you, attested to the notation of discussing CSA in said manner. If others can do this, I don't see why you withhold yourself since you speak of CSA a lot yourself.

    As a side note, the irony in this is Witness used the same thing once by sourcing CSA prevention as with traitors, which you agreed with, yet when it was professed with prior, you didn't take it lightly. You seem to know what is correct, but simply choose when you feel like it. That is just based off of discernment.

    In regards to JWs, CSA has been reduced temporarily for abusers cannot get to their churches or to them directly as they did pre-Endemic.

  11. An update, some in the Truther community and the YouTuber community were helping each other out. The news below may not be good news though (not confirmed until tomorrow after autopsy, but bad news is likely), as for Brian, he has gone missing, it is said that he is in danger, and or on the brink of seeking the suicide route:

    Story of Brian missing/search found here - https://abc7ny.com/gabby-petito-brian-laundrie-disappearance-search/11032442/

    That being said, they both had mental issues, hence awareness should be professed, as is aid with anyone dealing with such.



  12. You misinterpreted what I said obviously as you did last time concerning CSA. You were asked for Red Flags, to name one or a few dominant ones concerning CSA, I asked you for what abusers are known to do when it comes to access to children.

    You said the following

    On 9/16/2021 at 2:26 PM, Srecko Sostar said:

    Do you know how, in which way and after how much time "random folks" become JW members?

    And I told you this, as this is concerning how all abusers who wish to do harm operate.


    The statement is true when it comes to detection, that is, if you know the red flags. Now, concerning you Srecko, as I told you in the CSA thread concerning solutions, if you do not know any of these red flags, not even the minor ones to detect an abuser, they can miniplate you and you wouldn't even know it.

    As told to you last year on the CSA thread I asked JWI to move for me - Someone who wants to commit abuse because of their pedophilia disorder, not being able to control it or seek help, they will target institutions and or businesses. In this case, JW churches, for religious institutions and educational ones are targets because of the abuser not being able to gain access to neighborhood children or the like, and or if they do not have any children themselves to abuse.

    They do not immediately go to a JW church, they would look into them first, and know how they operate, likewise pick the best state before confronting them. The avg. JW would not know this person's intent, or any Red Flags.

    From there, they begin their manipulation, earn trust of everyone, even the children and people around them, even to an extent, neighboring people around the JW church who are of other faiths and or non religious, for they are the blow back in case of a problem.

    People like this you may not necessarily know very well resulting in you not bothering to discern the person, i.e. name/face alone (a neighbor, a coach, a parent of another child you know). As mentioned, the abuser can be a relative, and they counsel their intent from family members. In order to gain access to your child, they establish a rapport with the parent and the people, even the community, and eventually the child (if in household they make sure to get the child alone), but in some cases, they are less careful about hiding their intentions, therefore, knowing to detect as well as being cautious is critical, mainly when an abuser can display specific behaviors and characteristics while holding back the impulse of their disorder.  

    Those manipulated by such ones end up trusting them without a thought, and the people caught by this trust them with a child, as they pretend to enjoy your company and the child's. One may see some of these signs and pass them off as normal behavior – and in some cases, they may be. When abuse occurs with people we know, the perpetrator is not necessarily seeking out opportunities to prey on children, but finds him/herself with an opportunity to take advantage of access, trust, and familiarity with a parent and/or child, thus becoming an opportunist.


    These people, Red Flag(s) of a potential abuser, this goes for child on child abuse too.

    • Volunteers or works with children, some do not have children of their own, or child friendly toys – video games, tree house, train sets/doll collections etc.


    • Spends more time with children than adults or peers – may even come off as immature and childish themselves.


    • Has a “favorite” child they seem to spend time with (which may vary from year to year)


    • Gives gifts or special privileges for no apparent reason.


    • Overly affectionate/playful with children – hugging, tickling, wrestling, holding or having a child sit on their lap.


    • Disregards “no” “stop” or other efforts from a child to avoid physical contact.


    • Long stares or periods of watching a child. In some instances, even take pictures of the child, be it partially clothed and or nude; keep and or share child pornography (pornography being involved results even in masturbation to said material).


    • Comments or conversation about a child’s appearance – which may even take a turn for the inappropriate (even to an extent, none kid friendly words, expressions, and phrases)


    • May exhibit a sense that they feel they have special rights/privileges above others.


    • Eagerness to learn details of your personal (possibly romantic) life and your child and their interests.


    • Flattery of you, your child, their talents and likewise, they may boast about their own successes/accomplishments, charitable work, generosity etc.


    • If you are a single parent (especially a mother) – this person may be a new or potential romantic interest that comes off as “too good to be true” or anyone that seems interested in filling in as a fatherly role for your child.


    • Seems to like the very same things that your child is interested in.


    • Tries to establish a sense of camaraderie with your child and draw your child away from you “I know how parents are” “you’re old enough to go alone”.


    • Attempts to make you doubt your protective instincts “, results in manipulation used on the child unto parents/guardians and or anyone who knows the child/relatives


    • Offers to “help out” with your child , to look over and or be an acquaintance that offers to look after the child (again, manipulation to deter you or a guardian away, less supervision)


    • If your child is particularly talented (musically, artistically, athletically, or is involved in pageants etc) and someone approaches you with opportunities that seem like they would benefit your child – private lessons/photography shoots/meeting scouts etc. An IRL case mentioned to you a long time ago of a similar event concerning a High School Girl.


    • Someone that suggests a child is “troubled” or prone to lying (to discredit future claims of abuse by the child.)

    Know what some of the basic detectable Red Flags are, for they've been addressed to you, again.

    As for your other remarks

    On 9/18/2021 at 11:07 PM, Srecko Sostar said:

    From your explanation I would conclude that then the problem is in those JWs who conduct a Bible study with an “interested pedophile,” and later in JW elders who approve of such a candidate to be baptized as a JW.

    They would not know of the pedophile at first because majority of people cannot detect red flags, you didn't know what they were yourself, so the unfortunate JWs, and you are in effect, can be manipulated.

    On 9/18/2021 at 11:07 PM, Srecko Sostar said:

    It follows from all this that, the JW belief as"the angels guide and supervise their preaching" and thus the biblical teaching on the individual level of the future candidate, is not useful. Or you have such impression how angels are not helpful in JW preaching service?

    People can preach the gospel, however, not everyone can detect the intentions of some, even among Christians. In the early church, all Christians prayed for the spirit, and had guidance from that of God's spirit Sons, even with that, they didn't figure out a certain few who were later found out among the Christian faith, like that of Hymenaeus, Alexander, or maybe Diotrephes. Some Christians didn't know what they were doing or professing, others, like Paul knew via discernment and much later on took action. (1 Timothy 1:19, 20; 3 John 9, 10). This can also be compared to God watching over the Israelites in the wilderness, granted some Israelites fell to bad influence and had ill action, only for some to call them out on it later on.

    Likewise with the situation, which is parallel to the above highlighted, that is compared to day revolving around child abuse, no one is aware of the intent of the abuser, however, some can detect and go about action directly or indirectly, which is often most the case.

    On 9/18/2021 at 11:07 PM, Srecko Sostar said:

    Also, prayer at the beginning and end of Bible study does not reach God, because He does not warn them (JW members) of the hidden pitfalls and hidden intentions of the one with whom they study the Bible. 

    God hears certain prayers, yes. But again, there is no way for a random JW to detect intent, you were not aware of the red flags or intent either, so if the position was swapped, you would not know yourself. Abusers keep their intent hidden at first because the barrier they want to establish is trust. The group they target they research them prior to interaction.

    On 9/18/2021 at 11:07 PM, Srecko Sostar said:

    JW members believe that God and the Holy Spirit lead/guide this “imperfect” Organization that claims to be the only true Christian congregation.

    As with all Christians who believe God guides the imperfect ones. All men are sinners, born sinners according to Scripture.

    On 9/18/2021 at 11:07 PM, Srecko Sostar said:

    Observers would rightly expect the CSA plague not to be in such proportions at the JW Church.

    This was the point of Bystander Syndrome (Effect). They wouldn't know. Not even ExJWs know they themselves can detect abusers. Not only it is referring to inaction, but at times being unaware of a potential danger. More so, the abuser at this point is in the stage of gaining/establishing trust. They do not really take action until much later on where the basic red flags listed above takes place.

    On 9/18/2021 at 11:07 PM, Srecko Sostar said:

    Observers would rightly expect, too, that JW members and especially leaders/elders in JW assemblies be prepared for all, "be able to extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one".

    No one can clean out CSA 100%, they can only prevent, not even JWs. Abusers can be callous and cunning at times to exploit the situation even further, so things often times need to be shifted. This is why education and solutions are key to further reduce child victims, you should know this, you and Witness adhered to CSA prevention before, so curious as to why that was not mentioned.

    On 9/18/2021 at 11:07 PM, Srecko Sostar said:

    But, sadly, JW members and elders failed.

    Not all of them. The failure of Fremont JWs does not mirror the success of Swahili JWs. There are some people in every institution who are educated on CSA, how to detect an abuser and signs of someone who was abused. Not too long ago the teenager even asked you questions about CSA, you called it activism when the context of his message was not activism. Elsewhere, we have the British in Hyde, they asked for conversation about a problem, and there are even groups (the non violent ones) who are jumping into the issue of CSA, and as for me, you already know my history although you pretend to not remember I told you the same thing many times.

    As mentioned, there are the aware ones and the unaware. If we can use you as an example, it can be evident to the evaded question of where you are.

    On 9/18/2021 at 11:07 PM, Srecko Sostar said:

    They failed the exam/the test.

    Child abuse, be it sex or mental, has nothing to do with a test, as is those with the ability to detect it or not, for they are just as much victim too. Never call CSA as such again, it is a disrespect.

    That being said, learn what Red Flags are and how to combat abuse. The link for the thread JWI setup for me, you can address to that to, as is your remarks which can be found there too.


  13. 18 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    For the first time, today i saw a stand at an outdoor market, for 'Urban Bulldogs Against Kids Abuse'.  This is a biker organisation. Now this is here in sleepy Devon England. 

    As much as I want to see children protected, this biker organisaton sets alarms ringing for me. 


    Yes there are many groups who combat CSA, you stumbled upon the semi non-violent one.

    This is what I have been referring to for years. There was a boom in groups and factions from 2015 onward (present day) even that concerning vigilantism, even more because of the internet. Reasons being that child abuse as well as abuse towards Women will spawn these groups, more so, some of them bring their own version of justice, which at times, can be violent, hence why regarding CSA there are factions who want activism and or action taking to be aggressive whereas as some do not, the aggressive types then to be the ones who commit to violence, then you have the extreme, going on a warpath.

    Keeping it PG, it does get violent with some for I will not speak of the actions of a few, who do have blood on their hands from legitimate abusers and those unproved to have abused a child, like the PES members.

    There were people who recorded these executions, even putting it on YouTube granted they see this as justice against pedophiles, but not much is said for alleged ones, whereas there was no proof of them abusing children and they lost their lives anyway.

    On 3/19/2018 at 3:31 AM, Space Merchant said:

    a warpath without having better solutions and ways of going about the issue of child abuse - going as far as to twist fact to tickle the ears of the masses to join the same foolish cause when others are doing it the right and correct way in gunning for the problem at hand and not a specific group of persons.

    On 3/2/2019 at 5:24 PM, Space Merchant said:

    Another problem is that such sparks vigilantism whereas at some cases, the one who seeks the abuser, or the abuser, or victim succumb to further harm and or problems.



  14. On 9/17/2021 at 3:48 PM, Pudgy said:

    For humans, the older you get, the more of the threat of being rounded up and put into an interment camp appears to be a good alternative to going to a rest home your children have picked out.

    Trust me, it is not something you'd want to be in. In Canada, recently someone was nearly sent to a Quarantined Hotel to be locked in there. There was a social media super model who manage to escape, and later a woman who was just married. The suspicious thing is Canada and it's media is denying these hotels are to lock people there. They claim these areas up until February 2022. In Australia, the government are actively building camps, which does not correlate with the so called free society. It is said by some that "IF" the Endemic Virus goes away, they may still use these camps.... One can only guess.

    Then you have what the Nazi have been always asking for, your papers


    On 9/17/2021 at 3:48 PM, Pudgy said:

    Dogs have the advantage however because we know we will be loved and cared for at the home of those who love and care for us until the very end, and if necessary they will take us to the vet to be painlessly put down before  we start to rot while  still alive.

    Yes, but according to the Authoritarianism, dogs are a risk. The Australian Policed killed rescue dogs just so people would not leave their homes to get them. A remorseless killing that was totally unnecessary. The Authoritarianism issues a shoot to kill order, in this sense.

    On 9/17/2021 at 3:48 PM, Pudgy said:

    A very great kindness, not available to most humans.


    In all seriousness. The truth of the matter is, people will break, there will be retaliation and civil disobedience at the highest degree. Should the people tire, they fall victim to a small piece of despotism.

    This is why I address this to Rando. If the situation now in regards to what the government is doing can break some people, even some JWs, it is going to be quite a tough time for a lot of folks when what happened in Australia spreads over to the US and the EU. Endurance is critical in order to survive.

    That being said, in Rando's case, people did sought after death during in the Endemic. They just don't tell you this in the MSM. It will be increased when this kick off.

  15. 9 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    If you don't like the IICSA that is your problem.

    Never said I did, I simply pointed out the fact that the one affiliated with them is Teresa May, who was in trouble of her own concerning children, and the IICSA and technically her child, in this sense. I spoke of even told you of what the former PM was affiliated with before, reasons why concerning the MSM and the IICSA, what May had her hands in will never be told to the UK people, and the world. There is a reason why as to why anything in this regard, concerning her was scrubbed from the internet.

    9 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    I think they are trying their best to do a good job. If I can give them and the Police information then I will, because I think it's the Christian thing to do and I also think it's a legal requirement. 

    They are, but there is always those in the weeds that do other things themselves, hence why I mentioned the former PM and those with her.

    Because you are under obligation to do so. There is not a specific offence for child abuse in law in the UK, however, practitioners define child abuse based on the laws designed to protect children from harm. Therefore, Child abuse in any form of maltreatment of a child is often the types in category of which people tend to report, excluding corruption in the UK concerning slipped inquiries.

    Like I said, if you reported to the police someone of high status who may actually be a pedophile and or has committed a past act, chances are they are going to ignore it, hence the problem being professed after the whole Robinson situation.

    9 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    Tell me what investigations / organisations the USA has that are investigating CSA in religion ?  

    I've addressed this may times in most threads concerning CSA, as is with secular law. In the US, investigations do not care of religion nor focus on it only, they care everywhere and anywhere abuse is done and or if any red flags are picked up. There are dozens of branches that go around dealing with CSA as a whole, hence similar to the IICSA, who they themselves do not focus only on religion, granted abuse rose outside of religion and in some instances far more serious.

    To be brief, they have been investigating and looking into some cases, not all of them. But due to every state being different, even by law, it can cause some problems and justice isn't always met, mainly due to the fact some state laws can be exploited, in addition to, what was already mentioned, a double edged sword/double standard. An example of this we can use race and sex. If a Hispanic man committed child abuse, be it sex or violent related, depending on the state, he can get marked as a sex offender and prison time for, let's say, 10 years, however, a white woman, who commits the crime, will get less than that, believe it or not, granted this is the US, a lot of bribery and ill favors are always at play, and the book isn't thrown as hard to a woman, and she can be out even quicker than that. This also effects anyone in institutions, be it educational and or religious, which was pointed out many times. The Justice System at times can make or break an abuser's day, however if Status is involved, the abuser, like in the UK, can evade charges, and or be branded as a sex offender at times. Judges often, in some examples, even side with abuser, hence why I said, it depends on who is involved.

    This is why CSA prevention are encouraging people to educate and profess in terms of teaching to child and even adults, granted that that is and always been key to reducing abuse, but not everyone adheres to it, even those who commit to reports.

    That being said, this is why I do not like agendas, mainly regarding the Left, even their media such as Daily Beast, New York Times, Guardian, etc. For they, as I told even JWI and others in the past, The Left are promoting pedophilia as something that is not criminal, this can also be compared as to the situation in the EU. This is why I am against the MSM.

    9 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    As for the 'grooming gangs' here in UK, most are non-white, non-english, this seems to have been proven in court cases.

    Far from the truth. There are several grooming gangs, the more dominate ones consists of Immigrants and Asians, the branches themselves and their consumers, even for online phonography concerning children are white English speakers, hence the tactic used in regards to drugs, partying, smoking, etc as lure tactics. This is what I met about some people being unaware in some things, even JWs can be unaware. Moreover, this is in connection to the enlisted abusers. As for consumers, not all the time they are caught. That has been the fight for UK Truthers for many many years, almost 30 years, as they pointed out concerning CSA and the gangs.

    9 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    But when poeple say that they get accused of racism.

    Hence the situation in London, but it wasn't a lot in regards to racism, more so the ideology, which led to the attacks, although the attacks were focused on religions, primarily Islam, this led to spin-off branches. The people who blame all British people for the atrocities against children developed that warpath mentality to inflict harm and damage were of a small subnet, the same ones who started the fights in the park, in a sense, radicalized. For example, such ones, if you were near London at the time, around mid 2018, they would easily target you for that notation. Their mentality always derives from negative and false information concerning CSA and grooming gangs that push them to that extent.

    9 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    And yes, the UK government is currupt, and greedy, dishonest and selfish, but then so are all politicians earthwide.

    Indeed. This is why concerning CSA, some reports and cases do not come to light and therefore could be dropped and if it does come to light, the people involved will not really be charged. Shamed probably, but that is about it.

    As mentioned to JWI, under the UN there are 2 factions, the US and the UK are in one group. The politicians and the powers that be are very evil, this is why concerning media, one shouldn't become too sheep-like and be taken easily by them, the point I made to both Witness and Srecko who were easily duped by the MSM, mainly when it comes to the Left vs. Right Paradigm. Anything Left or Right leaning, Truthers are very strict and critical with them and for good reason.

    These superpowers will put people to the test, and can break some people, reasons why I made it clear to Arauna and Rando that everyone, even members of their faith can easily be broken or hypnotized by such ones, the same ones in turn that will gun down anyone who isn't for them via MSM.

    9 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    But once again that is all part of the world, and i don't get involved. 

    You have to know who your true enemy is and how they operate. To be unaware and say what you say now, can easily sway you to their side. I know you do not like examples, but this was the case with a recent remark about the NYTs, a Leftism source with it's agenda.

    9 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    The main point that I'm concerned with is that True Christians need a Clean True Organisation guided by True Anointed ones, led by God's Holy Spirit, through Christ. 

    As with anyone else. However, it comes down to prevention and education. If there is but a small crack in ones armor in this domain, it will give an abuser an opportunity. Child abusers and molesters are not stupid, they are calculated and know how to get what they want, and they're callous. This is why knowing the Red Flags is vital because, for instances, if you do not know them, they can manipulate even you to get to a child. The thread I made concerning child abuse prevention, not only did I cite a lot from CSA prevention, but also added Bible principles in this regard. Education is a weapon against abusers because they cannot abuse a child who is aware of their intent, be it if the abuser is a pastor, a doctor, teacher, even another child, one can easily defend themselves, as is with adults who are taught this, they can help in this regard to.

    In the US, granted child base was so tough in the 60s-90s, they've integrated ways for a child to defend themselves from an abuser. 00s and beyond different because of the Internet and now Social Media, then you have the place you can't easily access, which child abuse and media concerning child phonography is often times done in secrecy, The Dark Web (In regards to this, what goes on there about CSA, it is impossible to keep it PG here.).

    As seen in the example below, how people use cartoons to teach children about it in order to help with CSA prevention:

    As a side note: Modern reeditions professed by the Left, their version of teaching CSA and the like, are teaching otherwise, so parents and guardians will need to step up in education about CSA. I say this because the Left attempted to teach that sexual immortality is ok when in reality it is wrong.

    9 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    Anything outside of that is part of the world. If a person starts to get involved in trying to 'put things right' in the world, then that person will be side tracked from trying to serve God properly.  

    The Bible is very clear on educating children to be wise, morally and biblically. For if one is to factor out prevention, there are Bible Principles. It teaches a child(ren) to defend and or detect an abuser is no problem, hence the Scripture mentioned in my thread.

    If you do not know Red Flags, one, even a Christian, cannot detect an abuser. As a parallels, the first Christians can detect an apostate before they cause trouble in the church with an alien teaching from the truth, so they take action. In comparison, there were issues in the Corinthian church and no one wasn't able to do much until the House of Chloe made this known to Apostle Paul to act, putting Corinth's congregation in the right path in regards to building them up. For if the House of Chloe didn't say anything, apostasy wouldn't be the only thing to bring down the congregation. It wasn't until the last of the Apostles died, the church was hit again for no one was really able to detect problems, and the small hope were the Bishops who called out the heresies to a ditch effort to say the churches.

    That being said, we have that responsibility, not only to preach the gospel, but also to educate in all things Scripture, as is with helping people and the young understand what brazen conduct is and how to evade and combat it. The more we do, the more we can reduce and prevent child abuse - however in truth, it will be a bit harder when Authoritarianism hits the US, even for you, in the UK.

    9 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    We ARE living in the Last Days. Whether it will be another ten years or another thirty years. So trying to put worldly things right is just a waste of time. You said yourself CSA will get worse. In fact all things will get worse. So the concentration should be on building an Organisation that serves God properly through Christ. And that Organisation needs to be completely clean. i have faith that it will happen. 

    We evade anything of the world, but we have to not only defend the truth, but our people. Yes CSA will get worse, hence why we have to put up a defense, although Authoritarianism is around the corner, it's plague will embolden CSA, so everyone, even JWs will need to step up, those caught off guard, will get hurt by it even more. Therefore defense against brazen conduct and all immorality of it, is vital.

    Authoritarianism is something that some Truthers, even myself talked about for years, it is not only a Totalitarian action that effects people directly or indirectly, be it religious or not, it will pave a way for Babylon and the Beast, as events in Canada, Germany, France, and Australia (who was hit the hardest) as played out.

    The churches, mainly Anti-Trinitarians already have a proper setup for worship, however, they need to work on prevention of brazen conduct. This can only be done via education and conversation, in regards to the UK, the people who were fighting CSA for years now want this too for everybody, but it is difficult for them.

    As for cleansing the churches, they will only take place when the Christ comes to eradicate all badness, and only then, people can breathe easy.

    That being said, I do not know if this is known to you, but, a secondary fight concerning CSA is that there are some who want to normalize pedophilia. For I know this is very bad, and you as well. That in of itself can easily be counter in defending oneself and or a child via education.


  16. On 9/16/2021 at 1:59 PM, Srecko Sostar said:

    I can only guess why WTJWorg refused to join Scheme in first place.

    They refused because certain circumstances were not met on their end, and even after the Redress they were still operating as usual, preaching even despite what was going on. This was alluded to in June and December 2020, even in regards to the last update outside of Alt-Right, Centered bias narratives that tends to tag on rumors and speculations into stories in a Qanon type fashion.

    On 9/16/2021 at 1:59 PM, Srecko Sostar said:

    This is because joining means acknowledging GB+Helpers+Elders+Legal Department own stake in the event and the inability to sort things out within the JW Organization (for the benefit of the victims, of course).

    Not really because even outside of circumstances, there were some issues with the Redress taking place at the same time with all the legal issues in the background. Evidence to that also is in connection to the AUSTRAC who had no success with authorities, etc., for they themselves failed in relation to The Australian Federal Police amid growing fears and an attempt to dodge obligation to victims.

    On 9/16/2021 at 1:59 PM, Srecko Sostar said:

    Why did they join after pressure? Because in this way, they will pay significantly less money to the victims.

    Circumstances and things taking place in and out of the Redress itself. It was not due to money, for if it was, then the News Corp story regarding ACNC would be somewhat non-existent.

    That being said, the Redress will evidently be overwhelmed now in regards to what is taking place in Australia, and they can't really do much outside of institutions where now the rise in abuse and violence is taking place, as is with the spread of explicit material. As pointed again, be careful with the Left vs Right paradigm in regards to media in Australia, otherwise you'll become their sheeple.

  17. @BroRando I say this because not too long ago mid way into the pandemic, the situation has broken some, not all, in your faith community, as is with the pre-discussion of the mandates. The situation in of itself took a hit on majority of people, even JWs. Granted not all succumb to this, but a few have done so. Truthers are aware of Jehovah's Witnesses, and seeing the situation now, they equate it to the Israelites in the Wilderness, different people religious and non religious being defeated by struggles, mainly kids and teenagers, of which their battle is with the educational system since it was recently exposed that brazen higher education teachings were being professed without the parents knowing, sparking a fight with guardians and teachers, with the mandates resulting in the fight expanding.

    The United Nations will have tricks, this is why I mentioned to @Arauna dark version of persecution, as a means to not go after one's faith, but in a way to break them to the point at an extreme level to get them to leave their faith or attack their own, getting Knightfall'd, so to speak. Moreover, when that time comes,  later on, the Mark of the Beast will be pushed.

    As for the interment camps, this is true. That is what Authoritarianism brings, mainly in Austria whereas now it results in wild protest and increase of fighting and crime. Canada just rolled out their entrapment Quarantine camps so any poor soul who ends up in the area would be trapped.

    As mentioned before, Germany, United Kingdom and France has some things brewing right now that will effect the people, in France's case, it may be worse than the Yellow Jacket movement should Authoritarianism springs it's head there.

    As for idolatry, the One World Religion professed by those in power will have an idol of it's own. This was foreshadowed back in 2016 with the Kairos and Peak Movements involved with a religious event. One of the reasons why I dislike MSCs and the Interfaithers in these movements because they're trying to get people into Babylon.

    The image from 2016 was wiped from wiki, and the searches on the internet, it resembled the ouroboros - that is a huge red flag for the unaware.

  18. 6 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    I focus on them because they are the official channels, not just hearsay. I have also given information to the IICSA and had direct emails from them and from Police departments. Perhaps I'm slightly more involved than most people think, but I don't tend to spread it all over the internet. 

    Mainstream Media/MSM connects are not always 100% so you need to be very careful and do an independent search; take things like that of a grain of salt In the UK, mainly the IICSA, falls into that category. Reasons being some people they have ties to, persons of interest, such as Theresa May, granted her and children do not mix, for there was talk regarding her in the UK Truthers community in the past, something of which I brought up to you before by remark, insisting you to look into. In addition, the IICSA was very silent on this several years back because Teresa May was essentially among their top contributors, granted, their existence and history is in connection to her. As I mention, people of Status in relation to CSA do not truly face justice, therefore the people are vocal.

    Anyone can sent and receive tips/emails, etc to an organization and or law enforcement. This was the case with the Sophie incident I was involved in, however, since it was in my location at the time, I and a few others took action. Likewise with missing persons cases, hence at times I am absent. Steps can be taken online to even educate, even through social media, granted you said before you like Facebook, I encouraged you to profess solutions.

    However, as said before, a warpath only adds more fuel to the fire that is CSA. This is why, going back to the grooming gangs, British people, most of them, want to have a conversation regarding CSA and how to tackle the problem itself, mainly due to the fact the UK government is corrupt to some extent - this was brought up after 23 years of people being fed up, and after the situation with Mr. Robinson.

    That being said, if you dealt with children directly who speak of these issues or nearly become victim of sex abuse, even rape which prompts something disastrous in the aftermath, these young ones look to people to speak up regardless of the platform, not only the action counts in helping them know how to fight an enemy, but by word also. CSA was very clear on said solutions, and this is what I, as many are doing concerning the people, to have conversation on how to go about the problem, therefore, it is not wise to cherry pick said CSA prevention methods.

  19. 5 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    If you start fighting against things in the world then where do you stop that fight ? 

    As I told you many times, the price we pay for the imperfection of sin, in fact, this was the very first thing I told you when you went by 4Jah2me and prior as JB and that time Anna gave you some insight also. Therefore, you, as a Christian, would know that sin runs rampant in the world and it effects everyone directly and indirectly, even JWs. The fight stops when the Christ returns, this has been said countless times, to you, even Srecko, hence the thread I linked with the solutions from CSA prevention, as is with Bible base information. Only then all sin, including child abuse, be it violence, sex, or mental, will cease. With that in might, the fight needs to be done, for it is not only the fight to profess Scripture that is being done, i.e. the fight takes place in the schools, the churches, even online on social media, the right way.

    On 6/3/2020 at 10:14 AM, Space Merchant said:

    Sadly, all bad things of this world is the price we pay for due to imperfection, as bad things happen to every man, woman and child, all we can do is prevent some instances, we cannot stop all of them; reach one, teach one, save one.

    I mean, this should have been clear from the very first mention of CSA in the thread where many such as myself, Anna, etc. were involved.

    That said, all men are born of sin, Edenic Ancestral Sin which was the original passed on to all of us.

    19 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    The idea of the JW religion is to be 'No Part of the World'. 

    I wouldn't call it an idea, we talked about Restorationist before, mainly the ones who came out of the Great Awakening years ago, they're no part of the world.

    20 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    And the point of condemning the JW Org is because they pretend to be so different but are really just as bad as all the others.

    Because they are different. If they weren't out of the Great Awakening, then a case can be made. The JWs case is that regarding abusers, if the JW is unaware and is under bystander syndrome, they cannot detect Red Flags given by an abuser, which we saw in the Fremont Case. You can see the Fremont JW church leaders genuinely believed in the abuser's testimony, granted he confessed to his sin, seeking both forgiveness and repentance, which enabled the Forgiveness of Sin exploit used on the JWs because they, as with many Christians believe a sinner who is truly repented can come back to the community itself, but in the mind of the abuser, who knows he cannot control his urges would eventually act again after time has past, which brings us to Conti. If we have to look at the Laws in Fremont, the abuser indirectly exploited that in a way because it isn't mandatory to report abuse in that part of CA, therefore, the JWs were not able to do much, as with the household, where the abuse originated from, for all abuse, the majority, starts in the home. This can also be catastrophic if false allegations are involved, as in relation to CSA, it resulted in ruination and a lot of damage, and spread of misinformation at times.

    If anything, people need to know Red Flags, hence the reason why what Srecko coined, I asked him the question directly, which seems to be a call back to what Evo said in his thread.

  20. 38 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Every good information and action should be supported.

    But you shot down my solutions of which I pulled from CSA prevention, even laughed at it. Elsewhere you attest to those attempting to help as a form of activism when in reality the chosen action was not.

    39 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    If the methods you use are successful, you might be able to send information about it to WTJWorg.

    CSA prevention put these out for a reason. Someone else cited even the JWs professed those same solutions, but it is a matter of applying. Some JWs suffer from bystander syndromes in connection to some not being aware, thus putting them in the targeting position of an abuser, i.e. Fremont was not able to deal with the abuser and fell for the common trap of an abuser whereas the Swahilis effective shut things down on an abuser, the edge they have is not just applying solutions, but additional advantages due to the culture they follow.

    41 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    It may help them improve their CSA policy.

    Again, the point made, even CSA prevention states this, it is a matter of application. If the person is not under the effect of Bystander syndrome regarding CSA, they can apply these solutions to protect their child and the children in their community. Trying to get someone to read and apply solutions is like getting them to read a manual.

    If people can do this, they would easily see Red Flags.

  21. 6 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    Yes Srecko, hence I truly believe that an organisation needs to be guided by True Anointed ones that are inspired by God's Holy Spirit through Christ. 

    Depends if the people in question are well equipped. Remember, even True Christians had issues back in ancient times, some of which harm them and they recover, later on another harming, and they recover.

    6 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    But JWs here don't believe in such things ever happening. They don't believe that God can have a clean organisation. 

    Not all of them are like this, some know. I mentioned the Arabic UK JW who spoke up on this and the Swahilis whoa re capable due to how their culture is. In general there are two factions, those who know how to fight CSA and those who do not, doesn't matter the sex, the race, be it an American or a British person, those 2 factions stand, and one of them generally creates even more problems regarding CSA which results in an increase of abusers coming around and more people abused, this excludes the situation with Authoritarianism whereas CSA is rampant and cannot be contained.

    It is not a matter of cleaning the congregation itself, but prevention. You cannot 100% clean out child abuse, and this ahs been mentioned to you many, many times. You can prevent some cases if you are aware of red flags, even the most subtle ones. I pointed them all out before, and I believe I was the only one to have mentioned them, granted I know how crazy CSA is in several aspects.

    6 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    JWs here have no true faith in God at all. Their faith is only in the things seen, such as the GB, Warwick and Ramapo. They have proven that they cannot handle spiritual matters. 

    How can you said that about all of them when that statement isn't true concerning faith? Not all of them are the exact, likewise to how the people who are of London who were in the wrong to do the same thing causing the fights concerning CSA and grooming.

    That being said, this has nothing to do with spiritual matters, but the mindset of abusers who are the proponent of CSA itself.

    Again, many people, not all, are unaware, this includes some JWs, and the same can be said about some people here who speak on CSA but do not know much, thus falling into the bystander syndrome effect. Such persons do not realize that mindset increases the chances in some cases an abuser has access to a child. Outside of religion it is even more difficult for some.

  22. 10 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    This would only confirm that WTJWorg's claims, that GB and the elders are guided by a holy spirit that should reveal all "satanic traps" to them, are empty. So, JW members are not (fully) equipped with “spiritual armor” from Ephesians 6, but equipped with many empty doctrines.

    Concerning the latter statement,

    If you say it as this, then let me ask you this: how do you detect abuse in an institutional setting based off of from one Red Flag, granted you want to go down that route.

    This has nothing to do with spiritual armor to satanic traps, it is in regards of what an abuser can do granted that sin is something that came into this world.

    So I leave you with the question of child on child abuse. This is why in the other thread it was pointed out that some do not really fight CSA and have no idea of what is in this realm vs those who do fight against it.

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